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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Feb 1932, p. 3

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TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVHLE, THUR8DAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1931 FAGE TER VALENTINES For Mother, Dad, Sweetheart, Teacher, Boys, Girls From lcto 50c. AN IDEAL VALENTINE GIFT Nellie McClungs- Eacii Flowers for the Living 1 Be Good to Yourself $ 1.10) Lending Library, New Fiction - 3c day. J, W. JEWELL Big 20 Bownianville Phone 30 OUR SATURDAY SPECIAL Be sure to ask our driver to see this value or cail in the store and see it. You will find it worth your while to give it a trial and you will want to continue to buy it eveiw week.. One Box of Assorted Cakes - 25c Hot Cross Buns for Lent 1BQWMANVILLE BAKERY C. W. JACOBS. Proprietor BOWMALNVILL FREE! Pair of Pillows or a g Mattress Cover UNTIL FEBRUARY 29th ONLY with the "SPECIAL", "PREMIER" or "REGAL" Grades of the Famous Marshall Mattress Fe F. MORRIS CG. Furuiture and House Furnishings Phone 10 Bowmanville Mms Chas. Horn, Hamnpton, Ont i There passed ta her weil earned reward about day break on Monday,j January 25th., one o! the oldeât1 residents o! Hampton la tbe person o! Mrs. Chas. Hornx, widow o! the late Chas. Horn, who predeceased ber nine years ago Dec. 3lst. Deceased was la ber 82nd. year and had lived la Hampton the greater part o! ber life and was aj very devoted wif e and mother cen- Joying the companionshlp o! ber children who with the exception ai anc son have aiways lived near. Mrs. Hornx was bor in l Devon, England. and came wlth ber parents Eliza- beth (Je!frey) Bailey and Nathanlel Balley when a cblld ta Bawmanville where she later marrled Chas. Hornx. Their early marrled 111e was spent la Bowmanvifle, Mr. Horn working at the mlflng, whlch trade he foal- lowed la Bowmanville for a time and later ycars at Hamipton, untilj bis demise. Mrs. Hornx was a member ai the United Churcb, Hampton, attending tbe services as long as healt per- mitted and Up 18 the tue o! ber death was interested la the welfare ai the churcb and comxnunity at large. She was o! a retiring dis- position and made many f riends by ber kind personality. She bad been la failing health for a nuniber ai years and aince the latter :Part of April 1931 had been under the doc- tor's care and confined ta, ber room. On June 26th she had the mis! ort- une ta bave a fail and since that time had been canfined ta ber bed.I lier affliction and sufering wasl borne with much patience and cheerfulnesa and wlth a feeling that ail would be weli. On Tuesday morning sbe contracted a cold which later developed into pneu- momia, wbich ber weakened condi- tion cauld not withstand. Those who watched over ber durlng ber last hours bave the pleasant mem- ories o! ber caini and peaceful pasa- ing ta that land tbat knows no sor- row or suifferlng. The funeral on Wednesday. Jan. 27th. was largely attended by rela- tives and frlends, the service at tbe bouse and grave being conducted by ber pastar, Rev. J. R. Bick. The pail bearera were Chas. Johns, Lew- is Cryderman, Harold Salter, Hilton Peters, Clifaord Colwil and Lorenzo Trull. The beautiful flowers testlfied o! the blgh esteem la wblch deceased was held, and included: Plllow <Mother)-Famly; Wreath-J. B. Hornx and f amily, Peterboro; Sprays -OGrandchildren. Mrs. Clara Bailey, and daugbter, Mrs. A. E. Moyer. and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Bailey, Kitch- ener, Mr. and Mrs. W. Jeffrey and son Wailace, Toronto, st. John's A.Y.P.A., Peterboro. Adult Bible Class and Women's Institute, Young People's Society, Young Men's and Young Ladies, Bible Classes, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Souch and Mrs. K. Caverly, Mr. and Mrs. Jixo. Colwill Sr. and Beatrice, Ruth Johnsa and Florence Burns, Miss L. Reeve, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Truli, J. J. Mason and Chas. Mason, Bowmanvflle, Mr. and Mrs. R. Avery. The flower bearers were four grandchildren, Wallace, Clifford and Ernest Hornx, and Jackson Wray; one nepbew, Wilbert Bailey, Kitchener; Wailace Jeffrey, Toronto, Roy Wright, Windsor. Cecil and Stephen Jeffrey, Maple Grave. Herbert Moy- se, Bowmanville. Those le! t ta mourn ber loas are: One sister, Mrs. John Bennett, Bow- manville; tbree sons, j. B. Hornx, Peterboro, W. W. Hornx and C. E. Hornx, Hampton; five daugbters, (R. Maude) Mrs. w. (G. Doidge, (Mary E.) Mrs. T. Wray, and Misses Munnie, Norali and Lottie, ail of Hampton; and eigbt grandchid- ren. One brother, Marwood J. Bail- ey, predeceased ber some years ago. Among relatives and irienda wha attended tbe funeral f!rom a distance were, Mr. J. B. Horn and family and Mr. W. G. Hornx, Peterboro; W. R. Bailey, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. W. Jeffrey, son Wallace, Mr. aud Mrs. Fred Taylor, Toronto; Mr. Fred Veale, Mrs. Nettie Wright and son. Nestieton; Wallace Horm, Kingston; Mrs. Emma Jeffrey, Cecil and Ste- phen, Maple Grave; Mr. and Mrs. L. Crago, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wilklin , Mrs. Mary Rundie, Marie and Dor- otby, Cyril and ROY, Base Uine; Mr. and Mrs. Jixo. Mundy, Maple Grave; Chas. H. Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Avery Jahustan, Herbert Moyse, F. R. Ker- slake, Wm. Short. Mrs. Wm. Mc- Reynolds, Bowmanville; A. L. Hav- erson. F. R. Reddin, A. Whattam, Oshawa; Mra. Fred W. Boweu, New- castle. CARU OF THANKS The family oi the late Mrs. Chas. Horn, Hampton, desire ta thank their frienda and nelghbors for their kindixessansd expressions ai sym- PathY ln their recent bereavement. REFRLIGERATED WAREHOUSES PROVIDE FOR PRE-COOLING HISTORIC EVENTS Recafed at HAanPton Women'a lu- atitute - Generous Grants Given and Good Work Shown Hamnpton Women's Institute was held in the basement of the church on Thursday, Feb. 4th, with Mms. W. W. Horn, presîdent, preslding. After slnglng Opening Ode, ail re- peated the Lord's Prayer in unison. Minutes of last meeting were read and con! irmed. Letter was read f rom Rev. Dowdell (Haliburton Dis- trict) thanking the Institute for a box af goods and 3 layettes sent them. The Relief comxittee report- ed the money donated them had been ail spent and as tbey are doing splendid work helping the needy it was declded to give tbem another grant of $10; aiso $50 was given Hampton Church Boards. As it was historical meeting there was an attendance of 50 ladies. Mrs. C. J. Kersiake. convener, took charge of the failowlng prograns: Conxmunity singing was enjoyed, al Joinlng lieartly in "When You and I Were Young, Maggie"; readlng, Mrs. J. G. Burns, West Durhamn News; Rules and regulations of Hampton Choir of 1858 by Mra. C. J. Kerslake; Hlstory of West Durham 1894, Miss Margaret Paacoe; Early Settlers of Darllngton, Clarke and Bowmanville, by Miss M. J. Kater- son; Poetry, Mrs. J. Colwill, Jr.; Weird Story, Mrs. W. White; Report of Annlversary ai Hampton B. C. Church 1862, (Mr. Cephas Barker, preacher> by Mrs. A. B. Cryderman; Report o! S. S. 1862; More news. Mrs. A. Peters. Rail cail was answered by mem- bers showing antiques and age of samne where known, as foilows: Mrs. R. Avery, braided apron and aid hat. Miss Margaret Pascoe, mug, pîtcher, valentine and locket; Miss Reeve, picture Hampton Band 1862; Mrs. Burns, sword used in 1837; Mrs. C. Johns, pitchers, cup and saucer, oid book 1862; Mrs. J. Col- will, baby's bonnet. tallow candle and holder, aid library book, Plan of Hampton Circuit 1864; Mrs. W. White, shawl and bonnet, Mra. H. E. Rundie, aid reader; Miss Leach, aid bible. brasa kettie and cishes; Miss Katerson. first lamp ai Hampton, aid pictures; Miss Knox, aid coilar, books af 1743; Mrs. L. Truil, em- broldered baby's dress; Mrs. C. Souch. aid mug, bible 1850, album 100 years aid; Mrs. A. B. Cryder- man, alabaster box, woaden comb; Mrs. Clayton, preacber's plan 1855, oid copper kettle 1840: Miss E. Rey- nolds, doil, bralded cape; Mrs. Kers- lake, oid sampler 1848, aid copy book, shawi, autograph quilt. aid music book 1869; Mrs. A. Peters, homespun. ew New Dresses $ 4a95 We have Just recelvedl a largre 5klpment of good quality erepe dresses whlch are exceptional value; la the ncw sprlng mater- la"; a wlde variety of shades and styles. These dresses would be splendid value at $7.00. SPECIAL SALE PRICE $4.95 Milsses' and Women'.ssm TOURs FAVORITE SHOPPING CENT RE PAT CASH AND BUT FOR LES MA&NUFACTUREB8 LIFE REPORT SHOWS A RECORD 0F STEADY PROGRLESS Payments to Pollcyholders Exoeeded Fourteen Million Dollars Forty-Fifth Annual Report of the Manufacturera LIMe Insurance Com- pany for the year ending December 3lst, 1931, shows a record of steady progress. Total Assets axnounted ta $115,- 527,218, an lacrease of Six and a Hall Million Dollars over the prev- loua year. Of this aniaunt $45.439,- 608 was invested la Government, Government Guaranteed, Municipal, Public Utillty and other bonds. Firat Mortgages on Approved Real Estate comprised $34,406,320. Pre- ferred and Common Stocks amount- ed 18 $2,500,548,.o ciiwlch $1,711,902 was invested within the last two yeara. New Insurance isaued amounted 18 $76,597.820. The total Insurance in Force axnounted 18 $542,449,546. PaYments ta Policyholders and Beneficlarles again constltuted a re- cord, anxountlng to, $14.348.063. Beneficlaries under death dlaims recelved $4.172.868. while Payments ta Living Policyholders for Matured Policles, Annuities, Dlvldends, etc., anxounted ta $10,'175,19.5. The earnngs af the Company con- tlaued ta 11e satisfactory. in addi- tion ta maintalnlng a Reserve.for Dividends ta Palicyhaiders amaunt- ing ta $6.019.818, and a Contingency Reserve ai $500,000, the Surplus ai the Company amounted ta $2,778,- 929. NO ACTION WAS TAKEN ON MOTION TO CUT CARTWRIGHT SALARIES TowushlP Clerk Dlsclalms Forward- ing "Glarlng Headllnes" Whieh APPeared ln The Statesman Regardlnt Dismissal ai D. W. Bradburn Regular meeting of Cartwright Council was held February lst, wlth membersa al present, Reeve N. Green presiding. Minutes ai last meeting were read and adopted ai ter a correction which Councillor C. P. Devltt re- quested, stating he dld nat state la bis mnotion ta the Department of Public Higbways that the Road Superintendent, D. W. Bradburn, be dismissed, and the Clerk aisa stated that the glaring headlines re Road Superintendent whlch appeared at the beglnnlng oi the minutes la the Bowmnanvile Statesman of tbe Janu- ary meeting were not forwarded by him for publication. Communications from Depart- ment of Higbways acknowledgment ai road expenditures, annual Con- ference and resolution re Road Supt. Moved by Councillors Byers and Taylor that cierk send resolution ta the United Parmers of Ontario voic- ing opposition ta any proposed Leg- isiation wbereby muncipalities would be under the control o! the Ontario Rallway Board la the matter of municipalfilnanclng. Accounts fram M. N. Sibuluk and G. Wright for work, on motion o! Counclilors Farder and Byers laid on table. Auditars presented their report and on motion of Councillors Byers and Taylor the report was received, auditars pald and dlscharged. Councillor Byera moved that al township officiais be cut 10)% la their salaries. No action taken. Orders signed as failows: H.Emmerson, insUrance .Tp. Bldgs. .. . . . . . . . $ 28.50, Bank ai Commerce, Int. on Loan, 1932 ........ 7.65 Bank of Commerce, Coll. on Taxes, 1932 ....... 31.90 Bank af Commerce, Int. on Loan ........ .207.00 J. Bycrs, exchange on drafts 30 and 31 .. ....... 14.02 R. J. Brown, Sec. Treas. S. S. No. 3, Teacb. Sal .... 200.00 M. Emmerson, Sec. Treas. S. S. NO. 9, Teacb. Sal. .- 200.00 L. 0. L. No. 133, ligbt and fuel, Short Course Classa.. 20).00 Clerk, Reg. af blrths, deaths and marriages............ 11.25 H. Thomson, services auditor 8.00 R. Perguson, services auditor 8.00 Wm. Stub, Janitor .....25.00o Colector's saiary ....... 90.00) G. Jackson, 11/2 carda wood. 16.50 AdJourned to meet subject ta cal by Reeve. W-. Beacock. Clerk. Our Manager WUlib. glad ta d.montmft the securfty and convenience of a Safiéty Deposit Bar. The Royal Bank of Canada C,~FITAL AND RESERVE5: 74 MILLION DOLLARS Bowmanville Brandi L Q Hef key. Mana.. QUAKIER OATS- Cook. I b2 1- d ue f. hewtrble so -SàsMm rant as summer ffowers. Cool as esa ami irssil.Fa Ider k1ZlInd te deiocaetelyt cool Fer- mountain spring. Wonderiully in- alan Balmn. vigorating. Soi tens and 'whltens the bands. Makes skin soi t-textured Douglas' Egyptian Liniment is re- anpoer base and as a pelas araido. leeIs qInstantffectac. andrbeadyotul sdab woen aes ara ble la Its quick, effctive ac-y ta lavely complexions. Used by men aprains, toothache and neuralgis. as an effective hair fixative ar ahav- Invaluable for sore tbraat, croup lng lation. And for children, notb- and qulnsy. m - UL rn Thousands oF Themn There's Plenty of.Bad Weather Yet COAL UP WITII BLUE COAL Winter may be neariy spent, but there is plenty of raw weather due us yet. Blus- tery March days, chili Winter's-end, damp Spring-all s pel danger to your family's comfortand health if you haven't instant heat available. Don't let your Blue Coal supply run low-keep the cellar stocked for safety's sake. Phone us now for high- jk heat content coal that get the most per dollar out of your furnace. Sheppard & Ciii Lumber Co. KING ST. EAST PHONE 15 DolWMANVILL On Sale Friday Saturday -Monday AT FNelson 1s Stores FRBIGGER AND BOWMANVILLE WALK A BLOCK BETTER BARGAINS AND PORT PERRY AND SAVE A LOT Safeguard Your National Service Loan Certificates! IF you arc a subscriber to the National Service Loan, you need a Safety Deposit Box. Your Interim Certificate must be guarded safely- you can't get your bonds without it--'.and thcy, in turn, wilI require protection. A Safety Deposit Box offers absolute security. The owner alone has access to it and you cam rent a box for very littie at thc nearest branch of this bank. TEE CAxAnmN sTaTzau«, BOV;MANVMLE, THUPJ31)AY, PMRUARY 11, 1M PAM NTS

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