un TEE CANADIAN STATESBAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, APRIL l4th. 1932 PAGZe vui rLOCAL & PERSONAL Mr. Milton Woodger, Port Dover,1 vsted Miss Annie V. Cole, Centre St. on Nonday. Dr. and Mrs. James L. Hughes, Toronto, were in town Tuesday call- lng on Qen. John Hughes. Mrs. Celia Peel. Mr. and Mrs. F. Russell Peel. Misses Yvonne and June, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. Muriel Dunn. Menibers of the local Canadia Legion Brandi will be guests OfMr C. T. Ross at the Royal Theatre on Friday for the showbg of -Tell A Real 2.1, Bowmanville Bakery off end special agý Try a box of Mixt Saturday Special - ( 2 Dozen BOWMANVI C. W. JACOBS , Proprietor Firat Church of Chris announces a free] CHRISTIAr In the REGENT TH by Robert Stanley Boss, C. Member of the Board of Lecti The Frst Charch of Christ, SUNDAY AFTERNO( at 3.15q The Public is Cordial Don't radi ~ Are you g was engi tube is enough to cause irifene and annoing noises. If you su us test ail of them free of char, Muis latest YvIa tesdng equ detects poor or weak tubes ini Moreover, it is the only dcvi, tests tube- under the sanie el, coaditions thal exat inipor w.J kir St. Wet Miss E. E. Hayrait spent Sunday - Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard spent witb ber niece, Mrs. W. F. Briggs, the weekend wtb f riends in Toronto. Myrtle. Mr. and Mis. W. 0. Neiles are on Mis. R. H. Warder spent Sunday a visit to their daughter. Mrs. W. E. with ber sister. Mis. W. E. Soucb, Davies, Detroit, Mi<zh. Oshawa. Bowmanville Wages in Bowman- Employees of the Bell Telephone ville spent make workeî and store- Ca. in Bowmanville joined with em- keep botb more content! plyees of the company at Oshawa, Mr. Bert Jewell, Owen Sound. bas Wbitby and Orono at a dance beld been spending a few days witb bisj in tbe Genosha Hotel at Oshawa on mother, Mis. W. E. Jewel, and Friday nigbt. other relatives. Mr. and Mis. E. P. Bradt and Mr. Jonald Gibson, B. S. A.. f amily. Dr. G. E. Reaman. and Guelph, bas been home f or a few Messrs. P. L. Beckett, G. L. Davldge, days îecuperating a! ter a severe ut- J. C. Cains, J. J. Brown, Oea. E. tack of the fu. Car. and Fred Allin. froi he staff IMis. Wm. Wannamakeî. West o! the Boys' Training Scbool, at- Huntingdan bas returned home tended the funeral on Saturday at afLer a pleasant visit witb ber sis- Cayuga, Ont.. of Mr. Levi Bradt.: ter. Mrs. Win. Irwin. father of Mr. E. P. Bradt. The 12 acre orchard at -Trickey's - ,Corners" nortb of Newcastle, was sold lasi week to a Toronto man, $2,500.Ou being tbe puichase price. Mi. and Mis. S. E. Paisley and f amil , Cooksville, spent tie week- enci wth ber parents. Mr. and Mis. Oea. H. Bickell. Baby Joanna An Sundy afernon b Rev E.F. ,ers your favorite week- mis Nora Werry and Mis. Frank ThomsonKedron. Mis. Leslie ail this week. Snoae, ape Grave, mis Vera Baker, R. N.. Solina, Look in tbe ýed Cakes - 25c. 'C. P.R. excursion ta Monireal over thLe weekencl and visite<± numerous Cr* pt an jo relatives and f riends and reporta rumpts ad Scneswonderf ully fine Lime. f or25c-A f reak a! nature, a chick with for 25c. Lree legs, tbe extra leg having f ive toes was batcbed inithe Mara Lodge Hatcbery at Bowmanvilie an Friday. The chick was a barred rock and the ILLE B KERY batchery will endeavour to raise it. IL E AK RYTom Perey brought it it h BOWMAINVIE ttsa fiefrtesaf Mi. L W. Nelson, proprietor of NeLson*s Store. had anunotai accident on Tuesdas' nig]it whe bs car skidded into thie ditcb between st, cienist OshwaBowmaniville and Oshlawa and- turix- Scietist Oshwaed completely upside down. Mi. public Lecture on Nelsn and Miss EvelygNelo e carwasony sigblydamaged. Cadet Certif icates together with '4 SC IEN CE cmonetaryoawardswere presented to successful signallers ai Bowmanville 1EAT E, O HAWAHigh Scbaol Tbursday by Principal LEATE, O HAWAL. W. Dippeil on bebalf of Depart- -S. B. o! New Yok City, ment o! De! ense. Boys gaining reship o! The Mother Church Lhiu certifîcates and $5.00 awards Scientist. in Boston,Mas were J. Blunt. M. Butler, Harold Calmer. E. Cox, B. Haneyman. C. )N, APRIL 17th, 1932 Oke, O. Plumnmer. H. McLaughlin. $ N. Rebder, J. Roaci, J. Smith, G. o'clock. tTardif., B. Vanstone. L. Wright, H. Wight. Tbree cadets awarded Morse Uy invited to attend. code and Semaphore certif icaies and $2.50 were H. Depew, W. Goode - a and Wm. Ingrani. Some variety was mntroduced into the program. at Trinity Y. P. S. on IMondiay evening wben tbe Wobelos, a C. G. I. T. group, under tbe direc-j tion of Miss Nellie Kirkton, pie- let sented a Korean sketch wbich ex- plained a good many oriental cus- toms, traditions and legends which A V seem novel to us. The acripture les- SK T BES son read by Miss Florence Simpsoin. TU BES and iwo musical numbers. a vocal solo by Mis Marion Pickard witb Miss Helen Argue playingthe ac- pol your companimrent. and a piano solo bY Miss Elsie Aln complcted tic pro- ga.Miss lizaKirkton presided. week-endThe Alce Jackson Mission Band we k e dmeeting o rna!UiedCuc was held on Monday. April 1 lib. [o reception Meeting openeci by singung and prayer by Mis. Ives. Lords prayer ~etn h eetion yurraiowas repeatecd in unison. Scripte gettng te reep lssonwasrcad by Helen Stacey; eered ta fuirish? Just one weak song by six girls; secretary's andI )r erformanice, tn itri1 en a taken by Marion Page; Lspect tube trouble, why not lot Easter worship story by Laura Pur- d.y; sentence prayers by two irs; rge on the story by Margaret Woods; stori Of isi Korean Funcral by Jean McMul- len; 2nd Korean Wdigb rn ube-Teste- Joncs; Watcb Tower by Marion Gibson and Rachel Wright. lpment istantly. ice that lectricàl rradio. Prie Sfef Crriw asrequest. Na *cffl Ba gnell Blowmanville PURPE HILL Mr. and Mrs. James Strong. Miss Esther and Mr. Gordon Strong, at- tended the f uneral of the late Mr. Joe Strong at Prince Albert on Sat- urday .. Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Grah-arn spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Toms A number f rom tbis vicmnity attended a dance ai the home of Mi. and Mrs. Laine Duf on Wednesday. Ail report a good tune. Sunday school services were held as usual at Bethel with a good- ly crowd ini attendance. A duet "In the Garden," sung by Mrs. Fred Toms and Mr. Reginald Boundey was appreciated by ail. CARD OF THLANKS Mr. A. C. Kilpatrick. D. C. M., Croix de Guerre. wishes to tbank the nurses of Bowmanville Hospital for their kindness and great care shown hlm during ls recent illness; also the rnany f riends who so kindiy enquired after bau and for their gift to f fruit and fiowers. anl o! wbich were greatly appreciated. AUCTION SALE Saturda.y, Aprâil 6th-Mrs. 0. A. Gillespie, lberty St., Bowmanville, having rented her praperty. wif seil her household effects and garden equipment by public auction withouti reserve. See bils for list. Scale at 1 P. m. Terms cash. J. A. Noble. auctioneer. Wednesday. April 20h-At 1 p. m. there wlll be sold by public auction, 30 head horses, 15 wagons. 7 sets team harness. nearly new. f arm im- plements. etc. Mr. Richard Glm- blett. 514 Athol St.. Oshawa. Elmer Wilbur. Auctloneer. Violin Clasa Lessons I am affering a course of lessons In clans far beginners on the vialin. Fee $1.50 per month. 1 hour lessan Per week. FRANCIS SUTTON. Mus. fac. F.C.C.O. Etc. Bewmanvil - Phone 42 LAUNDET WANTED AUl kinde of iaundtry work don, prompt- [y. matisfactorlly and at ruasonable pneu. WrIte Poet Offce B«s 12, or eaU Mme W. marjoram. Kifs ftret Man. Bow- amafftle. Pbe.e 47&. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH linier E. F. ARMSTRONG, B. A.. B.DO. Oris FRANCIS SUTTON, Mus. Bac. Sunday, Apnl 7th. il a. m.-A Sprint Message Suubjeet: -The Revival of Song." Solo: Mr . R. Thompson. Anthem. iBicss the Lord O My SauP, ivanof 230 P. m.-Sunday School Classes for afl ages - Good music. 6.45 P. m.--Song Service Brlng your frlend.s to enjoy the oid songs. 7 P. m.-Youth and Religion No. 2: "Are We Victims o! Ber- elty and Environment?" Solo: Miss Ada Allun. Anthem: 'Some Blessed Day.* *.is personality a creature of our en- ,hroament or can a nabler manhood emerge out af the stimulus and chal- lenge of an antagonistic environment which awakens the resistancze of a slum- bering saul?- There la nothing more important in Canada today than the re- ligion of her youth. fTHE CHURCHES St. John's Anglican Church-Rev. C. R. spencer, Rector. Thurd Sun- day a! ter Eaater: ilo1h.Communion il a. m.; sunday scbool and Bible Class 2.30 p. m., Evening Frayer 7 p. m. The ricor will preach. St. Paul*s Un.ited Churci - Rev. A. S. Kerr, M. A.. Minister; H. J. Knigbt, Choir Leader; Mis. C. H. Dudley, Organist. il a. m.-"What God Does"; 2.30 P. m.-SundaY School and Bible Class; 7 P. m.- -Tbings Everyone Ougbt 10 Know". Midweek service TiursdaY ut 8 P. M. A cordial welcome ta ail. MUSIC STUDY CLUB tContinued !rom Page 1) act opera and decided ta m-k Lie trial, the resuit was bis immortal -Cavallena Rust.icana." Hlaving been awarded ie prize bis work was given its premiere ut tie Teatro Cns-tanzi o! Rome in ilff. and be was maae a Cavallier o! Lie Crown o! the King o! Italy. You will not- ice Liat severai compositions o! Liese f amous mcix were rendered f oilowing Liepaper given. Now we come ta the second part o! Lie piogram wiich consisted o! Lie lîfe and woîk o! A. A. Mimne, Wic was introduced in a very bu- morous manner by Mr. H. M . SIap- les. We ail know tiat Mi. Milixe wrItes only cbildrcn's poems and nursery ihymes and Mi. Fraser- Stauson bas written music to ibese tieligbtful poems. and several o! Liese selections wcre sung by Mi. Staples anci Mis. Drummond. A dramatized sketch versed on ibese poemis cntitled -The King's Break- fast' was thorougbly enijoyed by ail. eaci taking part inLie sketch being dressed in a beautiful old f ashioned costume. The piogram, was as follows: Paper-Miss Laverne Orchard; Pia- no solo. -Valse Triste". Sibelius- Miss Hazel Rundle; Vocal solo. -~Black Roses." Sibelius--Mis. A. A. Drummond; Vocal solo (a) -Valse Sang" îMerrY Widow), Lebar. (b) -Ave Maria" (Cavalleria Rusticana). Mascagni-Mis. G. F. Annis; Violin solo i(ai "Souvenir", Drdia. (b> -Slumber Song,'" Didla-Mr. Oscar Jamieson: Life and Work of A. A. Milne-Mr. M. H. Staples; Songs: *,Happiness", -Politeness". "Hop- pity". "Growing Up". "Christenlng", -Buckingham Palace". ..spers - Mis. Rolpi. Mis. Drummond. Mr. Staples; *'Tic King's Breakfast" dramatized: The King. M. H. StaP- les; Tic Qucen. Mia. Drummnond; Tic Dairy Maid. Mis. Rolpi; Tic Aldeiney, Colin Taylor; Tic Court Musiclan. A. A. Drummond. The accompanists were Mis. H. M. S9taP- les. Mrs. C. H. Dudley and Miss L. Osborne. At the conclusion o! ibis splendid entertainment whicb was certainlY enjoyed by ail, Mrs. Bradt and Mis. Binghani. on behail o! thc club. ten- dered a very bearty vote o! thaInka botb to thc conveners of thc pro- grami and those wbo contrlbuted to thc prograni making It such a suc- cess. Meeting closed wliticth Na- tional Antheni. REPAIRS R. PAWSON fOOT AND SHOE REPAIRINO Good workznanshlp and material. Reaaonable-prccs. Silver Strft. owmanvill. 94th Anniversary of ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Bowmanville will be beld on SUNDAY, APRIL 17th. Services at Il a. m. and 7 p. m. Speclal Preacher for the day B"V. PROF. THOS. EAKIN. D. D., Ph.D. Principl Knox Collge Toronto Miss Jessie McDougall, Tornto, contralto, will sing at both services. Public cordially invited. Rey. W. 1. Todd, Minister. Anniversary Supper Will be held in the school room Monday, April 181h. commencmng at 5.30 p. m. Admissiýon 50c. WANTED--Young girl for housework- Cali Phone 54A. Bowmanville. là-il WANTED - Young cockerels, heavy breeds onl.y. Phone "9, Bowmianville. 14-aw BOARDERS WANTED - Room and board for two in private home. Açiply to Mrs. W. B. Tapson, Ontario &Sreet. Bowmanville. Phone 314. 13-tf WANTED - Girl. reliabie and good worker, for general housework and plain cooking, n.p Sunday wark, must Uive ini tawn and sleep out. Address replies ta R- Statesman Office. givîng yaur name. age. and length of service with last em- ployer. also salary expected. 15-2« Articles For Sale WOOD FOR SALE-Hardwaad. eut to szove lengtli. Apply ta FPred Tabb. Ty- rone. Phone 30gr6. 14-tf PIGS FOR SALE-10 Yorkshire white pigs, 6 weeks old. .Apply ta Chas. Snow- den. Mapie Grave. Phone 203r'-. 15-1' FOR SALE-Duel, eggs, White Pekin. 11.00 per setting. F. Bevan, Ontario and Nelson Sts.. Bawmanvîllk. Phone 741. 15-2w STOVE FOR SALE--Souveiiur Range, in first clas condition. Âppiy ta I_ B. Taffon, Ontario Street. Bownianville. Phone 353. 14-tf BULL FOR SALE - One pure bred Ayrshire bull cs.if. 9 mantha aid. reason- ably priced. Zoralea Stock Fartn, Ty- rafle. Phone 32Qrl3. 14-3w COW FOR SALE-Jersey ow. 4 years aid, due April 28, 1932. APPly ta Lloyd Richards, Manvers Raad- Phone 160r23. 15-1' FOR SALE-Black Percheron fillies, à and 6 years aId. well matched. Lot 18. Con. 1. Clarke Township. J. J. Bask- erville. R. R. 3, Newcastle. 13-3- FOR SALE OR RENT - Four rooms and bath, good garden and garage, an Queen St.. Bowvmanvilie; Possession MaY Ist. Phonie 438. B. Furber. 1l-tf HOLSTEINS FOR SALE- Accredlted Hloisteins for sale. springlng caws and some heifers. good testers. A. A. Gib- son. Lot 1'6, Con. 3, Ctarke. Orono P. 0. Phone 4r6. 14-tf HATCHINCO EGGS FOR SALE-Par. saite Strain, Barred Rocks, reglstered R. 0. P. bioad testcd. wonderful layera; SO)c Per setting. M.rs. Frank Gilbert. (Enficd) R. R. _'. Burketon. Phone lý9r32. 14-2w .FOR SALE - Prize winning White Bo0sam 1931 Sweet Claver Seed. also No. i Ttmathy and Alfalfa. Seed price low. Seed deliv ered. Bags free. W. J. Leask. Taunton. Phone 163r13 Oshawa. 15-3' MORSES FOR SALE - 1 Percheron horse, rising 5 years aid. perfectly sound and wel braken: 1 Clyde fily, rising 3 years aId; 1 Cliyde mare. 13 years aId. At right prîces. Phane 3765r11. A. E. Billett. Hamptan. 14-?' STRAWBERRY PLANTS - Vigorous. strang. weli rott-ed plants. Extra Eariy Improv ,d. Senatar Dunlap, Brandywlne. large and truc ta taste, Il per 100. $6.50 per 1000: i.elioggs Premier, speaks for itselt. Il per 100,.$7. per 1000. Rasp- berries. Cuthbert. for home or shlpping, 23 per 19,0. A. Laird, Maple Grave. R. R. 3. Bowwianville. Phone 4-.6r2l. 15-3w. For Sale or To Rent FOR SALE OR RENT-House and lot and f h-e acres af land, good barn and drive shed; fIt ty acres land extra If tiesired. Âppiy ta Wm. Cowling. Hamp- tan. Ont. 13-3' To Let ROOMS TO RENT-0n south sîde of King St. East. Mrs. Bert Andrus. Phone 125. 13-tf Real Estate For Sale HOUSE FOR SAL.E-New brick resi- donce. 6 roonm hardwood Sacors In ev- ery raam. Âplply or write W. W. Mars- den. Wellington St. BOWTMaViUe. Phone 311. S-ti BIRTHS OOWNEV-In Oshawa Hospital, April 111h. l*j32. ta Mr. and Mra. Geo. S. Downey, a son. DEATHS RICHARDS-in Millbrook. Aprîl 6th, lý1 ,2 Charles Waîton Richards. beloved husî.and cf Martha Mutas, aged 6>j years. BAIN - In Bowmaiv:11l, a n Monday, April llt.n, 19U, Mtnnîe. wtdaw oi the late Robert J. Bain. in ber 62nd year. GREENAWAY - At Part Hope, on Wedntsday, March 3uth. 1932, William Ureenaway. beioved husband afi Louise Curuis. aged ià years. BRANIGAN-In Bawmanvilie an Mon- day, April llth. 1932, Darleen Rosa, in- fant daughter cf Mr. and Mra. Cliffard T. Branîgan. aged 8 months. HALLETT-At Private Patients' Pa- viiion. Toronto General Hosptal. Thurs- day, April ît.h. Catherine (Cssîe ) IRai- Iett. late of Orono. Interinent Orana Cemetery. BRADT-On Wednesday, April 6. 1932, at bis home. York, Ont.. Levi Bradt. be- lai cd husband of Mary Peart, and father af Augustine, Virgî. Ont.; Emmersan P., Bawman'.îlle, and Elgin S., York, Aged 82 years-. SMITH-L.n Whitby township, on Sat- urday, Aprîl SUî. 1932, Elizabeth EN-ans, wîdaw of the late Alexander Smith, ag- ed -î1 yeara. interment Union Cern- etery. Oshawa. Sister of Mrm. John XcLaugblin, Bowmanvîlle. IN MEMOR1AM CORV-In ever loving memory ai Wil- liam James Cary, beiaved husband of Maude Cary. who paed ta rest at Osh- awa at Bastertide of 1927 an Aprîl î4th. 1 lost my dear companian. A life linked with my own. And day by day 1 miss you more As i walk througb lufe alane. As I loved yau, so 1 miss you. In my memary you are dear. Lýoved. remembered. ionged for aiways. Brlnging many a slent tear. But I hope ta meet yau. husband, Wben the spart faifle la gone. Sadly missed by his ever lovîng wife. KING-In loving memary of Pte XA. F King, No. 745409, 2nd Batt. C. E. F.. formeriy of ii6th Batt., kilIed in action at Vimy Ridge, April 12th. 1917, age Il years, ! months. Your last faint whlsper we sbauid like ta have heard. To breathe in yaur ear juat one loNing word: Oniy those wbo have suffered are able ta tel The pain of the beart in flot saying farewelI. We do n& farget him. we love hîm ton dearly. For bis memory ta fade tram aur lives like a dream. Our lips need Mct speak. when aur bearts niaurn sincereiy. For grief often dwells wbere it seidom is seen. Some day, same turne, aur eye shail see That dear face held in memory. God wilI link the broken chain Closer wben we meet again. May the winds of heaven blow gently. O er that aweet and sacred spot. Though sleeping in a far off land. Dear Frank you are not fargot. Fondiy remembered by Mother. Father. Sistera and Brathers Lost or Found PIC STRAYED-On ta Lot 32, Con- cession 2, Darlingtan. anc pis. Owner may have saine by pravung property and paying expCiisee. Anson Phaîr, Court- ice. 14-3' Wanted Next to tic engine your brakes are the Most i=Portant part o! your car. The law demanda your brakes MUffr be in f irst class condition. Are they? Dring them In and we'Il test them free of charge. Brake Lining -- 113 OFF For iwo weeks only we are .redncing price of brake b1ing~ Al quality, one-third off fiat rate price on labor andi li- ing for ail makes o! cars. We guarantee to Put YOezx brakes in proper runnmng order. A large purchase ut a special price enables us to make tbis aaving to aur cue- tomeis. 24-BOUR SERVICE - DdIng ye ar tu at ulght. 119 willbe remly fe Y«ulla themoulut. West End Garage B. D. Clmen% Managr Pbom 188 D.w M ew T. B. Gilchrist 0»"" "" of 1 Mmhmi THE ORIGINAL REXALL 1CENT SALE Starts Thursday and continues Friday - Saturday What is a One Cent Sale? It is a sale where you buy an item at the reguhr price and you get another item of the sanie kmd for one cent. Here are a few samples of the more than a hun- dred items ineluded in this sale: 25e Bottie A. B. S. & C. Tablets. . .2 for 26c 50e Tube Mi 31 Dental Paste..2 for Sic 50e Jar Jonteel Cream. .......... 2 for Sic 35e Tube Rexail Shaving Cra... 2 for 36c 50e Bottie Rexail Milk of Magnesia, 2 for 51c 25e Rexall Orderlies........... 2 for 26c $1.00 Puretest Cod Liver il, 16oz 2 for $1.01 15e Tin Puretest Epsom Salts..2 for 16c JULTRY & ]LOVIELL WHEN IN NEE O0F ORUGS QUICKLV. PHONE 78 1BRAKES TESTED FEREE III 'x ________ -, -,ý -A 1 L\44m