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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1932, p. 7

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TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THUR8DAY, JUNE Gti, 1932 PAGE VEN Red Rose Tea 'rat reduced pricesa Red Label, 25Y 12 lbo Orange Pekoe, 38É î IL SAVE MO0N EY EAT THIS HEALYNFUL - NOURISHING FOOD H E Ai pi..- ."~1 92 big iscuits Nade in Canada with Canadian Wh.uS THE CANADIAN SHUEDDED WHEAT COMPANT LTD. What have bliscuits got to do with pies?- MUSIC FESTIVAL AT ORONO CiOstoe on lIe's journey June let, and l Large Audience Heard Splendid TvWfASTIr dayN s Carli. Wer are l adtoo report Program of Music ORONO M rCbledlck eare nat ayareotwfe 21 E E À L -1 _______r________ both are li the enjoyment of ex- cellent health. The day was fittingly R The annual Music Festival under NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL (From The News, June 2nd) celebrated with a sumptuous blrth- the direction of Mrs. Donald kiobb- day dinner. fln o took place in the town hall Friday Report of Test Exams.; ail sub- Dr. and Mrs. Patterson, Stouff -___c___en___________ n 'ght, May 27th, when a very large jeets for April and May 1932: ville, are vlsiting with friends. audience heard the splendid pro- Jr. IfI-Vivian Duck 89, Reita M.adMs nla ootvs n gramn of music by pupils f rom most Cooke 88, Dick Anderson 77, .Jimmy ited at Mrs. M. L. Travelle's. SHIRTS WLIOUSNES n of the schools li the district. Lovekin 77, Nora Meredth 76, Gor- Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell, Peter- ' SICK NEADACHES Several choruses were sung by the don Cotter 74, Bruce VanDusen 73 boro visited Mrs. John McRae; odoeweei massed choirs and these were excep- Ross AllUn 71, Charlotte Gray 67, Mr. re Bowen, M. P., is home r1jNLSfl U25c and 75c Ted pgg. tionally well done and showed good John Cotter 66, Alfred Gray 65: f rom sessional duties at Ottawa. tone. Then the various sehools, Kir- John Arych 64, Gerald Henning 57 Miss Margaret Dickson has re-fo by, Antioch, Leskard, Clarke Union, Sr. II-Eugene Wright 91, Carl turned home f rom University of To- Slxth Line, Enterprise, Starkville, Fisher 90, Harry Brown 84, Harold ronto. Lookhart's, Cowanville, ecdi ave Hoar 83. Noel Mlddleton 82, Vera Orono Centennial and Home numbers consisting of slght reading, Cutier 81, Charlie Bonathan 80, Coming will be held June 30, July 10~ Ceflts chorumes, canons, singlng games, Grace Powell 75, Helen MoKellar 6 1, 2, . hand slgn and rythin exercises. Jimmny Keech 67, Camille, Brown 67, Miss M. E. G. Waddell, M. . or- The adJudicator, Miss Helen Mor- Artie Toms (home pupil) 83. onto, spent the week-end at her whenever requested by« cus- ris, A.T.C.M, Musical Supervisor, of Jr. fl-Norma VanDusen 73, Rog- home here.f tomers who send the shirts lI Bowmanvllle, gave first place to er Meadows 63, Jean Bonathan 62, Mrs. T. W. Somerville is visiting with their family bundie li Cowanville for chorus' smging and Evelyn Barrabal55 her son, Dr. Somerville, and daught-* the following services m 2nd to Kirby; and in the girls' solo H. A. Mason, teacher. er. Miss Mary, Toronto. T h r i f -T N atwehri contest in whldll six contestants Mrs. Patterson of Calgary svis Dry Waah Flat Work lIroned N Uo te athbrIt jen, took part, Helen Falls of Starkville Reprt orrMy: tingwit he sisexu Miu J.R o won flrst and Beatrice Hamm of Senior First-Dorothy Gibson 91, Cooper and Miss K. McKay. Semi-Flnlsh Orono, second. Al tes pupils Donald Jose 89, Isabel Coyne 88, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Crease and 'sang well and their schools should Reggle Meadows 88, Dora Martin 82, Miss Ethel Rutherford, Toronto, vis- This includes minor repalring, > t onm pedOo ofWO. Emma Jean Harris 82, Margaret Al- ited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cowan. sewngonbutosmmdth - à aoeld. ZUTOO sol pr owtem.e przese f or the dread 80, Reta Aldread 79, Charlie Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Billngs have high quallty work of aur fin- u a An adMW & >Vu gs woker pre Thsentdltacth Aldread 73, Wilson McManus 68. returned fromn Weston where they gir by.Re. ToseM . ,Wallae n Junior Flrst-Myrtle Foster 88, visited their daughter, Mr . . J. lshed department. boom g@& R MRax M.FW.BwnM.PreetdShirley Couch 87, Jean Robinson 84, Inch. M db MM vfy the class pins te the foilowing pup- un 1 a-_ 4 Ms eli inPinia o r j-I p o ils: Providence. Joan Hall; Salem, Dula atoa4 Ms elininPiniaroyr " o Marie Collacutt; Solina, Eva Johns; Senior Primer-DoUly Purdy, Frank ono Continuation School was in J8flawa a n r Bethesda, Ama Rundle; Lake Shore, Hoar. Grace Cotter. Pauline Deline, Toronto writing examinations atPHN 15- Jean Holmes; Port Granby, Jared Dick Lovekin, Violet MacKellar, 0. C. E. PHON 152 Kimbail; Newtonville, Douglas Wal- Ruby Gibson, Mabel Gray, George Mr. William Clark, Toronto, has We Call andl Deliver lace; Orono, George Rowe; Kirby, Pointer, Douglas, VanDusen, Betty leased f rom the Camipbell Farins, Jlm Powers; Enterprise, Mae Rans- VanDusen. Ltd., the former George Glanville berr, Lskad, enor Bal; en- Junior Primer - Lorna Harris, Farmn. Mr. Clark was a former ten- dal, Bernice Langstaff; Clarke Un- rc aelaRt oahnatonnEit iefrm ion, Archie Watson; Slxth Line, Cyril Meadows, Roy Foster, olive Mr. and Mrs. William Webber, Gerald Cornish; Starkville,, James McManlis, Bobby Barrabal, Sammy New York, on their return trip from Emerten; Lockhart's, Douglas Reid, Brereten, Bobby Gray, Eleen AI- Montreal vlsited Mr. W. E. Davey. If Yo Vêat o Crooked Creek, Bobby Hughes; dread, Elroy Gibson, John Aidread, Mr: Webber i his boyhood days o Wa t o Coavle il olnsotArthur Clark, Bill Aidread. spent frequent summers at the Day- T k h n e Antloch, Rosaline Harness; and to Beginners-Wlnnlfred Harris, Ai- eY home. T k h n e Dorth Holigswrt, Cwavllema Gibson. Jimmy Aidread. The marriage took placé MayTATS O1RB IN S for the best junior music book in ail Norma Orchard, teacher. 28th. of Ruby Evelyn Bain, Bow- TA' ORBSNS schools; also a speclal prize te, Billy manville, and James Howard Bar- Parke, Soina.ness, Orono. The cerempny took Parker, Solina.BRIGHTON ARTISTS DELIGHT place in Newtoxiville, Rey. T. Wal-(f r ut Rev. Wm. Smyth was chairman NEWCASTLE AUDIENCE lace tying the nuptial Knot. If Yo ant - for the evening and volced the sent-Mr.JmsERihdswopet Imens 0 th auienc whn h de -~the winter with her daughters in To- clared that Mrs. Robb was dolng Give Corfu Presentation of rne euxe oemc mrv thougtwasemphalzed"lolathe"Dorothy, accomPaned heran~dex-.B S f bY Miss Morris and Rev. T. Wallace Neyer has aur cormnity hall Pects te remain for a few weeks. li the Course of their remarks. been honored by any f iner enter- Mr. Geo. Armstrong, Detroit, and T a sO r 0annn hnta f "Iolanthe," Mr. Floyd Lloyd, vlslted his moth-Th ts O r I an 0pra by Gilbert & Sullivan of er. Mrs. C. G. Armstrong. Mr. world wide faine. presented here on George Armstrong, Jr., also one of Proteot yourself, your f amiby, Friday evening, May 27th, by the the party, motored over with them your home and possessions wtth InTh ard en Brighton OPeratlc Society under the and spexit Sunday wlth his mother, -~~l hs direction of Mrs. F. J. Bradley, Mrs. John Armstrong. duaelsm e. athe whose husband took a Part in tdie A nuniber of enthusiastic lawn days of "close doallas we cam By W. E. Groves, Bowmanville opera as one of the peers. bowlers of this district met at Kuin- - ToOmmend and give youthe ex- The acting was splendid; the rite Inn on Monday evening and aet klnd and amount ot lueur- At thîs seasoxi of the year, we are singing--solos, duets, trios, choruses organized Orono Bowling Club, elec-sceouatalrefe.Ti frequently up against the problem -was superbly fine and the cost- ting H. G. MacDonald president, wne d; oatbing moreqr. Ts of what to plant in some particular- urnes magnuficent. We doubt if Mrs. J. R. Cooper, vice-pres., and w o ohn oe e stl ly dry spot, or some very wet cor- "Iolanthe" or The Peer and the Peri A. A. Drummond. sec-treas. insurance wlth yen . .. cahn1Y, ner, or some part of the garden that or the peers and the fainies, or any Mammoth trout are still, to be qutly, authritativl. We have neyer gets anly sun. For hot, rath- o! Gilbert & Sullivan's works could f owid in the streains of Orono and .suidIarne etlkw er dry places, Poppies, Portulaca, have been given a better presenta- district. A Toronto sport at Birk's know o Iur snes. hnkw Marigolds, Annual Phlox and Calli- tion by any metropolîtan opera Pond landed a speckled beauty Sun- owurbsn& opsis are suitable. For the wet company than it was given by the day that measured 21 %~ in. and spots, it is wise to select some of Brighton artists here on Friday ev- weighed 4 Y4~ lbs. The f ish was the perennials that like this kind of ening. It was gorgeous, colorful, weighed by Harold Allen and meas-J. . A O& S N Hibiscus, Monarda, Priniu]a, and f ested Its pleasure over and over f ish yarn. Real Estate and Insurance Brokeru some types of Iris will succeed. For again by enthuslastically applaud- Mr. andi Mrs. Isaac Cobbledick Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville shady spots Michelmas Daisy, Camn- ing the artists. Brighton is certain- are receiving hearty congratulations ______________________________ panula, Foxglove, Day Lily, Lychnis, lY to be congratulated on having sa he having reachlng his 82nd mile- Pansies, Red'Bot Poker and Sedumns much musical and dramatic talent. are suitable. Whexi we' talk about The whole Production was of super- shady places, it la wise te distinguish lor merit and if Newcastle and the ME= = between the position that is flot cOmmunity round about could only shaded by trees, but has plenty o! have knowxi in advance we doubt light with no suxshine, and the 10- not that the hall would have beexi cation denscly shaded by trees where f illed to the doors. even grass wlil not grow. Two The Cast included some forty-five shrubs wil grow in the latter spot, artists, among whom were the fol- Berberis and Sxiowberry. lI the lowing Who took thc leadlng parts: HasV former position. the plants we have Fred C. Potts, John W. Russell, j. already named as suitable for shade Gilbert Willishire, LaVerne McDon- Ht will give good results. aid, T. Clive Thompson, Doris E. B. Some o! our readers may bc think- RobUin, Ethel M. Dunnett, Annie M. ing o! turning to rock gardening, an Solomnon. Hazel M. Whitton, Frances interestîng form o! gardening, now K. Solomon, A.T.C.M., Gwyneth very popular. A rockery, for the Frise, L.C.C.M., W. Raymond Prce- mere sake o! having it, is not advis- maxi, A.T.C.M., Planist; Frederick ed. But in practically every garden Wlifleld. Gencert Violinist, Tor. C. S l f Mli e there is some spot where a few o! M., Violinist; Robert Young, Bug-__________y____ stenes and a f ew suitable rock 1er. plants would be qulte in place. On "Iolanthe" whlch is the naine of the corner at the Junctirqn o! two the f alry heroine, was presented A Perfectly Marvelous Opportunity paths, li some corner o! the garden here under the auspices of thc W. A. that la difficult te manage, or wherc o! the United Church which served We have selected 50 Hats from our stock for quick there may now be a grass bank, are lunch to the visitors and their we edcera e...Ev yhtane 192S ig I the kind of locations we have Inxi!rends at the conclusion of the op- rekndcearanye .. Everecitatnew 92Sr cssary for rockery building. They Bey. J. S. I. and Mrs. Wilson, for- m de...Aiwrepcdfa ine esoftspce are stenes, o! course, dlean soul, and merly of Brighton, were down from You must ral see these to aprcit the values we suitable plants. Ordinary garden Oshawa as dellghted wltnesses o! knowledge will do the rest. The the Play and had the pleasure of offer. 50 Hats, originally priced as high as $4.50 each kind of stone does not matter s0 meeting many frlends of their for-OnS eThsW knd -$.5Eah much as we sometimes think. Wea- mer charge. O aeTi ekn 19 ah ther-beaten limestone 18 advlsed by ---- ---- some, but really any stone can be A pleasant medicine for children adapted te the purpose, though the Is Mother Graves, Worm, Extermin- more aged it looks in appearance, ator, and it is excellent for driving stones should be laid informally in as raturaI a position as possible. A___________________________ straigit front row, for instance, is exircly wrong. Thc builder natur- gardeners Purposely leave a few ally begins at the bottein, and the pockets for the planting o! annuals Every day new Dresses are arriving. Dresses that give you di&- lower rocks should be so placed that oaci year. The reason for this is tinction. Dresses you will be proud to Wear. See them at any a few creeping plants may be plant- that nearly ail the dwarf growingtie T" thm o. W maeaerinsosutyu ed in front o! some of the lowcr perennials bloomn early. and the an- ie Tythmo.W ma lerinsosut o. atone . -e-roc .r1.m - t .nt be a fuals came alng ra lift.0tl laterith1a1 ing -habit 'are stablýe but a fjw gami n. ecrgy- j ndurance-i. plants siould bc sclccted tiat have abon. Yur k» = grwcearer, an creot habit, Juat to aveld monot- and your oye. will aparkle .ith the ue rl but for a yesr or two, Çh. dsm chair won't bold you any C u k o i s o r d r a uxitil tic rockery becomes establiah- înore-youliU waat te be upandi dolnç g cd. some o! tic dwarfcr an a u'll enjoy work and atve recrestion Phn10 I TEKiuS may be uaed. Spacea ahould ho pro- snd ou' If"ie a tog. l » ~ hn14LMTDKm tot ozinii vlded for spring bulbeai m ft, and prbbî iv eaulogr "Yes--we're boffi feeling, fine" Joe Tbompson and bis wif e wcre glad whcn Gwen finisbed Business Coilege sud Sot a good position in tbe city. But Gwen was the lmsof the family sud tbe house was pretty lonel>'. len they found they could cal] ber onLong Distance telephone for as ttle as 30 cents So naw, every Fr1- a p dayevening, Gwen waits for tbeir ceil 7.0e 0 ..Sii ogDsac i ay sdepcnd- TEE CANADIAN STATFMLM. BOWMANVMIoll, TRURSDAY, JUM M, 1932 PAGE SEVICN

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