P ADE TEN THE CM<ADIAN STATOMN.BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1932 The Newcastle Inclepencient I TH-URSDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1932 BAIL CLUB STAGES CONCERT 1 - Brown's Softball Team is order te ObitarYo! Gorg Eileckap-raise sonie necessary funds, gave a obiuar ofGeoge ilbck p-concert in the school house on pears on page 2. Trlursday evenni, when there wasc Mrs. Percy Hare recited at thie a gocd atUnëé'~ despite the raîn.t Music Study Club, Bowmanville, last Th.e..p ogram was contributed al- week. Most wholly by members of (lieE Miss Bessie Hunter, Toronto, spent team and their patrons. Clarence the weekend wth lier aunt, i Turner, fuliled the duties o! chair- Chas. Coulter. mani, and participatiflg artists were Mrs. (Dr.) H. C. Rundile, Brighiton, Ray and Sidney Brownl and Stanley spent (lie weekend w(h Mr. and Porteous, vocalists; Lloyd Steplien-t Mrs. Percy Hare. son and Mr. Teskey who enter-1 Mr. Chas. Rogerson. Toronto, tained with recitations and Mr.1 spent the weekend with Dr. W.. Mainwaring who gave a talk. In ad-1 Waltn-Bal a Haris odge H'dition three littie girls, pupils o! Walon-al atHarisLode. Miss Vera Power, appeared in a di-1 Mr. .anîd Mrs. Harry HisloP and alogue. Miss Marjorie Porteous1 son, -Toronto, spent the weekeild acted as organ accompanist as re- wth hler parents, Mr. and Mrs. John quired. ________ Caswell. - --- Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jose and sons and Mrs S. Jose visited Solina S. 0. E. AT ST. SAVIOUR'S f riends and attended ElcIad anniver- CHURCE home onSn lday. antoS..B. oedW vrla - Miss Marioni Rickard. Victoria Bros. Edmufld Thackray, J. W. College, and Miss Minnie Pearce of Bradiley, A. A. CoiwiUl, W. J. Hockin The Toronto Star. Toronto, are and H. R. Pearce, o! Lodge Newcas- Mr. ereyBrow an pary oftonLodge iast Sunday afternoon in friends, Rochester, N. Y., mo(ored its parade (o St. Saviour's Churcli, here last weekend and visited Mr. Orono. Rev. Bro. F. H. Mason read T. W. Jackson and daugliter, Mrs. the seripture lessons and preached a Brown. fervent patriotie sermon. He spoke Mrs. Geo. Eiibeck and son, Mr. disapproviligly o! the narrow nation- Murray Eilbeck, Mr. and Mrs. Rd. alism ivhich seemis to characterize Turner. Mrs. Bradford Kay and Mrs. the policies and acts of nearly ev- Leroy Hafiner, New York, spent last ery country; everyolie for self and Thursday in Toronto as guests of caring flot wlie(her others go to Mrs. Wm. Jolinston. ruin, starve and perisli. Rev. C. R. Messrs. J. H. Jose, J. W. Bradley, Spencer, Bowmanvilre, conducted A. A. ColwiUl antd H. R. Pearce of (lie service and St. Johin's Churcli Lode Nwcatle S..E..S.attnd-choir and organist, nearly thirty ed divine service with Wellington srnldi h evc fsn n Lodge at St. Paul's Churcli, Bow- rendered two inspiring anthems. manvllelas Sunay wek.Several S. O. E. members f rom Bow- manvllelas Sunay wek.manville and Blackstock, and the Mr. and Mrs. M. Brownl have con- Juveniles f rom Bowmanville were tractor Wm. Hennulgs employed in1 present. Durham Regimental Band building a sunroom on the east led the parade and joined the front o! their cottage. More room churcli service. Mr. Jack Elston and for more plants and flowers and Mr. Bert Brereton accompanied they will be lof the clioicest. their rector (o Orono and attended United Church-Rev. W. P. Rog- the service. ers, B. A., Pastor. Sunday, June 5, __________ Conference Sunday: il a. m.- Mornirlg Worship conducted by the CANADIAN LEGION W. M. S.; music by the Jr. choir; ATTENDED DIVINE SERVICE 2.30 p. mn.-.Sunday School; Evering AT ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH service wthdrawrl. Municipal Council met on Monday The Bowmanville Brandi o! the evening and in consideratioli o! a Calladian Legion which codfnts a- petition whicli lad been circula(ed, mong its membership several New- decided to adopt daylight saving, to castle veterans lield its second cone into effect next Sunday, June church parade liere on Sunday ev- 5th, at 2 a. m. and to continue until ening, May 22, and attended divine Sunday, Aug. 2tli, 2 a. m. service at St. George's Church. The The Y. P. L. lias ceased meeting members o! the Legion a!ter laying for the summner months, having held a wreath before the memorial tab- its closing meeting on Tuesday ev- let in the community hlal, lined up ening wlien the members o! the Or- în parade formations, preceded by ono League were present as guests (lie Newcastle scouts and cubs in end contributed a pleasing program. uniform, marshalled by Assistant Local leaguers served refreshmnltS. Scoutmnaster Jack Elston and witli St. George's Cliurcli-Rev. F. H. the Legion band in advance playing Mason. M. A., Rector. Sunday, June ardismch ttecuc, 5th 2n Sudayaftr Tiniy: .45wlere they were welcomed by (lie atlim2ndSunday after lanitYoungRector, Rev. F. H. Mason. MnsBbeCas11a. m.-MudySho n ouflg It being a special - occasion of Mn'sBibe lass; l a.mmu-Morn-mucli interest many visitors were in 7 .mvnng Prayer and Hoy omuill; attendance and (lie churcli was on p. e mEentin Prayeroando thisthronged to the doors, President R. mon. aTednR etisingsTofotth sy M. Cotton directed the parade and wekatednoeeigd! h y cererifonies in connection witli it flod.and Comrade Arthur Kilpatrick, The cast o! "Fickle Fortune" un- escorted by Comrades Geo. Mead- der the auspices and management of ows and Oco. Gaines of Newcastle Mrs. J. H. Jose's group o!f(lie W. A. carried the colors in advance o! the o!f(lie United Churcli. presented parade. depositing them witli the their play at Eldad on Monday ev- Rector who placed theni in the ening. Mrs. Percy Hare, reader, and hancel for (lie duration o!f(lie ser- the Maie Quartette, Messrs.W vice and (lien retired (hem just be- Rickard, Howard, Mark and rl fore its conclusion. Allin. accompanied (hem and assis(- Rev. F. H. Mason based a ed in (lie program. thlouglitfu1 sermon on (lie story of The Lake Shore, the Brown's the invasion o! Judah by the Assyr- school section, the Higli School and ians under Sennaclierib as f ound in the Young Mens Class o!f(lie United 2 Clironicles, Chap. 32. It wasa Churcli Sunday School have f ormed s(ory of (lie age long and ever con- a foursquare softball league and tinuing struggle o! miglit against dxawn up a scliedule o! games. The riglit. The figlit is neyer finislied, H. S. and (lie Y. M. C. play at (lie there is no finality (o it. The Great bal Park on Friday evening of this War was a conflict o! miglit against week, wlile Browns are playing (lie riglit in whicli millions o! brave Lake Sliore on (lie latters grounds men gave their lives for a cause. But tlis Tliursday evening. (lie Great War. as many lioped. dim< This is tulip time in Newcastle not terminate the conflict. The bat- and lias been for (lie past two or tle is stîli on. but o! a different (liree weeks. Tulips and Narcissi ! form. As it was (lie individual, the There are many beautiful beds o! private soldier. who won the Great them tlirougliout (lie village as an War, so (lie conflict (o day is one observation tour o!f(lie gardens de- for eacli person (o engage in. Some lightfuily reveals. Andi what a love- of (lie forces (liat are arrangeti ag- ly array there is in f ront o!f(lie ains( all that is riglit and moral are Community Hall. These were plant- (lie greed for gold, gang rule, polit- ed by (lie Horticultural Society and ical corruption, graft, irreliglon. In careti for until they are now per- support o! lis argument (lie Rec- fect in color and fragrance. (or re!erred (o recent occurences in Newcastle Baseball Club lias join- Europe, Asia. (lie United States and cd (lie Lake Shore League which even Canada. wMl give (lie players an opportuni(y Rev. C. R. Spencer, accompanied of piaying under their own banner by others !rom St. John's Church this season instead of helping out came down f rom Bowmanvilie after teagmso! other communities. As his own service, as Newcastle is st(1 league members playlng in a regular on standard time, and arrlved in adliedule (lie citizens will find an time (o assis( Comrade Mason in atided ilnterest in lier bail players as (lie latter part o!f(lie service. compared wl(h past years when (hey Special prnted leaflets wltlithe were in (lie limeliglit practically but liymns anti other portions o! the onc ayerinthe- ornme _tonseric wreust-AndA (liencniyres steve. Ten as she cameou n door te lier mother she f cil on (lie The Newcastle Grain & Beed Cf grounàt andi ler clothing burst into 1 fice are offerlng seed corn at $1.0 flanies. Matches may have been (lie i per bushel, eadli bushel guaran(ee cause. The babe Is under (lie care Grade 1. We also carry a f ull in o! D)r. J. AL. Butler. Charlie Robin- o! clilck feeds; also arc offering son was near at liand at tlie (Une speclal oat and corn cliop at $19.5 andi residereti valuable assistance. 1 per ton. A. W. Glenney. Proprieto, I. GRADUATE NURSES r CHIC White Slioes We arc sliowlng (lis week a fine varlety o! white shoes, in T straps, (les anti pumnps. Priceti moderately at $2.98 - $3.45 - $3.95 to $4.98 -W. Claude Ives Home of Good Shoes DOWMANVILLE le' st. as. ice )m ofi id d.J (tf ly- fin- ay. ve. if- 00 eed ine 50 jor. Il We can supply you with the followifng high-grade motor ouas: Coatrol Shell Veedol Mobiloil Penzoil Quaker State F;:ineroil, 100% Penn. BRTL , TTY PHION'E 110 KING 5T. IAST BOWMANVILLE PRESENTED WITH for DIPLOMAS AND PRIMES - (Continucti fromn page 1) happiness and sunshine (lie speaker 8 used as an illustration Charles Dick- 193 ens, "Little Neil" from the Oid Cur- iosi(y Shop and "Esther Suxnmers" M in Bieak House. This was (lie type Fr. o! person that was best f itted to be F (lie happy nurse. Pa There were other cliaracteristios P aise and tlie faculty o! keeping and on looking young was another inmport- an ant factor. One had to keep young ter indefinitely like G. K. Chesterton % (lie writer, wlio at an advanced age Jey te day lias neyer growi f rom boy-a liood or Barrie, (lie creator o! Peter- Pan. who even in his eighties is s(ill like a big boy. It was import- ant (oe(lie nurse, (lie speaker said to 1ook on l! e, as (lirougli (le eyes d o! a dliuld. d A third cliaracteristic was te have cc a hiappy outlook on lit e, to sec (liea finer, (lie better and (lie worthwhile NE (hings. Ini (le graduating nurse lie 1 saw (lie training only just begun. a Now tliey had to start te pick tliings W up. They had to adapt tliemselves d to (lie house in whicli (ley worked J and not (ell (lie patient how lier ai house should be run. If you do net CI agree with (lie way it is wait til b (lie patient is well, (iil you are T< leaving for a position manLy miles wv away and don't expect to ever sec I lier again, (lien teIl lier liow you- (hink lier house sliould be run and leave. Other elements ou(lined as nec- essary to success were "Mind your jo .own business", "Keep your ears and 19 eyes open" and "learn to cook". Re!errlng (oe(lie mind-your- own- business advice (lie speaker said (liat it would be a good thini if one Ji 1answer was given te every bit o! "ý gosslp one heard and (liat answer T~ .was "~Tut. tut Yeu don't say so?" 1Last o! ail, (lie speaker added, te be " ' a successf ul nurse, one must at al times say to hersel "I believe in SjGod, (lie Father Ahmighty." Further selections by Mrs. Berry 1and tlie Quartette were given and S (li te presentation o! Diplomas was, I made by Dr. W. H. Birks, Mr..H. c th(le presentation o! pins byMr.V IH. Storey, (lie presentation o!fprizesI for (lie higliest standing to lst. Miss Ruthi Hancock, 2nd, Miss May Lamb, by Dr. J. Clark Bell; (lie present- [1ation o!f(lie Hospital Board's cases o! instruments bs' Mrs. L. A. W. !Tole and tlie presentation o! books- .!rom (lie Women's Auxiliary by .Mrs. E. R. Boutisali. 1 Just before (lie singing o!f(lie 3 .National Antliem, f ive littIe girlsT apresented flowers (oe(lie graduates l and superintendant. These girls 1were: Kitty Storey, Ruthi James, 21 -Kay O'Neii. Margaret Storey and- )Norma Searle. ilFollowing (lie graduation a re- 1ception was lield in Trinity Sunday tSchool room. wlere Trinity Orches- 1tra, under Mr. Francis Sutton, pro- 'vided tlie music. Receiving wi(h 1, te graduate nurses were Mrs. aFlorence Smy(li, superintendent and Mrs. V. Hl. Storey, President o!f(lie fHospital Auxiliary. Mrs. W. C. ýWashington and Mrs A. E. Mc- sCready poured tea !rom a nicely -dccorated table anti about 150 at- ltendedte (ooffer congratulations teo (lihe nurses andi enjoy a social half 'hour. It was interesting te noter (liat Mr. Christian Relider was tlie eonly member o!f(lie original Hos- epital Board wlio was present at thli eexercises. 1932 EDITION OF THE HIGH SCHOOL SCREECH- OWL a - - Con(inued from. page 1> nlis dog (liat had f allen (lirougli (le aice. l- Several students have written it short articles in (lie editorial sec- j, ion that make interesting reading. ItStudents' Activities, (lie Commence- st ment Exercises, including (lie vale- ledictory address by John Jury, (lie It Annual At Home, prize winners and id exaxnination results are ail listed in t- (lie f irst !ew pages o!f(lie magazine. it B. Philips is (lie 1932 cartoonist le and lias made a reai gooti job o! lis It art. He lias a ready humer that lie le is able (o put into lite on paper. le Newton Hackney and Oscar Jam - ieson revert back te (lie old style o! re Wlio's Who for (lis year anti pro- - vide four amusing pages o! com- En ment on promninent students in the - scliooi. The. Llterary Section aiso in provides some gooti reading mat- id ter anti more pages are devotedtie( (lis (han any section. Many prom- ad ising writers have their efforts in ,h print for tlie f irst time. er A new idea in conduc(ing tlie ex- il change coiunt isusedti (is year in which rather de(racts f rom (lie in completeness of (lie volume (han adds to it. Ail that is given is (the ie names o!f(lie exchange periodicals .e andtihtecreader 13 given (o under- INorthumberlafld and Du rhur ISheriffa OlTice, Cobourg, Ontario. il March 2nd.. A. D. 1932. 1 id Memoriam, 50c; loc per lins extra SMemoriam versez. BIRTHS SUDDS-In Bowmanvilie, on May 28, )2, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Sudds, daughter. FRY - Ini Bowmanviile Hospital, on [y 26th. 1932, to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. ry. a daughter. pURVIS-In l3owrnnnville Hospital, on [y 26th, 1932, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward lrvis. a daughter (since died). OSBORNE-At Bowrnanviiie Hospital, nWednesday, May 25th, 1932, to Mr. d Mrs. Orville K. Osborne, a daugh- er (Helen Bertha). OLIVER-At Private Patients- Pavil- :m, Toronto, May 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. ohn Dudley Oliver (nee Alixe Spencer), daughter. DEATHS JAMIESON-In Newcastle. on Tues- Ly, May 31st, 1932, WVilliami Jamnieson, eloved, husband of M.argaxý&t Wox0d- ock. aged 53 years. Funerai on Thursday at 2 p. m. stand- wd time from, St. George's Church, ewcastle. Buriai in Orono Cemetery. WOTTEN-Entered into reat in Osh- La, on ThursdaY, May 26, 1932, Robert ffotten, aged 87 years. CROSSMAN-At Ilaydon, on Wednes- ly, May 25th, 1932, Eliza Anfi Mount- oy. beloved w~ife of James Crossman, ted 78 years. Interred at Bethesda emeterY. HERN-On Nlonday, May 3Otb. ut lier tome. Christie and Davenport Road, roronto, Bessie R. Hemn, deariy ioved xife of J. M. Hem., in ber 78tb year. iterred in Oshawa Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM UNDERI-19-1--n ioving memorY Ofý Jack, who Was taken front us lst June, 131. -Remembered by Margaret Sloss. 22-1w UNDERHILL - In loving memory of Jck Underhili. who died lst June. 1931. %Ve often oit and think of You. And think of bow you died; To think, you couid not say good-bye Before you closed your eyes. The fiowers we place upon your grave May wither and decay; But the love for you who sleeps beneath. WVill neyer fade away. --Remembfered by Marlon, Jimmie 22-1* and Wilfrid. STINSON-Ifi loving memory of T. H. Stinson. who departed ibis life May 29, 930. God called hlmi home, it was His will, lut in our heurts we love hlm stilI: His memory is as dear to-day As in the hour he passed awaY. We often ait and think of hlm When we are ail alone. For memory Is the only thing That grief can caîl its own. -Sadly missed hy wife and family. Violin Clasa Lessons Beginning Saturlay next at Il a. m. Terms: $1.50 per month of four 1-hour lessons. Now is the time to join if interested.* FRANCIS SUTTON, 20-tf Mus. Bac. F.C.C.O.. Etc. REPAIRS R. P A W S0N BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRING Good workmanship and material. Reasonable prices. Slver Street. Bowmanvlie 2 -4 Massey-1-arris Agent When you need new implements or your old onee need repairing. caîl W. H. Taylor. Tyrdfle. phone: Bowmanville 196r22. 21-3* Lauidry Wanted Ail kinds of iaundry -work done prompt- ly, satisfactorily. at reasonable prices Write Pos.t OMce Box 12, or caîl Mrs W. Marjoram, King Street East. Bow- manville. Phone 478. vided a further interesting feature Complete revlews of boys' an( girls' athietlcs and a section o humor complete this year's issue 0: The Screech Owl. Taking the mag azine as a whole it Is weil rounde( out, covering practically ailliase of student life. is well illustrate and contains a generous lot o! adc vertlsing to support a periodical o this nature. Every parent of B. Il S. students and former pupils o! ti school should flot fail to secure1 copy of this magazine. 1300K You want power ... yoi. want mileage .. . then use 0 c 3! 1- F. a *STATESMANC Small Farm Wanted WANTED - Wltbin twenty miles of Oshawa or Bowmanville, in the suburbs ofasmali country village, fromn 18 te 25 acres, with only amaîl bouse, barn and- (ber outbuildings. Address "J. J." co he Stateaman, Bowmanville. 21-2 Haîf Holiday at Mill Vanstone's Mill will be closed Wed- nesday afternoons during June. July and A.uguet. 21-2 NOTICE Port Darlington Harbor Co. Annual Meeting Notice lo hereby given (liat the annual General Meeting of the stockbolders of the Fort Darlington Hurbor Company ivill be held at the office of (lhe comp- any, Port Duriingtort, Town of Bowman- v'ille, on Monday, the 6th day of June, 1932. at the hour of four o'clock in the itternoon. for the election of Directors for the said Company for the ensuing year and for transaction of such busi- ness us may corne before the meeting. J. A. McCLELLAN, Secretary. Dated ut BowmanvilIe, June 1, 1932. Town of Bowmanville court of Revisofl and Appeal Notice isaiiereby given (bat the first sitting of (lhe Court of Revision for the Town of Bowmianvie iill bie ed at the Counicil Rooni in said Town of Bowman- ville on Monday, June 2Ot, 1932. at 7.30 p. m. te hear and determine the severul complaints of errors or omissions in the Assesament Rol for the said Municipal- ity for the year 1932. JOHN LYLE. Clerk of the Town of Bowmariville. Duted at Bowmanvilie (bis Ist day of June 1932. 22-2 Township of Cartwright Court of Revision and Appeal Notice is hereby given that (lhe first sitings of the Court of Revision for the Towvnship of Cartwright wiil be heid ut Town Hall ln the Village of Blackstock. on Monday. June 6th, 1932. ut the heur of tw o'clock 1p. m. to heur and deter- mine the several complainte and omi-de sions in the Assessment Roll for the said Alunicipality for the year 1932. AlI persons bving business t the Court are requested te attend. Dated at Nestieton. May 23rd. 1932. Wm. BEACOCK. 22-1 Clerk of Cartwrighit Tp. ÈHERIFF'S SALE 0F LANDS Unitedci ounties of Northumberlanld and Durham To Wit: Under and by virtue of a Writ of ieri Fi c*5.îsued out of fiis MaiestY's County Court of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. To mej directedl in an action wherein E . P. TfIIey, Administrator of the Estate of 1Dr. A. S. Tiley, deceased, Plaintif., and James MacConnaChie, Defendafit. I have seized and taken in execution ail the etate, right, titîs. interest, dlaim, Pro- perty, demund and equity of redemptoii of the above named James MacCon- nachie in te and out of ail and singular. the foîlowing land and premisea situate Iying and being ili the Township of 1Darîington, County of Durham, the Province of. Ontario, containing by ac- knowledgement 100 acres and 15 acres :respectively. hie the saine more or iess. Being composed, the first prcel, of the Southi part of Lot No. 3 in the Broken -Front Concession, of the Townshp of Darlington, as aforesaid, butted and bounded. or may ha otherwise known ias follows, thut Is to suy: Commencing on the Lake Shore of the limita between ELots No. 2 and 3 and at the South East Eangle of said Lot No. 3, then north 16 degrees west, 50 chaîna along the ai- -Iowance for a road between lots 2 and 3, 1then south 74 degrees west, 20 chains 5then aouth 16 degrees east. 0 chains. ,then north '44 dogrees east 20 chaîna tc the place of heginning. And the sec- -ond îarcel of (lie south part of Lot No. E4 in the Broken Fronît Concession of the Township of Darlington aforesuid and .butted and bounded or may le other- Swise known as foîlows. thut la to say: tCommencing on the shore of Lake On- taro and at the South east corner l said Lot No. 4. then North 16 degreeî west 7 chaînsauni 79 links more or lese - t wbere a pot lias been planted mark- .ed "F' andl ut lhe division line lîetweet the north and south parts of sadldi No. 4, then south 74 degrees weat 2( ohainq more or less to wbere anothei post bas heen pîanted marked 'R" anc to the aîiowance for a rond betweer lots No. 4 and 5, then South 16 degreei eust 7 chaîna and'39 links more or les. te Lake Ontario, thence easterly alonF the waters edge te the place of begIný ning. Aise aIlland singular that certais purcel or tract of landl and premises ait. uated Iying and being in the Townahil of Darlington aforeaaid contalning hi admneasurement 6 acres more or less be. ing composed of part of Lot No. 3 of thi Broken Front Concession ln the Toww sbip of Darlington aforesaid. and mal bie better known by the description fol lowlng. (bat is te Bay: Commencing a a atone monument piaced between th4 lands now or formeriy owned by Georgi S. Shaw and Richard J. Shaw. and thi lands of Roger Galbraith,. deceaaed. et tbe west aide of the allowance for roac Dissolution of Partnership Formai notice la hereby given to the, general public that owing to ill health Mr. Frank H. Mason is retiring from. the partnership of Mason and Dale, hardware merchants. the retirement to daeas of March 17. 1932. The firrm of Mlason and Dale will be con tinued under the same name by a partnership con- sisting of Melville S. Dale and bis mo- ther. Alice M. Dale. Dated ut Bowmanville the 3Oth day of M y, 132. Frank H. Mason Melville S. Dale Alice M. Dals. 2E-2 WANTED POULTRY AND WOOL Phone 235 Bowianville .or Toronto Midway 6057 J. HERMAN Residence: 274 Augusta Street TORO~ITO HAVE YOU ANY 0F TIIESE THINGS TO SELL? Eggs for Hatching Singing Birds Seed Grain House and Lot Seed Potatoes Money to Loan Young Pige Hay . Baby Chicks Auto Parts Live Stock Rabbits Poultry Pigeons Maple Syrup Pets Cordwood Seeds Shrubs or Plants Home-made Pickles Honey Home-made Jam Preserves Seconcl-hand Articles Farm And a Hundred and One Knitted Mats Other Articles. OR DO YOU WANT ANY 0F THESE ? Lost Article Clerk Furnished Room Sales Lady Hou.. and Lot Stenographer Farm Situation Movable Building Board Second-Hiand Article Rented House Trucking Auto Parts Housemaid Money on Mortgage Farm Help Business OpportunitY WHY NOT TRY A LIlLE WANT AD. IN THE STATESMAN - IT ONLY COSTS A TRIFLE lc Per Word-Minimum Charge for Cash 25c j if Booked-loc Additional 1v '1 assiFieci Acs Pay Big DIVIDENDS4 Strayed Rooms To Rent STRAED-From W. ,.Ballards- farr.1 ROOMS FOR RENTr-Tw4SSrge roois Whitby. bay mare (h esy. Information over T. B. GlChriatsa Clothfilg Store for leading to rcovery rewarded. Address reft; suitable for lodge room3. etc. Âp- R. R. 2 . Whitby. 22-1- ply to L. C. Mason, Barrister. King St.,, BowmSflville. 18-tf Wanted FOR RENT-Small suite of rooms on WANTED-YoUi. eiy fui row able for small family or single Person; Police dog. must-esx Vtl 41 good rent reasonable. Apply to L. C. Maeon, vatch dog. Phofid eévéhtflt5 3,~3 or Barrister, Ring St., Bowmanville. 18-tf larke 3811. 2- Female Hel# Wan d ITo Let TO LET-House on Church Street, 9 GIRL WANTED-gwperienoed ffirI for rooms. water, bath. furnace. Apply to gen.eral houseiflrk. incsmall family lni Harry Brock. Liberty St. North. Phone *own. Apply T.C. Statesmnaf 0f- 501. ________ fice. Bowmanviile. 1 22-1 _____________ eî WantedTO RENT-6 roomed house with sum- Boarde td mer kitchefl. water. eiectric ligbting 2- piece bathroom. on Horsey St. Fred BORDRWATD Ro adJ.' Manninig. Phone 158. 22-2 board or roomn alone. Aî>ply Mrs. Ar- TO LET-House and garage on Tem- thur Trimble. lKing St., first bouse wes perance Street opposite Town Hall. of Sheppard & GUI. 2- modern convenieflees. W. T. Symons, Wanted to RentR. R. 6, Bowmanville. Phone 160r5. 0t WANTD TORENT5 or6 romed TO RENT - 5 roomed house. large wANTeD lT ueo rENT-5 or roed ngwoodshed. 1 mile west of town. south of hoduelyintoJneS.orx48y, Betwf Rnghiglhway. bard and soft water, garage. vinle 2lntnS.Bo 8.Bwa- sinall garden. J. D. Stevens. Phone vill. 2-1 5Or4. 22-1w Houesfo Sle24 feet, situatedln premses at rear o FOR ALE Soid bick6-romedHydro Shop; suitable for smaîl work hos or sale ( odbick 6- t. lroed srhop, etc.; rent Four Dollars ($4.00) per houe fr sle n QeenSt. lage ar-moflth. Apply to L. C. Mason. Barris- den, lots fruit, garage. hen bouse. fur- ter, King Street, Bowmanville. 18-tf nace, gas, water. If flot sold lst June- will rent. Apply L. Hooper. Bowman- vi îd'.21-1- Real Estate for Exchange Work Wanted Toronto property. would exchange two 1well rented Toronto houses or smalP WORKWANED-f yo ned crt-apartment on local property, buslnee' WngorK WAghnT-f o ned crt-oregood farm. Write G. Fairfjeld, 192 ingorplugingfo snte horse,1 Ill Westminster Ave.. Toronto. 22-4 give you a good Job. Harry Clayton, phone 449, Liberty St., Bowmanville. U hltrn 21-2 LSTERING - ngalkna0 Articles For Sale UHLTRN nalknso furniture; chQsterfielde recovered and wrepaired; auto tope and Inside uphol- FOR SALE-One double dise harrow stery. J . A. FrY, Scugog St., Bowman- suitable for horses or tractor. Appiy to ville. Phone 536. 18-tf C. R. Lovekin. Newcastle. 22-11 Il 3 weeks oid. Apply J. E. Griffn. En- niskillen. 21-tf FOR SALE-"Souvenir" range ln good condition, with high warming cioset. at a bargain. Phone 306, B. J. Galbraith, Ontario Street. 22-1 FOR SALE - Gas stove, nearly new, three burner. white enamel high shelf, reasonable price. Appiy Mrs. J. Maguire, c!o F. E. Mcelndoo, Cburch Street, Bow- manville. 22-1w Wood for Sale WOOD FOR SALE-Hardwood. eut to stove length. Apply to Fred Tabb. Ty- rone. Phone 308r6. 14-tf Seed For Sale CLOVER SEED - 1 have a limited (iuantity of sweet clover seed for sale. A numnber of farmers sow it this time of the year. I deliver it at $2.50 a bus. W. J. Leask. Taunton. Phone 163r13 Oshawa. 22-1* . - . lý , 4: , . ý ýz,ý ý,, .- = P Governmnent Approved Hatchery- Mainwaring Poultry, Farm, Newcamte.û Alil breeding stock bl od tested and trap I nested. Barred Rock Chicks. $6.00 per I 50; White Leghorns, $5.00 per 50. White Pekin Ducklings and eg s aso for ale Leghorn hens (breeding pens 1 and 2)1 for disposai, also yearling hens in ful lay. Phone Clarke 1131. 21-tf