MHE CANADIAN STATESJLA, BOWMANVUAL. THURBgDAY. DECEIMER 17, 1931 I bave seldom lcnown a=7 one Who WOMENS CANADIAN CLUB DURHAM HOLSTEIN-FBIESIAN NE'M deaerted truth in trifles that could be HEARS ADDREss By ASSOCIATION HEU) ANNUAL BYi trusted in matters of imlportanlce, RECTOR 0F COBOURG MEETING IN ORONO Paley. In the nine heavens are eihtPaa (Contlnued f rom page 1) (Contlnued f rom page 1) sudh dises; stated ini the bible. The students Stevens, Cliris Cox, Jos. Seymour, J. gasj Where Is the nlnth one? In the huti then wanted ta know whicli was D. Tamblyn. cre&, man breast, riglit, the bible or science. There Mr. R. M. Holtby, Port Perry, Its( Only the blessed dwell In the Pam lias neyer been, the speaker asserted, pointed out. that as a direct resuit heat dise, any scientlst wliose findings have of a resolution of the Association, incr But blessedness dwells i the human really proven the bible to be f alse in passed at lasi. year's meeting in 0fly breast. -Wm. R. Ager. any way. Even the Darwin theorY j3owmanville, the membership lists heat that rocked the world when it was of the Hoistein Frieslan Association f irst publislied, and which seemed to of Canada had been cliecked over refute the bible stary of the creation and it liad been f oind that under 6 S OPIN D YS of man, dld nat contradict the bible. thie present constitution, Eastern oper 6 SHO PINGDAYS Probably there was mucli truth ini Ontario, on a membership basîs, is Bowr the Darwin tlieary to the extent that entitled to four cirectors. In view trict at the Darwin believed that man and tic of tis the meeting nomiiiated Mr. and ape had comnmon ancestors. This is John D. Tamblyn for a position on 1eve flprabably true. Man in his original thc directorate. sm it ]IG 0 » state was not the same as the man Dr. Reynolds was given an oppor- new of taday. He lias gradually evolved tunity ta speak of the new co-oper- reqi f rom something good to something atîve packing plant whicih i ail tis better, whie the ape, whidh iahl probability will be located i Port son probabiiity, was a common ancestor Hope, a suitable site witli buildings tu HELPFUL HINTS of man, lias not evolved ito some- being already available at tle lia- aval thing better but lias degenerated. bor. Dr. Reynolds pointed out that boge Books for Aduits and Children It was quite common, and also thc plant proposed to handle hogs, who quite incorrect, to believe that man caives, lambs, poultry and eggs, and aval Oýme, DoUa aand Teddy ROSIS was created in the image that we provide storage facilities for apples, indu see him taday. It was also quite and acquainted the meeting with the gene GIft Statlonery common to beieve that the girafe ternis on whicli farmners mnay be- lias a long neck £0 as to readli high come members and shareholders of Haudkercblefs things, while in reality the giraffe's thc concern. Shares cost $150 and - EmboidredLinnsneck lias grown long througli readli- may be purchased outright i cash, lias Embo<ere Lnen mg for high things. Many other or a producer of tlie commodities ta atr Founta nPens and Pe.ncils animais point out ta us this same be handled may purclase a share by con] lesson of 11e. paying $15 in cash, the balance to conf Gift Chia and Glass Wlilel ife today seems complicat- be deducted f rom the price of pro- tab:j cd througli its many ideas of wlat duce deîvered until tle share is ta tj Brasa and Pottery man is, wlat is lis ultimate end, fuily paid for. disti what is death, and what cornes after At 12.30 those in attendance at enat Emlish Dinnerware, oPes stock dcatli, there are still among the the morning meeting adjourned ta subs most schlarly nations in the world the dining room, where Mrs. Fair- othe far more believers than disbelievers. bairn and staff scrved a sumptuous the While a man of the type of Bertrand goose dinner. Several ladies joined on1 Stewart W'arnr Radios Russell receives a great deal of pub- their lusbands at the tables and is0 licity for lis extreme agnostic views there was also present ta share the wit, 100 men, just as brifliant, could be goad cheer a number of breeders and indu mentioned wliosc views are in the their f riends who had flot been ai we i opposite direction. Russell was an the f orenoon meeting. The diners toa infidel, the speaker stated, but at entered thc room ta the strain of mor Chris'mas Cards anmd Decortions the same time is a fair minded in- Milt. Tamblyn's orchestra whicl re- con fidel. His spirit is sudh that lie tained its place while dinner was in would say "I sec through study, this progress and rcndered a number of way. I am sorry that yau do flot livcly selections during the servmng Sin ,;y 9yy sec the same way as I do, but tliat is of tle courses. Ml 81M I your privilege." Which after aUl was Mfter dinner musical numbers. in- To J. w.f JLVILLL the riglit way ta consider any per- tcrspersing the addresses, were piano son's ideas. and violin duets by little Enid Cob-IM Big 20 Boktore Bowmanvilê Religion was not upset by science bledick and lier brother Jack, .just the speaker added. Read science for a little older. children of Mr. and 0Yourselvcs and then ask yourselvcs Mrs. Newton Çobbledick, Orono, and the question, daes science rcaily vocal solos by Mrs. Roy Vançamp, _________________________shake my faith in religion, or daes it accompanled by lier sister, Mrs. N. I. conclusively prove any of the bible Metcalf e. Bth the Cobbledlck ta be false. and your answer wil be dlifildren, who are In île way of be- UT ~ IN found i the negative. Science at ing musical prodigies, and Mrs. Van PUTS PEP IN ~its best does flot tell us our prob- Camp, wlio clarmedth aern lems. ht may tell us some of the with lier f ine lyric voice, receivcd Y'OUNG & OLD things of hf e but it does not tell us hearty applause anid generously e tetruly important tlings, sc as sponded to encores. the 111e after deatli. Afiter the toast to tlie King, the It does aid religion liowever in thls f irsi speaker was Mr. E. A. Summers, way. It has taught us ilat we arc Agricultural Representative, wla was but an infinitesimal part of a huge warmnly congraiulatcd by President universe i which other worlds have Mtcalfe on the splendid adhieve- being besides this world. We real- ment of the Durhamn judging team, ize ilirougli science that wc have a under lis coachig, ai the Royal tremendousiy bigger unîverse, and Winter Flair, Toronto. Mr. Sum- tîcrefore we must have a trcmend- mers stressed the value of boys' ously bigger God than we thought wc stock, sced and grain judging prac- had. Na, the fundamentals of the tice and competitions and told of the Christian faitl remained unshaken success and wininings, cailectively tlirough the f indigs of science. and individuaily, of Durliam's clever In conclusion the speaker pro- ieam ai the Royal. He also liad LL- plesled that in the days ta came re- same up-to-date and pleasing news ligon wlll endure and because of its whcn lie informed the gatliering nature that religion must ievitably that the Durhiam trio at the Provin- be Clristianlty. cial Winter Fair, Guelphi, Oea. Neals, Mrs. Jury, on behaif of the club, Harry McCamus and Lawrence Dun- extcnded a vote of tlianks to the bar, had stood f irst place in seed speaker for lis splendid address. . judging and lad brought home the s ilver cup cmblematic of their top position. Mr. Summers said lie lad VISIT 0F SANTA CLAUS ilearned sametlhig since coming ta HERE WAS BIG SUCCESS Durhiam and ic f rankly admitted that there were far better cattie Children and adults bth .. (Continue<l f ro page 1) among the pure bred herds of Dur- depend very largely for their hiam than lie liad any idea of, and nutrition upon mflk. There- upon liundred of bags of lhe said iliere were many herds from fore yau sliould be doubly candies. He was assisted iniUic dis- whidli lie couid pick a better class tribution by Dr. J. C. Devitt, iarrY of four catile for boys' judging con- sure that you are obtoining AllUn, J. R. Moore, W. P. Corbett. petitions than any that were put the bet . . . the Pure5t . . . C. H. Mason, J. H-. Jahnston, Oea. W. before the boys at île Provincial counry-res . . ramJames, President T. A. Dustan, andI Wiiiter Fair. Mr. Summers said le CoUnty-freh . . failiters. More than one little boy and' lad been fond of live stock ail his -- girl received the great thril of shak- l 1f e and this f ondness manif ested ig liands with Santa and of whisp- itself (and this was a highly enter- Bowma vile ering in lis ear exactly wliat le orI tainlig anecdote) wlen at four years Bow an ile hehoped t find i hi stockig 0f age his father gave him a copper or on thc tree Christmas morning. for a present. He lad the copper D aiyIa is difficulîta describe île joy and his ambition was ta buy a horse. Dairy and thedrama of sudh moments*asH oddied away to wlere lie W. H. BETTLES, ProPrietêr. those whidli transpired lasi. Satur tought lie could acquire anc. When day afternoon, but ihey wiil live i le lad been gone quite a while lis ________________________ tîe memnory of many boys and girlsI fatlier went ta lock for hlm and sure __________________________ until another year rails round. enougli found lis four year old son ______________________ The wlole tawn was enlivened ]eading home lis horse! during thc afternoon by île visit of M.R. . Holby. Port Perry, and Santa and stores report an apprec- Mr. J. Y. Kellougli, Part Hope, also I liable increase i business. The spoke briefly, Mr. Holtby on île U nheard ofwimle it was most successful and brceding of quality lolsteins 0fdMr - -"~ 'E l Mens Association for île way in present occupation. VAlLUE/ whidli the visit was sponsorcd and Mr. R. B. Faitl, Director of Ex- carried oui. Ater the succcss of tension, Brantford, Ont., who lad This tle luge community pcnic last JuIY been securcd as tle chef speaker, 0 and now tlie vîsît af Santa Claus, ît treated île gatliering 10 an exhibi- ~ M ~ ' is quite apparent tliat île Associa- tion af lanlern slides. Thc slides *Prl ILC go tion is pîaying an important part in sliowed several aspects of île Hal- île aff airs of île town, and more stein-Friesian extension service be- pariicularly 50i furtlicring iliat ng carried on from îlhe headquart- 7piitTUBodEllbefn rbnand ers ai Brantfard under the direction Pictou, N. S. Advocate)-___ Blcss thc smali towns ai the world.BN FMNRA Many wha have answered tle calBN OFM TRA of the big cities have been glad ta ISUESNEW _OTE returi to te ic iiidliness anîd less ýtiecnons pace oai-Main Street." It A nfid iie rf Bank af Montreal s licart-warîîîîng tcI)e greeted by notes in defnainalmýions of $5, $10, yoaur fîrst namne by those yau imeet, $20. $50. anci $100 is now being plac- rather than wth an iinpersonal cd in circulation. The issue is tle ulane. It is encoîîraging ta courit firSt since Sir Chai-les Gardon, for smethints inthec ornmonity en- G.B.E.. ber.-me Presient and llere- ýCirPi.seC5witolit being a millionaire.I fore the first uipon which lis par- lI, is stat)ili/Afl, ta live in a neigibor- trait and ,ignatiire appear. In ad- hood where i] tliçr homes are, o- cition ta the Presidents portrait, the iiii>ied lv thin oner.. Il is a social notes carry the portrait s of the a.. btt e able ta see vour friends Genera] Manragers, the S5 and $100 ea.mly and frequent]y. It is goacl ta itenaninatiafl5 laving Itic portrait af eý t:rlish Yoir chimdren wherc your W. A. Bag and the $10. $.20 and IS50 naine ineans somethin. it is sweet denomoinat ions that o!f Jackson ta b(e in yaur lame town whcn the Dodds. ExcepI as regards the par- irievitable sarrow enters your lufe, traits, there Is ltte departure fromý and wien vou readli the mountain- tle famîhliar design of tle notes ai- top a! lappiness. ready in circulation. PAGE FOUR b. :WGAS RATE ANNOUNCED- SHORE GAS COMPANY (Continued from page 1> ,h a development. The Uses of in mndustrial operations have in- ýsed materially in recent years. convenience and efficiency as CopraaobyH aqae o i t ting fuel are unquestioned and xeasingly appreciated. Subject o Lto its cost it excels any other tmg medium. 'Wlth a view to the fullest co- ~ 7I b ration with the industries in the " v h e t A s r m n n manvllle-Oshawa-W hitby dis- W c a r r y t e B s s o t e t a d u ct , w e h a v e e s t a b li s h e d i n d u s t r i a l-I m dcommiercial rates which, we be- , v, oma disty avral icts Ou Bigest Stock of Christmas Gifts in Town W rates are mntended ta meet the mirements of the industries in ýdistrict and will bear compari- îgs considered. We also have G f sS ia l o illable in the person of Mr. N. El- en, an industrial gas engineer LOis f ully conversant with and ilable at all times to advise inThW h lFaiy lustrial gas and fuel problems erally. FrtTm eeT e woe F m l 'We understand that this district reduced rates for rndustrial and From Baby to Grandad mmercial uses. We hope and are f ident that the rates we have es- Iished will contribute materiallyA the industrial development of this rlct and will at the samne time able us to, incrase our gas output econsumer depends very largely the volume of consumption. It our hope and expectation that th an increase in consumption for lustrial and commercial purposes, Smay be enabled, in due course, adjust Our domestic rates to meet )re favorably the recauirements of nc yu il bclefotue n y FOR BIGGER AND BOWMAN VILLE WALK A BLOCK back, BETTER BARGAINS AND PORT PERRY AND SAVE A LOT )bear lier burtlien, wlie'r I wlll, or no,1 must have patience ta endure the load. -Shakespeare. Are FOR ONLY 99 50 Complete witb tubes àmagi e Ial HighboyIr aauulcabinet f l OYenthmn,. S100.001 And-& genuine Plilico Blanced Superfieter- ocInde e tht.Seven tujbes W 1cne t*New Pentode Powe Tube - Tone Control - ed new Electro-Dynamic Speaker. HEAR IT bef or you buy amy rado. LOCAL AGENT W. J. CHALLIS Phone 290 for Demonstration -, 'g r r r r r r r r r i