PAy CASH AND BUY FOR LESS REEVE W. H. CABRUTRERS ASSOCIATED THEATRE habitsi PLEADS FOR THIS TOWN GENERAL MANAGER WAS ilopedz IN THE DIM and DISTANT PAST AT THE COUNTIES' COUNCIL SPEAKER AT ROTARY dff wh I by Car Final Session of Counties' Body <Continued f romn page 1) jans ar 50 YEARS AGO 25 YEAES AGO Hears Plea for Urban Centres Hit The Wall Street investors who Rota Fro Te Satsmn, ec 1, 181Frin The Statesman, Dec. 19, 1906 Hard By New EqualUzation - A have 215 millions of dollars tied Up vteo Pro Te taesmnDe. 6, 88 FomRevision of Rod AreementlSfl t ein i ndustry oday were begý in or Intending candidates for muniCi- Bowmaflville Publie Scilool eacil- ngVorry. Tiley were worryiilgiifr ilnos resttngtiei ils o ers are happy. Terslre ae Cbur' eaainfrm Vlbecu n teredeavours Vo make ed on pal been alse brehe Bard s foloWsUmte Coounti ses oratiumbi e 1fot n uofe bsineshey had Geo. « catc Vie poula breZe.R. D. Davidson, $800 Vo $900; Misa and Durham, a rl.ision f fthe Coun-pled ilthmaer o a chan sys on Saturday afternoon, as littie Moorcraf t $525 o $550; Mis Mc- ties Rod agreement, the approval em w te anagrs who didtrnge fis Freddie, son of W. E. Pethick, was Wain. $400 o $450; Miss Jennlngs, of îegisative scilool grnts, and a know therparns.wInhe ptrnaef.rE.m crossmng King Street he was mun over $375 to $425; Miss Fieldinlg, $325 Vo recommendation tilat the business pandenttherelaie thnVe ineanc. E by a passiug vehicle, but forVuflately $350: Mis Armlour, $325 Vo $350; and income assessmeiit mubnBWavle iemngrws0-cue was not seriouslY injured. Thle ieed- MissMcef,$0Vo32;?15 municipalities be deducted f rom Vthe en Vthe owner, ile lived and assoc- Ernie less driver did flot even stop bis Morris, $300 o $325; Miss Beilmaxi, recent equalized assessunent, were iated with bis cus omers and ile GasC hlorse Vo sec what Vile consequefices $325 Vo $350; T. Vanstoile, janitor, among the more important items knew Vieir likes and disllkes. The absenc o! Vile accident were. $400 Vo $400; Mrs. Tyler, $60 Vo $60; discussed at the December session o! Wall Street men f orgot Vilat Vilein the Newcastle: Tuesday evenung J. John Lyle, sec.-treaS. $75 Vo $100. Couuities Council ileld in Cobourg greateat incentive Vo attend a pic- Cutrshotel hada narrow escape Bowmanville was ilonored lat iast week. tr hwi oko h aae f romi burning. A fire waa discovered week wiVil a visît from a noted Enlg- Tile matter of Vile separatiori of and Vo have Vile knowledge that he ln one of the bedrooma Just inVisse lisil educatioflist inVthe person o!fVihe towfl of Cobourg was one of the la trying Vo select pictures Vilat you o save he entire building f rom de- Mr. George Pearse Diamfoild, M. A., f irst items on Vthe agenda, and War- will appreciate and enjoy. struction. The origin o!fVile f ire is of Plymiouth, Euiglanfd. den Geo. H. Hiooton stated that a mystery as no ligilV was lunVile Tile many f riends of Mr. and Mrs. wilile Vile bylaw liad passed and Co- It is impossible for a Board of room during Vile eveniflg previolis o T. E. B. Henry wiwm sympahiz witil1 bourg considered itself separated it Censors. ile continued, to know what. Vthe occurrence. ..The grand sweep- tiem in Vile deatil of Vieir daugilteri would only witildraw by Act of Par- Vile customera of a smafl country stakes pigeon shoot came off in a Lola wilo passed away on Sunday. liasent. DReeve Pratt o! Cobourg tileaVre want. IV la lndeed bard for most aatisfactory manuer. The f irst Good sieighing la ilelping trade. ponted t outh ie Council hat Co- any persoil Vo tel. One mlght Viink prize money was aken by Mr Lawlei' Mr. Jesse Hunt ilad one O! hi bourg joined the United Counties in tilat in a time of depressioli like tile o! Wilitby. and Vile second by a f ingers amputated wbile at work in 1895 by a bylaw and tilat it could present Vile public would ratiler see Bowmanvilite... Miss Lizzie Mc- Vile Orgax f actoy. separate in Vile samne manuel. The a pîcture f ull of suniles and comic Naugiltoil has been appointed as About 25_vyoung people of Vile ow1 Warden however refused o alk sep- situations than a less frivolous one teacher lunVile Junior departmfenV of ilad an enjoyable slelgilg party on aration and wheu a motion was put and yet Vile Most morbld pîctures are the Public Scilool and Miss Saundera Monday evening and were afer- asking for Vile appolutifient o! a today Vile blggeat attractions. Thle re-engaged as assistant at Vile Hlgil wards entertained at an oyster sup- commnittee Vo consider Cobourg's in- motion picture business was a gain- Scilool. per at Vile home of Mr. and Uns. F. debteduess Vo Vthe Counties thle War- ble. The producers migilt make a Shorts Cornera: 0. Lott bas sold A. Hiaddy. den declared tilat no agreeenft pic ure coting a million dollars hisresdene t Mis Jne airfor A big def 101V la certain when Vthe could be entered luVo as Vile own whicb was only wortil $25,000 when btshe sidenceVo0MissRJae r for financial statement o!fVile own la was fot legally separate<i. distrlbuted and yet agalu he migilt Vilesunor0fe$1000 foe ret Monlof preaented at Vile nomination meet- ev .H artso o- make a pîcture Vo cost $25.000 and saa ortndrsfr il eetiuiOing on December 31st. RieWt.Cruteso o-1 migilt be wortil a million. IV was a new dwelling bouse. Enniskilleti: Mrs. W. F. Liee en- mauville asked for a revision of Vile only Vthe law o! average Vilat kept A letter Vo Vile editor reads: Dear ertained Vile young married people County Rond Arement regarding Vile business lu a bealthy position. Sir-My friend, James H. McGill, on Fia Vilgan i hdate extensive program f h0fiaving handd m a opyof he tatsinn goFridayevenln..gC and ailads' aeconuecting lUnk sbetween Vile urban The speaker urged that more Brit- on Vile 2nd insV becauae my brotil- was weîl attended owing Vo Vile tilor-cets paved. Owigt h e s itrsb hw nti on er's name appeared lu its columxns ougil advertlalug lu Thle Statesman. fqaitonile stated. it was noV try and ile propilesled that witblu a as Vile purcilaser o!fVile stock o! Mr. Enfield: W. Healey bas a spralu-fartcryouthagemnasi r hrtia 3% ftoesow Ward's sale. A sight o! Tile States- ed ankle .. Epworth League ths at asaed. The Reeve poluted out lu Canada wifl be o! Britishl origlu. man Is like meeting an old friend. been organlzed and C. McCullough httetw a o tyn ogtH oe ta h iewudcm and altilougil I le! V Bowmanville 25 elected president and Misa L. Camp- out of paylflg anythiflg Viat was wben Vile country would noV have Vo years ago, stili many o!fVile naines bell, vice president. jusly due but Vile assesamnelt figures rely upon Vile U. S. producers Vo sup- that appear lu ts advertising col- Courice: C. P. R. surveyors ran were different and Vilese made a ply Vile motion picture needs of Can- uzuns are familiar o me and I neyerI a UneidrecVly hrougil our .1..t.... great diff erence lunVile amnount Viat ada. He wanted Vo see BriVishl pic- cease Vo be interested lunVile friends If you can't find a capable Mayor Bowmaflvllle would have Vo pay o- ures featuring Britishi deals and of earller days. I enclose herewithinl Bowmanville. Courtice can sup wards Vile Counies idoads. Bow- Canadiaul ideala f eatured in our one dollar. Please send me Tile pîy you witb one. manville's former assessunent was tileatres. Witb Vile great strides Statesmafi. Our frlend McGill, for- Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Gould were $1,169.432, while Vile assessunent f ig- made by Vthe Britishl producersin Vile merlu' o! Bowmanvllle, la one o!fVilepeaatyurrsdbVierr- ures made public by Judge O'Connfor past: Vwo years ile saw Vhil as a very leadig arhitets i Washngto plesanty suprise by heirrela lastyearwenear,59,o8.aThi jitynea Hesiiloped H also.alo ile lealn achieos u Wsihn tof ives and few fricnds on Saturday yerwre$.9.72 ated. Vo see a film colony started and is ighly esteemed among the night, iV belng Vieir China Weddlng in assesament imiosed an increase o business men. Elegant residences, or twentietil anniversaru' o! their $000i h mutBwavlei aaaI hc ilo olr market ilouses, scilool bouses and mamrage. is required Vo pay luta Vile Counies a year will be pald out lu salaries otiler fine buildings are o be found reasuly, and witb Vile ten years re- t stars, and for e<iupment froin on everu' baud, as wtnesses o! bis mainlug o!fVile road agreement Vile Canadiail people. sklll and enterprîse. He la a valu- Ini ah infantile complaints that own would be forced Vo pay $100.000 He plctured Vile real censor as Vile able citizen and a credit o Bowmarî- are Vile result o!fVile depredatlouis of more than iV was expectedVie person who pays bis coin into Vile ville froin whicil ie hailed. Very re- worms in Vile somach and intestines would pay wleu Vile agreementtwas box office and revlewed Vile Vieatre spectfully, John B. Sleman, 6Vil AU- Mller's Worm Powders wll be !ound made. Bowmauvllle's case will be as a public forum wilere Vile life and ditors Office, Washinlgtonl, D. C. an effective remedu'. They attack f ullu' considered regardlug tVil ________________ The first weddlug lu St. Pauls Vile cause o!fViese troubles. and by agreement as most o!fVile members Presbyteriali Ciurcil was celebrated expelling Vile worms f rom Vile organs were favorable o ligiltening Vthe load. on Monday wben Miss Amelia Chris- masure an orderly worklug o!fVile It IV la teresting Vo note Viat among ie was marrled o Mr. Henry' Kings- sYstem, witbout wblch Vile cbildI those opposed Vo remedial measures il. IV belng Vile f irst wedding, Vile cannot main ain its strengtil or were Vile memnbers froun DarllugVoIi bride was preaented wlVh a fami» thVirve. Tilese powders mean ilealtil1 and Cartwright. bible as a mementc>. and improvement. Th'ne Cuncil approved o!fVile legla- lative grants Vo scilools ounVile basis ,,~i~ o! whicil Vhe Counties grants are made. Thle agitation for reduced G LIO N teacilers' salaries, set lu motion by Vile Counitu Counicil o! Lanark le- cently, was taken Up at Vhil session by a committee appoluted Vo enquire into Vile subi ect. HAVE YOU TRI» THE TH""1E BEST (31FT Reeve W. C. Wood o! Soutil Mon- agilan is cilairman o!fVile commit- IMPROVE» SHELL GASOINE? MOS NEDEDpetition Vo Vile Minister o! Educa- We would have you Vo try a tank And ct Vlsaryqetoiso who is thexie of us who hasn't a friend or tion, thea members re!erred Vo Vile full o!fil plni aoline, as aneighbc'r who bas been out of work and certain extent lunVile banda o!fVile we f eel confident tbat you, like has't uchlai bywh wold appecitetrustees. Whle Vey continue o others wo have tred it, wil be hasnt muh lid b wh woud aprecatepay Vile salaries demanded by eacil- delighted witil Vhe iligh ranti- somie fuel ? ers Vile exlstlng level o! remuner- knock. qulck starting, and splen- GIV USFULGIFS T IS EARaion willi be maltaled and con- did mileage you will recelve froin It was felt that Vile Department ita amootil performance, and it Therefore w~e suggest as a Christmas Gift could help Vile trustees by some re- seilla t popular prilou. a ton or s0 of adjustrenft of grants on salaries unde $1,00.Let Un Drain and F111 Tour Crauk il-H GH V LLEYPayment o!fVile f ollowlug grants ' tIo rural and public sciloola lu Dur- uM k ANT RAC TEham Countu' for fi! Vi classes was AN H A IEconfirmed: No. 14 Darligtofl. Castrai - Quaker State - Mbli 75 Coa laiS~bJhSNo. 20 DarlingtouI, $92.20; No. 9 Veedol - Shel - ezi Let us know to whom you want it delivered, Mhanve$14031.8 o Sui oa or Pineroil 100% Penn. land we'll ~ut it right in their coal bin' with Owhlugto the burden having Vo be yourcomÉniets.borne by the urban centres under Vle y0 Conlp ~new equalization of assessmeut IV 3tLE 1 S was agreed Viat business snd lu- RM rr cosse ax should noV be lncluded for J. . H LG TE SO cUkte maurPote. yfrtùea hospftai- PHIONE HO0KING ST ÎEA j nun mw UPURS PHNE 53 ow ANV=ltY la practleed I tl prfcio y BOWMANVILLE DUILEES'SVPtIES UONS153the poor. If the rleh dld thir chars, how would the woes of this___________ alo1k- __ )e Uutenedl-mrs. Klkln 5o! Vile people are viewed. He also that VileIine was noV f ar _______________________________ ten Vile entertainulent lu Cal- ~ enaipo.Id' tm tileatres 9--E4b cntRd'd ow, ut, Or long Cost, or gent'. suit o anadiafla, exlibited, by C""'aFO vez nd for Canacliafis. Smail emt1 charge for piesMg Larian Tom I-olgO.Ve moved Vile f Vilanks VoVile speaker for bis mative address wilich was Pass- HR I ' w. James. $D E W R STrn itlng Rotarians at Vile Club DYE lor t-W OR Oshawa were Frank Johunson, 123Bot.W.AV=&mf MeTavisil. Mayor Ernie Marks THEWMARTU AGENT ' Oranger. Otiler guesta l-iTE MdR SoPMBu 1 A. E. Moodu' o! Ottawa andpoe 3 SDlxon o!fVile Ontario Shlore Pêe63OwmDs CompSily o! Oshlawa. lunVile é ace of Rosas trike, Mel. Dale led le coniuiunity sluging. À _______ "May 1 make a suggestion?. oe~ Christmas is to say it yourself - especiaily in the case of out-of-town f riends who appreciate * your voice more than any other form of greeting. BUT - if everybody waits until Christmas Day to maie these cails there are bound to be crowded limes andi delays. We telephone operators ail wish to avoid that sort cf thing. We want to put your Christmas calis through promptly and pleasantly. We therefore suggest dtha you place your calis as many days before Christmas as you can. A Christmas greeting is jpst as timely and appreciated before Christmas as on the day itself; it is spoiled only when it is late. So please be early duis year and let us show you how quick and courteous oui service can be. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAWVIILLE THURSDAY, DECEMER 17, 1931PAEM Chiristmas Sale of Coats and rse Great Reductions on ail Coats and Dresses in the Store THE AXE HAS FALLEN! Every Coat and Dress in the Entire Store Ordered Sold by Decemnber 3l1st to make Roomn for New Merchandise. Cost has been forgotten and We are off ering to the Public the Greatest Values Bowmanville has ever known. The Sale Prices are for Cash Only-- No Approvals We have just received a large shipment of ail wool top blankets in a light heather mix- ture. These Blankets were made by one of Çanada's Ieading manufacturers in the slack Speci l Bla ket S le seson and they represent the greatest values in years. These Blankets would be good $3. 29 value at $5.95 - Special at ................................................. Make This Your Gifts for Christmas Shopping((\, Young and Headquarters PHONE 164 BOWM.ANVILLE Old » ~" SHOPPING CENTRE i YOUR FAVORITE