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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Apr 1932, p. 3

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r- - ...........................................~ .-.. PAM - TEZ CA14AMUAN rATB"x. EOWNANVLA&TIJEOM&YAPRU. 11h. 1lm AN 1885 MEETING 0F LADIES' AM>SOCIETY AT ST. PAULS CHUECH "The Secret Society of Cabbage-t ville" or a Ladies' Ad Meeting af 1U85 was presented wLki fine edlect in st. Paula S. S. Hanl on Tuescdayj and j'nednesday evenings of last week'It may nave been staged 47 years agr, but it was a typicai pic- turc ai wbat might take place at thc presnt ime. When a meeting s callec those present quite oten want to, discuss everyt.hing but the busi- ness belore thein. The play was given n tbree acts. First the Meet- ing when new furruture for thet Parsonage was discussed. The men- tion of a secret society amoflg the girls led by the minister's wif c, rais- ed the ire of evcry woman present snd it was decided to mnvestigat.e.t A cal o!f fire down the street broke Up the meeting in a hurry. Ncxt act the commttee appointeci ta look Up the needs of the Parsanage re- vealed things n very bad condition; the mnter and hils wif e bad taken n and were caring f or the burncd out fiamil , gîving themi the best af wbat they liad and doing without theniselves. The third act, a month later the meeting receives the re- port of the ladies re the Parsonage.i It was also revealed that a nuxnber of parcels containing f ood for hung- ry familles, bookis for a lonely man, cheer for needy dhldren, etc., was being mysteriously left at the doors of such homes by members of the Girls' Secret Society. The ladies and members also reccive use! l Ui which have a very pacifying ffc on each. The ladies flot satisfied with the good work being done, en- quired where the money came f rom. To this the mninister's wif e reveals that skie bas been using part o! the cash git given them by their last charge, and ikiat now the secret of their work s out the Society wil hencefortki be known as the Hap- piness Society. The ladies o! the Aid were greatly influenced by these good acta and f rom critics wcre changed ta grateful and help!ul members. Many huinorous incidents occurr- ed througkiout the presentation that caled f orth a laugki on the part of! the audience. Mrs. Gloomy's a!ten quotation "man is boni to trouble as the sparks fly upward" and Mrs. Maloney's Irishi wit were very amus- lng. The ladies wore costumes ',fear- f ulIY and wonderfufly made" show- ing the extreme o! long ago. Eacki and ail did exceedingly weil and werc as follows: Mrs. Nibbs-Mrs. A. L. Nichoils. Annabelle Nibbs- Grace Barton. Mis. Love-miss Peardon, Sarahs Knowall-Mrs. G. L. Hall. Mrs. Gloomy-Mrs. A. S. Kerr, Mrs. Thompson-Miss M. Al- len. Mrs. Maloney-Mrs. Wm. Ad- amis, Mis. Pepper-Mrs. F. Baker. Mrs. Black-Mrs. McAllister, Mrs. Dean-Miss Yellowlees. Mrs. Top- note- Mrs. C. A. Cawker. Mis. Jen- kins-Miss D. Barton. Grace Jen- kins-V' let McAllister. Ruth Jen- k insElfen Kerr. Messrs. R . M. Mitchell and Geo. E. Chase and Mrs. A. Colville contrib- uted musical numbers that were much appreciated. sSUT PARENTS' NIGET Central Publie Sch" w»vasthse scene on wednesday evcning, MaraIs 3oth. o! su luterestlng and instruca- tive program stagcd by Uic lst Bow- maville Troop Boy Scouts, thse Oc- casion being Parents' Nigkit. The attendance was a Uitile discourag- ing as not many tuined out ta en- courage Uic boys along. Thse Pro- gram was prcsented under thc dir- ection of Scoutmaster S=m Terry. In addition ta the exhibition o! var- ious scout arts. there Was ncILuded a display o! handicra!ta which reveal-j cd much patient work on Uic Part i o! Uic scouts. PcrhaPs thse f inet n the group was a tapestry donc n colons by Tom Dustan which wua splendid piece o! wark entailing many hours o! labor. In thse display Lawrenice Rekidc's troop gave a demonsiration o! Uic variaus methads o! using bandages work taugkit. Bert Johnston sud John Neal gave su cxceptionally in- teresting exhibition o! basket mak- ing, wkile other Scouts skiowed thse many kinds o! kuota used iu scout work. the methods o! saving people trapped n a fiaming house sud sig- nafling by means o! Uic Morse code. Rotariaui D. R. Morrison gave su interesting talk ta the boys on the value o! carefulness as it affecta Uic 111 e o! the boy in thc matier of f orming habita. He uiged on Uiem thie necessity o! weghing every probleni very carefully before mak- ing any decision. A number o! Scouts wcre ta have received pro! iciency badges during the evening but Scouimaster Terry announced tIse badges bad flot yeti arrived., He dwelt ini paiticular on one badge, thc Boataman Badge which s ta be awarded ta Lawr-ence Rekider. It is a veiy difficult badge ta ern sud only iwo were awarded ta scouts lu Canada duning 1931. Other scouts who are t-o receive badges are Bert Johuston, Freeborn Colville. Tom Dustan, Clyde Robin- son, Jce Chiuids, Fred Neal, Edward Hooper. Clifford Hall. Edward Mill- son, Harvey King, Jack Houcyman, Ned Rekider, Harry Taylor, Claire Allin. Russel Candlcr, Douglas Blunt. Bob Mcflveen sud Muiray Mitchell. TIse pîogram which was opencd with thc Flag Breaking ceremony closed with the îepeating of Uic Lord's Prayer sud thc Scout Silence. Torontols Mayor on Scauting "We would bave f cwer misfita n thc world today if ail boys bad Uic advsutage o! Scout lice," declared Mayor W. J. Stewart of Toronto re- cently. -The boy who bas been a Scout becomes a mn witki de! mite, developed capabilAties, who does flot walk tIse streeta looking for pick sud shovel or routine office work." The mayo's son Billy s a Scout. Toronto Scouts Boost Ont. APples That thse Boy Scouts o! Toronto could do more n one day tlsan tIse provincial departinent o! agriculture1 could do n a month ta make Tor-1 onto -Ontario apple conscious'" was! afflrmed by Hon. Thomas L. Ken- nedy. provincial Minister of Agri- cutuie. He ici cried ta a Scout Ap- p le Drive hcld April lst incidentaI ta a district Scout financial can- paigfl. ROWMANVHLE BADMN pLATEES EABIY DEFEAT GENzIE&L MOTORSCLUB General Motors Badminton Club visited Bowmanville on March 29tki. with thc result that in 19 matches 1BowmaflviUle wcre successful in win- ning 17, as follows: Oshawa Bowmanviile MEa'. Doubles Seaton sud Metcal! lost to James and Dudley. McEwau sud Dcyo bai ta oFIai- man sud Flaxman. Spencer sud Whattaui a otta Mussail sud Neada Vickcrs and Talbot bost ta Brough and Bell. LaàWDouble Misses Plckard sud Cowan won f rom Mi s borne and Aià s Misses Furber sud Wheeler lost ta Mms. Dippdl sud Mins Cavcrly. Misses Capeland sud Wiflliam lmo ta Misses Ramnsay sud Bagneffl. Misses Spiunall sud Goheen lest ta Mrs. D. Smith sud Mrs. Nanson. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Whattam, loat ta Mrs. Goddard sud Miss Pick- ard. bibred Doubles Mr. Seatan sud Miss PAckard lost ta Mr. James sud Miss Osborne. Mr. Metcai! sud Miss Cowsu won f rom Mr. Dudley sud Miss Flaxmn. Mr. McEwen sud Miss Furber lost ta E. laxi&nan sud Miss Bagnell. Mr. Deyo sud Miss Wheebci lest ta Mr. Neads and Mrs. Nansan. Mr. Spencer sud Miss Wlliams lost to Mr. Musson sud Misn Ames. Mr. Seaton sud Mis Copeland lest toaG. Flaxman sud Mis Ramn- say. Mi. Vickcrs and Miss Sprintnafl lest ta Mi. Bell and Mrs. Goddard. Mr. Meical! sud Mns. Sitlolst ta Mr. Brougki sud Mis. Dippell. Mi. Talbot sud Miss Goheen I.t ta Mr. Kent sud Miss Cavcrby. Mi. and Mns. Whattam lest ta Mr. and Mrs. D. SithU. SUCCESSFUL EASTER DANCE HELD AT BADMINqTON CLUB Bright eycd bunnies sud glawing lanterns loakcd on as swaying couples îoined An thse festivities. The occasion was Uie Easter Dance o! the Bowmanvlle Badminton club on Friday evening, when Uic largesi crowd o! Uic yeai danced ta Uic music o! Snell's orchestra. Beaut- if uly gowned ladies -snuggled on Uic shouldenS" o! well groomed Men, and cvcryone forgot their troubles for one glorious cvcning. For the waltzcs Uic lighsawere cxtmnguishcd giving a few o! the hanging Ian- teins an OPPo)rtunity ta blcnd thei sa! t hues with the skiiuing dresses. The floor shone with ita coating of fresh wax and uta appearance was compensation enough for Uie members who kiad spent their en- ergy in Use afternoon. The arches- tra gracîouslY compllcd when thse applause called for another sud yet another encore. Paul Jones' dance proved the mast popular with tIse old familiar rye waltz running a close second. As tirne drew near for S1suppeî thse weicome aroma o! caf - . f ce f ound its way into the perfumcd atmoseere, lllng the dancers with a reaimztiS tIat dancingwu a ter ail exercise as well as pleasure and demanded bodillynourlaliment .8up- per wuasaerved by the ladies of t.he club assisted by a !ew of the gentle- men and conslsted o! appetizing sandwiches, cake aud cofiee. Danc- ing was resumed f oflowng the res- pite snd 1t;was n the wee bourg of thc moin ihat thec iIed, but happy couples betook theinselves ta their places o! abode. ,W. F. DALE PASSES ASTES BRU.F ILLNESS (Continued froen page 1) Armstron.g. Pail bearers wcie men connected witkî hlm n businessand church 111e sud vere W. R. Strike. Dr. J. C. Devitt. Chas. H. Mason, J. H. Bateman. F. C Vanstone and Mayor Gea W. James. The flower bearers were members ai the Young Mens Bible Clas. many beautiful floral tributes attested ta the e- teem n whlch the deceased was held ini the community and of Uic sym- pathy extcnded ta Uie sorrawing survivors An tUir great aud sudden los. Interment was made ini Bow- maville Cemetery. Among thoe froi a distance attending werc Mr. J. Frank Dale, Rochester, N.Y., a brother, Mrs. W. H. Roenigk, Mr. Hlarold Mercer, Mr. A. W. Graham, ail of Lindsay, Misses Gertrude sud Elva Roenigk. Mr. R. Kenneth Brake. Mr. J. B. Crompton. Mr. Oea. J. Rowe, Mr. sud Mrs. HLarry Bas- kerville, ail of Toronito, Mr. F. O. Masan, Whitby. Thse floral off erings, paying sulent tribute to the splendid character of the dcceased. wcre many and beaut- if ul and were froin, Wife and Son, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bartlett, Mr. sud Mis. Glen Martyn. Mr. andMs.J W. Knight, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar. Trinity ChurcIs Board, Mr. and Mis. H. V. Mercer, Mr. & Mrs. F. Suttan. i and Mis. A. W. Grahairn, Trin-1 ity Choir. Mr sud Mis. C. A. Johns- ton, The Bridge Club, Mr. and Mms. T. W. Cawker. Mi. and Mrs. C. A. Cawker, Mr. and Mrs. R. Webber and Mr. and Mis. Hlarold Allin. mis Grace Caverly snd Mr. Edsail Oliv- er. Bowmanvilllc Business Mens Association. Mr. and Mrs. Casbourn. Mr. and Mms I. G. Hefkey, Mr. sud Mis. L S Caverly and Rena, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Dcvitt, Mr. sud Mrs. j. Infantine, Mr. and Mis. W. J. Dud- ley, L. C. Mason. Mr. sud Mrs. W. C. Ives, Sheppard & GUi Lumber Co. *Rotary Club, Mr. P. H. Mason, Mr. and Mrs. W. P Corbett, Mr. sud Mrs. Fred E. Gaddard. Miss L. Darch, Mr. and Mis. S. J. Jackman. Mr and Mis. G. A. Edmondstone sud Miss Dingman. Mr and Mis. C. H. Mason. Trinity Sunday School, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bateman. Mis. Nor- jman James and f amily. Mr. sud Mis. F. C. Vanstone, Mr. sud Mis. A. M. Hardy, Mr. sud Mis. J. F. and Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Dale, Mr. sud Mis. W. R. Strike. Mr and Mis. C. E. Rekider and Mr. C. Rehder. Mr. sud Mrs F F. Morris and Miss Winnie Moris. D. Caiscallen of Winnipeg, the lat- ter a sister of Mr. Dale, weic unable ta be present.1 Quality Couch, Johnston & Cry- derman are leaders in the sale of quality Millinery at prices that depleted purses may stand. This year Milllnery ex- perts introduce new styles and new materials that Milliniery will give that perfect fn- iah to the spring en- semble. Our expert milliner will amure you perfect fit, perIectstle and at a cottat you can easily afford. - - - - - r r r r r a - -- r - n p n- - - - p - ~. ------------------------------------------------ -~ - t. - t. - q.. - - - - ~. The New Coats Some with the bright, silver or gold buttons, with new col- lars and tastefully m ateh e d scarves. You must see them if you are particular about your clothes, for to wear a Couch, Johnston & Crydem~an coat la to be dis- tinctively dressed. $8.95 up The New Dresses New styles, new materials, and a new smartness that makes the L932 Spring Dresses un- usual. The demand for Couch, John- ston & Cryderman's dresses has been greater this year than ever. Consistent style and quality gains for us new customem each week. $6.95 up NEW SPRING PRINTS - 19c Yard Up. TOPCOATS AT $14.50 t is many years since the weIl dressed young man has been able to secure a Topcoat at this low price. t la flot a specially made coat for the price, but a real value of good material and correct cut. YOUNG MEN'S SUITS, 2 PAIRS PANTS, $16.50 Here la another i ne that will please those with a depleted pocket- book. Just imagine a quality cloth with the much needed extra pair of trousers for this price. The eut la perfect, and we guarantee you satis- faction. Men's Fur Feit Hats $2.95 up coucli, Joknston & Cryderman. Phone 104 LIMITED King Street, Bowmmnvil. THE HQUSEWIVES 0F BOWMANVILLE ARE CQRDIALLY INVITED To take advantage cf the splendid opportunity for expert instruction and practical deinonstrations in domestic science and cooking with gas, The ONTARIO SHORE GAS COMPANY, assisted by the Bowmanville Gas Stove Dealers listed below, has arranged for this scliool, te be conducted by MRS. FLOR ENCE GRAY, graduate of the Home Economics Department cf Columbia University, New York, and who are interested in cooking with gas to spend an afternoon with Mrs. Gray. interna.tionally-known lecturer. Admission is free, and ail the women cf Bowmanviile are cordially invited te corne and bring their friends. You wilI f ind it weIl worth while : COUNCIL ROOM, TOWN HALL :THURSDAY, APRIL l4th :STARTING AT 2.30 p.m. COME AND LEARN HOW TO COOK WITH GAS For Speeci, Elficiency, Economny and Cleanliness The Ontario Shore Gas Co. Ltd. la placing at the disposai of the Women of Bowmanville a cheap and efficient service of Gaz. This school is being held for the purpose of acquainting them with the many advantages of cooking with gas, and with the use of modem gas appliances. Corne and be convinced as to what gai wilI do for you. NO ADMISSION FEE. REMEMBER THE DATE - APRIL 14 COME EARLY iMS. FLORENCE GRAY THE PLACE THE DATE THE TIME THE BOWMANVILLE SCHOOL 0F GAS COOKING IS SPONSORED BY THE ONT ARIO SHORE CAS CO. LIMITED, With the Co-operation of tjle Following Gas Stove Dealers: T. A. DUSTAN W. LEN ELLIOTT MASON & DALE RICE & CO. Sec Further Details in The Statesman Next Week. MRS. FLORENCE GRAY HAS A MESSAGE THAT MEANS A SAVING 0F MONEY, TIME AND LABOR FOR EVERY HOME IN BOWMANVILLE. SEE AND HEAR HER AT THE BOWMAN VILLE SCHOOL 0F GAS COOKING

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