I KEEP YOUR EYE ON US FOR 1932 -' r' ' 1~~ ) BABY PANTS 9c The icrght qualty Baby Pants ai good. acldproof rubber, naturIandam whte, frilled rubber and elastlc at knees and walst; medium and large. DtIRIN THREE BIG DAYS, 9 per pair .. . . . . . . . .. 9 GOOD SHEETS 89c Sec tilese! 814 Double Bed Sheets wth two- inch hem; made ai iirm quallty bleached caftan. (Tiiese sheets are tam. flot cut). DURINO 9 THMR BIG DAYS, each....89 ELASTIC 12 YDS. 2lc 14 -imcliWhite Artsilk bloomer Elastic, fine cord and bright finish; plenty of stretch; new stock. DUR- ING IIRE BIG2Ac 12 Yad............21 SCRIBBLERS, EXERCISE BOOKS, PENCILS, 2 for 5c Secure a good supply now at tisl haf-priesopportunity Extere Books and Scribblers- Scrlbblers 144 pages of goad heavy newsprnt paper; Exercise Books, 52 pages hlgh-grade white wove pen or penci paper, wth ruled thin Unes and margin; regularly 5c. DURING THEE BIG DAYS, 5 2 for ............... Hexagan abaped Penis, HE black lead, metal tUp wth rubber; usually sold at 5c. DURING THEE 5 BIG DAYS, 2 fer .......... 5 CHILDREN'S BLOOMERS 35c Pair Prlced very low - Go"d fuil uzes Hc[avy plush fleeccd lhned, best quality Bloomers, ffat-knlt materlal; set-in gusset; navy and cream; sizes 2 ta 14 years; 'regular 50e value. DURf4G TRMEE BIG 5 DAYS, per pair..ý..... 5 5 YDS. BLEACHED CHEESECLOTH FOR 23e Opportunityl1 YouM S ave! 36-inch Bleacbed Cheese Cloth sultable for all general purposes- face, dlsh and sanitary uses, poliah- ing, dusthng, etc.; each 5-yard end ln sealed l-ncli cardboard box. DURZINO THREE BIG DAYS, per pkg. of 5 yards.. 3 TEA TOWELLING 21c Yd. Tits quallty at tilaPrice means extra value. 20-hncli Pure Iri-gh Lànen Tea Towelling, heavy and vcry absorbent. Bordera, rose, blue, green or gold; usually 29c. DURING THREE BIG DAYB,21 per yard................21 5 yards $1.00 BOYS' BRACES 14c Braces for "Reai Boys" Boys, Brace, scout style wth solid lcather ends and cross-pleces; 1inlch heavy webb; lna Mue, grey and mix- turcs. DURINO THUE l1 BIG IDAYS, per pair ....14 PAT CASH AND BUT FOR LESS 1 W ,LkLRSýOLfa 5EI WALKE'R ST( Smocks and Hoovers 98c Here l a value demonstratlmmr abilly to meet the. adjuhtUI et lowS w~iceeul Our share lni this great wholesale lot of Smocks and HWo¶ Dresses gives you a wonderful cholce of materials, styles andcooq ing-Broadcloths, Fancy Prints, Mlddy Twill, Plain & Art ààtéoe DURING THUECE BIG DAY5, each ............... medium and large sizes; reg. values from $1.25 to $1.9S~. in colora of blue. mauve, green, wbite, black, etc.; small, I-EAVY WOOL SOCKS 26c Pair A big saving oR thus cver7day neci. Stock up now! Extra heavy ribbcd work socka of grey and white twIsted yharn wlth white heel, toc and top; every pair stampcd "AUl Wool" 35e value. DURMNCITERMBIG310 26C DAY5, per pair ....... 4 Paifrs.0 SOAP FOR Sc A hlgh quality Soap that Ia givlng satisfaction ta thousands of nser. Pull four ounces, daintily pcrfumcd ln Mmla or rose; regular 10c. DUR- INO TEREE BIG DAYS, 5c per cake ... . . . . . . . . BOYS' PULLO VERS 89c A &oo" Sweater - You'fl appreclato our 10w pice uhoeyo«i -the quallty. Oood welghty ribbed Puflover Sweaters for boys; came!, navy and cardinal, wth striped polo coflar; twa buttons at neck; aises 24 to 32 for boys fram 6 to 15 yeara. DUR- INCI TR BIG DAYB.. f each...................89 GLASS TOWE.Ls 19c Eacà Note the. large Wufs hluhes. These Glass ToWcls. 22x32 inches TOMR (made In Ireland) are of heavy dur- FAVORIT able quality, hcmmed, with lacp hanger; waven 3/4 '-ch bordera, rose, SHOpMIG blue, gold or green. reg. 25o value. IDURMGN TI T R BIG .....19C CENTRE DAYS, eaeh............ PURE WOOL MTTS f An unumual value fer.t 6"J Pure Woal "Sonow-KIng rlbbed mitta, wth lons, tght ted cuffs; colona of came, ZOu li and grey; forÈ. chldren two years. Take advantage of tkM price DtJRNO EZ BIG DAYS, per ý .. Heaumel -foe6 du 62 x 52 Inch, fuIliy blaebm&l, ask Table Cloth, aflover dc with multi-caloredco ia dcrs-gold-grei, romS.black, der-blue. DURDiCIlT'Ri BIG DAYIB, csch........ CR-AS.H TOWELLING. 17e Y&~. The kf ni oi value yoFmame .W84i looklng or - Ukia&-fiue qu5I 16icPureIrlah Lns r TOWefln;good rBer#ova cd border; roee, blue, goIeI etc.. usual 25e value. Sacibis INO THREE MU3DAY,. MerYard .........7 KNITFED WOOL, GLOVES 4.9c Au nov w o 8 Scamiew knltted W"oI Goves i ienglah imbe . hseveralile-4i cy turnéd cuif u1ihcolored stil atralght fancy cufra anda ncu camet, 9m, beaver, etc.; e tq regular 65e to ose values. IIuffl THEV BIG DAM 5à per pair ............1 ST. JOBN'S NIGHT CELEBRATED AT JERUSALEMLOUGE Composite Lodwe Installation Teamn of Whltby InstaRLJ.IR. tut As WorshtlilMaster rOver two hundred bretbren at- tended the annmal St. John~s Nlght on Wednesday evening, December Sth. at Jerusalem LodIgc A. F. & A. M., when Wor. Bra. J. Rosa Stutt was lnstalled at worabipful master of the ladgc. The attendance cre- ated a record and the large lodgc room was packed ta capacity the whalc o! the evenlng. Rt. War. Bro. Geo. W. Evcry, P.D.D.G.M. of Composite Lodge No. 30, Whitby, was the lnstalflng mas- ter and he was ably asslsted by the past mastera af bis ladge. The cer- emony was splendldly perfarmed and the re~Lyla added mucli calar ta the event. Pull musical ritual was given by thc celebratcd Composite Lodge Quartette whlch was much appreceated. At the close of the lodge session the gatherlng adJourned ta the banquet hall wbere a splendid tur- key supper was pravlded by the Junior Warden 0. A. Edmondatone who was ably asslsted by the assist- ant stewards. The banquet was per- hapa Uie greatest ever staged by thic lodge and great crédit is due those ln whase banda thé arrangements were left. The usual Masonlc toasts9 wcre duly hanorcd, wth Wor. Bro. J. R. Stutt at toastmastcr. The1 Composite Quartette rendered sev- cmal slections durlng thc banquet. Anather feature af Uic gathering was Uihe etatloli by Rt. War. Bro. PredC. Hoar an bebal! a! Pal- estine Chapter. ta Jerusaleni Lodge o! a magnifleent afiver plated set of worklng toola. The Wor. Master, on bebal! o! Jerusaleni Lodge. ex- presscd 'theapprêlaton of, thc lodge for Uic klnd gi! t of thc Cbap- ter. The meeting eloacd in Uic early bours a! Uic morning wlithUic shnging ai Auld Lang Syne. The omfcers Installed and cam- mitteca appointcd are: W. M-J. Ross Stutt I. P. M.-R. E. Logan. S. W.-G. A. Edmandstone. J. W.-C. H. Dudley. Chaplan-Fred C. Hoar. Treasurer-Jobn Lyle. Sccretary-T. Annison. S.D.-A. H. Boulnsali. L.D.--C. E. Baunsali. D. ai C.-0G. C. Bonnycastle. Organlt--Geo. L. Davidge. 8.5.-J. A. Cale. J. 8.-A. W. 0. Narthcntt. I. G.-L. A. Parker. Tylr-E. S. Fergusan. Assistant Stewards-E. Joint, C.à A. Bartlett, L. M. Roach, A. L. Blanchard. A. E. Blllett, Art Cale,1 Chas. P. Mutton, John Uately, Gca. Weckes. Audtors-F. 0. Mcflveen, C. B.1 Kent.i Finance COmmitte-C. A. Cawk- cr, Gus Bounsali, E. ]H. Brown. 1 Charitable Cammittc-F. p. Mor- ris. A. L. Nichofls. DE. Comatack. Hcalth Cormlitte-T. Ansn John Baker, E. J. Gibbs. t F th erice of the, TMM W3GHV PLAoe One of the most Important con- siderationa in disease prevention la thc Importance o! what appear ta be the litile things of life. It la up- on comparatively simple things that aur health la largcly dependent. What ta da or what nat ta do wli aur banda, for example, plays an Im- portant part la decidlag whether or not wc vill coitract anc or another aith Uc canmon communnicable dis- cases. Provided aur banda arc kept in their riglit place aid that they are thorougbly wasbcd at the praper tumes, there la little or no danger ta be icared f rom, Uicm. If, hawcver, thcy are not kcpt in their right place, aid If they are not washed before meals or before ifood la band- led, then Uicy are Ukely ta W a source o! danger. Thc germsai diacase do harm only after Uiey gain entrance inta aur bodies. Their usual mode ai en- trance la tbrough Uic month. In other wards. wbat ve doial general, la ta estthUim or drink theni. This type ai discase gcrm leaves the body ai Uic persan wbo harbonrs the germa In bis secretians. Most a! Uic communicable dIsease germs vith vhlch we have ta deal are found in Uic nase. throat and other parts oi Uic upper resplratory tract. Thcy Icave Uic body in the secre- tions ai the nase and throat. Tais la Why It la that mototheUiccom- municable diaseaeswlth which. we meet in Canada are spread usually by the transference oi nase and mauth secretions. Thc hands ai an individual are vcrY apt ta become salled with these secrctlona whcn he la uslng bis hand.kerchicf. MWli t la truc that, in Most cases. disease germa die falrly qnlckly outslde o! the bady, Yet aur handa not anly became soil- cd wlihaur awn secretiona, but they are reacbed by Uic secretions of others An band-sbaking aid by means af the various articles wblch ve handle 80 freqncntly in common vlth inany othera. These disease germa on the banda are harmlcss as long as they remain there. Our probleni la ta kreep thcm on Uic outslde and not allaw tbemn ta enter the body. In order ta ac- compUash this, it la necessary ta keep Ict banda away f rom the face. Rands that toucli the lips or nase; fIngers that go lato the mantb. may carry disease germa. Tac banda abonld not go ta Uic face exceptlng wben Uic bandkcrchief la belag nscd. Anathor vay in wlcb hdiscase germa may pas f rom the banda in- ta the body la by meana oi food. PIOod wblch la tonçbed by the banda ,recelvea vhatevcr la on Uic banda. Includlag discase germa. If sueb food. coîtamlnated wltb germa, la lator caten whthout havlq*g been oooked, Uic disease germa gain en- trOnCe ta thc bOdy. B00 ve Iy doiu M & rnI0 forsol-ProtOctl andamthe.c proicat or aiothera thaït i.banda& I. IN THE REALM 0F SPORT-1 ENTER "ITS DEFEAT IN OPENING GAMl LoaMl Bons Surprisci ndsay Fana WIth NIa. Dlsplay 09 Hock"y en Saturday Bowmanvlllc Intermediate Hockey Club got away ta a good start an Saturday nlgbt wben tbey Journey- cd ta Lndsay and defcated Uic Vies of that town by Uic handy score af 4 ta 1. A crawd o! approxlmately 700 tunncd out for thia openhng game la Uic Big Six Group and a fcw travelled from town ta Uic game. Lladsay wcre admlttedly off color and wlfl llkeIy prove barder opposition befare the cnd . ai the season. It was remaxhable, how- ever, ta find the locala playhng sucl good hockey with thc noticcable lack a! practice they have had ta contend wlit. Aecordhng ta Uic Lindsay Post Uic Vies are placlag an lc thia year one of Uic strongest teams Uiey bave ever bad, but Uicy fealed ta rehze as dld the Bowman- ville boys that Uic puck had te, be pusbed lato Uic net and wauld not walk in by Itaclf. Lindsay alsa .suf- fercd f rom thc severe but effective brand o! cross checking exhibited by the Olympias. Quotlng f ront Uic Lindsay Post we give a short resume of!tUicSaine: It was Uic flrst-pcrlod lump thc visitors gat on Uic locals Uiat meant the game. Starting the firat f rame off Uiey slapped la thrcc goals when forwards were allowcd on two oc- casions ta walk unhindcrcd in on the Lindisay cage and an Uic other goal a lucky shot fram a face-off that sbauldn't have been la front af the net f ound a resting-placc la the camner. The second perlod was f alrly even. Startiag the tblrd Lladsay tbrew the whalc teani, excpt the goalle, up on the attack and although Uicy had lots a! shats on Uie Bowman- ville net Uiey were mastly f rom aut- aide Uic blue line-the kind that are easy ta stop. Lindsay's lone goal came In this f rame whcn Hank Ho- gan Piced up the puck inslde Uic Bowmanvllle bIne Une and lot one go that ColweU conldn't have stop- ped with a shovel. Rail Bore Tough Luok Bowmanvlle's faurth goal came in Uic dylpg minutes of Uic perlod when Jaekman broke from Uice pack I the BowmnanvMfe end of Uic rlnk and stepped In and beat mcClory Who sUid out la an attempita break the play. The blame for Baturday's are ta bc thoroughly waahed bel ore f ood la caen or prepared. These precantians wliich shanld be made habita of life are simple. Thcy do nat coat anythlng and yct tlhey are wrth a great deal as a means ai protection. Questions concernlng Healtb, d- dressed t t he anadian- it(e Asbocaloi, 1 Cononge StOot, 4pswergd pernansfl y de! cat can bc placcd on no partie- uli parmmts a buldan mar squarly t on dnanothèes,. Tac farwards wcren't cecklng back cn- augli and Uic defence wcre not playing a strong game. Bawmanille's f irst goal was a lucky anc whcn Thamndyke faccd Uic puck off in front a! the net Uic aide and Molsc's lucky.shot went Caine Rght la There was notbing lucky about tic next two bowcver when 1. Piper slid arannd Uic defence for the sec- ond score and Jamieson roamed un- chccked on Uic right aide o! Uic rink ta came la for the third Bow- manville counter. Lindsay waa try- ing an Uice time but Uiey couldnt penetrate the -Bawmanvllle de! encc wha were knockhng theni down at the blue Une and lcaving Uic pnck baose for their forwards ta clear. Lindsay's only goal came when Hagan came up from Uic defence ta pick up thc puck and burn anc la on Colwcll. Aid that waa Uic last af the Lindsay scoring. The Vies rammced attack a!ter attack up but Uicy an broke on Uic bîne lUne and It was an easy matter for Jack- man ta break away when anc o! Uic five-man attacks came ta grief and walk rlght la on McClory and eap Uic puck la for BowmaniUlls ast goal. The teama. Lindsay Vis--Goal. McClory; de- fence;' Reeves and Paver; centre, Pearsail; wlngs, WUhlams and Wright; altemnates, Martin, Spratt, Cra!ftan, Hagai and Eberta. Bowmanvlllc-4oal, Colwefl; de- fence, E. Osborne and Hooper; cen- tre. 0. Piper;.uings, 1. Piper and P. Jamieson; ý alteiWates, CaincrMn, Moise, Rundlc, Jackman and 5. James. Refcree-Doug. Thomndyke, Mmn- Mia. Gaine Sununaay Fhui Perioil 1. Bowmanvill .. . moise 15.00 2.. Bowmanlc. .. .piper 17.00 3 ...o3wIanVllle ... Jamieson 19.00 Penlaies-Jýamiesn (2), Hoaper, Osborne. Paver. Second Perloil NO scoring. Penialties--Cameron (2). Runàlc (2), Jamieson, Paver, Reeve anad Martin. Thîrd Perloil 4 .. Lindsay Vies . .. Hogan 5.00 5 .. Bowmanvlle . . . ackmai 15.00 Penalties-Fever, Osbomce and Cameron. H3ockey Gaines Posiponel Thc mild wcatbcr of the paat week bas been Uic cause of stop- ping thc playlng ai twa sclicdulcd hockcy gameg. Deapite Uiceinuit that Nana Taylor bas been bur- Ing thc mIdnlght oai n aui endeav- aur ta produce a sheet afi Ac on Whlch to play, the Junior VUa inwtb Wbiltby acheduled for New ye&r'a Day caUld flot W Pban~d thc Iltreite "me owi.h vaa on Mw* n gt h% ala $0 W posi. ba" wlng ta 0 « lmao!the 'e . e t . .. ;f. A- A........ 1932-A Year oi^,Sel The new ya means to us new and le j effortstogive our customera serviiCe. Y have always been aasured of the very beail i baked goods at this store and i addi- tion you wlll receive the vexy best of m.,~ vice in 1932. Conxmencing on January M8t, this store will close at 6.30 p. m. each evening every other week i conjunction with tihe Bow- manville Bakery. Corbett s PHONEC à VA à Dow~I Here's the Stait Last week we pledged ourselves to 1oe rc~ in 1932. Here is the first list, representing, worthwhile savinga: Fry's Cocoa, 1/2s ...............21C Large 40 oz. Jar PureO)Xaire Marmalade.......... ...IS : Purity Quick Qats, chinaware p.. 2 Purity Quick Oatjsý withoutchnwe Breakfast Bacon, sliced........ 17ec11> Peameal Back Bacon....... 0 h Selox, the Speed Soap.... * 2 pkg& ?je' Hawes Wax, lb. Un........... ..43m' Seapa<t Qysters,............ 35é u Hyla Broken Orange Peko-Tea ... . soc ab, Chocolate Drops ............. ;2c1114 Grapefruit, large and juicy . .., .4 ferU 20 SCALDED CREAM, lb. cartons. '.. éï HARRy AL King Strfft Tlhe Groçer Plione .1. - ~.. . t t, e' Sale of Hose 69c FULL FASHIONED Here la a sale that ia a challenge to your Judgment of values Not ln many jears bas Hoslery of this fine quality been avallale at sncb a lew Drice Anticipate your future needs during this sale. Medium weight f ul fashioned Silk Hase, pure sik to the lisie hem. Made wth french beel; hie reinfarced heel, sole and tac. Shown in nine of the seasan's wanted shades-Sandee, Reve, Nu- brown, Gunimetal, Moon Beige, Smoketane, Indatan, and other colora; sizes 8V2 ta 10%h. Come early C and secure these DURINO 3 BIG DAYS, per pair ......6 c m 16.0p, P/> © - . Es 36tb44 5gt 36 Io4.4 effects In ligit, medium (6ý) M B1299-One of Canada'ns02 IC;My and dark patterns. Twenty T largest Manufacturera ce- DI N~~ bewltchLing styles ln three operates with us ta make ip Clj size ranges-Misses, 16 ta 20, short sleeves; and ta introduce ta you RUTH GORDON leeves; Women's Outsites, 46 ta 53, long Ever> day Wash Frocka. These ilustrations I R'F1'A and short aleeves. Styles include tiares. pleated are drawn train the actual garments, which M , . sirts. pakie and cape aleeves. two-piece eftects made of Printed Cotton Materals, BroadolotheA N- 7 - 9 etc.. wlth ail the latent trimming melmpttddsgal obnUnclr*TIE 1 SecFoulards. FIns Prints and UnnLsn. " MLfl ENDS SAT accessorlesthat aPPeal DUR'NG 1 medum rineddulas n cmbna____nfur_____ BI DA9,ea...... . . 'i. ~41 2? w1 A Good New Year Resolution Worth, Keeping For thie most comfort and greatest axnount of heat resiolve to burn in 1982 LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITrE 'M Coal. ".-t Staff It will go a long way to bring you health, happineas and prosperity - and that's our uincere wish te you auj. J.A. HOLGATE & SON p-s' pJ~ PU~~ AP . 1 0 Il- il, TME CANADIAN tATMbSMN OWMANVILL, THUPSDAY, JANtYARY liii. 1932 Min