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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1931, p. 7

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,r.. amry Aw wr','um £%Y - itwASTUYTr w'TRflDRTAY, DECEMBER 17, 1931 THE.ANDI e.uaSL2LJEÂ m..AN . suwm LOCAL and OTHERWISE Mr. H. M. Wolf rain recently visit- eti frientis in Bobcaygeon. Miss Miltired M. Lawrie, Toronto, spent the weekend at home. Miss A. E. Bondt, Winnipeg, is vis- iting ber uncle, Mr. M. A. James. Miss Margaret Walsh, Orono, \ent a recent weekenti with Miss T. Mr. and Mrs. Wreford F. Such, Ottawa, spent the weekend withbs mother. Mrs. F. M. Souch, and other relatives here. No word bas yet been recevda te the date the ten men selecteti to go te the Trans Canada Highway will leave. *Think of it--Fresh Pork Loins, Pork Ribs or Fî-esh Bacon, by the piece, only_10e lb. at C. M. Cawker Store OF Evei TuillChi We ilt below just a few o! th who have stWl their Chi Choker Necklaces. assortet ic styles, boxeti... .. Mahogasy Servlng Trays, ni: finish, glass bottoins, faney Clearance Sale of Brasswar, o! useful anti decorafivo arti rasgingi pico f rom Electnie Ktchen Clocks, plate wll be surs of an appreciatil ut a surprise price, oach. M ! - Den Every ýning ristmas he many useful gif ts for those ristmas shopping to do: colors anti iahogany ,hantiles 25c $1.25 u 'e-Solid brass in a variety tides, 25c t. $1.95 ef aces, a gif t that l ýv receptios $5.9 $1.95 Artlsticaily decorateti Cups andi Saucers; anyone would appreciate one of these sets for59 PR. Moore, Jewellerj Mr. Herman Wilson and bride, anti Mrs. B. M. Warnica was called to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Olte, St. Thom- Kingston on Monday owing to the as, were recent guests of their aunt, death of her cousin, Dr. Harry Day, Mrs. Siti. Morris. who tieti suddenly on ,Sunday night Think of it-Fresh Pork Loins, of heart faîlure. Pont ltibs or Fresh Bacon, by tbe Hope township council, at itsS picce, only 10e lb. at C. M. Cawker meeting early this month, went on & Sons. Phone 64. record as favoring a cut in salaries Rural Mail Carriers are to bave a for this year. Consequently their holiday on Christmas Day. People pay checks were eut to the extent of in the country receiving mail on 10%. these routes will please make a note Tbe meeting of Durham Ratepay- 2 of this. ers and Trustees advertised te be B The many friends of Mrs. J. w. held in Newcastle on Wednesday, Alexander wifl regret te learn that Dec. lSth, was ),ostponed owmng to 6, she is seriously il in Bowmanville the fatal accitieit causing the death Hospital anti little hope is helci out of Rev. W. M. Morris wbo was te 7 for ber recovery. bave been the sp)eaker. In reporting those who attended Mrs. Herbert Phillips won the 15 the Shriners' Bail at Royal York lb. 3-tien cake which was f irst prize Hotel last week we regret baving in- in the draw made by Mayor Elliott advetently omitted the naines of at the Legion Auxliary Euchre on ti Mr. anti Mrs. J. Ross Stutt. Monday night. Othen prize winners Mr. J. Lewis Pansons anti Mr. Ced- wene: 5 lb. cake-Miss Helen Huteli- rie Parsons, Dalington, anti Mrs. W. inson; lucky chair-Mrs. J. Humph- R. ole Toono, ttede th God-ries; Euchre-lst prize, Mrs. E. R. Coe, Tonto, ebate Snde h d- Roaeh; 2nd, Mrs. T. Hall; gentle-« e Wettinoceleratioî onsunays mens lst prize, Mr. H. Clougli; 2nd, Dices, of M nr . at r.JmsJ, Ireland. Mrs. J. Davies anti Mrs. Riche, Camray.H. Coi1noi-s drew for the consolation At a ouchre helti at the home of prize for ladies. while the gentle- Mr. anti Mrs! Owen Fagan on Fni- men's consolation was awarcieclto day night, geese for Christmas were Robt. Hayes.c won by Mrs. J. Gibson antiJd Sot.____ Scotty Wright anti Ceeu MttnTilY .a FFCR were awarded second bonons. ______.W.OFICR Mr. R. G. Oke, one of the pioneers December meeting of Trinity Y. W. iof Whitby, celebrateti bis 86th birth- Auxliary was helti in the ladies' i day on Dec. l4th, when a large num- class room on Tuesday, with theS ber of frientis calledtet extend con- president, Mns. E. A. Werry, presiti-1 -~gratulations. Mr. Oke is an uncle ing. The worshjp perioti was taken 8 of Mrs. J. E. AJlin, Bowmanville. by six members of the C. G. I. T. ' Mr. anti Mrs. R. I. Cox anti fami- The topie, Christmnas, was taken by r ily, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J~. D. Miss Haida Brown, presiding, anti Fluker anti Joan, Brockville, Mr. anti Misses Jean Purdy, Marlon Siemon, Mrs. W. Atidinaîl, St. Thomas, were Dorotby Etiger, Margaret Armstrong weekend visitors with their parents, and Elsie AllUn. The service of the c Mr. anti Mrs. Chas. Cox. Their girls was greatly appreciateti by thei many frientis will be sorry to learn mnembers, whose thanks was voicedti Mrs. Cox hati a slight stroke on Fri- by tbe president. Mrs. D. J. Cham- day anti is qute in bers sang sweetly "It's only a little Election of officers of the Women's way home" accompanieti by Mrs. R Association of St. Paul's Church was seneisheMrs. L. W. Dippeil pre- hel onTueday De. 8h, henthesened hereport of the nommnatingj hellti o Tuesy, D e twen theconmmttee which on motion was( f932lowi otcers.wereSelece oradopteti as follows: 1932.Pst ide-Mrs. . S. cGreg- President-Mrs. E. A. Werry; lst or; lMst A.iG.eAds; T. Pery n Vice Pres.-Mrs. c. sYmons; 2nd ViMrs. . G.dins; Srecsreax- Vice PreS.-Mrs. W. A. Etiger; Rec. Mrs. J.S. M Swlinel s Tresrr Sec'y.-Mrs. I. R. Bragg; Asst.-Mrs. Mrs. S. . MAserAs. Treas.- R. J. Dilling; Cor. Sec'y.-Mlss F. Mi's.J. T.F00.Werry; Treas.-Mrs. C. H. Mason; It is undenstooti that in addition Stowarsbip Sec.-Miss Lta Jackson; te the touchers o! both the bigh anti Asst.-Mrs. S. E. Ferguson; Strang- public schools contributmng a very ers' Sec.-Mrs. I. G. Hefkey; Mis- hantisomne sum, towards relief work, sionary Monthly Sec.-Miss Annie town ofciais have also offereti a Allin; Asst.-Mrs. W. J. Founti; Lit- part of their salaries to be used in erature Sec.-Miss V. Spargo; Sup- this saine connection. Tis effort ply Sec.-Mrs. E. Cox; Press Sec.- on their part is more than apprec- Miss E. E. Hayeraf t; Temperance latoti by those whom their contri- Sec.-Miss Lena Haddy; Assoclate bution wlil aid. Helpers Sec.-Mrs. W. R. Stniko; One of thé most successful sales Mite Box Sec.-mrs. W. H. Birks; of work helti in recent years was Piaiist-Mrs. N. Garbutt; Asst.- stagoti by the Home League of the Mrs. H. M. Foster; Baby Bandi Supt. Salvation Arxny at the Hall on Fni- -Mrs. T. B. Gilehrist.. day when a considerable suin was ro- ali.zed. The sale was formally op- A WELCOME CHRISTMAS GIIFT j ,eneti by Mrs. Brigadier Ritchie, Di- visonal secretary of the beague. It A Christmnas Gi! t whlch woulti af- ws47 years f rom the day follow- f ord pleasure out o! ail proportion ing the sale that the Salvation Army to its smll cost would be a sub- Corp was foundet ini Bowmanville. seription to tbe Public Llbrary. Cards suitablo for presentation may Mr. R. H. Collacott, Mrs. Athu' be obtaineti from Mrs, Argue, the Bellinan anti Mrs. W. R. Williams, Librarian, for $1.00 each. Such a Bowmnanville, Mr. anti Mrs. Lovi card entitles the recipiont te mem- Skinner, Mr. anti Mrs. Harolt in- bersbip for a year anti gives access ner anti Mrs. Norman Wootiley, ']yl- to a gooti reference library, te a wlde rone. Mr. anti Mrs. Sherwood J. Col- range o! the better grade Engllsh, lacott, Oshawa, attendeti the funeral American anti Canatilan newspapers of the lato Henryt Osborne on Tues- anti magazines, andtef a collection o! day who passeti away at his home books In which a reader of any age ut Munilla. in bis 89th year. Mr. wîîî finti somnetbing ta gratify bis Osborne was a brother-in-law o! Mn. part icular interest-Bîography, Re- R. H. Collacott anti Mrs. Ievi Skin- ligon, Potry, Hlstory, Natural or ner. Mental Science, or Fiction. Partie- Mrs. J. Swintiells was electeti pres-~ ulur care Is exerciset i n the ehoice ident o! tbe Daughters anti Maitis of o! children's books. Such a gif t Englanti when the annual election would be a certain source of a wbole of offcers was helti in tbe S. 0. E. year's enjoyment. Hall on Friday. Other officens are: Past Presiten-Mrs. W. Woolley; A'BET HS PI S Vice Presitent-Mrs. J. Lighterness, CN ETTEEPIE Jr.; Sec'y.-Mrs. T. Bennett; Treas. Seil o r.adSt tCwe' -Miss I. Mitchell; ChaP.-Mrs. T. Seil o r.adSt tCwe' Goulti; lst Guide-Mrs. J. Kinsman; 2nti Guide-Miss L. Pritcbard; 3rti Her's some real money-saving Gulde-Mrs. J. Poulton; 4th Guide- specials that wlll eut your meat bill Mrs. T. Bonnet Sr.; I. G.-Mrs. G. a way down: Pritchard; O. G.-Mrs. L. Parker; Fresh Pork Loins, by plece, 'Trustees-Mrs. A. Lobb. Mrs. B. not trimieti . lO..... 0elb. Bennett; Auditors-Mrs. J. .Ciiîcs, Ponk Ribs. not trlxnmeti loc lb. Mrs. J. Goulti. Twenty-flve mem- Fresh Bacon. by piece 10e lb. bers wene present andt eu was ser- Home Rendereti Lard 2 lbs, 25e veti following the election. Installa- C. M. Cawker & Sons tien tukes place in Januany. Phone 64 Bowmanville CUTTING EXPENDITURES TO THE BONE COUNCIL COMPLETES YEAR (Contlnued froin page 1) non in which some o! the stare keopers freateti the applicants for relief orders. Tbey asked tliat they be paiti cash insteati o! tickets. Mayor Elliotf statet i n answer to the petition that the systein untier wbleh relief was being given was known as the direct relief systein. anti untier tis systemn the Provinc- ial anti Dominion Governmenfs diti not permit the paymenf of cash. He thought that many of the men were getting mixoti Up in the unemployeti relief. If the committee paiti cash the governmnents would refuse ta put their share into the relief o! the town. The mayor pointeti out thut while prograin o! work hati been ap- proveti untier the unemployment re- lief plan ta the extent of $15,000 this work was not going on because o! tbe fallure f0 come f0 an agreement with the Canadian Canners Ltd. Ho stateti that owing to tbe amount of water useti by this factory in the summer tume there was a shortage in the town anti the linking up o! another spnlng to adti t the supply avallable was consideroti only if the Cannons woulti consider paying a part o! this as if affecteti thein dur- ectly. This the company diti not see f it to do anti eonsequently the work was not going aheati. If this wonk hati gone aboati the Mayor as- sureti the mon that they woulti have beon pait ini cash untien the unoin- ployment relief plan anti sot untier the direct relief plan. Councillon Stnuke stateti that ho with everyone in town sympathiseti with the unfortunato circunistances o! the mon anti thaf the relief coin- mittee was worklng ouf plans so, as to enable the mon f0 keep out o! debt a littlo as far as ront anti liglits were concerneti. Ho thought it wise ulso tbat the relief ondors continue to bo le!ft with local merehants in prof orence ta the chain stores. Councillor Lockhart assuroti the mon that everything possible for their wolfaro was being dono anti that ho hati socuroti reduetions in milk anti breati anti hopedti f0get reductions also in fuel so that the money hanti- oti out in tho way of relief slips woulti go that mucb funthon. A lottor was reati froin the Cas- adian Cannons rogarding the wator shortago anti as thoy hati apparent- ly got the figures thoy useti incor- rect thoir letton was roferredti f the engineers, James, Proctor & Redi- feî'n of Toronto for answer. Public Sebool Boardi was grastod the use of the Opera Houso frnee for the public school concert as part o! the proceetis was being spont for re- lief work. Notice was neceivet f nom the Counties Clerk of tbe admission inte the Muskoka Hospital o! John Lewis 36. As an aid f0 those who are ini dl!- f lcult clncuinstancos the penalty for the son-payment of taxes on De- oember 15f h. wus oxemptoti for the remalning few days o! this council's terni of office. The final cousicil meeting closecl in a happy mooti with the knowledge o! balances on handti o boîster up any downhearted feeling that mlghl bave existoti. In addition Mayor El- llott handeti arousti cigars andtihfe air was soon filled with that arome that appearedti f be pleaslng ta ev- ery momber of the counicil but the Chairmas o! the Relief Commlttee. HAND-PAINTED CHRISTMAS GIFTS 1 wiU holti a sale o! Hand-Painted China anti Pictures. usa decorated cantiles. sultable for Xmaa pre@entaý every Thursday and frida>' In De. cember et my home on Hobss St, Ethel Morrii. 48-UJ BIRTHS WOODLEV-At Tyrone, on Monday, Dec. l4th, 1931, te Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Woodley, a son. REYNOLDS-On Dec. 15th. 1931, tri Mr. and Mrs. Jos. '%V, it-ynolds, 178 At- las Ave., Toronto, a son. ANDERSON-Ini Whitby, on Wednes- day, December 9th. 1931, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson, Byron St., a daughter. MARRIAGES B UTTERY-LA NCASTE R-At the*Un- te.l Church 1'arsonage, Newtonvilie, Ont., on Wedn,sdla, December 16th, 19:3i1, by Rev. Thos. Wallace, Evelyn Ruth, third daughter of Mir. and Mrs. John Lancaster. Newlonviile, to Samuel Luke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Luke But- tery, Bovm anvillie DEATHS TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister E. F. ARMSTRONG, B. A., B.DO. Organist FRANCIS SUTTON, Mus. Bac. Christmas Services December 2Oth. 1 a. m.-"The White Gift Service" Subject: "The Angel-Trimlned Tree" Public Se hool Chlir, un 1er the dir- ection of NMiss lIhin Morris, A.T.C.Sî. "From the Stirry il av*ens Il; gh" Old Frenchli arol -Clristmna, B.Ils« Von 1F.otowv Solo: "The Gift' Behr-nd Milss Elaine I teaiuan. 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School Classus for everybiody - Good music. Baptismal Service after Surnday School in the church. 6.45 p. m.-Song Service Come to sing Christmnas hymns. 7P. mn.--"The Caîl of the Star" Solo: Mrs. G. E. 1-teaman Anthem: -There Were Shepherds- Vincent Carol: "Star of Wonder." -.My bouse shal hbe filled with music. witlî sonsz and pralse and prayer; and he btîrdtn of life shalh be iifted for .11 wvho (nt.ýr there.- A Merry Christmas te Ail. THE CHURCHES St. John's Anglican Church-Rev. C.R. Spencer, Rector. Fouth Sun- day in Ativent: Holy Communion tnd sermon il a. m.; Suntiay School and Bible Class, 2.30 P. M.; Evening Prayer 7 P. m. The Salvation Armny-Capt. Bur- iey, Lieut. Hargreaves. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 P. M.; Suntiay School at 2.30 P. m. The evening speaker willi be Mr. 0. L. Wagar of the Bow- manville High Scbool. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church -Rev. W. J. Todd, Minister. Ser- vices at i a. m. andi 7 p. m. Sun- day Scbool at 2.30 p. m. Christmas music wlll featuro the services and the minister will preach. St. Paul's Uniteti Church-Rev. A. S. Kerr, M. A., Minister. Special Christmas Services: il a. m.-"To- day we have a Saviour"; 2.30 p. m.- Sunday School and Aduit Bible Class; 7 P. m.-"No Silver, No Golti. Yet Christmas.", Mid-week service Tbursday at 8 P. m. A cordial wel- come toalal. NOTICE TAKE NOTICE-Will the party who took carpenter bench frame frem back of Cox Motor Salea please return same and no questions wiil be askeul. 51-1 FOR SERVICE FOR SERVICE-Pure bred Yorkshire Boar for service. Pee $1.00. Green Bros.. R. R. 3, Bewnianviile. 51-P* LAUNDKY WANTED AlIinds of laundry work done prompt. y, satisfactorily and at ressonable prie«. Write Post Office Box 12, or cail Mr@ W. Marloram, Kinx Street East. Bow- manville. Phenne 47L Wanted EMPLOYMENT WANTED-Afl exper- ienced girl wishes housework. plain cooking, references. Phone 376r2. 50-tf UPHOLSTERING-Furnlture uphoist- ering; aiso ciosed car tops and Inside body upholstering. J. A. Fry, Scugog St., Bowrnanviiie. Phone 536. 35-tf POULTRY WANTED-Wýe want your Lin ssed iioutry (flot drawn). Highest prices paid. lteceiving Saturday, Dec. 191h. M.%arat Lodge latchery, Bowman- ville. 51-1* LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED -For Bowmanviile and district. to re- present the -Old Rtliabie Fonthili Nur- series." A splendid pening for the rîglit man, with exclusive territory rights. For full information, write Stone & Wel- lington, Toronto 2. 48-4 Articles For Sale FOR SALE-New single garage. Ap- ply A. F. Abernethy. Phone 477r2l. 5t FOR SALE-Smali piano of the lateat style at a bargain. For particulars write Post Otrice Box S68, Bowmanville. 51-t TURKEYS FOR SALE-2 Bronze hens and 1 Tom turkey, R. O. P. tested. Norman Yeliowlees, Enniskiilen. Phione 211r6. 51-tf FOR SALE-Canaries, hilgh class sing- ers; moderateiy priced; inspection in- vited. Mrs. A. L. Darch, King Street, BowmarivilkE. 50-3- PLAYER PIANO FOR SALE-Manu- factured by rieintzman, good condition, a reai bargain. See it at Cox Motor Sales, Bowmanviile. Phone 727. 51-2 FOR SALE-20 White Leghorn year- oid hens, good layers; to bc sold cheap. Also a few Barred Rock cockereis, good healthy birds. Apply Arthur Beliman. Phone 474r12. 51-1 To Let SMALL APARTMVENT TO RENT-$10 per month. Apply to W. F. Ward, Bar- rister, Bowmanvilie. Phone 102. 51-tf GARAGE TO RENT-Very centrai on King Street, room for several cars. Ap- ply to Mrs. Alan M. Williams. Phione 159. 49-tf HOUSE TO RENT-7 rooms, ail mod- ern conveniences, very centrai, possess- Ion Dec. lst. Appiy G. S., Drawer B, Bowmianville. 45-tf FOR RENT - Two or three pleasant rooms on Ring Street, for light bouse- keeping. Apply to Box 373, Bowman- ville, or phone 125. 48-tf TO RENT - One 7-roomed bouse on King Street; aiso 2 smaii stores and a garage. Apply J. W. Knight, Taxi Of- fice. King St. Phone 173 or 98. 51-tf HOUSE TO RENT-Brick residence. east end cf Church Street, Bowianville, conveniences. Appiy to Jacob Branch, R. R. 5, Bowmianvilie. Phone 139r32. 49-tf HOUSE TO RENT-On Highway, eat of Bownranville Cemetery, 6 rooms, good garden, hen bouse, barn; possession Jan. lot. Appiy to Fred Allun. Boys' Training School, Bowmanviiie. Phone 3O0rll. 50-tf TO RENT - Premises behind H-ydro Shop now occupied by J. H. Needham, suitable for blacksmith shop, paint ehop. etc. Possession January lot, 1932. Ap- piy (o L. C. Mamon, Barrister, Ring St., Bowxnanville. 60-tf OFFICE $PACE OR ROOMS TO RENT -Office suite conslstlng of three rooms over Hydre Shop, now occupied by W. R. Strike. suitable for office or apart- ment. Possession Febrnary 16th, 1932. Appiy (o L. C. Mason, Barrlster, Ring Street, Bownianviile. 50-tf WHAT FINER GIFT THAN A DE FOREST CROSLEY EMBODYING TRESE NEW FEATURES Super-heterod3'ne Circuits - Newest Type Multi-Mu Tubes Complete Range Toue Control - Cabinet of Rare ]Beauty and HETRONAL RESPONSE The exclusive feature whlch has made De Forest Crosiey toue famous. See your authorized De Forest dealer FRED J. GOODMAN Tyrone, Ont. or phone 181r22 for demonstratioli WADD ELL-Suddeniy ut Port Perry, Dec. 1th, 1931. James G. Waddeil, in his tIIth year. FREEBORN-In EýnniskiIlen. on Sut- uriay, Decenîber llth, 1931, Jarres Free- born. aged 8-d years. CUTTELL-In Orono, on Wedncsday. Decembe r th, 1931, James Cutteil, aged 48 years and 5 months. MOORE-In Whitby on Saturday, Dec. 12t1î, 1931, R.obert John Moore, Lindsay, in bis 64t1i year. Interment at Riverside I Cenietery. SQUIRE-On Thursday, Dec. 101h, 1931 ut Prix at.- Patients' Pavilion, Toronto General Hlospital, John, beloved husband of Anni. (Lunness) Squire. DONEV-At Port Hope Hospital, on Friduy, Decenlber lltlh, 1931, Mary A. Doney, duugliter of (lie late Mr. and Sirs. Thos. Doney, in ber 82nd yeur. OAY-Suddenly from heurt failure, in Kingston, on Sunduy, Dec. lltb, 1931. Pr. Henry Egerton Day, aged 54 years. Ne1îheNw of Sîrs. W. C. Washington, Boiemanvilie. CRYSOALEý-At Starkviile, on Wed- nesday, Dec. th, 1931, John Crysdale, i)elcved husband of Ruby May Farrow, aged 49 yeurs and 1 month. Interment ut Port Hope. PARK-At Sunderland Hospitali, Eng- land, on November 26th, 1931, Murla T. Park, widow ot the late R. A. S. Park. uged 76 years. Mother ef Walter P. Park, Tyrone, Ont. CORBETT BAKES GOOD CAR WE THIS YEAR AND YOU WILLJ have a perfect cake if you want a1 ain only the very best ingredients, bt baklng can produce nothing else Plain or Iced - 40o lb. Almonti Paste. matie froin pure almonds ......40olb. Boxed Chocolates .... ........... 50@ to $3.0 Candy> Canes, the klddies' favorite .........5c up Christmas Cantiy Mixtures ..........15o lb. up Chuistmas Stocklngs ............... .10o up Christmas Crackers ...........35o to $1.00 box SCORES 0F CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES that add to the fun o! the day. Be sure andi get your share o! these. They are priced from .........MUp W. P, CORBETT OONE 3 i Yot SOui wil] di pu I .1 PENING AYS KINGSWAY FLQWER SHOP Friday and Saturday, December 18 - 19, 1931. Mlu1Jil KINGSWAY NURSERIES ROSES-fresh each day, various colors. . ..Special $1.00 dozen Roses with longeri stems, the finest grown,.. $1.50 doz. and up CUT FLOWERS--Sweet Peas, Carnations, Lily of the Valley, Snapdragons, Marigolds, etc. Azaleas, Cyclamen, Ferns, Primulas, Christmas Cherries and Poinsettias. Also many other beautiful pot plants. Hundreds of lovely Vases at haif price. CANARIES The best imported Canaries the woxld produces, at much 1es8 than city prices. Do not fail to see and hear these beauties. Wide range of Bird Cages. 2 Gold Fish and Bowl mFREE n -- If your purchases total $1.00 or over, we will present you witlh 2 lovely lively Gold Fish in suitable bowl. This offer holds good until December 3lst. Flowers delivered anywhere in Canada or United States within a few hours. Orders given to us one day can be delivered in England the following day. Japanese Miniature Garden& in Dishes See our announcement on page one. - 'e...~ *, PAGE S&MM! Corbett Bakes Good Cakes Try One This Year and You Wil Always Buy CORBETT'S BETTER CAKES AL~WAYS BUT perfect Christmas. which comblined but a trial> won- 'a a w BOWMAJ<VIL TRY Ob )u must 1 .rs conta th expert ýrul cake, IN MEMORIAM GILHOOLY-In ioving memory af aur darling littie Dorothy, died on Dec. 151h, 1 928, age 9 years. Sadiy missed by Mother, F'ather, Sis- ters and Brother. PASCOE-In ever leving memery of Tho.a" Pascoe, who teil asleep on Dec. lSth, 1921. In aur hearts bis memery lingers, Sweetly, tender, tond and (rue. Aiways remembred-Wife and Famlly. ranteed. 4 iýwogm9g u*À FLOWERS

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