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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1932, p. 3

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FADE TER - - - .- .---..mIA-nU,'&AMVTYL.T.E rî4r1flAy, MARCE 3rd. 1932 TEE CANAUJAL' orAiB&.-.~ NEW PURSES The ,ILgat Word" li Style New Purses, beautiful sof t calf - skln leathers, f ancy sliaPcs. il- vered motifs; mostly back-straP styles; black, brown, somne have white trim; large zipper f asten- lng compartmefltf, change Purs- Se, mirrors, etc.; great value at $3.50. Prepare for Easter, DUR- INO THRLEE BIG $2.69n DAYS. each .- - u FABRIC CLOVES Womcn's Fabric Bloves, fancY ouf styles, cmbroidered li mai17 deslgns; sizes 6 ta 8; colors of sand. mode, grey and rosewood; usual 39e ta 49c values. DUR- ING THR3PE BIG D)AYS, per pair - -29c HAND TOWELS Pure Linen crash Hand Tow- els. 14 x 21 inches, hemmed; combination clored ends-Pink, blue, gold, green, rose; usually speclal at 2 f or 25. DURING THREE f IG DAYS. 9 each - - . . . . . GLASS TOWELS pure Linen Glass Towel, 22 x 30 inchs. heavy linen. with hem- med ends; very absorbent; wov- en colored borders of blue. gold, green and rose, with "Glass Cloth."1 Tape banger; 29e value. DURING Tir RBIG I9 DAYS, each.- --19 MEN'S TIES Newest Swss Barathea Tie Silks. We shared li a large ship- ment f rom one of the world's leading Tne Sllk manufacturers. Ail popular color cffets; regular $1.()( shapes; woal lned; our pre- Easter price is less than half real Ivalue! Sec these Tics! DURINO THREE BIG DAYS. each.39 FRAMED PICTURES A Great Plcture Value - Caine Early for these Pictures! Framed Pictures; size about 16 x 10% inches; a select assort- ment of Cathedral and other at- tractive vicws; some in colors, others in sepla; usually sold at from $1.00 ta $1.25. Take full advantage of this once-mn-a-long- while oppartunlty. While these picturca last, DURINO THERE BIG IDAYS, 72c each.. . . . . WOMEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS Wamcn's Fine White Linien Handkerchiefs, with colorcd wov-i en barders in dalnty pastel color- ings; 1-16 inch narraw hem- stitched hem. A handkerchief usuafly sold at 15e or 2 for 25c. Lay li a supply. DURING THREE BIG DAYS. cach 8 BOYS' SHIRTWAISTS Boys' Bloused Shirtwaists, made from better Broadcloth. Will stand ail the tubbing you wish; f ast colors; f ully sized and well- tailored; materlals and patterns like dad's; sizes 10% to 131/2, for 5 ta 14 years. Excellent value at $1.00. DURING THRE 77 BIG DAYS. cach7c BOYS' TWEED CAPS Boys' and Youths' Smart New Tweed Caps; medium and light colored mixture Tweeds - greY, brown and fawn; 8-piece style, triple stitching throughout; lea- ther sweat band; rayon lining; sizes 6V4 to 7; usual 75e value. DURING THIREE BIG 59C DAYS. each wý mau Thursday, Friday, Saturday ' Marcfl 3-4i-5 balleo S buuu ILS THAT CHALLENGE COMPAR14 Tii CURTAIN MARQUISTE FulY 36 inches wlde. double barreci, open check White Miar- qiiisett, particularlY suitable for Iitchen, bedroani and cottages. A great manufacturera dcean-Up and sacrifice Of prof its enables us t, pass this great saviflg On ta you. Be sure ta visit us and ln- ,pet hismaeril.DURINO T1HEE IG DAYB. 8c per yard .. . . . . . . .« Io Yrardsfor . ....75C TABLECLOTHS New TableclotbB, aize 52 x 52 lnches. of Pure Linen Crash Wth combiflatioli colored bordera; $1 value. D1JRINGTHREH 73c BIG DAYS. each .... SOAP Sc Hàere la a rellable SoaP. apprec- jateci by thousands; klnd ta the most sensitive akin; perfumed lni rose or unea; regular 1Oc. DUR- ING THREE fIGX5 DAys. per cake...... BLOOMER ELASTIC y-lnch whte Artsik Bloomer Elastic, fine cord, bright slkY finish; new elastlc wlth plenty Of stretch; 6-yard plece at about hall price. DURING 3 t n,. BIOT DAYS.. 6 'yards for BOBBY PINS 36 bigbiy fnishd enamelid Bobby Pins, thm asimOn card; (made lin>gland); black or bronze; loc value. DURINO THpB IG DAY, 7c 36 Pins for . . . . . . . BIBATH TOWELS size, heavlly napped Bath Towel, with elther plain white or white Jacquard centres, wlth colored jacquard bordera li gokllayon - der, rose, blue and green. An on- tlrely different clam of tome1 than la lndicated by aur 10w price. ]Be suraeo see these DUJR- ING THEE BIG3c DAYB. each.......39 WOOL MOTOR RUGS You'U agrees is la a remarkale Extra heavy. 58 x 68 inches, PureWool motor Rug with hoav- ily f rlnged ends; welght about 33/ Ibn. Just right for auto, lied covers and'camping; plaid dOý- signa in blue, grey, fawn and black; corne early for firat choie. Lsually sold at $4.50. DUJRIN TERER BIG'32 DAMS. each ...... 32 BROADCLOTH HOO VERS Theme Hloovers bave good tuE Thls store ahared li a very large purchase during a great Canadin factory'a quiet soason. The f ull saving thus secured la Passed on ta you. FIrm quality Broadoloth made Up In the popular Hoover Myl'e; good funl length; ail edges and pockets trlmmced with contrast- ing colorcd prints; colora of bine, sand, peach , green, hello, etc. enmall. mediumi and large ases. Visit the store and se. those gar- ments DURING THEHE BI DAYB and check aur statement. Each ........55C ?,Fer . ......... 1.00 Ufl~ IUIsuLiYfIZI7W andSLI Il' BWV I IT >O AP LOOMkI*iL U W I L liOBI AIL'NS PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LIESS I PHONE 164 DAELINGTON HOME AN» may De one UL "Uv O~~I'O ~ -- lcad ta that goal, but lxi doing so. - -. c.... .4..... ,hlnh i11 I owuothv thm. nr~nt~~d Mr anuS M Rundie axid family with a hundred YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE 80 WMAN VILLE TRIBU FORM STUDENTS PRESENT FINE FBOGILAM Hlgh Sehool lterary Society Enter- tained by Songs, Dances ani Short Sklts - Leonard Wilson of Third For=. Author o! Well Wrtten Dialogue Cailed "Miax Propoe&d But-» Bawmanvilllc High School held a Literary Society meeting on Friday, Pcb. 26th. Followlng the business pcrind whlch President Stanley Rickard conducted, the program, was given over ta the Third Form students, who favorcd their eager audience with a fine pragram. To begin with, a large megapholie emcergcd from ic hecurtain and li a deep basa volce the announcement came that a sang and dance entltled "Muscles Are Devloping" was ta be the oPening sklt. Pive atbletic ap- pcaring darasels leapeci inta the llmelight and proceeded with a hUmnorous and well prepared sang wth action accompafllmcit. They were Lorraine Plokard, jean Wighit, Louise Cble. Doris Collacott andc Margaret Wlghtmnan. The next Item was a leap ycar Proposai scene entitcd "Maxi Pro- Posed, But-" dcpicting Uic f alter- lng lad about toasak Uic girl for he r band. but she cvldently was of the me opinion and beat hlm ta Uie question. This acene waa wrtten by Leonard Wilson of 3rd Form. and WUa portrayed by Evelyn MeKcinnon and George Graham. This akit was excePtlonally wellwrtten. 'The King of the FPorest,," a piano duet. was played by Jean Wghit and Annie Alun. and was cncared. John Rickard then appeared an the plat! orm and read Uic 3rd Formn "eho'" whlch was a newspaper f ull Of intercstlig Poe= and a gaod manY chuckles. The sea was next brought into Uic plcture when A- bert Culley, wth baggy trouseransd sallar mIddy, l! ted bis volce li sang ta the tune of "Barnacle Bifi, thc Sailor.1" The part of the lady waa extreniely well taken by Donald Wlliams,.li a hlgh falsetta volce. ta Say nathing Of thce qulsite cstume that ho worc. The final act on the program was a short comedy called --Cupld at SlxtY." The tory wus a! an old maxin whO had cast aside bis anc and onlY ncphew bocause be would flot Marry Uic girl that it wau plauxied ~uld lie bis wl! c The ncphew had wblch procedure la lxi Uic old fogey's Opinion rnuch beneath the dgnity of anc O bis relatiVes; 50oea eostracised hlm anid wauld flot sec hlm. The wlfe 0f Uic ncphew camne ta the bouse lI thc guise of Uic bouse- lkeefles nieceand stayed for about two wekla. The aged uncle camne to love Wàl girl a&W wnted ber to stap longer. The nephcv came ta Uie bouse sud under Uic persuasion o! Uic supposed nicce o! the bouse- keeper. the aId uncle ailowcd him ta enter sud they talkeci things aver. While Uic ncpbev vas at Uic bouse the ldcrly gent became so desper- ate at Uic Uiougbt that this girl. vho had been there onlY two veeks, vas mally going ta leave that he askcd ber ta rnarry hlm. Then the vhole stary had ta corne out sud the uxicle llkcd the girl sa rnuch that be formae tbcm sud thcy lived bapplly ever after. Cast for the playlctte vas: Uncle-Cheater Jury; Housekper-Jesu Wight; Nephev -111 Bagneil; Niece - Lorraine Plokard; Mad-Louise Cale. The last number an the priram vas Uic chorus caled the Srd Form Sang, suxig ta the tune of "School Days" vlth pecullar varda. SALEM Report o! S. S. No. 9. Darlingial,1 f or Fcbruary: S. IV-Wiilie Darch 69, Marie Collactt 65, Lela Wlsh 64. Jr. IV-Charlie Poster 71. Sr. III-Beryl Thompsan 73, Viola Francis 69, John Poster 63. Jr. II-Bcrt Francis 69. Hilda Richards 66.4, Margaret Irvixi 66, Marion Prescott 57. tII-Byron Poster 80., Ronald Hall 68, Kathleen Covllng 67, H1ilda Tharnpson 58., Gladys Tharnpson 54, Oscar Canlixi 41, Nina Darch sud Harley Covling absent. I-Lily Covllng. Sr. Pm.-Margaret Poster*, Arvil- la Smth*, Boy Prescatt. Jdilva Nev- man,. Irene Cowling, Frank Conlin. Jr. Pr.--Gýeorge Canin', f111 Con- lin*, Douglas Pollard, Wes. Conlixi. Figures denote perecentage; F. lakbrfl tacer DARUNGTON Report o! S. S. Na. 3. DarlingtS.i for February: V-Auxile Rush 63. Br. IV-'Gorace Trul80, 1Mai Starmma55. Sr. III-Esie Flint 76. HELM Truil 75, Hazel Flint sud Helen Rundle 74 (equal), Louise Poley 73. Sarnry VanCamp 64, Miaurice lior- phy 6o, Clarence Peacack 52. Jr. Ifi-Vera Gibson 71, Atur Forayth 69, Eddie Forayth 60. B. fl-*Jean Mtcalf 82. Pcggy Flunigan 67. Jr. ti-Eveline Gibson 69. Gordon Truli 62, Militon Starnis 60. Jr. I--Gordon lietcalf 70, Miade- lino sud Glenn Mtcal! 60 equal). tLouise Forsyth 59. Pr.-lAlvln Metcal!, 9Eenneth Pover, *Mlke fonk. *Donald Met- cal!. Sammay Bonk. Figures denote percent; O-Hon- oura; 1-Failure (below 60 per cent on total). Ioakwoad: lMr. and lira. W. C. Fer- 1 :q ý,1:guson, Mir. Howard Piokard. Boy- mavile Mr. Jas. Beacock, Myrtle; Messrs. Gea. Vice, Herbert Hancock,1 'I IIl :111,.. i W. Chas. Werry, Oshawa; Mir. H. F. Wcrry, Miss Nora Wcrry, Redron; M.and lira. W. A. Wright. Bethea- d;Messrs. A. L. and H. A Pascoe, Mrad lira. S. E. Werry, Solina; Lamr P. Werry, Catwrlght Mir. sud lira. F. C. and Miss Elva Orchard, Mir. and lira. Francis W. Tuesday evenin, Pcb. 23rd, wbilc Werry, Enni kilimn performlng bis usual task a! caring for Uic stock, Wlithbis littlc 3 ycar aid grandsoii "belping grandpa" Betty E. E. Piper, Bovmfnlfle death came wth startling sudden-1 ness ta lMr. L. P. Werry. Lot 10, Much sympathY la exPrcased for Concession 3, Cartwright. M lr. sud lira. Frank J. Piper li Uic Mr. Wcrry was third son o! Uic death a! their little daugbter, Betty late Thomas sud Emia Wardcr Wer- EMn I Eizabeth, *wba passed away ry. He was barri sudlilvcd bis wholc at Uic home o! ber parents an life o! a little over seventy years on Tuesday,' February l6th, of pneu- the farm whicb bis f ather baught mania, agcd 1 yeara, 6 months. She over 75 years ago. on January 8th, leaves ta mourn her passing her 1890, he marricd susan Swain dau- sorrowing parents, anc sister Doris. ghter of Uic late John sud îxixi Jane sud thrce brothera. Frank. Leslie Welr Swaixi, who predeceased hlm sud Charles. Juxie 8, 1924. Their only daughter, The f uncral was held an Frlday. Mabel Auna, dicd April il, 1914. Pcb. 19Ui, frorn the family resi- He leaves ta mourn bis loss an ony dence. Hunt Street. Interment vas son. Wlbert R., vha bas been In in Bowmanville Ccmetery. The partnership wlth bis father, sud, service was conducteci by Uic Bey. with bis wlf e, bas kcpt the home C. R. Spencer, rectar of St. John's f ires burning, sud anc littlc grand- Anglican Church, bath at the home son. Neil, wbo vas the Joy of bis sud the graveside, vho repeated Uic 11e; la v brothers, Albert o wrds o! Jesus, "Sufer llttlechcild- the adJoinixig farm on theeat ren ta corne unta Me sud !orbild Lewis A., Grand Rapids; sud= tvUem not, for o! sucb la Uic king- sisters. lira. Stanfard Svain (Katie) dam of heaven." He also repeatcd on the ncxt !arm south. sud lira. verses af the beautiful hymns, Andrew Paver (Norah), Lindsay. A' 'There's a Fricnd for Lttle Cbild- brother. William T., sud sister, An- ren'" sud "Christ who once amaxigat nie, prcdecccaed hlm. us as a cbild dld dweil." sud othera, Mir. Werry llvcd qulctly. particu- sud also dellvcrcd mrny vards of larly s"ce Uic death af bis vif c, but comn! rt ta the bereaved one. was alvaya lnterested in Uic vel- The psUl bearera were thrce un- fare ai'every good cause. He was a 1 des, lMesrs. Albert Piper, Harold good neighbour and blgthI respect- K ing, Clarence Ring, and a cousin, ed citizen andd yUl bo greatly mlssed Melville furns. in bis home and by those wha knew 1lianY letters sud telegranus of hlm best. He was a member of Uic 1 sympatby were rccelved. sud rnany Saons of Ebglaxid. Blackstock L. O. L. 1 f riends called ta offer ayrnpathy ta Na. 133. sud also a momber of Uice.'the bereaved one. Uniited Church. The faral off erings vbich were The f uxeral. Thuraday, Pcb. 25th, mauy and very beautiful, lncluded: vas largely attended by relatives Plllows-Famlly, Mr. sud lira. J. suad f riexids, Bey. F. W. NeveUl, pas- Hearl. Mr. sud lira. Wm. Spencer, tom, conducting Uic services. At Uic Mr. sud lira. P. Luxton; Baskets graveside the impressive services o!f from Graxidma sud Grandpa Ring Lthe L. 0. L. sud Sons of Englaxid ansd Uncle Clarence. Uncle Harold. .vere carried out as a tribute ta Uic Margaret Colville, Auntie 0111e sud .dcparted brother. Bearera vere Uncle G111, Marie, Betty sud Don- Miessra Henry liountJoy. Isaac Wblt- ald; Wrcatbs f romn Auntle Aune sud *field, Harry Oliver. Chas. Gibson. Uncle Albeort, Anita and Norma, Mir. Jabez H. Wmight, Luther MouxitJoy. Jack Cale; Sprays from Unclo f111 r Among those present f rom a dis- sud Auntie Irene, Tommy sud Shir- tance vere: Mir. sud lir. Andrew ley, Aunt feattie sud Uncle Charlie, tPaver,.lMr. sud lira. John Paver. Mielville, George sud Frank. Auntie Mir. Frank Paver. Lindsay; lira. E. Helen sud Uncle George. Leunle sud Hockerldge, Dundalk; Rev. M. R. Laura. Grandma sud Grandpa Pip- Sanderaan sud Mra. Sanderaon. Mm. or. Auntie Alma. Auntie Dorothy sud Harold Wcrry. Misa Reta Swali, Unclo George, Auntie NoIl sud Un- iToronto: 1fr. sud lira. Tesadale cIe Lysl sud Ralph, Auntie Mac Harkness, lira. Rolit. Hooten, lirsan sd Unele Irwixi. Irexie sud Peggy, Jas. Douglas,.lira. W. Tlnxiey, lin Loyal Truc Blues, Nelghbors. South »Nora Catbcart. Mm. Harry licArth- Ward Sehool. Mir. and lira. Spence turn Cavan; Mr. Roy Lougb. Ida; Wood sud farnlY, Wr. sad lra. Mimses Mary andTiena, Wr. Cha". Wm. Mitcell U d !amliy, Prepara- .. ]ord, Woodvfle; WM. WIlI HUard, tion Dept. Goodyear Tire o., Good- SCHOOL CLUB MIEETS Mr. and Mm. Frank Rundle Are HoDOred prevloua ta Their Re- movai f rom Base Uine (7ommufllty Base Uine (Threc) Home and School Club held ita montbly meet- ing at Uic achool Tucsda3' evcning, Pcb. 23rd. lira. Bruce Mctcaif, Uic president, called the meeting ta or- dicr. CarnmuDity singing waa cxi- Joyed by ail, foilavcd by Uic Lord's Prayer. Alter Uic business and roll call by Uic secrctary, Uic f oilowlng program vas given: Piano sala, lir. Roy Metoal!; vocal cluet by misses Iva and Florence Foley; lira. J. W. Jevdil, Bowmanvllc, gave a vcry i- tercsting talk an ber early exper- iexices i The Home and scbaol Club and Uic need of more campan- lonshlp betwccn mothcr sud daugh- ter. f ather and son; a piano sala was given by Miss Leta L. Bragg. and music by Mr. Dean Piokell. The president then cailed mlr. sud lira. Frank Rundie and f ami ta Uic front. and read Uic f ailowlng address: Mir. James Rundie, Mir. and lira. Frank B. Rundle and Famlly Dear F'rienda: Borne f ew montbs aga we wcrc called upan ta say gaad-byc ta a bigbly csteemcd farn- ily Of Our cammunty. sud nov t- nlght we have gathered for this same purpose. We realize that you are not going far f rom us, yet it la the brcaking away f rom old scenes and f riexida sud aurroundixigs, vbich ve regret. We feel that Uic coinmunity ta vhlch You are golng yUl have gain- cd anc of aur greatly esteemed farn- Ries. and vo bespeak for you your measure of Loy,. health sud prasper- ty i Your new home. Lif e la made up of a serleg of changes comprlslng Sorrava sud dis- appolntments intermlngled vlth man j oya. How manotanous it WoUld bli f there vere no such changes or if our entire future vere t50 laid Out le! re use that vo knew the whalc prograrn ta Uic end. But It bas ben vlSelY ordancd other- vise. that e Mlght alwYs ave that SOmnethng ta Uive for vich yUl koep us constantly almig highes'. Your removlig from aur. midat Pred Luxton and f aznly. lMr. ad lira. E. Brumimell. CAED 0F TUANKS Mir. and lira. Frank J. Piper wlsh ta thank thir -a-i friend, nelgh- boranaxd relatives for their many klndnesses and sympatby durlng the illnes and death of their beloved daughter, Betty E. E. Piper, anid for the beautiful floral afferinga, al- no those who so kndily laaned eu. wc would as& that, ,*As you makc ncw friends. lust Fobr those are ailver, but theose are gold!" We f ccl that the gi! t wblch we ask yau ta accept at thia Urne wl reinain a silent testmony to Uic csteem i which you are held by Base Une Community. and wc ask yau ta accept it with aur sincere best wlahcs. Slgncd on behalf of the commun- lty. by the cornmittee: lira. ROY TruIL. lira. Edra Price. lir. Grant Bennett. Base Une No. 3. FebruarY 23. 1932. Mir. Jay Truiliand lMr. prauk Ab- nu 1 -- Il-- ý th.t.. hic w picre hi hn innor etMr.and Ur James Rundlle wlth a sweateoat. Mir. and lira. Runde thanked tholr f riexidsa nd cveryono Jalned li slng- lng -For Tbey Are Jolly Goad Fél- Meeting ecoed by slnglng'«"odbe. wlth you tiliwo meet agaln.!' Tb* rest 0f the evenig wau spont ln contesta and muaic. Rofrebhmete were served by the ladie. Music vau furnshed lii Wr.Dean pickcl, irau. Bm Price and Wr. Jay Truli. Diatemper responda qulckly to Douglas' Egyptian Liniment.,K9s0 a bottle baxidy lni the Stable. There'a Plenty of Bad Weather Yet COAL UP WITH BLUE COAL Wintray be ne yspent, byutthere is pleyfra eter due us et. Blus- teryarch days, chili Winter's-end, dap Spri*g-a1ll s eh danger to your fariy'rs comfort ad hea1th if you haven't instant heat available. Don't let your Blue Coal suppl nlow-keep te ,cellar atocked foz sfey= sake. Phoneus now for high- heat content coal that get the most per dollar out of your furnace. Sheppard & b"Mii Lamber Co. EMINO Wl At FONEIR uwAVH. 1 m PURSESGLOVESIPICTURIS l', ,Iqbor la Au 1 a% à 12 0-1. ým%%Am Cm&

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