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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 May 1932, p. 5

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$ ~Mrs. N. S. B. James is spending a Miss Dorothy James, University of LOC L PRS NA wekwith relatives in Toronto. Toronto, spent the weekend and hol-N T LOC LMissSNA Marion Warder, University iday at home. TRIN IT _________________of Toronto. is home for the summer Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Devitt were R L.B.Nihas ndholidays. called ta Mimico over the weekend UNITED CHURCH Mr. and Mrs.L.B ihlan Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hynds ani owing ta the seriaus illness af their son Doulas spent Sunday in Ham- f amily, Toronto, visited hier parents. daughter, Mrs. Wm. Hall. iltn.Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders. Chief of Police and Mrs. Sidney Mnse Mrs.H. . Dy ofKinsto is Miss Harriet Bartlett spent the Venton attended the funeral on E. F. ARMSTRONG, B. A., B.D0. Mrs H E.Da 0fKmsto ~weekend with her aunt and uncle. M nday af his uncle. Mr. Richard Organist vjsiting her aunt, Mrs. W. C. Wash- Miss Eva and Mr. John llyar. Bic le. Ebenezer.FRNI UT .Mu.Sc ingtofl. Miss E. Goade attended her cous- Mr. and Mrs. Eric Morse, Part FRNSSUTNMu.Bc Rev. and Mrs. J. U. Robins. List- mns birthday party in Toronto, and Hope. and Miss Margaret MacNab, Sunday, May 29th owel, called an friends in tawn an visited f riends at the beach. f ormer- Toronto, were weekend guests at the the holiday. ly of Bawmanville. home af Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Shane. Il a. m.-"The Mised Miracle" Ms.Rogr islegh Mr. Al. Hancock. Miss Catherine Mr. and Mrs. Casselman and Gra- A service with special reference Mr.andMr. RgerFîhleghHancack. and Mr. Ted Mason. Tor- ham, and Mrs. Rhorig, Morrisburg, ta the hospital. were holiday guests af Mr. a.nd Mrs. anto, were holiday visitors with the and Mrs. Casselman, Toronto, are Aitem ROCk of A.<Bfls R. H. Westaway. latter's mother, Mrs. T. G. Mason. visitmng at Mr. and Mrs. W. R. 2.30 p. m.-Sunday Sehool Mis Wld Smth Trono,15 Members of Durham Ladge. A. Strike's. 7 p m--"The Man the Age Demands" spending hier holidays with Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Nichais. F. & A. M. in large numbers went ta Mr. W. R. Strike has been spend- The Cadets of the Boys' Training Toronto by special bus last Thurs- ing a week in the wlds of Quebec o n School will attend this service. dad *a fishing trip with his brother, Pal- nhn:-eRitý,usCy day venng nd aid hei anualice Magstrate Glen Strike, Ottawa, L~ return visit ta Donc Ladge. Neediess and other legal dignitaries. A man is flot what his instincts make ta say everyone reports the occasion. Miss Agnes Bellnian, Callingwood, him, but what ho makes f his instincts. y A L d as another of those enjayable frat- visited with her grandmather, Mrs.1>-ny G0.1 and Immortalty and vou wfl .-rr in ail y-our calcuatirns about the T E T Eernal afairs that make far happy Edwarcl Belman, oe h weekend; v.orldI. Arrirm God and lrnrnortality and THE TREmemrie. ad M. ad Ms. m. rowingof you wl achieve lif t is b,ýst. MEMBER OF _______________Taranto spent the haliday with Mrs._______________ oan« Bellman. klr6tu Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Fenneli, 87 ,D~veetioea~Sixth St., New Toronto, wiil be ai < ~~ I.,~~~ home ta their friends on Saturday, THEC U HE 27 ~~~~~~~p. m., it being their twenty-fifthl _____________ _________________ L,,eddVaue 'aieray These alues Rev. Dr. Oea. S. Patterson, Tor- St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church FRL - SAT.- MAY 27 28 Tho~rg aseaehst nto, wha returned this spring f rom,_Rvw.J adMnser on Japan where hie has spent nearly 20 ing Worsb.ip il a. mn.; Evening Wor- THE BEAST of the CITY learn haw ta make hier pennies years in Y. M. C. A. work, was guest 1ship 7 P. m.; Sabbath Schoal 2.30 With Jean Harlow and count these days. Don't overlaak aver the weekend afi Ns wife*s uncle p. im. The minister wiil preadi. Walter Huston. Quality for Price. Shop where and aunit, Mn. John and Miss Eva St. John's Anglican Church-Rev. «"ADENTU7RES IN AFRICA" quality meets price. Hellyar. c. R. Spencer, Rector. First Sunday and Comedy. Mr. and Mns. George H. Lott, Mr. af ter Trinity: Holy Communion 8 __________________ $ 1.25 Iranized Yeast 98c and Mrs. Lewis Burnard and Muriel, . am.; Mrning Frayer il a. mn. (Jun- MO. TES -~U 3 -31 25c Carters Little Liver Pilis. 22e London, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lott, ior W. A. and Churdli Boys' League MON.- TES.- NIY 3 - 1 175c Kruschen Saîts 69e Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lott and Miss special service; Children's Service "AFTER TO-MORRO W"1 25e Baby's Own Tablets 22c Bernice, and Mn. Vctor Blake. Osh- 2.30 p. m.; Evenmng Frayer 7 p. M. With Charles Farrell and 1 60e Chase's Nerve Food 49c awa. were recent visitors at Mr. Wm.« St. Paul's United Church - Rev. i40c Castoria.- 33e J. Faunds.ASKer 4A.MnitrH.J Marionl Nixon. $1.00 Meads Cereal 80C Mr. J. H. Fax. Vice-PrincipalofA. .Kni r, Chor.LAdM ser; Mr. C. H Comed.y - News. 35e Chase*s K & L Pis 29e Kennedy Collegiate at Windsor, has Dudley, Organist. il a. m-Service Topaz Glassware $1.25 Lydia Plnkham's been selected f rom 33 applicants as attended by Palestine Chapter R. A. _______________________ V. Camp. S1.00 principal af Picton Callegiate at a M.; subject, -Made Ready at the IVED. - THURS. ý-E 1 - 2 S1.00 Dextri Maltose 80e salary af $3500. Mr. Fox is a son- Quarries-: 2.30 p. m.-Sunday Quality Guaranteed. in-law ai Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Joness Schoal and Bible Class; 7 p. mn.- Thomas Meighan inl -of tis toNfl. '*The Wind and the Spinit.- A car- "CHEATERS AT PLAY" 3L'e ,,c 'D-N4* Soee A new annamental lamp, which dial welcome toalal. adds much ta the appearance of the ______ Camedy - Snapshat main door of St. Pauls United Mickey Mouse - and others. mu C, hurch has been piaced at this en- Chinaware J trance. Il 15 the gift af St. Paul's TYjN ______C.__G.__I.__T.whoareunder tTeRdNE 3 - 4 - JUI)'3 - 4 juryI& ction 'of Mrs. A. S. Kerr. te _______________________________________________ Mr. and Mrs. John Allan. Mr. and John and Lionel Barrymoe in 8 Houl, Sevce Developing Mrs. A. Bunitise, Rev. A. Barner. IMr. Levi Annis, Toronto, spent "ARSENE LUPIN" and Prifltiflg1 Superintendent af Indian Missions, the weekend at home. Mrs. Barner, Miss Maud Barner and Miss Beatrice Bigelow, Lotus, Dr. Herbert Barner, and Mrs. F. spent the weekend at'home. __________________________________________________Vennen, al of Toronto, spent the haliday with Reeve and Mrs. T. H. Miss Ruby Virtue, Toronta, is with Lockhart. lier mather. Mrs. Laura Vîrtue. J. H. Needham wishes ta announcej Mrs. James Dudley is visîting hier that lielias maved his business f rom daughter, Mrs. W. J. Bradd, Oshi- back of the Hydro Shap ta Nis cîwn awa. Sum m ertim e at Corbett's place an Centre Street, wîhere he Messrs. Harry and Frank Hather- will stUll carry an the business of 1Y, bixie, spent the weekend at sign painting also wagon, auto and home. Summer time means more leisure time for the wîcker wark, etc., scissors sharpened. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore, Provi- Phone441.16-tf dence, spent Sunday at Mr. N. J. houswif andmor buines, fr Crbet'sbe-Miss E. E. Haycraf t af The States- Wodleys. cause the xise housewife lets Corbett do her man staff is accompanying hier Mr. Earl Qoadman, Toronto, spent nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Sunday with Nis parents, Mr. and summer baking. It is just as cheap as doing your John Lawrie, Oshawa, on a motar Mrs. L. J. Goodman. own baking and you save the energy and nervous trip ta Washington, D. C., where Miss Florence Gardiner, Oshawa, strin f w rkig bt fre n bt wathr. they are attending the graduating recently visited her parents, Mr. and stano oknover a htfr nhtwahr exercises ai tle Washington Sani- Mrs. B. F. Gardiner. tanium Hospital, Tacoma Park. Miss Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hicks, Gorrie, SSPECIALS FOR SATURDAY ONLY Haycraf t's grand niece. Miss Mar-- visited lier brother, Mr. N. J. Wood- ion Lawrie. is one of the class of 23 ley, and other frienas. Coco Buds .....................*24c lb. graduating nurses. and her grand Mrs. J. Hendricks and babe. Tren- Wilards ýilkChoolae W fer. 24c lb. nephew, Wilfred G. Lawrie, gradu- toar ishngler parents, Mr. Wilad' XiI Coclae afrs .atea. with bus B. A. deg'.ee from the a resiti.Gdng r COR ETTS A E OLEAGE TSWashington Missionary College. M and MrsF. Garne cCy COR ET'SAR SO E GE TSThe Alice .Jackson Mission Band Bowmanville, Mset uametMcco For oma Mel Brad. A dlicous rea tht oa Trinity United Churcli met on Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mutton. Fo R mn ea red.Adeicos redtht Monday, May 23rd. The meeting MisDrhyWke an Mr prevents indigestion, is nutritious, and relieves opened with singing and prayer by GrbMi oo Walker ornd Mrp.n Mrs. W. C. Ives; seripture lesson wasGrhm WleTon, pt constipation, Try it. You are sure to like it. read by Jean Rundie; and a story by the holiday at Mrs. J. Storie's. Ruth James; sentence prayers by Mr. and Mrs. James Souci and twa ginls and Lord's prayer in uni- Miss Grace Rundle, Bawmanville, son. Offering was taken by Eleanor and Miss L. Penfounid, Toronto, vis- Jahniston. Secretary and treasurer's ited at Mr. Albert Hawkey's. repart was given. Plana solo was Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Burgess, Mr. given by Jean Rundie: recitatian by and Mrs. Harold Burgess, Mr. and C o rb tt' B ak r'yMargaret Rowe; vocal solo by El- Mrs. W. H. Taylor and Allyn, re- BOWMANVILLEPHN 3 eanor Johnstan, necitation by Mar- cently visited at Mr. H. A. Stevens', Waa;recitation by Dorathy Rich- Miss Ethel Eastman and Mrs. R. ard. Ms. .F. Armstrong present- S. Wade, Toronto, Miss H. Emmer- ed Dorothy Smale with a lie mein- son and Mms. Eastman, Bowman- bership, while Mrs. G. L. Wagar pre- ville, Sundayed with Mr. and Mms. sented two li.fe memberships ta Mms. Byron Moore. COA L P RI CES AR E DO0W N' Ives. band leader. and Miss Louise League program Thursday evenn YOU can mnake more money right NOWHbb.wsichreaM.GrdnBn. Reading by Miss Velmna by filling your bin with STREET TREE PLANIZNG scripture by Miss Lola Richards; the That Dependable Pennsylvania Hard Coal CAMPAIGN INAUGURATED EtocWhitpenilgizenbyCoMn. than the cost of a bin fuB ll earn try Lufe as a Great Christian Pra- ilet in your savings account. (Continued from page 1) duce; aiter wich Mr. A. H. Brent AIL RDES WLL ECEVE AREUL ND wre ponarig ad spplingtheled in prayer; vocal duet by Mn. and AL RESWLLRCIECREUADwr sosrn ndsligte Mms. A. H. Brent; recitation by Mr. PROMPT ATTENTION. trees for this new venture into street Ed. Barlow; reading by Mr. Douglas tree plantîng and town beautifica- Conbay; piano duet by Miss Mae tian. Taking the spade the Mayor Brent and Mrs.HoadBet'ln HENR LAT ROPEthen planted, *"ta the Glory oi God, meeting clased with the benediction. Phone 520J or 520W Bowmanvllle for the beautification af our town _________________________________________..... __ and as anl inspiration to future gen- . Sunday school anniversary ser- erations" the first maple tree in this vices, which were held on Sunday, campaign. In this ceremany mens- May 22nd, were a great success. bers af the town council assisted by Rev. W. J. H. Smytlie, Orono, spoke treadmng the soul round the tree and at bath services. In the morning 'ianl' uns.ductia-n - -i rte--foôr 115e -paying I Chef ai Police Sidney Venton dir- cash. It is obviaus that when a I ce rfl o emttecide small advt. is charged the cost ai FreteetafWc.a eritthechîdenbaaklng and billing is oui ai all pro- Fr d W e l sand teachers ta parade f nom the Portion ta the size te accuns Phone 599 Bowmanville schoal alang Silver and King Streetse ______________________________________corner_ Jwlere the ceremony was As thy virtue dictates, dare to do. ______________________________ held. -Masan. WAR CLOUDS HOVER OVER EUROPE (Contmnued Pom page 1) inuty between Ihese two nations. Other nations are taking sides, with the result tisat war seems alunast in- evitable at same tinse. In this samne corridor East Frus- sia was on one side af the river and polish ternitory on the othen side. With the river running alangside their praperty lhe East Frussians had been deprived oi jusi fifty feet af the river bank virtually keeping them from using the river ai ail. They have access at one paint and tiat amounts ta anly 157 incies. Furtier incneasing the danger of autbreaks af war is the situation on tise Folisis-Silesian border whidh has been getting worse ilinougli the ag- gressive actions ai lie Pales. Under an agreement in whici Germany re- ceived an exceptionally anesided deal the Pales have came inta pos- session of the rici mineral sections af the Silesian territary despite a distinctly unfavorable p le bic it e which voted lunanimously ta Stay witis Germany. BY farce o! armns the Pales have kept the Silesians subdued. In Galicia the Pales. pur- sued the saine agressive policy, until tliey Iinally gained contrai o! the Country ion 20 years and tien luter tisraqp- tne League of Nations it became Polsis ternitory. Tis us en- tmnely against the wfi 0f thse people resî there, but il lias happened .iust the saine. Cantinuîng tiseir palicy tise Foies next tried ta affect an alliance wîtis Litiuna but on the refusai af tise latter country tiey seizeci the Lith- uanian capital and Made it Falisis territary. Litisuanua consequently becanse a bitter enemy ai k'olanal, but beung a weak nation were un- able toa o anythung ta prevent thse seizure ai uts capital. And 50 tne situation presents it- seiu ivith Uermany, East Frussia, Siesia, Galicua anai Litisuania, ai totaily oppasecitat ie F0151 state wÎ1ncls niaintains a isuge amiy for uts Protection. War is 0o1u1d ta en- sue at aomne turne un.less a seutle- ment can be elfected. Tiiere was a Possiole solution, Mn. Troop saîd in conclusion. Germany coula exchange a mare nartnern part of ins terrîîary for thse corridor. another outlet couid be gîven Polana ta thse sea anci Germany could be content ta get back tne Gernian sectionsof i Slesa. Thse cessatian a! warlike proceedings agaunst the all- er count ries by Poiand would be tise nseans af bninging settlement at that end. However, France was backing Poland, andi Italy was op- Posed, whie atiser natians were lin- ring up on eadli side until it does seens as tisougli the matter will only be finaily settled by war. Rotanian E. F. Armstrong, on bc- hall O! the club, extendei a very liearty vote ai thanks ta the speak- er ion hus splendid address. Secretary Dippeli read invitatians ta an inter-City Rotary Meeting at Belleville on Maniday, May 3Oîi, and iron Toronto Rotary Club ta hear Canon Elliott, a fanmer Fresident of RaiarY International British Isles an May 27tis. A letter frOM E. F. Bradt, Secretary of Durhamn County Music Festival, was alsa read expressung thanks for Rotary Shield presented ta the festival. '*Bowmanvlle money, Bowmanville made, Siauld stay at home For Bowmanville trade." AUCTION SALES Monday, MaY 3ts-Percy Farter, Lot 1 and 2, Con. 1, Manvers, 4 miles souili west of Fantypool, will seil Ns farma stock, implements. wood, etc. Sale at 1 P. M. Ted Jackson, auct- ianeer; T. S. Maunlioy, clerk. 21-1 AUCT1iON SALE An important sale af many useful articles is being held by Richard Greene"s 1 at the back af Gliclinisî's Clothlng Store, entrance f romn Temperance I Street, on I Saturday, June 4th ai 1 P. m. standard time. Pant one Reinigerator, step ladder, 3 bed- steads, set 240-lb. scales, 3 tables, 2 W'asi stands, 2 chairs, 2 stoves, sink and pupe, 10 gais. Paint, 2 doz. quart sealers, tYPewriter, new cross cut, saw, sunall argan, long handie slsovel, 2 camp chairs. 2 rocking chairs, 2 electric sliades and f ix- tures, coal ail heater, shoemaker's autfit including 50 feet, box of glass, vise, spray tanik and pump, bucksaw, 6 do0cks, dubbin and sioe polisi, quantity oi rubber heels and soles. Part Two 12 tins Glasso slave polish, 25 frames and Piétures, 7 auto wind- BANCROFT I Ontario J. R. Moore, Jeweller 1Phone 41 (Next to Cauci, Jainston & Crydermian's Store) 163 BowamviRe Bargains in' Furniture sunroom, cretonne Dropside Couch-opens out to full-sized bed, good quai- ity cretonne covered mat- tress....... Special $1 1.50 suitable for sleeping porch or covered mattress, Mattress, good quality ticking and filling. .. $4.95 NORTIICUTT & SMITH' Furniture Dealers - Funeral Directors Ambulance Service Low Rates Phones 57, Residence 523 or 276 Want Something Tasty? HERE IT IS We specialize in tasty baked food for the sum- mer. You wiII like Bowmanville Bakery pro- duets. They are made from the purest ingred- ients by expert bakers. Mixed Cakes, boxed, Saturday only . ... 25c Mixed Tarts, ja m,pineapple, cherry, 1 cocoanut and butter .......... 20c droz. Chocolate Buttercrisps ........... 29c IL Chocolate Rose Buds....... 25c lb. Bowmanville Bakery C. W. JACOBS. Proprietor Phsone 97 BOWMANVILLIS 1,86 or121k e SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY. AND SATURDAY Special Blend Tea.................. 29c lb. Langley Harris Orange Marmalade, 40 o..... 21c 2 inl1Shoe Polish.................. loctin Selox, The Speed Soap ........... 2 pkgs. 25c Scot Tissue Toilet Paper........... 2 for 25c Bowes Baking Powder, IL tin ........... 25c Breakfast Bacon, haif or whole .........loc IL Breakfast Bacon, sliced............ 2 Ibo. 25c Lipton's Orange Pekoe Tea, 15 tea bags and 2 cup teapot.................... 50c Tiger Brand Ketchup, Ige. botties...... 2 for 25c Rowntree's Elect or Fry's Breakfast Cocoa, ½ýs ........................ 21c Canned Pumpkin...................0c tin Cooking Figs .....................1Oc IL Canned Corn, Peas, Tomatoes........ 3 tins 2c Ful-O-Pep Chick Grain, Chick Starter .GroWing, Mash and Egg Mash. Garden Seeds - Fresh Fish foir Friday Fresh Vegetables. HARR Y ALUIN King Street IBOWMfANVILLE Phsone 186 ./ PAGE FMV TE CANADIAN STrATESMAN.l BOWM£ANVILL. THrURSDAY, MAY 26th. 1932 M22= 1 à

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