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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Dec 1931, p. 2

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PAGE TWO ~HE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILtA - ~ER 31, 1931 THE SECRET 0F CHRISTMAS We believe the secret at the heart of Christmas lies in this: We forget ourselves and aur own interests for a little, and ive the true 1if e af the cbildren of God. The truest bliss atill rests in giving and not in get- Ung. At Christmastide the open hand Scatters the cauntry o'er, sea and land, And none is lef t ta grieve ahane, For have is Heaven. and dlaims its awn. We are glad at Christmas because of the self -giving a! God in His dear Son. And since in giving lies the truest bessedness we know- The dawn of Christ is beaming blessmngs O'er the new-born worhd. LET US BE GENEROUS "A Happy Christmas! " Ta how ny is this a familiar greeting an Christmas morning! When, on ris- Iiig in the earhy haurs of Christmas Day, and f inding ail the rest of the family abed, wha has not wakened somne other member of the household with the joyous first greeting a! "«A Happy Christmias!" Be the greeting in this, or, indeed, In any ather f orm of gadsonie ex- pression, it matters litthe. What reaily counts is that the Christmas spirit shall be in the voice that ut- ters the annual exclamation, and in the heart which prompts the utter- ance. Christmias ha not a joyaus time Just because we niake gifts ta athers, and that they make gifts ta us, but the spirit o! Joy and good-will at the back of the gif t makes Christmas the happy time it is. When we al tharoughly catch the spirit of "Peace on earth, goodwll ta men," the spirit whlch maiked every act, ti the ahI- too-short ength o! days which Christ lived an the earth in the flesh, and when we make this spirit the law o! aur lives, then will every day of the year be in spirit like Christ- mas Day. Of one kind gif t, certainhy none of us needs ta be sparing, and that is a! kind thoughts tawards others, and o! kind words ta theni. The more these are given the richer be- came both the giver and the receiv- er. Mareover, they need not be lim- ited ta Christmastide, but. by their free use at ail times, the Christmias, spirit is indeed made ta ast the Year round. LET US BE GENEROUS! PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION' IS NEEDED One 0f the questions on which the electarate of Bownianvilhe wifl be required ta vote on January 4th is whether the Hydro plant, recenthy purchased by the tawn, wihl be op- erated by a Hydro Commission or whether it wilh be joined for ad- ministration purposes with the Wat- erworks Departnient and called a Public Utiities Commission. Sanie years aga Bownianviile paid over $200.000, and are stilh paying for the present waterwarks and sew- erage systern. This was piped nine miles f rom a spring in the huis east of Tyrone, and Bowmanvilhe enjoys the purest water that it is possible for any municipality to have. But the systern has neyer paid it way, althaugh it is a gravity systern which is aperated rnuch cheaper than pumping. Year after year it has been operateci at a loss, athough the books do not show this loss. Each year the Pire Departrnent pays the Waterwarks Department $3480 for the use o! hydrants for f ire pro- tection and with this money the waterworks has been able nearly ev- ery year to show a dlean sheet. But It must be rernenbered that this !orm o! income is only robbing Peter ta pay Paul. It is in fact, just book- keeping, for the town (the ratepay- ers> has ta, pay the shot in the long run and it is only a matter o! trans- ferring this sun f rom one depart- ment to the other. Without this in- carne f rom renting hydrants the sys- teni would not show a profit. The waterworks system at the present time is one o! several prob- lems that faces the cauncil. Would It not be more efficiently handled by a commission which handles another utility that is paying its way? With just the two utîlities ta operate could they not give it dloser and mnore businesslike attention instead o! the systemi having ta fight its way along with roads and streets, cernetery, public property, f ire department, police department, and all the other sundry civic departrnents writh which it ls grouped? We believe it is in the best lnterests o! the tawn that the Waterwarks Department be placed under the Public Utiities IStatesman is strongly in f avor of a Public Utiities Commission, in pre- ference to the Hydra Commission. These two utilities are combined in scores of towns and cities through- out the province and it has been found that the waterworks system in such cases is more capably managed than when it was bandied around f rom year ta year by an ever chang- ing waterworks committee of the council. CITIZENS SHOULD ATTEND NOMINATION MEETING Monday next is Nomination Night in Bowmanviile, an occasion that is of ten rated f ar below its actual value and indeed one of the niost import- ant events in the municipal year. To niany it just means that a meet- ing is held in the council room and is attended by a number of rate- payers wondering who wii compose next year's council, and that as far as the average citizen ha concerned it hohds no significance. If one thinks the matter over they cannot but be persuaded that the nomin- ation meeting is of utmast import- ance. At this meeting are nomin- ated men who will represent the citizens in Council, an Schoh Board and the new Public Utilities Com- mission. Those who are accorded the privilege of a vote shouhd turn out and hear members of hast year's cauncil given an account of their stewardship and learn what qualifi- cations and policies other men have destinies of the tawn next year. To the women fol1k the meeting seems ta hold no glamour or lmport of any kind, but with wonien forming a large percentage af the electarate, they shauhd also turn out on that evening. One wonders sometimes why it is that women have nut been nominated ta the council or schooh board. In other centres wamen have graced these boards and we believe the tact and faresight of a waman an any civic board can have nothing but a good effect. MUSIC IN THE SCHOOLS one o! the much appreciated and anticipated features of the Yuhetide season in Bowmanville îs the Public School Concert in the Opera Hause, and perhaps the autstanding thaught that one gets at this concert is the splendid training beîng meted out ta the pupils in music. There are few arts, if any, that can have a better effect on the i! e af the youth than music. It gives them an earhy appreciation of the better things o! ife, besides paving the way far the enjoyment a! many happy hours spent in later years in- duhging in talting part or listening ta things musical. "Music hath charnis" said a sage, and one readily recog- nizes the truth of this assertion asJ they sit and isten ta the children singing their carols. folk and part sangs at the Public Schoal Concert. one realizes the import of music when it is faund necessary to ad- vertise "goad musical pragrani or "special music by the choir" ta be sure of an extra large attendance at meeting or service. Music seems rnost appropriate at Christmas tume. The joyous spirit of the season seenis best expressed in song and yet one can get no real background for this. Perhaps it is just the fact that the joyful persan feels like singing that is responsible, for in the lowly Beth- lehemn manger where the Christ child was born, there was no music. Perhaps again it is the spirit emu- lated nineteen huncired years agoi when the angel hast appeared ta the1 shepherds as they guarded their flocks and sang "Glory be to God on High. on earth peace, goodwihl to- waî'ds rnen." Whatever the origin o! song it has been closely interwoven with joy, and the teaching o!frmusic1 in the schools is bringing joy into the lives of flot only those who take part but ta those who are privileged to bc the audience. RAISE YOUR OWN LIVING Whether willing or flot the maij.or- ity of farmers are now obliged ta supphy more o! their own needs. The folowing list may provide suggest- ions for further economy: 1. Milk a few good cows; feed re- cornmended rations. 2. Fatten one pig for every two adult members o! the family; cure the meat properly. 3. Keep at least 100 good liens, correctly housed and fed. J4. Raise a good garden; ae f romn windmill if possible. 5. Plant onhy cash crops. which show little or no surplus. 6. Grow your owin stock feed. 7. Butcher fat cows and steers; trade meat with neighbors. 8. Raise your own living; keep your roof tight. 9. Get down ta earth and do the best you can taday. 10. Drive a horse until you can afford ta buy gasohine. In thie Editor's Mail1 At this season of the year the Senior Editor receives many letters with Christmas greetings and kmdcly thaughts for his welf are and the continued success of The Statesman. We greatly appreciate this whole- Lsome spirit of goodwill and contin- ued mnterest on the part of our many dear Durham Caunty fol1k near and f ar, and wish it was within our abil- ity to acknowledge each one person- ally. We therefore make tis public acknowledgment and offer sincere thanks to ail our good friends for their many deeds of kindness shown me during my 53 years as editor of The Statesman. We are taking the liberty of publishing herewith two of the many letters which have been1 received this week: Winnipeg, Man. Mr. M. A. James, Bowmanville My Dear Friend: Just ta wish you a Happy Holiday Season this year. While we ail have had to tighten our beits a bit, stiil we are alive, we have had f ood ta eat, a bed to sleep an, a home and shelter and clothing ta keep us warm. We are able ta shout, and sing, and smile, and kick up our heels with gladness. We have ail been able to add a littie joy ta others, and ta share our blessings with them. We can still enjoy the sunlight, and the stars, and the birds, and ail the beautiful things of nature. We have the cheer and smiles of aur f riends. We can stili 1ook up with open hearts and ininds, and, with outstretched hand ta our neighbor, be glad, that God is in His heaven, and that aU will be well. Sa here's for a cheerful, grateful, and happy Christmas to each and to all, and a New Year of hope and courage, and trust in Gad our Fath- er, nat dwelling alone in Heaven, but in our hearts. in our homes, and in aur wark; a season filed with hap- piness, of "Goad measure, pressed dawn, shaken together, and running over," which we wish ta yau and yours, and ail aur Durham friends. Very cordiaily yaurs, Dr. and Mrs. J. N. Hutchisan. (formerly of Enniskiilen) Salvation Army Wamen's Haspital, 133 Bloar St. E.. Taronto. My Dear Mr. James: Again that "Seasan" approaches when we may step autside the usual rautine af business, and came an mare friendly ternns, and express to one another aur true feit feelings. In the gaad aid fashianed way I Say, "A Merry Christmas" and a "Happy New Year," ta you and all my friends living in the Olti Town, the place of my birth, the place of sweet and tender memaries. AI- though I have travelled a good deal, saw some wonderful cities and tawns. I have yet ta see any town that comes up ta Bowmanville. I am proud ta be one of its daughters, and have struggled as the years have rolled by, ta flot bring any stain up- on it. and ta the Glory of God I have been successful. Do you know, I had nat intended to write like this. but I seem forced to f reely express myself or thoughts when I send in my yearly subscript- ion, and 1 do hope yau will excuse me taking this liberty. In conclusion let me say, that I pray that you may have during the coming year a share of the precious things of ife-Good Health, Happi- ness and God's bhessing. I amn, One of the Ohd Town Girls,J G. Hollande. <Major Gertie F . Hollande) 900 NOW RECEIVE OLD AGE PENSIONS 978 Is Total Number Granted The Counties Council heard a re- port on Old Age PensionLs f romn Mr. A. J. Vance a! Millbrook. of whîch the f ollowing is the gist: The Board held nineteen meetings this year, granted 206 applications, rejected 21; House o! Refuge appli- cations, granted 8, deaths 69, moved f rom the counties 30 pensioners; rnoved into the counties, 34; average pension $1905. No meeting had been hehd unless 25 applications were on file for con- sideration. The Board dealt with 59 appeals, which involved a great deal o! correspondence and work, Mr. Vance said. "During the ast f ive weeks there has been an inspector in these coun- ties," he continued. "He has been înaking his inquiries without any in- timation that he was here. Our Boar'd had reviewed many cases and intended ta recornmend certain changes to the Commission, ane o! them being a reduction to $15.00 a month where two pensioners reside in the same house. Mr. Vance said this was contemplated by the Board because o! the decrease in the cost of living. "We decided that there was no î'eason for us to worry about any recornmendations when the Commis- sion had sei* an investigator into the counties." The nurnbeî' o! pensions granted by the Board in these counities now totals 978 since the pension relief was begun. This numnber does not take account of pensions cancelled by death. TOO MANY SUCII MEN (Fromn the Ayhrner Express) The Giencoe Transcrîpt submits that people wth rnoncy in the bank and refuse to pay theix' just debts. ought to be ashamed o! theinselves. So say we ahI. That remînds us o! an incident tolci us not niany days ago. by an Ayhmeî' business men. He had i'endered an account repeat- edly to a customer without result. Then he made a personal appeal to the debtor. who treated the obliga- tion lightly, and would give no satis- faction. The merchant finally be- carne annoyed, and declared his in- tention to place the dlaim in court for collection. The debtor asked if lio meant what he said and was in- foirmed that he did mean ît and would take action at once. That brouglit results. The debtor pulled a roll o! bills f rom his pocket big enough to choke a caw, paid his bill and taok a recelpt. SCHOLARSHIPS PRESENTE» TO BOWMANVILLE PUPILS The fourth annual presentatian of the C. L. Burton short course O. A. C. agricultural schoharshîp for the graduates of the Boys' Training School at Bowmanvifle, was present- ed in C. L. Burton's affice in the Robert S*, - -son Co. store on Thurs- day in th2 presence of the Hon, W. G. Martin, Dr. G. E. Reaman, super- intendent. and E. P. Bradt, agricult- ural director. In addition to the schalarship presented ta Nicholas Gravelle, a second schalarship was awarded Howard Poole. O there are Vaices of the Past, Links of a broken chain. Wings that can bear me back ta Times Which cannot corne again; Yet God farbid that I shauld lose The echoes that rernain ! -Adelaide A. Procter. BY-LAW ISynopsis of By-law to b. published lu lieu of a copy of By-Iaw est.ab- lishlng a Public Utilies Commis- sion In the Town of Bowmanville. 1. On the 7th day o! December, 1931, a bylaw was passed by the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the Town of Bowmanville establishing a Commission ta be cailed The Public Utilities Commis- sion o0f the Town of Bowmanvihle. 2. The said Public Utilities Com- mission ta, have the f ull control and management of the distribution and supphy of electrical power or energy and the camplete cantrol and man- agement of the water supply in the said Town of Bawrnanville, pursuant ta the provisions of The Public Util- ities Act. 3. The Commission ta cansist af three members, the Mayor of the Corporation durlng his tenure of of- fice, and the rernmmg two mem- bers to, be nominated and ehected in the same manner as candidates for Municipal Council for ternis of two and three years respectively. 4. A draft of the sald by-law may be inspected at the office of the Municipal Clerk. 5. A vote af the electors, qualifled ta vote thereon, shaîl be held at the tume and place as pravlded for the holding o! municipal electians on January 4, 1932, and upon the fol- lowing question: "Are yau in favor o! establlshing The Public Utilities Commission of the Town o! Bow- Dated the 8th day a! Deceniber, 1931. John Lyle. Clerk. I hereby certif y the above ta be a true and correct synopsis of the re- spective by-laws mentianed and now on file in my office. Dated the 8th day o! Deceniber, 1931. John Lyle, 50-3 Clerk. Last Minute GiFt Suggestions Fancy Compacts, roug( Glove Compacts, thei Little Vanities, comb ai Fancy Chokeî' Necklao Ladies' Wrist Watches Gent's Pocket an( Key Cases - Bill I Tie Cases - Har Merry Chrii J. R. Moorg -e and powder ... $1.50 ideal gift........ 75c and mirroin ....... 15c ,es, boxed........ 25c .s....$8.00 to $40.00 id Strap Watches Folds - Book Ends tndkerchief Cases stmias to Ail e, Jeweller qw ÀM To Each and Everyone of our Many Friends and Y Customers CHRISTMAS GREETINGS ! Youî' happiness is uppermost in our minds when we send you our warmest Yuletide Greetings, with the hope that this Christmas may be a bigger, jollier and happier one than ever fore. W. P. Corbett and Staff SPEFONE 3 BOWMANvILLE CHRISTMAS 1931 1Business Directoryl LEGAL M. G. V. GOUMD B.A.. LL.D. Barrister, Salicitor, Notary Maney ta boan an Farmn and Town praperty. Royal Barnk Building, 'ç.wmanvlle. Phone 351. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN LTD. Extend to you their heartfelt appreciation of your patronage in the past yeaîr and look for-ward confidently to 1932, in the sinceî'e hope that we may continue to be of service to you. W isIing You the MERRIEST CHRI STMAS AND HAPPIEST NEW YEAR You 've Ever Known Couclu, Jolunston & Cryderman LIMITED ý 1 JhR CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVIZ PAGE TWO W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary î Solicitar for Bank of Mantreal U1oney ta Laan. Phone 91 Bawmanvilhe. Ontario. W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solilcitor, Natary Money ta Loan. Bonds for Sale. Offices: Bleakley Black,.]King Street, Bawxnanvllle, Ontario. Phones: Office 102; Bouse 409. L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister, Soilcitar. Notary Loans - Investments Bowmanville - Next ta Royal Theatre Phones: Office 688; Bouse 553. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Hlonor graduate in Dentlstry, Toron. to University. Graduate of the Royal Coîhege of Dental Surgeons a! On- tario. Office: King St., Bowmanvljhe. Office Phone 40; house phane 22. X-Ray EqulPrnent in Office. DR. J. C. DEVI!I Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Coilege, Toronto. Office: King Street Bt, Bawmanvlle. Office hours 9 a. mu. ta 6 P. m. daihy except Sunday. Phane 90. Hause phone 283. X-Ray EQuiDment ti Office. INSURANCE Fire Life C. H. DUDLEY DISTRICT AGENT TE MANUFACTURERS' LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Automobile Liability AUCTIONEER Theo. M. Siemon Auctioneer Piarm and House Sales a Speclalty. Ternis moderate. Enniskillen P. 0. Phone 383r3. 1-tf ELMER WILBUR AUCTIONEER Farmi Stock Sales a Speciaity Afso Furnlture. Phone Oshawa 1648r24. Terus Moderate. 39-tf TED JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer For Durham, Ontario, Victoria andl Peterboro Countles I sPecialize in Pure Bred Live Stock, General Farm Stock and Imple- ments and Furniture Sales. Sales conducted anywhere - Nonoe too large or too smail - Ternis maderate. Phone or write Port Perry 38, for dates. 35-28t* FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service. any hour, any day F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor EquiPment Ambulance and Invalid Car Caîl Phones 10 or 34, Assistants, 592 or 392, BOWMAN1MLLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND FURNITURE DEALERS successors to Alan M. Williams Kindness - Courtesy - Service Private Ambulance Phone: Office 58; Residence 523 or 58 DECORATOR Painting and Paperhanging Sunworthy Wall Paper at specia Prices. Get your orders in early. Estirnates given free. Geo. Pritchard Phone 489 Over Statesman Orne.

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