TI= CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOW;MANVULL, pAGE zmORT CONTE ST FOR MAYORALITY EXPECTED FOLLOWING NOMINATION ON MONDAY (Continued f romn page 1) are endeavourflg to find qualified and experienced material to f il these vacancies. There is considerable conjecture also as to the persoflal of the new Hlydro Electric Commission or Pub- lic Utilities 'Commission. There is no lack of capable material if one were able to go out and pick themn, but to get the consent of these meni is another question. Amiofg naines mentioned f reely on the street as either conterrplatrng running or who would make good commi5sionei's are Mayor M. J. Elliott, J. W. Alexanider, D. A. McCullough. F. 0. McilveeI1, T. H. Knight, C. E. Rehder, T. S. Halgate. W. R. Strike, Capt. C. W. E. Meath, Oea. Weekes. F. C. Vanstatie, C. A. Johnistoli. J. O'Neill, F. C. Col- mer, and others. It would be ta, the distinct benefit of the town if the members of the commission were elected by accla- mation as there is considerable busi- ness waitiflg to receive immediate attention. As January lst has been set as the date on which the plant 'will be formally turned over ta the town for administration, an acclaim- ed Commission would be able to get right down to business without hav- ing to await a further declaration froni the people. Remainiflg then, is only the school trustees, three of whom are ta be elected. Trustees Fred Crydermafi. Fred W. Nelles and John Hately complete their two-year ternis this year and ail are expected to seek re- election. As they have served wth credit on the school board an ac- clamation would be perfectly in or- der. Every voter should turn out to the nomination meeting on Dec. 28th, which starts at 7.30 p. ni., with nom- inations closing at 8.30 p. mn. At this meeting they are in a position ta demand of the retiring niembers an account of their stewardship during the past year, and of the new candi- dates, their qualifications and pol- idies in directing the affairs of the tawn in the coming year. One thlng every ratepayer should renlember, is that nomination business is your business and the towns business. They cannot expect ta have capable representatives elected to civic of- fices unless they take an active In- terest in the affairs of the town. Il lis also self evident that unless cap- able representatives are elected efic* lent administration is impassible. If eyes were made for seeing, Then Beauty is its own excuse foi being. -Emierson i custoll happir HENRY L P. & R. Coal ani Phone 520J or 520W We can you Witt of them Financial Statements Bookiets Pamphlets Brochures Reporta Folders Fine Stationery Statement Forma Intricate Rule Forma Factory Forma Business Record Fori Blotters Manif old Forma Interleaf Forma Cheques Receipts LET US HE' PRINTI Printed f orms e; many otherwise us and enquir number- The Si Ph( mum nAv- npcI BER 2.1931 hilU; (2) Bennie Rase; (3) Churchill. Roani 7-Jr. 3rd-(l) Ru' + Th New aste In epen entderman; (2) Edward Hooper Room 8--Sr. 2nd Carol1 THURDAY DE EMBE 24h, 931Crawford; (2) Jean Logan. LCLMERCHANTS ARE NE CA T E OLE RULE MISSION BN Rooni 10-Jr. 2nd-Maric B3ECO>ING NATIONALI The Golden Rule Mission Band -Laura Wilson. ADVERTISING CONSCIOUS Miss GladYs Bradley, Gloversville, held its final meeting of the year at Raom ll-Sr. lst-Barba N. Y., is home for Christmas holi- the home o! the Superintendent, der; Jr. ist-Doflald Venton (st Mry Jurnl-rgs) days. Mrs. J. A. Butler, Saturday after- -Elmer Gibson. (St MaysJ~~na~~gs) Miss Marlon Rickard, victoria noon. The thrté main features o! Rooni 12-(a) Murray The time was, flot sa mafly years College, Toronto, is home on Chist- the m1eeting were the prograni, the (b> Donald Rowe; (c) Vivio ago, that the onlY outside advertis- mas vacation.1 election of officers, and a Christmas Iois. ing appearng uin local newspapers Reserve Friday, Jan. 8th, 1932, for, tie distribution o! gifts and Prizes. South Ward School: Sr.I was patent medicine advertisiflg. a dance being put on by Committee The prograni with Evelyn Allin, Wisemnf; Jr. 1l-Hazel Ai! But ail that has changedi. MaflY of Newcastle Commufity Hall. president, lu the chair, consisted of -Rabert West; Jr. I-Vic great national advertisers have St. George's and Lockhart's or the vocal solos by Ruth Honey and DoUY rett; Sr. Pr.-Doris Piper; awakened to the f act that the met- Third Line Sunday schools joined Purdy, piano solos by ciladys Pol- Donald Barton. ropolitan newspapers are not alone forces and conibined their talents in lard and Kathleen Spencer, recita- On the second eveniflgi~ sufficient to carry their message to the presentation of a very fine pro- tions by Grace Powell and Jean V. Gould presented the the people o! the towris and rural gram at a Christnmas tree entertaixi- Bonathan, and a vocal duet by Jean Canadiafi Club prizes for f ield. They rer.lize that such remote ment lu St. George's Parish Hall on Rickard and Marie Henning. standing during the year ir publicity should be supplementedi by Friday ,evening. Particulars next Election o! officers resulted as fol- ian History, to: (1) Selma the close-up contact of the home week. lows: Pres.-Evelyn Allin, re-elected;, (2) Dorothy Richards. raonmanuf a urer mobive antd Unted Church-Rev. W. P. Rog- Vice Pres.-Patricia Pearce; Se'y.- Rev. Geo. Mason, presici thei planufo! speingavie dourtfo ers, B. A., Pastar. Sunday, Dec. 27: Muriel Shaw; Treas.-Ruth Honey; sented the Men's Canadi advrtsifg u te oca dales on- il a. m.-Morfuig Service with New Mite Box Sec'y.-Nor Meeih piesfrigetmksl muernitifor erycachiesalds by Year's Message; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday World Friends Sec'y.-Carl Fisher. History at the Entrance1 munityfor eery m ch aracter bySehool; 7 p. m.-Evening Service, Heaped high- upon the talîe were tion. to Audrey Eiliott an the dealer. Plans o! this chrce Stocker. equal. have worked well for the dealer. He with lantern slides. Speclal miusic bags and bag5 prepared by Mrs. But- The School Board's pi has been encouragedi by the fact by the Junior choir at both church ler and fier aSslstant, Mrs. C. T. Bat- highest total marks at the that the sinew provided by his sales, services. ty. They contained candlies, nuts Examinatiofi, won by Dori fias been used ta stimnulate !urther Teachers and pupils o! the hlgh and an orange each, and it was the and Muriel Stocker, were sales lu his own district. He has al- and public schoals enjoyed a fu delight o! each boy and girl meni- by Mr. T. A. Dustan. s0 appreciated the fact that a man- firnsieetetlien ute ber ta recelve one o! these. A lovely PrniaJ.HJonto ulacturer's ad with the dealer's United S. S. Hall on Monday after- tree prettily decorated was a f urth-edhsonpistauis naie ttchdmak avaualeti- noon after school. The slides were e eidrta Chrlstmas W"S 100 % lu any subJect at the up to a campaigr inl the nietropoli- showfl 'by a Dr. McKay who pre- close at hand. Marjorie Lycett and Examination. These werx Ita haserspandpnatinalmagsinmes.snericue !Santa Claus lu the members o! her side received metîc--Clara Belîman, Ma] It sowsthepropectve ustmeraction, pictures o!f eUix the Cat. special recognlition for wlnning inost Mroi oeHg m wfiere the goods are to be had adKayKt u ag n id and points throughout the year by the ingAurieYoel, Carl]m is a real stimulant to actual sales. animals, also scenes o! a trip gif t o! a daluty hankie, one for each. The second hall o! the Incidentally the local dealer has through Cnda. The band had four sidos or groupswaanocetlnub become sensitive about having the and the other leaders were Marie ity aorchestraolowmed b proceeds o! his sales used to pay f or St. Gearge's Church-Rev. F. H. Henning whose side stood second, iychst r folk sorby advertising in the large centres. Mason, M. A., Rector. Friday. Dec. Muriel Shaw and Gladys Matchettchbrughtnroudsfolapplau When a district salesman tells hn2tCrsma a:Srie at now in Cobourg. Marie and Murielauine that the company is backing up the 73 .n.adi .n.Strda as eevdahnkie each. AHnaif n nE .dealer witfi a canipaigil in the met-Dc.2tS.tehn:eriea Carl Fisher, Louise Hancock, Lil Dance, under the directici ropoltain papers and national mag- 10 a. mi. Sunday, Dec. 27, St. John'sfanBreGdyPoadMie .WcktadMss . Iazines, the local man is apt to cornieDay (lst Sunday atter Christmias) henBugerle, am ong thoe wharie- G.ollowetf an Ada M 1back wth:-"That's aUl very well 8..m-oyCmmno;han ceived stockiflgs o! popcorn as a re- Williams, Lucy Lylo. Rutt but if you want me ta handie your -Holy Communion and Sermon; 7 ward for 100% attendafice through- mian, Lois Enimett. Rache .line, you must advertise ît in our P. M.-Chdrnsevieihcao. out the year. Doris Virtue. Hilda Tlghe -local newspapor."1 Watch-night Service, Thursday, Dec. But the boys and girls were not Spencer taking part. The manufacturer on his side is 31st, 11.45 p. nm. Visitors welcomne the only recipients o! presents anid "Our Christmas" was thE ycomlug to realize that the local deal- to all services. mnflo h rtita ti oerctto xetoal 5rapeitsvr uhti a Frionds lu the village were stun- blessed ta give than to receive and Helen Foster that fol:o ro! co-operation. He !urther realizes ned on Monday morning on hearing in token o! their appreciatiofi o! dances. 1that it is not necessary to take a f ull the sad news that Mr. Ralph Kern- their superintendents and asst. sup- Another feature a! the page spread to attract attention be- ahan, telegraph operatar at Col- eintendent's thoughtful planning, was staged lu the pyrani -cause o! the nature o! the local baorn, ha 1d died o! hemorrhages lu wlse leadership and patient guid- and physical exercises unci newspaper which is not merely1 Cobourg.hosia. heaudey ance durlng this and past years, Pre- ection o! Mr. Rabt. McL tglanced tfirougfi and tossed aside sympathise with his bereaved wid- sented Mrs. Butler and Mrs. Batty boys taking Part in ti -like the huge clty editions but is ow, fornierly Miss Nellie Thomas, each with a box o!f fancy stationery. were T. Lambrose, G.1 -read wth close persanal lnterest by Newrcastle. Mr. Kernaghan resided It was a joyous tme all round. Welsh, D. Bickell, A. Ri everY member o! the family. lu Newcastle for some years when_____ fie was employed at the Newtonville station and it was here he met and BROWN'S SCHOOL 'Tis Heaven alone that is given away, married Miss Nellie Thomas, Young- r 'Tis only God may be fiad for the est daughter o! Mrs. Thomas and Mr. Fred Grahiam celebratod the asking. -Loweli. the late Wm. Thomas. Miss Rena golden jubilee o! his entry into pub- Thomas of the Newcastle post o!- lic scfiool at Brown's by attending f ice is a sister-ln-law o! deceased. that historic institution's Cfiristmas - Y. . L oftheUnied hurh po-concert and pie social Friday even- Y. . L o!th UntedCfurci po-ing. Mr. Graham's teachor when fie vided a banquet Tfiursday evening as began there fi! ty years ago next May Ail a sociable setting for the annual was Mr. Chapple wfio later studid W il1 To Y u A lition of offce. Rev. W. P. Rog- medicine. becamie a modical doctor esconductod the election and Miss and moved out to Montanla, U.S.A. Lillian Clemence. Secretary, kept the The school section nover forgets .nd to oui' friends and rcords of the voting wfiîch resulted ithor that it is the birthplace o! riers we wish you ail the as follows: President-Chas. Glen- Mr. J. E. Atkinson. Proprietor and 114 ne; stVie-ea owr;2n ic Pesdeto! the Toronto Star, and / s ss yo deserve t hl i S ~i~tRwand; 3rd Vice-Chas. reideso!f(fie section point witfi ciîe; t ie-OOh Rcad pride when a stranger visits to the f ' A mas seaon. 5thVice-Berriice Gilbank; Se'y.- site o! the flouse wfiere ho was bornE- /m. Rowland; Treas.-Garriet Rick- on the farm now owned by Mrs aid. The banquet speaker was Mr. Grace, wif e o! Major Grace, Toronto LA THR PE M.H. Staples, Orono. who gave a The old school flouse, opposite Id Semet Solvay Cake toughtful talk on the work. oppor- Mrs. Grace's country flouse and -. : BowmanllC nîties, privileges and ideals O! buildings on wfiicfisfio fas put c 1ccý tV«---Young people. tfousands of dollars o! improve- Every citizen appreciates the ac- mnents this past season. was crowdod - tion o! the Municipal Councîl in to capacity on Friday evenlng when ;; placîng a Chiristmas tree, a coni- Miss Vera Power and fier pupils as- b munity tree, ini front o! the bowling sisted by othor talent, put on a fine, gr een near the municipal flag pole. well rendered ontertalning program. IThe tree is a magnificent specîmen A new feature was the sale o! pies o! Canadian red cedar, graceful and made by the ladies and sold by auc- symetrical. It was truckod froni the tion to the fiigfiest biddor. Mr. Stan woods by Mr. Harold Coucfi and or- Porteous. one o! the trustees. made ected under the supervision o! Com- an effective auctioneer and some o! sul missioner John Garrod. It symnbol- the pies brought as hlgh as $2.0o spirt and its observance o! the soa- dlue as to the fair and most desr-otisc mutysCrsta ech Yunmndublshlda j sonof oodwil toardmen whch blemakers. soason ougfit to extend the whole ______ ýi a lyear round, evon as the cedar is al-I ways beautiful, f ragrant and over The week before Christmas and green. The treo will bo especially fanors flore and thero are keepîng conspicuous at nigfit wfien gleani- at the plowing. ing among Its foliago will be numer-j ous colored electric bulbs. j~- Newcastle Scfiools H~armonicaI The clouds consign thoîr treasure to Band, wiîcfi won two silver sfiilds the f ields, Ticketsat the festival a! music, Boys' Train- Aiid, softly shaking on the dimpled Tickets ~~~~ing Scfiool, Bow&manville, last Sep- polv rp.lta hi nit Business Carda tember, is doeply grateful to theoJ.Preuvreos,le lthiins Personal Carda donating to the bandi a beautiful In large effusion o'er a !resfiend guwo alcase to contain the world. -Thonipson. Wedding Stationery sfields whicfi are emblomnatic o! the hroiaband championship o!f ULCSHO OCR Funeral Stationery Durham. The case witfi the sfields PBI COLCNET b Funeal Satioerysuitably mounted will bo fiung on the Annoncemntsscfool walls. It fas a sliding glass (Continued f rom page 1) Announementscovor to protect tfie sfields f rorm dust. etc., and in .deptfi tapons down Feast," Sfio was dressed as a pierette mànY L' utt~7rŽ ion o! prizes was fiolt. On Thurs- Snedicé1ii t,-ir,îîî day nigfit Mn. Chas. F. Rico, veteran P i. lbt. dluii ' membor and chainman o! fie Public for 1 st1' n ' . . ro ,."l.f l.l,. od alSchool Board, presenteti the scfiool :a te s a fl albr i.u l ln a9 b1 boards prises ta the figfiest stand- uidnII i ri, ISli ing pupils lun(fie varlous roonis, to: A rfia' til sA rot, to, w l knows, liernY l,î-la"' k agî,ln îak- Roon 3-Jr. 4tf-(l) Mary Binks; loini.ei, too rd louf tb.ht,- mrw (2) Madge Moses. 4 Su h w<rk .as illi , lite . .iil . Roani 4-Sr. 3rd - ( ) M ro otîti'. Value ot,, îlï , ý, t ititlity àLaV m e 53 weii as op.nr, tilte nlv wp- trII,, Scott-, (2) Dorothy Barton. mlmery and dFýs;îlr to buntr-Ils f Roan 5-Sr. 3rd-(l) Helen Glan- the consUlîl i i t% î,,"r. 'la r ili 9 r aty n l -r lit w lmî u ville; (2) Elleen H alm an. z1=1 il,- ',id agîti to Mr.AE Roani 8-Jr. 3rd-(l) Jack Under- lmea, 223 Co'î,ie St.. Toronto. j '-'1 Ufflamma% e,2, iLva. Charles mth Cr7- r. SMartyli; 1)Byron Jon Dud- i; Jr. lst )ra Reh- i; Sr. Pr.I yGrant; dan Nich- II-Lewis 1der; Sr. 1 olet Bar- ;Jr. Pr.- urs. M. G.. Women's )r highest in Canad- aBartlett; lent, pre- dian club Canadian Examina- mid Muriel prizes for eEntrance ris Dudley tpresented m present- ,who taok LEntrance we: Arith- Ly Mutton, ile; Spell- RabY. ie prograni ýby Trin- the school ,gs which se f rom the îglish Folk on of Miss :Colacott, ?ms, , Helen h Cryder- hel Wright, cand Mary he title o! a ýl1 given by Iowed the e pragrani rd building 1er the dir- ,Leod. The Lis number Martin, J. tichards, H. Christm.as Greetings We have 1leasure in extend- ing to you Christmas Gî'eetings and hearty wishes foir your happi- ness and success in the New Year. We also take this oppoî'tunity to thank otw customers* for the generous pati'onage they have giv- efi us and for the happy relation- ship mie have enjoyed. May each sunrise in 1932 bî'ing you bî'ighter hopes, and each sun- set a sense of accomplishment. And at the end of the year, may you have î'ealized your fondest ambition. rb F FMorrisI &*.,J= Furniture and Houa. Furnishfi PKing Street Phone 10 Bowni Il' JO 0 igs ianvilIe (t.~ TEUR80AY, LikiL What Shall We Givet UJHAT is more acceptable ta a cbild, a relative or an employee, than money? In the form of a Savings Account, it will endure from Christmas ta Christmas and can bc added ta through- out the year. Give a Bank Book this Christmas. A special seasonal gift caver will be provided. For' Customers who intetd i'mi:ttrg mny for Christmas gtfts, we provide at al oui' branches a spccial che que inChristmas coloui's. Thàe Royal Bank of Canada Bennett, C. Allen, D. Osborne, J. Relief Fund. Gibbs, W. McFeeters, A. Allen, J. Great credit for the training of Thonipson, J. Haymnan, A. Lambrose, the speaking parts, driU, and cos- W. Hall and J. Cowle. tumlng of the toys is due Misses B. A vocal duet by Helen Foster and Sargent, M. Jennings, V. Bunfler, E. Edward Pugh in aeroplane costume Jewell, F. Moore, L. Hart, M. Pick- 80 captured the audience an encore ard and D. Barton. Planists were was demanded. Two carols, "Christ- Miss L. Bragg, Miss M. Collacott and Imas Beils" and "From the Starry Miss Marion Pickard. Miss Morris IHeaven- High" campleted this very and Miss Bragg were presented wlth interestlng program. bouquets at the close of the second IPrincipal Johnston presided over performance, by Miss Barbara Reh- the prograni each evening. Part der and Miss Myrtie Hall, on behalf of the proceeds is ta be given ta the af the menibers in the chorus. Bowmanville Branch L C. Hefkey, Manam m s ~i