"j J I PAGE six THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIL Douglas' Egyptian Liniment is aj LIFE 0F SAMUEL BONATHAN ROTARY CHRISTMAS CARTWRIGIH quick, certain remedy for Hoof Rot1 MESSAGE DEUIVERED Sauoymei or Thrush. Four or five applications Glowing Tribute Paid to an Active BY REV. E. F. ARMSTRONG Sauoymei are usually enough. and Usef ai Citizen of Newcastle was held Decemb( Persian Balm quickly relieves - members present chapping, windburni and ail rougb- The late Samuel Bonathan, wbose (Continuecl from page 1) Green presiding. ness caused by weather conditions. untimely death bas lef t a very fnot- Le.n Elbott reported for the Public Communications Keeps the complexion clear and love- iceable gap in the business and in- Inormation Loiîîîittee, and I'red Health that ail par ly. Completely asre by gentie dustrial hIle of tis commUflifY and urcerman for tme Athletic Commrit- must obtain a prr absrbd Board of Healthb rubbing. Neyer leaves undesirable of whom a brief obituary appearedte.t bUrrai3ob stickmness. Stimulates the skin. in The Statesman of Dec. 0hwa Makes it sof t. smootb and flawless. bora at Bonathan's Bay near Bruce Thspaeoftedyw R-an. Preserves and enhances natural Mines on the north shore o! Lake tarian E. «I. Armstrong, who deliv- Communication beauty. Soothes, refreshes and in- H-uron. He was the youngest son of erea the Christmals message to the that he could nol vigorates. Makes hands sof t and, John Bonathan, a settler f rom Eng- club. lie was introduced by Irvine expenses of $21.00 flawlessly wite. Imparts tbat sub- land, after whom the bay was namn- hie.clsol ok tie cbarm so essential to true ele- ed. Wbile Samuel was yet a youth Mr. Armstronig took for bus sub- f rom bis car. Dr.1 gance. bis fatber who was a Churcb co! Eng- ject -Cheer Up or kiane OPtiflisU." ed bill for $93.00 land lay preacher. and a stone cut- NMost of lus hearers bad heard the penses re Fred Wi ter by trade, inoved to Bowmanville. oidL saymng, -I bic You cneer up" and Dr. McArtbur. Re SaulBonatbafl'S eldest brotber that was the essence of the message visit Mr. Wilson William__________a___________businSamuelie wisbed to leave with the club at range for settlerm WiUam peed tismth usmsstis, its Christmas meeting. An op- Time was extez in Newcastle and Samuel becamie an tumsýt was a person wno looked llth for collection appentce nd thug.l stered hearound at bis dun1culties, took the tbe depression. the trade. Tbe Bonahf tr b long view o! themi, and decîded to L. Swain requesi thewaTnant siept west ofLaon press on, wie tbe pessimist was the fence te be put oi thenowvacnt it jut wst f Lk-man who wbefl coni ronted wtb di- Scugog Road. Re 'A Eing's garage. It was burned with îîctuty took the short view and went get prices. UNEOL nearly ail its stock miany years ago. slow. Tbese attitudes are seen on ail Tenders for bruÈ Samuel Bonatban married Miss hands. We were livng in an up and vided between L Clara A. Dickey, Newtoriville, and commng world under a great want of Jobns at $25.00 1] sometime after bis marriage le! t f aitb, yet hie doubted if throughout tender divided bet, Newcastle and went out to Montania. the ages there was as much belief G. Jackson at $1 HAVE YOU TRIED THFE He remaiiied in Montanfa, plying bis in tis old world as there was ini Venning's tender trade. for f ive years. bis 'Young wi! e these times of depression. The op- for season was ac IMPROVED SHELL GASOINE? being with bim the last tbree years. timist does not allow bunseif to be Clerk was order iAnd it was there. their f irst son1, discouraged by the things around ment with Couni We oul hve ou o ry tak1 Harvey c. was borfi. Since comning bim, whiie the pessimist took the tendent Geo. Gr feuil o hat e s splendid atnka back to Newcastle Mr. Bonathan bas gloomy outlook, was always in doubt Con. 3, Scugog Ri ful o ths pledi gaolneas continued in the tinsmith and and in ternis o! golf was always Orders were slg we feel confident that Yeu, like plumbing business. f irst with bis bro- a raid of losmng the last hole. The W. A. VanCamp, others who have tried it, will be ther William again and then on h is optimist on the other band goes Estimate S. S. delgbtd wthtbeblg ani- own account. And wben the family about bis work with a determination W. A. VanCamp, dnock, qudck tarth ing an si- had increased and tbe three boysiand a spirit of 'I will win, nothing Grant S. S. 2 kncqiksatnadsln began to grow Up be branched out ca tp me." R. J. Bruce. Tr dld mileage you wll receive from into a general hardware business W r iig the speaker con- timate S. S. N, its smooth performance, and it wbich department bas been carried tinýued,' in a world where no oneL.SanTrs sels at popular prices. on by Harvey for several years past mustb resigned to anytbing. WeI ate. S. S. No. 4 with marked success. were living in the most unresigned H. Beacock, Trust Let Us Drain and FIT Your Ci'ank Rev. F. H. Masoni at the f uneral perlod inhuan history. Huinanity ate S. S. No. 5 Case from this Selection of Hlgh service. voiced the sentiments of al today, ithat is the optimist, did not W. G. Pbilp), Tr Quality Olis present when bie paid wartfl tribute stop and look at the desert with the timate S. S. Nc to tbelilfe and character of deceas- feeling that the desert would always S. Malcolm, Trust Castrol - Quaker State - Mobioil ed, calling attention te bis industrY, remain a desert but irrigated it and ate S. S. No. 7 Veedol - Sheil - Penzoill is quiet exemplary 11e, bis good made it to bloom with roses. The G. Wright, Trust or ineroil 100% Penn. citizensip, is integrity and is miedical profession was net resigned ate S. S. No. 8 generosity. The churcli choir, with to disease. They believe that there M. Emmerson, TI May your Christmas be Merry Mrs. A. Farnconlb at the orgafi, ren- can be sucb a world as one witbout timate S. S. N, and your New Year joyous is Our dered the musical part of the ser- tuberculosis; they believe there can Bank of Commeri wlsh for yon. vice. Rev. J. Scott Howard read the be a world witbout cancer and with- ture No. 7. Coi scripture lessons appointed for the out fevers. 1coie' res. y 1 burial of the dead, wbile a clergy- Civilization today was agai.nst a rautes ra. BART.1 Le ITS A man f riend of Rev. John Bonathan world that imagined any barrier in-- ostaga f rom Toronto aise assisted in the surmounitable and even the great MCink osealr Sservice, question of a warless world seems a upieslWoi _________possibility with the fortbcoming dis- Johppwigsu armainent conference. There neyer tradsre PIIONE 110 KING ST EASV~ Recognized as a leading specific bas been a warless world, but the Hermand Hooey. BOW MANVI LLE for the destruction of wormns, Mother optiniist is going to do bis'level best tera oo Graves' Worm Exterminator bas te make one. Tbe optimist believes G.trin rb proved a boon te suffering cbildren the world can be set in order, but E. THaxin,. eror everywhere. does nlot stop with bis belle!. He E.ouncri. arrou starts te work to do it hiniseif. He orilaju goverus the world with bis spirit. He says te bimiself. "1now is the time _ for optimisai, let's go, and bring W back prosperity." The optinist be- lieves aiso that religion is progress- LUnderma ing. He admits that you can't keep Cbristianity back or standing stiil, 'The North P G re e ingsthat it wMi nevltably move abead. Buffalo, was thi Let us at this Christmnastide, the wedding on SE Chritma Bels he oor th tiedthed.isheartefled of Mr. and Mrs. of 131 ingiiithethe camp o! frlendship. good cheer came tbe bride NeCw Y e ar and neighborliness. Linderman o! Of 193Z Rotarian Jini Devtt moved a Stewart, paster wth greater Joys and bearty vote of tbanks te tbe speaker, iated, aud tbe fortune for you. for bis fine seasonable message. funshdby' t 1 ~The bride, wbo CDOCDCDO<D<-->Visiting Rotarians from Oshawa niage by ber fi included Geo. Achin, Joe Lethbndge, i m oo C. C. Stenhouse and Charles Barnes. ine ta nd slo ,-Av LAA IXIIThe club voted to withdraw tbe bouquet of rose B'iO Wayiru V ILLE BA KERY meeting of Christmas week but wil f-h-aly bold one lu New Year's week on Miss Elizabeth C. W. JACOB8, Proprietor BOWMANVILLE ecinesday, Dec. 30tb. fie lIlinois, President Geo. W. James congrat-~ French model Sjulated Honorany Member John H. H. bumnt orange w ~'Jury on bis completioii o! 50 years match, and ca in business and ou the splendid Jury Peret roses. ' SJubilee Building be bad erected on suPPorted by hJ King Street and whicb was opened an Marshall0 W on that day. Virginia. MftE __________wedding breakfi You Know Its YATHM-ALYS Hotel Statler. BUY T HME -ALWYS? man le! t lateri *'Buy at Home" is an empty slogan btue oathtei The B est C oal uless the merchant practices wbat with moatcig f hie preaches and net only sells at ihmtin IF IT air prices, but tbough advertising a nd other means lets bis townsmeti Tine Has Te 0nw they can do as weil at home as Eclectnlc 011 b; in the neigbboring city. upwards o! f il 1 Sucb are the conclusions o! Paul tune it bas1 Decembe Rotarian Magazine. He ence bas carrie Not a new coal but your old favorite 1 wTrites: seas. If it we DL.&W SCATNANTHRACITE -It seems to me to be perfectly wouid be a ch( D. L. & W. SURANTON ean that when all things are equal, ______ 'Bine Coal' is your favorite Anthracite de- W i t is better to buy your clotbes and flnlteiy tra.de-marked for your protection. The groceries and hardware and the -< k'sR. te other things you need f rom the folks 0 g color guarantees the quallty. Have th es-a t home. Certainly to discriminate 0 It costs no more. Tt gives ireater heat for against the folks in your own home lmu money. town is flot wise policy. I would go Let s fll ournex coa orer. Tt ilieven furtber to say that if you can bedU.rd rmy anur It l. o even approximately as wel by be dli~redpromti> su carfuly. uymg goods !rom the local mnench- un ife o-1n-e ,fI-U, t, unuuuvv, See for yourself the f irst h quallty wood we have in our Z Syards. We are aiso seUing wood at the new 10w prices. Guaran- teed Ai qualty. It pays to buy your fuel f rom a regular dealer who is In business tq give you satisfaction and best value for your money. Wlshmng you a Very Merry Christmas and a Bright and Prosperous New Year. THE Sieppard & GiiC 1 Lumber Co., Ltd. PHONE 15 KING ST. EASTBOWMANVILLE We French dean and prens lady'. dres, FOR gown, sit, or long coat, or gent'. suit or FOR overcoat. 8maU extra charge for pleatlng. SHERRIN'S $ DYE WORKS 1423 Bloor St. W. Toreont BOWMALNVILLE AGENTS THE SMART SHOP the local mercbant to see that you can do just as well at home as youl can do elsewhere. He cannot reason- ably expect you to patronize him if by doing so you are making a con- Fodrinsaceif yurew.in sFdrabiesancrifce. ae ilin t pay fi! ty dollars for a suit o! clothes. it is far better to psy that amount te your local ciothier than it is to pay it to the merchant in a distant citY. provided, o! course, you get a suit that is in every way just as desinabie. I would go even !urtber and say that I would natben psy fi! ty-two dollars to the local merchant than to buy the identical article f rom a man in a different place for fi!ty dollars. But, on the other band, if the lo- cal merchants asks me !ifty dollars for the suit. and if I know that I cafi buy the identical, same suit in the neigbboring city for tbirty dollars. I should be very much inclined to pay the thirty dollars. Wouldn't you? And. if the local merchant really can scîl me any clotbing at as good a price and as good a quality as can anybody else in the world, 1 tblnk it is Up to hlm to make it perfectly clear to me that he can do so." Millers Worm Powders will enadi- cate the worm evil ttiat bears soi beavily on cbildren and Is belleved to cause many fatalities. They are an acceptable medicirte to chlldren and can be fuliy relieét upon te clear the food channels thonoughly of these destructive parasites and re- store the inffamed and painful sur- faces te, heaithfulne.àa. They are an 1excellent remedy f ç)r these evils. LE. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1931 ig o! the i Der lStb wi Land Reev sf rom Dei Lrties putting mit f rom tli before doing the purityc f rom FredN )psy bis h( )0, and that Lter articles McArthur Pr Io for medic, iilson. On ri ,eve and Cl and try ai ent. ended till Je no! taxes ov' ;ed 12 nods o: n the apprt ef erred to CI ige timberv ý.Fallis anÉ per M feet. ween G. Jol .1.00 per co for rink ai =cepted. ýed toi make nty Road Si 'eer re busl ..oad. Ined as f oUc il Trustee i $ pbalance rustee Es- i. 3 tee Estlm- t4 6 stee Estim- te Estl.m-. 'rustee Es- ro. 69 . 'ce. Deben- ontinuatoui .county Ld supplies Id, election heep valua- commiss'er rebate dog ate dog tax ýassessm'nt irned sine dif W. Beaeft EDDING Ln-ThornFe Presbyterian ie scene of 3aturday, Nc se, younger sEdwin C.'7 rmerly o! Or eof Mr. Ber Miami, F10r ro! the chur Swedding in the cburcb ýwas given father, wasg red Chanel i bhoes, and ci es, gardenlas Hier oniy a LHancock oc ,wore a gow inlubr ilth bat and ,arnled a bo The bridegr is nephew, h of the Univ Le the cen fast was serv Mn. and Mn for New Yor] ebride travÉ nmed with b at and bal usted It-Dr ias been on t] d ty years an proved a b] t is iluhi Unada andj id its fameb 're double tl ieap liniment alatlflg Co A safa. t'5Ia< msdicine. Sold fei.gof atreugtl , 8.2 3; No. . SoId b>' &ildru. re eupamphlete TMHE COOKME lol:tiTt.ONT. ' Stop that Head Aching Why sufler headache, or any when ZLJTOO TABLETS. ,yufael it comsing on, wiiIC 20 minutes Harmig The <reat Fnglil foncs antd ,,5oi perv<.uSs ysiem. M in oid Verns. Ut iklbitty. Mental ai tespondeflCV.Lxim. of Enery tPe IPart, FailingMemory.ri, foi 15 1 Sold by ailIdruggsi, 0o Ç)kg. ourevelol of î,nce Nas'j '-«.Tu WOOD mrDICINE CO. MA SAFE ANDSI REMEDY FO AILING CHILI MILLE] woRYlm POWDI MrCOtAtN gmNO NARC K*A$LY TAJ<EN OtICÇ. 7>N0JGMoLY C&KA#MI 114c moi#T D<.ICAM gBu " bSWEET ^111s uc council (From The News, Dec. l7th.) ith al ve N. Mr. David Noble is home froin Ty- rone wbere he spent some weeks ýpt. Of wîtb bis sisten. ý in ice Mr. anai Mrs. J. H. Hallowell O! e local BownianiilC were week-end vîsîtors g50 as at bier sîster's, Mrs. Fred Cowan. of the Mr. and Mrs. Cal Myles and son Donald.,'Toronîto, are moving to Or- Wilson 0110 fur the winter, makmng thein ospital home witb bier parents, Mr. and coun- Mrs. W. J. Walken. tak.en Deatb came suddenly, Tuesday )resent- morning, to Francis Awde, younger ai ex- son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Awde. motion, Deceased had been in poor health lerk to for some years past. Mucb sympathy nd an- is f elt for the bereaved parents and brother, Mn. Harold Awde. anuanY The many f iends o! Mn. S. F. wing toLng who visited bis nepbews and nieces hene about five years ago, of sflow will regret to bear o! bis deatb at acb to Elynia, Ohio, on Nov. 22nd, in bis lerk to 87th year. He was very active and necorded bis vote as usual in the el- was di- ections on Nov. 4tb.-Vermilioii d Geo. Standard, Alta. Old friends wiil r e-I Wood member hlm as a nesident o! Orono.I ns and Miss Aima Cutteli is spendîng ai )rd. A. couple o! weeks witb ber cousin, t$1500 Mns. Henry Junker, Lakefielci. Mn. Herb. J. Best, wbo was home cagree- iast week for a short time, returned upein- to Toronto Genenal Hospital. bhes on Mn. Alan Hall, Valentia, visited over the weekend at bis fatben's Mn. lows: Jos. W. Hall. Mn. and Mrs. Charles Guruey andI 247.19 ber mothen, Mns. Rutheford, Bur- ford. wbo are visiting the latten's 400.00 sister, Mrs. I. E. Chapman, Kirby, spent a day tbis week at Mns. Alfred 831.75 Chapmafl's here. Mn. Harry M. Mencen, the well 302.70 known mecbanic, bas been off duty f nom sickness. 493.87 Mn. and Mrs. Fred Tamblyn spent the weekend witb f iends at Stouf- 194.51 ville, and on Sunday attended Den- ton Massey Bible class service at 403.30 Maple Leaf Gandens, Toront. Miss Elva Tucker returued home 198.61 1from a couple o! weeks' visit witb Toonto f iends, and is leaving this 40.931 week for Ottawa on a visit to ber sitr, Miss Bennice Tucker. Word was received tis week o! 669.43 the deatb lu Columbus, Ohio, on ISaturday, Dec. 6th, o! Laura Bell 13,035.13j (Rayburn) Thornton, aged 78 yeans. 19.30I Hen illness was beant trouble ac- companied by dropsy; frnee o! ail 5.92 pain and sufferng, but deprived ber o! the f!uil use o! ber f eet. She is 19.25 survived by ber sorrowlng husband, R. B. Tbornton, formerly o! Orono, 2.00 now in bis 89tb year; one daugbter, 2.00 bY a former mariage; tbree grand- 2.86 cindren; one great grandcild; a e. bnotber-ilaw, Rev. Seth Osborne o! k, Clerk. the Friends Church; and thnee nephews. Young People's League was held Monday last, lu charge o! Miss Ber- on tha Cain. Program was brigtened witb a piano solo by Miss Audrey LCbhur Cowan, and a reading by Neil Ralu- Sa quiet ey, also a misslonary address by Rev. rov. 28th, Mn. Smith. daugbten Mary Jane Sherif, formeriy of Or- rbonnton, ono, a daughten of the late John )roo, e-Wat.son, passed away Dec. l3th, at nt Arthur Toronto where Èhe had reslded for rida. Dr. many yeans. Deceased had been lu ncbh, offc- f aillug bealtb for some time. Her nusiewas usband pedeceased her some years. orusi W8.5Mns. Sheniff bad made ber home i i st.-wth ber sister here. Miss Bella Wat- charming son, for some years. cbarngt Mr. Gr. M. Linten. superlutendent caowyngwitho! Provincial Forestry Station bere, sand was guest speaker at Rotary Club, attendant, Lindsay, Monday week, bis subject )f prig-belg "Reforestratioul lu general, Spnuinb-l witb particulan nef erence te the ad- bewnatdfuvisability o! lud.lviduals sud corpor- d shoes to ations engagiug lu it." Victoria Co. ýouquet o! bas a 600-acre county f orest and is ýroo wasthis year adding a considenable larg- M.Nt er acreage. iversity o! A very successful medal contest remoy awas held lu the Town Hall here, remony th Dec. 4th. The contestants were rs. Linder- Kennetb Cain, John Keane, Milton k, enroute Green, Marlow Hancock, Helen ellng n aScott, Eunce Waddell, Annie For- elllugin S bes and Annie Bairstew. The wmn- *g kn ner nl the boys' class was Kenuetb Cain; in tbe girls' class, Helen Scott. The others were presented wlth fine r. Thomas' books. Judges were Mr. Rogers, the market Newcastle; Miss Katie Stewart andi nd in that Miss Crosby, ail experienced teacb- blessing to ens, wbose verdict was satisfactery. îlgh favon In musical part o! the program. Mr. its exceli- A. Kuox's orchestra rendened willing beyond the and generous service, as did a male Lhe pnîce it quartette f nom Betbauy, lu their fine t. selections. Mrs. A. Drummond's songs were par excellent. The chair- -man for the evenlng was Rev. Mr. Smith, an Ai speaker and "filler-in.' >npound Cake Coundil bas pald over $451 abl rauletfor sheep destroyed by dogs in the lui threc dde- township. h-No. 1. SI- 3, $5 per box Iggt e, o r "nO ýO B T U R >ipt of prto..OIUR SAddrem' EDICINEdO. James Cutteli, Orono The funenal o! the late James Cut- uq eil was held on Friday, December te drift; mica. h~ ave bard work te, do, and loac .VAND telift; VeTc". Shun not the struggle.-face lt; ' AR Qod's glft. -Maltble D. Babco< To Each and Everyone of our Many Friends and Customers Christmas Greetings We offer the siucerest wishes for a very happy Christmnas and rnay it be but the f orerunner to a prosperous year to corne. HARR Y ALUIN, Grocer PHONE 186 DOWNANVILLIC ~~~~1 1 1 1 May it be jolly for you al. . this Christ- mas Day .. and won't you remember o u i best wishes are with you f or this season and the New Year. Bowmanville Dairy W. H. BETTLES, Proprietor. K 7ý Holiday Greetings and Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas G. M. Bosnell OPTOMETRIST Office over Flood's Store Port Hope Phone Nunuber 248 Office Hours: 9.30 a. M. to 9.30 P. M. WEDNESDAY each week Toronto office: 2143 Danforth Ave. 1 - 1 IL t