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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1931, p. 3

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THE CANADIM~ STATESMAN. EOWMaNVILE. THURIBDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1931 --------------------R---- 111H SHOOL TEACHER very sweet vocal solo which received the moneY raîy expendedinC U IE ADDESES OM ~an encore. Mr. Francis Sutton ac- this way could weUl be devoted ta SCHOOLSES HOE ADompanied at the piano. Miss Helen familles who scarcely know what M endreda slenidpiano de may not otherwise receive coveted frXa olaS G. L. W agar Urged Application of l h re ev d a en o e as . M s toys and the Christm as dinner may M iss Evelyn Miào, S U a p n ScriPtural Passage te, Student Lif e Florence Oliverawy avrt easanty meal indeed.Hegvs unawthMsAne iln. -with A.Y.P.A. audiences, gave two twice who gives where the need is Next Sunday morning will be Alreatnaewaprsnatrecitations, "The Indian Maiden's greatest and f rom such givlnig he de- "White Gif t Service" and Christmas..: ../ -*,.,.-'-*î th Hm adSchool Club meeting Cali" ad"h l lc a. ie o and astsato ban music will be given by the choir...:- in Central Public School on Wed- The speaker of the eveming was able in no other way. Mitre.nand r.Enanque, vsitdMr nesday evening, Dec. 9th. Mrs. Rev. Victor Spencer of Japan. He Mr. e Jand Mrsdianoq eNUre ndr Frank Jackman, president, presided. was dressed in Japanese costume andadMr.WR.Cutcreny C hristm as C arois, f ollow ed by the show e d h a d e ce mn d n e es -* M rs. Chas . W ight a Mi ss re En lino , [iL Providence, ~spent a day at lier bro- ...*. Lords Pryer wer usd xhiitsHf Service theig, r, . . ln Mr.T .Kennedy took charge writing, books andl eating utensis. Proidnc of the program at the conson His address was intensely interest- rsRuelGyveY ' of the business. A piano solo was mng and it was a revelation to his Caaan edclAsiton qetyeebtdthtenita- give byMis ThlmaHaris;twohearers to find that Japan was in ________________ sangs by Mrs. A. Colville, "Lttle evey way as moderni as ourow niversary of their marriage on Sun- Mother of Mine" and "'Those Songs conrTn nsm asaedo OU SHOULD KNO day. anied by Miss L. L. Bragg at the At the conclusion of the address Y50 th ouldmay b e ralt at m s Thurye vning P waes m inage o f piano. Mr. B. H. Mortlock, seconded by Mr. sud hat oman ea eto pot ct iyo ur M s ay i T e toinchwasgaboy Mr.tG.s. BW mga vilea H iSero Mahool, .0.tHa dn g, ote sedakeaart its e suc c m e r ihast beroe c eveu whoM i th tir. he ma p iave a nrs t-o r t ieC r sm a ne Mr. G. L. B Wagar, eac g Sher 0 h-oR GHa dn g, mbvt e a e dart vte own health and that of your family. dealt with by Rev. H. C. W olfraim., was the guest speaker and gave an taking part in the program. A short ine scntroll igcertain dienas ee s o ing d e ptio gof Ke aan it s instructive and entertaining ad- business session to arrange for th the n nrsuit ofchranc e tass c or n p e rptissesf V ea and Loise dress. The application of scriptural Christmas Party on Decem be 2 thab u she result ff our It ha vin Pe reo pla edias pretty iand o uet passage to student if e with partic- was held after the close of the meet-acurdeoh owdg about asndhers. W. R.Courtice sang ula empera mari on th njntion, these particular diseases to enable On Wednesday evening last week shahl lie also reap." Co-operation MRS. J. E. ELLIOTT IS un th oersame wa, erntsonal ln tealChoiprsonage A enetin of theoiOY ur Plty a d l e tfr n "Wteveerensmandsoth tahat us TDPRSI nthoercome them to soine etttCh oir a s A enetained the rder eswee rns a nsled d th e tec- R-LCE SDN and f reedom f rom disease core ta and then choir practice and a social O d r Y u o lr n e t f o gesdtatm was sl ndid th e rec- 0F TRLINITY CHURCH W. A. us when we mnake use of the know- time enioyed wlen Mrs. Wolfraimn,W uary of reading and learning it was TeWmnsAscaino rn ledge which we now possess. Smnall- Miss Helen and Master Harry served _ uredtoge techidren ta bed ro nThrdy e lotIwîî s practised. Rickets disappear as Trse WolrauTl hve a hapy way o early, and see that they studied. romo hrdy e.1tw tte resuit of prper feeding. Pure enrtW aim hic hmapesyevy one Well may we repeat. e sad tethe president, Mrs. J. E. and saf e milk prevent the oc- eel moingwlc m e s t er o e beautiful lines from the New Testa- siding. Mrs. Elliott read a part of currence of typhoid f ever. ment. "Enter in at the straiglit gate the 2nd chapter of St. Matthew's You should knaw thnt endli year, Sunday services were good, altho' Froe 5yastenm akrhssodfrtebs nar*rutow 0 1f the wisekmen and a few approp- sons die f romn tuberculosis. You miorning the service was f airly well that is to be had in first quality Meats and Poultry. Particularly issae o the wytateadst gseladf lowwihtex-sto in Cnd a, over ei t osandper- atenwea nthe as isagreal the assnageta s theruenthfang Tex- son. Mrs. T. W. Cawker favored ered early and properly treated, tub- Mr. Ridout of Toronto, Secretary of around Christmas time this firm prides itself in its fine display amatias astere red e tan.or"I ey wa an excellent vocal solo accom- erculasis is one of île mast curable Maintenance and Missionary Fund,of eas hihsalasxtapea. cintue e sadynwnt i"orhefaye pnied by Mr. Charles Cawker. Miss of diseases. was present with lantern slides andofmaswihs l y etapca. contin u ye s haîl owdtaitefante Evelyn Oke and Miss Dorathy Edger Knowing these two statements ta in a very interesting way told of aFo teChsta an wierrde he reetyp - ethed uil. Ia bnftey 5w dleane rendered two piano duets, and Miss be correct, you are then in a position tour le took through Europe, show- eftley will reap eea.doeareIfHelen Foster two readings. to say that the large numberofigicre of the different coul- Fr h hita n itrtaete ee ypr effot tey illrea lederhip ~ ev.E. . Amstongpreide fo detesmus bedueto ailre indi-d tiesandiher popl asliemetchaed 7Fcoic.yong tees fomM..WPBoe;l4M.P.;4 coic tiey 0Wden es s rntey ire ap fail the election of offcers whicî resut- covering île disease in its early thein. Then hie told us of a trip le uer evnitfopramatwed l e adrn ed as f Illaws: Pres.-Mrs. j. E. El- I tgs, or that the cases are not be- took in tle f ar west visiting the steers fromn Thos. Gibbs, Tyrone; 1 baby beef from Frank Werry, ieir taist fot neg.he daagersliait; lain Vice Pres.-Mrs. Frank ing properly treated. people who lad came ta Canada to Bted;ad7ee n ehrlmsfo rn ery eobd gaint îley dang eir eamig Jakmn;R2nd Vice Pres.-Mrs. L. W. Thcse of ur readers who follow make their homes, showing pictures ehsaan 7ew nd et rlmbfo F nkW ry SO broad that they hla'st teir dept.if Dippell: Rc. Sec.-Mrs. J. Thick- aur advice and have a healtl exam- as le talked. Mr. Ridout's ialk was Referring tayîle cid eliouslyo hie son: Assi. Sec.-Miss A. E. Peters; ination each year give their family most educative as well as interest- lo eahn p thvr erciuly of îe needorCar. Sec.-Mrs. F. C. Clmer; Treas. plysician an opportunuty ta discover ing, slowing île different national- for ad'sDay nd is Word. H. Joness; Board of Management- eases in iheir earliest and most cur- Terguamoîymetn ofP ce Y u O d r Ea y f r Po l y forc teaingtheild eveene fr Mrs. W.C. FBagsn iniMrs. . tbercsst. cne iirds Te es lar noCnaianmctins. He concluded with île poem. "ButMr.W C.erunMsH.W alstg.MS ashdinheSna onceIasm tis way."redan Foster, Mrs. L. A. Tle. and Mrs. P. It is not possible ta teadli îe pub- the W.M.S ahediteSuay--P ce Yr O d r E rl fo P u ty Refresîtme nis eresrvdan Trebilcock; Panîry Commitîee__ lic how ta detect disease earîy. îî is sclool roomn on Thursday. Mrs. with île National Antliem. r.PC.oleMsF.Jcmn mucli more difficulita make diag- Frank Worden's group were instepieo olr sdol hsya ehv nii Mrs. H. Jamieson and Mrs. Ge. A. nosis in îe early stage of a disease charge of îe prograx. st ViceAstepi opulri dw hsya ehveanc- Pritchard. than it is later on. The general idea President, Mrs. Blake Courtide, pre- ST. JOHN'S A. Y. P. A. Circle 3, withMr.F. Jackman and of a tuberculous persn is one wîo sided, and afer îe devotional per- pated a larger demand than ever and will have a very fine dis- HER ISOAYMrs . H. Allin as conveners, served 5i hi', looks ili and las a cough. iod in whicl Mrs. Bert Wilkins read pa fTres esDesadCikn FROM APAN SE CI Y re resh ents nd t e m e ting lose TTihis t esuîle c nusuanlwcondition iblwhenso îleM rîlerabibley oflessons Gand, Mrs. a dFrank en HEARS MISSIONARhefrmntsad îereeitin oe disease is advanced, but i île early Worden led in prayer, île election of F JA s P E E C Twiî î e M pai b n d ci n stages, îe patient appears t a e officers ook place as follow s: Presi- droter ofbtheRev.VitorSenuer, THE TRUE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT well. and noihing in lis general ap- dent-Mrs. Blake Courtide; s ice_ Broter o th RecorFeaîredpearance arouses suspicion. -Mrs. Frank Worden;, 2nd Vice-- - Regular Meeting. A nearby editor offers a timely Nai everyone wiil île following Mrs. P. W. Rundle; 3rd Vice-Mrs. IL E suggestion for de"pen;ng the Christ- sYmpioma lias tuberculasis, but île Will Bickle; Rec. Secretary-Mrs. L. Missionary Night was held ai îe as spirit and ai îliesamý ure do- presence of one or more of tem is J. Courtice; Ass. Rec. Sec.-Mrs. C e M . UV!RS O A. Y. P. A. of St. John's Clurdli in ing something tjwards relieving dis- ýuffcient ta arouse suspicion, and ta Walter Snider; Corresponding Sec.- île Parisl Hall on Monday evening tress and poverty arnang the mare -end île individual to lhis dactor ta Mrs. Eshi Oke; Tieasurer-Mrs. R. Bo1avi9 wlen a good attendance turned out unfortunate familes. His idea is find oui the cause. Gay; Sec. Christian Sewardship- Phone 64 w anil ta lear a splendid program. Miss ilat instead of sending île custom- A feeling of fatigue from wark Mrs. R. C. Pearce; Temperande Sec. Florence Hewston, vice president. ary gifita a f riend wha reaîîy does wlidl did nai previously cause fa- -Mrs. G. F. Anniis; Liierature Sec. presided in île absence of Presideni not need it, yau slould send a letter tigue. -Mrs. Chas. Found; Press Sec.- E. W. Musson. The meeting opened instead and say: "Billy Brown lad Loss of strengili or weight, whicli Mrs. Blake Oke; Supply Sec.-Mrs. wilh singing of "The Love of God no shoes fit to wear ta sclool. I sent may le accornpanied bY a general A. E. Rundle; Missioflary Monthly Constraineil." This was f ollowed by him a Pair instead of îuying you a feeling of not being well. Sec.-Mrs. Penberthy; StrangeraS ix or ai mosi seven, lours' sleep He wla hail put f orth lis total The passion of acquiring riche i n ess session W a s com p let d an d th e T is C h ristm a san B a ndtiL ea d er-mM iss rH atrie sO s-Ba n d ford eaM io nsta n d yO sasim udfo r asoyoua nstresgil ina sfit actio nsgtb as fîleact o n si-aord errtoh -su p p orto auv aonteapeinsexcer- Prayr b th Retor A hor bui- peset. o w hae bth elpd." Any cougli which persiss for a Sec-Miss Aura Osborne; N. 4 Mis- Sx prayer by île Recrer. Aeshort busi-fpresent. So we have bail thelped. monîli or more. r g l r ro r m f lo e .sen s an opporuniy ta iose w o Continued upset of digestion, borne; Ass. Leader-M rs. Cecil or anybody e se c n w t; m r s st e ur 0f i d m. E e onru s îl p re i au -F l lO l Miss Kitty Rigby. wla is ta marry can affrd h ta exempif y îe tr whicl may e associaed with a Worden; No. 8 Mission Band Lead- only laziness and dozing, and is, I One can only learn his powers of Rev. Victor Spencer, brother of îe Christmas spirit, tlat of te ngcog. er-Miss Sadie Muir; Asst.-Miss arn persuaded. bail unwolesomne action by action, and is powers of Birds in ieir ile nests agree: Recor. his monil. and who is a where it will do the ms good. T~ Spitting of blood. Maron Trevail; Sup. Little Light and stpfyn.-Cilefel.tougli by thinking.-Burrougs. And 'uis a samefl sight, daugher of Canon Oswald Rigby of idea is y no means ta lessen îe Itis better .o e on .the saf e sie.Bearers-Mrs. Wl rhl."'Pr- Tewrd sagea ok faîlo, n cide , nd figît St. Mark's, Port Hope. gave two very significance of Christmas wiîin Prompt attention ta early sympims gram given consisted of readings by Wen we are in îe corpafy of whidl they tît neer suir f rom Flouadciean isgh ts. delighful raig.tefrtpr n' wrl frltvsadfid.reans early treament if it is need- Mrs. Jno. Found. Miss Aura Osborne sensible men, we ought ta e doubly home read only a page-St. Augus- -sa rryngteainga. île f ia a r- on ut e's eircev elatesan fri-e d eryte. n M.Rsel Gay; vocal solo Mrs cautiaus of talkirig too mudl, lest we tine. weded ifeto hebucher's store, ies his year will abandon to Questions concerning Healil. ad- W. R. Courtie; piano duet, 'Mrs. hse wo good thngs, their godW agheriytsea wedded0,f eta île, y Ota the Canadian Medical Franki Worden and Miss Sadie Muir. opinion and our own improvement; I When aur friends are present we flocli of sleep jump because onid and îe encore telling of îe Jap- extent îe practice of giv'ing totrathmwl;ndhe anese idea o! îe birtli af îe white, presents ta one another. Less expen- Aso tio niîl184 College Street, Tor- The tpic was an interesting talk on, for w aî we ave to say we know,; ought atei1lm wl; n hnso. M ght not one imagine t a black adYlo ae.ot. ilb answered personally by Korea by Mrs. (Rev.) Wlfraim, us- but wat îey ave to say we lnow tey are absent, ta speak o! them superor beings do the samie, adfo andyelo rce. sive gifis will jusi as truly express leter ng le ap.not-Couon Miss Aice Medd followed with a their affection. At leasi a portion f lwell.-EpthictetUS.-Coto. exactly îe same reason?-OGreVl . Gilchrist's Clothing Store OFr Every Christmasiboxes Stor large îWednesday y akies Our Great af ternoons I Boys' Sweaters 98c mksO E C A A Ei Me' w aesB xH nkrhe hpigis making a fast clean Socks SOc Up 5c to 1 .0 $50Mvens watrs395 B oHerc.0s easy. up of our coats. Priced SDece0Cxnb0er. $.0 $5.O vaues or 3,9 3 fr $.OOas Iow as $14.85 N& - a mèYà i 4 èW*Wbt A a 4 , I s; 's

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