THEECANADIAN 8TATZBMN, EOWIKAIIVHIL,TEMRMDAY. )MARCE l7th, 1932 PAGE TEI "MAY I USE THE 'PHONE?"P Empress of Britain as Floating Pay Station. Madeira gat a new thrill rerently when telephone Mcommunication was established between that pleasant island and London, England for the first time. The occasion was the arrivaI of the Canadian Pacifie liner Empress of Britain at Funchal on a cruise around the world. This magnificent new liner bas the mast powerful ship-to-shore telephone system in the world and Madeirans were not slow to recognize a chance to make island history. During her stay there, lying at anchor just beyond the famous Loo Rock, the Empress was host to many visit;ors. Amongst these were two who casually asked, "May I use the,'phone?" Just as casually the telephone operator of the ship called Up London and put the callers t1hrough over 1,323 miles o! water. Reports from the Empress of Britain, r.vv at Colombo. Cev-lon, indicate that the wirelesq tc-lIt horue is a popular feature of the ship. The longest distance yet reportcd is Paifa, Palestine, to MNontreal. The liner works on a daily schedule with Canada, tbrough the Canadian Nlareorni stations at Yamachiche and DrummorA. 1"r, Queber, and the Bell long distance board in %-: trcal. Photos show: E npress o! Pritain at Madoira with Ioo Rock in the foreground. und a t,,pical bedroom îitted wih telephone. ON KEEPING THE FACE CLEAN? 0f course you wash it-but is it dlean ? We're willing to wager that it is. Then you don't sim- ply go through the motions of washing your face as a habit, but because it makes you feel "right" to know that it is dlean and because it is pleasing to the people you meet in the couÉrse of the day. Well then, when you buy stationery for your business, is it not worth while to see that it is printed properly and not to accept printed matter of any kind sim- ply because it is cheap ? You wouldn't use jute as a face towel, would you ? but it's much cheaper than linen. Busi- ness stationery is your "paper face"- your personal representative-why not make sure it represents you properly. We will be glad to show you paper and ink samples, specimens of type faces, layouts and estimates. Phone 53. Ask our representative to cail. Mail orders promptly fllled. The Statesman Job Dept. 1iPIE 1 LAYER CAKE 1 DOZEN BUNS Dollar Days Special si or% Neilson's Assorted Chocolates Very Special at 35c IL Humbugs, Dollar Days Special - 18c IL Special Sale Easter Novelties BOWMANVILLE BAKERY C. W. JACOBS, Proprietor BOWMANVuE i - fCONTESTANTS JIN MUSIC FESTIVAL URGED TO PREPA]E Festivai Only Six Weeks Away ai Success Depen&s on Devofed P'ractice With but six weeks between t] present and ]Jurnamn Countys fir greac musicailetival, ofliciais tne Association are busy planni lor inaugural runcuon or that boa Mr. E. e'. Bracit. secretary 0f t. association, is confîcient that ti Festîvaliîs to be ane of the bigge musical events in tis part of t. proince, anti it is hopeti that thc planning to particîpate are no busy preparing. It is especial urgeti that adult musicians, both ih strumental anti vocal, get prepare for it bas been founti on checkiî up with other festivals that prepai ation is matie weeks anti eve jmonths aheati for these contesi One o!thie big features of the fe. tival is expecteti to be the campt tition for rural chairs ant i t is i derstood that many chairs fro: country churches in this district ai to enter the contests. If this dLç trict is to holti its own against Eua Durham practice is essential an officials of the association urge ver strongly that regular practices b helti from tis time until the fes tîval opens. The extent of the f es tival is not yet known, but it i fuily expectet that it wiil caveri perioti 0f three or four tiays. Ar rangements are gaing ahead ati fast Pace and fuller particulars wil appear ini The Statesman from tira to time as the festival tiraws near We are publising again thîs wee] ~the Festival Syllabus sa that intenti eti contestants wlll be fully ac. quainteti with the variaus classes A close stutiy should be matie a! ti syllabus anti decision shoulti b! mateie mmetilately on classes lx whlch it is the intention a! the contestant to take part. Why shoulti you have ta pay more for your new car this year? Do you know that you can, buy a new Wilyt framn Nichonls at Courtice. at a tiras. tic reduction af $200 ta $350 an lasi Year's Prices. Watch for aur ativt. in a future edition. It explains how this can be donc. NEWCASTLE tis we have a raiainwbch - - ~u" utaie v.UUÂUÂUII , "" Ona UPÂi W5 HARMONICA BANI) uw.ilunui WlÂ,.l uu as ua&uer adHONO S LEADE R 1U 'e .ust' P uuu. ."ne tiuuàg Fre sn ts M iss M ason W ith iv- .. 1 QI t it: M U £L W. ll Wi.I w e W 141Ni Golà Ring Lîuu&,iuut, Our vcs wr wu Golcr Rlflg Ou ".LOW itlICa ue&II Iii 01 iîb lie The Newcastle Sehools' Harmion- 1 vti tiitse thouglits of gratitude nt ica Banci ouserved lut luth anniver- I o ,yuu 11,Our' l w± u elue, lt Our' Of sary DY a coýniinentaiy oaniquL i: j Oi n hLLIeC u&Y Ltu $J îîCiet. u'iIgLiL LU Dg tle Commni y ia aiî on 1'ràady ev- lnu".iyuu. MJIîu 0oue4lhan L, u(lie ly. eming, ivarcn 4tn, wîtli the organiz- Malaw amic youuLu acccpý (mis ring ,e er anti leadier, Miss Hattîe A. iMabofl, 4à a Sllgnl tbLu.ei01i uI IXÀl LiîU h e eguest or hionor. Tile banquet; , wîni Le loàpe Liau wc îia havu yuu st wflicn hati been secretly planneci nuliy IluIC i'0eani tu uîîeut Our*iait ,ie ana arranged by the prebenî mem- 'aila wiwî trie bicee uelCi tiatL îus )se bership, týOaL place initheieuncneon a4rrbxnuel îy LîIII Oeg.iiîullg Qi a oW room 0ofthie hall at 6.301 o ,clock. A .ivue bu hielpiLuIltu youiig iolks .l1Y littie birdie had acquainteti Miss b.aii many OivCLs nîay iîave i iet xl- Mason witii the fact but flot witfl îiiey lîof utbfai±ng IL with yQu. B, thle tetais but a short Lune before. QýgneU On leail uîLuie i'dcwcastle ng l'le tables were set out in the f orm &uulài-.karioiita an~fu, "Osa r- of a capital T, and featuredtihie uuan, Pre.s.; Lxwen Wiàuaams, sec. en bandi coîors of gre--n andi golt in iii ie aucireas, Ieduin (ne bandi ts. tne decorative scheme-tall gr'een coiors, was nafluedti La£ne ltaIutir, ail s- and golti tapers in silver cand.Ie- ~ailu sang, -r.oi biles a Jouy B- stickts anti an artistic arrangement çaujuu l'eilow." n- of green anti golti crepe parier. iviss iviason expresseti the pleas- aiAt the heati of the T-ea table sat tire triat, was hisî as a recîpient of re Miss Mason; Misses Rosa Cowan, ý.,e gut anu oi tLue uonor siiuwn lier. s- Oladys Pollard and Gwen Williamns. ..iîe apoiLe lner apprecia,.ion oi tnose st President. lst. Vice Pres. and Sec- u.uys ana girls wiîo in Luzî piaceai d retary, respectîvely, of the Band; b.,eîr conlîcence iniher, as auvent~- y Principal Geo. A. Coyne of the 111gh urous on a new ana liltie k.nown sea, e School anti Principal Thos. A. l'ocil- Sud to sali (ne new si1lp (o - ger of the Public School, Hon. v.ctLory; oi ttne entnubiasmi ana ioy- - Presitients; Miss Mason' mother, aîty or ail memotirs pasu anti pres- is Mrs. M. H. Mason, andi Mrs. Coyne ei. ler one regret waýsthiat she hati a and Mrs. Rodger. Between fifty andi noit been a mare eîrîc,.enit leacier, r-sixty Present and assciate mern. ber. and -. ot amplished more witls the a of the Baild occupieti the stem of exceîîent material. il the T. I ioUowing a jolly sing-song-the le Now. as this was the function o! Shau&e- Hfon. Presiclent Geo. A. r.a musical organization ît may flot be Coyn'e toolc the leaci in an hour a! k Out of Place to cail attention to the organizeti games mn the recreation -signifance of the letter T in music. room. Durîng the five years since -T is the initial of Tenor. vocal and is organization 90 members have sinstrumental. o! Tacet, for silence 'been enroilet i n the Bandi, somne re- [s when any particular player in band tiring as associate members as they ýor orchestra is to rest tiuring the leave the school and younger boys nwhole movement; of Tutti, the and girls aoining ta take their ewhole band af ter a solo, and some- places. time stands for Tr. or Tris, a A prior event ta the one mention- shake. eti above was the presentation of an Well. after everyone hati tone f ull atidress anti an ivory itanti mirror ejustice to a tielicious spread the andi banti pin to Miss Marion Rincli u whole banti rested-a general shake Prevîous to lier leaving for Peterboro Swas to corne later. Miss Gladys Pol- to train f or a nurse. - lardis vaice was raîseti in solo asking After the regujar band practice ýfor complete silence. She then cail- on Wetinesday morning, Feb. l7th, *eti on Presitient Miss Rosa Cowan Biily Rowland read anti presented V who read the following atidress anti the address to Marion and Miss in behalf of the Bandi presented it Florence Spencer presented the.mir- to Miss Mason, accompanieti by a ror and pin. Miss Marion who is one golti ring presenteti by the secretary, o! the charter members o! the Bandi Miss Gwendolyn Williams. The ring macle a very suitable reply and sin- hati been made to order especlally as cerely thanketi the band members a gif t of appreciation. It was set for their token of regard and good with the band emblem o! a Maltese will. cross in green and golt i nscribec inl-1 Side with the lettering Hl. M. f rom PORT PERRY COUPLE H. B. 1932. 66TH ANNIVRSARY The Address Dear iss Mson:Port Perry Star offers congratu- Dear iss Mson:lations to Mr. andi Mrs. S. T. Caw- We, the members o! the New- ker of that town. who celebrateti the castle Schools Harmonica Bandi, 66th anniversary of their wetiting have planneti this happy gathering on Monday, March 7th, 1932. They here tis evening to show you how are both in fair health, anti enioy- much we appreciate your faithful ing the companionship o! their anti loyal service to our Band. hldren and grantichiltiren. It is a iAs the one who initiatetdiIt and long married life; but as the Chev- entereti whole-heartedlîy into its aller said in bis popular song-"It organization and gave of your time ain't been a day too much."' Mr. andi talent unstintingîy to make it and Mrs. Cawker have been splendid a success, we feel that this success citizens o! Port Perry, andi with is due ini very large measure ta your those who are privilegedti t know earnest and enthisiastic, yet cheer- them personally, their kindly couin- fui leadiership, which made us f eel sel is greatly valueti. We wish them at ail times that we must put forth many years of happiness." Mr. Our best efforts flot Only for aur own Cawker is a brother of Mr'. C. M. persanali mprovement, but for the Cawker of this town, and their many sake of Our Band anti especiaily o! relatives here join in gooti wishes ta the Leader, So totiay, because of the worthy couple. Specials for Dollar Days AT BOWMANVILLE BAKERY zls Buy Furniture Dollar Days Save Money We are offering SPECIAL VALUES IN FURNITURE for Twin Dollar Days WATCH OUR WINDOWS and visit our stores. A Coupon with Every Dollar Purchase. Fe F. MORRIS CO3 Furniture and House Furnishings Phone 10 BoMnanville A Remarka6le Offering Men' s Fine Suits Two pant suits, in a vaî'iety of materials, regular $25.00 value, Special for Dollar Days $16.95 m I Your Dollars Do Double Duty in Our Great Dollar Day Sale 1 RqOVANS SHOE TORE& - _________________I b.~ '., 4.- Save $1.00 a Ton ON YOUR COAL Buy your coal at Holgate's this week and secure a reduction of $1.00 on every ton bought for cash. You get a Theatre Coupon with every dollar you spend either for coal, wood or builders' supplies. No chilied floors or corners, no damu) rooms, no slow- heating nooks in homes warmed by this efficient fuel LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE n7e Coal Satifies Here's coal that makes furnaces behave. Here's coai that keeps ores dlean, comfortable, and healthy. Her's coal that protects pocketbooks. Orcder a oad today and enjoy delghtful warmth the rest or the chili sesson. J.A. HOLGATE & SON BUILDERS' SUPPLIES PHON)! 153 BOWIANvKLL ,AR 'I. I I S§p - 1 ÂD 4&