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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Dec 1931, p. 5

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p ~S ER 31, lomu THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, INCIDENT IN THE WAR 0F 1812 The Battie of Lacoile Mil To Statesman: An old lady, Mrs. Tom Jardine, whom many 0f the readers 0f The Btatesman will memember, who lived on a farm just soutli 0f Tyrone many years ago, narrated ta me the iollowing incidents. She was then over 80 years old. As she rose f rom lier chair I noticed a certain lame- ness in lier walk which lier age and robustness did not account for, and asked the cause. She informed me tlie cause of lier lameness was a bullet still in lier thigli, she receîved aI the batîle of Lacolle Mill in 1813 In the wam of 1812 between the U. S. and Great Brftain. At that time the Americans liad planned the capture 0f Montreal by way 0f the Richelieu River, which ran from Lake Cliamplain to St. Lawmence River. Lacolle Miii, the scene 0f events as related, situated near the lake and river outiet, near which the Invaders liad 10 pass, liad been made Into a fort which the Americans liad to capture before continuing their advance. The defence 0f the fort was entrusled 10 a hastily raised militia. The incidents and events the most important in some ways 0f lier hf e, for thougli only a young girl aI Ilie tinie, the tmagedy 0f tîl neyer been erased fmom lieria had m emory. Hem people had settled temporar- lly in the County 0f Huntinglon, Province 0f Quebec, then known as Lower Canada, and weme living there at the outbreak of the war 0f 1812, between the United States and Great Britain. Their home was not far from Lacohle near Napierville on the shore 0f Lake Champlain, at whicli place the engagement known as the baIlle 0f Lacolle Mill was fouglit between the invadlng Aniericans and Canadian Militia. She recalled the excitement among the settlems Ihre, wlien the news meaclied them that the United i States had declamed war on Great Britain and the enrollinent later 0f every able-bodied man In the MII- Itia, her father among the rest. Then there weme rumors 0f intended in- vasion which had for Its objeat the capture cf Montreal by the Amerlc- ans by way 0f Lacoile and tlie Rich- elieu River. j Il was wlnter, the snow lay deep over the partlally cleared f lelds, and tangled woods. For miles along the roads and over every avenue 0f ap- proach, the Militia had felled trees, ta liamper In every way as muci as possible, the lnvading ammy. Lacolle Mlii was a atrong atone building, formerly a grisl mlii, liad been con- verted mb a fort for whlcli f rom position and structure, Il was ad- mlrably sulted. One momnlng the family were at breakfast. There were other men present besides lier father, wlien Word was brouglit that the Anieric- ans were caming. The men at once ROYAL THEATRE MEMBER 0F fr)6ur ~ THURS. - FR1. - SAT. DECEMBER 24 - 25 - 26 Matlnee Xmas Day at 3 p. m. Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Live the beat part 0f your 11f e over again! Here~s youm chance! Spend one glorfous hour witli the kid you weme - or should have been! You~ll neyer forgive youm- self if you miss It! "PENROD AND SAM" Wlth Leon Janney, Junior Cogh- Ian, Dorothy Peterson, Zasu Pitts, and a dozen 0f Hollywoods brlghtest kids. MON. - TUES. - WED. DECEMBER 28 - 29 - 30 Matlnee Monday at 2.30 p. m. A Thunderboit Crashes te the Screen "FIVE STAR FINAL" With Edward G. Robinson Dynamited frorn lurid newspaper accounts, ripped f rom shmieking lieadlines . . . a thrill-loaded, sen- sation-packed drama that will leave you pale with excitement I So mlgity, 80 ti-uly great, nolhing lie acreen lias ever oflered can compare with il With H. B. Wamner, Marian Marsh Frances Starr, George E. Stone, Anthony Busheli. Chinaware every Tuesday and Wednesday Nights The Management of the Royal wlshes you the Compliments of the Season. We offer you the sincereat CHRISTMAS GREETINGS and best wishes for the coming NEW YEAR and hope that we may continue to serve you. E. Logan calmly rose and took their muskets I from lie wahl, wenl ouI to take part j in île defence 0f lie mill. Hem I nlotlier was almosI distracted for what could sie do witl six 11111e ones and lie snow deep everywhere. S le decided 10 remain and lake i chances, whicli was no doubî the b est thing 10 do. A campany 0f Brilisi megulars on marel ta assist in defence 0f the I miii. under cammand of a Caplain Blake, with same 0f lis command, I rushed mb the bouse and ordered Mather ta quit the place as lie in- teîîded ta use it as a block house ta hold back île Americans as muel as passible. Mother remonstrated that Ihere was no place 10 go any- w-ay. île litîle Ones could nat walk in tIc deep snow. But île Captain insisted, laId hem to go 10 the mili or any place but 10 gel aut. Wrap- ping tic cîlîdren as well as she cauld in hem lurry and tlrowing a slawl over ber lead, went out mb île snow in lie direction 0f tîn MilI. Bewildered and weeping llcy soon found tlemselves In île woods wlere stumbling over logs and bush tley cauld go no famîler. A detachinent 0f lie Anicricaxi Anîny sent out b reconnoitre sud- denly caugit siglit 0f the hittle party 0f refugees and fired at hem. Il was leamned later liaI île Arneric- ans lad take hem for Indians foi when lie little girl the only one lit j cried ouI and f elI, Ilie matie, screamcd and dmopped lie shawl i from hem lead ho reaci for lie girl. i An American soldier in advance cal- led ta tic others: "Don'l fire any more, it's a white wornan." Soon île Americans came Up. The soldier who lad spaken, took île wounded girl tenderly in ils ans and inquired wheme Iheir home was. The mother cxplained lic condition 0f affairs; lIaI il was occupied by a i. detacîment 0f Brillai soldiers. A panty of île Amenicans lmmediaîeîy v advanccd towards lie bouse. The C doughty Captain Blake and willi those o! ils command wlo wcre a witli hlm, abandoned lie place as a soon as thcy saw lie Aniericans corning, wltlout flnlng a ahol. F Motier and lie reat were assisted n home and wlule some 0f the soldiers E busied lliernselves in making a lime, another dressed lic wound 0f lie C iithe girl, ail lie lime hamenting the n unjustness 0f war. "I lave a 11111e d girl like liaI aI horne,'~ said one, "not one 0f us wanted hua war and c. were forced mb il. God grant il C may soon be over.~' b Molier and tIc rcst weme made as - comforîable as conditions permiîted, il tIen île Ainericans liurmied off 10 A take part in the attack on Ilie miii. b The incidents and events IliaI Irans- c] pired araund the miii liaI day, con- ci Iined on 1er couci as she was, aie G did not see, bearing il described ~ ci eye wilnesses so 0f ten, made Il plain ~ 101er. n The advanced guard o! île Amer- L ican nulnbered about 5000. Some me- sistance bad been anticipated by the Amemicans, as Ilie place liad b be reduced before the army could ad- vence. Tliey knew too île Ciamriaon was arnail; in faci il only numbered ~ about 186, chlelly militia unused 10 ~ war. Genemal Hancock was in dom- ~ rnand o! Ilie fort. From eariy momn- ~' ~ng aller lie liraI appearance 0f lE Amenicans, the garrason kept up a d heavy lire. Two assaults ~ ~ a lliey were lumled back wîîî îeavy f~ bas tauglit lic Americans the fu- a: tihity 0f sud attacks on heavy atone F walis, witliouî field guns 10 smash A ;lie walis, behind wiiidli were stoul C iearted defenders, whule awaiting tc le beavier guns 10 arrive. TIc precautions laken by lic ~anadians in felling Imees, lad dom- m IIetely blocked aU chances 0f ad- C 'ancing tIc field artilery excepî one 'gît field piece whicli by great ef- omî was brougîl to 11e iront laIe W Il île ai temnoon, and placed in pas- D lion on a rise 0f ground ta boni- ard lie fort, île gun ouI 0f range VC 'f muskeîmy ilme. 80 The heavy firing ail day lad made reat mroads on lie supply 0f arn- nunîtian. Gen. Hancoci began b 01. Le~ipair, almosi, wlicn lic saw thie te: un placed in position on île hlîl bove. 11e knew in lime t h e walls lu îusî lumble about 11cm, tien an ssaulî in overwlielmang nurnbei-s A 1051 carry île place. Tlcy laId 0f irn as tIc day advanced and île mmumtian grew lower and lower e smaked harder and harder and Gi s lic Watcled tic cifeet 0f île fîrsî ~w shats, on hie walls, he w-as in a W baud 0f labacco amoke. Suddenîy lie called fan twenîy vol- St ateers; lwenîy men slepped for- j ard. ~Men," saîd le. aur only ape ta save île fort is ta spîke lIaI Lin:' 11e explained b 11cm whaî do wlicn any o! 11cm readhed tic un. Spikang a muzzlc loading can- on was driving somcîhing like a Mi il-lau file mb île vent laie, thus Mi 'akîng il impassible te fine il. The Pa îen passcd rapîdly lîru lie gale. mmcd quickly and Slanlcd fan tIc ve: in. Under île leavy fine 0f mua- av~ slny liey met tîcîr number quickîy ho irnlnished Those la the font fired Mi rapîdîy as lley could 10 cover ad- Inde 0f theii~ cammades as lley an .ruggled on, but in vain, not one La ~adlcd île gun. Twcnty more vol- W. uleers wcre callcd. Ticy were in- "'s ructed for cadi man b act inde- ~ndenîîy. taking advanîage ai any Jir ver as lhcy advanced Two reacî- f mii I tIc guji, whiIe one dlubbed île inners, île allier Spiked lie gun. Loi Laler, sIc said just Oulside île Mc le 0f île old milI, forty graves, Liene resled tie remains 0f hase Ion 'rocs wlo withouî a mummui~ ~ mcc iihindhingîy faced certain deatl. Tic hittie cemctery is 5h11 pre- Wl rved and darcd for, and laten a ina unument was emedted fittingîy set- ker îg forth tic story ai 11dm decds Mi] To retum to île home 0f île lcc~ îunded girl. Afler hem wound was Gm, Cssed sIc îay on a coud nean a E ndow facing lic roadway Ahi day be e lad leard the roar o! battie, Coi îWards noon Iheme wcre a few a. i îunded stmaggîe~ irom tIc Amer- '~ mn army. As lie day advanccd ciij esc became far more nunlemous ~ îe medical staff and supplies seem- sen very Inconiplete and lie lesa sev~ CII ~ly waunded had ta do lie beal wa~ ~y cauld ion theniselves Wai T'h~ .. ~ nien as tlcy came at Ihe buse would beg for watem joy d bandages, Mother was kepî 0f sy renderlng ail lie help abe Cho îld. One woundcd soldier aie me- i"' mbers clearly by his riglil arm, faiT Ieh had been shatlened by a bul- er's whlch struek lie rnlddle 0f lie I'd id and Passed up the ami la tie spei ~w. WhIle mother vas hurrylng fat! for a suitable bandage Ilie woundcd man caugnl aigu or the girl on the coucli, "50 you are île bille girl we ru-ca aI hua momnmgi I was in ilial ueîachxnenî anci maybc il was my siiot tnaî dîd il." Wîlli a look 0f ulormor and dîsmay lie humnied fmom tue house, not waîting ion tue ban- uagc, lie 80 aoreîy nceded. Wlal a ieeaîng of memorse lic musl lave cx- ,~enîenced 10 loi-gel Ion a moment the agony 0f a shattered arm. - impi-ovised ambulances 0f lorse ana axen drawn sleds. cammandeer- cu f ram lie selliers, wîîlî 11cm liid- cous loada 0f severely wounded and uead frequently passed. gaing 10 tic 4eam. Tne bload dnîppîng on île wlîilc snow from eacl vehîcle lef t an added crîmsan staîn whici sle cauld .4ee for a considerable distance along île moad. TIc remembrance and reciting 0f tus part 0f hem slomy acerned to pro- uuce a feeling 0f larron, even tien af 1er alI these years. Hem fatiema norses and oxen as wehl as Ilose 0f athen sellIers laken for ambulance duty, nol a single lionse on ox on 0leigi but was rctumncd ta the own- ens in a few days. Niglit coming on, tic gun out 0f ~ornmission, tic defenders ai the fort secrningly as hively as ever, tiere was notiing cIsc for tic Amer- icans 10 do but retreat 10 licir base mf opemalions. Tius was Ihe baIlle 0f Lacolle Mill fougit and won. It is almoat forgollen now, or If iougit cmi at aIl, as a amahi and un- .mportant event. E .L. Llvlngatone~ CADMUS A nuniber have been picking geese md dhickcns tus week. Mrs, A. E. MCGili lias been visIl- ng in Bowmanville thîs puai week. i Mrs. Norman Pliulp, Toronto, S 'isaling lier parents, Mr. and Mm. J Qulte a number lrom Ihis viclnlty i .tlended lie B. H. S. concert Sat- rday evenang. C Mm. W. B. Ferguson, Mm. W. D. i 'erguson and Mm. E. Sanderson I nade a business lmip ta Lindsay on atumday. ] Misa Floma Henderson held the ' ~hixislmas Irce and concert on Wed- .esday evening in Devitt'a Hall wlIi ccided success. There was a large crowd ouI ta C hurch Sunday momnlng ta hear lie Iî irisîmas service and was asslsted ~ yafullchiomr, r League waa held Tliuraclay even- C îg. Semipture lesson was read by ~ Ian Fallis; Bible study was taken t y Thomas Ridier. Program was in ~ large 0f Miss Deila Lelliangue and E Dnsisted ol île lopic by Mm. Edgam ~ ibson; music by Miss Flora Hend- ~ raon; and a reading by Miss Leti- e ngue, Cloir praclice and a board c îceting were hehd aI île chose 0f cague. C t c PURPLE HILL i e On Frîday nigit, Dec. 181h, lie ~ upils and teacher o! Shirley achool resented their concert and Christ- ~ îas Irce aI Betiel Churci. Tic a I mogmani was intcreating and van- ~d, consisting 0f choruses, dialogues, ~ mils, recitations, pantomimes and crosties. Instrumental musie was 1~ imnishcd by Mr. Reginald Boundey ~ nd Mn. Irwln Tripp, wlth Miss rances Grabam as accompanial. t tic close of lie progmam Santa laus appeared and dispcnsed gifts îall and sundry, v School Report mi Following is the report 0f Christ- T as examinations aI S. S. No. 4, C antwriglil: I Sm. IV-Iva Ferguson 71, Ruby ti 'otten 68. e] Jr. IV-Ruby Toms 72, Henry o: emille 63, Bruce Mahaffy 53, Han- H y Maliaffy 50, Tom Demilie 48. P Sm. m-Relu Swain 73, Bruce Gib- V n67. P Jr. lil-Nonman Mahaffy 55, Han- lA d Demihle 50. I~d Sr. Il-Eme Henny 71, Helen Wot- M n 69. Mary Maiaffy 65, Rose Sib- ai ck 58, Pcrcy Swain 56, Cecil Gib- Ci n 54. Freddie Cowling 51. A Sr. 1-Ennesi Swain 67, Hamry I M istin 52. M Jr. I-Stanley Taylor 52. W Sm. Pr.-Billy Mahaif y 69, Vemna M bson 52. M Jr. Pr.-Janet Swain 65. Henry C. allen 61. Li Beginners-Doris Malafly, Roas Ti Cdc. Pi F. McFadden, leader. Ri cm SOLINA 'ar W' Mm. and Mrs. Lauren Hogarti and M ss Dorothy, Hamniony, visited aI la: as Mary Hogarlis and Mrs. R. Cl scoca. m Mm. George Millson, Toronto Uni- m csity, and Miss Doris Milîson, Osi- dO 'a Collegiate, are spending llic en lidays wîîli ticir parenîs, Mm. and W< ~s. Ed. Mihlson. 15 Mra. Les. Thompson, Mm. Francia en d Miss Alice Tiompson, Miss pli ura Davcy, Tyrone, Mn. and Mrs. sa J. Lynd and Miss Jean, Oshawa. be iied aI Mn. J. W. Yellowlees'. Va )m. J. B. Reynolds, Welcomc, Mm. ~. n Reynolds, Port Hope, called on ac ends icre hast weck. La min. and Mrs. Hilton Tink and M< raine. Salem, visitcd ai Mm. Alan fmi Kcssock's. evA vlr. Gco. Wlîtc is under lie dec- b~ s came. We wisl iim a specdy Va overy. 11e ~ongnatulailons 10 tIc fallowing ~ a passed hein Tempenance cxam- tions: May Wcsîlakc, Ruby Par To Doris, Vemna. Howard and Ebe~ Ve. Ison, Gladys and Harvey Ychlow- Mm ~. Jessie, Norma, Neil, Donald and E. mcc Yellawlces Coi ;unday School next Sunday whll qu~ aI 10 a. ni. iallowcd by Quarherly nmunion service at Zion ai îî Ma Jo) ~ie Chrlstmas services were muci prc oyed by lic congregation. Rev. Mm R. Blck pncacied an excellent T. 'non. laklng as ils subject "Tic vec isimas Secrel." Special musie anc rendered by bbc choir wilci anc i muci enjaycd. There wene 102 W. île Sunday aclool session la en- tic Cirlalmas prograni. Pupils Bmadley's sehool favored wlth a Wo rus. [r. and Mna. Les. Collacoît and To Lily, Saleni, vislted ai lier falli- TIi Mm. W. H. Westlake. [las Ada Pascoe. Toronto, la rîdlng the bohldays wIIi hem 'i" îer, Mm. H. G. Pascoe. SALEM Sorry to learn that Mr. James Mc- Donald is stili very very iii. Mr. and Mrs. W. Fîtze, Janetvxlle, visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cornish. last week. The Savery chîldren, Newtonville, are spending a f ew days ~vîth thcu grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A Welsh. Rev. A. S. Kerr 0f St. Pauls. Bow- manvalle, ~ionducted the afternoon service ag~in last Sunday and de- livered a very fine Christmas mes- sage to his hearers. Congratulations to Mî~. Sani But- tery wlio lias taken unto himself a wîIe. We heartîly wisn bota ne ana his fair bride mucli happiness in their venture on the sea 0f matri- mony. BLACKSTOCK Our community extends deepest sympatliy to Mrs. J. H. Freeborn in flie aeatn 0f lier liusbanc± wno pass- I eci away suddenly on Saturday ev- ennig, Dec. 12. Mr. Freeborn had been a inghly respected citizen ol Cartwriglit until a few years ago wlien lie moved to Enniskîilen. Tne f uneral lield on Tuesday was con- I ducted by his pastor, Rev. J. M. i Wflyte and by the Masonac Order, C at Ennislullen Cliurch and also at Blackstock Cemetery. Mr. Free- C born was eighty years 0f age on I Sept. 28. 1931 Sympatliy as also r extended to the relatives and friends ~ 0f the late Miss Sarali Smîth, wlio t passed away on Dec. 10 at the home r of Mr. and Mrs. T. Smitli. Her f un- 'I eral to the Anglican Cemetery was ~ held on Saturday, Dec. 12. . Hon. I and Mrs. W. Q. Martin, Toronto, J n were guests 0f Mr. and Mrs. Creaglit- J c 2n Devitt, recently.. Mr. and Mrs. u E". Bailey vlsated Mr. and Mrs. Bert t .\LcMuilen ... Miss F. Parr lias re- fi ~urned home ai ter vlsiting friends e n Cavan.. . Misses Margaret Arnold f, L.aura Bailey and Mix Bert Deacon, li irand Valley, were guests 0f Mr. and v ~i1rs. F. Balley. . Mr. and Mrs. Ai- n red Henry entertained at p in Dec. 9. Nuxnber present 30. Mrs. e: ~. Harris and Mr. Osmond Wright n vere the winners. Refreshments were a. erved . . Mr. and Mrs. Percy Van- p ~amp visited frîends lii Cavan s~ ~r. and Mra. Lame Baker and îc laughter, Nancy, Mr. Arche Mar- b 0w, Mm. Hamold Mamlow, ail 0f Osh- lc Lwa and Miss Marjorie Marlow, To- , onto, spent Sunday, Dec. 13, guests si >f Mm. John Marlow Reeve Nor- ti flan Omeen lias been in Coboumg at- h. ending Counties Council Dr. C. s< Whittaker had a car accident on 3unday, but was not seriously hurt, ol vlien lie was golng to No i school c jouse wlieme lie holds Sunday School adi Sunday aiternoon for the ben- QI fit 0f the chuldren 0f that district The Annual meeting 0f the W.M.S. f the United Churcli was held at lie home 0f Mrs. Norman Mountjoy A n Dec. 9. Mrs. J. A. Jolinston, pres- ti dent, presided for the openlng ex- la maises. Mrs. Wailace Mamlow, wliose ~ ;roup was in charge 0f lie program, g] hen took the chair, wlien the follow- pî ng pmogram was given: A Temper- <~ .nce Reading, Miss Annie Wright; dl >iano Duet, Mrs. Newell and Miss ~ladys Neweil; and four short ad- Iresses; (fl. Wliat lias interested ~ 'ou most In the year~s progmam by la Lrs. Ernest Larmer; <2). What bas ai enefitted you most by Mra. Earl )ommell; (3). 110w can we make the m ragrams more interesting by Mrs. fr lewell; (4). 110w can ail the women at f the churcli be enllsted, by Rev. F. V. Neweil. Mrs. F. Stinsan read the sport 0f the Oshawa Presbyterial emperance Secretary, Mrs. Everson, - 'sliawa, as prepared for the Sec- onal meeting aI Newca~tle. Af 1er îe business part, Rev. F. W. New- i 100k the chair for the election 0f ~ficers whicli resulted as follows. - :on resident,-Mm James Byers, resident-Mrs F. W. Newell; lst. ice Pres.-Mrs. Dorreil; 2nd. Vice res.-Mrs. Archer; Recording Sec- Ers. Wailace Marlow; Cor. Sec.- Ers. Roy Taylor; Treas.-Mrs J. G. Eamlow; Sec. 0f Christian Steward- îip-Mrs. J. A. Jolinston; Finance om.-Mrs. J. Q. Marlow; Mrs. J. Johnston, Mrs. J. J. Jobb, and rs. N. Mountjoy; Strangers' Sec.- ~ rs. J. Forder; Supply Sec.-Mrs. O. ~ 'right; Associate Helpers' Sec'y- ~ rs. T. Samelîs; Mission Band Sec.- ~ rs. C. Hili; Baby Band Sec.-Mrs. ~ Wright; Missionary Monthly and ~' teîature Sec.- Mrs. J. Larmer; ~mperance Sec-Miss A. Wriglit; ~ess Secretary..Mrs F. Stinson. Mrs. Milton Sanderson and son 2y, Toronto, are vislting lier par- ils, Mr. and Mrs. S. Swain Mm.~ id Mrs. F. Stinson spent Sunday ~ek with Mrs. Stinson's motier, rs. Wm. Nixon There was rge attendance at the Union îurcli Sunday evenlng. Speclal usîc was provided by the young en Owlng to the Christmas ncert on Pmlday and Saturday ev- .ing League will be withdrawn tus ~ek On Tuesday evenlng, Dec. th. Mr. and Mms. Howard Bail .tertained a number 0f young pe e, Il belng their wedding anniver- ry Mrs. F. A. Balley wlio lias en spendlng sevemal days In Grand îlley aI the home 0f Mr. and Mrs. Deacon. returned home Saturday. Companied by lier daugliter, Miss ura Balley Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Iuntjoy entertajnea thlrty-flve ends to a euchre party on Tuesday ~ning, Dec. 151h. Prizes were won Miss Hazel Engllsh and Mm. Pemcy nCamp. Mm. and Mrs. Nomman urnes and family spent Sunday ~li Mr. and Mrs. Pemcy VanCamp. Mrs. John Forder lias been in ronto vlsltlng lier daugliter. Miss ra, who Is quite III Mm. and~ s. T. Smlti and Mm. and Mrs. Mountjoy attended the Durham unty Liberal Convention and ban-r ~t on Tuesday evenlng, Dec. 15th.S* On Wedneaday Dec. l6th, Mrs.~ .hood enterlained the W. A. ai St. in's Church. 30 present. The >grarn conslsted 0f a piano solo by s. Campbeîî and a readlng by Mrs. Smlth. Refreshmente were ser- I. Miss Violet Dever vlslted Mr. i Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson and Mm. I Mrs. B. Montgomery and Mrs. Montgomery recently. rda are but pictures, true or fa deslgn'd, draw the lines and features 0f the mmd; character~ and artilîclal IL draughts, express the lnward Images o thought.a. -flutier PAGE POtJR As the price of poultîy is down this ye~ pated a laî'ger demand than ever and wilI ha~ play of Tuî'keys, Geese, Ducks and Chicken. We Wish You Ail A Merry Chria C. M. CAWKER Phono 64 ~r ~e have aritîci- re a very fine dis- ~huas I j \~II~I~Iï~TON Report 0f SALEM Damlingtoii, Mm. and Mms. E. C. Flory, Ennis- s. s. Na. 9, Mm. for uie Clii Istmas exainînations Last ivAinuLe A. E. Billelt's. Sm. IV-Lela Welsli 72, Marie Col- Messrs. Frank Trenoulli, Osliawa, lacoît 69.4. Wiliie Ual-ch 69. Jr. IV-Cliarne Poster 73. Suggestions at their home lieN. Sr. Ili-Bemyl Tliampson 75, Viola Messms. '1 arn Sykes, Fred Billett, Francîs 68, John Foster 61. Tamonta, and Wallace Homn, Kings- Jr. lil-Hilua hicilaras 68, Bert tan, are at their haines for the bal- Francis 66, Margaret 1: win 64, Mar- Juat a few helpful hints 0f a îdays. ion Prescott 49. Mm. A. D. Langmaid is making ad- Il-Byron Poster 82, Brenton varied type from this store that dîtians ta the highting 0f lis house Darch 67, Kathleen Cawling 60, also having the electmic liglits ex- Ronald Hall 54, 1-lîlda Thompsan 49, is still brlmful of new and inter- Lended ta lie bamn. Nina Ual-ch 48, Haîley Cowling 47.5, Gladys Thampson 47, Oscar Conlin. esting Christflias Gifts: Mm. Cyril Jebsoft, LOndoti, Visited I-Lily Cawling. his inather on Sunday. Mrs. C. Jeb- Sm. Pr.-Mamgaret Foster H), RoY Ladies' Purses .$1.00 - $5.00 son and Joyce are staying with Mrs. Prescoîl, Imene Cawlmg, Frank Con- J. Jebson w-ha we are glad ta report lin, Jeilva Newman, Arvîlla Smitli. Stationem3'......35c - $3,00 Impraved sliglilly in healîli. Jr. Pr-George Conlîn tH, Bih Fountain Pens 98c - $10.00 The annual Chrîstmas Tmee and Conlin, Douglas Pollard, Wes Canlin. Concert will be lield in tie basernent (H)-Honoums. Yamdley S~ts . 85e - $10.00 ~f Ilie churcli on Wednesday nîglit, F. Blackburn, teachem. Dec. 23rd, at 8 p. ni. (instead 0f Dec. Daîcrose Sets . 40c - $5.00 22nd as announced lasI week). A HAYDON Hudnut's Sets 35e - $5,00 ,plendid progmam is being given by ~lie chuîdren consisting 0f choruses, recitations, drilîs, Chrisîrnas camols Mm. and Mms. Arîhur Read vîsîled Compacts 50c - $6.00 md a short play entitled ~Dinnem for f riends in Toronto aver île weekend. )ne." Admission: Adulls 25c; cliii- Mm. and Mrs. Elmer Bmadley, Mms. Peritimes . 25C - $5.00 iren fmee. Emily Bradley, Mm. Sydney Smitli The Young People's meeting on and Miss Viola Bmadley, visited at Ivory and Ebony Sets, "riday evemng was in charge 0f Miss j Mrs. Wm. Edgemton's, Pontypool. ~lulh Jolins, Missionary Vice Presi- Mm. and Mrs. John Qraharn, Ken- Tobaccos.......25e - $4.00 lent. The Devotional period was led nelli and Milton Gmalam, Maple Grove, Mm. J. McRoberts, Long Mrs. Wilfred Gmeenaway. Miss Sault, visited at Mm. David Gra- When In doubt give ~. Cawker sang a solo and Rev. ~ ham's. ~. Bîck spoke 10 tlie Young People A large number came 10 see and SMILES 'N CHUCKLES egamdîng their duty 10 lie League hear lie play "The Road Back" last NOW SOc LB. ~s members 0f organized classes 0f lie Sunday Scliool basing lis me- Wednesday evening. Il was well namks on the League Consititution gîven, each taking lis or hem part rhe eleclion 0f officers wa exceplionally well. The music be- oned 10 a later date, 5 P0St~ tween acts was also mucli enjoyed. Dofl Conteat closes 10 @'clock Proceeds $19.00. Chrlstmas Eve The Hampton (n) Cemetery board The annual Christmas concert 0f net mecenlly wath Rev. J. R. Bick, the Sunday achool 0f Haydon was liaimman, pmesiding, and did rouI- held on Monday niglit in the churcli Prizes wili be dlstributed 10 o'elock ne business, and discussed tie mat- witi hall fllled 10 capacity. Tlie cb.ristmas mornlng, I. er 0f embracing responslbility for prograrn consisted 0f dialogues, uture upkeep of the old B. C. Cern- choruses. drills, solos, monologues, tery, concemning whicli further in- and recitations, and was muci en- immation will siortly be made pub- joyed by lie audience. Mucli cred- c. The board have mecelved many il Is due lie trainers. Mm. Edgam E. ery complimentamy notes and me- Staples and Mm. A. Read, and lie îamks megardlng the splendid im- pianist, Misa Rema Bradley. Fol- rovernenta made in lie (n) cemet- lowing île prograni and afler a bnci ry premises since lie change of J intermission Santa Claus appeared lanagernent some few years ago; and dlstnlbuted the large nuniber of nd ail men liaI have played any i gif ta fmorn the beautlfully decorated ~rve mucli appreciation from lie art in lie work 0f lie board de- Irce on the platiorm. Jury & Loveli il ownems and public at large. The GRINDING WANTED ~ard report lowever tiat many t owners for wliorn work lias been' We have equipped a truck ta grind Wben we test e~'es It la doue one for years, have not paid the aI your bamn aii klnds 0f grain; ca- naîl annual charge for grass eut- paclty 1 ton per Plour. Fine or coarse ng and general came and they are work done aI 7c per bag. Phone oping these paymenls wuii be made 350r or 6r22. 51-2 on. A public meeting 0f lot owners and ___________ _______________________________ :liem intemested ones 0f lie nortli emelemy la called for lie aflemnoon MILK DROPS Wed. Dec. 30, 1931 in lie churcli ssement aI 2.30 for genemal busi- ~ss. TO W. W. Homn's store la prepared b hl your wants for practical gifla. mong many other liings we men- on tiese: Ladies' handkercliief s 8c QUART ose and in boxes, 5c up; ladies' 1k lioslery, 29c 10 $1.25; china and assware line, bon bon dishes, cake We are now selling milk at 8c qt. or 4c pt. LaIes, salI and peppema, augar and ~eam sets, cupa and saucera, fruit 13 Quart Tickets for $1 .00 [aies and napples, prices varylng Our pure bred herd is T. B. Tested and our stables om Sc b $1,00; in the men's de- goVernment inspected. We give reliable and srtmenl-womk sox, 18c 10 60e; încy sox, 25e, 49e 75c; a very spec- early delivery. 4 .1 worsted sox, 3 pr. $1,00; men's ~oceries a goad variely wiich are ADIL' (~Dcb1!L' rIAIDV id boys' lies, 25c up; In general M-~A~L. ~ ~iaaa~a ucli lower In price han usual; esh stock 0f Chrlstmas mlxed nuls. Phone 476r22 W. H. and J. BROWN, 19e lb; mlxed candy. 2 Iba. 25c and R. R. 3, Bowmanville Proprietors. ~; apeelal naval oranges, 30e doz. 51-2 b r ~ - - For tue Ckristmas Dinner Order Your Poultry and Meat from The OId Reliable Purveyors a Foi' ovel' 75 yeaî's the name Cawker has stood for the best that is to be had in first quality Meats and Poultry. Particularly aroun(1 Chî'istmas time this firm prides its&f in its fine display of meats which is always extra special. For the Christma.s and winter trade they recently pur- chased 27 choice young steers from F. W. Bowen, M. P.; 4 choice steers from Thos. Gibbs, Tyrone; i baby beef from Frank Werry, Bethesda; and 7 ewes and wetheî' lambs fnom Frank Werry; also 14 steeî's from W. H. Gibson, Clarke. Place Your Order Early for Poultry J i p "i

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