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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Dec 1931, p. 4

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PAGE TURE THE~ CANADIAN 8TATEbMAN. BOWMANVILL. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1931 LOCAL anid OTHERWISE Mayor M.J. EBliott a Miss Eva J. Wakeli has returned ant rnonths with her sisterChrot To Retire Fromm and son Wilfred. Hamilton. n Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Campbell ofM ZTestf ield celebrated their Diamond M u ni ci pal A ga irs don wedchflg this week at the home of weei their daughtei-, Mrs. Roy Stonehouse, Goderich. Mr. Campbell was borni ae ffcaTnnuc- in Brooklin 82 years ago, and Mrs. aeOfi alA nuc-ng Campbell was boni in England 80 ment at Statutory Meet f rai years aga.di No arrests have yet been made by ing or the Town Council bi the police in connectiofi with the Monday Night - Deliver- ed armed robbery at the Coronation the Cale on Dec. 5th. Suspects that were ed Valedictory Address wyî held in Peterbaro were later I reed ual when Alan Knight and Airt Kent Mayor Milton J. Elliatt, for the the stated that they were not the meni past three years Chie! Magistrate of 0 who held them up. Bowmanville by acclamation, will eni( Edwin F. Guy, 64, one of the f our flot permit his naine ta, corne up for ide. survivmng brothers of the famaus six re-election he told members of the evez Guy Brothers minstrel show of 20 Town Council at the Statutory meet- an, years ago, died at his home at ite Springfield, Mass., after a long il- ta ness. He was known ftram coast to refr coast i rom lùs stage performances of Pea more than 50 years' duration. gel Miss Clara Ashlee, Miss Margaret pe Calville, Mr. Harold King and Mr. Wel B. H. Martlock were in Cobourg lastS Thursday as delegates ta the organ- oug ization meeting ai the Local Council Chi oI the A. Y. P. A. ai the Deanery of H Northumberlanld and Durham. Mr. fl tai-y and Treasurer ai the new or-Ch ganization. wCl About twenty relatives and iiiends 1 cho met at the home ai Mr. F. N. Stev- leai ens on December l6th, ta celebrateAn the 88th annivei-sary of his birth. Gi A social time was spent playing cards and games ater which an oys- ter supper was partaken of. Bei are 'taking their leave the company sang "For he's a jolly good fellow," and -received an invitation ta came again next yeai-. Traffic Officer Ed. Purvis, wha is resporisible for the entai-cernent of the Highway Traffic Act between Oshaw andNewtanville, has asked MaoI.J lit TheSttesman to issue a final warn- i MaoM..Elot ing ta matorists who persist in div- 1 ing at night wth only one light. This habit is contrai-y ta the pro- ing on Tuesday night. lie had de- visions af the Traffic Act and is xrnn- iitely decided to retire he stated ishable by a heavy fine. The traffic cancurring with a statement made officer states that there have been some weeks ago ta this effect. far too many people diiving with one "We have came ta the end of a light oi late, but in f uture he will strenuaus year," the mayor said in prosecute anyone he f inds civing his valedictai-I remarks. "I must after dark without two lights. congratulate the members ai this council on the splendid way in which At a meeting of the Quinte Field they have acquitted ethemnselves dur- Crop and Seed Growers' Associationi ing the year, by caming out on the lield in Belleville, it was decided ta riglit side ai the ledger. For myself liold the annual seed fair of the As- it has been a very pleasant year, the socation at the B. T. S., Bowrnan- entire cauncil and indeed every ai- ville on March 2nd ta 4th, 1932. ficer oi the town co-operating ta In connection wth this f air it wB.5 the f ullest extent. We have had decided ta have a seed Judging con-man hrdpbenst cned test for f arm boys under 23 years wityh ad we aveule tlrcough ahohe ntprvoul competit.Jc aerdof and I wish ta express ta each and a sed cmpeitin. Jck ake ofevery member ai this board and the Hamnpton was elected president ai officers ai the town MY heartfelt ap- the Association, and E. P. Bradt, preciation.11 Boys' Trainlig School, Reeve N. "FrteeyasIhvbenm - Green, Nestletan, L. Winston, Mill- "or i Bowma1leI' headed, "buta brook, and P. Pollard, Port Hope, tins year I amn deflnltely out ai the were elected drectars for Durham. municipal arena. However, I hope that every member of this council WEDDING wlll be returned ta office in the event ai their running in January."1 Coe-Ashton 'It lias been custamary for mayors in the past ta entaitain the coundil A very pretty wedding was solem- ta suvper, but as in the case af last nized on Saturday alterlion, ueo. year tins money may be used ta good l2th, at the home ai Mr-. and Mrs. effect in ailevating dstress and I W. C. Ashton, when their only dau- propose once again ta contribute gliter, Florence Elizabeth Mabel, and tins money ta charlty. lu conclus- M.John Douglas Cale, yaungei-son ian may I wish each and every mem- ofM. adMs .T oe ehsa ber a very Mer-y Chrstmas and a were unitad in holy bonds ai matri- Happy and Prosperous New Year." mony. Rev. E. F. Armstrong, pastor Every member af council pald tri- of Trinlty United Church, officating. bute ta Mayor Elliott's leadership In The bride, who was given in mar- municipal affairs for the past tan riage by lier father, entered the years in wich he lias served in the drawing roorn ta the sti-ains ai Loh- tawn as councillor, deputy-reeve, engrin's wedding march played by reeve and mayor. Miss Dorothy Plummer, and took her place with the bridal party beneath HOME TOWN PAPER IS TUE MIR- a white bell and streamers ai pastel RO 0FCMUIYL aliades ai plnk and yellow witli a BO OFCMUIYLE background o! palins, ferns and pink primnulas. Building up a community is every- The bride looked charming in a body's job, says the Grand Farks sheil pink gown af georgetta and Gazette. The home awner, the land- lace, made an princess hunes with lord, the housewife, the ministar, the long tight sleeves, and lacy mohair doctor, the schoal principal, the gov- bat ta match. lier gloves and shoes ernIng board, the civic societies, the were ai whte maire and she carried policeman, the f iremafi; in fact. ev- Butterfly roses. She was attended erYone with a distinct home interest by Miss Amnelia Nichofls, Part Hope, muat play lis part . The local news- orly cousin ai the groom, in pale paper is the point ai contact thi-ougli Yellow georgette, with smaîl gald tur- wich these various elements must ban hat and black kld ahoes. She f unction and express themselves. .carried mauve pink mums.' The The home tawn publication is a mir- groom was ably supported by Mi-.irrao the 111e af the community, in- Gordon C. Ashton, 0. A. C., Guelph, spiiig, suggesting, helplng, and us- brother ai the bride. ualiy sacrificina a great deal ta the The groam's giit ta lis bride was general work ai up-building. It is a brown fox lui-. To the bnidesmald the concentratad reflection ai the an-d pianist gold lilled vanity case s, home tawn intarest, as oppased ta and ta the best man engraved gold activities inulits midst, wliose sole fiiled cufi links. aim is ta take the home town dollar The mother ai the bride was be- out ai tawii and attach it ta the eomingly gowned in royal blue lish- bank account af some fareigli cor- ,er'a net and wore a shoulder bau,- Th appataihefrlg oipr quet ai briar cliff roses. The groom's aThn or teo hoe ton roll risu- mother wore black satin-f aced crepeatofrthhmeowdlarius and vlvet with a sqhaulder bouquet uallyan appeal ta cupidity camou- Previaus to lier mariage the bride ister. Ta supplement and become a was given twa showers, one in the part of any well-organized campaigu form of a kitchen sliawer af green it lias Its value, but standing alone and Ivory graniteware at home of It should arouse suspicion rather Mii. Ernest Werry, Ennlskillen, and than conf Idence. ý% miscellaneous sliower at lier own bZorne. She was also presentad wltli Time's of manstraus use: arose plaid kenwood blanket by lier But, ahilihow subject ta abuse! a. . chscsof girls. -Peter Pindar. COURTICE Mris. S. S. Brooks was in Toronto st week. MLss Tliampson. Thedford. is visit- liher cousin, Miss Sadie Muir. Miiss Lyla Osbor-ne and Mi-. Gar- m Osborne, Toronto, spent the skend at home. The concert given on Friday even- gby the pupils ai No. 8 school was grand succesa. Rev. H. C. Wal- ir acted as chairman. and the alogues. recitations. musical num- ýrs etc.. given by the achool show- [the splendid training given by ýteacliers, Mr. Ilopkins and Miss 1 ymian. After the brogram as us- al ld Santa Claus appeared and &presents were distributed. Our choir held practice and were :eitained in the home af the pres- ent, Mrs. R. C. Pearce, on Tuesday rning ai hast week. The attend- ice was large and a goad deal oi terest and enthusiasm was put in- Sthe practice. Afterwards tasty Ireshnients were served by Mrs. carce and a hiappy time spent ta- :1her. Mrs. Peai-ce in lier usual lsant way made evei-yone moat elcome. Splendid cangregations greeted ir pastai- on Sunday. In the morn- g, it being white gif t service and uiistmas Sunday, our pastor, Rev. :C. Wolfraim, preached a beauti- isermon. The chair lait waa fill- 1ta, its capacity and renderedi hrlstrnas music. While thegft i-re being brauglit ta the altar the air sang "The wise may bring their îrning," and alterward Mrs. G. F. nmis sang a beautiful solo "The 'it." Sunday eVening aur pastar in a wondei-ful way gave a dramatlc presentation ai the poem, "Shoca oi Happiness" by Edwin Mai-kham, and again Christmas music was given by the choir. Monday eveninig week the Mission Cii-de held a moat successful meet- ing at the home aI Miss Marion Tre-i vail with Miss Aura Osbor-e's groupj in charge. The president, Miss Vel- ma Gay, presided, and after apening with a hiymn, John 3:16 was repeat- ed by ail. Miss Maiin Travail read the bible lesson. Miss 'Aura Os- borne gave a short talk on Christ- mnas greetinga, calling on each rner- ber aiflier group wlia responded with a verse ai Christmnas greeting. After singing, the watcli tower was i-e- sponded ta by Miss Betli Gay, Japan, Mrs. Walter Snider, Temperance. Treasurer reported the year's work about -$100 and was very creditable ta the girls. A pi-ag-arn was then given. Readings by Misses Stella Forsythe and Bernice Gay; a vocal solo by Miss Hazel Rundle; and piano solo by Miss Margaret Payne. Our pastai-, Rev. H. C. Wolii-aim. was present and gave an interesting talk on "A Girl's Corner Stone." Meeting closed by repeating the Loi-d'a Prayer. Miss Aura Osborne's group served refrealirents that were enjoyed by ail. Mrs. Trevail and Maion were most thoughtful a! their guests. iThe quality of mercy is not strained; It droppeth as the gentle rain f rom heaven Upan the place beneatli; it is twice blest,- It blessetli hi.m that gives and hlm that takes. -Shakespeare. MAPLEGROVE Mr. Colin Kerr-, Toronto, visited * his cousin, Mr. Ernie Laird. L fV ~ f"i Mr. Elgin Munday, Guelph, is the holidays at home. Miss Enid Twist is spending the holidays with her cousin, Miss Mona Kemp, Toronto. ........ Mrs. Frank Bell and Miss Mabelle ......... Bell, Toronto, visited their aunt, Mrs. !II H. A. Farrow, on Sunday. . .... . Miss Ruth Stevens, Town, spent a f ew days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stevens.eexe Miss Ruth Armstrong, R. N., Toi-- onto, spent Sunday with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Armnstrong. The many friends in tis com- rnunity extend heartiest congratu- lations to Mr. Sam Buttery and Misse x » Evelyn Lancaster wha were married 1 e0 recently. fora t Next Sunday will be Missionary4 Sunday in the Sunday school, Mrs. a1J7 Wolfraim will give a llttle address. Collection will be for the Sick ChUld- ren's Hospital. Misses Nellie Snowden, Annie Laird, Vera Trimble, Vera Power, B. E. Souch, Ruby Bragg, Greta oLam Munday are spending the holidays at their respective homes. Afuli church greeted our pastor, k o Rev. H. C. Wolfraim, on Sunday, when he delivered a special Xxnas sermon. which also took the f orm f a white gif t service when a niceTh P lot of parcels were taken ta the front and laid on the altar, also special Xmas music by the choir. Bowmanvllle stores will be open ~ ~ aU day Wednesday during December. V(RMI,) Don't Guess on Qualilyý-Look for the Governmen t-Grade Tag on the Turkey You Buy ESTASSHEDEvery turkey on sale in Toronto A & P stores has been graded and tagged by a k Goverl'mentlt spector. . . To the average householder titis means .u.h . ht means that it eimrnna±s5ý the necesslty of guessworl< uhen buying. Goverument grades are the stanédards of quallty. At A & P you will flnd only À WIER KVOM MIES eiet5 Grade "A" and Seleetsd Grade "B3" turkeys, properli- tagged-thus assuring ES you of bleds that have been well-fatted and well-fleshed for rnarket. NOLIDA yMAKE A & P YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR SSUGGESTIONS FINE CHRISTMAS POULTRY terni of every-day use at prices that ell their own stori- of cea saviags. LAYER GS b. 9oTU RKEYS COOKINGlb FI GB 2 Ibn. 210 Plump, tender young birds firn the country'S best turkey faras. Ô Cltwfl Pel lb.240 Huy yoar <lhnlstrnas turkey at A & P-Every bird guaranteed iLEMON OR ORANGE NPEEL lb. 1170 VER Y L OWEST PjRICES SEASLNI<G Tin go Also a Complote Assortment of SIIRRIFF'S FRUIT G BS m C IK N * ,JELLIES l'mbler 240 G E E -C IK N MARASCHINO H CERRIES 2î11a.n 250 DUCKS m- FOWL 'Glace CherriesM l. 390 Our full money-back guarantee goea with 2 Pkgs. every purchase mnade. SKaravan Dates 35o AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT-Shop at A & P. m PITTRODat.Pg.20 SMOKED MALAGA TABLE E A QDAVIES' PERFECTIONBAN b Pkg.10 O 2 L. AERAGE ..171 R~AISINS 1 TO 12LB.5A Cellophane GINGER ALE (otns MTHINLY SLICEDilbWpPdE Canadla D" s7 25 BABREAKFAST STYLE/2 Package19 CLEANED Bot25 FRESII VOUNG ROASTING C URRANTS ib. 1,70 ~ Shoulderws FRES lb. go ALSTRALIAN SULTANAS JoUS An Excellentlb12 RAISINS 2 Ibn. 290 - Ruts lb li AYLMER BUFFET Ut YMEN l.10 PvUlt Salad 2 TINS 250 SELIC'T:DA 1 ' E,( fIAS BEEF oASTS Sirloin lb. 220 Walnut Meats b 90 Sole b 2 R OECTAR ouE !) TEA& COTTAGE Bladeornsï?rt lb. 14e "b.450lb.750COTAGEROLLS lb. 12o _____'~ DILSIED A b 2 ENCOREBRANDEXCELLENT rual'O10LITRV DRtESSING MAYONNAISE A AE MET2ls25 -oz.JAR S'4-OZ. JAR S_______MA___Ibn.____ 13 3 OYSTERS Glas m a35e CANDIES SPOOLS......... lb. 17c Si LLI..LLY BAKED FOR CHRISTMAS - FULL 0F FRUIT CUT ROCK ....... lb. 17eESLB. -.3 BUTTERCUPS ..... lb. 19c CA ECAKE 29 -K .5 LI HOMEMADE STYLE O AD F FINEST QUALITY INGREDIENTS ONLY lu1IN PIN ? EALERS IN Q UART SC AL RB U L K A' P Mîncemeat 21e. 35o2îbu.25oe SDIUBARRYS FANCY CHRISTMAS CHOCOLATE ASSORTMENT Chocolates lb. Box 39o 2 lb. 75e 3-lb. Box 190 idour betzslu- Wlerny Chriýnas mpe7ïoe »yal Banik Canada O.M TurIceys 33c. Geese 23c. Ckickens 25c. Ducks 25c. W. Delive-Extra Charge 10c. Meat Manage: G. McCoy. Grocery Manager: P. Wiiliamse Phone No. 83 I We dont drag ho-e the yule 11-9 sf7 more at ChrWs- m-time, but W s wemlly f -n i. hop at A & P f0t thie mailings or a holid&y fe L o8ma. S>r ny tempting tldngs to t-,mch r«117y goed thinga, too-md. hst of aSU, e..nth.e mougitt-we517purge-Mlla"etbe st111e by A & p mouey-SaYil Pries. CLUB BOUSE BRAN»D STUFFED OLIVESm .0v.Jar 23' VCR QUEEN 20 IL IL90 CISP, TENDER. SWEET lXE PICKLES_30 A350 BISCUITS iLB. ASSORTED CY ASSORTMENT 0Fr C H R IST E,'S E T 0F Fe I B 1' , S LB. oz.. i 1 0 PIKG. 2 50 -PKG.1 DOKAR lb. Tln 39e THE CaFTER SUPREME« ]RED CERCLE lb. Pkg. 33o RICH, FULL-DODIED. FLAVORFUL SO'CLOCK 2 49e W01ELD-9 LARGEST SELLING PACKAGE CO"ME NUTS DRAZILS PECANS WALMUTS Lane, Meaty in the Sheil Calffornia BnSdid 2b 21e lb.39e lb. 39o MIXED MA e-neM. Lb.'le OUR OWN ANN PAGE U-OUNCE DREAD Wax-wrapp 6 RAISIN LOAW Loaf Se FRUIT and NUT LOAF Loal 9o CHERRY CAKE lb. Cake 290 VALENCIA CAKE lb. Cake 19C A & P CHRISTMAS S2-LB. PUDDINGS- AC. 590 Fruiftsand Vegetables Frresh deliveries da»y-A=cmleeassortrnt of lmprd and d ssle fruits aS egtbe awats jour selecao at al A rPt tore-and at prices tilat are îery 10w. LUSCIOUS-GOLDEN CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES » are commE bthe cauload te give yon the preateit Orange MUel eaByjurCpre«.masOranges aiAt h -A dmanda Ytmowest posble p ries. ANCY am U3,uoat FANCY CALIFPORNIA GRAPESlalb. 150 No Christmnas cdiner complets uibout Cramberry Sauce. CRANEEtRRIESJPe~d lb. 190 Bowiuanvli - r-

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