THXE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVUILE. TTURRflAY flW('PMBP.17,1931qq BETHESDA Mn. and Mrs. Howard Couch en- tetamnec a number o! thein relatives on Saturday evenng in honor o! the fourfeentn anniversary o! their mar- riage. Affer ail bati partaken o! a veny tempting chieken dinnen anti other delîclous good things, a toast to the health o! tbe bride anti groom was proposeti by Mn. John Baker, al rismng anti singing "For tbey are jolly goot f elows." The balance of the evenmng was pleasantly spent in games, music anti social chat. SALEM Mn. Mark Blackburn, Newcastle, attentieti service bere on Suntiay. Pastor A. M. Wootton occupieti the pulpif on Sunday anti delivereti a fine sermon. Some from this district attenieti the banquet at Newcastle Commun- lty Hall last week. congratulations f0 our Pastor, Rev. A. m. Woofton anti Mrs. Woof- ton on the arival of a fine baby boy. Mn. Edward Darch wbo has been in Bowmanville Hospital for the past few weeks returneti home on Mon- day. R-is condition remains much the same. Mrs. W. J. Canfi anti Mrs. C. M. Carnuthers were weekend visitors witb f iends in Toronto anti attend- eti the York Bible Class service helti in the Maple Leaf Gardens on Sun- day affernoon.0 ENFIELDr Mrs. C. Branton, Oshawa, is visit- r ing at Mn. S. Page's.d Miss Evehyn Stinson bas acceptetf a position in Toront o.f Mn. anti Mrs. G. Leask anti famuly,b Taunton, have been visiting at Mn.s F. Gflbert's. f Christmas School Report r V.-Venna Cochrane 80. c Sr. IV-Keith Ormiston 78, Muriel t GIIroy 68, Ralpb Ormiston 47. I Jr. IV-Howard Ormiston 68, Han- f vey Henry 61. t Sr. III-Isabella McLeoti 77, Law- rence Byens 72, Betty Ritigers 71. Jr. III-Arnolti Byers 58. II-Elaine Ormiston 80, Bill 011- t roy 73, Qraytion Byers 67.S Sr. I-Murdo MeLeoti 78.m Jr. I-Femne Gilnoy 94, Grace C Stark 89, Walter Onniston 77. lf Pr.-Angus MeLeoti 82, Roberfa Byens 72. 9 Figures stand f or per cent. S Ella TamablMn, eacher. t MAPLE GROVE a White Gif t service wil be helti next Sunday afternoon. Miss Lulu Sergeant, Detroit, visit-B ed Mrs. Fred Stevens ast week. tI Miss Evelyn Goulti, Picton, necent-E ly vlsifed Mr. anti Mns. H. A. Farrow.m Miss Mavis Garton, Town, spentS Saturday with Miss Phyllis Trimble.S Miss Eniti Twist visiteti ber sister-S ln-law, Mrs. Fred Twist, Toronto, onA Suntiay.T Mrs. Ernest Rlncb, Newcastle, S spent a few days last week with Mns. le J. D. Stevens.m Miss Manjorie Stevens recentlyT spent a f ew tiays with ber sister, Mrs. Ray Snowtien, Toronto. Miss Nelile Snowtien visiteti af home for a whlle on Sunday, then her f olks moforeti back f0 Pet erboro. i. Mn. anti Mrs. Siti Morish andti daugbten Manie, Mrs. Wm. Taylor Tý andi daughter Doris, Dunbarton VE spent Suntiay wifb Mn. anti Mrs. l Roy Meteal... A f ul bouse greeteti the Busy in Workers Class on Fiday evening, va Dec. 1ifh, when tbey presenteti thein S play, "The Farmnerette" unden the P able leadership o! Miss B. E. Soucb, D who tieserves great praise for tbe ex- S cellent way in wich the girls f 00kW thein parts. The program was op- Hl eneti by Miss Eileen Hoekin singing PE a solo in ber usual pleasing manner; El Miss Ellen Gîmbleft gave a recîfa- v tion "When Pa Hangs the Piettîre M on the Wall"; anti 6 girls in costume si sang "In the Sweet Long Ago"' be- ni tween the acts; accompanisf. Miss SI B. E. Souch. Cast o! eharacters is m as folhows: Jane Wellington-Lavon- Ri ne Trimble; Jocelyn Wellngton (the w liff le bugologisf> -May Freeman; C Nan Wellington (the Farmerette)- M, Dorofhy Stevens; Eleanor Wehing- SI ton-Marion Snowden; Minette m Lawson (a marnieti sisfer'-Etelka i Trimble; Cracious Ann Bean (the SI coloreti 'pusson") -Eniti Twist; Mrs. Beckwitb (an un!riendly olti neigb- 1 bor--Corsina Samis. Rev. H. C. Wolfraim acteti as chairman in bis r usual peasing manner. Proceetis p $22.45.R The Mission Bandi helti ifs monfb-p lIy meeting on Friday afernoon, Dec. ii llth, in the sehool bouse. A goodTi program was iven. Miss Hanrtr A S#ooting Match wlll be helti on! premises o! J. Shackelton, ½ ile west of Ennlskillen, on Sturtiay, Dec. lth. Shot gun anti rifle range. Geese 'for prizes. ENN ISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. D. Burgmiaster have returnea. irom Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. N. Aldread, Toronto, visited tbeir sister, Mvrs. Wvm. Lamb. Mrs. Patton andi Mrs. Soper, 1'ýen- dal, spent Sunday with Mrs. Jas. Bradley. The Sunday School helti ifs an- nual election of ollicers on Monday andi ai onhcers were re-elected. Mr. and Mrs. H. Staînton, Betty and Bobbie, Hamptonl, spent SunclaY at the former's sîster, Mrs. H. Stev- ens. Miss May 'Lamb, R. N., Bowmafl- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith, Osh- awa, spent Sunday at Mr. T. M. Sie- mon'S. Mr. Russell Gilbert helti a party for bis Sunday school class at bus borne on Monclay evening. Ail had a jollyUtie. Mr. and Mrs. E. Boyd, Toront o, Mrs E. Stevens, Hampton, Mr. Frank McGiUl, Toronto, visited Mr. andi Mrs. Levi Brufit. Mrs. Tbos. Williams and son How- ard, Nestleton. Mr. wm. Clark and son Arthur, Sonya, Miss Laverne Orchard, Bowmanville, visited Mrs. George Reid. The Ladies' Aid belti a very suc- cessful bazaar on Thursday, Dec. 1Oth. in the basemfefit of the churCh. The cafeteria supper was well pat- ronized andi after supper the articles in the different bootb5 were sold. HaydOfl Orchestra anti Misses Elva anti Velîna Orchard supplieti an abundance of good music. A social time was spent. Our village was tbrown into sati- ness on Saturday evening, Dec . l2th, when Mr. J. H. Freeborn, a very much respecteti citizen, passeti sud- denly away at bis home f rom bearf f allure. Mr. Freeborn bad flot been feeling the best ail tbe afternoofl, but sat Up f0 the table andi ate bis supper andi readth te paper, andi fot feeling very well tbougbt be would retire, andi just got f0 bis bedside and succumbeti. Dr. Ferguson was called but lif e was extinct. He leaves f0 mourfi bis loss bis wif e, and a host of friends and neigbbors. Tbe funeral was beld on Tuesday f romn the churcb, interment being matie in Blackstock Cemnetery. Monthly meeting of tbe W. M. S. was beld on Thursday, Dec. 3rd, in the basemefit of the cburch, Mrs. Sidney Trewin in charge. Prayer ivas led by Mrs. Wmi. Stainton; Rol caîl was answered with suggestions o®r tbe coming year; "The Olti Rug- ged Cross" was sung by Mrs. R. Or- miston; a reading, "Lettie's Xmas Service" was given by Mrs. L.s- ton. The treasurer, Mrs. R.Orns ton, reporteti sixteen members and seven 111e members; average attend- ance 20. New officers elected are: President-Mrs. R. Gilbert; lst Vice -Mrs. J. A. Werry; Cor. Sec.-Mrs. W. J. Stainton; Rec. Sec.-Mrs. W. H. Moore; Treasurer-Mrs. R. Or- niston; Missionary Montbly-Mrs. E. C. Ashton; Organists-Mrs. H. MleGill and Mrs. L. Lamb; Supt. Sys- :ematic Giving-Miss E. Soucb; Supt. Supply-Mrs. Wm. Oke; Strangers' Supt.-Mrs. H. J. Werry; Supt. Temperance-Mrs. S. Trewin;1 Associate Helpers-Mrs. J. Pye, Mrs.1 T'. MeGll; Birtbtiay Missionary Box Secretary-Mrs. L. Lamb. Group1 eaders were Mrs. L. Ashton, Mrs. H.i MeGill, Mrs. E. Ormiston, Mrs. S. Trewin. TYRONE The sympatby of the community s extended to Mr. Walter Park in the death of bis mother, Mrs. Maria TPark, wbo passed away on No- vember 26th at Sunderland, Eng- land. Tbe regular meeting of tbe W. M. S.was helti on Tbursday, Dec. 3rd, in the S. S. room. Reports f rom the various offcers were gîven. Mrs. H. Sknner's group gave the f ollowimg program: Vocal solo, Mrs. James Ductley; the f irst two chapters of the Study Book were taken by Mrs. A. V. Clemens; vocal solo, Mrs. S.T. Hoar. Meeting closed witb tbe Miz- pab Benedction. New oflicers are: President-Mrs. A. W. Clemens, 1lsf Vice-Mrs. J. C. Dudlley; 2nd Vice- ilrs. L. J. Goodman; Rec. Sec.-Mrs. Sid. T. Hoar; Treas.-Mrs. A. W. An- nis; Cor. Sec.-Mrs. F. A. Werry; Supt. of Christ ian Sfewardship- /Irs. H. Huis; Strangers See.-Mrs. Robf. Hodgson; Supply Sec.-Mrs. W. Stewart; Ass. Helpers Sec.-Mrs. C.Bigelow; Mission Band Supt.- Mrs. R. Hafberly; Ass. Mission Band SuPt.-Mrs. Theodore Down; Miss. M'onthly Sec.-Mrs. R. Hatherly; Literature Sec-Mrs. H. Brent; Press Se.-Mrs. L. Hooper. 1 Church service next Sunday atj 10.30 a. m. League Program Thursday even-j ng was in charge of Missionary Vice Presitient, Miss Alice Tbompson. Rfeading was given by Mr. Dave Park; Topie prepared by Mrs. Robf. Elodgson and read by Miss Helen I'rimim, 'Opening a Gate on the GRINDING WANTED We have equlpped a truck to grinti af Your barn all klnds of grain; ca- Paclty 1 ton per hour. Fine or coarse work done at 7c per bag. Phone 350r5 or l96r22. 51-2 i i i i i i i i i 'j 'j 'j j 'j M J I j I 'j HAMPTON belplng the girls anti contributed so . SOLINA The nnul Cbistas Tee ntiLittle bas been gooti enougb to sac- The nnul Cristas reeandrifice many evenings f0 go and umi-. Miss Lena Taylor, R. N., is nurs- Concert will be belti in ftbe basement pire for the girls wbenever they ask- ing in Brockville. of the ehureb on Wednesday nigbf, ed and also presented the team witb Messrs. Walter anti George Short, Dec. 23rti, at 8 p. m. (insteati of Dec. a complete set of bases as a prize to Courtice, visited af Mr. S. E. Werry's. 22nd as announced hast week. A fhe winning team in the fournament Miss Ruby Dewell, Toront o, spent splendid program is being given by that was belti at Salem at the close the weekend with bier brothers here. the chîltiren consisfing of choruses, of the season. All these fbings were Mran Mr.NmnBusnt recitations, drills, Christmas carols, acknowîeciged in the atidresses pre- Mr. Wandter TboNt onerusvis- anti a short play enfifleti "Dinner for senfeti on Wetinesday evening. Mr.ite.iWaterMr. W.YeCores is One." Admission: Adults 25c; chul- anti Mrs. Horn kindly openeti their Mr. ati Mrs. John Bakower ant drn fe .home to the gatbering anti an en - f ml iie t M . lcw r Hampton W. C. T. U. helti Ifs .oyable evening was spent iin cartis. famîl sî teti a Mr da monthly meeting at the borne of games anti stunts, af fer wbîch lunch Cuns ehsio audy Mrs. Hilton Pefers, wifb the presi- was serveti. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry visiteti dent, Miss L. Reeve, presiding. Mrs. W. W. Horn's store is preparedti Kedron ho iss ll withpeumonia. T. Salter hati charge of the devofion- fill your wants for practical giftfs. : leromny f rieis ber wish bner a' al perioti. Miss Reeve gave the de- Axnong many otber fhings we men-> votional leaflefs anti offereti prayer. tion these: Ladies' hantikerchiefs speedy recovery. Mrs. C. J. Kerslake reported a bal- loose ant i n boxes, 5e up; ladies' Mr. anti Mrs. John Kivelsen ance f $2064 in the treasury. Mrs. sii.k bosiery, 29c f0 $.25; china antiJounda ifteterboîo fribentis Mi. Jas. Curtis hati charge f the pro- glassware lUne, bon bon tisbes, cak Joh. ndWalrs. wbo bas ere to i gram. Mrs. Curtis anti Mrs. S. Wil- plates, saît anti peppers, sugar antihmean t r iveirtretif0bi lams gave the topies f rom the De- cream sets, cups anti saucers, fruitibore nd etrbor wiC ha.eMr. cember Clip Sheets. Mrs. W. W. dishes anti nappies, prices varying Mrs. Chl aso, BMackey, Mr. Horn gave a reading. Mrs. C. J. from 5c to $1.00; in the men's de- lanti Mns Wallace Scotf, En! id, Mr. Kerslake favoreti with a piano solo. partment-work sox, 18c f0 60c;at r hs eft r niMs Readings were also given by Mrs. A. faney sox, 25e, 49c 75e; a very spec- Harvey Pasoe anti Loraine, Ketiron, Peters anti Mrs. (Rev.> Bick. A ial worsfed sox, 3 Pr. $1.00; men's visiteti af Mr. J. T. Runiles. goodly number were present. anti boys' ties, 25e up; in general Thene was a gooti attendance af Mrs. Chas. Wood, Miss Frankie groceries a gooti variefy wich are the regular Division meeting lasf Wood anti Mr. Roy Barrgbal, Orono, much lowen in price than usual; Thursday evening. Plans were matie spenf the xeekend wifb Mr. . Johns fresb stock o! Christmas mixeti nuts, for a box social f0 be helti early in anti othen relatives here. at 19c lb; mixeti eandy, 2 lbs. 25e andtihfe new year. The newly electeti The play "Miss Ativenture" put on Up; sxecial naval oranges, 30c tioz. offieers for the coming termi are: here by the young people o! Bow- 51-2 W. P.-Ruth McKessock; W. A.- manville on Friday evening asa At Sunday Sebool last Sunday the Fanny Smale; R. S-Bill Nicol; A. decideti sueeess. The playerswoni eîghf seholars wbo wrote on the R. S.-fleen Balson; Con.-Ralph great credif f0 themselves for tbeir TeprneEuato1xmnto Wilbur; A. C-Helen Baker; Treas. splendid acting. The play was f ull were awardeti certificates from the1 -Mr. B. G. Stevens; F. S.-Leonard of wit anti bumor anti very cîeverîy Unifedi Chureh Board o! Religious Bart on; Cbap.-Alan MeKessoek; given. Mr. Albert Runtile, president Education, anti from the W.C.T.U. I. S.-Evelyn Tink; O. S.-Dennis o! the Young Mens Class, untier Books were also presenteti from our Piekard; P. W. P.-Mr. A. L. Pascoe; wbose auspices if was given, express-j local W.C.T.U. f0 tbree o! the in- D. G. W. P.-Mr. John Baker; Pian- ed o b eh lf f th cl ss a p re ia term ed iate -sen io r g rad e w h o receiv - i t - C a Y e l w e s tint h lyesfrtersplendid e ihs akadoejno League meeting Monday evening entertainment. w ho neceived honor marks. Four was well attendeti anti was in charge Mn. anti Mrs. L. Trull recentîy vis- apers v1re sent on f0 compete for o! the 2nti vice president, Mns. Alan iteti with Mrs. F. Johns, Tyrone oinca anti National W. C. T.U. McKessoek. Bible lesson was reati Mr. A. D. Langmaiti hati a suc-I prizes. Foilowing are names o! those by Mrs. Isaac Hardy, anti Mrs. John cessful sale o! householti gootis on who took the examination: Inter- Baker took the tievotional, after Saturtiay ast on the properfy for- mElior Ses (H),ac Nititer3 (H), whieh several members gave short merly owneti by the late Chas. Ston- Norma Cowlng RD,) Ea Jobns ( raes Pao dut esae bouse. Mr. Langmaid bas purchaseti (H), Aima Runtile (H)Veranier-k John Baker anti Isaac Hardy; the this p ace an li(Ra d;hiJunior-n topic on Korea was divitiet into two thi pac ati e nt bs wf atiBetty Knox (H), Dora Cowling parts anti was taken by Mrs. Alan daughter will make their home bere. Betty Knox (H), Dora Cowling McKessock anti Miss Jessie Yelow- We welcome them to our village. (Pass). lees; vocal duet, Misses Jessie anti The Choir are prepaing music Norma Yellowlees. A short contest for the Christmas service which will ET E O athneoedafrwihme- be heldon Sunay eveing eet n loseti with a hymn anti the ben- Miss Muriel Moore, Enniskiilen, Cburcb was well attentiet Suntiay etiietion. spent the weekenti witb Miss Grace evening, Rev. V. A. Wahker glving an About slxfy young people o! the Hastings. excellent sermon. community gathereti at the home o! Mrs. Cynil Jebson, London, is vis- Chiltiren are very busy practising Mr. anti Mrs. Bruce Mont gomery iting Mrs. J. Jebson. for the Christmas tree Fritiay nmgbt. hast Friday evening f0 extenti con- Mrs. W. Chapman is in Tyrone Tbe baie packeti at Mrs. Robert gratulations on their recent mar- waiting on sick frientis. Dickies on Wetinesday was valueti at niage. Mr. Sam Dewell caileti the Severai fromn our village went f0 $53-00. company te> order anti caileti on Mr. Toronto on Suntiay f0 hear Mn. Den- Mr. anti Mrs. Ceci Wilson calleti Haroldi Pascoe wbo reati a nicely ton Massey, but owing f0 the huge on frientis in Bowmanville last week. wordeti atitress. At the proper tirne crowti only a very few were f ortun- Mr. Roy Hooey matie a flylng trip Messrs. Bruce Tink anti Ralpb Wil- af e in getfing in. Mr. anti Mrs. G. te> Toronto. He tblnks o! accepting bur presenteti Mr. anti Mrs. Mont- Barron kintily inviteti the members a position as trafme cop in the near gomery with a wa]nut occasional o! the Atiult Bible Class wbo titi not future. chair anti a fernery. The groom re- go f0 Toronfto, as well as the Young Mr. anti Mrs. Herman Sameils anti spondedt tanking ail for the beau- Ladies' anti Young Men's Classes, f0 Miss Gwen Wilson visifeti af the tif ul gifts. Short speeches were hear the service on the radio which home o! Mr. anti Mrs. John Hooey. matie anti the remaintier o! the ev- was veny satisfacfory, indeeti Mr. anti Mns. Thomas Williams ening was spent in cartis anti tanc- Mr. Harry Cowling is spendlng a anti Mr. Howardi anti Miss Eva, took ing affer which lunch was serveti. week af bis home here. in the banquet af Newcastle anti re- About font y-f ive ladies affentiet A veny pleasant evening was spent pont a splendid time anti a big the meeting o! the Women's Insti- af the home o! Mr. anti Mrs. Edigar crowti. tute in the Suntiay school room lasf Horn on Wetinesday, Dec. 9th, wben Mn. John Hooey anti Burney anti Tburstiay affernoon. In the absence the members o!fthe Hampton girls' Roy, anti Mn. James Wilson recenthy o!fthe presitient, Mns. J. W. Me- softbalfeam pleasanfly surpriseti visiteti frientis af Yelverton anti Master presiet. If was decidedti f their manager, Mn. Etigar Horn, anti Lindsay. senti $5 each to, the Muskoka Hos- umpire, Mr. S. Little, Bowmanville, Mn. Wlntile Ginn visiteti frientis at pital for Consumptives anti the Navy on presenfing the former witb an Nesthefon recently. League. Letters o!f hanks for fruit electnic dlock anti the latter witb a --anti flowers wene reati. Roll eaUl, bridge set, as a slight token of ap- Thlnk o! lf-Presh Pork Loins, "Christmas Thoughts" was wel ne- preciaf ion for their klntiness f0, the Pork Ribs or Fresh Bacon, by the spontieti to. Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees teamn durlng the basebaîl season. piece, only 10e lb. at C. M. Cawker gave a splentiit report o! the W. I. Mr. Rorn bas spent mueh time in & Son's. Phone 64. Convention in Toronto. Vocal solos C( GIVE SHOES FOR CHRISTM, Our pnices are se> 10w thaf gi' small cost. Make oun store yci mas buying o! Slippers, Overshoe Travelling Goots. MILK DROPS 1 ~TO' 8QUART We are now selling nilk at 8c qt. or 4c pt. 13 Quart Tickets for $1.00 Our pure bied herd is T. B. Tested and our stables governmeflt inspected. We give reliable and early deliveî'y. __________ MALPE GROVE DAIRY W. H. and J. BROWN, R. R. 3, Bowmnanville Proprietors. Week-end- Specials ,i AT THE BOWMANVILLE BAKERY MuffinIs and Crumpets ............. 2 doz. 25c Almnlond Icing, macle from the pure ground Salmonds, no artificial flavoring........ 40c lb. SC hristmas Cake, 2 qualities...... 30c and 40c lb. Christmas Candies ............. 15c IL and up BOWMANVILLE BAKERY C. W. JACORS. Proprietor BOWMANVILLE Try Mrs. Young FOR MARCELLING SHAMPOOING FACIAL TREATMENT SCALP TREATMENT Hair Dressing Parlor rear of CowrÀn' s Barber Shop. For r ppointment phone 742. wene given by Mrs. Jas. Smale anti Miss Aninie MeMaster, anti a reati- ing by Mrs. Harvey Hardy, a! ten whicb a contest was enjoyeti anti lunch serveti by the members of gnoup 2. BURKETON Christmas Concert wl! be helti in the chuncb on Tuesday, Dec. 22nti, Wartien G. H-. Hooton was pre- senteti with a silver service by the members o! the Counties' Council of Durham anti Northumberlandi at a. complimentary tunner at Cobourg. Among the guests were Mn. F. W. Bowen, M. P., anti Mayor Eiliott o! Bowmanville. Reeve Geo. T. Han- cock, Port Hope, was toasfmasten. IVES' SHOE SALE DNTNUS TLLBoots & OxFords1 ONTIUES ILLMens Fine Black or Brown Cal Oxfords anti Boots; youn eholceg o! sizes anti styles; ahl high grade IRISTMAS EVE sos 2.98~398 4.98 Boys' Back Boots or Oxfords, matie te> gîve the greatest wear for the least money,'1 8 2.8 .9 [AS-Practical anti inexpensive. Youth, il f0 13 1,--5lzC5 1 9 s$.4 vlng is a pleasune expresseti at per pain 19t,24 :)urheaquater foryouChrst-At these pnices every pair is a genuine bargaîn. Buy anti save. iur eatquater foryouChrst-Men's 2-buckle Overshoes. Stippers are Always Accep' Men's Fine Brown Kit Leathen 15 Romeo Slippers t Men's Fine Brown or Black Kiti low eut $12 Everett style Sippers $ .9f Men's Felt Slippers, variety of colors, per pain s Boys' 10w eut leather boudoir style. per pain Women's black, blue, anti net Satin Slippers, covereti beels, the season's newest. per pair Women's black, blue antiet Kit Slippers, covereti beels, srnant inteeti, per pair Women's Felt Cosys,85 variefy o! colons, per pair85 Women's rubber heeleti Boutoirs, per pain 55C W C Women's f un fimmeti Juliets, al clrs prpar$1.25 The grea ail olos, en airBowman'y Misses' anti Chiltnen's one-strap anti cosy style Feit Slippers, the talk wltb pattietisoles, per pain 59C tO85C 11.98 G ive Footwear For GiFts S aie Prices on every Article in the Store -IN- - ' ~wu 7uw ww-73-L -.- 5 -%- -r- at table to$3.25 to $2.45 98c 90C $2.25 $1.50 Uvershoes prCarete $2.15 tJersey, Per pair .....$2.29 Men's 1-buekle Ovenshoes, Cashmerette, per pair$16 Jersey, per pair$1 9 -~ BOYS' 2-buckle Overshoes$18 - Women's Overshoes, ail kintsl o! them, ~ 98c $1,29 $1.49 Women's Black or Brown Jersey cloth, 2 tiore, per pain 21 Women's Black or Brown Wool lineti Rubber Overshoes, per pair .$ 1.60 Women's fur trimmer Cannage e Boots, per pair ý33 Misses' anti Children's, 3-buckle style, per pair $1 .49 ,te>$1 .69 Misses' anti Children's wool lined ~$ Rubber Overshoes, per pain $1 .39 te$ .4 :men 8's Shoes itest value even offereti in iville-Our Womnen's Shoes o! the town, 12.45 12.98 13.95 new Uines $6antà $ Misses' anti Chilltren's, 79c $1.29 $1.49 $1.98 $2.98 I PAGE SMX -~ 2""ý mombanglib-' )es, Footwear for the Famlly, anci 1