-w I ~ PAGE FOUR TUE CANADIAN STATEsum.NBowmANvnLuJ, THURSDY, FEBRUARY 11, 1932 CADMUS There wau no League Thursdi evenng on account of bad weatht ...Service was held Sunday mor lng witli a good attendane .... M and Mrs. Cmare FaliMs and Jack ai Mzra. Norman Philp, Toronto, spel the weekend at Mr. C. H. Fallis'. Mir. and Mmr. CecilFerguson ai son Sidney spent Sunday eveningi Mir. Edgar Gibson's .... Miss Olad: Cobbledidk, Mir. Roy Jackson ai Miss Georgina Fowler spent tl weekend at Mir. George Fowler's .. Mir. W. D. Ferguson motored to T ronto on SaturdaY, Mrs. Fergusc returnlng with him, Monday .... Lloyd Thosapson spent Sundayj Esydon ...r. and lira. HoWal McMulIen and daughter Marl< spent Sunday at Mr. E. Sanderson' . ... Mir. Gien Gibson, Miss Bird Cilbson, Mr. Ross Flillp, Miss Nomrr licQuade and Mr. Lloyd Thompso attended the party in the town ha given by the Continuation achool. Mir. and lirs. Wm. Robinson, M and lirs. Edgar Gibson and f ami] spent Saturday evenlng at Mir. C..J Fail' ... Mr. and Mrs. E. Bandez son spent Monday evening at M A. E. McGm'ls.... Mr. and Mrs.1 Hyland spent Wednesday at li Edgerton's, Nesteton. ENFIELD Ladies o! the congregation spen a very pleasant afternoon at thý home of lirs. L. C. Pascoe when thb Ladies' Aid held its February meet ing. A goodly number were presexn and entered heartily in the openini exercises conducted by the presi. dent. Mrs. A. Prescott. Roll cal was responded to by a Bible verse or missions and each member tool part in the devotional period. Sev. eral items of business were discuss- ed, chief of which is our coming de- bate and concert. During the pro. gram period Mrs. Russell Ormistor gave a most excellent paper or "Frayer", worthy o! repetition. ThE social hour was very much enjoyed lira. Pascoe and Miss Bessie look. ing well after the wants of theii guests, and ail departed homeward looking f orward to the next meeting the f irst Wednesday ti March ai the home of Mrs. James Stark. Ai] ladies of the congregation are cor. dially invlted to attend these meet- ings. Recent Visitors: Mr. and lira. W Hepburn, Mr. Arthur and Miss L Hepburn, Kedron, at Mir. A. Ormis- toni's- Mr. L. Stinson, N. Oshawa at Mr. J. Stinson's... Miss Evelyli Stinson, Toronto, at lirs. H-. Stin- son's lir. O. Heatlie and Misç Irene Leask, Wick, Mr. G. Abrahamn Harmony, Mir. Wallace Pascoe, Brus. sels, at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's . Mr. A Nlddery, Toronto, at Mr. J. Hep- burn's Mir. H. Ashton, Toronto at Mir. Geo. Orxiston's. A fine baby boy arrived at thE home of Mr. T. Henry on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson en. tertained a large number on Frida5 night. WEMALTA TR E MARK REGM DIGESTIVE BREAD The Top Nofch of Baker's SHUI Ia made wids the finest selected whole wheat with the addition of -JOHNfl BULL" MALT FLOUR wich won the tbree hiehest awards at Interna. dionai Expositions. This bread contains ail thse nutritions elements of the wbeat and 0-uley, and is truly an ideal bread for young and old. Sir Chsarles 0. Canieron. M.D., says oi bread made with the addition of "JOHN BULL" MALT FLOUR: "It is well flavoured, nutritionus and easily digcsted. 1 bave determined io bave it on my own breakfast table." T. Poyntz Wright, M.R.S.C.. L.S.A., says: "It is bread wich a dyspepric or a young cild can easily digest." NUTRITIOLJS & LAXATIVE SOLD BY W. P. CORBETT Baker Bowmanviile, ont. Bownilcrm"anv01 MILK Recause St ta an established fact that Bowmanville Dalry MOt la pure sud wholesome, thse herds goverument Inspected and are kept la dlean, aantary aurroungi- "lgafGUARD YOUR RFEALTH"I ]Bowmanville Dairy W. EL BETTLES, Proprletor. lay ier. b4r. Lnd enI uidc at dya Lnd the son gr. in rxd a's. die An. r- rs. Le nt g ENNISKILLEN Don't miss Supper and Concert at Tyrone, Friday. Feb. l9tb. No public achool was held last Wednesday and Thursday owing to the teacher Mir. Eugene Beech wrlt- ing bis exams at Peterboro .... Rev. J. M. Whlyte delivered a fine sermon on "Frayer" Sunday evening. The choir rendered one selection.... Misslonary program was given Sun- day morning by the young men's ciass. lMr. David Simpkins gave a fine paper on "John Wesley.". -. lira. Wm. Griffin is nursing Mir. T. Henry at Enfield . .. Miss Myrtle Brunt la atml under the doctor's care. . W. M. S. vlsited Tyrone soclety on Thursday and report a good lime. . .Miss Marlon Staples and Misa Grace Werry, Bowmanville Hospit- al, vislted the latter's brother. lMr. E. A. Werry .... Mir. and lira. John Brown, Leroy and Olive, Orono, Mir. and lira. Jini Brown, Bowmanvllle, visited lir. W. J. Stainton and Mir. Lorne Lamb on Sun....... Sorry to report Mr. and lira. E. C. Ashton are both on the aick list. .. Mr. and I lra. Harvey licOWi entertained a number o! friends on Fnlday even- ing ... A number !rom here atten- ded the dance given by Mir. Walter rueoke celeriated.ber birthdartb FruOn on Feritdy . iss Gert-y entertaining a few o! ber friends to1 a fowl aupper at ber parent's, Mr. and lira. Wesley Oke .. lir. and1 lira. H. Ormiston and famlly, En-? field, lir. and lira. H. Stevens,( Gordon and Miss Clara Brown, lira.t Alymer Beecb and famnily vlslted Mir. F. W. Smth on Sunday.. SorrY lMr. Claude Smith la indis- posed. )n HAMPTON s- Don't miss Supper and Concert - aI Týyrone, Fniday, Yeb. lgth. :_ Weaing bels wil socri be ring- )n ing in Our community.... lins. Jno. n c.oîwai, Sr., is uncer the clocton's le care .... Our young people are look- ding forward 10 a vîsît on Feb. luth, Ltroin Orono Young People's Society. ýr .... Young People's meeting last 7dweek was in charge o!flira. Harold igSalter. Bible lesson was read by it lsîoyd Wicox and lhe devotional perîod was in charge o! Miss Flor- ence Burns. Mir. and lira. Winl Wil- bur favored with a vocal duel and Mis Jean Hogarth a reading. Mir. Wi.lbur gave a splendid tala on "Whal il means 10 be a Chistian." -Miss F. Burnis will be in charge o! Ibis week's meeting...lira. Jno. a,-scoe, Ennisicillen, visited wîth lira M Sulas W illiama..... Sunday achool 1-aenvce was well atterided. Il being ss Temperance Sunday, Miss Elinor n, ylies sang a solo and Misa M. Kat- eîson gave a temperance reading. Gliad 10 sec lMr. Bloyd Wilcox play the piano for one of tic bymns. We b. ope he will do so of ten. Meri's cnoir o! twenty voices was a special le leature at the evening service and tieir music was greatly appireciated. i....Mr. and lira. I. Buinier and ty Katherine, Oshawa, visiled aI lMr. W. G. Wilbur's on Sunday . ...lMr. and lira. C. W. Souch, Mir. and lira. W. W. Hon,lira. R. Avery, Mir. and lira. H. Wilcox were among those wno attended cburch in Oshawa on Suriday morning and heard with pleasure lhe negro singer, A. E. Greenlaw ... W e hope everyone la looking forward to the concert on Moncîay evening by our young lad- ies. A large variety o! good num- bers are in store f or those who at- tend. Special costumes will be used througbout the progran. lr. J H. Wilcox and Madeline spents lie weekend with ber aister in Oshawa. Congatulations 10 lira. R. West- away WkŽ celebrated bis 951h birth- day on Wednesday, aI bis daugb- ter's, Cameron, Ont.... Reserve Feb. 29th for the box social urider aus- pices o!flira. Blck'a Class. Parlic- ulars later ,li. r. and lira. W. G. White, lira. Ceph. Johnis and lira. A. B. Cryderman allended the f un- eral o! Ibeir aunt, lira. Charles Av-, ery, ta Toronito on Saturday..lir. Corderi bad a horse die froin pneu- monia lasI week. The W. C. T. U. entertainmnrt giver in the Sunday achool room o! Hampton Church on Tueaday everi- ing, February 2nu, was weli patron- ized. The president, Miss L. Reeve, occupied the chair, announcing an openirig bymn wbch was !ollowed by prayer. Miss Lillian Jebson !avored wiIb a vocal solo, "Sunnise and You" accompanied by lira. C. J. Keralake. Miss Helen Kniox also, plcased ber bearers with a vocal solo "Sweel Lovera Love the Spning." lira. J. R. Bick accompanled Ibis musical number. as well as thc llvely Temperance chorus by Iwclvc men. Miss Grace Cawker'a piano number was also much apprcciated. The exercise entitled "Tempcraricctown and Wbiskeyvllle" giveri by tbe .Jun- ions, was well given and rcceived loud applauac. A play "The Price o! Indifference" in whlch lir. F. J. Groal, lira. Alvin Peters, Laverne Clemens, Mary Katerson, Edith Pas- coc, Ruth Johns, Harold Salter, Ra- mond Burns and Jack Niddery 100k part ta capable mariner, brought out many Iruths o! the results o! indif- ference 10 lic prescrit day evila o! alcohol and riarcotica, and showing the great rieed o! parents 10 take a more active part ta tbe temperance work. lira. J. R. Blck and lira. C. J. Keralake !avored wltb a piano duel, and the moutborgan acleclions by Mn. H. Stainton accompanied by lira. C. J. Keralake were also greal- ly enJoyed. Miss R. Duif, Eastern "Y" Secretary, who was payirig a second visil 10 our village, spoke on ber work, glving much intercstig and belp!ul information along lhe line o! tcmpcrance work anid stress- cd tbe need o! more active workera for Ibis Important cause. Wc are always glad 10 welcome Miss Duif. Froceeds o!fcritertairiment $21.50. Misa R. Duif gave a splendid Temp- erance addnesa 10 the acholars Wed- ncsday mornlng Itrhe achool roomn. Misa Dufi was gucal o! Miss Mary Kalerson wblle in lhe village. WOOD SALE Mon1day, February 15th.-Mn. Jos. Glennie will acîl by public aucliori on Lot 2, Con. 3, lianvena, 6 acres, mnore or less, o! standing mlxed bard wood including some oak aultable for lumber, ti 14 acre lots, more or les. Parties given two winters 10 remnove timber. Sec bis for terma Iand particulans. Sale aI 1.30 p. m. Elmer Wilbur, auclioneer, te attractive boxes and a very en- Joyable social time was spent... 1 M[r. MervYn Hobbs was ln Peterboro lrednesday and Thursday wrlting Normal achool exama. lira. Hobbs lslted lher parents ln Lindsay. r The Canadian Leglon Band ls lanning a Band Concert lni the Op-t raHouse on Suriday cvenlng, Pcb-8 uary l4th. I NESTLEON olMr. and lira. Frank Croasman, Mir. and lira. Harvey Crossman and baby, visited at lir. and lira. Wm. Sameis'..... lira. Jos. Forder enter- tained the Ladies' Aid Thursday. In spîte o! baci weatlier and roada there was about 25 out. A splendid program was provlded consisting of readinga by lira. Sain liLaughlin, lira. Frank lialcolmi, lira.O. Brown and lira. Hulbert; and a duet by lira. Sami MeLaughlin and lira. Herman Samells; and a number o! contesta. Refreahments were served and everyone enjoyed a pleasant ev- enimg...lira. Oscar Edwards re- cently visited lira. Joe Forder.. lira. Leonard Joblin was guest o! Miss Jennie Gordon last week .. Mir. and lira. Bert Mcliullen and f amlly visited aI lMr. and lira. Rob- ert Dlckles.... Preabyterian Church is holding a Valentine Concert.. Qulte a bit o! excitement waa caus- ed here on Saturday when Mir. Har- old Forteous' truck got ln the lake. About !orty men were soon on lhe Job and wilh the aid o! lhree other trucks they managed to gel il out, altbough a few o! the men got a bath ..... Glad to learn Misa Marie Froutt is gaining nlcely after ber recent operallon ....ir. and lira. Frank lialcolmi vislted frienda in Port Perry.. . Mir. Herman Samela visited lira. Percy Edgerton .... The Institute meeting held at lira. Sam McLaughlin's was largely attended. Our bostesa provlded a splendid lime. DEVITT'S CORNERS liany f nienda f rom here attended lhe funeral o! the laIe John Camp- bell o! Oahawa on Saturday ... . Mr. and lira, James licKee entertained Mr. and lira. Norman Lathangue and Miss Della Lathangue to dimner Monday evening ...r. Meredith Brown, Toronto, bad bis car burri- ed at bis father's, Mir. James Brown. Cause o!f fire is unknown ...Miss Gladys Cobbledick spent the week- end with Miss Helen Fowler.... lira. Mabel Devitt entertained a number o! friends Sunday evening.... Miss Fernie Thompaon bas returned a! ter a visit with ber sister, lira.liarwood McKee. . Miss Georgina Fowler o! Oshawa, and Mir. ROY Jackson, Bow- manviBle, aPent Sunday with the former's parents at Cadmus .. Miss Irene Graham la vislting aI ber father'a, lMr. Charles Graham ..... Misa Susie H-yland visited aI lira. Mabel licKee's on Sunday ....miss Muriel McKee, Blackstock. spent Sunday witb ber parents, Mir. and Mrs. Samn McKee ....ir. and lira. Herman Wilson vlsited Mir. and lira. George Fowler Tueaday evening... Mr. and lira. Norman Lathangue visited the latter's mother, lira, S. J. Gillis, Pontypool, Sunday .lMr. R. J. Bruce visited bis daughter, lira. Rosa Curtis, of Cobourg, on Sunday. lira. Bruce returned with hlm.. Mir. and lira. Lorne licKee vlsited the formner's parents, Mir. and lira. James licKee on Sunday. ..The dance at the hall Friday nigbt was well attended. SOLINA Remember our play "Sa! ety First"l on Friday evening, Feb. l9tb. Ad- mission 25c and 15c. Music between acta. Solina Foobtall Club ia holding a Loat Heir party in the Hall, Tues- day, February l6th, at 8 o'clock. Prizes. Admission 25c. Ladies kindly bring lunch. 6-1 Miss Dorothy Hoar, Bowmanvile, spent the weeicenci at Mir. Charles binitfl's and attenclea the box social errîuay evening. . .. Miss Marion Wil- liams, Port kierry, visitect wth ber sster, lira. Chas. Howsam ...r. ana lira. Jas. White and son Shir- ley, Toronto, Mir. Sniriey Campbell, Winnipeg, visîted aI lMr. oeo. Wlute s.... Councillor A. L. Pascoe madle a business trip to Toronto on l'niay in the interesta o! lhe miik business... Mir. and lira. Geo. White anta Allain visited, at Mr. Clarence 1'ink'a, Maple Grove.. ..liessrs. S. E. Werry and Livingstone Miller via- ited Friencis at Newourg recently.. liMra. John Pascoe bas returned home aller a picasant visit wîtb Oshawa and Hampton f niencis... Master Wesley Werry spent lhe weekend in Bowmanvîlle wîth bis cousin, Master William James ... Miss Edith Pascoe, Hampton, with Miss Evelyn Tink..,Mr. and lira. J. G. Langmaid, Oshawa, Rev. J. R. and lira. Bick, Hampton, at Mir. S. E. Wcrry's . lin.. M. and lira. Euls Pascoe, Brooklin, with Miss Mary Hlogartb and Mrs. R. Pascoe.. Mrs. Twist, Miss Enid and Mir. Ern- est Twist, Maple Grove, at lir. A. J. Baisori's . ..lMr. and lira. H. E. Tink anid Mr. and lira. Chas. Blanchard hiave cnterlained at card parties re- cently . . lir. anidlira. S. E. Werry spent Sunday aI Mayor Geo. W. A week's trial o! Bisurated liag- riesia tablets, which any good drug- gist can suPply at trifling coat, sbould quickly convince you that 90 per cent o! ordlnary stomach dis- ress is absolutely unnecessary. Be ure to get Blsurated Magnesia Tab- lets! COURTICE Misa Helen Armour, Oshawa, waa La weekend visitor of Miss Bernice Gay. Miss Aura Brooks, Lockwood Cli- ic, Toronto, was home over the weekend. L Mr. and Mrs. Miarshall Soules, Toronto, visited Mr. and lira. S. S. Brooks, recentl.y. Thursday evening in connection Wlth Our Young People's League, the conteat whlch is to be carried on for three months was begun. Miss LAura Osborne's group haci charge of the meeting. In the devotionai the bible lessons were read by Mr. BIRl Marsh and Mr. Carl Down. For the toplc Miss Velma Gay gave an ex- cellent paper on "The Lord's Fray- er." Af terwards a prograni waa given. Readings on "Flrienda" were given by Messrs. Carl Down, Bill Marsh and Bruce Muir; a readlng by lira. Herb. Nichois; vocal solo, "Friend O' Mine" sung by lira. G. F. Ainis, and a quartette by Messrs Rev. H. C. Wolfraim, Kenneth Cour- tice, Mrs. G. F. Annis and lira. Will Marshall. Services on Sunday were well at- tended. Rev. H. C. Wolfraim Preached a Most thoughtful sermon in the morning fromn the text "What saial I do then with Jeans whlch la called the Christ?" He aiso gave the girls and boys an impressive story before the sermon. In the ev- ening Mir. Bill Phillips, Tyrone, member o! Boys' Parliament, deliv- ered an interestlng addreaa. Mr. Albert Wood, Tyrone. was present also and read the lesson. In the ai- ternoon at the S. School session the attendance was the largeat yet, be- ing 155. It being Temperance Sun- day, Mrs. Ross Pearce gave a short report o! an address given at the W. M. S. Preabyterial, and lira. G. F. Annis gave a readmng. W. M. S. meeting will be held on Frlday afternoon, it being the day o! Prayer, at lira. Gua Grills'. Mrs. Grills' group will be in charge. On Thursday afternoon o! laat week the Ladies' Berean Class held a business meeting at Mrs. W. H. Nichols' with Mrs. Walter Snider's group in charge. Although it was a stormy a! ternoon about twenty- five ladies were present. The presi- dent, lira. Esl Oke, presided and a short programi was given. The bible lesson was read by Mrs. Blake Oke, after whlch Misses Hazel Rundie and Sadie Muir played a pretty Piano duet. Readings were given by Mrs. Cecil Founid ând Mrs. Clarence Penfound, and a vocal solo by Mrs. W. R. Courtice. The meeting was open for business and among other items o! business discussed was the matter o! getting up a play to be preaented by the ladies. A com- mittee was appointed and we hope to be rehearsing shortly. Cookies and tea were served and a real soc- ial time enjoyed. lirs. Nichols and lier daughter lirs. Snider certainly made everyone welcome in their home. SALEM A goodiy nuinber attended service on Sunday aiternoon when Rev. A. M. Wootton delivered a fine sermon on "*Ye are the saît o! the earth" ...Firat meeting o! the Y. P . L. n the new terni, Wecinesday eve-nmng, Feb. 3rd, was well attended, about !ifty being present. Meetingoee with President Mr. Sam Buter 1i the chair. A hymn was sung and Rev. A. M. Wootton led in prayer. The minutes o! the election o! of!- f icers meeting were read by the sec- retary, af ter which Mrs. S. Buttery, lst vice, was called on to take charge o! the following prograni: Bible readlng, Miss Lela Welsh; talk on the topic, Rev. Wootton; piano solo, Mir. Leslie Collacott; reading, lira. A. Welsh; mouth organ solo, Mr. Reg. Coombes; reading, lira. L. Richards. Another hymn followed and the meeting closed with League benediction. Mr. and lira. Stew- art, lir. and Mrs. R. Scott, Tyrone. visited wlth Mir. and lira. C. M. Car- ruthers on Tuesday lastI What might have been a very serious ac- cident occurred at the level crossing o! the C. N. R. at lir. F. Foster'a gateway on Friday when the noon train westbound struck and wreck- ed a truck load o! apples owned by Mr. Herman, Whitby, but fortunate- IY the cab o! the truck was not wrecked and Mr. Herman and an- other occupant escaped any serlous injury .lMr. and lira. Rutherford, who are spending the winter with their daughter, lira. C. M. Carruth- ers, motored to Cobourg on Friday wltb Mr. Carruthers and spent the weekend with Cobourg friends Mr. Carruthers, Mr. W. G. Werry and Mr. W. Carruthers attended the Fruit Growers Association meeting at Cobourg on Friday. Several Tor- onto friends who also attended were entertalned by Mr. and lira. C. M. Carruthers on their return trip.. Misa Ella Collacott, Kingston, spent the weekend wlth her parents and attended afternoon service on Sun- day. Other visitors notlced among the congregation were Mrs. T. But- tery, Miss Annie Buttery, town; Mr. R. Knox, Mrs. Sykes, Miss Knox, Hampton, and Mrs. Freerer, Beth- esda .. Glad to report the sick of Our nelghborhood, Mrs. Luke But- tery, Mrs. F. Honey and Miss Mar- Ion Honey, al l mprovlng .. Mrs. F. Cator Is spending a week visltlng ber sister, Mrs. John Prlng, and ber daughter, Mrs. Howard Hobbs, Tor- onto. Mr. Prlng Is III at present at bis home there. Mr. R. H. Collacott has retumned from a visit wlth his daughter (Ethel) Mrs. Bert Horborne of Brantford. HAYDON Don't miss Supper and Concert at Tyrone, Frlday, Feb. l9th. STARKVILLE Friends f rom Oshawa vlsited at Mr. and Mrs. Shutka's ... Miss Beulah Hallowell of Toronto teach- lng staff spent the weekend at her father's, Mr S. G. Hallowel.. Miss Norma Haflowell was a guest at the reception of our former teacher. Miss Nora Cowan, Newcastle, who becanie the bride of Mr. Irwin Col- will, Newcastle, on Saturday last.. .The stork le! t twins, a boy and a girl, at Mr. and Mrs. Victor Far- row's. Congratulations!... A very A RARE LENTEN TREA T EXCEPTIONAL VALUE *More tisas a Uittle bit different lsd more tisas a Uttle bit bitter ta rln r t heeweZe pol t A & P Foo Stre. Pu ,,ysano e 5eceptionafly 1Iow ric lS oa omlet. Ilin.aofisaaLet pc y r yon ordinafliy pay. PANCY SmIER BRiGuT SALMO N TAS Bls »ABY CIICEN HALIDUT BPYT T COD FRUsH O Tour Cholme UIrTm - i SILVERBROOK-OUR OWN FINEST QUALITY CUREAMY BUTTER 2 Ibo.390 SUNNYFIELD JP7 lb. ZZ PROFIELY AGED AIND CURED-0ONTAEIO CREAIWERY cHEESE MW 2 &250 OLD ~cHUSsE WITH A I? b9 AN EXCEPTIONAL VALE BACON SLICED 0 Jn3oa 0 go b. e m-10. PERSE CIITS 0F CHOICE YOUNG BOASTINO PORK PORK BUTTS lb.li Eaoh 50 ib. 1 c MIEST CU.LITY GUARANTEED A & P BEn' RO A ST RUMP TN ROAST -l. a MADE IN CANADA FROM FRESH, RED-RIPL TOMATOES nn,, Ketchup wEEK 2 OTE3A7 L AN IDEAL MEAT SUBSTiTUTE FOR TRIS LENTEN SEASON MACARONI or 3im 4 SPAGHETTI3Ib.L4 EXTRA SPECIAL! Pastry Flour MG 44B. LARD 3 îm 5 FRUITS and VE GBTA BLE PERS CURL TEXAS FULL 0F JUIVE-TEXAS MARSII SPINACH GRAPEFRUIT 3 ~.25o SEanLESS 6 for THE GIMATLANTIC & PACE FiC 'f ËA THE GREATLIMITE» F CANADAi ivirai anager;L.MCy Grocery Manager: P. Williams. We Deliver-Extra Charge 10c_ Phono No. 83 Bownianvil. A REAL TREAT ROT OR COLD-TRY THEM TODAY A& P MEAT PIES FOR FRYING OR BOIIING-PEAMEALED COTTAGE ROLLS j Sacrifice on Cloth Overshoes L ~10 per cent offt Regular Prices Every pair of this year's goods and of number one quaitr to be cleared regardiesa of coat. Men's 2-buckle, r~eg. $2.15 for.......... $1."4 Men's 1-buckle, reg. $1.65 for .......... $1.48 Boys' 2-buekie, reg. $1.85 for ........... $1.66 Misses' 3-buekie, reg. $ 1.69 for .......... $1.52 Child's 3-buckle, reg. $1.49 for .......... $1.35 Women's 2-dome, wool jersey, reg $2.10 for $1.89 12 Pair of Last Year's Women'is Overshoes Out they go--89c. IVES' SLIOE STORE unique and pleastng event to daughter, Dorothy, who recently be- place at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Saeys came the bride of Alex Barclay, when eighty-five frlends and neigli- Oshawa. The affair was a completé bours gathered to shower their1 surprise to Mr. and Mrs. Barclay.