~be aU~btarn With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. 77 M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24th, 1931 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 52 Public School Pupils' Concert was A Presentation oF Musical Merit Splendid Program Drew Capacity Audiences to the Opera House, Thursday .and Friday - Awarding of Annual School Board and Special Prizes Was a Feature. Trwo large and entbusiastic aud- iences greeteci the annual Public School concert at the Opera Haouse on Thursday andi Friday evening, when a pragrani, surpasslng any pre- vlous attempt was rendereci. Under dlirection o! Miss Helen Marris. A.T. C.M., Supervisob of Music, sud as- aisted by the other members a! the ,staff a program spicy ta its variety .and lavish lu lia costumed cf fects pravideci excellent entertaument for those who saw it. Under the direction a! Francis Suttan, Mus. Bac., the orchestra af Trlnity Unitedi Churcb opened the program with the Overture, "Cheval- ler Breton." The school choir seateci tier above Uier ou the stage then rase witb the audience and Jained inluslnging O Canada. The firat number on the program 'was an excellent chorus by the choir entitled "«Nightfall" which was fol1- lowed by a bumorous andi weil de- livereci recitation by Hayward Moody, entitîcci'"A Christmas Dlu. A motion sang well rendereci and crcattag plcnty a! applause by a number o! little chilcren o! the South Ward prlmary class was the next Item. Thase taklug part were: OGea. Dacison, Clarence Brooks, Albert Mason, Billy Stevens, Tommy Caw- an, Jackie Large, Viola Barrell, Georgina Gibson, Geo. Buttansbaw, Bruce Oke, Margaret Sellers, Helen Bird. Marguerite Hall, Lillian Lam- bert, Howard Davies and Mildred Luxton. One o! the features o! the pro- gram was the Tay Sbop. consisting of a group of costumed numbers that were splendidly presenteci. Ed- ward Downey was the proprietor of the toy shop aund after a hard day unpacking toys and placing them an the shelves he le! t for home. Soon vafter bis departure the cuckoo dlock, jPlayeci by Lionel Parker, sounded thec mystic hour o! midnlght, at .Whicb time it Is cansidereci meet and right for aIl the dellghtful toys o! the shop to hold their midnlght rev- eîrles. FIrst came "Books ta Buy" lu wbicb the followlng llttle girls and boys took part: Audrey Foley, Peggy Moses, Margaret Starey, Murton Al- ison, Helen Tighe. Betty Bettles, Alan Tamblyn, Normna Searle, Bob- by Purdy and Tommy Rehder. These were foilowed by the "Sol- diers Brave and Gay" in red and white unlforms who made a great bit with the audience. Those taking part were Bobby West, Douglas McCee, Douglas Harnden. Jack Welsh, Don- ald Rowe, Jack Chilcis, Ernest Mor- ris. Donald Wright, Frank Burns, Bill Seymiour. The olc f amillar "Toy Blocks" were next and these were dressed ta an original design with a box around their bodies and red letters on the boxes speiling little words. The par- ticipants in this number were, Jean Kennedy, Nora Fagan, Irla Jackman, Ruth Stevens, Vera Coutie, Doris Clapp, Mildred Bennett, Dorotby Downey. Another chorus was compased of littie girls arrayed in green and red dresses trta-imed wlth tinsel and these represented tops and includeci in their number Violet McAllister, Catherine Spencer, Catherine Col- ville. Frances Rowe, Jean Pattinson, Patsy Dustan, Bernice Kinible, Hel- en Pingle and Kathleen Roberts. The kicidies' favorites "The Domin- oes," were next lu the procession of frivolous toys who were taktag part in the mîdnight frolic. Laura Wilson, Helen Hooper, Marion Hooper, Viv- Ian Nicholls and flene Crocket took part in this number. Then came hopplng on to the stage the "Jumping Jacks," another familiar Christmas toy. Little boys took the parts in this and they were Douglas Jackinan, Jimmy Clarke, Kelvin Symons, Rosa Wright, Alan Mahoaci, Kenneth Davies, Kenneth Hamnm and Donald Venton. The 'French Doîls,' 'Sugar Sticks' filled lu the other numbers in this tateresttag presentation. The French dalls were Audrey Marsden, Reta Laphen, Helen Summerford, Bar- bara Rehder, Myrtle Hall, Freda Churchill, Betty Trimnble, Margaret Rowe, Eva Sheehan. The Sugar Sticks, Jean Logan, Louise Wilson, Ruth James, Elba Caverly and Mary Childs; and the Teddy Bears, Luther Welsh, Gilbert Mc- Ilveen, Wallace Martyn Keith Slem- on, Frank Foley, Milîs Allison. Jimi- my Knox. Concluding the revels of the toy- shop occupants was the marching out O! toys ta their places on the shelves directed by Lionel Parker as a Policeman. Previaus ta this Kay O'Neill led the chorus "The Doll's (Continued on p)age 8) Honor Report OF Public Schools For Term Closing At Chîristmas Many Pupils of Central Boo0m 8 GggMr Sr. H.- Marlon Dudley, GigMr .and South Ward Schools den, Donalda Creasser, Jimmy Knox, Qualify to be Named as Margaret Storey; Annie Martin andi Honor Students - School Bobby Purdy; Robert West and Broke Up Tuesday Until Teacher, Miss Edua E. Jewell. January 4th. ai.I. oom 9 Jr I-Patricia Emmett, Doug- las Jackman, Marjorie Tomlinson, Boom 1 Jack Lenharcit, Isabel Thompson, Sr. 1V.- Dennia Fagan, Macige Mark Lambourne, Betty Bettîca, Moses, Mary Birks, Marguerite Ta!ft, Kenneth Cale. Jean Coyne, Gladys King, Doris Sr. I,- Marlon Mahooci, Donald Wright, Harvey Ktag. Andrew Veuton, Helen Tighe, Mildred Ben- L.anbrose. Greta Raby, Bert net Johnston, Jack Darcb, Alec Lyle, Teacher, Miss Vivian H. Bunner. Maily Smith, Thelma Little , Edward noom 10 Sheeban andi Fred Neal. equal. Sr. I.- Arthur Hooper, Horace Teacher, J. H. Johnston. Moses; Rex Ward andi Wesley Mar- Boom 2 tita, equal. Jr. 1V.- Marion Scott, Dorothy Jr. I,- Nora Pagan, Catharine Bracit, Dorothy Joncs, Owen Fagan; Spencer, jean Trisible, Elmir Glb- Helen Glanville andi Betty Pingle, son, Helen Tait, Vernon Connors, equal, Eric Swtadells, Frances Heari, Irla Jackman.1 Jack Dunn, Betty Edger, Gardon Teacher, Misa Florence R. Moore. .Martin, Earl Clark. O i ÀTeacher. R. A. McLeod. . Primer.- Helen Sumnersford, Boom 3 MYrtle Hall, Lamna Murray, Margar- Jr. IV,- Ruth Ives, Marion Hammn, et Fowler, E!! le Harris. .Margaret Wood, Ileen Haîlman, Hel- Jr. Primer A.- Marlon Page, SaUy en Morden, Jean McMullen, Grace So)uîhey. WoodwardIlia Sutton, Donald Cami- Jr. Primer B.- Teddy Clark, Lillian cron, Dorothy Tapson. Wallace, Lyness Spry, Ilene Gibson. Teacher, Miss M. M. Jenns Teacher, Miss Bertha M. Sargent. Boom 4 Sr. III- Olive Ward, Charlie Boom 12 Churchill, George Morris. Donald. Jr. Primer A.- Lillian Reader, Vlv- Fowler, Jim Crombie, Kathleen ian Nichais, Ethel Marin. Blunt, Leonard Somerscales, Paul Clasa B.- Reta Laphen, Norcen Symous, Terry Dustan; William Olver. Patsy Clark, Donald Ander- James andi Keunethb Nurcombe, son, Harvey Joncs. equal. Clasa C.- Ray Bennett, Dorothy Teacher, Miss Helen G. Morris. Crook, Russel Jacoba, Kenncth Flet- Boom 5 cher, Margaret Nichols, Margaret Sr. III,- Fred Laphen, H-elen Cot- Rowc. tan; Theodore Lambros and Donald Teacher, Misa Laura Harti. Mason and Lloyd Passant, equal, South Ward Sohool Marian Martin, Rusell Short, Law- BOOM 1 pence Cannors, Lucy Lyle, Veda Pur- Jr. II.- Joan Buttonshaw; Dorothy dy, Marie Allison, Charles Mcllveen, Buttonsbaw and Hazel AIder, equal, equal. Wiulfred Wood, Tom Depew, Del- Teacher, Misa Marjorie Collacutt. bert MeQuarrie, Marlon Gîbson, nom 6 Dorothy Counors. Jr. III,- Byron Crawford, Kay 0'- Sr. I.- Violet Barreit, Wlnirred Neill, Florence Matthcw, Alan Tamnb- Smith, GladYs Dunlop, Lenna Brooks, lyn, Kltty Storey, Louis Wiseman, Kcnneth Niakerson, Doris Piper, Blalu Elliat. Clarice Alder, Dorothy Ruth Harris, Dorothy Sellera. Smale. Irene Casbourn, Marlon Mc- Teacher, Miss Marion Plakard. Donald. Bloom 2 Teacher, Miss Greta M. Wickett. Sr. Primer.-Douglas Larklu, Ruth Boom 7 Seymour, Donald Burtoni, Mildreci Jr. I.-, Madelin Calver, Charles Luxton, Bille Stephens, Bruce Oke. Hoar. Lillian Koren, Marjorie Mor- Jr. Primer.- Hazel Wood, Margaret ris, Mary Lemon. Ruth Virtue. Irene Somerscales, Lillan Lambert, Abert ~Murray, Jean Logan, Geralci Bird, Mason. Georgena Gîbson, Helen Elleen Thompsan, Tommny Rehder, Bird, Marguerite Hall, Leonard IgdwArd Downey. Aider, Joyce Buttonsbaw. Teacher, Miss Leta L. Bragg. Teacher, MISS Dorothy H. Barton A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year More than nineteen centuries have measure of bappiness accorded us through passed since a brlght star in the heavens these associations. It inspires us, therefore, announced ta the Three Wise Men, the birth at Christmas tie, to express to ail those of Christ. and once again we approach the who have corne withln our business and time when by manifestations of jay we re- f rlend]y circle our gratitude for the finer mmneber that great day. Marking also the thinga of life that have accrued to us end of another year, aur minds are natur- thraugh these associations. We hope that aily retrospective and we view in camera aur frlendshlp bas in a measure also brought the events of a year that totters on its last happlness to you. legs and is about to make way for the in As the sincere loyalty of our readers, fant 1932. andi the splendid patronage of aur acivertis- Christmastide is unique in that it ers, have generously contributeci ta aur ma- provides a season in the year when business terlal success and happiness durlng the past worries are cast aside and our mtads turn year, we want you ta f eel that our kindest slgnificantly to the better things of life, the thoughts at this tixne are wlth yau. worthwhile frlendships we have formed, and The publishers o! The Statesman, to- the loyalty of those who have iustlfied aur gether wlth the staff, wish you andi yours a fuilest confidence in the 12 months that have passed.Chrlstmnastide of exceedlng joy, and that in passed.the New Year the golden ray o! prosperity It is deeply satlsfying ta us that the5e may illumine Youi lives to the utmost. frlendsltlps and business connections have Sbeen formed and we are grateful for the THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. CAROL PROGRAM ON TUESDAY PROVED A FINE SUCCESS Second Program Will Be Carried Out Thursdar Night Bain or Shine. The f irst o! a series o! two carol recitals by the choir o! the Public School was held on Tuesday ulght. but awiug ta the taclement weather many o! the choir were absent, be- ing somewhat ta a quaudary as to wbether or not there would be a re- cital. About 25 bowever turned up and through the kiudness o! Mr. A. Cox were permitted ta stag under the verandah o! the Cox Motor Sales. Mfr. Francis Sutton, who was conducting the choir, had bis port- able organ out o! the rata and a fluef program o! carols lasting about bal! an hour was carrieci ta completion. Although at 7.30 there wcre !ew on the streets citizens seemed ta appear f rom nowbere wbeu the caroilers commeuced iheir singing. Soan a crowd collecicd and men andi wom-1 en, Young and old, ,ioined lu the1 singing a! the aid familiar tunes1 that have for hundrecis o! years cx-1 emplificc the Christmas Spirit. Thei words !rom "Gooci King Wencelas":i "Theref arc Christian men be sure, Wealth o! rauk possessing, Yc who now wiIl blesa the poor, Shahl yourselves !tad blessing " secmned partîcularly apprapriate ta tbis Christmas with s0 many lu neeci o! the belp that those who have the luxuries o! lire are able ta gve Rev. E. F. Armstrong, who was among those who swelled the stag- iug o! the choir, announced at the close that the carol recital for Tbursday nigbt will be helci rain or shine. In the event o! a flue even- ing the carals will be sung ta the shade of the ligbted Christmas Tree, and lu the event o! rata or snow un- der the balcony o! the Cox Motor Sales building. KINGSWAY FLOWER SHOP WAS OPENED FRIDAY New Store is One o! Most Modem in its Appolntmnents lu the Town The Kingsway Flower Shop, oper- ateci by the Kingsway Nurseries o! wbich Mr. J. H. H. Jury is president,j was opeucc inl the Jury Jubile building on Friday a! ternoon. While1 there was no officiai ceremnonies lu connection with the opeulng, a largei number a! citizens availeci theni-1 selves o! the opportunity o! inspect- ing andi making purchases at the new shop, which can boast o! being the most modernaund complete ffow- er sbap itanay towu is aise lu Can- ada. It coutains a varicci stock o! flowers andi flowering plants, besides canaries, golci !ish, vases, f isb aund bird foocis and other kindred ltaes. The store is !inisbed inside with cream colored stucca. a il ùheateci, well lighted, and isl supplied i wtb elcctric refrigeration for keeping the flowers lu perfect condition. At the back is a small greenhouse lu whicb la kept plants o! mauy descriptions. A fine rock garden is .aiso a f eature o! this building which lu addition bas a pool lu wbich hundrecis o! golci f lsh swlmn araunci. The floors o! the store are f inished inl red tile sud the windows are lu white and red tile. The whole store is a credut ta the town and ta the ambitiaus plans o! Mr. Jury on the occasion of bis 50 year Jubile lu business. It la but anc unit ta this Jubilce Building which will also contata at a later Idate the office o! Dr. J. C. Devltt, 'dentist, W. Rosa Strike, barrister, Jack Cale, barber, and aiso a reai- dentîal apartmeut. Mr. W. E. Graves. the genial manager o! the nurseries, la also manager o! the !!awer sbop. 1fr. and Mrs, Nelson Chapmau, Mr. Walter Chapman, Uxbrldge, vis- iteci on Manday wlth their cousin, Mrs. G. C. Foster. King St. E. A letter signed "Unemployeci" re- celveci at this office la not publishcd as the writer faileci ta aigu name. We do not consider a letter worth publlshlug unless the wnlter la wifl- ing to affix bis signature ta bla lat- ter. IPastor oF Trinity Delivereci Rotary Christmas Message Splendid Talk on Need of Optiinism in Times of De- pression Stressed by Pas- tor of Trinity U ni t ed Church. Friday was repart day at Rotary, and the chairmen a! the various conunittees accounteci ta the club for their stewardship during the past six months af the Rotary Year. The annual Christmas Message was also a feature a! the program given by Rotarian Ecige Armstrong, pastr' o! Trtaity Unitedi Church. Hermie Brown reparting for the Membership Commnittee stated that tbree new members had been ap- proveci and brought itt the club. Frank Morris o! the Fellowship Committee aunounceci that bis coni- mittee haci given the glaci baud ta visittag Ratarians and guests, wbile Alan Campbell reparted that the Information Committee had helci a meeting unçler its auspices and haci tastructeci the new members in the introductary ceremany. Percy Corb- ett reported the Attendance Commit- tee. if not holding committee meet- ings, was setting the right example as many a! its members coulci re- port 100% attendance for the per- lad. Dave Morrison, in the absence o! Dr. Elmore Reaman, stateci that the Program Committee neeci nat give a repart as evideuce o! its work was seen f rom week ta week. Rasa Strike, speaking for the Music Com- mittee, reporteci the acquisition o! a new sang book; while Charlie Masan, Boys' Wark Committee, announceci goaci progreas with the boy scouts. public achool skating rink andi the bratherbooci meeting wbich it hopeci ta commence early in the new year. Dave Morrison a! the International Service Cominittee stated that bis comniittee would be arranglng a meeting in the new year. The CrippledCibldren's Commit- tee had undertaken mucb wark and in Jlm Devltt's repart it was shown that sixteen chilciren had had their tansils removeci at Bowmanvllle Has- pital; 1 little girl had been given twa operations; 1 boy an operation for blp trouble; 1 baby had been treateci for blindness; all three being patients of the Slck Children's Hos- pital, Toronto. Anather blind lad has been put luta a school for the blinci at Brantford. 35 bottles o! milk are supplied daily ta under- nourlshed children. and Lucy Hearle was reporteci ta be coming along very nicely. (Continued on page 6) COMING EVENTS Try BowmanvIlle stores flrst. Women's Institute meeting iu S. 0. E. Hall Wednesday, Dec. 30th. Bowmnvllle Purple Guards, L. O. L. 2384, will hold their annual Christmas Tree on Wednesday, Dec. 23rd. ta St. Andrew's Presbyterian Cburcb at 8 p. m. IYOUR HELP NEEDED Subscrlptions !ollowing the appeal by the Welfare Cam- mittee for funds ln last week's Issue a! The Statesman are slow coming lu but are luna way takîug care a! the needs wtbta the town. Mr. F. 0. Mcllveen, manager o! the Bank o! Montreal, la the treasurer o! the fund and he wMll h glaci ta receive any suni, how- ever amall, as a contribution towards this worthwhlle work. SANTA CLAUS PAID ANNUAL VISIT TO GOODYEAR MONDAY Over ?.50 klddles receive handsome gi!ta and big baga o! candies in gayly decorated shipping reoom Depressians. Layof! s, short haurs and ail ather disturblug industrial influences of the past year were en- tirely f argotten on Manday night wbeu uncier the auspices a! the Good.year Recreation Club 250 kici- aies were entertalued at the plant on the occasion o! the official vlait a! Sauta Claus. Wben the childreu arriveci well before the appointeci tume, 7 b'lock. anc corner a! the beautifully decorated shipping rooni, was mysteriausly shut off. A radio tastaileci behind these curtatas gave the usual rendition of the Amas andi Audy episode a! ter wh.ich lights were lowered and the kicidies aund their parents, totalling tnalal nearly 500 were treated ta a movie sud an "Our Gang Comedy" at that. At the conclusion o! this tatereat- ing part o! thc program the cur- tatas ta the corner were drawn aside and disclaseci a plat! orm gaily dec- orateci with cedar trees sud lighted with caloreci lamps. The ceutrepiece was the red brick fireplace with the chimney reaching ta the ceiling. As Sauta Claus coulci not be accu it was taken for granted that be was com- tag dawu the chimney in the olci ap- potated way. Andi it was not long be- fore the kicidies heard hirm pulling bis reludeer up ou the roo!top and saw bis high booteci legs appear dawu the cbininey. He receiveci an uproarious welcome sud when this subsided Sauta Claus wcnt on to tel the kicidies o! bis trip f rom the North Pale to Goodyear. It was an luteresting story sud the childreu listeued wlth rapt attention. Then the moat interestiag part o! the program, the presentation o! the gits. Every Goodyear child re- ceiveci a lovely girt, the little tots big cuddly doîls and antials, blocks aund ganies, aund then the bigger asies hockey sticks andi other toya suit- able to the age o! the chilciren. The Recreation Club certainly outdid tbemselves thîs year for the presents were better than they have ever been andi the accompanying bags o! candy were larger andi very generous lu their contents. Assistiug Sauta Claus lu the distri- bution o! the gir ta wcre Harry Nan- son, Jack Nickerson, Jack Needbam, Jack Cailaghan and Jack Emmerson. At the conclusion Sauta made bis exit via the chimuey for points cisc- where where bis presence la re [quireci. TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLEs SOCIETY ELECTS OFFICERS Miss Marlon Plakard New President The Young People qê Trinîty Un- ied Church held theil annual meet- ing an Dec. l4th, and electeci their executive for the year 1932. Misa Marlon Pickard was unanlmously chosen as president. The conven- crs a! the variaus groupa and their assistants are. firat nameci bcing convener: Christian Fellowship-Percy Cowl- ing andi Smith Ferguson; Misaionary Program-Miss Eliza Klrkton andi Mrs. Ruby Daniels; Misslonary Fin- ance-Misa Aura Rundle and Miss Florence Werry; Citizenship-Robert Corbeti aud Miss Ada Ailin; Llterary andi Music-Miss Laverne Orchard, Misa Elsie Allit anad Miss Margaret Armistrong; Social-Miss Greta Oke and Misa Vesta Spargo; Treasurer- Bert Mutton; Pianist-Miss Helen Argue; Secretary-Miss Helen Cry- derman. A year's subscrlption ta The Statesman makes a thougbt!ul Christmas girt. The Ladies' Auxilliary to tbe Can- adian Leglon la ta co-operate with the local Leglon Brauch lu the dis- ribution o! relie! baskets it was de- cided at the regular meeting o! the Aullar on Monday nlgbt. Mrs. C. R. Spencer, vice president, pre- slded, and If was decided te hold the annual election o! ooiers on January lSth. Remarkable Freedom From Disease Revealed in Report of M. O. H. WEHTE GIFF ,SUNDAY OBSERVED AT TRINITY Young People Present Offerings t. Aid Needy Familles of the Town. At Trtalty Unitedi Churcb on Sun- day morntag the "White Girt" ser- vice was observeci. The Junior and Prtiary departments wltb their teachers assembled lu the church and Dr. J. C. Devltt, supertatendent. aisteci the pastor, Rev. E. F. Arm- strong, ln the service. At the proper time two Young ladies, Misses Alice Purdy and Marlon Sleman, dresseci in white, receiveci the glfts as the Young People marched up and pre- sented their offertag, which will be distributed ta needy familles. The public school choir under leadership o! Misa Helen Morris, led the service o! praise asaisteci by Miss Elaine Reaman who sang a solo very sweet- ly. The pastar's sermon was lu keep- lug wlth the festive season. as he poitedly asked, "What Is the world's Christmas tree trimmed wltb?" He showed that Joy, Love, Peace andi Hope were the truc decorations. Iu the evenlng Pastar Armstrong preacheci on the message o! "The Star" an illumînateci star maklng the message mare effective. The musical service by the choir was ex- cellent under direction a! Mr. F. Sutton, leader andi organlat. Mrs. 03. E. Reaman's solo "There were Sbep- herds" was a rare treat andi greatly euJayed by the large congregation. Mrs. Reaman also took the sala lu the anthem ta the deflght o! ail Present. Mr. 0. Nicholas and M1r. W. R. Strike were the sololats in Carol "Star of Wonder." At the Sunday Scbaol session in the afternoon, Miss Ada Alln fav- ored i wth a solo. At the baptismal service lmmediately folbwihg tb* Sunday Schaol ten receiveci the rite of baptiani administereci by Pastor Armstrong. Rev. E. F. Armstrong, member of the Bowmanville Rotary Club, was the guest speaker at the Oshawa Rotary Club on Manday and dcliv- ered the Christmas acidresa. Mrs. C. A. Wight andi Mrs. W. H. Argue, teachers o! the Ladies' Bible Class o! Trinity Sunday Scbool, were presented Sunday a!ternoou wlth Hymnarys with the good wishes o! the members. A lovely bouquet a! munis, sent by Mrs. Wm. Trcwin ta the class. in memory o! Grace andi Rilda, twa dearly laved members wha have been promoted ta higher ser- vice, was given ta the 'shut-lu' members. Look at the label andi sec ir your subscription ta The Statesman is Idue. Bowmanville Board o f Health is Playing Import- ant Part in the Prevention of Contagious Diseases i Town - I-ealth Nurse'& Work is Commended. A remarkable low rate o! com- municable diseases comparable with the population o! Bowmanville f cat- ures the annual report of Dr. W. 13. Birks. Medical Officer o! Health, ta the Board o! Health for the year ending October 3lst. Vital statistics for the 12 montba accordlng ta the records o! the Div- isional Registrar were: Births-resident 67, non-resident 41; still bîrths-resldent 7, non-resi- dent 3; total births-resideut '74, non-resident 44. Deaths up ta 1 year o! age-resi- dent 13. nonresident 3; maternai ceath--nil; cleaths f rom cancer- resîdent 7, non-resîdent nil; total deanh-resldent 52, non-reaident 10. Communicable Diseases Chickenpox-3 cases, no deaths; Dîphtherla-2 cases, 1 death; G3er- man Measles--2 cases; Measles-4 cases; Mumps--3 cases; Scarlet Pcv- er-2 cases; Typbold Fever-1 case; Whooping Caugh-14 cases. There were no non-resident cases a! communicable diseasea and there was only the one death resultlug. The followlng specirîc measure for prevention o! communicable dis- cases were employeci: Inspection and testlng o! water, milk andi food sup- plies; Notification, placardlng, quar- antine sud isolation o! communic- able diseases; Givtag o!f free courses o! dlpbtherla toxolci ta school child- ren; Follow up and contrai by the Public Healtb Nurse. The Water Supply The report on the town water sup- ply statea that the source o! the supply la !rom apringa. It recelves no treatment sud la ta such a fine state tbat no improvements are re- cammendeci. No infections bave been attributed ta the water sud not anc un! avorable laboratory re- port bas been received durlng the rear. lu fact the tawn water always graded '"A". The MUl Supply There are elght milk producers supplying mllk ta distributors lu Bowxnanvllle, aund tbree diÎtributors, ail o! whom had i icenses. The dally consumption a! mllk lu the town la 267 gallons. There are two pasteur- isation plants lu the town sud 92% o! the milk cansumeci was treated lu (Couttaued on page '7) Contest For Mayorality Expected Following Nominations on Monciay PALESTINE CHAPTER Two are Rumored as Pos- R. A. M. INSTALLED sible Contestants for Seat OFFICERS MONDAY Vacated by Mayor M. J. Elliott-C-founcillor Lock- Rt. Ex. Comp. Fred C. Hoar Con-. hart Announces He Will ducted Installation Ceremony in Be Candidate for Reeve. Masonie Ha»l - Banquet Foilow- cd ]installation. Wlth the retirement of Mayor IL In a colarful ceremony in the Ma- J. Eniott f ram the office of Chie! sonic Hall, Rt. Ex. Camp. Fred C. Magistrate, cansiderable lutereat bas Hoar on Monday night duly instaui.. been arouseci and speculatiloroM- ed the newly elected officers o! Pal- ated as ta wha will be the Mayor or estine Chapter, No. 249, Royal Arch Bawmanvllle in 1932. Altbaugh Masons. The installing master was Reeve W. H. Carruthera bas nat pub- assisted in his duties by Ex. Camp. licly commltted hlmself it la under- G. C. Bonnycastle o! Bowmanville, stoad that he tatencis ta contest the. and Ex. Camp. Walter Chapman, a! Mayoralty, unless be still bas ambi- Pentaîpha Chapter, Oshawa. tions for the Wardenslip of the Un- ited Counties. Nothing de! mite cmn The officers instaileci were: Z.- be obtatacci. however, as Reeve Car- E. H. Brown; I. P. Z.-Jobn Baker; ruthers la lu Winnipeg an business H.-M. W. Comstack; J.-T. B. Gi1- but expects ta return lu time for the christ; Treas.-F. F. Morris; S. E.- nomination meeting an Manday. J. R. Stutt; S. N.-R. M. Cotton; Pressure la belng braught ta bear D. o! C.-G. C. Bonnycastle; Chap- f rom variaus quartera to bave Ex- lain-F. C. Hoar; Organist-W. J. Reeve Oea. W. James agalu enter Bragg; P. So.-W. R. Strike; S. Soi. the municipal arena and canteat the -A. E. Biilett; J. So.-F. J. Groat; mayorality. Mr. James, bowever, Master of the 4th Vel-George E. bas as yet not committeci himself to Chase; Master a! the 3rd Veil-F. 0. a nomination for any office. Mcllveen; Master a! the 2nd Veil- For Reeve, Cauncipar T. H. Lock- L. W. Dippeil; Master o! the lst Veil hart bas deftaltely announced, that -L. T. McLaughlin; S. S.-L. A. he wilU stand. while Deputy-Reeve Parker; J. S.-E. J. Gibbs; Auditors C. E. Rehder bas also been mention- -L. T. McLaughlin, F. J. Oroat; Ty- ed as a probable candidate for the er-C. R. Spencer. reeve's chair. Borne believe tbat At the conclusion o! the installa- Ex-Reeve W. H. Thickson mlght tion ceremony a banquet was held int seize this as an opportune time to the anteraom where an enjoyable stage a returu ta municipal politios hour o! fellowsblp and sang was en- and run for reeve. ioyed bY a record turnaut. Several For the office a! Deputy Reeve no- o! the members gave short addresses. thiîng authentic ls obtainable re- gardlng candidates for this stepping stone ta the reeveship other thon The sum o! $60,00 was handeci over Councilior W. J. Martyn who It la ta the Community Welfare Commit- expected wlll be nomlnateci for thus tee for work among the needy by position. Members o! thla year's Principal J. H. Johnston this week cauncîl thraugh their newness ta as the part o! the proceeds o! the municipal lire, andi the creatlon e! Public School Concert. a modest air, are reticent about as- Messrs. Carman Armstrong, Tor- sertlug themselves as to their inolin- anto Univeruity, andi Douglas Arm~- ations or Intentions, although we ane strong of the School o! Pharmacy. luformeci several others bave their Toronto, are bolldaying with their eyes on the deputy-reevels chair. parents, 4,Rev. andi Mrs. B. F. Am- Wlth Mayor Ellott wlthdrawing, strong, at Trlnlty Parsanage. andi other members o! the counil stepplng Up there wll probably be st Congratulations ta Misa Wlnona leat two, vaconclea for counoillors Caverly, Miss Marlon Leggett snd created. It la understnnfi that the Miss Caroline Hamilton lu passlng Chamber o! Commerce a the Bow their nurse's prabatianarY examln- manville Business Men's Aasoclatlom tations at the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, with very high standing. (Continued on page 8) a - j . , 'e . 1