THE CANADIAN 8TrATESIUN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 21st, 1932PAEF IL Spring Time is Baby Carrnage Timne We carry a good assortment of different makes of Carniages in the latest styles and fin- ishes. Also a complete line of Strollers and Go- Carts, and our prices are very reasonable. - n n r- n - - .~ - ~ - If you want something different and it is made, we can supply you. See our une of Children's Cribs and Bas- sinettes and ask our prices. F. F. MORRIS CO. Furniture and House Furnishings Phone 10 Bowmanville reduced YOU CAN NOW BUY RD R ]oSE TEA Red Label NOW Oid Price 25c&Ib. 30Oc NOW Oid Prie Orange Pekoe 38c l bo.43 You now pay oniy a littie more for REi'&OSE than for cheap bulk teas. We refund thse groce the drap ln price WE BEAR THE LOSS. School of Gas jCooking Was A Big Succei Council Room Was Packi to Capacity When Mr F lorence Gray Gave Fin Dçmnonstration to Enthu, iastic Audience. Bomanville*s f irst cooking schcx sponsoreci by the Ontario Shore Q Co. and local gas stove dealers, hé in the council room on Thursday a ternoon was an unprecedented sui cess. An hour bel ore te school wi scheduled 10 commence, housewii were steadily arriving and when tI scitool openeci with the introductic of Mms. Florence Gray, internatior 'ally known home economic demor strator. close to one hundrec an fi! ty women were packed into ti council room. Maxiy women wet standing tituougitout Uic two hour duration of the demonstration. Mrs. Gray is an intensely intel esting demonStrator and mixigi with hier valuable remai-ks mucl oz iginal hunior. Her audience wa complceiy captivateci by her plesç ing manner and followed her close lY, with pendils scratching busily ev ci-y lime she outlixiec one o! Ici- r cipes. One o! the demonst-ator's sound est pieces of Philosophy concerne buYing in the home towxi. She ha o! ten heard il sa-id that people i smal towns thought they could bil so mucli cheaper li Uic big citie but she discouxited titis as a f aill: andi a product o! the imaginatio:l It is impossible, site stateci, 10 bî from tle city merhant with til luge overhead as chcaply as a loca merchant whose overheaci was ne comparable te lis city competitor In addition one did nfot have thi same satisfaction site acideci. Mr-Gray's ai ternoon was taker IuP mainly mn Uic cookixig 0f tw( dinners. one mcat andi one fis] iwhile Uic also made a beauti.fti cake. icig axid everything complete in a remai-kably short lime. The dinner was composeci o! a ham loaf aPricot Pie. baked apples. spanisj coi-n andi cabbage, while Uic othel , as a f 151 dinner of broileci white. fish wth tomatoes. At Uic close o! tle demconstratioi a draw for the priZes, donatec bý thc local dealers. was made, lt winners being: Double bolier, Mim May Clar-ke; tea kettle, Mmn. Aiex Taylor; cofie percolabor. Mms. F. C, Pethick; saucepan. NMiss Marion SRoach. Mms. H. j. Babcock was 1he winner- O! Uic meat dinner, andi Mrs tNorman Allin Uic f ish inr Mr-Gray was particulai-ly pleas_ i cth ladies who attended her was one o! Uic Most enthusiastic shi haci spoken before. The sponsoring merdhants, Mason &Dale, Dustan's Hardware, Rice & CO-, and W. Len Ellotb. were als< plcased with Uic results ai thie school. One merhant bold of se]]. ing a gas stove and having three other Prospects iMmediately follow- ng Uic gas scitool. The efcacY anc tloroughness iadvertising iThe Statesman was agai provex inh the large turnout to this school as no other meaxis were used to advertise this event. In an endeavour tb give tle sponsoring dealers every co-op- eralion The Statesman went to, Press one day early last week with tle resui that Uic final axinounce- ment concerning Uic gas schcol was in Uic hancis o! those who would be interesbe<j the day previous to the school. MRS. GRAY'S RECIPES Below we Publish a few ai Uic re- cipes usec by Mm-s Florence Gray at the Ontario Shore Gas Co. Cooking School iite Coundil Boom on Thumsday: "am LMt 1l2 Pounds o! fresit lam, grounci: li2Pound o! cured lam grounid.,1 cup of bread ci-umbs, 2 cggs. citop- ped stuffed olives andi pimento. Put titis mixture nto a bakixig dish and have ready to pour over the top o! it before placing in Uic oven: !2 cup brown sugar, mustard for flavoi-ing, and enough vinegar to disolve Uic sugar. 2 Brown Bread 2cups ail bran, 2 cups white flouxr. 2 teaspoons baking powder, 12 cup sugar, 2 cups sour mik, 'ý cup raisins, 1 teaspoon sait. 1 egg or 2 egg Yolks. Baie slowly i a deep pan and slice for serving. Here ai-e îwo more recipes ltat Mms. Gray had hoped 10 use but thi-ougi lack o! lime was unable 10 Icae n tne pan whille- ti»lo ht. Leave li pan tIl ]readY ta serve. Douglas, Egyptian Liniment la witout a rival. Stops bleedlng li- stantiy. Cauterizes wounds and prevents blooci Polsoning. IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY STOP AND TKJINK MARKS FU'NERAL RITES FOR GENERAL HUGHES Health is a precious possession, but it is one which most people do (Continued from page 1) 1not appreciate until they are thi-cat- ened wît.h its loss. We selclom con- Mrs. Adolph Henry. Orono; and sîder just how much good health tluree sons, Edgar and Freclerick of means ro us. We rallier take good ýS Los Angeles. Calilornia. and Sidney health for granted, andi seldom of Dundas. Ont.; three -sisters. Mms. maie any real effort to improve il (Dr.) McAlpine. Lindsay, Mn-. Ja., or to keep it until we are faced wth ed Beacock. Myrtle Station. and Mrs. losngit. James McDonald. Wirnnipeg. Man.; yS. and two brothers. Dr. James L. It is flot desirable to spend ail oui- Hughes. former Chief Insxector of uie Uufkiiig about health. We ne Public Schools for the City of Tor- know what a nuisance the health onto. and General Willam St. Pierre crank is. and how irritating is the la- Hughes of Ottawa, for-mer Inspector person who always wants to tell us General of Pententiaries. General about his pains and aches. It is, Garnet Hughes of Toronto is a however, equally f oolish to ignore nephew. His wif e. Elizabeth Fer- ,health entirely, and to disregard 0o1, guson. predeceased him. also theesYmptoms of abniormal conditions of 32 sisters. Mrs. William Scot,. Toronto. the body. 5&d rs. Robert Jobb. Blackstock. and What we should strive for >5 the f - Mrs. Adami Preston. Winnipeg, Mani.. haPPY medium which avoids ex- uc- and one brother, Sir Samn Hughes. tremes. Health should receive a Va The funeral was held from the reasonable amounit of attention and Ves General's late residence, Wellington consideration. Without becomixig te Street. on Saturday a! ternoon and f ood faddists. it is well for us to inwas cenducted by the Rev. A. S. put imbt practice certain priciples n-~ Kerr, M. A., pastor of St. Paul' S Un- with regard to what we eat. 'n ited Church. assisted by Rev. cjeo. We are practically uinaware of oui- .nd Mason. Tbroughout the entire body fuxictions as long as they go Lhe morning f riencis andi acquantances on normally. We shoulci realize, er mncluding many high military offc- therefore. that when discomfort is Ln' ials flled past the body and when felt or where there are signs of un- the funeral comnienced at two usual occurrences. while there is no r- o'clock the house was f iled to ca- neec f or alarm, stiU il is f oollsh to le pacity. The service at the home disi-egard theni. The body bas con- r- was brief but very iinpressive, the siderable reserve strength andi abil- ra ofrciating mninister paying a splen-1 lty 10 8.43t1t itself 10 cbanging con- 'S- dici tribute 10, the l11e o! the late ditions, but it is a mistake to cal 5e- Gnrlithe interests of ls ou-upon reserves unless titis is necess- IV- ry.ary. It is mucli better to help 7e- At 2.30 p. m. the cortege left for titan exhaust nature. d-Orono. A procession of about half It 15 5ui-piisin.g how maxiy people eda mile f ollowed the cortege for the will go on, day after day, ignormng asburial. On the outskirts of Orono conditions which clearly indicate inthe personnel of the local units of th2.t there is something wrong, that UYthe Durham Regxxnent were drawn nature require assistancoe. 4Ptrsist- esUp under the command of Col. p. H. exil coughs are overlookeci, progres-I cyJobb of -Oshawa, O. C. of the P.egi-. sive 105S Of Weight is flot gaven at- ý.ment. Led by the Regimental Bandi tention, unusual fatigue is flot in- the procession wended its solemn vetgtd afld thus it is that maxiy wIY ay through the main street f thicas~8es fist presexit themselves to, ai village to the cemetery. The casket their doctor with a well advanced otwas borne by eiglit soldiers, and re- tuber-(ulOsis. Mx latives of high mlitary raik acted There is always some cause for âe a hooray pll bares. he c- wat s clle indgesion ifthis tive pall bearers were C. W. Jacobs. Perists or recurs, il means that mA. C. Fewster, P. Marin, J. Goodail, whatever condition is respoxisible voT. Bennett, J. Kennedy, J. Johinson continues to be present. Lumps do hand T. A. Venxiing. Honorary pall ot occur li the normal femnale ul bearers were General Gai-net breast; unusual discitarges do not el Hughes, nephew, General William come f rom Uic normal body; ordin- ie St Pierre. brother. Brig. Gen. G. H. ai-y sores heal anid do flot break Le. Anderson, G.O.C.. Militai-y District down again. ;hNo. 3. Col. Wallace Scott, Toronto. It 's because such happenings as rncphew. Col. McAlpine. Toronto, these do flot receive prompt atteni- inephew, anid Col. P. H. Jobb of Osh- tion that cancer is allowed to de- awa, nephew. velop beyond lte stage at which il nThe militai-y service in Orono was can be cured. While they arceflot )y conducted by thc padre of thc Dur- always ssgxis of cancer, sîUilUic pat- eham Regiment. Major Rev. C. R. ient cannot tell whether they are ieSpencer, M. A.. of St. John's Church. or flot. Teei nyoesl a Bowmanville. while Rev. A. S. Kerr 10 act. andiltat is 10 fixic out from *and Rev. Oco. Mason conducted the thc doctor, in every case. witab la the public service. and R. R. Waddell tru uea iecniin. conducted the Orangemen's Ritual. Reasonable attention is requi-eci Le Bruce Berriy, solo cornetist of the if heaith is 10 be prýesei-ved. If Canadian Legion Bandi of Bowman- treatment is 10 be secured when il -Ville, playeci the last post, andi the can do Uic most good. attention f iring squad f ireci thi-ce volleys ms egvx 1 n in rsymp above the grave as Uic final tribute toms of abnormal conditions. b t one of Caxiada's foremost war- Questions concei-nirig Hfealtit. ad- l ime generals. General Hughes was dzesseci 10 Uic Canadian Medical nburieci beside thc remains of lis Association. 184 College Street, To- lewife who predeceased him about 12 ronto. wlfl be axiswered pei-soxially 0years ago. by letter. A wonderful wealth o! floral tri- .e butes f rom relatives. fiiends and -neighoors expresseci the sympathy eand respect for one whose whole - lie haci been spent in titis district. ci Among those present, represent- eing various militai-y units and or- eganizabions were: Col. J. W. Ander- 0son. 0.0. C. Militai-y District No. 3; eCol. L. T. McLaugii D. S. 0.: Col. eE. E. Snider. Port Hope; Col. R. J. tGll of Brockviile, 0. C. 9th Infan- t-y Brigade; Lb. Col. Stewart; Col. F . D. Boggs of Cobourg; Col. P. H. JJobb. O. C. Durham Regiment; Col. s Floyd and Col. J. W. O'dell, Co-Hcr.Ooo i. n r.S .F o r Qi Among tle relatives and friencis present were: Mi-. and Mrs. Adolph Hughes, Margaret. Jack, George, For quick weel graxidchildren, Dunidas; two sons. Edigar and Fred.i California, were very special dresses a unable 10 be pi-esent); two brothers, Dr. Jas. L. and Mi-s. Hughes, Toi-- youil ppo.untyof g onto. and Gen. W. S. Hughes, Ot- orotrh tawa; one sister. Mi-s. J. E. Bea- i tefcoycs. B cock, Myrtie Station, Mrs. D.C.tefcoy os B General Gai-net Hughes, Mrs. Byr-on Green. Coi. C. D. H. and Mrs. Mc- Alpine and son Bnci, Col. R. J. Stew-2Drsei art and son Victor, Bey. S. Pickup,2Dess Mi-. and Mms. Har-vcy Rose, Col.W. A. Scott. Mi-. Jack Scott. Mi-. and 4 Dressesi Mms. Geo. Houston. Mi-. and Mms. Chas. Ferguson. Mis Maud Fei-gu-, son. Toronto; Major Laughlin 4Dese Hughes, Kinigston; Mi-. and Ms.FP.I W. Fligg, Reeve W. F. Rickard. Dor-Drss& othy, E'velyn. John and Jean. New-2Dess castie; Mr-. and Mms. G. Davidson., Mi.î L . P.McLaughlixi Mi-. Luther Argal and family, J. W. Bosberry CD<o kxd Miss Nash. Col. and Mms. P. H.j Joib., Arnold and Jean. Oshawa; 'Mr. and Mms. B. P. McAlpine and N W SR Robt.. Mayor Alcoi-n. Thos. Stinson. E SR M. P.. W. Wesqley S*QtapiEs.M.P. P. ! r : î ~ ~ hone 104 --u n Wbv Lc They IDc Etb Why do go many capable and experienced housewives punni sh themselves so mercilessly with the. eternal scrubbing of floors? It is so simple to refinish tbem wvhh Quick DugRyqFoor Enarnd or, if bardwood, varnish them vith Quick Dryiing Varnisl It is so easy, then, to keep them shining with a minimpum of effort. Why not relieve your back-esave hours of drudgery-save yourself the. fatigue and add to the cheer and comfort of the home by Painting your Floors and Woodwork nov. You can apply Love Brothers Paint to-night aftei, supper and use the floor i the morning. Hov simple! How economical! Row convenient! if One Pin! of Lowe Broher, Pairs! 'f wlgoas for,* as One Quart ofI Cheap and Inferior Point. . . . Sec Us Bef re Paint ing. _ HARDWARE E -i uleR eIIin ak-end selling we have selected one dozen and reduced them fan below cost. Here is yetting your new Spring Dress at less than early if you want one or you will be dIs- were $15.75 - On Sale $ 9.98 were $1&.95 - On Sale $12.50 were $21.50 - On Sale $14-95 were $24.50 - On Sale $19.95 ING PRINTS - 19c Yard Up. )ÂÏS at $14,50 ethe weIl dressed young man has been able to price. Lt is flot a specially made coat for the d materi and correct eut, guits, 2 Pr. Pants $16,50 that wll please those with a depleted pocket- ity cloth with the much needed extra pair of le eut is perfect, and we guarantee you sati&. Feit Hats $2.95 up nston & Crydermnan LIMTEDKing Set BownineL Look at Your Coal Bmn TODAYI Don't wait until the coal pile gets down to the last few shovelfuls before you think of replenishing your supply. Caîl us today for enough to last out the winter. Better yet, follow the plan of inany householders and let us keep your coal bin filled year in and year out withi LEHIGH VALLEY ANTH RACITE 7U. Coal 776d SafisPae We guarantee quality coal at the Iowest prices. J.A. HOLGATE & SON DUULDE"S UWIES O"?u0N 58WXANVEKLE