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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jun 1932, p. 1

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,Entnafuuttm i With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol, 78 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, .TTNE 2nd. 19229% G reat Two-Day AT B. T. S. ISETO Bl1ossom Fete In A Virginia Town Magnificent Spectacle at ' Winchester, Va., Had 16 4 Origin Just Nine Years Ago - Can Durham Fol- .... low in These Footsteps ? By ressoxi o!flie vcry apparentf success o! Durham County's Apple Blossom Week we aliould devofe about a column flua week im culogiz- ing flic affair and giving duc public- ify t alal wlio gave o! tîcir time lu making if a success, but a losded mail bag lias found its way ta this _____________ office and affer perusing its contents aur enthusiasmn for self congratula- Ho..C.Shled tion dies a ustural deafli and as fanro.H .ShIIl as Apple Blossom Weeks are con- Minister wif but Pont!falla, and cerned wc have ta admit ve are Cliairman of flic Advisony Board o! novices. For wlicn we sav vliaf isflic Training Sdlool for Boys, wîo belng donc pelscwlcre wc realize fliaf we have only scratcîed île surface acted as clairmaxi for flic ratanical as fan as possbillltes for this su- Finals on Prise Giving day on Mon- nual event is cancerned. Haveven, day wc are going ta buckle down sud sec i!ftIls Progressive Canadian com- munit« o! Durlian Couniy cannai munity nour gorUnited Echoes of Recent States. We are inciebted ta Dr. M. A James, brotlier o! Uic editar, Wo R trvC n e to alu inMar was on a business Z RtrriC nv nto flirougl irgna frteliterai ure ve lave reccivcd cancenning flic Report of Outstanding Ad- Ninfli Slenandoah Apple Blossom Festival, fils samne literai une that dresses Given at 27th Dis- gave us Uic f ull realizaflon flat wc trict Rotary Convention lave mudli ta do to accomplish tle worthwhlle efforts o!flice ambitious at Hamilton. Virginians. This greai festival is a ai upendous undertaklug as you wiii sec vîcu A report coverlug ilie multitude of yau read a litile later thie program acîlvifles at Uic neceuf Rotary Can- a! eveuts ataged ai Winchester, Vin- vention o! île 27f1 District ai Ham- ginia, on tle occasion o!flice Anuuaî ilton feafured Fiday's meeting o! Apple Blossom Festival. To give you flic local club. If vas also planncd some idca o! vlat lt la ail about toars Canon Ellioti o! Leeds, Exig- ve viii relaie brlefly flic histary o! land, apcaklng ta île Toronto Rof- the festival. ary Club, vlose addresa vas broad- Wiunchester, buluz flic commercial casi over C. F. C. A. but reception orclard centre o! Slicnandoaî Val- vas poon sud Uic sdlicmc lad ta bu ley Inc., vas selecie<j as the logical abandoncd. Point for an annual festival. on Presideni Ueo. w. James pncsented April 21sf, 1924, a small group o!flice follovlng report o! thc Hamil- Men interested lunflic prosperity o; ton pro d~s l ic h absence o! f15s district organized a commiitee *t&W&»F ~ Devlit; ta formnulate Plans for Uic fini Thc convention opexied on Sun- Slenandoah Blossom Festival. 80 day evenlng, May lSfl h a ser- vdl ee loePlana laid suds vice fan Rotarians vas hcld lu omano v as Uie public support Central Presbyterian C hnl, v ta be oe o th gval lu six als in f0an laquent addresa vas dclivcred byt the ancioted reafesstvasuRat arian Bey. William Barclay, j TceUnfc stesa. shlM.A.. B.D., from flic texf "Lei nof « TIcfin fetivl as icîi o M yoyur heants bu troubled;i; f yc bu-1 3rd. 1924, affer only 10) days rpr lieve lu Goc, ye must also bulieve lu ation, sud If dlsPlayed a wlllingncas Me." Hîs message conveyed s chal-v (Continued on page 4) longe ta Rotanmans ta adopi flic ______________ Chist vay in solving Uic prescutt tday problems.t Rev. C. C. Washinugton, BA., B.D., Ou Monday île coniventian propers Tanonto, visifeci lis mother, Mrs. W. opcned and follovlng. flic addrcsses b C. Washington, lasi weck. o! velcome by the president o!flice I Hast Club. John Pankin sud Mayor i Peebles o! Hamiltoan, District Gov- il I eruor Chas. Willox gave kils report b I COMING EVENTS Io!filie year's activifies. e 1 1 This vas failoweci by flicnomin- >_. ations for District Governar, only onc beîng nominated sud flus edec- Thc negular mcntlily meeting o! ted. Rey. Dr. Phhilip Moslicr o! Ni- thc Womeu's Hospit ai Auxlisry yl agara Falls. N.Y., vIa is Recior Em- F bu held ai flic Nurses' Residence on erifus o! Sf. Peter's Episcapal Cah- Friday aitennoon, ai 3.30 o'clock.' edral. Thc next convent ian is slated Sale o! lame made cooking sud for Jamestavu. N.Y. aftennoon tes vIl bu lcld lu S.0..Thc main address a!flice morning Hall. Saiurclay. June 4Ui, 3 p. mn. session vas by International Dircc- under tle auspices o! Loyal Truc for J. W. (Bud> Jackson a! Madison, B Blues. Wis., a vcry human man vIa en- Women's Insfitute memburs picase deared i hmself ta everycue il his meet ai thc bus station ai 10.15 a.m. pcnsonality. He spoke on how Roi- dayliglit saving trne, on Tuesday, amY liac grovn ta bu a vorld paver June 7ili, fa attend fhe district sud gsvc lluminating facts vhidli meeting af Nevionville. sliovcd hov Roiary'a influence is 1 W. M. S. Of St. Andrev's Presby- bing felt for gaod luail lands. R terian Clundli viii serve Afemnoon It vas a lieani-appealing speech n' Tes lu Sunday adhoal room, Friday, sud fcv flore vere preseni Who U- JUne ltI, 3.30 ta 5.30 p. M. Home werc 110f moved ta a greaten desire N Made cooklng, dandy sud ailier an- <Coniued on page 8) a ticles for sale. __________ Thc Annual Convent ion o! the b' Durham Caunfy Prohibition Union Speclal service vas licld lu Si. Cg vil bu bld lic Ce onimuniiy Hall Jolin's Churdli on Sunday mornlng at Orono on Uic affernn ofo Wed- fan tle Junior W. A. sud Churcli se aiesday, June 8f1, ai 2.30 a'dlock BOYS' League. Front peva vene ne- cc standard time. Bey. Dr. W. E. Mil- serveci fan theso groupa, sudflic A. son, Toronto. vill acidresa Uthc meet- nectar, Rey. C. R. Spence, preadhod H, Ing. Harold 0. Macklin, President; su appropriate sermon for flic oc- Si Artur W. Annus, secretary. casian. hxl -bu If 1932 Edition of the High School m vE Screecli OwI Magazine Reviewed w in *The Screcch Ovi," thc annualiting a adhool magazine ai f115 Urne pli 1Bavmsuviile Higli School record of a!f fluanclal stress, lic saya that Ifs as andudn aciif. ,1 f fi rsnon-appearance vould leave a blank h. ____ No. 22 1 Ld fy le ses ;s. h Graduate Nurses Presented Witk .Diplomas, Prize Graduation Exercises an Reception Held at Trinil Church Tuesday - Dr. 1 C. Trebilcock, Speaker. Be! ore a large crowd lu Tnini Clurdli on Tuesday evening, t] graduaflng class o!f tle Bowmanvi] Hospital Training Scîcal for Nurs réceived their dipiomas and priz< The gnaduating nurses were; Stel May Lamb, S. Ruth Hancock, Fra ces Eileexi Handock and Elizabel Bigelow. The plafform lu il churdli was beautfiully dccorat4 wlf h sprni blooms generously doi ated for fIe occasion by S. J. Jaci man & Sons sud Klngsway Nur. cries. Mn. F. F. Morris, presîdez o! flic Hospital Board, presîded asi fli- function opened wlf 1 an orga prelude by Francis Sut tan, followE by a mardli on flic argan wlih u entry of flic nurses lu their spic an span white unlifoms. Thc prognaj Proper, opened wifh île singing O Canada after whidh Rev. W. Todd, Presîdent o! Uic Ministeriu Association offered prayer. IThe address o! Uic President, Im IMorris was cxfremely bnief, offerin a hcarfy wclcome ta the guesîs c flic evenig sud congratulations' f thfei graduitling class. A vocal solo b Mis. Grant Berry o! Oshiawa sud quartette from St. Andrew's Chunci Osliawa, composed o! Messrs. ce Henley, P. Weeks, A. Morrison an, Jack Gray, followed. The address o!flihe evcning wa dellvcred by Dr. Franik C. Trebilcocl Of Toronta. son o!flira. p. C. Treb ilcock o! Bownianvillc aud one o the illustricus sons o! this tawn wliî have carvcd for Uicmselves a prom. Inent place lu île medical profess& Ion. Thc atmosphere, Dr4 Trebîlcocl said. lunkils opening- remarks, wa.i familiar sud liomelike, but was noi familiar wif h limself as flic speak- er. For 25 years le liad been ad- dressing nurses on feclinical sub- Jects but le lad never before ad- dressed a graduaflug class. He would lu kis address, loweven, luclude words o! advice not only ta Uic nurses but ta cveny womsu lu thE audience wlio las been, is or wil be a nurse lu some capaclfy. He taoo tlic opporfunity ta congratulate Uie tovu on ifs hospital, Uic nurses an th1cm graduation and flic Board on If management. His sub>ect vas "Thc Happy Nurse" sud kis address Proved a vcxY deligliffui falk in whicl flic speaker's love for Dickens was vcny noticeable. There was no vocation ho said, that so blended lîsel! vlihlappiness 1han flic cane o!flice sick. To bu success!ul happy nurse there had ta be certain dlaracterisflcs lunflic nurse. There had ta bu flaf inde!- inite and Ineffable dliarm o! mani- ier fliaf nadiated lappiness sud better licaflinluthe pafientf. As an exalc leo!f tis shedding o! hope, (Coninued on page 10) PALESTINE CHAPTER PARADED TO ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Rev. A. S. Kerr Prea"d iForcefu Sermon - nt. Wor. romnp. F. C. HoarS, esdLtom Headcd by Worshlpful Compan- io E. H. Brown, Palestine Chapter, '.ayal Arcli lisons, lield their an- ual church Parade ta Sf pau1's United Churcli on Sunday marning. Wone flian slxtyor Uic bref bre Fmr in attondancie sud in full, ne*- dia the Cliapter was commancjed, J' Ex-Camp G. C. Bonnycastie, Di- reCtar O! Conemonles sud led ny aOmp A.H. Parker. A section Oa!tUic durci vau ne- wrved for the lodgc whidli was vol- îmied thelc durci by Rer. S. Kerr, Rt. Wor. Comp. Fred C. o01r reaci the scripture lesson. iicakng f ram Uictexi "And flic iuse wlen if vas building, vas ai o! ataxie sud made ready butane v as brought thlthen," Mn. Kerr eferred ta Uic building of solo- on's temple for vhldh every atone vas hewn sud flnlshed before If las bnouglifta Uichesite o! Uic tern- de, Every place atone had a place ithat mnagnifîcent building and lu iman i 11e evenY human 'Jiad a 'ace lu Ood's plan. For f115 place, a lu Solomon's temple, oach muai A BOUQUET 0F APPLE BIOSSOMI At Saturday's speclal meet ing of Uic Town Council th !oilowlng motion vas move by Reeve T. H. Lockhart ai seconded by Councillor L.1 McLaughln, sud cannied unai lmously by the Couneil: "Be If reaolved that ti council place on records it lieartlcst approval. apprecia, flon and tbanks ta The Canl adian Statesman for puttirI aven for Uic second fime Dur. ham County's Apple Blossai Week. If is considered by fig entir-Acomnmunufy, *and partie. ularWe by 'the apple graviri fraternty, ta bu one o! ift besf pleces o! local publîcil that could bu deviseci ta pu our tavu sud surroundin4 country lunflic place wleil rlghtfuIIy belonga as flic spp]i growlng centre o! Ontarilo." he ed id r. n- lis it i- âe îc if if ýle Ca col ci Cr foi en Pr an fis o'j ini usl soi J. tif: aly lai Co Wh pla 1 AT B. T. S. INSPECTION 1, Services of the Waterworcs Supt. Dispensed.Witk James Kennedy Receives Notice to Quit on June lot Witli One Month's Pay- Special Meeting of Coun- Ontario Cab>inet Ministers Attend B.T.S. Inspectioi Training School C a d e t Stage Splendid Display- Annual Prize Giving Fea tured Big Gathering. Wth the precision of a reglmen of guards, and in a demonstratici of nilftary efficiency the cadets0 the Boys' Taining School receivei their annual inspection at the schoc on Monday afternoon. On the red white and blue draped platform sa members of the Ontario Cabinet and officiais of the AdVisory Boarj of the school. Capt. Malcolm I& bester, M. C., of Kingston, Cade Officer for MiltarY District No.3 was nsPecting oficer, and it was hi privilege and the privilege of tki large crowd who attended ta seq performed marches, drills and move. ments that wolild credit any regi ment of! the Uine. The cadets hac been traincd by Lieut. Earle Cun. ningbam, Physical DIrectr, and were Under the direct cornmand 01 Capt. Ceci Ray. Squad drills were demonstrated under the command O! Lieut. A. Hansel, and squad dxli] with arms under Sergt. Major O. El- lis. A fine display of physical training under Mr. Cunningham was another striklng feature and the Parade closed wlth extended order movements under Lieut. Albert Smith. Drawn Up In front of the salutng base three cherg were giv- en for The King, Hon. W. G. Mar- tin and Capt. Isbester. The bugle band whch acquitted itscf nobly in leading the parade was trained by Mr. D. Morrison, Bowmanvlle. At 4 o'clock a reception was helc in Ferguson Hall when Dr. and Mrs. G. Elmore Reaman were officiai hos and hostess. Mrs. Geo. S. Henry, wife of the Premier, Mrs. W. G. Martin, and Mrs. Frazer Grant were tea hostesses, and these were assst- ed by Mrs. W. H. Hill, Mn. E. P. Bradt and Mrs. P. L. Beckett. Dur- ing the tea hour the B T. S. Quar- tette, comPOsed Of Mrs. M. A. Neal, cello; Miss Elaine Reaman, violin; Mrs. F. C. Smith, viola, and Mrs. r. R. Morrison, Piano, played severai nurmbers, and Miss Elaine Reaman gave a deligliffui violin solo. At 4.30, wth Hon. H. C. Schol- field, Charman of the Advsory Board, In th cha ite rtorcl Contest finals were staged. Greet- ings from, thc boys was brought by William Ferguson, President o!flthc ULterary Society, in a brief address, and a chorus by boys f rom South Isodge was also much enjoyed. The thrce contestants in tlic finals gave extremely fine addresses. Andrew Hansel, Who las made sucli a won- 1er! ul namne for hlmasclf as an orator won finst Place wlth lis talk on "The Lif e of Marconi-; John Carrwus second wth ils Life of William Lyon MacKenzle". and Alec Hard- ing third with a fine treatise of "The Abolition of War.", The Judges in the contest were Mr. L. W. Dippeil, (Continued on pae 7) CASE AGAINST NEWCASTLE MAN WAS DISMISSED V. N. Buckley Charged With creat- Ing Nuiance - Experts Tetif y No Nuisance Exis The case of Newcastle vs Buckley, wiuch was heard by Magistrate W. f. Pcampbell mintfe Council Chamber, Newcastle, Tuesday, May L71 arousedi muchi lvly interest on îce part Of villagers and the fanm- Mg community round about New- utie. it was a ce Orought 'P DY the Provmclal oard o1 meaita on represen&a&ons of localI )rties against W. N. Buckley li re- ;d ta tnc operation of lIs grist nill On Baldwin Sf., charngg tm ,wer Delsel ollburnlng engine of 'eatind anc malntamnig a nuis- mce that prcvenfed the healtiu MJoyment oi lize. The main com-I lami was that the fumes oi the ,gine's exhaust werc disagneeable 0 tne icicents of a nearby house d were a menace ta theïr healh. &glsfrate Campbell gave his de- ulon here lasf Friday when le Ound thaf Mr. Uuckley, on the ev- oence adduoed. was flot creating . malntalnlng& £ nsneand as- esed the costa of flie case ta the rovinclal Board of Health. The ase. however, wlll coat Mr. Buckley nsderable in leal and wtnesses if Le J. al Mtr$- E. P. Bradt Elected r. New President - Fine )f Pram Marked Annual ýo and Closing Meeting o)f j >y a the SeaSOn. D. in. E. P. Bradt was elected pncs-e il ident cf Uic Music Study Club at1 île closlng meeting of fthc seasant LI whlch was hcld Wednesday, May IL 25Ui. lu St. Paul's lecture room. The -meeting opcncd with singing "o rCanada" wIit Miss H. G. Morris at 0 flic piano, afer whlch Uic general business was transacted wlth Uic -president, Mns. C. H. Dudley, i thec chair.V Pior ta île lection of offices B sd Uic president vacatng tUic tchair, Mrs. Dudley in a few wenll cbsn reaka expressed hen sin- i -cere appreclaflon ta ail flic mcm- t -bers sud officers o!flice Club, includ- -ing many fnlends, for their faifhful 1co-operation shqwntaward lier dur- eing lier tern n rri$ednt, aiso Uic Dway Uic club members lad lived upg ta their potta. or keynote of sucli an organisation, whlah is "Harm- f Following the -W-ietin aof ficersc île ncwlYavPPolnted president fan il flic year fook flichclair and a splen-v 3did prognmwas presented. The L Club was very pleased ta, have pres- a cnt. Mns. P. Hare Of Newcastle Who L gave su excellent reading. The club ti wus also f avorcd witli a pretty folk ei dance by Misses Sybil Mutton sudH Georgina Somenscales, and a very di humorous readlng by Miss Helenw Foster whlch was presented in lier L usual good style. Piano solos by sE Miss Phyllis Chahls, whlcl were 1.4 faultlessly rcndered, sud viollu solos in by Mr. Norman Friedli, werc mudli Al enjoyed by ail. Vocal solos by Mn. ti Alex McGregor sud Miss Margaret Allin were well rendered li splendid volce. Accompanista werc Mrs. An- nie Smale, Mns. C. H. Dudley and Mr. G. L. Davidge.c At flic conclusion of flis lovely enterfaiximent Miss Greta Wickeft on behalf o! thc Club. tendered a licarty vote o! thanks f0 all who as- slsted witl île program sud toanal retlring officens, also wisbing flicW new officers a vcry successful year. Meeting closed wltli fIe National AnUicm Bifter wlich nef rcshments wcre servcd, sud a social hli hour spent. w Officeru Elected A Hon. Presdent-lins C. H. Dudley. Ci Presldexif-Mxs. IL P. Bradt. 17 1sf Vice Pres-Unr. J. Albert Cale. Li 2nd Vlce--Mma Harold Clemens. ' Slec'Y.-Týreas-MNr Aubrey Smth. ca Rec. Secretary-.-Mrs. H. Argue. Lt Planlst-Mlss H. G. Morris. 4 Executive - Miss Ethel Morris, Pa ira. 1D. J. Chambers, Miss Greta ga Wlckcft, lins. Oea. L. Hail. Miss Mi~ Margaret Allun. Mxs. Smithi Fergu- "M son, Mrs. Ueo. Weekes. PO, '-i Hearty congratulations ta Harold &Mn Blernon and Misa Dorotliy m. James, 1, of Bowmanvlllc. Who passelunf loir ecx examinatIon luUicmedicine sec- Co tion O! University 0f Toronta, Har- ai, old lu Ids f lst year sud Miss James Mu lu hen f If Ui. rent Hazlcwood, Oh- ci& awa, a former B. H. S. studont, pass- fot ed lu bis second ycar. Ide mi nc ai hg rid Ur 01 i ial Ir as Of to by a h, id ,k 10 1- k ýs )t d Aý ýe .e Il k ,e ri ri s 8 a 5 4 s GARDENS FOR VNEMPLOYED UncmploYed mon looking for gardcns f0 work this summen, sud cifizens havlng &pare lots that could bu utlllzed for fhIs purpose, are requesfed ta get in taudli wifh Reeve T. H. Lockhant immedlately so that arrangements may bu made riglit away for thc plowing o! these lots sud the supplylng of seed f0 Uic needy men. The Ontario Oovernment lias prom- ised ta co-operate wi the tawn In this work sud If is hopcd that cifizens liaving auy spare garden lots wlll be gen- Mrus lu offcnlng Uiem fanfis purpose. Not only wlI uncm- ploYed and needy men bu very grateful but a service wil bu rendered ta Uic town. nu Clýmp g 0(bt Of Effective June 1s, Uic services of ed Waterworks Superintendent James Kennedy wlll be dlspcnsed with, a ,d, special meeting of Uic Town Council on Saturday night declded. Thc at meeting was called by Mayor James d . for the discussion of this item of É_ business which lias been bangng et fie for some weks when al mm- . bers of council were present. as Coundullor R. O. Jones, reporflng âeHou, W. G. Mati on flic situation, stated that as Minstr 0 Pbli Wlf re an gv-chairman of the Waterworks Com- ee initerof uble Wlfae, nd ov-mlttee he had requested Uic resigna- L- erpnmenfal head of the Boys, Train- tion of Mr. Kennedy but Uic latter td ing Scîol, who addressed tlic boys ad not tndred same. This action was decided at a commlttec meeting - at flic annual Cadet Inspection and of counicil held some'wepks ago when kd Prie Givlng on Monday. Mr. Mar- ail members were unanim»zlui dis- Df re tinhihl commended both cadets Pcnslng wltli Supt. Kennedy's* mer-. id and prize wlnners on the achieve-' vices. la ments. The inatter was broliglt to a hcad when thc following motion, moved by Councillor Jones and sccondcd by LeCI er "That Watrworks upernten ,, M rs. F.C.C James Kennd be Uicie ha h rt coundil of Uic Town of Bowmanvllle e *** * wll dispense wtl kils services as at fleads Institute June lst and that he be pald anc month's salany from June 1sf." ýe It was understaod that Road Sup- iSecretary's Report ReveaI8crlntendent Al!. Bikell woud take Splendid Work Accomp-1 other work until a new superintend- L lished by Women's Inati- Committeawasinstrce dove bitte During the Past Y'a. tedenct. Wfranw uin TIc nnua meeingsud lecton~Gasoline Stolcu e f oThiers of omianllecoens Dcpufy Reeve Rehder comPlalned -Io fInsiuers f cld nlu UicS0fle0f'tacoundil that someone lad been >Engnd Hue asll on la itherBno on staing gasoflie from Uic f Ire truck - EnlandHallon Pidayafteno j in the fine hall sud that cach Urne - wifli an attendance of 38 members.1 the truck wcnt oufta a f Ire reccntly Mrs. J. Thlckson presented te it was f..m.A that seven o eiffht gaI.. Secretay-Treasurer's report which. Ions 0f g s w s m i g or ,th slowed a most succesful year wlth ta Aschecas mllng frmadUic 1 toal ecepta 33185,and xpedi-effect the arrest o! Uic cuiprit. tur $322.0& i lance of Ontario Shore Gas, Conmpany wmn $.82. oo esfo Uc notifled that work on Uic boule- ycar wcne a canvass for Uic Canad - a d n t w a o e n c m which realzed $151.00; bale f pltedtaUistisfacprpeti onra and clothlng sent ta Uic poor in Hiall uhsIîc rpoetyonm u burton -district, $25.00; milk for the req1 ig flat tW&sW«kgm Scrrie out as per agreement. school chlldren, $17.76; Community City of London asked council ta Weli are Commlttec $14.20; gold farward agreement to Uic Gover- medal for Duram Musical Festival ment o! a motion passed by that $5.00; and m any other activities. i si gt a u ii a o n Mrs. Frank Jackman. convener of councie sigUa uiia on Uicnomnatng ommtte, peslcdcils bu given power to-control the fha-n elco ! mictes, panded J~expenditures o! Scliool Boards. in- for he lecionof Mces, nd issance Commltfee-will neply. EdiUi Wekes acted as secret ary. A letter f rom the Worknens* The f ollow lng w ere elected: C m e s t o o r e C r n i President-Ms. F. C. Calmer (accl.) gaompesalton theoard le.Ban- 1sf Vice Prs.-Mrs. G. F. Purdy, Thc offer o! R. H. DIllng o! $100 (acc.). cashfo a lot at thc corner o! On- 2nd Vice-M n. W . L. Butteny (acci.) tar o ra d D r a tet a e Sec.-Treas.-Mns. J. Thickson (accli> anp d b Deurm eet ws c Hall Cail Sec'y.-Mrs. Geo. E. P epe b Ucconci chard (acci.) (Continucd on page 3) Directors-Mrs. L. Roach, Mns. W. J. Culley, Mrs. H. H. Dllling, Mns. J. H. Hcwstan and Mrs. B. M. Cadects at Cburch Wannca. 1 h cadets o! the Boys' Tranng District Dlrector-lins. H. H. Dilllng TI Planist-Mrs. Ruby Danels. School, haded by their bugle band, Asst. Planist-Mrs. W. B. Pollard. Paraded ta Tnlnity United Churdli Song Leader-Mrs. 0. . Prtcard. on Sunday vening wlre Uiy at- Flowcr Com.-Mrs. Fred Baker,. rs tended Divine Service. The boys Edward Bird, lis. S. Morris and who dd so splendidly on Uic parade Mrs. Ueo. H. Blckell. ground Uic following day, were aug- Auditrs-Miss E. . Hayca t snd mented lu numbers by flic oUer Mrs. E. R. Bounsai. boys 0f Uic scliool and they made a At Uic conclusion o! Uic election fine Impression whcn Uicy marched o! officers M rs. Colme n ns wed Uic through Uic tawn folow ng Uic ser- chair and announed that Uh is- vice. Rev. E. . Armstrong delive- tnict meeting would bu hld af New- d a force ul sermon ta fthc boys on tanville on June 7th, at 10.30 a. m.flic subJect "The Man Uic Age De- (S. T.) Arrangements are b ug an', pointing ouf that Uic world made for a bus ta convy Uic mm- xet sometling o! each sd ev- bers, and fve ladies were appoltd cyon c who lives bre, lu Uic spirit- ta represent this branch--Ms. F.C. ual, physical sud mental aides of Cohuen, M-. ,J. ThckonMr. Jhn 1ie. Wise words sud warnnnga were Luxton, lMrs. . R. BounsaIllsd outlned dulng the course Of the Mrs.Hary Alin.addres wich closed with thc urge Mn5~HD.TY Aun.thaf ecdiboy go ouf Into Uic world <ContInued oni page 3) sud nelleca credif on their teachers, their training snd tUir God. Rcv. S. J. Aluin, Toronto, kils son -_______ and daugliter, A. B. AlUin sud Mis. . R. Turner. sd er son Pete, vew- Rev. Carman Armstrong assiatd d Uic apple blossom trip sd vit- his father, e. E. . Armstrong, at d frends sd relatives over Sun- Uic mornng service in Tnity ýL Committee.Announce Prizea for The Big Community Picnic Draw W. P. Crbet. chairman a!fUice These Prisem have been seleted as Drav Commit tee o!flice Bavman- Iblg otappropniate toa aIl lausa. vile Business Men's Association I sud arerinlupanficular vil be Community Plnic, hîch is ta bu 1 pleasd ta note Uic inclusion on his h'ed on July OU, reports progreslisi aof thc net of teasi harnu. f115 vck lu bis important branch Thesehave been ard times for a! Uis populan undertaking. Af fer f armons sd a set of harea for cae! l cnsideraf In of a score ar 25c vuld seem 11k.e a brght ray or mare auggested Pria Uic commitice sunashine bneaking flirougli Uie dark las finallY decdeci ta gve Uic fol- cloud. Thc firt prise vould bu vo- loing lu Uic drav vhih vll fake com d by anyone fan there is no nc Place on King Street ai 10.30 p. m. that ould not lke a ncv chester- on flic evening oftheUiclnie: field ta grace their borne. WIth thc The riamhydro nov branchlng ouf inta Uic Tho Primescountny an electrievashlng mach- sf prle-Chesterfleld Sui% value le vould also prove a big attraction, *150.00.Th c remaining pris a re&» Il of a 2nd prise-Beatty Electinlo Wash- nature fiat rural on urban dwellen ng Machine, .vfth ou re l ms ould bu Plce d ilta receve tiem. value $139.qI,.±' u '-' s Next veek vo hope ta give fur- 3rdpliAfr 6~M$O ' Tes thon doetais of the plans for thc Hameuvaïtu-w 7Oô.00. plenia vbhich la ta bu bld aitich 4th prie-CabInet a! Slverare, Ceam a! Barley Camp. A program 53 pleces, value $4100. o! muaI flic same nature as lasi Sf1 primo-Coud ,Hammock vth ~e viiibu feektured, sud If thc Canopy Top, value 25.00. ethermanvil oay gve -us the OUi prize-WaluutC dai Lned Identcal weather a1 lut erspc Cbeat, value *15.00. nie al l Ubu vo»l. day. Church on Sunday. 1 --

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