With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. 78 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 28th, 1932 No. 17 Civic «aint Upm. Clean Up» Weec May 2nd to 7th Former Bowmanville Man Elected President oF Toronto Rotary Club, Melven J. Hutchinson, For- mer Statesman Corres- pondent for Newcastle, and Now Prommnent Tor- onto Journahist, Honored By Largest Club in the British Empire. Mr. Melven J. Hiutchinson. veil knovn Dunhani County Boy, and General Advertising Directar of Uic Hugli C. MacLean Publications Llm- iteti af Toronto, vas electeti Presi- dent af Toronto Rotary Club. ban- ner club ai Canada anti the iaxgest Rotaxy Club in thc Britishi Empire, aI thc election af officers an Friday. "Mcl" is a Journalist vbo bas matie an outstanding success and The Statesman is proud ta have) given hlm bhis start on bis journal- istic cancer, for many yeans ago lie vas Uic Nevcastle correspondent af The Statesman. Today. Uic position be liolds villi Uic Hugli C. hMacLean Publications 15 anc 0f importance and trust. Besities seven trade and technical publications leie 1 alsoadat- vertising directar oi Canadian Pov- er Boating and the Canatiisn Maga- zine. A position thal nequires great capabilities but vhicb la ably banti- led by Mcl wliose dulies were largely increaseti about a year ega vlihUic addition o! Uic lasItva onanietipub- lications ta bis already beavy 115. Thc placing of so many publications under bis guidance is a mark af confidence by the directars in bis ability. If you vere ta ask Mcl. wliere bis inspiration came f rom lie vould1 daubtless pass Uic saine remark as lic madie in Toc Statesman office1 last year vhen lie saiti, "I shah nev-1 ci' Uink alliervise that whatever pragress I have made in my cliosen fildid due in large measune ta Uic inspiration vhich came ta me as quite a young man, f rom my con- tact wlihEditar M. A. James anti1 vork I diti gatbering newa tor Toc Statesman tram Newcastle!'" à&. Hutchinena ts intl fl Urnej can"'.cton villi Uic publlshlng bus-e MHLY HONORED M. J. Hutchinson Advertising Director of the Hugh C. McLean Publications of Toronto. and a former Bowmanville boy, who was last week eiected President of Toronto Rotary Club. Toronto hav- lng the largest Rotary Club in the ,British Empire. this is considered a signal honor. Mci. was at one Urne a correspondent ta The Statesman. in fact that was bis first journalis- tic experience, writing the news of Newcastle and vcnity. iness was wlth the Peterboro Ex- aminer where he spent three years as City Editor. On leaving the Ex- am-iner be went with the MacLean Publishing Co.. as Editor of the Dry Goods Revicw and later as manager of the same paper. Pirom there he Journcyed to Regina as advertismng Mr. Orea. McTaggart of Toronto. bau rented Mrs. G.0 . & Gliesie's home and garden on Lberty Street. We weicame Mr. and Mrs. McTag- gart ta town and hope they wlU soon feel at home among us. Valuable Prizes WiII 6e Given Away In Clean Up - Paint Up Letter Contest OLIVER ROBERTS HONORED AT QUESTION MEETING Prcsented With Set af Dinnerware By Horticuitural Society an Monday An interestmng. thaugh sparselY attendeti, meeting o! the Horticuit- unal Society vas hlct in the Coundil rooni on Monday niglitvhen Presi- dent T. A. Dustan presideti. A hap- py fcalure of Uic meeting was Uic presentation ai a set of dinnervare ta Mn. Oliver Roberts as a mark of appreciation o! bis bavmng persan- alIy canvassed and obtaineti 120 members iniUic socicty. Mn. Dus- tan explainedt Iat Mr. Roberts bati donc Ibis work vluntaniiy in Uic interests of Uic socicty and that on behali af the society il vas a great pleasure to make the presentatian as a guifi nom tlie socicty. Mn. Bob- crts briefly repiedt UinithUi president for bis kinti rcrarks and Uic society for ils Uiaugblfulness. AI Uic opcning of Uic meeting President Dustan bnlet]y revieveti Uic vork ai Uic socicty since Ilie be- glnning ai Uic year. He expresseti satisfaction aI the largcly increased membership vblch nov ttals 150. MalIens for consideralion suggesteti by Mn. Dustan vere the Clean-Up- Paint-Up Week, tnec plantlng an streets. and Uicetievelopment ai Uic society's plat at Uic eastern entrance ta Uic tavn. A cammittee appoixteti aI a prev- ious meeting ta bring in a repart oi tovn planllng vas nal rcady ta pre- sent ils report and ti l as decideti ta take Uic malter up aI Uic next executive meeting. Toc devlap- ment af sîreet troc planting vas discusset. Thene vas a feeling among sanie af Uic speakers Ibat shouiti any vork be donc by Uic soclety along Ibis Une Uic> vouit be responaible fan its future cane. Il vas cventually tecidet that Messn. C. A. Cavken, Chas, Bagndl anti W. E. Graves interviev Uic Mayor anti Cauncil ta discusUic entire malter ai street plantixg. Question penloti featuredtheUicbal- ance ai Uic meeting. A number of questions coverlng sucli subjects as prunlng, aveet pea culture, asters, 01mdolus, etc., vere askcd anti ans- 4*ncti by varions membens af the audience, Despite Uiemaii aI- tendance Uic meeting vas a great auccesa anti a hope vas expresset that tunther meetings af this nature, vhere common knowledge couit be pooleti fan Uic vhole membcrship of Uic saciety, vout be helt inixtUi nean future. IWrite a Letter on "Why Paint Up and Clean Up" Before Saturday Next - Classes for Children and Aduits - Business Men j Supply rzs As a further means ai encaurag- ing the Ciean-Up - Paint-Up ides the Business Men's Association have decidedti t run a campetition for1 Young people andi for adulis. Toe campetition vii consist ai writmng a letter of not mare than 150 yards o n the subject *.'Wfly Clcan-up anti Paint-up?" There will lic tva classes anti three prises are offereti in eacli class.1 Fer thc Childreu xI the firal classalal chiltiren 15 years ai age anti under are eligible to enter. Tocir entries must bel vritten an anc sitie ai Uic paper, nOL more than 150 yards in lengtli anti must bave on Uic top af the paper the name, acldress. age anti class ai the entrant. Prises in Ibis class, vbich are belng tionateti by Uic Business Mens Association. vii be: lst-$2.00; 2nti-$l.50; anti 3rti -51.00. These prises viii be cash ant il iibe avardedto tahle contest- ants vbase enîries comply vill ail rules govcrnlng Uiecocntest anti vba describe in Ithe best vay the reasans vhY clcanlng up anti painting up are beneficial flot only la the home. the people, andtihUi communlty but ta the heallh o! Uic nation. We voulti atvise contestants enterlng in Ibis compelîlion ta reati vcry cane- f ully the edtials on Ibis subjeel in Ibis issue af The Statesman. For the Adulte lI the aduit class anyone aven 15 yeans may enter. Toey vili be ne- quiredt t write a lelter ai not aven 250 varda on the same subject anti the saine rules must apply, exccpt Ibat only Uic naine antiatidress neeti appear an Uic letter. Toc prises li Ibis section, also tionated by the Business Men's Association, viii consist af a coupon ion: is- $5.00; 2nd--3.00; anti 3rd-8$2.00; gooti ton thal amaunt af menchan- dise in anY -atone vbicb holtis mcm- bershlp in the Business Menas As- sociation. ITocAssociation bave been verY generaus in their affcring af the Prime anti thene shouilt be many entries. otier Ral1n AH entries mtt be lef t r 'ad- ircasedti ta"Tocedlkitor, dean Up Cantst, Toc Statesmian Office, IBoy- nianvhhle." anti must be i that office1 flot laten than Saturday niglit. May 7th. Toc Judges'.ticclalons In bath sec- tions shaU be canalicereti as final. Toc Judgess viibe Uic Clean-Up ITIN CAN MATINEE AT ROYAL THEATRE SATURDAY MORNING Children To De Admltted te Theatre Wlth 25 Tin Caus on a Strlag - Wm DBe Grand Opelng t. Cima-Up Campaiga manager c. T. Ross of the Boyal Theatre wili tire thbe f irst gun in the Big Clean-up-Palnt-Up Cam- palgn on Saturday af this week, Ap- ni 30th. whcn he will hold anc ai bis popular Tin Can Matinces at 10.30 a. mn. For this occasion Mr. Ross bas secured a very speciai pro- gram with a westérn picture as the feature wlth a goad supporting pro- gram entlrelY different f rom bis regular show.. Details In connection with the matince should be read very care- t ully by an chilizen. Any boy or girl will be admitted ta the show at 10.30 a. m. who brings flot lus than 25 Uin cans on a string. That wii be thc only ticket of admission ac- cepted. Aithough the program wil be of exceptianal merit there wlh be no admission for cash. To make the event even mare mernorable Mr. Boss bas kindly do- nated prises ta the two boys and the two girls who bring the most cans ta the show. Ini each clasm first prise will be 10 tickets ta Uic show. and second prise wil be seven tickets ta thc show. Every child la urged to gather anl tbe cans tbey are able ta find and brlng them ta thc Theatre. Do flot just get enougb ta pay your adis- sion but trY and win anc of the val- uabie prises. Many children will remember oUi- cr Mni Can Matinces held by Mr. Bos wbich proved ta be a buge success. Hundreds of old caris were collected and aiter the show carricd away ta Uic dump. tbereby doing a very valuabie picce of work in con- nection with the Ciean-Up-paintý.. Up Campalgn. BODY 0F CHILD FOUND IN CREEK NEAR HAMPTON Decompasmi Usdy @jThrSe Mem 014 <WW F.ud by' Goup of Bons - lN. Cl et Idetilesa.n A number af Hampton lads walk- ing aiong the creek Just south of the mil Pond on Sunday discovered the dcampased remains 0f what Is tliought ta be a Uiree montbs aid maie chiid. floating down thc creek. The littie body was only partly cav- ered by a few shrcds of ciotblng Unit remained unrotted, and it is the belie! of Dr. V. H. Starey, Cor- oner, that thc body bas been i the water severai montbs. Provincial Constable W. E. Smnith ai Bawman- ville was natif led and Uic remains brougbî bere where Dr. Storey made an ex-amination and ordered an in- quest. Sa badly decarnposcd was Uic badY that it was impassible ta ld- entiy the body li any way. NaUi-' ing on Uic remains ai thc clothlng could give Uic police any dlue ta Uic mystery. Dr. Starey also stated that it was impassible at this time ta sr.ate what Uie cause of death was and no Marks could be seen an Uic body. It is believcd that the remains bave floated down the creek for sanie distance. Constable Smith. who is invcstigating, was unable ta thraw any light on thc affair early tbis weck but an lnquest inta Uice death of Uic unknown cbild wil bel tield li Uic Cawicil Boom on Thurs- day nlght. FIEE AT BRLCKYAIED A f ire causing several hundred dollars damage broke aut at the Booth Brickyard. east ai Creain of Barlcy Mills. an Thursday lgt wbcn Uic brick drying sheds were de-stroyed. Thc tire is belleved ta have ariginated in a grass f ire. The brigade was calicd ta Uic scenc sbortly aiter six o'clock and bad ta fraw water f rom Uic creek for the îase. no hycirants bel.ng avallabie. The brigade vas an Uic job nearly bhree bours; protectlng Uie large brick-making shed and athcr pro- perty. An unfartunate accident ac- curred in connection with Uic f ire viien base was belng uniaaded f ro lie truck. Mr. Lucius Haaper, de- Puty tire chief, vas bit by a base couPllng wbich broke bis icg. He was taken to bis home where lie was later X-rayed reveaing a bad fracture- Il is understod Uiat sanie of Uic buildings whlch were destroy- ed in the ftire vere lnsured. Business Meni to .Sponsor Campaugn To Clean Up Town jEndeavour Will Be Made to Citizens ta> Clean Up f Yards, LawDs, Gardens, t and to Paint Homes and Outbuildings During the Cleau-Up-Paint-UJp Week May 2nd la Mar 7Ui is Clean-Up Paint-Up Week in Bowmanvilc and Uic Business Men's Association, who rarc sponsoring the campalgn, ta- gether villi the Board af HeaIUi. urge upon citisens as their duty ta dlean andi paint up their premises during this week. The Bayai Thc- atre is co-aperatlng by holding again that VeryPoçular dlean up stunt'"l'in Can Matlnee,"and every on Saturday mornig ncxt, April 30, vii receive a ires admission ta Uic theatre for Uic matince In another colun i an an- nouncement concernlng a Clean-Up contest which te bclng sponsoreti by Uic Business Men'a Association and tbis shouiti be the means afini- creasing and creating an appropriate feeling throughout Uic week. lI this issue of The Statesman vili be founti severai ativetisements offer- ing valuable suggestions, andi ways and means af savlng money in the clean Up campaiMa As an aid tasmme Who may flot realise Just what cames under the caption ai dlean-Up and Paint-Up we make a fev suggestions that Iwould be varth faflovlng. Wortlwiwllc start couid be madie byc Mnn up the front Yard or lawn, tatpart af yaur property which gives the impression ai Uic persan residing there. Then the back Yard may be treated in Uic smc manner andi given a vcry thon- ough dlean Up. Have ashes remaov- cd. Paint garden feuces, treflis vork, garages and homes. This viii have the cfect of brlghtening Up Uic vhoie property. lui cleanlng Up the front aofUihe CM '72nlght be vdil ta rakre aven and cIc nUp Uic boule- vard. Even If that la on town pro- perty a dlnty boulevard vili spoil the effeet aof our personai cdean Up campaign. It miglit also be vise ta plant a litle grass seeti on bare spots on Four lavn. add a nev vine somevlienc vhere its effeet viii beautiiy youn surroundings. and Plant a f ew floyers ta give color andi attractivcncss ta Four home. Make the business section of the tovn more attractive by painting Fyour store front. Tlie main Paint toa reember and the main implement ta use at the start af youn campaign is the raite anti raking. A marvelous improve- ment may be made about Uic home by Uic use of this implement for a few bours, and il 15 surprising liaw Uic cleaning avay of iorelgn matter an your lawn viii stliulate Uic growtb af Uic grass. Apart Trom vbhatever personai Pride yau may have in your propenty or in Uic propenty you rent, r em- ber that you are beautilying your1 tawn and in that vay Fou arc per- fornmng a civic serice that 15 lin- valuable ta Uic town. If every bousehalder viii do bis or bier part during Clean Up Wcek la follow out t1 these suggestions Bovmanvill ic vi1 be a better and brighter tawn i which ,'ta spend Uic dcligbtfui mnonths of Uic caming sumcer. COMING EVENTSc A cuchre panty viii be held at Uic S. O. E. Hall an Salurtiay, April 30, at 8 P. nm. under auspices o! the L. T. B. Admission 25c. A prognam ai gymnasium class vork, drilla, fol1k dances, etc.. viii be given by pupils of Miss Peardon, Tuesday. May 3rd. at 8.15 in St. Paui's S. S. Hall. Aduits 25c. chli- dren loc. Eastcrn Section ai Oshava Pres- c byterlal viii mccl in Blackstock Un- itedi Cburch on Tourstiay, May 5th. cammencing at 9.30 a. m. (standardc trne>. Aiternoon session at 1.30 o'ciock. Dinner serveti by Black- stock Auxililary. CGotiprogmnbas been arna.ngcd. Be sure Four soc- lcty is representeti. Miss Etta De- Wolfe viii be the special speaker. BOWMIANVILJLE ON DAYLJGHT SAVING ON SUNDAY NIGHT At mldnlght an Sunday night Bownianyllc will loin wlth Tor- t onto. Oshawa and other Ontario 1 cities ln abserving Daylight Sav- lng Mime. Unlike the other cit- les however, next Sunday wlll fot be on dayllght savlng Urne and all church services wlfl be on standard Urne. Rernember ta put Four dlocks ahead one hour before Fou retire on Sunday nlght and remember also that work on Pdonday mornlng commences onc hour earlier. A proclamation ta this effect appearsin thisalue of The c Stateaman. ODDFELLOWS' CHURCH PARADE HEU) ON SUNDAY Orver UO Attended Impressive Ser- vice at Trinlty Church-Wreatb Placel an Ceotaph An exceedingly goad turnaut of members ai Florence Nighitingale L.odgc, 1. O. O. F. No. 66, vltli visit- ing brethren f rom Oshawa, New- castle, Orano, Cobourg and Whitby, attended tbe 113th anniveraary of Oddfellowsbip by attending divine service in Trinity Church Sunday morning, led by the Legian PBans and maxrshalled by Douglas Moore, wiUi F. C. Pethick directoraofcre manies. Bey. E. F. Armstrang prcacheda very practical and Uimely serman t rom thc varda, "He savcd others. Mark 15:31. He took for his them e*"An Oddfellov and Uic Other Fe- 10w" and provcd conciualveiy, tha" no one can live a seltiali lite and be a success. The only great -en re- mcmbered by the world today are men vlio dld soenethlng for theli fellov-men. Thei speaker ahowed boy the vorka of Christ vere bulil an Fnicndship, Love and Truth,ý the thrce principles on whlch Oddtei- lawshlp la ioundcd. He likcned the incident of the gaad Samaritan to mnany happenings ai taday and said Wliat mankind needs is nat Uic man vha looks on but Uic anc vho '-looks after" the ane in need. Thc choir was camPased of Oddfellows and led by Mr. Francis Sultan, organist, led the service af sang and rendered several extra numbers. At the close of the service the memabers marclicd ta tbe cenotapb wbere a beautiful wreath aof fowcrs vas Placcd in memory af Uic de- partedl members by Jobn Living, and a short service conducted by Noble Grand A. W. Northcutt, assisted by Reeve T. H. Lockhant and Bey. E. F. Armstrong. Returning ta the iodge ron votes of thanks vere passed ta Uic Preacher. Uic churcli officiais and arganist, moved by Bert Colwel and secanded by Kenneth Poster. REBEKAH LODGE ENTERTAINED SISTER LO0DGES MONDAY largest Dhatdt Meet nla stor ai Bowmanvule Organhto On Monday afternoon, Apnii 25ti, Bovmanvuile Rebekah LodIgc enter- talncd about 40 members f rom Osh- ava. Whitby, Port Hope and Lind- Say, it being the District meeting,i wbich was the largest ofitis kind ever held In Bovmanvillc. Allen Uic business session Mrs. Wm. Adams recited in ber usuai plcaslng man- ner and Mrs. Alex Colvilie and M[as- ter George Morris dclighted Uic audience wiUi vocal salas, accomp- anicd by Mms. H. Smith and Mms. R. Grant. Thc local lodge served a bot supper. Later in the evening about 50 membens f rom Lindsay put on Uic dcgree work wben Uircc new candi- dates vere initiated ixta member- ship of Uic local Beebive Bebckah Lodge. The visitons then assembled in St. Andrew's S. S. roornwlicrc Uic home lodge served a fine ban- quet. A pleasant evening was spent at Part Hope Bebekah Lodge an Thurs- day, Apnil 2lst, wlien about 25 mem- bers af Bowmanville Beehive Be- Sbekahi Ladge cbartered Mr. Garlan's bus and made thcm a surprise visit. Aller Uic lodgc business vas dis- 'Penscd vlihUicevisitlng lodge put on Uic following program: Opening iwith cammunity singlng, followed by an address by Mms. Clifl. Samis; different membens dressed In cos- tume toak part lin a kazoo band which caused mucli laugliter: reci- tation by Mms. W. H. Yeo; reading by Mrs. Fred Baker; Piano solo by Miss Thelma Harris: vocal solo, "Fisbing" by George Marris ac- coznpanied by Mrs. R. Grant: duet by Mesdames Grant and Morris. 'Put on Your Old Grey Bonnet" ac- companied by Mrs. H. Smitb; hum- arou.s sketches. "T'he Mmnister's Mistake- by Mrs. Prout. Mm. Yea and Miss A. Morris. and "A Practi- cal Use for Pcddlers" by Mrs. Prout, MLiss Else Yeo. Mms. Marris and MZrs. Richards; followed by musical chiairs and a bean contest. At Uic close a dainty lunch was servcd. CIVIC RELIEF FUNI) OBJECTIVE RAS NOT BEEN REACHE YET OnIy 35.00 bas been cantrlbuled towards thc Clvlc Relief Fond dur-j ing Uic past veek and tbat froni an1 anonymous persan in Toronto. Thec letter wus addressed ta The Canad-i ian Statesman and asked ta bave1 the moncy tuicd a vea ic-f#uAd r i r i I i t il a t Over 200 Entries Receiveci for Music. Festival at Trinity Ckurck in May Oliver Roeruta Weil knovn Bovmanviic horticult- ure enthusiast, vho secureti persan- afly 120 membera fan Uic Honticuit- ural Society Ibis Fear. Mr. Roberts securet this numnber in bis spane Urne anti as a service ta Uic aoclcty. Toc total membcrship is 150. on Monday Uic socicty matie recogni- lion of Ibis feat by prescnting Mr. Roberts villi a set of oinavare. Mr. Bert Fennell, New Toronto, spent Uic veekenti rencwing se- quainlances li tovn. Bovmanviic Women's Institute viii mccl in Uic S. O. E. Haii on Pniday next. An membera attend. Orana vili celebrate its centenary f rom June 30 te July 3, inclusive. A Management Board bas been ap- poixtedti t select committees. Major F. H. Moody bas soit bis residence on Concession Street, ta Mr. E9. W. Crawford anti expet shortly ta move villi bis family ta Success of Durham Couznty' First Music Festival on MaY 11 th, l2th and 13th, la Assured - Entries Pi- ceived From AH Parts of Durham County. Wen entries for Duram Coun- ty's fixaI Music Festival. vhich la ta be stageti n May llth. ltli a"t î3Uhin xTrinity Uniteti Chuxch. Bovmanvile, closeti on Wedneed&Y, Mr. . P. Bratt, Gvenral Secretary of Uic Music Festival AsaaciatlIom annaunceti that aven 200 entries in the vanlaus events hati been recetv- cd. This number la consiered li members of Uic Association aex- ceeting their fndest expectatias. Entries have been receiveti tram Blackstock, Nestîton, PontFpol. Mhllbrook. Pont Hope, Newcaste Orano, Bowmanvlle, Hampton, andi othen places in Uic coumty'. With Ibis numben of entnies the succSs ai Uic undertaking Is practieally as- suret. Toc syllabus of the esti:val cavera an extremely vide rangel andi many classes vere flot expectedti t receive any entnies, but a glance ov- er those receivcd shovs practicall eveiy clasa representeti. Durham County's only tva banda, Toc Can- adian Leglon of Bovmanviie andi Uic Durhamn Regimental of Orano, viii vie fon Uic honora la this class, anti three orchestras have entered in a ciass ior them. Of course the greatest number af entries bave been recelvet irom vocalists, bath solo and choir. Members or St. john'a A. y. p. A. vere able ta have a foretaste et vhat viii take place la Tnni Churcli on Uic above dates, vhai they beard Mn. Edmunti coIm' BaYa' Choir ai St. John's Church. Port Hope, This choir tse excption- ailY goatiandti Uiy aboulti prove ome of Uic blggest attractions <t the Festival. The ccmmittee in charge cf tbs Festival ati a furUir meeting te Rotary Anns HoId Office at Rotary Ladies' Nigkt on Friday E. Wylie Grier, President of LEGION BANI) TO Royal Canadian Academy PRESENT CONCERT Gave Enlightening Ad- ON WEDNESDAY dress on "Waning Moon of Moderistic Art." FUMAS wII Be USd te Pmuee Unifoansfor UteDBa" - Leca" Wmen's rigts came into their Art" SWl' AMI" a in r ovn at thc Batary Club on Wed- Progrum ncstay, April 20th, Lades' Niglit, ihn in kecpixg viUhiLeap Year A splendid program bas be-i an- anti ils traditions Botaxy Anna belti ranacti for thc concert in Uic Opera ofrice for Uic evening. Mms. J. H. H. House on Wednesday, May 4th. at Jury mate a splendid cam 8.15 p. m. by Uic Canadlan Teghmi radiating dignlty anti humor, alsa Band- This concert la being staget managing ta inflict several fines up- to provite unds for thcelant uni- on membera turing Uic cvening. iorms ith Uiwhich ti 15 opOdt ta She vas ably asitet bF Uie 5cr- eczuiP Uic band this summer. Nov- geant-at-Arms, Mms. W. R. Strike, mnanville May vel be proud or thb vlio collectedtheUicfines anti gener- OrgaiizatiOn vhich bas made van- ally carniet out Uic tuties usually derful stritcs lI thc past fet entrustedtot that important office. months anti vhich vii be a credi About sixty-six members anti lad- O Bavmauivlle in future eara.]M les vere present vben Ui gnglanov, apart irom Uic RegtmenWa sountietifan dinnen. m. C. w.ngBond Of Orano, Uic only band la Slemn sait grace andte Ui im Durham County. Mayor e. W. proceedeti. ixtermingleti belveen Uic James bas been nequestedtet act as coures ith ommnitysiningchainman for tiIs concerthUi pro- viUi Mms. G. E. Beaman as Sang grm fr ,ichi a onw. d leader anti Mm. D. R. Morrison as miso M e2c accampanislt. Mms. L. W. Dippell asTh rga secretary calledtheUicroll. Miss Hel- Overture - "'Deteznminatian" - Bandi en Wright of Toonoa as Uic guest. March - "Theo OIt aken Buoket" artisl anti she gave during Uic evexi-Ban ing six very deliglilful numbers ionr Bn vicli she eceveti a great ovation.1 Mae Quatet - "Cornflled Melotiles Toc speaker oi Uic evening asI Messrs. H. Alln. A. W. ikard. E. Wylic Grien. President o taW.CrrterUicGlnile Bayai Canatian Academny, anti pro,- Gavotte - "Fnulis anti Furbelowia" ably Canada's f oremosî antist. The Bond.l speaken vas introducet by Mrs. Jury March - "Colonel Bogcy" - Nanti. anti lie 10k ion Uic subject of bis Reading - Selectet - Mra. W. Adam discoumse "The Wanlng Moan a aaiDeof"nyon ay M otenistic Art." T oc lecture vas oa o Al u ati W. ar thNa iustatet viUi a number ai an- Hrl li n .Cruhr tern slities anti provedtot be etuca- Wallz - "Apres-Vous" - Nanti tional ant initeresting. Mr. Grler's Caractenlatic - «,Coon's Holida" atitncss tivelt on vhat miglit be Banti. tenmedthIle abomination of art in Brasa Quartette - Belecteti Uic present day. Promn the pictures Messrs B. Nerry, A. Krnox, on the screen anc vas able ta gel H. Allun. W. Mhotter. sMme itea ai wbat great paintinga Ma ..- Jo]]y Tara" - ant ea iiy are. H avever litlte a c k c ai r e0 - " o n P t about art, they kncv in laoklng 8at aa luPoat. artcw these reproductions af ismous Msr.Aln ikr.Cztu Paintings Ihat Uiey nepresentet Olanville. somcthing. A Portrait vas a pon- Characei5tic - "Idletng Jlm" trait anti a lantiscape vas a landi-Bad scape truc ta lite anti beaulfilet by ESerente - "CyethllIa" - Nanti thc artist' slanury vlihUic brush. Reading - Selecteti - Mra. W. Adami Matern art, as shovn in Uic laten ao onte tee,_Bn alites, coudt not lI any vaY, or b>'Glz Dv icSrth at thc vildtit iglit of Uic imagination, God Saveic King. be declaret art even by anc vho kncv na moreq art thon ta say it Msr.KnchMriBbCn vas pîctonlal. asome an Uic iucbett, OcaJamieson anti James vnera cxteelybId rY ainicu yPickardrenderecj a ver>' plesng onebatbee tit er> palny b' artet at the sesson of TrWntyT thc speaker thalthUiy vere vbat are Sunday achool on Sunday ai ternoon. (Conttnuet on P )Mr. anti Mra. Wllfteinght, Tq- Whe Yo diput wih afoeherenta, visiteti bergrantifather, Mr. Wbe yoj dspue itha fa~,haClark T'Yler, on Thurstiay. mmra A. la ver>' certain ta be almila I>' em- I erd, vho bas lien vlsting bS PioFed.'-Ssisted. fathen.retunt" hom vIi t b.h 'I.