THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMA!WILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1931 PAGE ELEVEN News for The Busy Farmer 4With trie coining o! colti weather, live stock lias been stableti anti is in better condition tran usual. An in- creaseti acreage o! fall plowing is re- portet f rom thie majority ti counties. Fall wheat has an excellent top andi shoulti pass trie winter in gooti con- dition. A consitierable quantîfy o! heavy, well-finisriet poultry is being marketed andtihre volume will ini- crease as trie festive season ap- proacries. Poultry Grades Most o! trie poultry being offereti on trie market tris year is being gradeti in accordance witri govern- ment standards. wif hitrie clasa anti grade marked by tags affixedt f the breast o! trie bird. There are two classes o! poultry, "Milk-fed," dis-î tinguisheti by wite f at, anti "Sel- ,ecteti," distinguisheti by yellow fat. Within triese classes are trie grades "Milkfeti A," "Milkfeti B," "Selecteti A," '"Selecteti B" anti "Selecteti C." Gratiing o! trie birds in tris manner enables trie houseriolder f0 choose gooti dresseti poultry with great ease. Embargo Lifted Trie embargo on trie importation o! caff le f rom trie Olti Country has been removeti at far as Scoflanti ,ïs concerniet, since there riave been1 rino outbreaks o! foot -anti-moutri dis-1 ease in triai country over a satisfac- tory perioti. AnimaIs f rom Scotlanti may now be importeti providing that 1 they are embarkti ai a port in Scot-1 landi on a vessel sailing direct ta Canada without touching at an Eng-1 lisri port. Trie feeti accompanying trie caffle for use en route must also have been grown anti storet inl Scot- landi. Trie order permits considera- tion o! applications for trie importa- tion of cattie, srieep, other rumin- ants, anti swine f rom Scotianti. O. A. C. Short Courses Young farmers in many parts o! Ontario are sriowing keen interest in trie O. A. C. winter short courses wl7ich are bemng helti at trie College froin January 4th f0 April 2nd. 1 These courses cover sucri subjects as: Live stock ant ifîeldi crops, poultry1 raising, beekeeping, drainage anti drainage surveying, fruit anti veg.e- table growing, floriculture anti land-i- scape gardening, factory cheese. but- ter-making, ice crearu making, creamery anti creain grading, farni power anti farm mechanics. Valu- able information is provitiet by ex- perienceti instructors. Huntiretis o! Young farmers have benefiteti in trie past andt tis coming year is likely 1 f0 set a new record in trie matter o! attendance. Full particulars o! trie1 courses can be secureti by writing f0 trie College Registrar. Overseas Apple Market With motierate trans-At lantic shipinents early in November, trie demandt for apples in the Unit ed Kingtiom has been steady wif h prices sllghtly f irmer, reports Andrew Fui- ton, Ontario growers' representative. Mr. Fulton states that rie las re- ceiveti some apples in recent sriip- ments whiclu were poorly packed anti I rie points ouf that trie shippers cari- flot expect f0 receive top prices. He ativises fluat Greeninga be packeti with all sizes mixeti in trie one bar- rel. Baltiwins froin Ontario are running f0 large sizes this season anti are therefore more tificult f0 sebl. Many o! thein, however. are beautifully colored anti finisheti. Mr. Fulton abso refers ftrieh excel- lent exhibif o! Ontario apples at t!-e Imperial Fruit Show in Manchester, whlch was highly commendeti by everyone. Reduce Fertilizer Brands Trie list o! 76 brantis o! fertilizers registereti for sale in Canada was reduceti to 28 for Ontario at a recent conference li Toronto. Tria move is trie outcome o! trie co-operafive de- monstrafion work carrieti on by O. A. C. andthre fertilizer industry for three years, which has illustratedth re effectiveness o! properly chosen fer- filizera in increasing yleltis anti im- proving .quality. Not only will trie reduction in number o! analyses greatly simplif y trie situation for buyera, but if wlll have a tief inite e! - fect i retiucing registration anti ,.manufacturing coats. thus keeping *trie price o! fertilizers af a reason- S-able point. Trie objective is to still furfher reduce trie number o! fer- filizer formulas at a later date. &Caznadian manufacturera wibl offer [T'y -yoia E. Pinkt wn's VgetabIe Compound Had to break the Date Agaîn. .those rnonthiy pains! Lydia E. Pinham's Vegetable Compound re- Hzeves those headaches and awful crampi Try it before you break another date When You Feel -%n A CoId Ooming On! Stop it at onc by taklng ZUTOO TABLETS. Rennember that Grippe and Pnoumoilia begin with saonimon cOld. Thes table ts stop the pain and lovai knrmédiatoly, and auslt nature in throw. in off the cold. Taken In the begfin. nin, the àcold la ofton atoppod overnight. HOW THE ONTARIO FARMER CAN INCREASE HIS LABOUR INCOME A Summarized Statement of Ways andi Means by Which trie Farmer Can Improi c His FinanciIrosi- tion - Baseti on Opinions Sub- mitted by Ag..u-iZural Represent- atives. Thie improv'enenu. o! the financlal position o! 'uhe Ontario farmner can in general be accomplisheti by one o! fwo ways: (a> Better Management (b) Ixnproved Marketing Metriots. Tne iridividual fariner cannot, to any extent. appreciably improve marketing methotis. Tis can only be accomplisheti by concerteti action o! a gootily percentage o! trie group vitally concerneti. It is therefore, by better management that trie indiviti- ual farmner can best immetiiately in- prove ris position. There is no single panacea for trie problem. Not only does it vary in tifferent parts o! trie Province. in different coun- fies, in different comnunities, but quite often on atijoining farins. Speaking generally. if Is. f00 o! ten. trie little f rings, wriicr trie average fariner considers 'too mucri bother," "not worth wliile," which make trie difference between profit anti loss on our Ontario farins. Dairying 1. Production o! trie Bulk o! Con- centrate Ration on trie Home Farin -Ail toc, frequently f00 large a per- centage o! the milk cheque s requir- eti to pay trie feeti bill. Tis can be largely overcome by growing more legumes, sucri as alfaif a anti sweet cloyer for hay anti pastures; peas or peas anti oats for hay anti grain; soy beans or flax as supplementary grain feetis. 2. Uni! orm Production o! Milk througriout trie Year.-Triis woulti to some extent eliminate gluts anti hold-backs. In summer dairying districts tins woulti result in trie utilization o! machinery anti equip- ment in cxeameries anti cheese fac- tories which at trie present time only operate froin 6 to 9 montris. 3. Greater Diversification-Hogs anti poultry shoulti be kept on prac- tically every farm. Notwtristandmng trie present 10w prices for triese pro- tiucts andtihre ikelihooti o! lower prices for hogs, grain can almost al- ways be marketeti profitably trirougli these channels. 4. Summer Pastures-Supplemen- tary feeti in trie forni o! annual pas- ture or silage crops shoulti re pro- videti to carry the herti over trie per- ioti when permanent pastures are tirying up. 5. Fewer anti Better Cows being Feti Larger Rations-Far toti large a percentage o! our cows are losing Propositions. Many o! these cows would pay tiieir way if given a chance. Too many herds are feti on a ration lttie better than mainten- ance requirements. Trie Babcock test is trie oniy reliabie way o! weed- ing ouf 10w producers anti 10w test- era which are costing our dairymen hundretis o! thousantis o! dollars ev- ery year. A herd sire froin R. O. P. stock is trie only sure way oif making progress. 6. Production o! Larger Yieltis o! Grain and Rougriage at Lower Cost Per unit--Onfario cereal crops are largely marketed trirougri her live stock. Trie lower trie initial cost o! sucri cropa, trie greater profit on trie final product. Surveys matie during trie past f ew yeara show conclusively trie possibilities o! increaseti revenue froin tins source. a) Seeti trill surveys reveal that froin 1-3 to 1-2 seeti grain grades rejecteti, owing f0 weeti seeti con- tent. general quality or 10w germin- ation. (b> Survev in Oxford County re- veals that 5017 variefies o! oats be- ing sown were discartiet by trie On- tarioi Agricultural College yeara ago as totally unsuitedti f Ontario agri- culture. <c) A furtrier survey in Oxford County 'ýnd also in other counties revealq individual basses o! over 50% froin loose amut li oats. Thie aver- tige bass f rom this disease over trie Province is at least 1017,tris year. Remedy Al fhree factors are under trie direct control o! Ontario Fainera. without any appreciabie expense, by using recommenieti varieties, well cleaneti anti treateti with formalin. Coupleti with tris, shorter rotations with more legumes anti more care in running water f urrows anti open ditches would greafly increase yields. Transportation o! Mllk anti Creain f0 Factory or Creamery. At trie present fime there la mucri duplica- tion anti overlapping of routes. Mixed Farmmig 1. Greater Diversification. (a) lI sucri cash crop areas as Es- sex anti Kent, trie livesfock popla- tion shoulti be greafly increaseti. 1. "A Dollar Savet isl a Dollar Earned."1 Thie South Siracce Agricultural Representative points ouf that trie home mixing o! Bordeaux tiust would have saveti bis potato growers froin $3 to $5 per cwt. One crower could to prevent culI produets comlng li competition with gooti quallty fruit and vegetables. 3. Atiditional Central Packlng and Precooling Plants i Certain Areas. 4. Take Necese,-'-3teps to have Dominion Goverament adopt Uni- Sf ormn Grades for ail Products. CO-OPERATIVE PACKERS COMMENCE DRIVE FOR MEMBIERSHIP Some Important Points Outlined For thie Benefit of Members of lNew tniteu Counties Organization. Last week the cainpaign for men- bersip was launched, andi during thie iew days that thie canvassers dis- cussed thie project with prospective members, several points were raised which it rnight be as well to clear UP . Filteen dollars must be paid on signing the agreement. 2. $lUû wîthin ten days, or upon ýiuc1i terins as may be arrangei. Tins ruÂe is tW enable ail farmners to joi, out it does flot mnean tiaitrihe >aUU can ail be placed on a note. li some cases tnis will be necessary, but whiere a prospective member can paY a part of thie $100 'n cash, rie is urgeti to do so, even tinougri lie takes ativantage of thie instalimfeflt Plan provideci on trie agreement. Wnere a member can pay trie full amouint of $115 rie will be rielping to speeti Up operatiolis by doing so. Trie re- mauiing $35 is in trie form of a note, but may be paiti in cash. 3. Hiow are profits divitiet? Par- agrapri 12 of Trie Comparuies Act clearly-vaefines this as foUlows "I ter trie Directors hiave set asidesc suras as triey deem atvisable for a reserve funti, they shall proceeti to pay 7 1'o iterest on aUl paiti Up memi- berships, and on trie paid Up portion of others, a! ter wriicri they skiali di- vide up any remiainmng profits pro rata to trie amount o! produce triat each member rias supplieti to trie Corporation." 4. Who wil control trie salaries of the Presitient and trie Boardi of Directors? Trie position of Presi- dent and othier Directors are hionor- ary positions. and apart f romt re- ceivirig their expenses for attending Board meetings, and any suni which trie Corporation may aliow thim for trieir trne. theY are entitled to no otrier payments. 5. What benefits are Members gomng to derive? There are numer- ous, but most important amongst them is triat they will control their produce, until it arrives in trie rands of trie retail merchant, and will re- ceive trie retail mercliants price for it insteati of trie drover's price. Trie iollowing extract f rom Geneva dated December Sthi. is clear proof that trie time rias arriveti when trie farmer must have a greater control over lus own protiucts. Trie extract reads as follows* "Trie Association of Civil Engineers of Budapest riave placeti before trie League of Nations a motion that a trust of eiglit lead- ing Agricultural States f ix the price of agriculturai products, trieir con- tention being triai until agrîcultuî'al products are placeti on a profitable basîs trie rest of trie economic struct- ure o! trie world will neyer be rigrit- Tris can only be accomplishiet by co-operation. Trie basic intiustry of trie world is agriculture, but trie peo- ple employeti in tris industry have allowed their protiucts to be govern- ed by vesteti interests who have one tlung in mind. and one only, naine- ly, dividends for their shareholders at trie cost of ail others concerned. By co-operation trie agricultural intiustry can become trie stabilizng factor of trie worlti's economic struc- ture, but not until trie proclucts of agriculture are taken out of trie hands of financial interests. Trie advantage o! colti storage for eggs will enable members to realize a better price for their produce by holding thein over until trie market improves. Is trie Co-operative movement ac- tive? Yes. Already plans are under have saved $175 on tris item alone. (a> Carlot purchiases oif feeti and fertilizers. (b) Greater self -sustaininent o! farm families. Too many farm f am- Ulies purchase too large a percentage of their vegetables as Weil as their butter. meat potatoes, breati andi in some instances, even eggs. (c) Utilisation of horse labor where available anti consequent sav- ing in tractor operating costs. 2. Production of Quality Products and Grading for Market. Fruit and Vegetable Growing Reports woulti infer that sucri growers are more efficient generally trian are farmers engaged i n mixeti and dairy farmlng. Improvement, tîowever, can be made generally. 1. Better Orchard Management- More attention shoulti be given to suchi cultural practices as trie grow- ing of legume cover crops, spraying and pruning. 2. Diversification in Vegetable Crops and Sinall Fruits. 3. Co-operation with Fruit anti Vegetable Council. 4. Use More Commercial Fertil- izers-In generai fruit and vegetable Due to Twin m Power Detection ibhes consideration for a Co-operative Packing Plant ta take care of Peter- boro anti Hastings County, anti meetings for tris purpose are belng rielti on trie l7th anti l8th of De- cember. Another organization is ac- tively interesteti in organlzing a plant near Guelphi. Last Summer trie Saskatchewan Live Stock breeti- ers openeti their own kiiiing plant, anti now comes word f rom Winnipeg, under date of Dec. 5th. that trie Live Stock Producers o! Manitoba went on record favouring co-operative packing plants, anti are organizing to raise capital. A word to prospective members. Any farmer who is interested is ask- eti to communicate wlth thie Coin- mittee. anti to forra small meetings o! his neîghbouring farmers, prefer- ably at hua own house, anti sonieone of trie Committee will make ar- rangements f0 atidress them. Trie following are trie naines and atitres- ses: J. B. Reynolds. Port Hope; John Baker. Hampton; W. A. anti J. A. Atkinson, Roseneatri; H. G. Welton, Castleton; Floydi Manvers, Castle- ton: Edwin Kay, Britishi Hotel, Co- bourg. DURHAM SEED TEAM FIRST Keen ]Inter-Counts' ComPetition Scoring a total of 2,593 points out of a possible 3,000, Durhain County junior farmers carrieti off trie Fis- crier Tropriy in trie inter-county seeti judging competitioxi conducteti in connection with trie Provincial Wmnter Fair at Guelphi. Twenty-three counties figure inlx trie contest, Oxford giving trie win- ners a close run for trie honora, with Peel, Grey anti York finishing well up in trie next three positions. Trie Durham team which matie an excepfionally fine sriowing in ev- ery class jutigeti, was composeti o! Geo. H. Neals, Bethany; Laurence rDunbar, R. R. 1, Port Hope; anti Harry McCamus, Ida. Trie Whr ranking individual con- testants in trie competition were: George H. Neals, Bethany, 868; Har- ry McCamus. Itia, 866; Bertrain Somers, Ingersoll, 866; Haroldi Sims, Thamesford, 866; Lawrence Dunbar, Port Hope. 859. Will Hoid Conference Hon. Thomas L. Kennedy has an- nounceti that wîth a view to tievel- oping new solutions to general f armn problems, lowering farm taxes anti securing better financial terms for trie farmers. rie is calmg at an early date a con! erence at Queen's Park with representatives f rom every county council in trie oltier part of Ontario. Notices have gone out f0 trie clerks o! all these councils. in- viting suggestions on trie proposeti conference. Colonel Kennedy points out that in every county council there is an agricultural committee whichi with trie co-operation trie De- partment is reatiy f0 offer. shoulti be able f0 play an important part in bringing trie farming industry back to trie status it once enjoyeti. 1Asthrma Cannot Last when trie greatest o! all astrima specifics is useti. Dr. J. D. Keliogg's Astrima Remetiy assuredly tieserves this ex- alteti title. It has to its credit thous- antis o! cases which other prepara- tions hati faileti to benefit. It brings help to even trie most severe cases anti brings trie patient f0 a condi- tion o! blesseti relief. Surely sufer- ing f rom astrima is neetiless when a remetiy like tis is s0 easily securei.. i the 1932 RADIO BRENTWOOD MODEL Icoabean Console wfth 9-tube Super. 100- Caalisinlbuding Spray. ~~~~1ti ud Pentode Tubes. Twin Power Detection,4 Grand Opmt Seaker. Complete wsth Rog.eraGuaranteed Tubes, '959 NO -Cm'etl MAIN A *Ï From -the Perfect Quality Receiver" in the. S c P P Museur at South KenaingtOE, London, coRns th$ principle of Twin-PooeT Detoenofouud in the. 1932 Majestic Superheterodynes. Due to this principle, rnn tube do the wott ci d1w mi theee models. Two of them mre the m "M Pentode Tubes, ecd of which hms the powSoutepuIt of two ordinary " 245 " tubes. Iumse w MXsties have all the power and efficieucy of u h-ue sM with the Lm ou e of a 9-tube set. Mfake this Christmas memorable with a Majestic ... See today Au L. DARCH KING STREET BOWMANVILLE For Catarrh.-It s one o! trie chie! reconimentiationa o! Dr. Thomn- as' Eclectric 011 that if can be useti internally witri as much succesa as if can outv:ardly. Sufferers f romn ca- tarrri will find that trie Oul when useti accortilng f0, directions will give prompt relief. Many sufferers f rom this ailinent have f ound relief in the Oil anti have sent testimonials. © ýook"s Regulatlng Compound ,w 0 OSP OO3E A s..iiabie ro.dahns ZU'aJTones and sIr. gorates the woe ndsis.Sold in 'lre de 2zJ ~nrous nystem. makes new 13100d "o.. a83;ldNoeis ed for Ne.a'os 4 soid b au idrsaggmfl. or -0 «b1~y MnalaWd raIM Wovy on t f >n OgVdenv. La Of Enue alpatoe 'd . Add ris,,.- the H,-ad, Fiiling MeuOejslceY erbz THE OO MDlCCE. foi $59SOld byaltdruWsteor .aaiQnplats, !oE~Na.aN. ~ ~,s,,.'. é&.Son reeiOf PdIes m&II w .pâ ,ffuld - u'l« eg oeuaUoe. ED A yi% ail Y«»« wunit iian m» za oLl SuuueIy oU wanl SIMPILIRED FRmEIEWIIEEUINCs Press a convenient but- ton on the dash, and you are "in" frac wbealing. \Whenever you rernove your foot f ront the acceleasoryoe cos along on the car's momantum. AndJ~ May shif t pars ws:bout using $bc clotcb > I Smam.Iy yau wamuI SI]LENTr, EASY SHIFTING With i1ect Syncro- Mesh you can shift ilS gears with case and ,quxetness, whethar "le" or "oui" of free wheliang. D sedingte grades, you can shift rapidly fra i hgbad to second to get tha engine's braking power. Suarel'y yu wMunt SMART, MODIERN STYLINQ Naw Fisher Bde present theulr- c ; modern silhouette. Inter jors are roomy, luxurious, witb many fine-ca etrs hoe piating adds to the custom-car.eflec. Surel'y 'Y«»«wauat POWIER AND IFLiExiBiiLiIY Chevrolet is now a 60 - orsepower car -a 20% icease- giving faster accel- eratbon and more miles per hour. Down.draft carburetion and buitpô,, smooth- ness arc features of the big six-cylinder motor. The new ChevroIet St*x-eh. Gret Canadian VaIew-mri be purchaid on uoq G M A C den,,. L.uting satiji.,ction is, .sssed by' the General M.Io*s Ovnis Sersce PoUrcy. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES, LIMITED BOWMANVILLE WHITBY OSHAWA C4-36 v ' do the wo rk of PAGE ELXVEN TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17,1931 qà ( i ,7ubes
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