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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1932, p. 1

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rnabtunt4emxl With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. 78 M. A. JAMES & SONS, Pliblishers BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 3rd, 1932 $2.00 a Year i Advance 5c a Copy No. 9 Charter Members Of S.Q.E. Get 50 Year Jewels HIGH OFFICERS HERE Wm. Trewin, W. E. Pethick and M. A. James Receive Recognition of Haîf Cen- tury of Service to Wel- lington Lodge at Colorful Ceremony. Weliington Lodge, S. O. E. Na. 19, celebrated its Jubilee on Wednesday niglit, Feb. 24th, when many dis- tingulshed officers of the Society were present in addition ta large delegations f rom Lodge Cambridge and Lodge Middlesex o! Toronta. Perhaps the happiest event o! the evenlng was thc presentation of 50- ycur jevels ta the three remaining charter members of the local Lodge, W. E. Pethick of Taranto. Wm. Tre- vin and M. A. James. These pres- entatians were made during the course of the Lodge session, Mr. Pethick receiving is f ram the hands o! the Supreme Treasurer E. C. Green, Mr. Trewin f rom Supreme Councllor Canon Baynes-Reed, and Mayor George W. James. by proxy for bis father, f rom Supreme Secre- tary D. J. Procter. Bach received viti their Jevels a Certificate o! Menit for the services rendered te the lodge during the laut hall century. Mir. Trewmn, vien cailed on ta speak, reviewed tie bis- tory of the lodge. mentioning inci- dently that he was the f ounder of Welingten Lodge. Mayor James, lollowing the presentation o! bis lather's .lewel, gave a short address thanking the lodge for the honor of being present and speaking of the great interest displayed by is fatix- er in the velfare of the lodge i past years. Foilowing the lodge ceremonies a splendid banquet vas beld at whici weil over one iundred sat down te .an appetlzingmeal catered by Mir. Pred Bateman of the Royal Cale, a past president of tic lodge. Worthy President Dave Armistead acted as toastmaster. The toast to the Sans of England Order was propased by Pupreme Secretary D. J. Proctor aind responded te by Suprerne Caun- clilor Canon Baynes-Reed, promili- enk Anglican divine of Toronto. Mach vere reminiscent in their ad- d;'esses of the Sons of England Soc- ieby and both dlsplayed considerable ixumor and vit teat added apice te their addresses. The toast te the Supreme Cauncil vas proposed by ]Prea. Oea. Mitchell James 0111 o! Welington Lodge and responded ta by Supreme Treasurer 3. C. Green o! Tarante. SThe toast to Lodge Wellington vas praposed by President Mitchell o! Wolverhampton Lodge, Orona, and responded te by Past President Wm. Trewlxx. President D. Armi- stead proposed and Vice-President IR.BHil of Orono responded ta the toast te the visitera. Several other prominent members of the arder gave short addresses anxd same a! the visitlng bretien rendered mus- ical numbers. lncluding a vocal duet by Messrs. Mitchell and Harrison o! Orono. Commuxxty alxging vas ai- so a feature of the evening's enter- taininent wbich brake up about midxight. The aflicera o! the Lodge who functlaned an this occasion vers: Pres.-D. Armlstead: P. Pres.-eof. Peritchard; Vce-Pres.-T. Armis- tead, Chap.-Jno. Nîchols; Sec'y.- E. W. Holxnes: Treas.-H. Pye, lat O.-Tios. Heigiten; 2nd 0.-B. Ring. Act. Past Pres.-J. Gil. The charter liat o! Wellngton Lodge officers o!f flfty years ago vil be foun dlxx anoteer column under the ieadlng "'Tie Dini and Distant PF,4t.-" Port Hope United Churci Young ]People presented their play "Sun- ahine Lane"' to a gaod audience on MKonday evenng i Trinlty achool room. The characters vere wel ciosen and each performed his or lier part exceedingly vell. Misa Brownlea, as Nancy the maid, and '*Nat" tee inventor, provided plenty of humor teat kept the audience amillng tirougiaut the presentation et the three acta. Vocal solos, "When Irish Eyes are Smillxxg". 1'8weet Nancy" and otiers, were sung by Mir. 011. Darling, ane o! ]Port Hope's gilted singera, and a piano solo vas nicely rendered by Miss Beatrice Jones. Rev. E. P. Armstrong, easter af the churci. op- ened the meeting wth a f ev kindly varda. COMMERCE CHAMBER TO STAGE CHARITY BALL, MARCH llth. Blg Danoe and Card Party To Be Held at Ferguson Hall - Pro- ceeda te be Donated tW Civic Belle! Fund At a special meeting o! tee Chami- ber a! cammerce lielddinithe office af Mir. C. A. Cawker Wednesday ev- eming, plans vere formulated for tee stagrng af a huge bridge and dance at k'erguson Hiall, BOYS' Training Sciool, on Friday, Mardi lite. The abject o! the affair la ta as- sisti n reaching the objective $2000 for tie Cîvic lielle! Fund. Adlmis- sion to tie bridge and dance vill be by invitation only and $1,00 wll be charged per persoli. Bote the bridge and tie dance yul commence at 8.30 p. m. Mir. D. R. Morrisan, the secretary, is anxious tiat those via cannot attend the afair on tiat evening will send in their subscription i any event. Thc cause is a vartby one and a considerable sum shauld be raised far tic benefit of the Re- lief Committe. Mir. Moxrson la alao arranglng for transportation o! tiose via have no cars To attend tic entertainnient. Splendid prizes have been obtained for tic Bridge, and Sneil'a Orches- tra bas been engaged ta pîrovîde tee music for tee Dance. - Committees appointed te look a!- ter tic arrangements are: General Management-Alan Campbeil, J. D. Carruthers, A. M. Hardy; Invitation -A. M. Hardy, A. Campbell, G. E. Cbase, D. R Marrison; Carda-E J. Gibbs, Oea. L. Hall, C. A. Cavker, Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle; Dance-D. R. Marrison, Oea. W. James, Aian Campbell, Dr. G. C. Bannycastle; Refresbments....L. A. Neal, W. R. Strike; Finance-..j. D. Carruthers, M. J. Eiliott. GOOD PROGRAM AT W. M. S. MEETING TUESDAY Mms. F. A. Foster's Group Had Charge of Intcrestlng Meeting I Sunday School at Trlnlty 1 Tic Awiiary a! Trinity W. M. S. l met itic achool room an TuesdayJ a! ernoon viti thc president, Lira. G. L. Wagar, lxx tic chair. Alter the apenixxg exercises, the minutes a! lat meeting and an 'executive meeting were read by Mrs. P. M. Cryderman, thc secretary. Reporta a! theecifferent secretaries falioed. Tirce groupa were reparted stari groupa. Thc rall cal ahawed an at-1 tendance o! 72.1 Lira. F. A. Foster's group had charge a! tee meeting. Alter aing-1 ing and prayer, Lira. Bailey reaci tic scripture lesson. Mrs. F. A. Faster read an article from tee Missionaryi Montbiy entîtled 'A Dream." A1 plcaslng sala "'Only a Little Way"1 was sung by Lira. D. J. Chambers,. accompanied by Lira. R. Daniels.j Lirs. G. Talcott read a letter from1 Mr. and Lira. Bruce, wba are mis-1 s.onarics lin Manchuria, tellixxg o! their work and conditions there. Ail joincd lxx tic singlxxg a! hynns and reading a! selected Bible pass- ages as outlmned on thc leaflet pre- pared for Easter meetings. The meeting closed vith prayer by Lira. Spencer Wood. Next meeting will be ixx charge a! Lira. R. H. Warder's graup and Quarterly tea viii be served alsa. West Durham and Clarke Societies To HoId Banquet' AT ORONO TOWN HALL Agricultural Societies to Or- ganize into Central Dur- ham Association at Pub- lic Meeting in Orono on Mardi llth. Arnia ted Agricultural Socleies a! West Durham are staglng a banquet anxd public meeting itic Town Hall at Orono an Friday, Mardi ilîte, ven it la hoped that several iundred farinera vil attend ta make plans and organise tee society whlch ia ta be formed by tic amal- gamation af tic West Durham and Clarke Socleties. mhe banquet viii be icld at 6.30 p. m. and vHii be served by Orana Women'a Institute at 50e per head. The gucat speaker of tic evening wii be Mr. J. Lockie iWilson, Troi-nto, Supe"rintendent a! Harb~or Rear HONOUR ROLLS FOR epairsPUBLIC SCHOOLS Here Migkt Be 0F OMNIL i ~ eMny Studenta Are Lised as lnu Unaertaken So n Pupils iReportsofTahr at Central and South Ward HEAR FROM MINISTER Public Schools Boom 1 M i n i s t e r of Works Has sr. 4th-Madge M!oses, Marguer- Promised at Request of Dennis Pagan. Gl*dys King, Jean Fre W.BoenM. *,Coyne, Andrew Lambros, BertbJohn- and Local Business Men Doris Wrght, Alex Lyle, David Os- to Have Engineer Look borne. J. H. Jahnstan, teacher. Over Trouble at Harbor. J. t-MRlOM 2 t.Droi Bradb. Betty Pingle, Betty Edger, Witi reference te bic condition Charles Spencer, Earl Clark, Helen cxisting at thes Bovinanville Harbor Glanville, Eric Swlideils, Owen Fa- viere s sandbar bas practically gan, Clair Wakelin, Alton.Richards. stopped navigation inte Lie confines Dorotiy Jones. of tic breakvater. and vbich vas R. A. McLeod, teacisr. taken up at a recent meeting a! tic BOOM 3 Business Men's Association, Mir. L. Jr. 4Li-Marian Hamnm, Margaret1 C. Mason, secrebary, bas rcceived WaJa culn rne ytad aingsvrte bs ltMr. frainW.Heari Dorothy Barbon, Ruth Ives,, Bottaa tai M.tP.rFedW.Panay Hooper, Hslen Morden, Dor-j Boen .Phas repeatedly brougit otiy Knox, Ieleen Hallman.1 Lis mater befare Lie Minister of Miss M. M. Jenninga, eacier.1 Public Warks.Ro 4 The Ministcr o! Public Warks, in Bo ansver ta Lie letter, atates that a Sr. 3rd-Charles Churchil, Olive report vil be secured tirough Lie 'Ward. Ruth Cryderman, William engineering deParbinent as to con- James. Paul Symans. Donald Povl- ditions and adds that IL migit be er. Bill Tait, Kathleen Sisson, Kath- possible ta Lake care o! Lis work leen Blunt. Jini Cramble. out o! te eneral Vote for thira- Miss B. 0. Morris. eacher. Pravements a! harbours and rivera, Boom 5 altiaugi appropriations vere being Sr. 3rd-Flred Lapien, Helen CoL- vcry clossly scrutinized. Ths Minis- ton. Marlon Miartin, Ciarlie McI-i- ter la hapeful tiat someiiing iigit veen, Ticodors Lanubras, Helen Vr- be donc at tee local barbour as Lie bue, LeRoy Short. Lloyd Passantj requesb o! tic Business Lien does and Lawrence Connars equal, Rus-1 not ivalve a large expendibure. sel Sart and Charles Someracales Dredging la absolutely necessary equal. and apparently Lie amount o! Miss M. Colacott. teacher.1 dredglng te open up a streain for Btoom 6 navigatian vould not be an exces- Jr 3dBynCavrd Ka I sive cast. sttO'Neil and Lewis Wiseman equal. IL a ! iteeattanate tiat un- Alan Tamblyn, Blain Elilobt, Kitty lsss bie situation la cleared Up fisi- Storey, Chas. Cartwright, Isobel ermen at Lie lake viii be farced La Bickeil, Alvie Welsh, Clarice Aider. find atier iarbors from vich tiey Lois Emmebt. canl PIy thiitrade. To tee average Misa G. M. Wicketb, teadixer. persan tbil amigit not inean muci, but figures in Lie possession o! Tue Boom 7 Statesman reveal tha M. W. F. Jr. 3rd--.Chaa. Hoar, Jean Logan,1 DePev who conducta an extensive Lenke Koren, Irene Murray, Eilien f ishing business at Bavinanvulle TiaMPsan, Marlarie Morris, Ehneat1 Harbor sPends a large sum o! mon- Ward. John Living, Madaline Cal-( ey i Bwmanile eaci year, vbici ver, Norma Searle, Kenneti Somer-e ogeLier ii Lice amount spent byf ord and Douglas Nîciolls, equal. 1 atier f ishermen vould be s big Joa Miss L. L. Bragg, teacier.i te tee tevn if tiey vere te dspart. noOm 8 Inx a report a! bis average amoat Sr. 2'-"iUDudiey. Sydney a! maney apent by Mir. Depev in Rundie, Donalda C%,easer Jean Pst- Bovinanville esci year for tee past inon, Grigg Morden, Pcggy Moses, tirce years, lb la revcaled Liat cx- Louise Wilson, Arcie Sinale, Jean cluding living expenses Mir. Depev Cniu<io ae8 has spent annualiY aver $3000 i_______ vages and supplies lxx tels tovn. Inx tic past tire ysars be has also givsn orders at tic Bovinanvile Poundry for goods valued at $1849.- Relief Fundc Now 61. An amount o! money o! this aise la importent te Bavinanile T and ita 1055 vauld be a loss toei Iinree Quarters of tavn. so Liat i l ioped that Lic 1 Governinent yull sce fit La do Lhe 1 Lie coming summer. $ Tiers la alla te be considered tue large number o! pleasure launcies MORE IS NEEDED coming inta Lie iarbor during tie summer montia te, stock up viti supplies and gasoline. Tien again Few Donations Corne In there are the lauincies a! thc sura- mer residenta, via are increasmng Thia Week - Treasurer snnuaily, via visi te leave ticir launcies vithin the brsakvater at Expects Big Response to nigita. To leave tee harber as It is Appai Doeth ndo iens th Le loss o! tisse callera and rPoaieoeteEdo alsa Lie loss o! many cottagera. Present Month. C.S.E.T. BOYS' BOND SELLING Civic Wclfare Fund contributions GOES WELL OVER THE Top ans nov close te $1500, representig Boysseilabout 75 per cent a! tic objective Bos'ssimore thsa objetive-, a! $2000. A f ev contributions tuisj Alan Adam w ina Gold Modal week have rsised te total alighbly, aud Satiag u wu but iL la sincerely iopsd that before the end a! Mardi everyone via bas Camp Schoarship not yet pald inte tee Fund Treasur- cm. LMr. F. O. LicIlvesa, their dona- Trali Ranger Campa and 'Tuxis tian viii do so. Ini tels lasb stage o! Squares in West Durhamn are to be bic campaign la rested Liesauccess congratulated an Lie splendid e or fallure oa!tbis Pund. lb vas or- suits tiey have obbained on theIglnaily crsabed te provide bis f unds Bond Selllng Campalgn. Tuey havs te, take cane a! Lie uncmploycd it- varked liard and despîte thecr uation in bhe Lovn durlng Lie pres- o! hard ines have gone aver thesnt winter so tiat municipal f unda tep and made mare Lien their ob- vould not be teuched and bis rate- Jective. payera vould nat f ccl the effect on The oneyfromthes bons bishebax rate. Tue Provincial and Tueuîoey ro tuse ond laFederal Govsmnmenta have agreed ta used te de! ray exPenses a! local provide dollar for dollar ssch viLi boys' vark boards and maintain a buis fund Up until April laL, and te central office at Tarante. Sumnmer less biat la ralsed icre bis less vil camps, boys' Panliament, conférrn- be forticamlng f rom Lis combined ces and conclave are also assisted G<vrnmenta. Ciiens siouid bear by tisse finances, in mid that for evcry dollar Lbey Tue objective for tee county vas danate the fund la enricied by $3 $85.00 end for bis tevn $125.00. vite bhc addition ai the goverument Resulta vers: for thc county $85.50; donations. IL la impossible te tel for tevn $153.50. Alsx McGregor's at tuis ine hov muci a! bis iund Swasbika Tuxis Square van theevii be used as lb depsnds sntirsly Camp Schalarabip, sellng mors on employaient canditiojpa. Sbould than an average o! $10.00o for ssc cnditions flot be favorable a con- i j Atlantic Crossing CNU IUE REVEAL NUMBER On R100> Retolid 0F VACANTf FARMS hi Dominion Census Returns for Dur- By riewspaperman ham conby ,show increase ln Farm Lamde Abndoned--Crop LADIES ARE GUESTS Acreage for County Given Inthtinirt o! a series o! bulletins Thoma W aylng, M mber ure published by tic Dominion of Parliamentary Pressa ted resuita a! the Census o! Ag- riculture taken June lst. 1931, in Gallery, Gave Enthralling connection viite te Dominion De- cennial Census, the number o! oc- Addresa at Men'& Canad- cupisd f armas by counties or census ian lub n Moday. divisions for 1931 arc given compar- ian Cub o Monay. cd viti tease a! 1921. sioving tic numnerical and perecentage varia- Tic perls o! a trip acroas tic At- tion. It also shows tic number a! iantîc Ocean in tic R-loU, grapiic- vacant or abandoned farms as o! aU.y described witi a generous June lat, 1931. Thc figuires for 1931 mntermingling o! humar, vers tic for ecd catcgory are subjcct te f i- f eatures a! anc o! the f inest ad- ai correction. dresses delivcred bel are tee Men's A farm for census purpoes in- Canadian Club at tic Balmoral Ha- cludes every tract a! land o! ance tel on Lionday evening. Tiers vas a acre or mare vhich produced in te large turnout for tic meeting, it year 1930 agricultural products te being tic annual Ladies' nigit,'on tee value o! $50 or over or viich la whici tic members af tic club vere under crop o! any kind or cmployed 1 pcrmitted to brmng teir vives or for pasturing in 1931.j lady friends as escorta. Bey OGea Vacant or abandoned farina refer Liason, president, velcomeci the ta parcels o! land, part or ail o! J ladies te thc meeting and in a brief wvici have been braugit under tic address painted out that tic subi ect PlOv and cropped but nov unoccup- j vas extremcly apprapriate for tic îed. Wile itic Prairie provinc- i ladies as mort O! teem vauld ac- es iL refera ta farina upan vhici a quire vlngs belore tic men. He re- certain amaunt o! breaking vas 1 marked on the very important part donc and cropa grovn. being plaYed by vomen inaer u- Durham County Figures ictemort modern mode oftaul, Occupied tamis, 1931 ... 3232ý icsheled ee rav aknginte Occupled fam, 1921 .. ... 3130 1 aineti lad tey rtkg h tete Derease . .. ......102 1 ionrl fiitdiouiut tePercentage decrease . .. 3.2 Tic privilege a! introduci g the Vacant or abandoned farina . 64 E speaker, LMr. Tios. Wayling, vas Fai 31Wh At..........gure arest given te LMr. D. R. Morrison Who re- Fl ha .....74 c cailed tic splendid career a! tic Spring Wieat- 2969 acres 1 dapper littie gentleman at tee head Barley .. 7013 acres1 table i fun evening dress. Born i Oata . 35.033 acres E Manchester, England, he camne t Rye.......... 4258 acres 1 Canadla tvcntY f lys yeara ago and Corn for Husking....285 acres bas spent mast o! bis turne i neya- Flax 47 acres paper vork beig connected at var- Buckvieat.. 7674 acres t ious times viiticth foremoat press Beana . 652 acres E associations and concerna on tb ePes...... 4693 acres 1 North American continent. The tact Mlxed Grains - 33,884 acres 1 tiat be la a member o! the Parlia- Tlmotiy and Claver. 44,217 acres mentary Press Gallery a! Ottavawa sAlalla ......... 3914 acres Proof o! tic very bigi standing lie Corn for Enailage.-- 4447 acres bas acivcd hi bis Profession. Potatoes... ... ........ 4076 acres 1 "Long befare airplancs vers fly- Rots .........1939 acres ig tirougi the skies, Tennyson inx It viii no doubt came as a- sur- one O! is poes envlsioned "îcav- Prise te Darlxxgtxx and Clarke far- ens fllcd viti commerce" bie mers te knov tiat saine o! tisse speaker rsmarked, and today tiat crops vers even grawn in purham vision o! Lie great poet la a reality. Counby. Just viere and vhat for Mir. Wayling stated that durlng the the 47 acres a!ofax v ers grovn la Part 13 mania he bas traveiled 15,- not knovn and it la aISO rather sur- 000 miles by air axxd le has yt tý Prlsng te kxxav that 652 acres a! find a rater and more canifortable beazis ve sgObWW-n tie county. mode a! travel. When a preas correa- Tic number of abandaned far inal Pondent at tic Imperial Canference qulte bigi visa compared vite in 1926 Mr. Waylixg vas shovn teateer counties. Wbiie manw coun- Plans a! Lie 1R-100, tien anly on tis have a muci larger number o! paper. He at once made application vacant farma IL la notable havever o! tic Air minlatry of Great Britai tiat Ontario County ta tic veat bas for a berti on ber maiden voyage. only 51 and Northumberland te tic This vas not Possible but when te east 57, vile Victeria te tic north- CanadIan and M. S. nevaPaper men vest has 26 and Peterboro t te vers selecteci as Passengers for tic norti and eust 35. (Coninur! o pu 2)The figures for unoccupled faria (Oontnuedon pae 3) apparexxtly have no connection viti abandoned farina as according te tic figures tiers are 102 lesa accu- LiANT DAYS LOST Pied farminhei county and only INI PUBLIC SOHOOLS 64 abandoncd f arma. posslbly te THBOUGH DMASLES Purciasig a! farina and bis hicor-E porating o! them i vii abler farina Sout War scm toCarr on as anc la responsible for tbia dit- S tout ianSeooin %Cerry n rence ln figures. 01 Economy RglrmontU]y meeting af teR tr ns H r Public Sciool Bcard vas icld Tues- o ain He- day nigit, vite Chairman C. F. Rice Prcsiding. Tic meeting vas purely Tr eo ue y routine, tiers being very littlc o! rv lg e B importance on tee agenda. Secre- tarY-Treasurer's report read by C. H. Dudiey vas adapted. D . . .R a a Principal J. H. JOhmston's report siovcd 588 on thc rail, composed o! 295 girls and 293 boys. Tic average PROPHESIED WAR attendance vas 549.4; unlaWful ab- sence 128., lavful absence 681 days. Of bia latter num11ber 302 of theselnterestmng Address Given bast daYS vers at tic South Ward on oladadG mn. Sciool and vers due te tee meuiles onH ladndGray cpidernic. Tic attendance percent- F. C. Vanstone la Honor- age vas 93.4. InsPecter Snider's report of bie ed on Occasion of Silver South Ward Scicol, sh9vinÀg candi- W digAnvray tions gexxerallY saLIs! actory, ai- W digA nvray teougi cOmmentlng adversely on anc clasa, vas adapted. Slckncss i A strikdnglY informative travel- the schaol and Lic inspection short- ou ako rptrul oln ly lLe seera ha reurned a! ter and Germany featured Friday's sickness absence, vas bis cause o! meeting of bths Rotary Club vien tlxis report. Tic report o! the At- Rtbarian G. Elmore Reaman de- tendance Offtce, Lira. B. M. Warxxlca, scribed is visit te tha5e countries va a adopewloe . in pre-var daya. Dr. Reaman llus- S.Cara ics vch e d i..tratedis address vite alides a! S. avelybic Public School Places lie bad visited and tee ad- Baard's representabive on tic Higli dress tended te demonatrate te Scicol Board, via vas paying his great scope o! lite covered by hlm. f irst vinit tete board meeting. Ticeciuring uis six mantes on the con- variaus cammittees rcported on their binent. departinents and bis usual accounts Ahpyfaueo e etn ver passed .t tvaswuvien President Oea. w. James Boar dsidednatte urchase a cailed Rotariax F. C. Vanatane to piano for Sauth Ward Schaol bia bis thea tbe n cxsg l ysaras n eonoy inasue. ib. exceding bic spedehad in Quinte District Seed Fair Now In Full Swing ENTRIES NUMEROUS Town Hall la the Mecca for Three Days of Grow- ers From Ail Over the. Province - Annual Ban- quet at Balmoral Tonight Quinte District Seed Fair, with nxost classes with larger entries than ini other years and wlth only one ciass less, opened ini the Town Haill yesterday and continues to-day (Thursday) and FîrIday. The Coun- cil Chamber and adjoinlng hall are being used for the exhibits vMsl the Nurse's Room is being utilized as a judglng raom. The quallty of seed on display la perbaps the beat seen in the history of the fair and certainly the finest exhibition seen in Bowmanville. Many of the moat Prominent seed growers ln Ontario have exhibits and the task o! judg- ing is exceedingly dficult. The Judges are A. W. Mason, On- tario Agricultural Colfge at Guelph, and L. D. Hankinson, Dominion Seed Brandi at Toronto. Judges naklng the championsbip awards are T. 0. Raynor and J. W. Mc]Kay, Dominion Seed Branch at Ottawa. E. P. Bradt, Agricultural DIrector at the Boys, Training Scixool, who Io lhe Fair Secretary, stated that thers were about 250 entries which la wefl Up on previous years. He with H. WV. Pearson of Beileville. genéral secretary. and John Baker of Solina, Preaident, are in charge of the Pir arrangements. Barley, owing to the poor crop throughout the province. la the only exhibit showlng a decline inx entries. ile oats and aai seed show good gaina. ManY local farmers spent (Contlnued on page 4) LADIES, BIBLE <JLASS HOLDS 11A DTUMlS PASTY ON TUESDA'Y Sixty Members Attend Whsn Fine Prograin flâerenod at Trinlty C)hurch A JOllY social evening waa, Trinity achool room on Iàèna"y when about sixty members of the "adies' Bible Class assembled. A short program was rendered, includ- ing conxmunity singlng led by Lira. C. A. Wight. with Lirs. Ruby Daniels at the piano; piano solos, Lira. Nellie Garbutt; vocal solos.,Lira. G. E. Pritchard and Lira. ois Grant; readinga by Lira. Elmer Coxad Miiss Leta Jackson. Liembers wee asked to corne dreased in bard- Uies costumes and those flot Sp- Pearing in their old clothes vore cailed upon for a 3-number f orfeit., rhey willngly responded with tires teoruses led at the piano by Mur. aarbutt. Variety was given the pro- gram by three contesta sponsored by lira. C. A. Wight and Miss Jackson. Thxe wlnning groupa were each awarded a box of deliclous home- made candy. miss E. E. Haycraft presid9d during the prograrn. At the close refreshments of sandwich- es, pie, ice crearn and coffes vers served and the gatherlng cloaed by ail slnging "Blest -be the Tie tiat Binda.'l The imembers of tul a aswlU welcome all ladies to the session on SundaY afternoons when iterestlng discussions on the lesson are led by lira, C. A. Wight and Lira. Cedl Beilman, teachera. MES. GILDERS CELEDEATES 80th BDIRDAY HURE la Recipisat or Scor e .1 Co ut- lationa froua Friendsand On Thursday vnnFb Si abot otyrelatives and frimad gathered at the home aofLMr. and lira. Stanley Preston, Church Street, te celebrate the 8Otix birtiday of lier mother, Lira. Sarahx Jane 0114- ers, who resides vith lher. This Joyful event was a complets surprise te hier mother. The tables were tastefufly decorated with yel- 10w daffodils and mauve rlbbon. A tree layer birthday cake wlth 80 Yelov candles made a lovely decor- ation for the table. Ber eldest child, Mir. A. E. Gilders, sat on her left aide. and lier youngest clâid, Lira. A. Nesbitt. Oahawa, sat on bier rigit aide. Alter enJon about.

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