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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1931, p. 10

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, DECEMR17, 1931 PAGE TEN THE DISCABDEDE CHISTMAS TREE1 By Roy L. Smith lui the December Rotarian Magazine It lay in thse dirty snow and slusis of tise alley, a patiseiic and bedrag- gleci ittle Christmas casualiy. Clone were thse gay Uitile orna- ments tisai iad made it seem hlike an importation from fairyland. Only a few sirands o! tangled tinsel clunlg dejectedly to its twigs. Gone were tise twinkflng lights it iad worn s0 airily a !ew short days ago. Inistead o! tise glad cries off ciildren dancing about it in exuberant joy 'was tise clatter of tise rag-picker's cart and tise ruînble o! tise big truck tisai lumbered down tise alhey. It was a dscarded Christmas tree -tise mosi dismal and woebegone sigisi in ail tise world. But more patiseiîc than tise utile, tree were tise hearts o! tisose who isad tossed it oui into tise alley. Foi' one glorious day ihey sang and laughed and exulted in tise siseeî' joy o! living. A new spirit camne into tise isouse and into their hearts- sometising cleanising, iseartening. Ticker-tape and bridge scores were completely forgotten. Tise making off a living was submerg- ed, for one short day, in tise merry- making. Ail hearis became child hearts again, wth no room in tisen for augisi else tisan kindliness and goodwill. But next morning Mother noticed tisat tise needies were dropping f rom tise tile tree and lier sense of order- liness was ouiraged. She could not be cieaning Up a! ter an outwiorn bit o! sentiment. Into tise alhey it must go. Christrnas was over ! And nexi morning Father was ai tise office again, immersed in tise daily grind. Instead off a shouting chi.hd upon his back, ise bore tise burdens of great esponsibilities up- on iis shoulders. Ris voice off yes- terday, so sof t and tender in tise« slnging old familiar Christmas car- ois, could scancely be ecognized in tise bruscque, snappy tone off tise "boss' as hie laid plans for 'tise an- fluai invoice. Yes. Christmas Was Over.1 hi isad been tossed oui into tise alley along with tise utile Christmnas tree and a ioyous, affectionate, hap- py !amily setiled back to tise normal 11e o!fisurry and worry. Occasionally someone rises to pro- test tise terrible waste o! Christmnas trees-cut by tise millions for tise entertainment of tise homes for but a day. Tise waste may be serious- opinions seem to differ. But certain ht is tisat a mighty protest is due agamnst tise tragic waste off Christ- mas. What a transformation Christmas Works in our lives for one brie! holi- day! Familles are reunited. motis- ers are made glad, littie children corne into tiseir own, ffeuds are for- gotten, poverty is ignored, soldiers in tise trenches excisange goodwil greetings with their enemies across no-man's-land, competitors wish one another weii. and harassed men and women surrender everywisere to tise universal infection off good cheeî'. For one day we realy live! Tise wisole world is populated by a race that has become cane-ffree, laughing. slnging, gladsome childnen again, wiso trust eacis other and put love whene suspicion and malice have been. Tise thing most needed in banks, general managers offices. and dir- ectors rooms. as well as upon tise streets. in shipping-rooms. and In factories, is tise tiumpisant spirit tisai Christmas bings-the spirit o! faitis, goodwill. and mutual trust. Christmas is a spirit! To have tisat spirit anytime makes Chrstmas anytime. To ]ose tisat spirit is to hase Christmas, and ail ils blessed accampaniment off peace and confi- dence. Anything that Increases tise spirit o! Christmas in thse world lengtisens lit e. Did anyone ever try taking thseI Christmas tree down to thse office with him thse day al ter Christmnas? RADIO STATION HERE HEARD THOUSANDS 0F MILES DISTANT Experimental Station V.E.9.G.W. At Bowmanville Heard on Ship Near Gibraltar. One off Bowmianviles biggest as- sets off recent years has been the lo- cation here off Radio Siatiin C. K. G. W. and its sister short wave sta- tion V. E. 9. G. W. This latter sta- tion is the means of broadcasting thse name Bowmanville ail over the civiiized worid, for unlike C. K. G. W. which is announced as off Tor'onto, the short wave station is announced as off Bowmanviiie. Ontario. Mr'. W. A. Shane, chief engineer off the station. has forwarded Tise Statesman copies of two letters re- ceived recentiy from fans f rom a distance who have picked Up thse Bowmanville Experirnental Station. Sidney Crowder, wireless operator off the S. S. "Joseph M. Cudahy", wrote receîîily as f ollows: 'Have been istening to your short wave station foir some time. I arn a radio operator and spend much time explorîng the ether wiih my 5 tubes national short wave receiver. Have been isearing you for quite a time now. in fact not long ago, on a trip to Spain, I received programs f rom your station until wve passed the straits o! Gibraltar. This afternoon you gave an organ recital from the Royal York Hotel." In another letter. George Sinclair off Crompton, Califfornia. writes: I am writing tisis letter to inform you off my reception off your station this aftemnoon on 11,810 kcs. I heard you from approximately 5 p. m. to 5.20 P. m. C.S.T., whicis I im- agine you use. You came in with excellent volume and quality for about 20 minutes but toward the iast you faded out. The selections in or- der played were (1) Just One More Chance. (2) Wrap Your Troubles in Dreams, (3) 1 Want to Sing About, 4) Just a Blue Eyed Blonde, (5) Love is Like Tisat, and (6> Whai Can You Do. Then You faded out."' The first letter shows tisat this station caries a distance off many tisousands off miles and that even the staid old Rock of Gibraltar, that has always seemed a part off the old world, is not s0 far off after ail. I crown thee king o! intimnate de- ligits, Fireside enjoymenis, home-born happiness, And ail the comforts that thse lowly roof Of undisturb'd retirement, and the hours Off long, uninterrupted evening. know. -opr Mother of Five Looks for Early Release Whnn n i ' N 27 (n strai of r,tng t; -'fi r- li,n .rn td tit- t t l-Tjth.. ,-its wt -r,- t, ,-r-j t hes cr c f h. r ii ,li ta ., 'î- 4-rtj.'jt.iy )wv.ver, -she w- s-fl) '-thre Muskotca i{o..pitai t.. t ,Tosantd 'ors. - j-,K t v hr '-. n),imdly cars in-iia~ti t . t h i, jctr. fut t- -d Tic '-1'Tjt atd hjat mît,- >1 t-r, d i ., t owat rd. r,,-overr', ai.d t azertx' iotn fni ,rward t., th, Ta.ý V.h-tri ae nîaî-r'turn t, lier 1itta Th,-r, r-,r î'.iy rra.-ht wlt),oît inancliwi a.s.istan,'a N ie - -rjYou w-)i!hb- gratefulvy r. -it . J ntto Nr. A. E. Ames. - .-St.. Toronto. Ask About Canadian National Railways EXTRA TRAIN SERVICE For Christmas and New Year's Travel Tickets and full inFormation from your nearest Canadian National Railways Ticket Agent. '1 STOP I LOOK I LISTEN I GOOD NEWS Your gasoline and oul costs you less at Garton's Service Station and Garage. We buy our oils by the carload and the saving effected we paas on to you. Imperiai 3 Star Gasoline........ 26c Gal. Ethyl Premier Gasoline......... 28c Gai. Tax Included MARVELUBE QILS Oil by the quart .................. 30c For Oil Change .............. 25e quart Consult us foi' our price in barrel lots. It will save you money. Garton 's Garage King Street Phone 412 Bowmanville HOCKEY AHEAD written Speciaily for The Statesman By Adam Fakir The hockey situation in ibis dis- trict has been about as muddled as it could be. First, tise Intermediate scisedule was drawn Up and no soon- er published tisan Whitby and Port Hope dropped out, leaving tise re- maining ieams in a quandary. An- otiser meeting was held Monday nigist in Cobourg and tise sciseduhe again drawn up. We hope this time tisere wîll be no hitch. As you will notice it gives each team 5 home games, wiicis should make a migisty interesting grouping. Tise profits, if any, wili be scarce, because of tise long trips. Home games and away from home are as foilows: Mon. Jan. 4-Oshawa ai Bow'ville. Wed. Jan. 6-Trenton at Bow'vilie. Mon. Jan. il-Peterboro at Bow'ville Mon. Jan. 18-Trenton at Bow'vilie. Mon, Jan. 1-Cobourg at Bow'vilie. Tues. Dec. 29-Bow'ville at Lindsay. Fri, Jani. 8-Bow'ville at Cobourg. Fni. Jan. 15 Bow'vilhe aiT Menton. Mon. Jan. 25-Bow'ville at Oshawa. Thurs. Jan. 28-Bow'villc at Pect'bo.o Heie arc tise colons off the sweat- ers and socks tisis year: Tî'enton-Black anrd white. Cobourg-Black anù red. B3owanillf-Red snd blue. Lindsay-Blue and white. Petei'boro-White and blue, Oshawa-Red. Tise Juniors ar'e stili in a muddle. They too had their scisedule ail cut and dried when Cobour'g dî'opped out. making it necessary to forrn a new scisedule. Port Hope and Whit- by are tise only two otiser teams in tise league, so it will likely be made a double scisedule. And can you imagine Norm Tay- lors disappointment, after striving morning, a! temnoon. evening and on mbt tise wee hours o! tise moi-n. in an attempi to get ice. No sooner does he see a glazed surface under his feet and feel tise chill o! real ice in isis backbone tisan it turns warm and isis hopes and smiles are again shat- tered for a while. Brace up, Norm! We are due to have weatiser any time now. We read that a man in Chicago is willing to bet real money tisai there wîi not be enougis cold weatiser tiss year to make ice enougis to skate on. No doubi se ineans weil, poor fel- 10w. ope] ered isad out thrc per. chul er£ on moi anc dea, tlu one stre got wer Finý out tool f ive wat cid Crm groi Cli act Con neg toi pre, eral tise pro, misi eter off con v:hc Lie' tise poil Cou. tise tric of Sisî nan in sha sup ing tric be f ror, cil eng Has anyone mentioned 10 you tisai irai there are six shopping days until and Christmas ? and following tisat. 30 cou days 10 pay ror tise shopping? By tise nexi Christmas ahi presents sisould tise be paid for. Have faits, ci'editors ! I Speaking off faits. we mighnt men- tion how wonderful ihis Santa Claus faits is. So far tisis year there have been only iwo or tsi-ce Santas in tis district. Ailtise departmen±t stor'es in tise cities have tiseir owýi special big fat men witi witie whiskers; al cisarity organizations are plentifully supplied with tisem; and on Christ- mas day mosi off tise ho' ses will hiave their own. Some cildren, it seerus. do question iheir fi nd par- ents as ta wisy Santa Cîsu. looks s0 thini this urne or wviy Se i.) stihi in one stor~e and shor't in thse nexi one, anti usually tisey are answer& d by tise ohd anc tisai Sauta is Sa bus:,. tisai se sent tisis man ta take lits place for tisai day. and tise believing one goes an subliimeiy innocent. Santa Claus ceitainly got a war'm eception isene last Saturc.ay wih every kîi tram six tu sixty oui to jwelcoine hlm. How ail tiiose wee tots m-ainaged ta ci'awd in such a small space with no anc bving ser- iîoushy in.uied. is a miracle. Al I canl say is tisat thene sure mnust be a Santa Claus. Haw many off you know wiso Sauta Claus was an Saturday? Heres a huit! If you ever saw hlm cat or- anges yaud know. But tisey cen- tainly caulint have pîcked a better man for tise job. Speaking o! Mir. Santa Claus brmngs fond necollections off phaying tis important position at a primary class festival one colti a!ternoon.î ITise costume was supplied andi fit îedt pemfectly, tisai is, it toucisedinso. If it was an odsiofishe rea Sant Cas he musti 0e a righty large ndividual. Well, anyway, ai - 1e yng tie red and white pauls ait tise boitom tise family began 10 stuif in tise featiser tick, mats, rugs, and anything tisai wasn't in use ai tise moment, until my physicai features assumeti mucis larger proportions ihan f ormerly. Finally wisen tise suit was f illed to tise bursiing point. tise string or behi was lied and on went tise mask and tise reti bonnet. AUl was weUl uni.l I got lunlise car or tied 10 gel in. Now h know wisy Santa is pictured in a wide open sleîgis instead o! a sedan. There was no room. so tise running board isad to su.ffice. At lengtis our uitile party reached tise scene o! action, and witis a cow bell ringing !uriously in one isaud and a sackful o! wisai seemed lead ai tise lime. Santa trled to prance into tise scisool room wisere tise dear uitIle boys and girls and their marnas sai eageriy awaiting iss ai-rivai. At every prance tise feather tick slipped a litle and tise end o! a rug dug mbt my ribs, and by this time tise end o! tise wiiskers was Up my nose, but witis bath isands busy there was noihing ta do but bear it. So !ar so good. Well ffinaily, afier tripplng over my big boots about six limes (I couldn't see tisem lise journey end- ed on tise plat! orm wisere tise pro- ceedings began. Ahi tise while ciild- ren were happing up and dawn pull- îng aitishe sheeves o! tise coat, and generalhy becoming very excited. We stopped in tise centre off tise plat- fornm andi I set dawn tise big sack o tisa fluor and quit tise bel-inging foi' a while. Il scerns tisai tise bi part off ihis job is ta latigis as laudly and as long as possible, at leasi tisats wisat Santa did aven tise radio tlit nigisi befane. so I itiste laugis- ing. anti ho iso'd and ha isa'd in a veny deep voice until my eaî' drums wene panting and beads off penspir- alion were standing oui al aven my body. This led ta furîher diffîcuhiies as tise mask isegan ta wît and pî'etty soon tise puffed oui cheeks isad sag- ged in and poor Santa was almosi melting away. But on wlitiste per- formance. Tise ladies had tise bag ened by this time and basdsc- Id many and various articles which dthe names of the klddies on Bm, so they would read the names tto me, because I couldn't see rough the eyes in the mask for rspiration. and I would turn to the dren and shout out the name, tell m what a fine. little boy or girl ey were, ask them how their fath- and mother were, and pat them the head and go ho-ho some )re. The kiddies were so small d they would corne up scared to ath, some of them, others very [ative but serious. I remember eespecially, he talked a blue ýal ail the time, asking me if I hîls letter and why I hadn't ans- *ed it yet. That part was fun, .ally, ail the presents were given tand a very tired Santa Claus be- :k himself home. I lost just about ýpounds that day. but af ter ail it Lworth it. because those kiddies iseern to enjoy it. Now the mothers says "Eat lots of arn of Barley, sonny-and you'l w up to be a big man like Santa NEW CEMETERY ACT )ntario's new Cemetery Act - an twhich was passed at the last ses- )n oi thse Legislature providing for nmission control and supervision cemeteries and ai-ming primarily a dlean-up of the hundreds of glected burying grounds that are bc found in this Province at the sent iime-is now oflicîally in op- tion, having been proclaimed at e]ast Councîl of thse cabinet. In part, thse new act provides: (1) lie shall be in every county and ovisional .iudicial district a Com- ssion to be known as thse Cern- ýrY Commission. (2) In thse case a county thse Commission shall nsist of three members, one of im shall be appointed by the cutpnant Governor in Council and eother two members to be ap- inted annually by thse County mucii at its f irst meeting, and in ecase of a provisional judicial dis- et the Commission shall consist the Judge of! the district, tise rifi and one otiser person to be ned by the Lieutenant Govemnor Council. (3) The Commission a11 be cisarged with the geneî'ai pervision of cemeteries and bury- ggrounds in thse county or dis- :t; and (4) Thse Commission shalI paid such fees as may be fixed nm time to time by Order-in-Coun- and sisail also be entitled, wisile gaged in the performance of their Mies, to reasonable and necessary veliing expenses, and sucis fees Ld expenses shall be payable by thse unty or district Treasurer upon ecertificate of the Chairman of eCommission. In ail cases, the members appoint- Il NEW GAS RATE - FO0R Industrial and Commercial Service Bowmanvi 1lie- QsIawa-Wkitby The Ontario Shore Gas Company, Lim ited, takes pleasure in announcing the intro- duction of a NEW LOWER GAS RATE, to appiy to ail INDUSTRIAL and COMMERCIAL CAS CONSUMERS supplied from the Compa ny's gas distribution system in the communities of Bowmanville, Oshawa and Whitby. The purpose of the new achedule us to encourage and develop the wider use of gas fuel in thousands of industrial and commercial heating processes, where the economy, con- venience and cleanliness of gas offers the manuf acturers many opportunities to improve plant and working conditions, and thus reduce the OVERALL UNIT COST of hi& product. The modem business executive is constantly seeking newer methods of REDUCING OPER- ATING COSTS, and the Ontario Shore Gas Company, Limited, sincerely believes that the NEW LOWER GAS RATE is rend ering a valu able contribution to industry in providing a new avenue for attaining that end. The New Industrial Gas Rate WiII Prove an Added Inducement to Industries to Locate in Bowmanville For detailed information concerning the new industrial gas rate, we invite you to write or telephone, and our Industrial Engineer will gladly answer ail questions and also advise how you may use GAS, THE BETTER FUEL, to advantage in your own plant This advice on your particular heating problem is free for the asking. Ontario Sihore Gas Compamy, Limited J. T. MILNER, Manager. KING STREET, BOWMANVLLE PHONE 189 'j' z I s k: PIF Santa Claus HAS BEEN TO Northcutt & Smithys Hie has left with us loads of useful gifts for, boys and girls.. Wagons - Tricycles - Doil Carniages - Table and Chair Sets. Look at the prices too. You can't beat them. Doil Cai'riages.......... $2.95 up Ail Steel Wagons, will dump, rubber tires........... $2.25 SRubber tired Tricycles..$5.95 Table and 2 Chairs to match, $2.75 Rocking Chairs for the kiddies, $2.75 You must drop in and see these. GIFT OCCASIONAL FURNITURE Floor Lamps - Occasional Chairs - Walnut Chests - End Tables Smoking Sets - Ferneries - Telephone Sets Console Mirrors and Tables. TO SUPPLY THE DEMAND Last week we completely sold out our Folding Card Table Spec- ial. We were fortunate, however, in secuning a further supply of these tables, which represent the biggest saving you can make in Bowmanville today, handsomely lacquered, 9 c priced very low ................................9 C NORTHCUTT and SMITH Furniture and Funeral Directors West of Bowmnan House ed by the Government sisail be tise maintain a cemetery under thse pro- îence to any sucis order, the Com- Chairman of thse Commission, visions off this section, tise Commis- mission may cause the necessary There is also a speciai clause in sion shall give notice in writing to work to be done, and the Treasurer thse aci regarding refusai or neglect tise corporation to do whatever, in of the municipallty shaii pay the to maintain cemeterles, which reads tise opinion of tise Commiss ion, cost of sucis work, upon the order Fas foilows: should be done by the owner of a o! the Chairman o! thse Commission. "Where the Councii of a munici- cemetery for the proper mainten- to tise persons entitled thereto." pality neglects or refuses to properly ance tisereof, and in case of disobed- 'e-j, ý ý ý . ý r-lqb- 1 , 1".

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