TUE CANADIAN STATICSMN, BOWMANVILLE, THURBDAY, APRIL 7th, 1932 TOWN COUNCIL FORCED TO TAKE DRASTIC STE tContimued f rom page 1) suffered i njury. Coun. Martyn r ported it now in repair. E. P. Bradt. SecretarY Quinte Di trict Seed Association, tbank council for co-operation and sha in making recent seed fair a gre success. Finance Committee presentedr port submitting sundry accounts ai recommending payment amountil ta $M57.22, and Waterworks Comni tee submitted accounts totalilt $90.73, both of which were approve Canadian Legion Band was grax ed $50 with the rider that cauni wauld lied ta have given mare. At the request of DeputY-Ree' Rehder $200 recently recelved by t town for use of its f ire lequipmei in Newcastle and Tyrane was divid( equaily between the town and tl Pire Brigade. Couneiilor Martyn gave a lengtl report, at the request of Reeve T.:1 Lockbart. regarding the f encec the Brookdale Nursery property. I report contained mucb detail but satisiactory arrangement bas bei reached and approved by counc whereby council will bear the whc cost af erecting tbe fence and w be given lake gravel f ree by G.1 Bickeli for the next f ive years. A( tually the town stands ta benel greatly by tbis action. The matter of advertisîng in X dustrial Opportunities in Canada was lef t witb the Finance and Mar ufacturers Committees ta decidi Mr. Richardson of the McLean Put lisbing Co. placing the matter bE fore council. Report of the plans for re-fores G. M. BOSNELL TORONTO OPTO.METRJST In Port Hope Every Wednesday Office over Flood's Store Port Hope Phone Number 248 Office Heurs: 9 a. mn. to 9 p. mn. Toronto Offce: 2143 Danfortb Avenue. Seeds at BUCKLEY'S MILL Barley, Oats, and ail kinds of Seed Grain and Seeds for sale. Also Bran, Shorts and al kinds of Feed. W. N. BUCKLEY & SON NEWCASTLE, ONT. XLOV ELY$ HAND/ý; Busy hands-at hard tas"3 day in and day out. Persian Balm keeps the skin soft and rbe.Removes redness a r.d relieves iintatior. At ou Du PERfZN8 FNew Loi Men's Work Boots, pi'lce Men's Fine Boots and O.N Womnen's Shoes. in late.s leather. Pîîced as low Children*s Shoes. Our~ liîîe of Men's Wear~ us mail,,,customeî's. Rovan's S ttion of 15 acres at aid Electric1 iugbt plant and RaYnes Propeyi The Newcastle Indel .pmade ta council by Cauncillor L T *McLaugblin. chairman of the Public Property Commnittee, is rePorted more f uily elsewbere in tbis issue. Council adjou.rned sharp at 10 oclock. THURSDAY. APRIL 7th, 191 re- Relief Expenditurs * F. W. Neiles, groceries $ 95.21 Miss Ruy Allin, itby, spent1 HONORED ON SILVER WEDDING A. & P. stores. groceries 8.54 Easter week çwith ber cousin. Miss 1 :ed W. C. Caverly. groceries 130.09 Lareeti Batty. i -tCantinued fram page 1) are H. C. Osborne, groceries 13.40 Mrs. Norman Gartsbare, Brighton,an e iigondymstfth ea .S. Coulter. graceries 50.46 Ispent Easter week with ber father. evening. C. M. Cawker & Son, meat 32.10 1Mr. Isaac Selby. Friendsand relatives wr present mdR. H-. DiliUng, groceries 23.12 Grove. spent Easter week witb Mrs. iflity. bu t f rom Bawmanville, Court-' Ln Maple Grave Daury. milk 4-49 J .Fihr Suinnyside." ice, Salina, Claremont, Part Perry, it- S. G. Chartran, clothing 6.00 Miss Jean Dawson, Bileboro moda, TQont.Beevl.an Rch mg Mils. W. Maynard. groceries 16.92 spmond Que.iay wthhe ed- B. Wilkins. fuel 3 spfrent EaiserionAlidays who ber h dde t- Coucb, Johnston &Cryder- f red nd.MisMnaofAlun, whe- Te ddrs Newcastle. Ont. eil man. clothmng 3.001tre nMna fti ekt April 2nd.. 1932. W. . Crbet.bred 4.6 her scbaal duties in East Whitby. Mr. and Mis. H. R. Pearce. ,ve G. A. Edrnondstane. meat 43.15 Th .P . fteUitdCuc ar Harry and Pearl.' ;he Harry Alun. groceries 69.10 slaugtahlisanvesr We are gatbered here this evenmng mtBowmanviile Dairy. milk 34.10 services on Sunday, April 24th. Rev. Jta join witb yau in commemorating je Wm. McReynolds, milk 4.56 W. . antnCobourg, wîî be the the 25th. anniversary of your wed- ;e W. J. Dudley, meat 34.62 preacher and special music is being ding day. Sheppard & GUi, fuel 13.50) prepared. You have been permîtted ta enjoyt hyC. W. Jacabs. bread 42.63 St. George's Church-Rev. F. H. a quarter of a century af married H. R. H. Hooey. groceries 16.17 Mason, M. A., Rector. Sunday, April lie and so this large numbera on Halgate & Son, fuel 26.00 lth, Second Sunday ai ter Easter: yaur relatives and f riends couldrrfltt lie H. Lathrope. fuel 8.00) 8 a. m.-Holy Commnun.ion; il a. m. let the occasion pass witbaut ex- a L. W. Nelson. clothlng 3.25 1 -Morning Prayer; 2 p. m.-Sunday pressing the esteem and goad-wil en Glen Rae Dairy. mllk 39.36 1 School; 7 p. m.-Evensong. in whicb you are beld by us ail. ci - Mrs. Carl Selby returned f rom Sice starting on the matrimonial île Total $ 857.22 Bowmanvîlle Hospital on Monday af voyage 25 yrs. aga. lie bas unlolded i1 Waterworks Commlee thîs week with ber infant son, Isaac isl aeb aeutlnww a EH. T. A. Dustan. supplies S .45 !Newtan, whom we are pleased to look back. as it were, and review the £- D. R. Alldread. repairs .05 welcome as a new resident of the past, and sa we find that the three it National Iran. supplies 13.32 corporation af the village of New- great channels that are open toauail1 W. Len. Elliott. supplies 60.91 castle. :and thia which we may ail live n - A. C. Fewster. del. Water A number f rom here, inciuding and serve have been well fîlied by t" 1500 Mi, S Brgg nd issRawna.Mryou bath. narnely the ý*Home.« the n- - and Mis. E. C. Hoar and family and -Church." and the :-State.' le. Total S 90.73 Mrs. W. D. Bragg, attended the for- In the Home lit e we know thatl b- Fnanc Relorttîeth wedding anniversary. the Ruby you bave aiways endeavored ta put i ,eane-eior edding. ai Mr. and Mrs. Thos. C. orward the principles of good liv- Cox Motar Sales, gas S 4.35 Bragg, Shaws. last Tbursday even- ing antd a goad exampie ta thaose 's Oea. H. Bickell, teaming, 'mg. Marcb 31. commfitted ta your care mnderîted grvl 87 youî daily occupation havem ie T. gAe Du tan uppies 1807 Four new pupils began schoolin trie commîcence ai your fellow men, C.A. Bartlett. gas 23.02 Miss Orcbard's room on Manday Yau are ta be congratu.lated on IRice & Ca. supplies 6.00 morning. Tbey are Winnifred Har- havmng such an exceptionally bright T. Cinytan. teaming 12.50 ris, Jean Gray, Alma Gibsan and and mtelhLgent family of boys ana ID. Aldread, repaîrs 5.70 Jimmy Aldread. Babby, Evelyn and girls. Hydro Elec. streets 34.4Gardon Barrabel.l, farmerly of Anti- In theChurch you bath have been IT. A. Dustan. supplies 2.80 och. also commenced school here onf wortby and active members. You.i IRice & Ca. repairs 139.53 Monday, aLsa Jimmiy and Dick Love- Har. bave rendcred service aimost Sheppard & Gi, fuel 140 This cammunity was deeply griev- a member ana Presicaent ai Epwartfi Waterworks Dept. service 2.25 ecl ta learn of tne recent death i League. the prainoter and teacher Rice & Ca. supplies 1.25 Peterbaro af Mrs. Everett Tripa n on e îs i n J. Hately. gas 7.35 nose busband was formerly station oSutriay Seno amember iasnue- Waetingbouserviears3.00 agent and aperator at Newtonville arcing stewara afithe oiiicial ocaad Watrwoks sevie 225and a member af the Newcastle or- ai tnie Unitea Cnurctn and yet witn Hydro Electric, fire hall 7.02 chestra which at one ime played at ai, the activitie, ai the Homne and Ric & a. uppies3.70 "nany local functions. Froin New- itiurcti you nave aiso oeen greatiy, Miss W. Oke. Court 4.00 tonvîlle. Mr. and Mis. Tripp went ta nerested in iii e ani.rs ai tne vii- S. Ventan. sundries 4,9 Midland and later ta Peterbara. lage n wnici you live. especîally in A.Edwards, Relief Constable 3000 Mesdames C. J. Staples and Wm. eaucatianaî maZierN bcurig a muer- Counties. Wm. Irvin 14.25 Ches*nut. Welcome; Mis. Cecil \Vil- 0cr ai trie scno.ii boara lor a nuzn- -Counties. J. Lewis 23.25 'as otBian r.W .oro er.adnwti ooe Counties, Wm. Cowle 21.75 dm.Pr rtt:Ms .D e iyas n o a oae Bragg, Newcastle; Mrs. A. H. Fisher 'and eicient secrezary ai the sanie. Counties. C. Brannigan 8.75 and daugliter. Miss Marion, Belle-1 But wbcn we l"& tor pernapis Hasp. Sick Childien. supplies 10.00 lI ville, and Mis. Harold Toms and yaur greatest achie-,emien, '.xe pur- Jas. A. Cook & Son, supplies 1.50 daughter. Miss Frances. R4chmond. sue uic coium:.ns ai -.ne 'Car.anLian IM. A. James & Sons. print- Que.. were gues:saMs . .H ttaa lrwic ave , Bl ne rviet.1.0 Clernence. Shaws. at a qulting last long tuile been tuie Cori.:ýpoiiaent Blell Phonet.Sevi c . 1.0745 cnsayatni. r. e-train Newcastic anai as a rep)lr:er iz Cler's Act. ettyacct.3il45 nce' s sster.MiLss Florence Rickard. Sas ai tcn been saici tha: , Transfer Hydro Check 15000 E~uavle was also present. ?earce is seconci -o Dlntne anci th Tatl Te wolec1n07e.y39tec acievement a jille i, ay oe taa $10C t onra.d -ùn *oMr. and Mrs.!te, tain extent ar.,i:u.a: .~na c ____ _______ Tam Brown wîth best wishes for a fur:ner deveiapeci oy ilie tact that J oy.us hanicyntoon. a Safe returr.. you have am-en a car-efu. ana xen.- NEWTONVILLE and a long. happy and prosperaus zive reader ai goad books. A -prom v.ecdded lufe. and with the hope tha, -±ncrn Speaker v.%as nacm ta say tiatl Report af S. S. No. 4, Clarke Eas- no cîrcumstances may arise ta draw IlaUu tel-me what a man reacis and ter Examinazions; figure,- cenate t hemý away from Newcas<lc and pre- III tell you what Se is« and sa with .1 percent: i b vent theni making thei., perm7Lanent yau Hari,. y;î,:r desire aný abli:ty - S r. IV-Elmer Poliard 77. Rb'rcsîdencc here. Mr. and Mis. Brown ta read bas -resultcd in- a weil Wallace 69, Eu.gar Miilson 65. 1i,,*lI resîde on George St. rcar the infoammed minc. sa that înany have J r. IV-Joiin Scotti821 Ronaldi brides parents, having rented apart- been knaan La say. -if yau ;want ta Burley 78, DouglIas Wallace 72. Ber- ment f rointMr. John Scott. know ar.ything j1us, ask Harry.". neice Millugan 71. Marguerite Mc- In addition ta the anc hundred Yau Pearl, whtl f:t ids- Kay 59. ,n,."4ted gucsts St. Geor;ge's Church chargîng the duties af' the'haine Sr. III-Alden Pollard 69, Wad a hacdwt n e tdse- e.tng a gaod example belore your. McKay 62, Kathleen McKay 52. tators at the nuptiais on Saturday iamily have aiso f ound ime La hep Jr. III--Gorge Pethick 6-1. evening af Mr. J. T. Brawn and in the Church as a useful memberý II-Phiiip Sanders 88, Mabel Wal- 1 Miss Betty Garroci. Seldom bas a ai Lhe W. M. S. and IV. A. anti Choir lace 81. Hacrold Buîley 7 0. Betty 1 *.edding atLracted such widespread andti ho.e who knaw you best kiowv Stapleton 70, Florence Burley 69, 1cainmunity intercst as this anc. and tha- you have always ocen efficient Nellie Mcneely 68. Lawrence Mi1ilson th.is is not ta be wondered at since and ocpendabie. 60. Alice Palechuk 44.1 the exceedingly papular bride is a As a renunder af aur respect and Names in order af menit: daughtcr af Police Chief Jon Gar- appree:atuon afi you. Wve ask you t Sr. I-Leanard Sanders. Rosie rad andJ Mis. Garrod and the groom accept these gis and we s:r±cerely Palechuk. Audrey Buîley, Ronald lis the on.ly son of Mr. M. Brown and Sape that Lhey mnay be a sour-ce af ,McGahcy, Dorathy Scott, Alfred Mis. Brown. Newcastle's premniericnfort and service houghout :5e ;Rcdnap, Kathleen Randail l ±iculturist and winncr and pas- cûniing Ycars. 1Jr. I-Keith Buîley, Flo;yd Mill- sessor ai many valuabe ex.hibition Signcd on behaîf oi Lhe coin- son, Eric Burley, George Gibbs' trop.h:.e,. Rev. F. H. Mason officiat- mittee. Major Dudley. Harry Joe. Pi-Marian Bruce. Laumna Pearce. ed witil Mis. Farncomb at thc ar- Hov..ard Pearce. Waltcr Rickard. Isabelle Bruce, Rowland Burlcy. gan. MLcer the ceremony the bride John Meneely. and groom. their parents. relatives ___ ___ Laurence Savery. teacher. and other guests repaired ta the Parish Hall for the weddLng .supper MAPLE GROVE catcred for and superintended by_____ Balm invests every ~~ i aid Beni Moi-se. Reeve W. F. Rick- ! isGr--- udy .sreun 1man withi subtle charm. Delicately !speas.nA oullercier esots a bj 0 Pcterboro Normal. fragrant. Cooling and bealing.; expected next week. i Miss Evelyn Evans spent the Eas- iDîspeis ail roughness or chafig.! erh______t find i ,Makes skins delightful.ly soi t-text-I Te rls'ay s renda mTaranta uîed. Every woman sbould use this NEWCASTL.E UNITED CHURCH Oshawa next week - with ghei pla peerless toilet requisite. Daintunes -The Farmerette.' apa -beauty-refinement-Persian Balni tUnited Church-Rev. W. P. Rog- Miss PhYllus Trimble spent a achieves these in every instance. ers, Pastor. Sunda.ayAPiil lth: couple af days last week with Miss 50f tens and witens the banda. I1 a. m.-Morning Worship. 2.30 p. Mavis Gartan. Town. Promotes clear and youthful loveli- m.--SundaY Schaol; 7 P. m.-Even- Misses Susie and Annie Laird have, ness. Ail women wba care for ing Service. returneti home ai ter a very pleasantJ additional charm unhesitatigly Last Sunclay mornung. f oîowing baat trip ta Bermuda. choose Persian Baln. the preachîng service and preceding Mr- Wil Tyler, Chicago,vite the communion service. tbe pastar, bis cousins, Mr. H. R. Foley and Mr. assisted by Eiders Thos. Moffat and E. W. Foley, on Sunday. Robt. Martin, received into churcb Mrs. R. L. Ward.en cntertained ta membcrsbip by prof ession aof faitS la LOSt Heir party Wednesday even- fi! tee.n niyang eop #.--o t- ing whei everybady -ad a goa Th Inomunity wa s -s hocked an Leaýe IowmamvdtIe Leave Bowmaniviile i Tucsday mornlng when iL became h oWSo r u ietbourdî Eastboumd)1 knawn-r that Mr. H. A. Farrow, a >h o S t rem. highlv rcspectcd resîdent. b.ad pass- 1 M r. -r!. cd awýaY. The sympatby a! this .3 1).,(mldp.hî) cornmnurity isextended ta Mis. Par- q 41 7.5 P.M. ow aý oherrelatives in their 12 15 a .(ingt 9.50 P. M. i sudden and sad bereavement. -~- - ,pendent 32 WEDDLNG Tyler-Hockin A quiet but pretty wedding took place at tbe home of tbe bride's bro- ther, Mr. Fred Hockin. Maple Grave, on Saturday. March 26th, when Mary Evelyn became the bride of Mr. Seward Tyler. Rev. H. C. Wol- fraim performed the c.-remony in the presence of the imniediate rela- tives. The bride looked charrning in a powder blue georgette dress witb silver trirnming and wore a corsage bouquet of roses and sweet peas. After the wedding supper wssr ved the bride and groom lftb motor for a short honeyxnaon trip1 to Toronto, the bride travellingi navy blue dress. bat and coat witb grey accessories. On their return they will reside at Maple Grave. *taoer schoo1 duties atrdIh the holidays wlth friends inBrm TYRONE ton. J Rev. and Mrs. A. M. Wootton andi ______________________ babe, visiteoi ber parents, Mr. andi A number are sick with the grippe. Mrs. W. Slinons, Belleville. Mrn. Churh srvic net SudayWaotton and babe remained for a Chuorch sevie ex Snd week. marning. . C. W. Woodley, wbo under- Mr. Carl Bradley bas gone ta wark went a tbroat and nase orTe tion on the Beith f arm at BraokLin. Bowmanville Haspital, is convalesc- A number f rom here attended Mr. mng at Mrs. Wm. Chapman'a, Hamp- SUas Trewin's farm sale last week. ton. We wish ber a speedy recovery. Mr. Harry Hatherly bas gone ta Mr. and Mrs. Norman Phair and Dixie to work for Mr. Fred Watson. sons, Eldread and Winstan, wbo Mr. and Mrs. Horatio1Hill spent a have resided i this village for a day wth friends in Orana recently. ti re, bave moved to Oakville where .Nr. and Mrs. Arthur Welch. Sal- Mr. Phair bas takeil the massY- em. recently visitedi Mr. and Mrs. Harris ageflcy. Haratia Hifls.' League prograni Thursday eveing Master Lloyd Skinner bad bis was in charge of Mis Annie (lard- tonsils remaved in Bowmanivflle mner and Mr. Clinton Bigelow. A Hospital last week. reading was pven by Miss Alce Mis Viola Shartt bas returned to Thampsan; topic by Mr. Howard ber school at Plevna after spending Brent was splendidly given-; piano a week wlth Mrs. Viola Smith. duet by Mrs. Howard Brent andi Mrs. Wm. Wight. who is sick with Miss Mae Brent. the grippe. is at the borne of ber daughter. Mrs. Russell Wright. i Mrs. Wm. MacDonald and ab 7Tem md Is the master ove £,- erne, Cobourg, are visitmng iirer par ery kind of fortune: ltsel act a l ents. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Stewart. bath ways. being the cause of ite Miss Jean Pollock bas returned own bappiness and misery.--Senecs. Housecle anIn g Week A t A Il A & P Stores ESTABuISl4K la59 J E CAN'T help yGu ojihe the baby. and we probably wruld'o be 7Fmcho I~tIrrn lonysl~osbt eete UR E EMMNMM~jaY W "il lesa, we know siy-v'"r7, f a mother's prcblerns. Bnquet or Atlantic Brai FLOU 24Bagý LARI We know it's - avu L ç~l' ncbildren. cleaning lîousc and r':.~ :~az-. 7'--iew that rnoney's fot always ',Ir~i. t t :ue must be a business man- Lflds '-tr ir-ier and chairman of the board-al --î. rz -c un) ur i s long a7o that we wouid S .t' t- c I for ti-P best of foods. bring them L:,.t-3 with as liiiP" expense as pGssib!e. anîd 29t* "ni t-uIc!i a simail profit that mothers could %;-yard abundance of good. healthful o EXCEPT SWIFTS z1e I70 Bach 24o 10OBars43o se Package 190 4 lum. 25o 5 'ksu25 lo -J 11 Fruits and Vegetabfrs FACY RIPE TOMATOES M.1L50 SWET. JUCY. RIPE OR1ANGES su 319 ý BOKAlb. Tin 37o A &P THE UTMOST LN COFFEE ENXJOYMENT Coffe T RED CIRCLE lb. 3le A ELFXD 0F THE FHNEST COFFEES Trio a o'CLOCK lb. 25o THE WOKLDS IARGEST SELLING QUALITY COFFEE Mf EA TS lb14 lb. 220 120 1I6 ¶ PAGE TEN q THESE BROOMS WERE 3MADE Bi BLIN~D C.3NADL-S BR]tSMS Special 5s4tving A PURE HARD SOAF SURPRISE Laundry Soap OXYDOL -- Larl SOAP CHIPS FOR DISHES AND BATES. SOFTENS WATER ,àMMONIAal» 1.NL Y MILK-FED FILLETS U LA V EA L STEAK ---nd ULS AC A & r QUALITY BEEF POT BONELESS RIOASTS? OÂST B__E SWIFT'S FANCY GOLDEN WEST FILESH Fowl b. 250 PORK LO: i LB.AVERAGE l.15o SMOKED BREAKFAST BACON Bay the Plet... "Y CHICKLN FRESH-CAUGHT BLU'E FRESU HALIBUT 1Piekerel ,FILLETS WLb. 13o lb. I13o lb. IL6e LIMITED, 0F CANADA ___________ Meat Manager: G.. McCoy. Grocery Manager: P. William.. We Deliver-Extra Charge lOc. Phono No. 83 Boinanvilie 1