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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jan 1932, p. 6

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVLE, THIURSDAY, JANUARY l4th, 1932 PAGE six * j NEWCASTLE SCHOOL Lights of the High School Comn- * Ih eric ICHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENTS mencement" published in a rcn H ealt S rvcenumber of TeCnda tts of the .eChristmas entertaimments are ov- man. The concluding feature of the Caadim Meffeuaî Association ie btth emr o henstUprografli was a contest-"'Eggs" as day, Jan. 4th, but before they closed conducted by Florence Spencer and ARTERIOSCLEROSIS for the holidays they featured Annabelle Hendry. Visitors, teach- Withtheappoachof ld geChristmas tree programs either for ers and students were paired. Re- WIt th aproali f od aethe public in general or f or the f reshments of candies and grapes changes in the arteries are to be ex- teachers and pupils and perhaps a were served in generous quantities. Pected on account of their constant tfew invited f riends. Bach roam in Shaw's School uMe over a period of years. The the Newcastle public sehool had its The Christmas closing exercises of change which we know as arterios- own Christmas tree. set up by pu- Shaw's school attracted a large clerosis, or hardening of the arter- pils of the room, its own decorative gathering of residents of the sec- tes, means that the walls of the ar- scheme worked out by the pupils, tion and mnany interested visitors teries have become thick and in- and its own programa prepared and from outside. The pupils trained elastic. conducted by the pupils. Emma by their teacher, Miss Dorothy When this change occurs lu mid- Jean Harris occupied the chair lu Hoar, assisted by Mrs. T. W. Caw- die 11e, we have what may be called Miss Norma F. Orchard's room ker, Bowmanviile, presented a premature old age, for it has been where the Junior classes of the splendid mixed prograin, each child naid wth truth that a man is as old school presented a program of reci- whether in recitation, dialogue, song as his arteries. The change lu the tations, songs and short dialogues, or skit, making himself distmnctly artrle Isgenraly asocate wlh Eerychid recelved from the tree a heard in every part of the auditor- changes lu other parts which may chocolate bar from their teacher. iuni. A special feature but qute lie elther the cause or the resuit of In~ Miss Mason'Er room, Alfred appropriate for the season was the the altered condition of the arterles. Ga cuidthe chair. Inad i 8flifl by the whole sehool of a InraY occupîed r of the more popular Christ- Hardening o! the arteries foliows tion to the various numbers b>' lu-macroslsuesinwthM. polsonlng o! the body. Alcohol and dividual pupils and groups o! pu- mcakrolati th e ion,luadition te lead are systemic poisons. Another pils, the school as a whole, with thenuers y the pupo n ition clud form of poisoning la by the toxins Miss Mason at the organ, rendered thge inu e by epouy iUa nd given off b>' germs which are pres- a number of choruses. The room piao, ws a uch p precGiat- entlu he ody Th toinsnia" as f iiled to capacit>' b> parents evoai solo b>' Miss Greta Pollard, corne f rom a f ocus of infection, such and friends who had gladly accept- ed mvoc e ccmaid yMs as diseased teeth, or the>' may lie ed an invitatonfrom techr ndDarothy Pluniner. With this one the toxins given off b>' the germs of pupils to attend. Each visitor vas exception Mrs. T. W. Cawker pre- syphilis or some acute infection. delighted te receive as a gift from sided at the piano for ail other slng- Overwork of some part of the the tree a nice Mlotter pad, made by ing on the prograin. Miss Ethel body leads tc, an earîy wearing out the pupils, who on their part be- Hoar, Bowmanvllle, assisted her sis- of the body machine, and thils na>' carne reciplents each of a pretty ter in the arrangmng of the stage Mean early hardening of the arter- hanyf rom their teacher. properties for various numnbers and les. PerhaPs the most usual way in Besides the usual happy exchange lu manipulatlug the curtains. Trus- whlch the body la made te overwork Of presents through the medium Of tee Fred Bennett acted as chairman la through overeating. Another the tree there was a special gif t for and in his opening address express- Cause is living at high pressure un- the invalid pupili0f the room, Artie ed the feelings of ail when he said der mental strain. Toms. This was a magic lanteru that he hoped the education being It la evident tiiat if we wih to and was purchased f rom the coin- received by the pupils of today keep our arterles Young, whlch Iblued contributions of lis f ellow would f it theni te maire a better job meas elastîc, it is necessar>' for us students. Miss Mason also present- of ruinnin the world than does the te live a life of moderation. D Is ed, as she did last year, prises for present generation, vhich certainly cretion lu eating and drlnklng, at- neatness lu certain respects. Last lias nothing te boast of lu this re- tention te the simple rules cf heal- year boys won ail four prises, but spect. Trustee W. J. S. Rickard thY living, have their reward lu this year the girls, PerhaPs because conducted the Presentation of cer- more years cf health, more years lu pride lu their personal appearance talu prises and conixended the whlch te enjoy lie, te vork and to was spurred to action, shared hon- teacher, Miss Hoar, for her good play'. This is better tlian trying te ors vlth the boys. Reita Cooke was work durlng the past terin. A sang crowd a whole lifetmme lute a fev awarded the prise for neatest hair, te Santa Claus heralded the ap- Years, then te spend the remainder Nora Meredith for teeth, Poss Alun proach of that benificent old gentle- Of l1e handicaPped by a premature- for hands, sud PRager Meadows for men froin Northern Cimes, vho on 17 wornout body>. sloes. Mrs. E. C. Fisher sud H. R. arrivai commandeered the services Thos Iniviualsin homthePearce assisted lu stripping the tree of Trustees Bennett and Rickard lu cotonebu dviduas lusemthae cf its Christmas fruit. assisting te relieve the Christmas the situation; the>' muet adjust lu Principal Rodger's rooni the tree o! its burdens and distrlbutlug their lives te meet new conditions. setting for the prograin by the sen- the numerous gif t paroels, boxes If the>' do se, they can enjoy a life 1cr pupils vas similar te those O! and Packages among the chfidren of restricted activity. the ather rooms. John VanDusen, and aduits. Lif e for sudh Individuals must be President of the Literar>' Society,- Quiet. wel-regu]atedi and vithout conducted the proceedinga here. a n tm c Ind:ulgence te excess lu f ood or There was the usual exchangeo a on t rac drink. Excessesof anY klnd, wheth- glfts fram the tree foilowed b>' the er physical exertion, mental worry, passlng pai'taking of generous sup-I a r u anger or excitement, must be avold- Plies a! homemade and confection- I a ger u eci. ers , candy, poPcorn and apples, the Gas, Pain, bloatlug and sourness The prevention of hardenlng of last being splendid specimens cf a! ter eatlng aimost always mean the arteries lies lu a hYgienic 111e, golden russets sent vith best wishes "-too much acld" lu the stomach. the avoldance cf excesses, reason- b>' 'Mrs. Santa Caus"ý-Mrs. M. The condition la dangerous. Acid able attention te diet, sud the early Brown ,Glenwoad Cottage, Walten irritates the stemach linlng sud treatanent o! an>' infections candi- St. Mrs. Brown~s generoslty ex- may lead te Ulcers. (las fornis and tion. Abuse cf the ibody resuits lu tended te ail three rooms and of Presses agalnst the heart. The harm. The body cannot sufer course the other roI reshinents lu stomnach needs an alkaline. Bisur- abuse toda>' and have It made up abundance vere cotumon te ail, vis- ated Magnesa-pawder or tablets- for by extra cam tomorro m Abs itors gettlug a good share as weil is the Ideal method cf gettlug sale, leaves permanent scarswhcl lead as pupils. quick, lasting relief. It neutralises to an early wearing out, or prema- The Literary Society', vitl princi- the excess acld, sweetens the strni- tiare old age. Pal CoYne and Miss Swltzer co-op- ach, breaks up the gas, stops the 'Questions cancerning Health, ad eratlng, Put on a very entertaining Palu and sourriess. Food digests dressed te the Canadian Medijcal prograni lu the highsho.Icr naturaiy. It must give prompt re- Assciaion 18 Coleg Sreet, To- Ponted lute the pages cf "The Bus- lie! or money back sa>' druggists rente, vii be nswered Pers<>nallY, zer" which vas read for the edifica- everywlere Who seli It on this iron by letter. tion of aIl, vas the article --Bright clad guarantee. JUNIOR NEEDS A NEW SUIT These smart suits have won the favor of boys of grammar school and high school age. For the styles have just that touch of pertness that boys like in their clothes. Bring your son in and let him see our fine selection of suit& in plain and patterned inaterials. Knicker suits oxi long trouser suits. 2 Pair Long Pants 2 Pair Long Pants $9 a50 $9 à98 A Sale olffine Hose Ladies' English Jaeger Super Quality Hose, a regular $1.75 line, specially priced at.......................... $1 .25 pair. A few seconds in the samne quality, defects not noticeable and do not affect the wearing qualities................ 75c pair. You have Waitecl for These cOATS " Just a f ew Coats Ieft - going at Haif Price Coats, reg. $30.00 for...... $15.00 Coats, reg. $24.00 for...... $12.00 Coucli, ~ohnston & Cryderman Phone 104 LIMITED King Street, Bowmanvilie LETTERS 0F APPRECIATION FROM SASKATCHEWAN On Dec. ist, lu response te an ap- peal froni the National Emergency Relief Committee of the United Churcl o! Canada the people of Clarke and Newcastle, as previously reported lu this paper, loaded a car o! produce te be consigned to Haz- enniore, Sask., the centre o! a drouth stricken district which up to that tume had net shared in any relief carlots sent into the province. The car le! t Nevcastle on Dec. 2nd, and lu six days, time lad reached its destination. The C. P. R. is te be commended for the f ast transit given it. It. is creditable te the Company' toc that, notwitlsandiuig severe changes lu the weather while the car vas rollng rapidl>' on its way, ever>thing vas in perfect con- dition when the consiginont reach- ed its destination. Considerlng that Most o! the stuif vas perishable and not Packed lu the ver>' best o! containers, this la especially vorth>' o! note. Several o! those contributlug pro- duce placed carda or slips o! paper vith their names and addresses lu the boxes, barrels or sacks as the case migît lie sud a number a! these have recelved letters o! thanks and appreclation f rom recipionts lu and arouInd Hazenmore. The foilewlng letter givos ail the Principal facts regarding the arrivaI cf the car and the distribution o! the contents and fairl>' bubbles over with gratitude and appreciation. it is typical o! man>' such recelved b>' donors this Past veek or two froin the vlo lelpod or shared lu the dtribution. Hazeninore, Sask. Dec. 28, 1931 M(r. Barry' R. Pearce, 'iewcastle, ont. Dear Mr. Pearce: Re the car o! 'rult and vegetables shipped f rom Four tovn te Hazenniore, Bask. Mihs lu reply to yaur sevoral notes niclased lu contents o! car. The car arrived Dec. 8t1, and vas lu ox- e~lont condition; there vas practi- etllY 1ne vaste as ail contents car- rod sael>'; net a sealer o! fruit boken. And oh, hov glad ve vere t< receive se helpf ui a gfft, as ve klov frani >ears o! experience lu Oitario vhat a sacrifice vas madle illour behalf, lu time and effort sud pnduce, and even soniething te seid it lu, and that at the time o! >'ar that there are se many thlngs dal>' to be done. I vish you could hae heard seine o! the expressions o! pratltude as the car o! stuif vas dlfributed. The veather vas cold at the date o! Dec. 8t1, and ve vet anxious lu consequence. But thecar load vas transferred te the Unied Church basement lu one and a hIf hour's turne. I think I neyer sava car unloaded se expeditlonsly. B>' P. M. that night apples, tur- nlPs carrots, beets, beans, parsnlps, ail )ad been velgled; sud citrons, squal, pumPkins, calibage sud sealta o! preserved fruit ccunted; and ý distribution quantit>' arrived at tobe aPportioned te 215 familles, vith'a larger share te the larger f aInis or those lu greater need. Thenthe foilovlng day people came ahd zceived their share. YOL i viiplease forgive dela>' lu ansveLng the varions notes con- taluedin the Packages. At the turne cf diaibution these vere ail given te ourmninister, Rev. Hevitt sud le las ben se bus>' vith relief vork sud Ciristinas duties that le te- nigît 1ýught the letters te me with the reuest te ansver thein. Our people toak a standing vote o! thanks,o Your People for your great and iipfui gif t, at the United Churchservice on Dec. 13t1. In th district there las been no crop fo:lIack of ralu for three >'ears. We arelopeful that 1932 vil see a return :) normal, tlough the land generail la much too dry, but ve lad a <.y o! rain recently and nov a fal v et snov, se ve live lu lape. Nov Ith sevoral mare te write and vit a feeling tlat the kind- nezsa O!)u ail deserves much more than a Ile! note o! tlanks. ve viii not soOxorget the kindness o! al lu our tie o! need. Please thank an>' vlo:ntrlbuted vîcin >ou may talk vithIn our behalf. Wlshluj Yeu ail a happy sud ProsPerouNev Year, homas A. Mcelth, Masenniore, Sask. Mrs. J. -I Jose and Mr. Thos. Simipson, ýarke, are among those vho have meived letters froni Mr. McKeith, i Rev. W. P. Ragersj read as a rtter o! general luterest, at the everig service lu the United Church las Sunda>', Mr. Mcelth's letter te MShnpsan. Mr. Simipson lad enclosesa note vith sanie bar- rels O! larg Pevaukee apples re- questlug tIt at Christrnas tume eacl chlld t the neiglborhood be given anc ale for lis or 1er ver>' own. Mr. IKeith vrote that this reQuest lacieen carried out and Aspirin always bs pain quiddy. It Idoes it without an& effects. Harmiesa te the heart; harni, ta anybody. But L, aiways brings rel Why suifer? ASPI191N 1 TUR KOMSc E. ,Qyality bas ýlno substitute Tea qv 7re 3~awwsei0 FUETHER LETTERS 0F APPRECIATION FROM VANGUARD CITIZENS Reeve of Gien Bain and Minister of Trinit>' Lutheran Church Express Thanka on Behalf of Munici- palit> and Congregation Tvo more letters lave been re- celved expresslug appreciation for the carload a! veîetables sud cloth- lug shlpped b>' Darlingten and Boy- manville people te, Vanguard, Sask., recentl>' under the direction of Mr. Thomas Baker sud Mr. John Baker. The letters read: The Canadisu Statesmnan: Dear Sir: I vauid likêe if ybu vouid insert the f oloving card of thanks lu your paper. The people o! Glen Bain munici- palit>' contributor>' te the tevn o! Vanguard, extend their learty thanks to the people a! Darlingten township sud Mr. Baker also, for the tvo gif t cars that vere shipped te, Vanguard sud distributed fairi>' b>' Mr. Coleman. -We ail appreciate this kindness ver>' mucl. Yours truly, W. R. Dever. Reeve. Editar, Canadian Statesin: Dear Sir: lu behlf of the Trluit>' Luth. Clurcl, St. Bosveils, Sask., I lerevith visl te express our heart>' thanks te ail the klnd donorM of Darlingtan township for the gif t o! apples, carrots, sud clothes, vhich lave been distributed among our people b>' Mr. W. J. Coleman, Van- guard, Sask. You nia>' indeed rest assured that your kindness vas greati>' apprec- iated b>' each sud ever>' one. with kind greetlugs and best vishes for a prosperous Nov Year, I remain, Yours ver>' trul>', <Bey.) Wm. Molir, St. Bosvelis, Sask. ORONO (Prom The Neys, Jan. 7th.) Bey. George Masan, paster Cen- tre Street Churcl, vill occupy his puipit Sunda>'. Mr. sud Mrs. John Beal left Mon- da>' on su extendeci vinit te Inonda lu St. Thomas. Miss Florence Harris, Reg. Nurse, Toronto, spent the Nev Year at her home on the Eighth line. L. 0. L. dance lu the Town Hall Nov Yoar's Eve vas a ver>' enjo>'- able event. There vas a large at- tendance. A. Y. P. A. meets lu St. Saviour's Parlsh hail on Wednesdiy> at 8 p. mn. Jan. 20th. Goad prograro and re- freshinents. Lt. Col. R. J. Stuart, a one turne resident o! Orono, vas elected Dep- ut>' Reeve cf York Township for 1932 b>' a recard vote. Miss Marion Green, nevi>' ap- poluted teacher cf Starkvlle public school, lu succession ta Miss Nora L. Covan, teok charge this veek. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Harrs, Nia- gara Falis, spent the veekend at Mr. Isaac Cobbledick's. Irvin la f ore- mn inl Rogers Silver Plating Co. lu that cit>'. Mr. and Mrs. Virtle Wilson sud Miss Freeda Wilson attended the vedding of their sister, Bella Celena, te Mn. Arthur R .Falls, at Toronto, Saturda>'. A cal l as come !rom Cadiilac, Sask., for canned fruit, loue>' or syrups. An>' one vlshing te, con- tribute please leave their gif t lu the basement o! Park Street Church. Excellent for Croup>' Chlidn-1 Wlen a chid la suflering witI rop it la a goad plan te, use Dr. Thonias' Eclectric 011. It reduces the lu- flammation sud loosens the phlegni giving speedy relief te the little sufferer. It la equail>' reliable for sore tlroat sud clest, earacle, rheumatic pains, cuts, brulses sud sPralus. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil la regarded b>' man>' tlousands as an indispensable o! the famil>' med- icine clest. Mr. William Brown, vlo las been a resident o! this tevn since retir- lug f rom the f arm a !ev years ago, vas taken ill last veek sud contin- ues lu a weak condition o! lealtl. Mis sons, Herb. of Newcastle, and F'rank at home, and other members o! the famil>' are assisting in vait- ing on lim. There Passed ava>' in Toronto, Jan. 4th. a former resident o! Or- ono, Mrs. Evelyn Willoughby, vldov of the late Rev. John Willoughby, a one time pastor of the old Christian Clurch lere. Deceased vas the youngest daugîter o! the late ions Gamsby, and a sister o! the late A. A. and Almansar Ganisby. Mr. F. M. Brimacombe vas lu Or- ono on Monda>' booklug and acting about tle sniartest o! an>' man 87 >'ears old that ve lave ever seen. He las good hearing sud eYeslght and is as keen as an>' man thirt>' >'ears Younger. One of lis nelgh- bors vas saying le built a load o! ha>' so large last summer that le S 1 1) I. Meeting of Farmers to be held in SHAW'S SCHQQL (S. S. i Darlington and S. S. 2 Claike) on Tuesday, Jan, l9th, at 8 o'clock. This meeting is being held under'auspices of the SECOND CO-OPERATIVE PACKERS 0F ONTARIO LIMITED and special speakers will be there to outline the projeet. Irwin R. Bragg, Local Representative. J. B. Reynolds, Provisional President. iê~ a- You Know Its The Best Coal 'y W"' Blue Coal Net & new moal but your old favorite ID. 14 & W. SCRAI<TON ANTHRACITE Blue Cool' in your favorite Anthracite de- finitel>' trade-marked for your protection. The color guarantees the qualit>'. Have the best- It cosano more. It gives mrater heat fer lesa meney. Let us f il your neit ceai order. It wMl lie delivered prompti>' and carefuli>'. If you burn wood See for your.elf the firgt qualit>' wood we have In our yards. We ame also seflng wood at the new lov prices. Guaran- teed AI qualit>'. It pays te bu>' your fuel frorn a regular dealer who la In business te rive yen satisfaction ani best value for your mono>'. THE Shepparci & Gi Lumiber Co., LtcL PHONE 15 KING ST. BAST BOWMANVIME 4!

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