(1rnatanU With Which Is Incorporated The BowmanviUe News Vol. 78 BOWMA-NVmLLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 26th, 1932 No. 21 APPLE BLOSSOM TOUR HELD BACK BY COOL WEATHER Hundreds of Motorists Pascd Over Route on May 24th - Blossoss WiU Be Out lu Full Bloom on Sunday Next Despite the fact that the prevail- ing cool weather over the weekenci retardeti somewhat the coming ai the apple blossorns, there was a f air sbowsng o! bloom and bundrecis af motorists visited Bowmanville dis- trict on Victoria Day. Prom wbat we could gather thse rajority of the' teunists wcre !ram Toronto, whene tbrough the countesy o! Mn. J. E. Aikinson, a Durbam County boy, and Presitient o! The Toronto Star, a map o! Uie blassom route appear- cd in Monday's Star alang wth a write-up. This map, which we pub- Iish in this issue, was carrieti by rnany o! the tourists anti fot one case of difficulty in fmnding the way was experienced. One Toronto tour- itt speaking to Mr. Oco. A. Steph- ens on the tour, stateti that he was a native o! Fergus, Ont., anti while Uic blossoms were net in f un bloom it was a revelation te hlm te see thc wonderful way in which Durbamn County orcharcis were careti for as comParet i wth Uiose in bis nativ countY. The bcauty a! the archards, even wtbout the full sbowung o! blossoms, was, hie saiti, weil worth the trip from Toronto. The Squain f arnly diti their duty splendidly iinforming teurista that the bloSSomaS had been delayeti by Cool weather anti many expresseti the fact that Uic!' woulti b. return- ing Ou Sunday te sec the wonderful display wben tbey waulti b. at their best. A check-up revealeti that f ram as early as 9 o'clock Tuesday morning a steadY Streamn of cars wcntied their way tirougb Uic béautiful archard districts. The procession kept up tbroughaut the day anti many o! Uic motorist.s bat brought their lunch or supper with tbem, andi this tbey ste along thc way or tepped at the Crcarn o! Barley Camp toeaeti comfort anti enJoy thc attractions of this Popular resont. Mn. Martien i- formeti Us Tuesday's crowd at the Park was the langeat on recorti with tic exception of thse Community Picic at year. The tour ibis year proveti a blggcr auccess for the anc day than it diti last year andtheUi entire blossorn wcek la asauneti af being a greater attraction anti ray benceforthbeb laoked upon as an arnual event. Sevenal roada bast yean were ini ns- lbei,.poen shape, but there la bandly anY bati noati this year. anti certain- ly noue that ceulti b. called inh any way impassble. It is rather remankable that very f ew local people went over the route. We are fsirmly o! Uic opinion that not bal!. or nearly bal!, o! thc People o! Bowmanville have been ever this route as mappcd oui, and thcy cannot conceive whaî their ou-n county bolds in rural bcauty unless ihey do. No doubi manly will take the opportuniiy of drivm2- around ibis Sunday when the blos- soins will be sn f ull bloom. We can assure ihem ihat thcy will find the trip wel worth while anti as beauti- fui as anything they have ever tra- veileti a hundreti miles ta sec in Peach Blossom Tîme in the Niagara peninsula. SALVATION ARMY- TAG DAY A BIG SUCCESS SATURDAY Local Corps Appreciative of SpiendId Response Made by Bowmanvilc Citizens Rare ided arc the Bowmanville townsf 0k anti folks o! vicinity, who were in Uic tewn an Saiurtiay, wbo bave flot s&.en anti worn the little reti sbielti bearing Uic significant inscription "To Help Others." Althougbh i Uiceanly part o! the day thse weaibcr promiseti to b. any- thing but pleasant, yet Uic sun de- citid te play bis part in making Uic Tag Day o! Uic Salvation Army a aucces, The Officers anti Comarades of the local Corps desine te tbank ail those uho se, graciously respondedti te Self-Denial Appeal b! the Salvation Anmy. Many denieti themseîves i order te belp in tbis effort. One olti lady with ver!' utIle income denieti bersel! of meat for anc week in on- tien te belp ithia effort anti de- positedtheUicarount that se saveti i the Sef-Denial envelope, and on passing it te the collection saiti in aIl sinceit!', "'Is flot much, I wlsh I could have given more.' Imaginative people can easily con- Jure a vision of Uic gooti dceds past Tag Days have been able to put in Patriotic Exercises Mark Observance 0F Empire Day in Public Sckools Rev. A. S. Kerr Delivered Fine Address to School Children on Secret of 1 British Greatness - Good Musical Program Also a Feature. Empire Day was impressively ob- served ti athe Central Public School Monday afiernoon when apprapri- ste exercises were carnieti out befare Uic closing o! achool for the Victor- ia Day baliday. The pupils wcre forixict in a square on Uic girls' playground shortly a! ter 3 oclock anti a prograsu o! patriotic sangs wcre sung anti an rntercsting ad- dress deliveneti b!'R&. A. S. Kerr, Minister o! St. Pauls Unitedi churcb. Thse observance openeti witb sig- ing '0 Canada' by thse assembîcti chiltiren afier wbicb Jack Parker un! urledtheUi Union Jack, the Pletige was repeateti by Uic scbool andtihUi flag saluteti by Uic cblldren anti some huntireti citizens wbo bat gathereti fer Uic ceremony. IA number of charuses anti recit- allons were then given comrncncing wi a recitation by Marion Mabooti f ailowed by a chorus, 'John Bull' by Uic chiltiren, chorus, 'Our Lanti' by the pirnary class, recitation b!' Donalda Creaser, entitleti Our Flag,' a boys» chorus, singing Uic test piece of Uic neceni Music Festival, a chorus. *QG<j Preserve Our Native Lanti' b!' Uic Junior 3rd clasa, a pat-* neotic encse b!' chiltiren of the Sr. 2nti class entitied 'Canada's Can- tribution' wi±b Norman Searle, Lau- les Wilson, Ruth James, Geraldinei Coulter, Donald Venton, Kenneth1 Cole anti Douglas Jackman takingI part. Mr. Kerr was introduceti by Prin- cipal J. H. Jabnsten anti in bis op- ening remrak tise speaker congrat- ulatedtheUicchiltiren an Iheir splen- titi siging. Turning te thc Empire theme for bis atitress Mr. Kerr telti o! an exhibit at Uic Wembley Ex- hibition in Englanti a !ew years ago whicb sbowed a large clectrie map of the warlti. On this rnap f lasheti dota o! reti, indicating Uic fan flung sections of thse worlt's greatest em- pie. Ibe empire as seen by this rnap beltedtheUicwhele worlti. What doci this magificent cm- pfto reprenos, lthe speaker asketi? IL representa the work anti carac- ter o! the people wham Qed bath pîcasedti t cail upon te serve as1 Rings anti Queens. The greatest ex-1 pansion was seen turing thse reign1 a! Queen Victoria, thal wonticrful1 woman, wbase message on the oc- casion a! ber coronation ai Uic ten- der age o! 17 was -1 want the peo- ple te pray for mne."' This sisowed tbe kinti o! spirit that tiomunatedtihe cbaracted o! BritisbhRoyalty tur- ing tise pasî century. Mr. Kerr telti a story o! an occasion wben a litîle daugbter was carrieti on boardtheUi rayal yacht ai Cowes by a salar, wbo placing ber sa!ely an thse dcl saiti -There you arc my litlIady" 10 which Uiec ittle princess indig- nantly replieti -I ar nfot a lady I amn a Prince3s.'* Qucen Victoria ov- crheaning ibis remarli rebukedthtie Uitile girl, teUling ber te turu le the sailor anti say. **I am n ot a lady yct, but I hope ta be sorne day. T'bis illusîratet, Uic speaker adi- tict, the force! ul character o! the Queen. Another incident relatet vas that a! a visit ta Qucen Victoria by a native prince wba askcd ber for the secret o! Englantis greatness. Bninging te him a copy o! Uic Biblc, the queen saiti, "This is the secret o! Britain's greatness. Yau are at liberty' te take it andi show it ta yaur people." Qeen Victoria was' succeedeti by ber son King Edward VII, knawn as Uic Peacernaker, anti then by the present Ring George V, whose splen- did character bas been Englanti's stantiby dting the dark days ef Uic pasi few years. The Prince o! Wales, nextinh succession, was a man of wham evcry chilti coulti b. legitimately proudtheUi speaker atid- ed, Mr. Kerr tolti a numben a! ster- les a! Uic Prince which demonstrat- cd bis splendid qualities5 anti fitness for Uic office beWl! one day holti. Iu closig Mr. Kerr rernindedtheUi childnen thal Uic!', as Britlshers, came o! a noble breeti, the British breeti, anti atvisedti Uer always te holti their Iseads bigb, te step out wiUi a f irrn anti steady step, anti mast important of a]! live that 111e Uiat W make you a gooti citizen of Canada anti o! Uic Empire. A chorus, 'Landi of Uic Maple' anti Uic singing a! the National AuUiem brougbt Uic prograrn te a close. Miss Helen G. Marris directedtihUi singlng o! the choruses. HObING PIGEON CLUB Bowmnanviilc Harnung Pigeon Club flew their tiirti olti birti club race on Satuntiay, May 21st.. frorn DruM- ho, Ont.,,. 105 miles air Une. Foilow- lng la thse resui: J. Purdy 4 bis, 6 mina.4 sc F. Bottrell 4 bis, 7 mina, 28 sc F. Botîrdil 4 brs. 13 min.32s. I. Hobtis 4 bis, 14 mina:,1sc L. Richards 4 bis. 33 mins, 14 sec. War Clouds Hover Over Europe as Polisk - German Enmities Increase The Effect of the Poliah Cor- ridor Agreenment and Ag- gressive Warlike Actions of Poland May Cause Trouble in Europe Say& Rotary Speaker. Tise reason war clouta haver ai- mot eternally over unseitieti Eur- ope were given in part. in a moat eulightcning atidressata the Rotary Club on Friday on the subject o! 1-European Conditions with Refer- ence ta Uic Palisb Corridor," by Mr. H. H. Troop, Tarante, Credit Inspec- ton o! Uic Royal Bank o! Canada, who Sas mate a special study o! ibis vitally important ant inhteresting subject. Mn. Traop was introduced by thse local manager a! tbe Royal Bank, Rotanian I. G. Heflie!. Ta properly untiersandthUi situa- tian, Mn. Troop explainet, one must get an ides o! Uic la!' a! the landi. Previous ta the war East Prussia u-as jaincdt t German!', but Polanti ai that lune bat no autlet la thse sea. As a part o! Uic Peace Treai!' Polanti was given a necli o! lanti runnsng between Germany anti Eut Prussia entircly isolatig Uic latter country !roil is parent empire anti tniving a long wedge te tise ses b.- tu-cen these tu-o counes. This la a senious situation, wih Polanti stniving for an Empire anti greaily opposedti t Germany holding lanti betu-cen Germany anti one o! ils loyal states, leaving Germany in a state sucb that it will neyer b. mit- ls!icd until il la again joiedtotaEsst Prussia. WIihconditions se unsettîcdtheUi Unted States anti France, holding 70% o! tise available warld gait, re- fuse ta grant credit la nations cm- brilet in ibese conditions with the resuli that debis ta these lu-o cou- tries are only acceptet in lu aî andi trateie l stagnaleti. The refusai a! credit le these nations makes il cx- tremely tifficuli for the resteration o! prospcnity in an!' short lime. To f urther explain the camplical- et situation Mn. Troop pointeti eut Ihat ai thse beati o! Ibis corridor a! landtssioc t ilscly., e!Danzig, wbich bas been creied a frnec cil!' b!' Uic League o! Nations anti yet la aimot entlrely dominaîti b!' the Poles whilc Uic population la 98% German. To offset ibis Uic Poles bave erecteti anoiher ciy, il miles distant, te ruin Uic trade prospects o! Lthe cil!' o! Danzig. This la tise menus a! f urther increaslng the en- (Continuel on page 5) CONS[DERABLE REDUCTION IN POTATO ACREAGE NOTED IN DURHAM Goverrnent crop reports for Dur- ham Counîy for past weck show f ail wheat, alfalfa anti clavera bave matie a remankable growth. The Pik spray bas been appliet in many archards the latter part o! this weck. Indications point toaa gooti average crop. Sînsu-berries came lbrough uith practlcally no u-iter killing. Seeding about 90 per cent. campleted with only a feu- lu-en f ields ta b. finisiseti. Cansit- crable neduclion in acreage o! early anti late potatoes ta b. planlet. In sPite o! thse faci tisaI ail our best gnou-crs recognize Uic at-vantages o! commercial fertiliser for potalees, on accut a!lau- price receivcd rnanY are nol usng any this year fan Uic 1931 crop. Win aI Oshsaua Ai Uic Central Ontario District lnterscholastic athlello mccl ai Osh- au-a on May 24Ui. thse !ailowing Bowmanville boys won in Ihese ev- enta: Broati Jump, Ted Bagndil 2nd; 100 Yards. Harolti Calmer lai: 440 Yards, E. Hurt 2nd; abat put, H-. Calmer 2nd: broat ,iump. Iut., H. Calmer 2nd. HOSPITAL BUNDAY AND NURSES' GRADUATION Sunday and Tuesday, May 29 - 31 Sunday wifl be observed ini BowrnanviUe as Hospital Sun- day, and our hospital and the service it renders to the com- munity wil faim the basis of addresses to be given by the ministers of the -variaus chur- ches on that day. The aninual graduation execicses will be- held ini Trinity Church on Tuesday evening, May 3lst, at 8.30 e'clock when the four gra<uating nUrses, Stela May L.amb, S. Ruth Hancock. Fran- ces Elleen Hancock, and Eliza- beth Bigelow, wl be present- ed with their diplomas. The speaker o! the evening will be Dr. F'rank C. ?rebilcock. Tor- onto. a forme Bowmanville boy, who is recognized as one of Cagnada's outianding eye specialists. A fine musical prograrn bas alto been arrang- ed for the evcnhng. Foflowlng the graduation exercises a re- ception will be hcld in tbe sehool roorn o! Trlnity Church. NEW BUS SERVICE TO BOBCAYGEON TO START ON JUNE let Garton Coaeh Linos Secure New Franchim e t.Ojerate Service PýromOshawa, Via flowmaa- vinle to BIUClatock, Llnd- my mald Bbeayge.a A new bus he runnmng f ron Oshawa te Bobcf'gcon, will com- mence on WednescSy nexi, June lst, when the Garton Coach Uànes cern mence on the operaf ion of thcir new schedules. Mr. Garton bas received f rom the D)epartmnent of Highways at Torogit. a franchise for this route which la expected te rnateriafly ben- e! it the town of Bowrnanviile. The schedule appears in another celumn. A daiiy service, Ieaving Oshawa at 7.45 each rnornlng, wil be run with special services on Saturdaya, Sun- days and- holidays. The new route will go f rom Oshawa to Bewman- ville and- on te Bobcaygeon via Hampton, Ennlakilen, Burketon, caygeon. A bus Wl] leave Bobcay- »geon for the ttip south dally, except SunldaYS, Saturdays and holidays, ai 7 a. m. On the latter days special achedules will be mun te take cana of the added traffic. The new service wl give Bow- manville people an opportunlty of getting te Caesarea. The bus does flot stop right at Caeanea but with- mn half a mile o! the beach. The service iS expced te brrng much business te the town f romn Cart- wright tewnsbip. as the schedule win permit on Saturdays, the iourney South in the morning with a retin in the middle o! the alternoon or late i the evening. This should prove a big attraction te the farm- ers and it is hoped that the new service wiil prove a great succeas. Mr. Garton is to be complimentei On his initiative i comrncncing this Uine for it takes a considerable amount of courage te undertake anYthing of this nature at times such as the preseiit. DECORATION DAY Sunday. Jane 26th. Following a conference with offcials of the Orono Decora- tion Day Committcee it has been dccided net te alter the date of the BowmAnvllc Dec- aration Day ccncmony f rom June 26th as planned. The conflicting of these two events bas been overcorne by chang- ing the Urne. The Bowman- ville cenemony wlll commence sharp at 2 P. m., andi willbe over shortly at ter 3 p. m.. day- light savlng time. The Orono oerernony wll start at 2.30 p. m. standard tIme. giving any f rom here who wlsb te attend ample Urne ta make the trip. r i v i Route of the Durham County Apple Blossom Tour Orcharda Are Expectel te be inluBl Bloom by Saturday. Cool weatber during the past week rnotonist.s using this same map, bas sornewhat retarded the opénhng whicb appeared in Monday's Toron- of te aple bossms ad cose-to Stan, Iound no trouble in follow- o! te aple loaoma nd ons the route. The rnap shows quently the orchards on May' 24th plainly interesting pointa along the diti fot show off to advantage. It route, ncluding the Orono Rtefore- la expectcd. however. that the blos- try aide trip. Laudmarks te guide the soms will be out f ull by Saturday motorist are also included inl thia andi Sunday andi that a glorious tour rnap. Inset, a happy malden arnong will be -àvailable for those wisbing the blosoms of Dunham County last te faliow the above route. Toronto sprng. Street Tree Planting Campaign Was Inaugurated iat Arbor Day Ceremony 'School Children and Citi- L zen& Attend When Mayor Plants Firat Maple at Cor- ner of King and Liberty eS tr eets- Work Com- mences on Rotary Park. -i attendauce, but sadly lcnrZ -representative body o! citizens, Bow- t rnanvilie's fiast Arbor Day i many tyears was celebrateti with due cre- 1rnany on Fnliay afternoan. The e rce plauting ccremeny was helti ai the cerner o! Ring anti Libent!' -Stneeta - Ea.stern Heuse Corner), f f rom whcnce il Wilb. carniet east a In boUi aides o! Ring Streeite St. - George Street. B ULder direction a! missHelen G. 1 Marris, A. T. C. M, Musical Directer - lofUicePublic Sciscol, Uic prograrn 1 * peneti with Uic singingoff"0 Can- v ada" alter wiich Mayor Oco. W. iJames aditiessedtheUi children on the rtepic o! Arber Day. The meaning 1o! Arber Day, Ise saiti, was a day set -apant for planting trees which bat vuis origin i 1872 in the state o! ;. Nebraska, u-here'Secretany o! Agri- Sculture Julius Menton stanteti a cam- spaign for Uic saving anti renewig ofa farests. This was turing Uic presitential rule o! Grover Cleve- slandi. Therefore. ibis year was thse 6OtIs annivcrsary. Uic Diarnonti Jub- Slice. of Uic firsi Arbor Day. Since that urne soe states have enacteti lau-s providing a set date for Arbor Day. wbile in Canada it is a day set apart thse latter part a! April or early iMay for the planti*g o m*ecs. Mayor James refernedtCtei recent planting o! 24,000 trees in Bowmanville under Uic direction o! Uic town council anti Ceuncilor L. T cLaugislin anti Reeve T. H. Lokart. He urged upon the chilti- ren thc cane o! these young trees as wcll as tise neu- trees u-hlch Wil]!b. planteti an Uic sîrcets. Yeaxs aga. he added. guaras wcre put arounti newly planted trees ta protecî Ihcm from mischievous chiltiren. but Se fclt sure that the teachers bati !ully ipreýd upon the chiltiren o! 10- day the necessit! a! tise cane o! trees and respect for property. Mayor James pali tribute te Uic Kingswas' Nurseries andti tes Downham Nurseries. bots a! wham (Continueti on page 5) The Result of One Effort in the Clean-Up Cainpaign View of thse lin cana collected for tise Tin Caa Matine. £1 the Roy"l Theatre T'le above photograph, loanet inl Clean Up Week,. as the!' appeareti them te admission. One boy brought o! Uic Goodyear Wlngfcot Clan, Theatre. Over 500 kitidies mu- Uic your Imagination in !lgurlng ui shows Uic many hundretis o! cana show anti cach brought ai lesat 25 heu- many cana were collecteti dur- coilecitd by cbffdren of BowrnanviiictUn cana on a sting, wbich entiileti ing this speclal anti unique dlean-up drive. JUDGE RULES MIAN MAY BE INSANIE TET MAKER WILL ADEQWATELY Tu-o Sons of Cartwrighst Tounship euat Osgoode Hall, a, Toronto des- have enough testarnentary capacit!' te make a Wl], Chie! Justice Mulock declaret inluthe Appellate Court at Osgaode Hall yesterday. An insane person, thse chie! justice sait, rnxghl bave luciti moments" wben lhe woult drau- bis wiIl as sanely as de- sireti. His Lordsbip's remanka wcre matie in gig judgrnent iinisSing Uic appeal oi sons o! Uic laie James Hoocy, township of Cartwright f ar- mer. u-ho sked that their faiher's wil] a! Dec. 4. 1930, b. teclancti in- vali fan lack a! testarneniary ca- pacity. Judge Huyckc bat previous- 1!' uphelti tisecontention o! Uic ex- ecuters, anti matie an ander admit- iing tU i lte probate, The will disposeti o! an estate o! $16,000. The appellanta, George anti Edmnti Clemeni Hoocy, sons o!fUic testater's firat wi!c, were cacis le! i $500, Uic residue of Uic estate bclng divitiet b.tween Velma Maye Hooey anti Myrtle Hoocy, daugbters of Uic tesiator's second uifc. The execu- tors wbo broughit the actian b.! are Jutige Huycke wcre William Bea- cocli, clerli o! Uic township of Cart- wright. anti Samuel Foster Ferguson, gentlemian. James Hocy dieti Jan. 18, 1931. Question Of Fact -The question concerneti here," saidtheUi chief justice, -.15 one o! faci. When the testater beard ibat bhis sons wcre dissatlafie th hii is first wil]!b. iimatet that he de- sinedti t make another, To guard against trouble ha bequestiiedtit ech of them $M0. "He didn't caf in hiis ou-n physlc- ian because be consitiereti be was toc favorable tewards bis sons. He seeme t tahave a cdean idea, of the Position. The sons bati set up for theinselves. It impresses us a rea- senable wUll. But reasonable or un- reasonable a man bas a righîtet make bis w-i as lie likes, There seemeti at any rate a suflicient rea- son for bis own conduct anti ne ev- idence o! testamentary icapacity. The estate was a simple anc andthie testater kncw penfectly wcli Uic nat- unal objecta o! bis bounty, Uic chil- tren. Il bas been pointeti oui that even an insane mnan may bave luciti moments i wich lie can give cffect 10 bis reasonaole intentions."- Bowling Tournaient A very successful Uinee game lau-n bowling teurnament, anc o! thée f ual Ibis season i Ontario, was mun off on Victoria Day b!'tise lacal bowling club. Ten runks took part, but al prizes remainet inhiBowmanville. Oshawa sent 3 ninks, Port Hope 1, Wbitby 2, andt he remalning 4 u-ere local. The prIse winners wcre: ist, J. D. Canruthers, akip, M. G. V. Goulti, W. J. Dudley' anti Murray Mitchell. bcd sets e! sheeta anti pli- 10w cases, 2ndl,Ç. ,,IL Meath, skip, F. O. McIlveen, I. G. Hefkey anti C. B. Kent, dressing gowna: 3rti. J. J. Mason. skip, Siti, Scott, M. W. Tain- blyn anti Bob Kent, silven salati f rka andi berry spoana. The teurnament proveti a get succeas andtihUi greens were lu excellent shape for so early lu the season.Wih i- creaseti memberuh1p and lInerest Uic Bowling Club la looklng forwud 10 a mcii succeSctu] Yemn. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY DOING SPLENDID WORK Eastern Approach te Town Beauti- f led by Addition to Bock Garden and Sbruhs -Unslghtly Town Lots Are Aiso Kuiaproved Bowmaxlville Horticultural Society Iscît an Arbor Day of its own on Friday whcn during Uic day consiti- erable planting was donc at variouis places in thc town ibat wcre in neeti o! improvement. Work was cern- maenccd at Uic corner o! Qucen anti King Streets on the West End Gar- age lot andt iis unsightly corner bas been hitiden by thc planting of flew- ers anti shrubs. At thc triangle ai Queen and Ontario Streets floweing sbnubs were planteti as an impreve- ment on that cerner andi arrange- ments have been made with Mrs. Carpenter, who resldes ibere, te keep the plot in good shape. Work at Uic Cernetcry wasaiaso carreci on, Uic rockery on thse south aide o!f ce igh-way belng extendeti tewards Uic bridge. Ih la hopcd do complete this work i the fan!. Jun- ipers, rock plantsansd flowerimg shrubs were plantid. Twenty-five of these abrutis were gcneroualy do- nateti by Mr. E. J. Wood. Manager o! thc Brookdalp Nurseries. The workt commenceti by the ec- lety on both aides 0f Uic hlghwmy lat year bas cone Urough 10% and the members are particula.rly plcaaed wlih bat wusaccoenpbshed in Uic initial sean at Ibis work. AUl Uic work this yean and batbas been donc ikdter the personal supervision of Mn. A. S. Baker, andi ail stock bas been secured fromn local nurseries. Thse SlctY I la aocarrytng aon a splendid work by provlding Uic flewers sud abrutis for thse Memonla Plot on Temperance Street. 'Ib Plot la a crectit te the Society ad Isl looking better tocisy than Il bas at any Urne sunce tic Memons! wlm unveiledin-u 1925. Several bt& of tulips add color te Uic plot ai Uice present Urne andi these arc belng ne- Placeti ey shortly b!' genaniums. Itlzenerally admittedti Uat thse Society bas accompllahed a splendid work dmling Uic past two years and ita igrowing rnembersbip la cvldmno of Uic public approval 0f Uic efforts of Uic soclety. mugoe FestivalNetes We regret that ln our report et thse prise uluners et thea usi Fes- livai ve insertedthe Uic -eau luhico f Mrook as getng hon- orable mention ln Uic Piano under 16 clasa. Misa Shields iled i utI Thelma Harris of Bowmanvll for Mr. E. P. Bradt, secrctary of the Durham County Music Feêstival As- sociation, requesta that the prise wlnner holding a gold medal andi who dld not turn It ln aller the pre- sentation. do se now se, that it ma be engraved wlth the name andi date of the festival. S. 0. E. Charch Parae Unden the command o! Wortby Presîient Dave Armlatead, Welling- ton Lodge, Sons of Englianti, te- getiser wltb the Junior Lodge andi Daughters anti Maids o! Englauti. paraded te, St. Paul's Unitedi Church on Sunday for themn annual cburch Parade. The service was conducted bY Rev. A- S. Kerr, the ministen, who welcemed the organizations te the churcb andi whe preached a forceful sermon on the text ln vers six of Psalmo 137, "If I prefer net Jerusai- em above rny chief joy,." onc of the most fervent patnlotlc utterances of David found in bis psalrns. Mr. Kern outliheti the greatnesof the British Empire andtheUicgnowth of its Empire, remhndlng bis hearers this greatnesa could net be achieved wlthout a true alleglance te thc PrnnCiples 0f Cbnistlanity anti God. For this service a picture 0f Eus& Majcsty the King, draped i wth the Union Jack. held an honoreti place before the pulpit. The choir, untier the direction o! Mr. H. j. Knlght, renderedtheUicanthem «"Fraise Uic Lord O MY Seul". and Mms C. Ar- thur Cawker andi Mis. Munroe Neal sang a duet "The Lord Is My shcp- herd.Y Foflowlng Uic service thc Ilodges Paraded te Uic cenotaph whene wreatbs were laid on thc monument b!' Mr. Bert Parker for the S. O. E., and by )Lrs. B. King for Uic D. andi M. of Englanti. Prof. J. Eaton Howitt. hcad 0f Uic Botany Department. O. A. C.. has prepared a boocUet which delves thoroughly it Uice varieus types of wecds fount inh Ontario. It la wel illustrated and gives a vast arnount of information. COMING EVENTS Cadet inspection andi prize glvlug day will b. helci at Uic Boys' Train- ing Scheol on Monday, May' 3»U, at 2.30 p. m. Thse public are cerdially invitedti teattend. The annual meeting of Bowrn- ville Wen's Institute will b. helti i Uic S. O. E. bail on Friday', May 2'7th, at 3 P. m. Eleclion of oflcers. Program i charge of Mrs. Fred Baker's group. Home-madie Cooklng Sale - The ladies 0f Uic East Concession circle 0f Wornen's Association of -Trhnity Unitedi Chunch will holti a sale of horne-made cooking *on Saturday. May 28th, at 3 P. rm. in Uie store o! T. W. Cawker. King St., Bowman- vinle. ' '. ~±1~w~ ~ 'r' ~ ~ . * ---l