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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1932, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. APRIL 28th. 1922 FOR MOTHER'S Mrs. J. Shaw, Lakeport, is visitmng friends here. Mr. A. L. Pascoe visited at Mr. R. Lukes, Kedron. Mr. and Mrs. Merwmn Hobbs visit- ed with Seagrave f riends on Sunday. Our Young people are expecting a visit f rom Zion League next Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Awde and farn- ily, Toronto, visited at Mr. H. G. Pascoe 's. Several from here attended the debate and concert at Enfield Fni- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howsam and baby Mary visited with friends at IPort Perry. Mrs. McMaster, Miss Annie, Mess- rs. Alec and James McMaster, Zion, visited at Mr. John Baker's. Miss Helen Pascoe, Wick, and Miss Bessie Pascoe, Enfield, visited' with Miss Mary Hogarth and Mrs. R. Pascoe. Congratulations to Mr. and Mns. Gordon Leask also to, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Montgomery on the arrival o! baby girls. Mr. and Mns. R. Branton and son. Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ho- garth and farnily, Hampton, vîsîted 1at Mr. Thos. Baker's. Next Sunday afternoon Rev. J. M. Wbyte o! Enniskillen will preacb here. The following Sunday there jwill be a special Mother's Day ser- vice and baptismal service. The regular Division meeting was held last Thursday evening in the Sunday school room. It was decided< to have an attendance contest. Misses Evelyn Tink and Helen Baker were chosen captais. Points arec being given for attendance and for new membens. Misses Helen and Muriel Baker favored with a vocal I duet. Mr. Alan McKessock gave ac temperance talk. and Miss Evelyn Tink favored witb a piano solo. IThere was a good attendance at the Wornen's Institute meetingt which was beld in tbe Sunday L Ied Clean-Up Campaign Requires EtMr Rakes Shovels Hoes Spades Garden Seeds Flower Seeds Grass Seeds Paints Turf Edgers Varnish Stains Brooms Enamels Pruning Shears Shingle Stain Flower Guard Border A splendid variety awaits your selection. DUSTAN'S cash HARDWARE We Deliver Phone 74 Bowmanville Fancy Layer Cakes Orange - Maple Walnut - Pineapple - Vanilla Chocolate icing and filling. Try one at 20c each. Pineapple and Chocolate Squares-25c each. BQWMAN VILLE BAKERY C. W. JACOBS, Proprietor BOWMANVULLE ENFIELD Seeding is general i this locality. Mr. Frank Mason, Oshawa, vist- ed at Mr. G. Ormiston's. Mr. Geo. Ormiston bas rented bis grass f arm. to Mr. R. Garland. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Pascoe, Brooklin. visited at Mr. L. C. Pas- coe's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ormiston, Bow- manville, spent Sunday at Mr. W. J. Ormiston's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith attend- ed the f uneral of Mrs. James Smith at Newcastle last Tbursday. Mr. Albert Niddery and Aflan and Miss M. Niddery, Toronto, and Mr. A. Vrtue, Regina, visited at Mr. J. Hepburn's. The debate, Resolved that the city is more dependent on the country than the country is on the city, came off on F'riday evening. Mrs. Al. Prescott and Mr. Russell Gilbert upheld the affirmative, and Miss El- la Tamblyn and Mr. Eugene Beecb on the negative. The decision was< given in favor of the negative.ù The debaters did exceedingly wel and brought out maniy good points and1 valuable information. The judges < were Mr. F. L. Squair, Salem, Mr. H. G. Macklin, Tyrone, and Mr. Alan McKessock. Solina. Durmng the ev- ening Miss V. Alun, Orono, sangd with a sweet melodious voice two t solos. Her accompanists were Mrs. Brown and Mr. Brown. The cornet duets and quartettes by the Tam- e blyn Quartette, Orono, were given f with splendid harmony and much t appreciated and their singing wonn prolonged applause. Proceeds $17. T ~ïS r. Mark W. Baliley, Jasper. Ont.., purcbased the Norwood Rezis- one of the oldest papers in that lect. owned and published for iy years by Messrs. J. G. Keefer on.L DAY See our fine variety o! gifts for MOTHER'S DAT very moderately prlced: Hymnarys and Hymnals Pictures and Mottoes Books and Stationery Gifta of (,bmfla; Glass, Pottery Brase and Linen Mother Day Carda FOR CLEAN-UFJ WEEK Inside and Out Wallpaper - Flo-glaze Paints - Enamels - Varnishes Agets for Langley's Dry Cleaning J. W. Jewell BIG 20 BOOKSTORE scbool room Tbursday af terno with tbe President, Mrs. Jas. Moc ey, in the chair. Meeting open witb the 1Institute Ode and t. Lord's Prayer. Election of offlcE resulted as follows. President-M: J. W. MeMaster; lst Vice Pres. Mrs. A. P. McKessock; 2nd Vice Mrs. Harvey Hardy; Sec.-Treas. Mrs. Roy Langmnaid; Dist. Direct -Mrs. Tbos. Baker; Group Leade -Mrs. Harvey Hardy, Mrs. John E vell,.Airs. Artbur Stainton, Mrs.. E. Tink, Mrs. E. R. Taylor, Mi Jack Yellowlees. Treasurer's repo showed a balance on hand of $74.2 Vegetable and flower seeds we brougbt in to be sent out West ai nearly two bundred pounds we, collected. The program was, charge of group 6, with Miss Hel( Baker as convener. Piano sol Miss Annie McMaster; reading. M A. P. McKessock; talk. Mrs. Tho Baker, on tbe Institute Work; Mi Isaac Hardy favoured with a vor- solo. A contest was tben put c and lunch served when a social tinr was enaoyed. I SALEM Mr. and Mrs. W. Moffat and fan: ily, Orono, visited witb ber parent Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Squair on Sur day. Mr. Mofiat and sons attende the service. Tbe Sunday service was conduct ed by Rev. A. S. Kerr, and a ver fine sermon was delivered f rom th text, "Wben tbou saidst, seek y rny face; my heart said unto tbe rby face, Lord. will 1 seek." Glad to see Miss Mla Collacott o: Sunday at service, and to know tba she bas successfully f inished a spec ai commercial course at Kingstoi and is bavinig a few days' vacatioi at home before taking anotber posi tion. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Collacutt anc vlrs. Art. Bellman motored ti Brantford for the weekend, visitini witb Mrs. Bert Harborn of Brant. ford. Mrs. Norman Moyse of Tor onto was also a weekend visitor M1rs. Harborne is stili confined t< her bed. Y. P. L. Citizenship meeting, Apri 20tb, was opened by the president with a bymn and prayer in unison rd Vice then took charge o! thi 'rograrn, wbicb bad a TemperancE Lheme, the topic being "Is Moderatt > a Handicap to Health3 People?" Bible readings were giver by Miss Thelma Werry. Mr. KylE Squair gave a reading dealing witli Le effect o! liquoir drinking on d.riv- ýrs of cars; tbis was f ollowed by a ne vocal solo by Miss E. Sykes 'ith Miss M. Honey at tbe piano; ,ext item was a reading by Mr. Bert oster, followed by a violin solo and ricore by Mr. Taylor, witb Mr. L. ollacott as accompanist; Mr. F. ator gave a temperance reading, ind Ronald Hall a recitation, fol- cwed by a reading by Mrs. L. oombes; also another temperance ýading by Mr. F. Blackburn, and Lnother violin selection by Mr. Tay- or brought the program to a close. rhe president closed the meeting. ttendance 48. MAPLE GROVE Wedding beils are ringing in this :mnunity tbis week. Miss Greta Munday, Peterboro iormal, spent the weekend at home. Miss Ellen Giniblett is visiting ber msin, Mrs. Clarence Turner, New- astle. Our cboir journeyed to Ebenezer ist Sunday evenmng and f urnished he music. Mission Band wifllPut on a pro- arn in the bail on Monday even- g, May 2nd, at 8 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Snowden visit- Iwith their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Imer Wilbur, Taunton, on Suinday. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Freernan, St. atharines, are visiting bis brother, r. H. G. Freernan and otber ends. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Dope our community, baving rentedý Le farmn formerly occupied by Mr. ,n Law. MZr. Bill PbiIlips recently attended meeting of the Boys' Parliarnent Peterboro and sPent the week- id there. M-r. Henry Perkins, Moorefield, ited with ber brother. Mr. R -L >rden, and mother, Mrs. J. B. orden. this week. A large crowd attended Mrs. H. A. rrow's sale on Saturday. Tbings I ;'ery well. Sorry to lose Mrs. Lrow f rom our community. Don't fail to see the play 'Eyes Love' by Ebenezer Young People, the hall on Friday evening. April th at 8 P. m. Admission 25c. Ve welcorne Mr. and Mrs. Leslie flacutt and two daugbters to our Wîshes to announce that MR. WILL QUICK Bowmanville bas taken the agency for DAWSON'S Honey Dips The Do-Nuts That Meit in Your Mouth. J. B. Taylor, who bas formnerly sold these Do-Nuts, is no longer in Our employ. Dawson's Do-Nuts are delivered in whte bags bearlng our trade mark. For information Phone 226 W. quick, Elgin Street. Signed, Daw80n'a Bakery ýl 11 HAYDON 11 Miss Verna Trewin, Oshawa, spent the weekend at home. Miss Freda Bradley spent the weekend witb Miss Elsie Moore, En- niskillen. Mr. Roy and Miss Murmel Thomp- son, Bowmanville, spent the week- end at Mr. W. Tbompson's. Mother's Day service will be held next Suniday aI ternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr. Thos. McGill, Enniskiilen, wili speak. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin enter- tained a large number of young people at their home last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, Misses Ruby and Wilma Smith, and Mr. Lorne Smith, Oshawa, visited at Mr. Wm. Trewln's. Sorry te hear Mr. Wmn. Riggs is suffering f rom pneumonia in Bow- manville Hospital. Hope for a speedy recovery. League program last Tuesday ev- ening in charge o! Miss Rema Brad- ley. Bible reading, Mr. Roland Thompson; devotional by Mrs. Theron Mountjoy; topic was taken by Miss Annie Trewin; readings by Misses Helen Hall and Ada Beech; piano instrumental by Miss Grace Trewxn. HAMPTON PASTIRY FLOUR ,ej ATLANTIC OR DANQUET BRAflDS NARES BEST 24i-lb. "9450 Sacrament was adininistered in our cburcb on Su.nday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Salter visited her sister, Mrs. Chas. Wood, Orono, recently. M. and Mrs. W. W. Horn enter- tained a number o! friends on Mon- day evening. Mr. Frank Hastings is employed at the Brookdale Nurseries for the ummer months. Miss Mary Niddrie bas been spend- ing a week witb ber sister, Mrs. A. rrimble. Bowmanvîlle. Mr. A. D. Langmaid is install.lng gasoline tanks on bais property at he south end o! our village. Our sympathy is extended to Mrs. Frank Rogers in the sudden death of ber father, Mr. McLeod, Whitby. Mrs. W. Cunningham and daugh- Lers Grace and Hazel, Cameron, are isiting ber mother. Mrs. J. Clat- worthy. Hampton Wornen's Inistitute wil neet at the borne of Mrs. A. Peters n Tuesday, May 3rd, instead of Ehursday, May 5th. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Avery and [aughter Donna Kay. Buffalo, N. Y., ;pent Sunday wltb bais relatives bere. Urs. Avery and babe will spend a ,ouple o! weeks in Canada. Mr. Wallace Horn bas returned to lis home here baving cornpleted an- )ther termi at' Queen's University, 9ingston. Mr. M. Bryden o! Col- ingwood, also a Queen's student, ;pent the weekend witb Mr. and Irs. Horn enroute to Uis home. Young People's meeting on Friday ývening was in charge of Miss Grace [astings, 4tb vice president. Mfter )pening exercises, devotional period as conducted by Miss Rutb Johns. liss Marjorie Pascoe gave a read- ng and Miss Edýna Reynolds gave a )aper on Music. Miss Hastings onducted a social hall hour o! aines, etc. Meeting thîs F'riday will )e in charge o! President Miss Ruth rohns. Miss Helen Cryderman, owmanville, will be the speaker. Jrs. J. Baker will furnish Music as 'lIl as other local talent. Lunch ill be served. Everyone welcorne. The rnonthly meeting o! Hampton V. M. S. was held on AprU l 9tb. at he home of Mrs. Gertrude Virtue. Iresident Mrs. CoIwill opened the eeting and conducted the business. lss Katerson took charge o! the rogram. Mrs. Barron read the de- otional leaflet "Simon Zelater" 'be man o! fire). Mrs. Burns led iprayer. Watch tower was given YMrs. Curtis, Mns. Niddery, Mrs. 31e, Miss Vers, Kerslake, Mrs. Hon id Miss Katerson. Mrs. Bick took Pthe study leaflet "What o! tbe ay, On the Threshold and Be- .nd." This was followed by a dis- ission. Meeting closed witb a 'mn and short prayer. A meeting for the organization of Horticultural Society was beld in ýe Sunday school room Wednesday ,ening. Mr. Frank Rickard, New- stle, was in charge. Officers el- ed were: President-Mr. G. A. .rron: lst Vice Pres.-Miss Vera ker; 2nd Vice Pres.-Miss Ruth bns: Directors--..Miss Edna Rey- flds, Rev. J. R. Bick, Mrs. R. J. Mc ýssock. A. B. Crydermnan, Miss ary Katerson. J. H. Wilcox. F. j. mat. Mrs. Jno KiveIl. Mrs. A. Pet- s.At the meeting of the directors w OSE OWN LARGE M-«. FRUITS and VEGE TABLES ORANGES CALTFcIMA VLIS Do%. 29o CARROTS New Texas 3 Bunehes 25e MEAT SPECIALS FANOT SMOKEDSUGAE-CURED HA MfS Hall or Whole Ham lb. 13 SWIFT S SH-~.týýLESS 1 SHOULDERS CICL S" lb. 120 FANCY ?M1LK-FED HALF ORa LEGS ~WHOLE I3 VIE a L FILLETS FST cIs lb. 150 Fi NE. T QLALITY A & P SELECTED AND GUARANTEED RUMP ROAST i b. 17o BE F RST anELISUS b6 BARIESKE n0DRYSRiLN l.6 BACON F RSLT BY the Piece lb. 10,0 FRESM F1511 SEA HERRINO FILLETS Caught mP-*10O. Vveh --lb. 16,e rUE9 GIEAT ATILANTIIC & PACIFIC lTEA t'o. LIMITED, OF CANADA _______________ Meat Manager: G. McCov.. Groccry Manager: P. Wilhiume. W. Deliver-Extra Charge 10c. Phone No. 83 Bowonmu.u. -1 ---* i gina Fowler visited the latter's par- Clerk. Auctioneer. SPECIAL OFFER! WittheUicpurhase of 1 package of o1 LARGE Oxyd olPKG._ AT ,190 Vou wlll receive FRE SCakesKfrk's Castie The oMeina coco bard water caàtile .op AN EXCEPTIONAL VALUE-LTNN VAIT-LARGE NO. » TINS PROTECT YOUR CLOTHING FROM MOINS New Seasonable Special' 25c pk. Red Cedar Flakes and Lined Cedarized Moth Proof Bag 27" x 50" BOTH FOR 49c ~e ~ ~ Store Jury & Loveli When we test eyes It ls donc propeIb DAWSON'S BAKERY IN BULK-Your Cboie of Macaroni or M. And Witb lt-KYRAFT LeAF CHEESE l. 23. BRA» 3 'LAu 2ie EXTRA 10W SPECIALPEICES ALIL TRIS WEEK leeCORE MAYONNAISE The Quecu of Salad »reaulngs. Made of the pwest materiais jM as you would rnake it atbe. 31/z-Oun.. -jar100 81/z.ounee Jars 190 on April 23rd at the home o! Mr. G. Barron, Miss Edna Reynolds was el- ected secretary-treasurer of the soc- iety. Hampton Horticultural Soc- iety is now fully formed and any members wisbing to order goods may do s0 through the secetary- treasurer, who is prepared t,> give any information recjuired. There is a rnembership o! about 40 at pres- ent time. PURPLE HILL Mrs. Jack Wilson and Mrs. Frank Wilson spent Sunday witb their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Henry. Mrs. J. Englisb is visiting ber daugbter, Mrs. Wilbur Vance. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Henry and family o! Oshawa are visiting at Mr. Wrn. Henry's. On Friday evening a dance was beld under auspices of L. O. L. No. 339 in their lodige roorns. in spitei of the poor roads, a good crowd was1 present. A good time was reported by ail. ONE PRICEoCUT Doea Not Malke a Low-Prlee Poliey 5,0,0 daily customers at A & P Food S4ores know that A & P bm one leading polcy--o ei the highet qality foods, Mthei IOW.t price.. This poloy nians low prices for every artcle lni au A & P Store every day ...and. too, thes" cugmers knw tht A & P I. the fiast to reduce retaili pces .. the firstto epms MISEM NM I m savings whch reduce the cost et living. Tbt's why they say- BT ALE OUR FOODS AT A & P STORES. 01OU(WN BILVERBROOK CREAMERY BUTTER2 mý@.39o SUNNKYMIEL»DRAN&.DP SE UZ CPeAX lb. 210 i 6 Tuas $ 1.05 RIUCK'5 APPLES DL5UI~ KUI. 155 ACADIA MIXTURE lb. 25e RYE BREAD 1 PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TRURSDAY, APRM 28th, 1932 EXCEPT swn7ls Mois MI las 41 - ients. Mr. and Mrs. George owler. IThursday evening. CAMrs. Smith Ferguson and Collette, CAD USBowsanville. spent the weekend. >_ witb Mr. and Mrs. A. E. McGill. Mr. Alfred Thornett spent Sunday i Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Fallis andi with Mr. Lloyd Thompson. ! family visited their daughter-Misx Mr. and Mrs. C. H. FaUs spent Chrystal Fallis in Peterbor<ast Sunday at Mr. Edgar Gibson's. Saturday. Miss Kathleen Ferguson is visit-: Service was held Sunday mornng mng her brother. Mr. and Mrs Cecil witb Mr. Eugene Beech taking Mr. Ferguson. Newel's work. He took for is sub- Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wilson called i ject "The Prodigal Son." on Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gibson Fni-_____________ day evening.1 Messrs. Oscar and Sidney Mc- AUCTION SALE Quade made a business trip to Bowý- manville on Friday.i Tuesday, May 3rd.-Have received Messrs. Marvin Nesbitt and Lloyd1 instructions to senl for Mr. G. White, Tompson are considering opening Lot 23. Broken Front. near Dar- a hairdressing parlour. lingtoii Station). at one p. m., ail Mrs. Jack Wilson, Oshawa, is his farm stock and impements and spending a few days with er sis- a large quantity of furniture. Mr. ter. Mrs. Lore McKee. White has sold is farm and every- Mrs. C. A. Fallis who as been vis- thing goes. Terms: On poultry, iting friends in Toronto returned furniture, and ail surs of $10 and home Saturday evening. under cash: over that amount 6 Mr. and Mrs. Larmond Hyland 1 months' credit on approved notes and family spent Sunday evening at wtout interest; 3% straght off for Mr. Everard Sanderson's. cash. Mr. ROY Jackson and Miss Geor- J. W. ason, Eler Wilbur, LARD M. se 6 TiM $1-05

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