TUE CANADIAN STATB~MAN, BOWMANVILIZ. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1931 PAGE 8EVER~ Walker Store IMTED Wish its many customer and friends A Very Merry C HR1S TM A S and A Prosperous NEW YEAR WaIke YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE PAY CASH AND BUY FOR, LESS Ifail our good wishes for your MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy NEW YEAR corne true you'II have ail the good .thinga you've ever wanteci. IVES' 5110E STORE oeoea~saas The martShI Extends to its many customers and 1% friends the wish that they may spend a happy and joyfffI Christ- mas and a bounteous and prosper- ous New Year. The Smart SIho09 Geo. R. Mason, Manager To You Who have made possible for us, a year of outstand- ing success in business, we extend the old fashioned but none the less sincere greeting, MERRY CHRISTMAS anda J. J. MASON & SON WÂ Real Estate and Insurance Brokes Phone 5W King St. E. BowoeanvilIe Dr. Birks, M.O.H., gave the Re- action test ta 6 pupils and one dose a! Dlpbtheria Toxoid ta 81 pupils i November. Respect!ully submltted by A. 0. MartMn >r Stores s REMAEKABLE ABSENCES 0F COMMUNICABLE DISEASES IN TOWN (Contmnued f romn page 1) these plants. Two inspectars made 104 inspections of producers, 18 of diatributors, making a total nuniber of inspections o! 122. The M.O.H. makes the follawing suggestions re milli control: That no license be granted to diatribute any milk but pasteurized milk unless applicant has first camplied with ail the re- quirements o! the bylaw and is equipped ta praduce Grade "A" milk. j Sanitary Inspection1 The sanitary inspections af schooisj la sumnmarized as f aliows: Total number lnspected 3; number in which sanitary conveniences defect- ive, 2; number corrected, nil; nuni- ber in which lighting defective 1, number corrected, ni. Number o! biackboards, heating units, and weils defective, nil. The M. 0. H. coilect- ed and sent ta iabaratory for exam- inatian sampies o! the water supply which were satisfactory. ail f romn town suppiy wich la tested and ai- ways gradod "A". Cost of Health Dept. Expenditure for Public Health purpmss is given inx detail as f oiluws: The cast o! the Public Health Ad- ministration thia year amounted ta $2129 or a per capita expenditure of 52c, divided as folaows: Saiary M. 0. H., $300, and other public heaith cx- penditures $1829.00. Campiaints o! nuisances ta the number of 19 have been received during the year and action taken in ail cases. Durlng the past year 49 baby wcl- lare clinics were heid and 632 child- ren attended these ciinics. Recommendations The f ollowing is a brie! outlinc a! the propased pragram a! the health activities for 1932. That ail the ser- vices now in operation be cantinued. espcciaily the glving o! f rce courses in diphthcria toxoid. and that the tawn water supply be cxtendcd 50 as ta give service ta the Lake Front at bath east and west beaches. The Provincial Department o! Health provides the local Board af Heaith with assistance inx further- lng cammunlty hcaith programmes under the foflowing headings: Free1 distribution o! blalogicai praducts,1 iaboratory service. epidomioiogy,1 chiid hyglene, municipal sanitatian,i industrial hyglene, tuberculosis tra-1 velling diagnostic clinlc, hcalth ed-1 ucation and free literaturo. The M.i O. H. has asked for a visit o! the tuberculosis travelling diagnostic lilnic ta Bowmanvlile. Coalments by M. O. H. The comments of the M. O. H. as cantained i the report are as foi1- laws: The number a! communicable diseases la vcry 10w this ycar. The absence o! typhoid lever amongsti aur townspeapie is undoubtedly due ta aur excellent water supply and gond milk supplies. A dlean milk supply depends an the carefulness o! all the producers and distributors and is only made possible by caro in every step of the handling. The of- ficers o! the Board o! Heaith have tried ta assist the producers and dis- tributars in every way passible. There were only two cases o! diph- thoria and this low nuniber is due ta the fact that over twa-thirds o! al the public schoal children have been protected by taxoid. Each year as parents realize the value a! this protection, a hlgher porcentage a! new pupils are immunlzed. It is hoped that the day when 100l'~ !,o the pupils are imimunized is flot far distant. Na cases a! pollamyclitls (infan- tile paralysis> occurred in the tawn this yoar and this is a matter for which we are ail thankful. Much o! the credit for aur low rate o! communicable diseases Is due ta the Public health nurse. Mrs. G. L. Martvn. who has been careful In checkinL, up ail contact cases and thus helning In prevent the spread o! the diseases. Her work in the Baby Welfarp Clinics bas added ta the gond health o! aur newest citi- zsns. Our thanks are extendcd ta those who have holped this clinic with supplies. etc. * Rotary Club Help Appreciated This report cannot bc closed with- out a word of appreciation o! the wark donc by the Rotary Club in helping the chldrcn in this com- mnunityv and especially in making It passible this year for some sixteen children ta have their tonsils remov- ed during the summer. Since the summer these children have made an average gain o! 3 pounds each. It la better ta provent discase than ta try ta treat it af ter it bas accur- red. In conclusion, the M. 0. H. wishes ta express thanks toalal wha have assisted In the wark a! Public healtb in Bawmanville thils year. particular- ly the members of the Board wba have given f reely o! their time. aur public hoalth nuirse, and aur inspeert- Dec. IUIJ1. xev. W. P. ±Rogors con- ducted the election which resulted HABITS as failows: President-Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard; The habits a! lif!e are important Past President-Mrs. Percy Rare; because upon them depend so mucb lat Vice-lin. W. D. Bragg; 2nd a! the happiness and success a! 111e. Vice-Mrs. Gea. Honey; Sec'y.-Miss Uniess the cbild learns early in 111e Stella Blackburn; Treas.-Mrs. E. C. how ta live happiiy with other peo- Fisher; Pianist.-Mrs. J. E. Rinch; pie and get along with them, hie will, Graup Leaders-Mrs. F. B. Lovekin, when hoe graws up, meet witb diffil- Mms. Fred Graham, Mrs. Edmund cuities on accouait of bla lnability ta Thackray, Mrs. E. Middleton, Mms. mix with other people in bis busi- E. G. Stickle. Mrs. J. H. Jase; Fiow- ness and social 111e. er Com.-Mesdames J. E. Matchett If we are ta achieve success in and J. C. Hancock; Vlsiting Com.- work and, at the same tiie, enjoy Mesdames J. Cobbledick, John Doug- aur daily task, more than anything las and Gea. P. Rickard; Devotianal else we need ta !orm good habits. Cam.-Mesdames Douglas, Cobble- Such habits, in aduit 1hie, are the ro- dick and Tbackray: Parsonage Cam. suit of the building up, in chiidhoad, -Mesdames W. J. S. Rickard. J. A. of habits i promptness and in f ind- Butler, W. H. Cooke, J. W. Glenney ing pleasure inx wark weil donc. and W. D. Bragg; Auditrs-mrs. Chlldren acquire habits very read- C. R. Carveth and Mrs. Alvin Joncs; iiy, regardless o! whethor the habits Temperance Sec'y.-Mrs Alvin Joncs, are gaod or bad. The baby soon de- Mms. Graham's group served re- manda that mother continue ta sit freshments. wth him while hoe goes ta sieep, if - she has once started ta do so. It used ta be thought that baby sbauld HAMPTON W. M. S. be rocked ta sleep because, after ho had been racked for a !ew times, bie Montbly meeting of the W. M. S. cried whon ho was not put ta sieep was beid at the home of Mrs. S. in this way. We know naw that it la Williams on Dec. 15th. The presi- far btter for the baby ta be placed dent, Mrs. J. Colwiil, presided. Af- inibis bed and lot t quiet and alone ter a bymn and prayer, Mm. Col- for bis sleep. wiUl gave a talli on the scripture ITeel n ai hc sbt rcading. Business being completcd, underable an angerouc s, ad t Mrs. C. Kerslake read thc devotionalit pesiats.e refanerotand ebt leaf lot, "Andrew the Man o! Decis- i esss erfrt h ai ion." Mms. Kerslake also took charge a! the comfort or pacifier. af the meeting for the elections of It la not natural for a cbild ta offcers which resulted as foîîows: have samiething in bis mauth ail the President-Mrs. J. Colwili; lat Vice tisse. The fact that lie cries for it -Mrs. H. Peters; 2nd Vice-Mrs. j. does not show that the comfort la Burns; Sec'y.-Mrs. A. Peters; Treas. 900od for bixn. He doos 50 smmply -Mms. T. Saiter: Car. Sec'y.-Mrs. because ho bas been given the habit. W. W. Horn; Supt. Mission Band- Not only la the comfort not neces- Miss Reynolds; Press Sec.-Mrs. E.j sary, but it la actually harmnful. H. Cale; Missianary Manthly-Mrs. True, the baby stops crying when ho S. Williams; Associate Heipers-Mr. I gts it, but ho stops becauso ho bas Clatwortby; Strangers Sec.-Mrs. J. I90t what hoe wants, and not bocause R. Bick; Suppiy Sec.-Miss Reeves; the comf art soothes him. As a mat- Tomp. Sec-Miss Katerson: Baby ter of fact. the cantinucdl sucking Band-Mrs. Wilbur: Literature Soc. irritates hlmt. Ask any smoker wby -Mrs. C. Kersiake; Christian Stow- ho doos not suck a dry pipe; hoe will ardship Sc.-Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. Col- tell yau that daing so causes an un- wil., Mrs. Poters; Pianists-Mrs. Colo comfortable feeling, and s0 ho daes and Mrs. Kersiake; Auditrs-Miss flot do it. Katerson and Miss Clatworthy. The (2ontinued use af the coxf art al- meeting closed with the Mizpah ters the arch 0f the mauth. Baby's Bonediction. Mms. Williams sorved bones are soit and yielding, and so fruit and candy. they bocome pormanently misshap- The W. M. S. hcld its Thank- on as the resuît ai the pressure due offering on Sunday, Navember 29th. ta the cantinued sucking. The con- when Mms. G. W. Hartweli gave a dition o! projecting uppor teeth witb talk on bier work in China. whicb a short. tight upper lip, is anothor ovory persan enJoyed very much. defonnity caused by the camfart. The choir rcnderod suitabie music In addition, comforts cannot be for the occasion. kept dlean. They are sure ta become saiicd, and very apt ta boco con- tamninated with germns which are May Damne Fortune evor amilo on you carriod inta the baby's mouth with But nover bier daughter-Miss For- the camfort. tune. -Toast There Is anc place a comfort ________________________should nover be, and that is in the baby's mauth. - Questions concorning Health, ad- drossod ta the Canadian Medicai As- E oiain 184 Cailego Street, Tor- LO\f Eonto, I illbe answered esnlyy Busy hiand-at liard tikOil Strangiod wlth Astbma is the only day in and day out. Persian expression thxat seems ta convey wiiat BaIm keepe the ukin soft and la endured f rom an attack o! this pliable. Removes redness trouble. The relie!f from Dr. J. D. and relieves irritation. Keiiogg's Astbnxa Remedy la beyand At wurDeu«Wmeasure. Where ail was suffering At ~U~ DTU(i*there camnes camI art and reat. 'PE I~ lA NBrethlg becomes normaiand the B MAmL This unequalled remedy la worth V~UP'AL 1f many times its price toa ai who use ' IL. IHINTS FOR HOUSEBODIES Wrltten for The Statesman by Jessie Allen Brown A Visit from St. Nicholas the more beating the better the 'Twas the night bel ore Christ- sauce. A stiffiy beaten egg-wite mas and ail through the house folded into the sauce makes it light Not a creature was stirrmng, not and ffuffy and many think it is an even a mouse. improvement. Most people use con- fectioner's sugar for a hard sauce Thus begins the most popular but many prefer the flavour of brown Christmas poem of ail. It is a poem sugar. for children. but the grown-ups like it too, because of its ringing saund. Molasses Sauce 'Donder and Blitzen." aren't those 1 cup molasses, lh tablespoons the loveiest namnes for the myster- butter, 2 tabiespoons lemon juice or ioua reindeers of Saint Nicholas? 1 1 tabiespoon vinegar. loved them as a youngster and I Boil molasses and butter f ive min- neyer bave lost my love for them. as utes; remove f romn the f ire and add I stiil like to turn them over with my lemon julce. tongue. ueySffn I always thaugbt for some reasonTukySfin or other that tis poem was a trans- There is a diversity of opinion lation f ram the Gernian, beau 0 f about turkey dressings. Same think the Donder and Blitzen, I suppose. that turkey requires a very Idelicate I find that it was wrltten by Ciement dressing and with chopped parsley, Moore, an Anierican, in 1823, for his and sait and pepper as the only own chlldren. It was flot written for seasoning. Others like a very littie publication, but was afterwards pub- onlon and sage (that is my prefer- lished. He published a volume of ence>. Others like yet a stronger poems but none as f amous as this. seasoning and f ry the onuon until Last Mfinute Preparations sof t inx butter. Turkey dressing la No one bas time to read to-day. so xmproved by malstening wlth beat- I wil Juat give you a choice of Pud- en eggs, as this wiil make it much ding Sauces. and dressings for your casier to slice. turkey. Oyster Dressing Ca.ramel Sauce Add 1 pint of chopped raw oysters Mix one-haif cup brown sugar, 2 to a turkey dressing seasoned with tablespoons flour and one-quarter sait, pepper and a littie onion. cup butter. Cook over à slow f ire, Chestnut Stuffing . stirring f requently, until it la weUl Sheil, blanch, and boil in salted browned, being very careful flot ta, water sufflclent chestnuts to make scorch. When it la cooked until It two cups Of pulp. Mlx wlth %A cup is a dark brown, add onecCUP a! bail- of cream and scasan with sait. This lng water and stir until melted, over makes an unusual and dellcious a slow fire. This la speciaUly good dresalg. The large English chest- wth plum, pudding. I keep a sauce nuts are the variety ta use. pan juat for caramelising sugar for sauces and puddings. I pref er it ta Chistmas Cocktail the frying pan, and I also th ht Add sumfcient juice from canned brown sugar makes a muc btter raspbcmcis to orange juice ta calour flavoured caramel. it red. Chil thoroughiy before ser- Lemon Sauce vmng. cup ranlate suar, tale- Substitutes fer Christmas Turkey spo cup rnatcd s1 ugari tl- There are many familles that find spo2 an corstardhibuptter, 2gtat- f awl Just a bit steep in price for ern 2 abespons utt er, 2 table-Christmas dinner. There are many spslemon julPiceofew grting very appetizing substitutes. Some- lemo r, incl o! ait.how a drcssed meat la the tastlest. Mix sugar and cornstarch, add A shaulder o! park, or a veai may be boillng water and sait, and cook uin- boned and dressed. Cook in a hot tii the sauce becomes thick and clear ae asa n rw.te e trn consatreemTe salonerS duce the heat and cook for a long prngr coati. hstaucte may bl time iï a slow aven. Part of the preare tathi stge heday 1>0. front quarter o! a iamb may be bon- foare, when rebeatcd add the butter ed. drcssed and then railed. This and lemon just before uslng. makes a delicious raast. A Meat Ha.r< Sauce Loaf may be dresscd by dlvding the 1 cup sugar, 1-3 cup butter, 2 tea- meat inta two parts, cavcring anc spoon flavourlng use vaniila, aimand hai! wlth dressing, then caver this or a few gratings of nutmeg. with the rest a! the meat. These Cream the butter until it is very are ail inexpensive cuts. iight, then add the sugar graduaily,1 MERRY CHIRISTMAS - Pj YIJLE TIDE -GOOD HEALTH - GOOD May these be __ and through thg Gar ton'ç King Street Phone I I GRBETINGS -GOOD LUCK CHEER - 'urs at Christmas e Coming Year. sGarag ,412 Bowmar M M M M M M M M M j M - M M M M M M M M iville M M M M M M M One heaping measure .of cheer mixed with one big portion of , succesa is our CHRISTMA~S WISH and NEW YEAR'S GREETING. Je A. IIOLGATE&SON Out of another year of friendship with our customers we have developed a most earnest wish that they may have A MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. Fred lAIb. Niellesff Red and White Store - Bowmanville We Deliver Phone 599 The belis ring out Christmas Gladnes-- and we are here to bring you our good wishes Vo add Vo the rest you'I1 have today. MERRY CHRISTMAS! N elson's Stores and Staff BOWMANVILLE AND PORT PERRY WOMAN'S ASSOCIAT'N OFFICERS NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH W. A. o! the United Church held its annuai election o! officors at Mrs. J. E. Rinch's Thursday afternoon, IHealtli Service j of the ICanadian Medical Associationj 1 TRUP.SDAY, DECEMBER 31,1931 PAGE SUM THE CANADUN STATESMAN, BONVItANVILLIC. moq -M ým -M -M ý ý ý ý e