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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1931, p. 5

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THE CANADIAI< STATESMAN, BOWM.ANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1931 PAGE FIVE Holiday Greetings: Christmam time provides one of those rare moments hlnlite when we f orget the rush and cares ot business and give thought to thse more worthwhlle thinga hlnite. It la a time when we feel tolerant toward thse entire worid and deepiy grateful for the happiness and friendshlps with which we have been surrounded. it Inspires us to f rankly express our gratitude for aul of these f ie things. As your friendslsip and patronage have generously contrlbuted to oui happiness and weltare, we want you to know that our thoughs at this Urne are of you. We wlsh you a good old-fashloned Chstmas an& for the New Year an abundance of good health, pros- perlty and happiness. Furniture and Funeral Directors Wetof Bowman House Bowmanviile Season'-s Greetings May this Christmas bring you ail the Joyous Things' and the New Year ail the profitable things you've always I GLEN RAE DAIRY ELECTED PRESIDENT Bey. W. J. Todd Minister of! St. Andrews Presbyter- ian Church, who was elected presi- dent o! the Bowmanville Ministerial Association at a recent meeting. LOCAL and OTHERWISE Renewah subscriptions are coming in nicely, thank you! Granny Beare, Cobourg, died on Saturday, in ber lO4th year. Home and School Club gave al school children an orange on Tues- day at public scbool. Mis. Minnie Fissette, Brantford, is spending Christmas with her sister, Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock. Mis. J. H. Cavanagh and son Wil- liamns, Toronto, visited their aunt, Mrs. W. H. Williams, on Tuesday. Mis. w. c. Washington la spend- ing Christmas holidays witb ber son, Rev. C. C. Washington, B. A., Toi- onto. Mis. Athur Wrigbt, Hamilton, visited ber mother, Mis. Thos. Tod, snd ber sister, Miss Olga Tod, laut week. miss Greta Poflard, McDonald College, Guelph, la bolidaying witb ber parents, Mr. and Mis. W. B. Poflard. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Nelles are spending Christmas with their dau- gbter, Mis. O. A. Bennett, Massey, Ont. miss Marion G. B. Warder, Toi- onto University, la holidaying witb her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Warder. Mi. Lislie Brooks, Brantford School for the Blind, son of Mr. snd Mis. George Brooks, is home for Christmas. Mrs. A. D. McDonald, Kingston, was bere hast week vlsiting ber fath- er, Mi. Tbos. Spry, wbo lI lu Bowmanville Hospital. Mis. B. M. Warnica was caled ta, Smithfield owing ta the continued serlous illness of ber grand-daugbter, Phyllis George, wbo la lu Belleville Hospital Messrs. Jabez and Morley Van- stane, Toronto University, and Miss Agnes Vanstane, B. A., Elora, are bolidaylng witb their parents, Mi. and Mis. F. C. Vanstane. Mi. and Mis. David Davis, Beech Ave., will be at home to their f riends Wednesday a! ternoon and evenlng, December 20th, on the fiftietb annfi- versary o! their marriage. Capt. L. Bursey In charge of the Salvation Armny corps and citadel here for the past year, bas been re- cafled to beadquarters and la ta re- ceive another appointment. This afternoon (Wednesday) al public schooh children of the tawn wiIi be guests of the Royal Theatre and the Rotary Club at the annual Christmas treat. It la expected that about 700 will attend. Members of the Bowmanville High Schooh gridiron outfit were guests of Manager T. C. Ross at the Royal Theatre on Friday night to the showing of the greatest football pic- ture screened "The Spirit o! Notre Dame." A magniticently decorated Christ- mas cake standing 3 tiers hlgb bas been one o! the attractions o! the business section this past week. It is on view in the Coronation Caf e window and is a specimen o! the art and skill o! Mr. J. Seto. the cook. It is a splendid exhibit o! artistlc iclng, probabhy the most eaborate ever decorated in this town. The members o! Trlnity Women's Association presented Mrs. F. H. Moody with a beautiful bouquet o! white mums at the close o! the pre- sentation o! "Miss Susan's Fortune" and 'Tourists Accommodated" in ac- knowledgment o! ber services in training the cast. Mis. Moody plac- ed them in the church the fohiowing Sunday where they were much ap- mired. The Alice Jackson Mission Band o! Trinity United Churcli met on Monday afternoon. Meeting opened with singing; prayer by Mrs. Ives, and Lord's prayer in unison. Scrip- ture lesson was read by Ruth Ives; worship story by Mis. Ives; reading by Dorotby Wight; collection was taken by Helen Hooper; secretary's report was given; vocal duet by Ruth Puîdy and Dorothy Smale, recita- tion by Hazel Wood; instrumental solo, Jean McMullen; recitation, Ruth James; instrumental solos by Margaret Wood and Audrey Com- stock. Twenty members o! Pontypool Lodge, 1. O. O. F., Journeyed through mud and main on Wednesday o! hast week ta pay a fraternal visit ta Flor- ence Nghtingale Lodge here. Under acting P. G. Payne the inltiatory de- gree was con! erred on a candidate for the Bowmanville lodge, the cere- mony being conducted lu an exem- plary manner. The second degree team o! Florence Nightingale Lodge, under Degree Captain W. Corden, P. G., conferred iMRilsmdgre n tive ELECTED SECRETAREY Bey. C. R. Spencer, M. A. Rector of St. John's Anglican Church who was honored by bis appointment as secretary of the Ministerlal As- sociation on December 3rd. TRINITY UNITED CHURGH Minister E. F. ARMSTRONG, B. A., B. D. Organlat FRANCIS SUTTON, Mus. Bac. New Year's Services Sunday, December 27th. il a, m.--'ýKey Principles of Pro- gresa'y Solo. Mrs. T. W. Cawker. Anthsm: '"Chrstians Awke"~. 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School Classes for everybody - Good muic. Ses the Second Line Officers funct- ioning. 6.45 p. m.--Song Service Bring your friende 10 ing 1he old songe. 7 p. m.-"«Wbither Are You Thinking Yourself ?'f Solo: Miss Greta Pollard. Anthem: '"God froni on Hligh bath H-eard." A RESOLVE I will try ta live a simple, sincere andi serene life. repellilng promptly every thought of discontent, anxiety, diecour- agement, and self-sseking, cultlvatlng cheerfulnese, magnanimlty, charity and the habit of holy nuence. andl a child- like faith in oad. THE CHURCHES The Salvation Army--Capt. Bur- sey, Lieut. Hargreaves. Servics at Il a. m. and 7 p. m.; Sunday Sohool at 2.30 P. m. st. Andrew's Presbyterlan Church -Rev. W. J. Todd, Minister. Ser- vices at il a. m. and 7 P. m. Sun- day Sebool at 2.30 p. m. Special music by the choir. st. John's Anglican Cburch-Rev. C. R. Spencer, Rector. Christmas Day: Holy Communion at 8 a. M. and 10.30 a. m. Sunday after Christmas, 1Oth annlversary of the f ounding of St. John's Parish: Holy Communion 8 a. m.; Mornlng Fray- er il a. m.; Children's Service 2.30 p. m.; Evening Prayer and Carol Service 7 p. m. St. Paul's United Church-Rev. A. S. Kerr, M. A., Minister; Mr. Henry Knlght, choir leader, il a. m.- "What was f ound ini the Upper Room"; the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed; 2.30 p. m.- Sunday School and Aduit Bible Class; 7 P. m.-"Reflections li the Passlng of the Year". Preparatory service Wednesday evening at 8 p. m. A cordial weicome toa ah. A NEW PUZZLE CONTEST The Family Herald and Weekly Star have just announced a big Brit- ish Lion Puzzle Contest li which a most attractive llst o! prl.zes are of- fered for calculatlng the total of the figures forniing a buge Lion. It constitutes a most lnteresting game for every member o! the Fam- iiy and added ta this la a generous list o! cash awards. Our readers may receive copies of the Lion and f ull details by addresslng the Family Herald and Weekly Star, Montreal. RAILWAYT TE TABLE Effective November 22nd, 1931 CANADIAN NATIONAL RAXLWAY GOINO EAST Train Timne No. S- 3.00 a. mn.-Daily, flag. No. 10- 9.11 a. m.-Except Sunday. No. 36- 2.00 p. na.-Except Sunday. No. 18-10.38 p. m.-Daiiy. GOINO WEST No. 7- 5.33 a. m.-Daily, flag. No. 35- 6.32 p. m.-Except Sunday; stops 10 let off pamsengers fromn Ottawa and eaat. No. 39- 7.02 p. m.-Except Sunday. Nos. 10 and 39 luat operate between Toronto and B.lleville. Nos . 7, 8 and 36 operate between To- ronto and Ottawa. No. 18 operates betwsen Toronto and Montreel. CANADIAN PACIFIO RAXLWAY GOINO EAST 9.40 a. m. Daily. 3.00 p. m. Daily except Sunday. 12.20 midnight. Daily. GOINO WEST 6.57 a. m. Delly. 3.00 p. mi. Daily. BIRTHS PASCO E-On Bowmanville Hospital on Sunday, December 2Oth, 1931, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pascoe, Zion, Darlington, a daughter. DEATHS RODDY-At Port Hope Ilospital, on keember 151h, 1931, Mary lloddy, ln her 75th year. PEACOCK-At E]izabethvIllc, on De- cember 101h, 1931, John Richard Pea- cock, beioved husband of Martha White, ln his 80th year. MOORCRAFT - In flowmanville, on Sunday, l)ecember 201h, 1931, Dora Eliz- abeth Malor.e, widow of the late John S. Mfoorcraft, aged 63 years. Wa nted EMPLOVMENT WANTED-An exper- ienced girl wishes housework, plain cooking, references. Phone 376r2. 50-tf UPH-OLSTERING-Furniture upholst- ering; also closed car tops and Inside body upholotering. J. A. Fry, Scugog St., Bowmanville. Phone 536. 35-tf Articles For Sale FOR SALE-New single garage. Ap- ply A. F. Abernethy. Phone 477r21. 45-tf FOR SALE-Two caives. Apply to James Brown, Base Lins, Bowmanville. Phono 510. 52-1 FOR SALE-Small piano of the latent style at a bargain. For particulars write Post Office Box 268, Bownianville. 51-t TURKEYS FOR SALE-2 Bronze hen turkeys, R. O. P. tested. Norman Yel- lowiecs, Etiniskillen. Phone 211r6. 51-tf FOR SALE--Canaries, high clans ing- ers; moderately priced; Inspection ln- vited. Mre. A. L. Darch, King Street, Bowmanville. 50-30 PLAVER PIANO FOR SALE-Manu- factured by Heintzman, good condition, a real bargain. See It at Cor Motor Sales. Bowmanville. Phone 727. 51-2 FOP. SALE--A used buggy, ln good shape, at $16; aiea single harneme suit- able for demnocrat or llght wagon et $12. Apply ta S. Chas. Allun, R. R. 4, Bow- manville. Phone 136rl2. 52-tf To Let SMALL APARTMENT TO RENT-$10 per month. APPly 10 W. F. Ward, Bar- rister, Bowmanvill«e Phone 102. 51-tf GARAGE TO RENT-Very central on King Street, roara for several cars. Ap- Ply ta Mrs. Alan M. Williams. Phone 159. 9i HOUSE TO RENT-7 roams, ail mod- ern canveniences. very central, Pousse- ton Dec. lot. Apply G. S., Drawer B, Bowmianville. 4-tf FOR RENT - Twa or three pleasant roomua on King Street, for light bonse- keeping. Apply ta Box 373, Bowman- ville, or Phone 125. 48-tf TO RENT - One 7-roofned hae on King Street; also 2 ormait stores and a garage. Apply J. W. KnIght, Taxi Of- fice, Ring St. Phone 173 or 98. 51-tf MOUSE TO RENT-Brick reoidence, -east end of Ohurch Street, Bowmanvilie, cosiveniences. Apply ta Jacob Branch, R. R. 5. Bowmanvills. Phono 139r32. 49-tf .IOUSE TO RENT-On Highway, saut of Bowma.nville Cemetery, 6 roorni, gaod garden. bsn houas, barn; possession jan. lot. Apply ta Fred Allun, Boys' Training School,BjowmanviUe. Phone 300r11. 50-tf TO RIENT - Prermises behind Hydro Shop now occupied by j.J.-H. Needhamn, auitable for blacksmith ehap, paint ehop, etc. Possession January lot, 1932. Ap- ply ta L. C. Maman, ]3arrister, King St., Bowxnanville. 50-tf OF1CE SPACE OR ROOMS TO RENT -0 ice suite consisting af Ibres roama I aver Hydro Shap, now accupied by W. R. Strike, suitable for office or sport- ment. Possession February lSth, 1932. APPlY ta LU C. Maman, Barriater, Ring Street, Bowmanville. 60-tf LAUNDUY WAI<TED AUl kinds of laundry work do". prompt- iy. satlmfactorily and at reaisonable prie«, Write Post Office Box 12, or «eIl Mrs. W. Marjoram, King Street ]Mont, Bow- manilile. Phfflo 478. Notice to Creditors Ernest Halgh, late of the Township of Clarke, County of Durham, Foarmer, died on October 30th. 1931. Ail who have any ciaims against hie Estate are ne- quired to send to the undersigned, be- fore January 11h. 1932, full particulars ln writing. After that date the under- signed wili dietribute the assets having regard only ta the dlaims of which she shaîl then have had notice, and will not Ibe liable Ia any Pereon af whose cdaima she shall not then have had notice. JDated December 3rd. 1931. EVELINE MAIGH, cla Macdonnell, Mortimer and Kennedy, SO lîcîtors, 159 Bay Street, 50-3 Toronto 2. 1;tM H.C .OSBORNE Grocer wishes bis patrons and friends A MERRY C H RIS TM AS and A Happy and Prosperous NEW YEAR Give us a eall. Make 1932 brighter for ail. Christmas is here again and may we in our joyous celebrating of it neyer lose sight of Him who gave us Ch ristmas May yours be bright and happy is the wish of Kersiake 's THE DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE, Merry Ckristmas As the old year draws to a close amîd the M S good cheer and fellowship of Christmas- S tide, we desire to express anew our grat- M itude for manifold courtesies extended, for the cordia relations we have enjoyed, for M lie new friends made and the old friend- ships more closely cemented, and to wish for one and ail a very Merry Christmas and j the happiest and the most prospexvous New M Year you have ever known.M DUSTAN'ScashHARDWARE ML-VA--- Season's G reetings Most cherished ai stowed by the passir ory of the pleasan whom we have been So it is Mnost sine you a Merry Christin New Yean mong the gift be- M ig year isthe mem- M relations with those M privileged to serve. erely that we wish nas and a Happy Cox Motor Sales We Surely Do Appreciate All the kind worcls and kind patronage that the. op.ning of our Flower Shop has createci. If we can make it a real medium of pleasurie and service to this community our desires will be fulfilled. VISIT OUR FLOWER SHOP FOR Christmas Plants Christmnas Wreaths Christmas Cut Flowers Lovely Canarie. Christmas Roses Beautiful Gold Fiaji Christmas Pans (each containing a pleasing variety of ferns and flowers) Nothing so fully expresses Christmas Greetings as flowers such as we grow. We deliver flowers by wire any place in- U. S.,, Canada, or Great Britain. WITH CHRISTMAS GREETINGS TO ALL Kings way Nurseries Phones: Nights 726; Nurseries 144; Flowein Shop 72 For Funeral Designs -- -- -- -- ~TIi -i -- L J t wMeffla ÈffMÊ%L"Lý PAGE FiLv THE CANADIAN ErrATESMAN. BOVMLANVMLE, TEMWDAY, DECMMEPL 24, 1931 il il il d 1-iJ .. -1 k 4

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