1 THtJRSDAY, M.ARCHiE 7th, 1932 M - PAGE PMf NELSON 1S STORE INN £05 Wl) P w M uU CQ-OPERATING WITH BOWMANVILLE DOLLAR DAYS Tremendous Savings Featured in Prices New Spring Merchandise WINDOW SHADES Brighten up your windows at littie cost: 36 x 36 White, Green or Cream.......... 59c ea. 36 x 36 Oil Blinds, reg. $1. white, green, cream, 79c ea. 36 x 36 Reversible, white on one side, green the other, $1.19 each. $1.00 FRAMED MIRRORS 59c Each For kitchen or bathroom, square or oval style, white, blue or green, 59 each ...........59 3 BIG lTOWEL SPECIALS Ail imported English uines at the lowest prices in years No. 1-6 doz. Striped Eng- lish Towels, 18 x 38, Anniversary 2 Special, pair .. . ....29 No. 2-6 doz. Big Size Tow- els, 22 x 46. Anniversary49 Special, pair ......49 No. 3-6 doz. Extra Outsize Bath Towels, a wonderful buy. Note the size 24x50 in. Anniversary79 Sale, pair .........79 WHITE TABLE OILCLOTH 25c Yard This is a record low price; corne early as they won't last long, 45 inches 25 wide, per yard ..25 $1.00 TABLE OILCLOTH SQUARES 69c Each 4 designs, 11', yds. square, new spring patterns, .9 HOUSE FURNISHING SPECIALS 18 x 36 Oilcloth Mats. . 15c 18 x 36 Congoleum Mats, regular 60c, ......... 25c 36 x 36 Congoleum Mats, 79c each 36 x 54 Congoleum Mats...... 98c eacJh 36 x 72 Congoleum Mats.......... $1.39 eacb 27 x 54 Axminster Rugs, reg. $3.50 for....... $2.29 27 x 54 Axminster Rugs, reg. $4.50 for....... $2.98 WILTON RUNNERS 3 yds. long, 18 in. wide, reg. $5.95 for....... $4.98 3 yds. long, 221,/2 in. wide, reg. $7.95 f or....... $5.95 BIG SIZE FLANNELETTE BLANKETS 25 Pair only English Blan- kets, to clear, $ 8 per pair ... 1 $1.00 - SPR1NG HATS - $1.00 50 only, values as high as $2.98, 1.0 Anniversary Special, each ....'$ .0 No. 2-4 Yards for............. $1 .00 CURTAIN NET SPECIALS New Spring designis in white or cream sha'de, 36 inches wide, imported from a leading English maker. $10 No. 1-5 Yards for.......... . 0 Outstanding \Dress Valdues Y6 doz. tubfast and sunf ast Print Dresses, new spring styles, sizes 14 to 44, reg. value to $1.00 ea. 10 2 for ...........'$ .0 BETTER DRESSES Including tubf ast prints and English broadcloth styles, good value at $1.98, Extra Special, each. .P $ SILK HOSE $ We have the best pure thread Full Fash- ioned Silk Hose in the trade; 30 new Spring shades just put into stock; sizes 8½/ to 10. Buy your Easter Hose at Nel- son's and get the best; reg. $1.50 ; 1.00 Anniversary Special, per pair...$ LACE PANELS At a price neyer before dreamt of; 21/4 yds. long; use two as a pair of curtains; 3 for ..............$ .0 IMPORTED DRAPERIES High grade qualities, the same as we sold you at $2.98 yard. New Satin Damasks, NwReversible Shot Poplins; ail sunfast and tubfast, per yard $ O BIG CORSET SPECIALS Including Corsets, Girdies and Corselettes, ail big values, ail sizes, $ 0 pair ..................... 10 RED BACK OVERALLS $1.39 value, well made Overalîs, cut ful size; a real snap,$10 per pair.................. .0 FLANNELETTE SPECIALS White or colored, 36 inches wide, a regular 25e fine, Special$10 6 Yards for ............... . 0 WOMEN'S LISLE HOSE We have sold these at 49e a pair. A spec- ial purchase, al îst quality, in sand or grey, ail sizes, 4 l Extra-4 Pairs for........... $1 .00J~ SILK & WOOL HOSE Here's the buy of the year-Every pair.in the store, mostly 79e to $1.00 a pair; While they last,$10 3 Pair for ................$ .0 NEW SPRING VOILES and BATISTES Lovely colorings, for misses' and chiidren's wear, regular 39c yard. ~ in Extra Value-4 Yards for...... $1.00eJ~ $1 HOT WATER BOTTLES-2 for $1.00 MEN'S CAPS 10 doz. Men's new Easter Caps, that you pay $1.50 for elsewhere, ail new designs and colorings, Extra Special ...... 88e BIG CHINA SPECIAL 100 dozen Irnported High Grade Eggshell China-al lst quality from J. & G. Meakin, England's fore- most maker. Seils ail over at 15e a piece, 1O Special, piece. .. SAN TAN SILKS These are practically off the market. We will make a final clearance of these this weekend,29 per yard.........29 HERE'S REAL VALUE Dresses in spot and two- Imported New York style tone linen effeets, real snap- py styles, all colors and sizes, reg. $2.98, 4tl SWISS CURTAINS White, fine Swiss Curtains, 21/4 yds. long, reg t1p,, $1-.98 for ......'. pe! 36-INCH CHINTZ and CRETONNES Very special values, regular 25 to 29ecyard,19 Per Yard .........19 NEW SPRING GLOVES In chamoisette, ail colors and sizes,39 per pair.........39 Better grade, 9 per pair.........49 $1.39 BOYS' WINDBREAKERS 79c Each A truly good buy - made from suede finished cloth. A good garment for sehool wear at nearly haif price; sizes 12, 14, 16; 79 each ...........79 KIDS' LISLE HOSE A fine grade ribbed Lisle Hose, at the price of an or- dinary cotton hose, 25c ail sizes, pair ......-- SUPERFINE BROADCLOTH At a big saving, 15 colors to choose from, aiso white or black, 36 inches 15 wide, yard ........15 $1.00 WORK SHIRTS 79e Every wanted make and size in the range, 79 a real buy, each....79 TABLE OILCLOTH SPECIAL 22 new Spring designs, in sanatiles and damasks, sel regularly 49c yd. àc Weekend Special, a'D.C * TWO BIG LINGERIE SPECIALS 6 doz. run-proof Silk Step- ins, reg. price 49c. Anni- versary Sale2 c Special, pair ......29 6 dozen Satin Finish mun- proof Silk Step-ins, reg. 79c. Anniversary39 Special, pair.......39 MEN'S SOX 3 Outstanding Values Specially Purchased and Priced for Big Selling: No. 1-S ilk and Lisle, s10 5 Pairs for ............... . 0 No. 2-Heavy Lisle with fancy $ diamond patterns, 4 Pairs for..$10 No. 3-Superior Silk and Woo , M 0 our reg. 59e value, 3 Pairs for.. % We have just completed our 4th year ini business in Bownianville. To you who have given us a big measure of your support during this time - WE THANK YOU. It bas been a pleasure to serve you - during fat times and lean Urnes - and for the measure of success that bas attended our efforts, we f eel it is Iargely due to the fact that we have honestly tried to give you of the best - dependable merchandise at prices that more than meet ail competition. To celebrate this aur 4th anniversary we are offering a list of stand-out bargains-ali wanted seasonable merchandise, f or Friday and Saturday selling. We invite you to share i these remarkable offerings. BIG EASTER HAT SPECIAL A real Nelson value-samp- les of New York and Paris styles. You can't afford to buy your hat elsewhere-we challenge town or city p rie- es. See these before buy- ing; value $3.98 ;$19 Pre-Easter Specia'PAU Tim cANADiAN 8'rATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE,