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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Feb 1932, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVHLE, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 4, 1932 PAGE TEREN Your druggist can guide yau in thls- 'a iPk rfl~~ir~ Imatter. If you have your pet cream HINTS FOR fl'OIVlBOJLIES _j and do not wish to change, the mat- j e a tl earnea ayfamous beauty specialists advise the Written for The Staesan by Jessie Alien Bron use of olive oil. It rnay be sllghtly warmed if you pref er it that way.- Insular City DweUlers higlier in the towns than in the cit- Some of the specialists advlse a ies. They take a pride in knowing good rubbing of ail on the face, There are times when city people what is gaing on, and frequently neck. and anms bef are taking a hot mak metird. heyareso ureknowv much better what is new fi bath. This is very cieansingan tliat ail good cornes f rom the city. Ithe cities than do the people xvho certainly leaves the skin f eeling ' I have lived almost as many years live there. There are many oppor- lovely and sof t. The pores are op- di in citles as I have in towns, but I tunities to be had in the city, but ened with the hot bath and the o11 5] guess the truth a!temte s h on s httepole who has a chance to penetrate, and yet dE that I amn small town' at heart, and live there very often lack the time, the skin is flot le! t with an unpleas-n Probably always will be. This time means, and inclination ta pursue ant oily feeling as the o1ù is washed my ire was roused over the discus- them. Well-read, well-infornied Off-.i sion o! prof essional abilities. One people are flot confined ta the cit- BraUudigd city woman remarked of a prof es- ies. People wha have lived in smaîîBea udig< sional man, that lie could not be places bef are maving ta the city A reader asks liow ta prevent cc niucli good, or lie wauld nat be in are much broader minded than the Bread Pudding f rom falling. She ti a town. Which is idiculous. City peaple wha have always lived in the says that her puddings look lovely , peaple can nat seem ta realize that city. The paor city people da nat when they came out of the aven, but de there are many people who actually even knaw that many o! them are fal in a few minutes every time, te Prefer the l! e in a small tawn. insular and narraw minded. spoilhng the appearance and making fe They lave the quiet, neighbourly l! e the Pudding heavy instead af llght. <t that can be llved in a town. Passi- Dry Skin Thinklng that others miglit have w] bly, the most autstanding men and Mast women wha have any i-thise st in cughtheIarna er g s Wamen in professianal lif e event- clination towards gettlng fatter are this questionutinog thesenpaer.a anly vey othesting onestare rather careful over their choice of custard mixture and if it is placed af ther ery Natan Th e vere 0food, and are trying ta cut down on in a pan of water in the aven and P theressonal an nghe qierag o the fats and starches. Women wlia maked i a maderate aven af about ar the gli in he tndasin ste city neyer bef are had trouble with a dry 325 degrme, the Pudding will ot di. Youwll n inctonaspntedctrs skin are findlng a tendency I that fail and lase its fluffiness wlien tak- if, Ylawers, inditers, dentîs and 5 direction. This la caused by the en out af the aven. I like ta bake g on in the cities. Tliey are not coen- igafft ite Od mine i a cavered casserole and be flned ta the towns as some people It may be remedied by applylng stand this in a drlpplng pan wlth seem ta tliink. fats externally. This may be dane about an inch a! water iit. The t in valous ways. One of the simp- caver an the dlsh prevents the top mi As for the average o! general in-. est of these Ia to choose a cold. 0f the Pudding f rom becanixng hard an telligence, I venture ta say it is cream which has plenty of ail in It. and dry. When the pudding la sol- in RIPE TININSS ATLME6 BRN»C OCO S NO. ATLMER BRAND SWEET, TENDERCROICE QUALiTY AYLDM RBRAND TEN- DER WHITE CORN, OF CHOICE QUALXTY PEAS CORN DELICIOUS AILMER COICE QUALITY SALMONPII NO. a TALL TINO NO. 3 TALL TMN 5QUAT TINS Z NO. 2 2ZSUA 1927 BUTTER 0F TUE BETTER SORT-BUY OURE OWN SILVE»ROOK CREAMERY BTTER Mlb.20e SUNNYFIELD PATRE» lby. 220 FrOR PANjCAKiE TUEISI)àtY PANCAKE FLOUR AUNT Zu& 2 Pkgu. 290 MAPLE SYRUP HIGHLAND BRAND PURE le-OZ. BOTPLE 290 - wMEA TS P- Your positive assurance of getting choice cuts of meats, fine quality, and fish, is to, buy at A & P ..the markets where goodness goes hand-in- hand with Iow prices. A NEW SWIFTS PREMIUM FEATtJEE-SMOKED HAMiS OVENIZZD Ibo19C FEST PEAMEALED A O N S5LICED, LB., t1 17 PRESH CUTS YOUNG FANCY ROASTING ORSHOULDERS lM.SC P O K T~~e8UBe58oF888UPile. This Seuon ab. 2e. FINES? QUALITY A & P ROASTS ADIRI»«j ]RIBb. 1'70 BONELESS AND ROLLE», LB., 22o S1OULDERlM. ]10C FINNAN HADDIE Smoked Mb. 100 F FRUITS and VE GBTA BLED A complete line of imported and native fresh fruits and vegetablea is carried in all A & P Stores. Deliveries made freal, daily. T~e .GlaAT ATLANTIC I _____________________LIMITED 0F lVieat Manager; Là. McCoy. W. Deliver-Extra Charge loc. PACIFIC TEA CO>. CANADA Grocery manager: r. William». Phone No. 83 Bowmanville in@ spr o! rea an( W]t cat col the ed vici for the the bod ati M& by gin ph3 pro con sho ta ed ticr dan the Th( and are the lect unf intc moi f o avo: cau bett be< Ing tici hyÉ but well ed1 Si mor gerg Q dres Assc ontc lettE Health Service of the Canadian Medical Association PNEUMONIA Pneumoiiia la one of the moat ser- ous and niast fatal of the acute iseases. In this country, il la re- ;onsible for aver eight tliousand leaths each year, a higlier death- ,te than that o! tuberculasis. The tern pneuinonia means i- Tanmation of the lungs, and it is ised ta include several forms of the isease which have one thing i ,mmon, congestion and solidifica- Jof of one part of the lung. - The onset of pneumonia la sud- len, a sudden chili, lasting fram f if- ýen ta thirty minutes or mare, then ýver, difficulty in breathing, and a lry cougli, with pain i the cliest vhich may be severe. The doctor ;ould be called, wltliaut delay, lien sucli symptoms accur. The diseaae occurs as the resuit )fthe actlvity of a gerni. It ap- sars that the germ la wide-spread, id that the chances of its causing isease are tremendoualy increased ffor one reaaon or anather, the nerai fltneaa af the body has )en lowered. Pneumonia la more prevalent i he cities than I the cauntry. This nay be due to the over-crowding id ta the lower standards of liv- ag which are found in the city, and Lese mean greater chance of read for the gerni and a lawerlng fphysical fitness. Pneunionia aches its height during the winter, nd so it la associated, i our mids, th cold. Cold, i tself, does nat ause the disease, but exposure ta ild. and otlier liardships favour he occurrence o! pneumnonia. Children Whoa have been weaken- d by disease nat infrequently f aIl itinis ta pneumonia. Measles and îoopig caugh are seriaus diseases )r many reasans, one o! whicl isl ei frequency with whlch they are )lowed by a fatal pneumonla. Pneumonia also heaves its trail i e damages which it causes ta the dies of those Wha recover f rani an tack. As an example, the heart iy suifer f roni the Poison given off ythe genms of pneumania. The preventian o! pneumonia be- Is with keeping the body in gaod hysical condition. The need for rper diet, !resh air and exercise )ntinues the year round. The body iould not be chilled by exposure )cold. Damnp clotlhig and wet et should be avaided. Over-heat- 1roams cause excessive perspira- on; the clatliing then becomes imp and the body la chilled when le individual goes out of doars. he regulation of the heat of rooms d the avaidance of aver-clothing ,, real healtli measures. Colds should be avoided, but if iy occur, they shauld not be neg- eted. The neglected cold has an 1fortunate way o! spreadlng dawn o the lungs and causing pneu- mia. Persons Wlio are suiffering om colda and cauglis should be olded. If, natwithstanding pre- Ltions, a cald daes occur, it la tter to, spend -one or .two days In id than ta, run the risk of devehap- r pneumonla.. [The chlld Who lias been Ill, par- ,larly with meashes or wliaoping ugli, requires special care, nat an- during the course of the disease. ithraughout convalescence as ll, sa that he may not be expas- ta the dangers of pneumania. Safeguard yourself agaist pneu- onia by paying attention ta, your oeral lieahth. Questions cancernlng Healtli, ad- essed ta the Canadian Medical aclation, 184 Coîhege Street, Tor- a, wlll be answered personally by ;er. id wlien tested wlth a silver knife I remave tlie caver and add a mer- ingue. whlch la a! course baked without a caver. It la the slow av- en and the water which brigs re- sults. Butter Squares 2 cups llour, % cup butter. Rub the butter ito the flour and paltito a well greased ti. Bake i a maderate aven o! 350 degrees for 10 minutes. Remove froni the aven and caver with the folaowig lcig: 2 welh beaten oggs, 1 cup brown sugar, picli af salI, V2 cuji chappod wahiuts, % cup cacoanut, 1/2 tea- spoon vanll.a. Return ta, the aven and bake un- tIl delicatehy brawned. Cut i squares. For speclal occasions these niay be lmproved by addig a gen- eraus dab o! butter lcing. Do nat caver the enlire cake, but wlion the squares are cool put a spoonful af butter lclng itho centre of oach square. Flah Pie 2 cups ffaked coolced f lai. 3 cups niaslied potatoes. 2 tablespoons min- ced parsley, 1 cup grated cheeso, i 2 cups medium thlck white sauce. Grease a bakig dish and Uine It wth maslied potataes, allowlng the patataes ta came about one-lialf incli above the diali. Put I a layer o! fiaked flali. thon a layer oif white sauce wltli tho parsley mlxodhI, thon hall the cheese. Put i another layer of f lal, white sauce and cheese, finlshlng wti Ithe chee6e on the top. Bake i a modoratehy lhot aven o! 425 degrees for 20 minutes until tlie cheese is brawned. This la a gaad method o! using left-avor f lali. THE "]INN" CRAZE Mrs. E. A. Duncan, wlfe of tlie editar a! the Wlartan Canadian Echo, gives the waman's viewpit a! their trip ta Flanida. She con- chudes that "Inn" la the most aven- worked word in the United States. "Besides the ardlnary Sunnyside, Rlvervlew and Hihîcrest Inn, there were Pull Inn, Wabbhe Inn, Stay Inn, Wehcome Inn, Wee f. Inn, Blow Inn, Drap Inn, Dewdrap Inn, Drive Inn, Shoot Inn, Slip Inn, Hotý Dag Inn, Stumble Inn, Wahtz Inn and endlesa other Inna. In fact, thie onlY inns we didn't see, that I can tink of, were etep-I=n.", Fri. Sat. Mon. Feb. 5t1' 6tk 8tk 3BIG3 29c. DÂTS YOU CAN SHOP WITH CONFIDENCE AT NELSON'S Rigbt buying was nover so important as it is in the difficuit and trying times tbrough which business is passing. Nover bas tbe buying public scrutinized prices more closely, and nover, we believe, was the opportunity greater for ihe merchant wbo "BUYS RIGHT" and is willing to pass bis buying on to the consumer at a fair profit. The problem of right buying is, we bonestly believe, solved in the values bore listed. We advise an early visit, as in some cases quantities are limited. 25c Men's Work Sox 2 pair for 29c Medium weight, ribbed Work Sox, only a Iimited quantity. 2 Pair for 29c 79c Frilled Silk Cushions 29c each Here's a real snap - only about 25 left - Kapok filied. These won't last long. 4 7 inch Clover Leaf Plates for 29c Another big China value that you can't afford to miss. 60c Con golium Mats 29c each 4 designs and colors, and they are ail first quallty goods. Brighten the home at little cost. 29c Pillow Forms 2 For 29c Kapok filled; less than hall price; oniy a limited quantity, s0 be early:1 39c Wabasso Pillow Cotton 29 per yard A fine soft texture - free from dressing; in 40 inch and 42 inch width; a good reliable value. MEN'S AND BOYS' BROADCLOTH SHIRTS Values to $1.59 forý 29c Eacb Oddments - Broken unes and sizes to go out. Corne 29 early for these ..........29 WHITE TERRY TOWELS 29c Pr A really remarkable value in fan- cy plaids on~ stripes.29 Corne early for these ......9 Men's Excelda Handkerehiefs 4For 29c These are our regular 15ec une, made frorn fine Egyptian cotton, high mercerized; real value. Men's Dollar Ties 29c Left-overs frorn our Xmas seling; ail wool Iined. Don't miss this big special; quantity limited. Only 2 Ties to each customer. 39c Ka-Pok 29e Bag Investigate, you wili find the city price is 39e a bag. Get yours - limit, 2 bags a customer. Gtyour tickets on our GtFREE RADIOJ given with every 25c purchase. 59c BOYS' GOLF HOSE 29c Pr. A late shiprnent - just the same as we sold for 59c pair. Lots of timeto wear these yet . Buy thern now. Limit 2 pairs each29 customer; per pair ..29 $1.50 LADIES' SILK SCARVES 29c Each Every Tie in the store; printed crepes, printed georgettes, 29c- pleated crepes, etc ......-- 50c Men's Sox 29c or 2 pair for 50c 25 dozen, ail new spring patterins; right up to the minute designa; the finest sox values ever'off ered in this town. Limit 4 pairs to each customer. Men'a 50c Ties2for29c Oniy about 3 dozen left to be cleared at nearly Y4~ prilce. 4 Cups and Saucers 29c Plain white - This is a real bar- gain. No hageso N C . D.'t I No Phone Orders I NELSON'S STORES BOWMANVILLE AND PORT PERRY ---il- 'a BIG HOS1ERY SPECIAL 100 DOZEN - A mill clearance of aIl odd linos in Wonten's and Cbildren's Cotton and Lisle Hose, seconds of linos tbat retail up to 50c a pair; Hose in sizes to fit the entiro family. Don't fail to get your share of tbis very remarkable C9 purchase to be cleared at .......... 2 PAIR FOR SAN-TAN SILKS 29c per yard Under existing conditions we consider this the buy of tbe season. The new tariff on this class of merchandise absolutely probibits getting any more of these goods - hence we bave decicled to put tbem out at a price-that sbould clear the entire stock. We bave about 1000 yards in alî the newest shades in both plain and bro- cade. Tbis is made in tbree grades and wo guarantee these the best quality; lovely soft finisb; richb rigbt colora. Priced for tbese BIG THREE DAYS SELLING C at less than one-third of today's price, per yard. . 49c TABLE OILCLOTHS 29c 25 Pieces - AIl new spring designs, also white - New Sanatiles, Printed Marbles, Enamelled Spanisb Colours, Damasks, etc. A truly remarkable offering - these prices for this sale 29 only; 11/ yards wide; per yard .................. 29 -Ji F -à THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANMLE, TErURSDAY, EMBRUARY 4, 1932 PAOB TEPM

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