e 1,~~ ~br 17-~1 r7r? 1M A T AM1fVO .Ç QC9, q Tq Plihlishers. ala au Ottiman Uifi4h Wl-14h TIt ncornorated T1he Izowmnaflvlie News -- * T1~TII r~.L (~1 a (ll Vr in Advance 5c a Copy No. 51 Lets D Or Soping InBowmanvilleThisChristmas t' HIDD0EN'SpCHOIR ONTARIO SHORE GAS ANNOUNCES A NEW SCHEDULE 0F RATES E Will Prove An Added Inducement te industries ta Locate insBow- inanville - Applicable ta Indus- trial and Commercial Users. A new schedule o! gas rates f or industrial and commnercial users is today annouflced by the Ontario Shore Gas Company througli J. T. Millier, its vice president and gen- eral manager. The reduced rates will have the eff ect o! makmng gas Bc available for industries and comi- of miercial users at very favorable vil rates. Copies o! the new rate sched- 8t] ule have been sent ta aill present and w prospective users in Bowmanville, hi Oshiawa and Whitby territaries cov- h ered by the company's limes, setting 2n out the schedule and explainlug the Fi method o! computmng the rate. TheF. new rates should lie the means o! ES further warranting the establish- nient o! new industries in Bowman r ville and it is the bliee!o! M. M - e lier that the new schedule wl so lu- e. crease the consumptiol f romn the plant to make possible a eduction fi in domestic rates. Mm. Milner's hE statement, in connection with the a innovation o! the new rates is as 4 follows: ci System Extended Pl "Since Ontario Shore Gas Comi- pany, Limited, acquired the Oshawa B Gas System in April, 1931, we have of devoted our energies to rebuilding Ci the Oshawa gas plant, extending the w' Oshawa distribution systeni and lay- Cd ing gas pipe transmission pipe uinesX to and constructing the distribution F systems in Bowmanville and Whitby.R With a gas plant in Oshawa capable ý o! producing 400,000 cu. f t. o! gas f per day, with adequate gas distribu- tion systems in and gas pipe trans- h, mission limes between the thmeeC municipalities, we f eel that we arew now in a position to meet fully thieJ gas requirements o! these commun- ities and o! this entmme district. S "We believe that this district is l destined to become one o! the im-a portant industrial centres o! Canada,S witli the industries at present estali-S lished and yet ta, corne. An adequateh supply o! gas at economical prices shouid lie an important factor in (Continued on page 4) ASSOCIATED THEATRE GENERAL MANAGER SPEAKER AT ROTARY Oscar Hanson, Colorful Figure of Mavie Business Hits at Board of Censors in Fighting Address to Dowmanvilie Rotary Club. A strong denunciation o! the Board o! Film Censors featured thdý address o! Oscar N. Hanson, Tor- onto, managing director o! the As- sociated Theatres Linited, in hîs ad- dress lie!ore the Bowmanville Rotary Club on Friday. The present system o! film censoship, lie stated, was injurious to the filmi business. It was in fact something o! a farce for these censors to sit daily reviewing films, and telling the public wliat they must like and what they must dislike. If these things were censor- ed because they aliected the public morals to any extent then the cen- sors must o! necessity lie badly de- moralized by constant viewing o! filmns that needed censoring. The speaker was introduced by Tommy Ross, manager o! the Royal Theatre, and a member o! Associat- ed Theatres Lixited. Another guest at the luncheon was Mayor Ernie Marks of Oshiawa, the president o! this organization. "I have been a student o! the mo- tion picture lndustry for 16 years, the speaker said lu lis opening e- marks, but I must admit tliat this industry of which we are ail proud is lu a bad state, but nevetlieless still a great business." Hundreds o! thousanda o! people daily see the products o! the indus- try and lit was to these people that the producers and distributors must cater. The industry started n poor halls ai 5 cents a seat but it lias seen a great development. The f ist men in the industry weme anythlng but motion picture experts. They came f rom every walk o! lil e and whlle it was oten chamged that the lndustry was started by men of low mentallty and moralty yet it lias become the fourili ndustry o! the continent today. The industry was apparently makîng great strides un- til the advent o! the talkies when Wall Street became lnterested and Invested millions o! dollars in it. Before the advent o! the talkies the clnema-goer saw the picture and lmaglned wliat was sald by those acting in 1, but taday tliey really know what is saîd, and it is liere that the Board o! Censora steps in -q -. -. . ithella VdMissMar Zev.W. J. Todd Elected President oF 3owmanville Ministerial Association Ail Protestant Churches Will Jomn in Week of Prayer in January - Will Issue Call to Citizen5 to Start Year Right by Attending Church Services, Regularly. With ail Protestant churches in services in each protestant churcli in 3owmanville co-operatling, a Week town an mmmisters would preach on )fPrayer wlll lie held ini Bowman- the samne subjects. A dodger will le lie f rom January 4th to January distnibuted around the town which ;h. Arrangements for the services will read as follows. ere completed at a meeting of the How to Begin the Year 1932 WeUl [miisterial Association of the town With this thouglit in mid, the ield in Trinity Church on December Ministerial Association of Bowman- >nd, and attended by ail protestant ville lias unaniniously agreed to ministers. On a motion of Rev. E. speak on the followmng central FArmstrong, seconded by Capt. L. themes on religion in the following Bursey, Rev. W. J. Todd, miflister o! churches at the mornmng services t. Andrew's Churcli, was elected during the month of January 1932.1 President, and Rev. C. R. Spencer, At St. John's Church, Trinity rctor of St. Johin's Churcli, was Churcli, St. Andrew's Churcli, St. lected Secretary. Paul's Churcli and the Salvation Plans f or the week of prayer were Army Hall. The subject on the suc- fully discussedi and services will be cessive Sundays, commencmng on held each evening during that week JanuarY 3rd, will be The Reality of at 8 o'clock. On Monday, January God; The Reallty of Sin; The Real- th, the service will lie in St. John~'s ity of Christ or Influence, Responsi-j Church, wlien Rev. W. J. Todd will bility and Sanctification. Rally to preah o "Paye"; o Tusda inthe House of God and worship in the St . Paul's Church, when Capt. L. cuciof your clioice. You wil f ind Bursey will speak on "The Kingdom acrdil____me of God"; on Wednesday in St. An- drew's Churcli, Rev. C. R. Spencer TEMPERANCE EXAMINATIONS will speak on "Worship"; on Thurs- Lay in Trinity Church. Rev. A. S. Following is the resuit of the Kerr to preach on "H-ome"; and on Temperance Education Examina- Friday in the Salvation Army Hall, tions: Senior Grade-lst piize, Paul- Rev. E. P. Armstrong to preach on mne Wagar of Trinity S. S.; 2ndi prise 'Peace." A collection will lie taken Hilda Hall of St. Paul's S. S.; 3rd 'or relief at each service. prize, Mildred Snowden, Maple Arrangements were also made to Grove. Junior Qrade-lst prize, hold a watchnight service ini Trinity Mary McAllister o! St. Paul's S. S.; Church on New Year's Eve. as well 2nd prize, Lyra Freeman, Maple as the usual service held in St. Grave; 3rdi prize, Helen Kellogue, Johin's Church. Welcome. A subsequent meeting o! the As- The president of the Bowmanvllle sociation was lield in the Presbyter- W.C.T.U.. Mrs. Tole. presented the ian Manse on Decemlier 7th. when prizes. which were fountain pens, to a11 ministers were present. Rev. A. Hilda Hall and Mary McAllister on S. Kerr reported that lie had met the Sunday afternoon at St. Paul's S. S. Sunday Scliool Superintendents and and to Pauline Wagar at Trinity S.S. had arranged for a Sunday Scliool The certificates were presented by Rally on New Year's Day. Mrs. J. T. Fee to Hilda Hall. Edna It was agreed that during tlie f ive Hatwood, Mary McAllister and Violet Sundays o! January at the morning McAllister at St. Paul's S. S. Religion in a Changing World was Subject of Trinity College Lecturer Dr. T. Stannage Boyle of te Cobourg Delivered En- b hi lightening Address Be- ti fore Womnen's Canadian ,r Club in the Parish Hlall on t Monday. t -Religion ini this Modern World" t was the subject of an intensely mov- r ing aclcress by tliat noted Canadian scholar, Rev. Dr. T. S. Boyle, Rector of St. Peter's Church o! Cobourg, at 1 the regular meeting of the Women's Canadian Club in the Parish Hall on Monday aiternoon. Mrs. J. H. H. Jury, presicdent, presided and intro- duced the speaker. Religion in this Modern World was a very difficuit subi ect on whichC to base a discussion, the speaker stated. Most o! us have very Con- torted ideas of religion today, mainlya because o! tlie religious articles we read in papers and magazines. In many cases these articles were writ- i ten by extremists on both sides withe the resuit that nearly every view is 1 over estimated. As the speaker pic- tured it. tlie Cliristian world today presented a very dark picture. Thereî was neyer an age, he said, when there was more uncertainty about the basic belief s of religion than to-r day. Tlie reason for this is the re- ligious f reedom that we now enjoy.I Centuries ago people believed ev- erything they were told and it was constituted a crime to consider re- ligion as a matter for thought among the lay people. Today, the young people, wvho the speaker stated lie had no f ear for at ail, were brought up on a very diff erent system to that used in lis boyhood days. There was not near as mucli prohibiting in tlie home. Then came the war and the young people took an active part in this. and whle they are today in many cases fathers and mothers, their eyes were opened during that perlod and they now see the value o! more f reedom o! speech and of activities in l! e. He admitted that tlie younger generation are restive. but followlng a great war and through a period of depression they were bound to lie so. In f act, there would lie reason to fear f or their welfare if they were other than res- tive. Wihen one talks o! religion In a rmodem world, tliey must flrst real- Ize that at one time the churcli was paramount. but that day has passed away for ever and for good. Today there was a different feeling. In the old days, the young people consîder- ed the saylng "Tliey say IV" was ail that was necessary. The minîster sald It was riglit, therefore It mnust be riglit. There liaa corne a timne however when manklnd does flot lis- ti en to the voice o! authority. He 9 begins to ask and to f ind out for t himself the reasons f or doing then things that he is expected to do. r Outside o! the Roman churcli the speakers knew of no churcli where e, the minister could demand and re- . ceive obedience against the wilofc the people. No voice spealis witli a finality.b He outlined the many changesp liat had taken place ini the world, inr nany cases altering the facts asb (Contlnued on page 4) V COMING EVENTS a Try ]Bowinanville stores f irst. Women's Institute meeting in S. O. E. Hall Wednesday, Dec. 3Oth. Bowmanville stores will be open ail day WednesdaY durlng December. St. Paul's Sunday School Xmas2 Tree and EntertainInent will lie held1t in the school room on Tuesday ev-i enmng, Dec. 22nd, 8 p. m. Silver collection. 1The regular meeting of the Auxil- iary to the Legion will lie leld in the Council Room on Monday, Dec. 2lst, at 8 p. m. sharp. Members please note change. Bowmanville Purpie Guards, L. O. L. 2384, will hold their annual Christmas Tree on Wednesday, Dec. 23rd, in St. Andrew's Presliyterlan Churcli at 8 p. m. Providence School Concert and Christmas Tree will lie held in the school house on Monday evening. December 2lst. Admission 15c and 25c. Everyliody welcome. 50-2 Christmas Tree and Concert at Shaw's School wlll lie held on Tues- day, Dec. 22nd, at 8 p. m. Good program of choruses, drills, dialog- ues. recitations, etc. Admission 25c and 15c. 49-2 The Salvation Arm3ý Christmas Tree and Concert wlll lie held on Tuesday, Dec. 22nd, at 8 p. m. A fine program o! recitations, dialog- ues, drills and musical items by Fletcher's Orchestra. You are invit- ed to bring your children's gifta to the tree. Admission only 15 cents. Mr. T. H. Eniglit wlU preside. Tlie citizens of BowmanvIhle have a chance o! contrlbuting to the Re- lief Fund by liuying a ticket to the 1Public School Concert. Our pro- gram is lietter than ever. The pup- ils and teachers are putting forth every effort to make this a worth- 1whule contrlbution-Thursday and Frlday evening in the Opera House. Reserved seat at Mltchell's Drug .Store. MANAGES NEW STORE Mm. W. E. Graves [anager o! the Kingsway Nurseries, .d former President o! the Canad- ai Florist Association, who wililibe e manager o! the new !lowem shop eing opened lu the Jury Jubiee ock on Friday by the Nursery. AMPAIGN WILL BE .AUNCHED TO SECURE 40RE RELIEF FUNDS Repregentative Gmoup of Men f roîr the Churches WiUi Conduct Cam- paign ta Aid the Needy o! the Town - No Direct CanvaU ata Present. Foliowing the lead o! munici- aULies tarotighout tMe Provincea ,presentative group of men iroin ne churcnes liave met and laid )ans for a campaigil for raising umas for direct relief lu Bowmani ne. A sub-coulfaltee cOnsistlg Of jeorge E. Chase, p. O. McLiveefl, T. Unisýon andi W. 1-. Strike. lias been ippomnted to give direction. lni tis community il wil lie nec- essary to assist about fi! ty f aie Dy airect melif oummg ime wintez months and it is conliciently expect- ci tltat every one who can Will bE ready to share generoushy wîth thosE who are so unrortuflate as to bE without employinent and withoui money and ensure by theïr givinw liat no child, woman or man shal go hungry lu Bowmanville this wir- ter. To meet tis emergency it will i necessamy for- the citizens to con- ribute TIwo 'ilihousand Dollars. Fc: every dollar contmîbuted in Bowmar. ville the Provincial and Dominid) Govemnments will each contribul another dollar. it us a stipulationo both governmnents that no cash b, paid direct to applicants for direc relief and that some work f or then be f ound lu retumu for relief giver Ail ldaims for direct relief theref o. will lie made to and centrahized i thie relief committee o! counicil ai vouchiers for necessities lu adequat tniourits will lie issued upon the loc2 nerchants as is the present pmactic( Contributions can lie made in lump sumn or in instalitents conven Lent ta contributor, to F. O. McIl veen, the treasumer o! this campaigi at the Bank o! Montreal. No cari vass will lie made unless it becom( absolutely necessary. Let every cili zen shame in this community effoc to relieve distress and hunger lu ot Smunicipality and make this one( our very substantial Christmas gift The staffs o! the Public and Hig Schools have already indicated tli tliey will together contribute Pi H-undred Dollars toward this fur and that is a fine stamt. ST. PAUL'S W. M. S. OFFICERç St. Paul's Auxiliary o! the W.M. met a! the home o! Mrs. G. A. Gi lespie, Liberty Street, on Tuesda Dec. lStli, with the president in tl chair. The Christmas story wv told by Mrs. A. S. Kerr and Mis. ' Adams. Election o! officers resuited as fo lows: President-Mrs. G. A. Gill1 pie; îst Vice-Mrs. W. H. Adain 2nd Vice-Mrs. T. Percy; 3md Vice- Mrs. J. T. Fee; Record. Sec.-Mi W. H. Carruthers; Cor. Sec.-Mms. J Mitchell; Teas.-Mrs G. E. Clias Literature Sec.-Mrs. R. Whitm' Press Sec.-Mrs. R. D. Davidati Temperance Sec.-Mrs. Thos. T, Strangers Sec.-Mrs. A. L. Nicho] Assoclate Helpers' Sec.-Miss I. Stephens; Stewardahîp Sec.-i Geo Mason: Pianist-Mrs. Whltmn Asst.-Mrs. C. Lunney; Mission Bal Leaders-Mrs. Cliase and Mrs. Lu: ney. STATESMAN GOES TO PRESS DAY EARLY CHRISTMAS WEEK The Statesnmnwil go to PI' next week on Tuesday nlght. V% ail correupoindenta and merchal please bear this ln mmd and hu thelr copy ln this office not la' than Tuesday mornlnt, Dec. 22ad Cutting Expenditures to the Bone T Council Completes Year with Surplus A Ail Departments but Police Department Complete Fiscal Périod With Small Surplusses - County Taxation May Be Lighter Next Year - Unemploy-j ed Petition for Cash. Despite so called depressions, f in- total to lie rased liy taxation f or aU Vff ancial and business reverses, adverse purposes, outside o! actual coundil ht stock markets, and a dozen other expenditures including tee schools r supposed contriliuting f actors to an and county expenditures o! $18,- ci annual deficit, the town o! Bow- 047.29 as compared with $121,000.0t manville compieted uts f luancial year in 1930. The aniount outstanding ilulA on December lSth with only one de- taxes at December 15th was $31,-IN partment reporting a small de! icit. 341.96 which is actually considerably a The statutory meeting was, there- more tlian last year's arrears at this 0 fore, instead o! a meeting ta make tinie which stood at $22,779.20. De-s excuses for expenditures, a meeting spite the turnes however, this sum p in which the council members were represents a blgger collection liy able to pat each other on the liack comparison for titis year than last7 for the good worlt accomplished and year as tliese figures show nearly c look ahead without f ear or tremb- $17,000 more on the roll and on.y I ling ta that day not f ar off when $9,000 less paid lu 80 that would e- t the public makes known- its approv- present payments made up ta De-E al or disapproval o! the actions o! cember 1Stli o! $8.000 more than lastP the ludividual members duing the year. past year, should they offer them- Brîghter New Year selves for re-election. Not only lias the year in Bowman-s The reports o! the various com- ville been succesaful but things com-f mittees were as follows: menced to look brigliter for the com-L Department Estimate Expenditure ing year with the aninouncement liyj MeDept. $5150.00 $5128.99 Reeve Carruthers that the Counties'c Roads and Council had agreed not to lucludeE Streets Dept. 5500.00 5378.02 income tax as part o! urban assess-r Cemetery Dept. 1500.00 1351.70 ment. Thiis will decrease the town's Relief and tax bill to the United Counties by Health Dept. 2600.00 2554.39apoxmtl$10oneeass! Public Property prxmtl$10onhebs f Dept.620000 617.59the rate ling the same next year PoiDept. 4000.00 4037.29 as it was this year. iL Prmnting Dept. 671.76 671.76 Unemployed Petition -___ ___ A petition was read !rom a number lTotal $25,621.76 $25,258.74 o! the unempioyed, making certain Actual Surpius-$363.02. charges and asklng for a new meth- Police Department was the only od o! relief. The petition stated that committee which went over its es- many o! these unfortunate men were timate and then only by $36.29. Ail still paying rent delits incurred last -other conimittees went over the top winter and that under the system o! * with flying colors, the Cemetery paynient o! relief by ticket instead * Committee leadlug with a surplus o! o! cash they were unalile to pay d $148.30. There was a remamkalile either mient, liglit bis or water ac- 9 coincidence in the estimates and ex- counts. It was also claimed that L- penditures o! the Pinting Commit- discrimination was lieing shown )f tee whlch liroke even at $671.76. among the stores. There was also a Unpald Taxes $31,341.96 feeling o! pauperization in the man- aThe tax collector's moll showed a (Continued or. page 7) s r e e e Lt ta a- n .e in. tte ml te ai es t'- ort )ur o! Êts. ýgl iat ve Lnd .S. zay. lie vas W. ýoh- ýes- is; rs. .F. ýse; on; B. Irs. Lee; ând un-î ina à. Thousands Packed Business Section To Greet Santa Claus on Saturday LEGION BAND CONCERT ON FRIDAY NETTED $37.70 FOR CHAR1TY Mayor EUliott Presided a! Splendid Concert in the Opera House When Large Number Tumned Ou!t t Aid the Town's Needy.1 A large number o! citizens tumned out for tee Canadian Legion Band Concert on Friday night at the Op- era House. whidh benefitted the Poppy Fund and the Community Welare Committee to the extent o! $37.70. Those Who did attend and Who contibuted were weli epaid f or their eff orts, f or it was a splen- did type o! prograni that was pre- sented. The programn opened wltli the Overture 'Determintation", a! ter which Mayor M. J. Elliott took hus seat ou the platform. lu lis re- marks Hua Worship stated teat lie was f illing the place o! the eveniiig for Mm. R. M. Cotton, Preaident o! the Legion, Who is still con! lued to the Christie Street Hosputal. The Mayor expmessed lis pleasume at the turnout and congratulated the baud on its splendid improvemelit in so short a time since its formation. The next item was a number by the Harmonisera Maie Quartette composed o! Alex McGregor, Eric Coombes, Don Williams and Wilfred Carruthers, entltled "'Little Jack Homner." This quartette received a great ovation and was !orced to give an encore. The Stein Song, that rolllcking Maine college song, by the biand fol- howed, and then Mrs. Alex Colville, wliose splendid volce has been heard so many times wlth aucli acceptance, sang "The Old Refrain." Needless to say an encore was required, as tvas the case in practically ail other numbers on the progrmn. Mrs. Wm. Adamis' offering o! a sermon on "'Old Mother Hubliard" was exceptionally good, and this lumorous eading seems ta improve with age and ecd succeeding time it la given by Mrs. Adamis she adds new laurels ta hem reputation as a clever reader. The Band followed wltli another number, "The Leglon Mardli," after whîcl under the direction o! Miss Editit Peardon, Miss Georgina Somi- eracales and Miss Sylvia Muttoil gave a very pretty costume dance. The veteran singer, Mr. Henry J. Kuiglit, was the next an the pro- gram and lie too receîved a greal ovation aud an encore waa demand- cd to satlsfy bis audience. Mr. Knlght's solas were fallawe< by another dance by 12 littie girls 'and a urther dande by four girls ai :an encore. r (Ccontnued on pm .9) Event Sponsored by Busi- ness Men's Association Was Huge Success - Twelve Hundred Child- ren Estimateci in Crowd That Weicomed St. Nich- olas and Received Liberal Bags of Candies. Bowmanvifle was the mecca on Saturday a! ternoon o! more than 1200 children f rom Bowmanville and the surroundiug townships, wlio with their parents had corne ta, see Santa Claus pay is officiai vist to BOW- mianville. Santa Claus was met at Gaud's Corners on the new Bowman- vifle-Blackstock Highway sharp at 3 o'clock and in the decorated truck pepared for lis eceptioni ly the Bowmanville Business Mens Assoc- iation proceeded into tawn. At the corner o! King and scugog Streets, the jolly old f ellow was met by the Canadian Legion Band who led the parade througli the business section which was packed with a dense throng o! humanity which le! t oniî roomn for the band and truck to pass through. Through the efforts o! Chie! of Police Sydney Venton and Traffic Officer Ed. Purvis traffic was divert- ed whihe the procession passed along the street. Sauta had loaded his well fiiled sheigh on the top o! the truck and amidst the cheers o! hun- dreds o! cindren lie psssed lyiy la his glory and majesty. The proces- sion proceeded to the corner o! On- tario Street wliere it turned around and came back to tlie Cox Moto. Sales lot where a huge lighted Christmas tree was the centre o! a seething mass o! exclted and exPect- ant dhidren. It was with consider- able difficulty that tePolice, assist- ed liy membera o! the Business Men's Association, were able to make a passageway through the tlirong f0r Sauta to the Christmas tree. The big truck parlced alongslde o! the *Christmas tree and Mayor M. J. El- Slott mounted the truck and on lie lial! o! the town !ommally welcomed rSanta and bestowed on hlm the rgreates! lionor in the power o! the 9Chie! Magistrate ta confer, the fret- dom o! tlie town. On behlf o! the Business Men's Association, undei whose auspices Sauta Claus was brouglit ta town, Presîdent T. A Dustan also extended a cordial wel b corne. It waa tmuly an excîtlng time foi the hundreda o! dhilodren as thm cowded around the loaded truck tg 3, recelve a bag o! candies and nule aWlth starlng eyea and f ast beatini Jhearts they watched Santa distribut (Continued on page 4) KINGSWAY NURSERIES 'OPEN NEW FLOWER SHOP ON FRIDAY Don't Miss This Floral Event- Special Offerings for Friday and Saturday, Dec. 18tis and l9th., The new Flower Shop lu te Jury Jubllee Building will open its doors to the public at 2 o'cloclc on Fridlay, December l8tli. The fluely equipped sliop will contain a wonder!ul dis- play o! plants, flowers, baskets, pot- tery, canaries and gold f lsh. Every- one is lnvited ta visit the shop on the opeuing days. The Kingsway policy is ta provide a help!ul flower service for titis commuuity and the surmounding dis- trict. Everything we sehl and every- tlilug we do wiil have aur uncondi- tional guarantee. Prices on Friday and Saturday wlll le mucli reduced lu celelimation o! the event. Durlng Christmas week the lowest prices possible will prevail. Prom tee op- ening day until December 3lst, two gold fiahinl a sultable bowl wili e presented to every person whose purcliase amounts ta $1.00 or over. Plants and ffowers make apeciafly appropriate Christmas Greetings. Yoti wi11 make no mistake lu ailow- ing us ta ca-operate wth you in the selection o! your gifts. Same sug- gestions for greetinga are Corsage Bouquets, Baskets and Bowls of Flowers. We came! ully deliver al orders and have apeclal facilities for delivery to the hospital. Our wlde connectins make possible flower de- livery ta, any address in Canada or rthe Unted States wltlilu a few haurs, or to Great Britalu lu 1 day frein tume we receive the archer. Sanie o! the interesting items tbat will lie on sale are: s plants a Azaleas, Beganla, Christmas Cher- rries, Cyclamen, Ferns, Poinsettias, ePans o! Poinsettias, Pans o! Cher- eries. Pans o!f emns, Baskets of Plants, Christmas Wreaths, Christ- -mas Baskets, Christmas Bowls, d Christmas Candle Baskets. e Cut Flowers ,e Roses lu vamlety, Carnations, LIly -o! the Valley, Violets, Cut Poinset- ýe tias, Narcissus, Dalutlly arranged r Baskets o! Flawers. s Sec Klngsway Nurseries adyt. on 1.Page 7, )r Congratulations to aur esteerned 'y townsmen, Mr. Jantes EMlitt who was 90 years o! age on Tuesday, a. December lflth, and to Mr. P. N. 1Stevens who was 88 years aid on te Wednesday, December lOtit. Both wel and smart. I Vol. 77 ivi. A. JAIVIL,ý> a 11-, -- - --l. ,Pd-,.Vv ci Luai Ili BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, DEUEM13MU litn, IIIU 0O RENDER CAROLS AT CHRISTMAS TREE Business Men's Association WI Sponsor Fine Open Air Prograis on Tuesday and Thursday Even- ings of Christmas Week. Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel, Born is the King o! Israel. On Tuesclay and Thursday of next w'eek carols sucli as this wlfl bo heard along the main street in Bow- anville when a special choir af children f rom the Public SchooL. trained under tlie able direction of Miss Helen Morris. and conducted by Mir. Francis Sutton, will gather around the liglted Chirstnmas Tres on the Cox Motor Sales lot on King treet and will render a 30 minute program o! carols. The programns will start sharp at 7.30 each evenmng and the public are cordilUY invited to bce present to witness and her this new innova- ion whlch is lemg sponsored by the Business Men's Association. These prograrna will o! course only be car- ried out if the weather is favorable.. Visits to the scliool -have already proved that these young singers are splendidiy in eanest to do their liest f or this celeliration. Wihen these boys and girls sing, they do it with joy and intelligence. They like te carols. and they put forth their best efforts. The celebration o! Christ- mas in Bowmanviile will be given an added impetus ly this ig thrill. To citizens it should prove a diversion well worth the time attending. Miss Morris lias made a notable success o! the Public School Choir as will le noted at the Public Schol concerts toniglit and Friday. She lias worked wonders .with the child- ren-lu developing their vocal talents, and the novelty o!flieing Christmas waif s so appeals to them that clUi- ens may le assured that they wlfl lie at their best on these two even- lugs. Mr. Sutton also lias been sig- nally successful, wlth choirs andl bis direction o! the massed choirsaiat the Cenotapli on Armistice Day was a revelation to those who attended tliat impressive function. The singing o! caros, especialy ln Public, creates an atmosphere of good cheer and good 'Wl and such a program as is contemplated wlll give a spirit o! reallty to the Christmas season. We believe that it will take little urging to persuade citizens ta attend these two programs o! caros for the spirit o! goodwiil exemplified by the singera will arouse the spirit O! joy lu the hearts o! thôse who may hear. k le S. n ;e y ;S )f Lc kg Is le 1- Ld :)r >d a t- r t- L's a or âe he e- ed he hE ýe- hE [el 'W A B1. toi keý tg [te hi ut MANAGES NEW STORE 1 '