TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. JUNE 101h, 1932 PAGE SEVEN *DINNERWARE FOR ME R IMES If you are needing Dinner- ware in complete sets or single pieces, before you buy see our stock and compare oui prices. FOR SHOWER AND WEDDING GIFTS we have china - Glass Pottery and Brass. J. W. JewelI BIC. 20 BOOKSTORE Kingsway Flower Show A woncerfUl collection of Iris and other Perennials now in bloom at Kingsway Nurseries. You are cordially invited to call and see the display. Kingsway staff is at your ser- vice to give any information or to advise on your garden prob- lems. Kings way Nurse ries BOWMANVILLE Phone 144 - Flower Shop 72 Nights 726 LOCAL & PERSONALJ Gel youu bathlng qufit at Wahk- er Stores at new 10w prices. Mus. N. E. Gouhd, Montreal, is vis- iting heu daugbter, Mus. C. E. Reb- der. Mus. W. C.,Washington is vislting ber son, Rev. Wààhngton, To- ronto. Miss Mary Narthway, Toronto, bas been guesl o! Miss Dorothy James. The Statesman will be sent ta any new subseiber lu Canada ta end of 1932 fou $1.00. Mus. A. M. Hardy ueturaed Sun- day from a visit wilb heu sistor lu Cleveland, 0h10. Nelson off ors Picnic Dresses aI 98c. What a bargain and the Good- year Picnic Saturday ! Mu. an d Mus. Jack Short. Osh- awa, wero Sunday visitous o! Miss Mabel Walter, Courtice. Mu. and Mus. Wm. Darlington, Chicago, Ill., weue recent guests o! ,Mu. and Mus. David Keith. Mus. Fred J. Spry and Mus. Wm. Luxton are attending the Rebekah Assembly being beld in Toronto Ibis week. Mu. and Mus. Gardon BunI, Stueelsville, wero Sunday guests o! Mu. and Mus. J. W. Knigbt, Beoch Avenue. Mu. and Mus. Fuank Kennedy, Tara, are vsiting bis sisters, Mus. M H. Jamieson and Mus. H. H. Jamieson. Rev. Carman Armstrong bas been appointed to St. James Churcb, Windsor, by the London Conference. Ho will begin bis duties on July lst. Messrs. Jaboz and Morley Van-i stone, Town, and Dave Gier, Mac- Leod, Alla., are enjoying a six weeks' motor trip tbraugh western Canada to the Paci!ic Coast. Couch, Jobnstan & Crydermani have pleasure in announcing that Tip Top Tailors have ueduced the price o! the bigb grade suits and topcoats f rom Ç~4.00 bo $22.50. Mus. Peter Campbell, Toronto, ac- companiod by heu grandson, Bloss1 Campbela! Bowmanvilho, are on a] motor trip 10 Petrolia and Detroit,1 Micb.. where they til1 visit relatives.1 Mu. C. W. Buru, Bloomfield, who addressed Trinity United Chuuchi morning congregation as represent-j ative o! the Prohibition Union, on, Sunday was guest o! Mu. and Mus.j W. Claude Ives. Mr~. and Mus. John Hyde and son, Toronto, are occupying Col. R. J. Gill's fine country residence, King- ston Road East. where il is hoped the countuy air wil be boneficial to Mu. Hyde's heath. Magistrale R. M. Cotton bas been1 appointod by Most Rev. J. L. Sween-1 ey. Arch-Bisbop o! Toronto, 10 the1 Exocutive o! the Diocese o! Tor- onto, one o! the higbost banors available to aymen. Mu. Cotton bas also been appointed 10 the Board o! Missions and the Genoual Board o! Rligious Ouganization. Ho will be one o! 16 laymen who with 16 clergymen conduct the affairs o! the $4,000,000 Corporation o! the Dia- cose. Billy Bagnell wlll gladly test any make of radio tubes freeo. Mrs. A. E. McCready is visiting Mrs. (Dr.) James Moore. Brooklin. Mrs. D. H. Brown. Arnior, vis- ited heu aunt, Mus. Mabel Cauch, on Tuesday. Who says prices aren'l dawn ? You can get a good two pant suit for $19.50 this week at Couch, Johnston &Cuyderman's. Mus. T. C. Nicholîs, Uxbuidge. has been uenewing acquainlances in [town while guest a! Miss Belle Al- len, Queen Street. Miss E. M. Weuuy, Toronto, wha spent the weekend with ber nephew, Mu. Gordon Weruy, Enniskillen, gave, us a fiendly cail enroule home. In a one-sided game an Tuesday night Goodyear had little trouble in de!eating the study-weary High Scbool boys by a score o! 26 ta 11. Mu. C. T. Ross, Manager o! Royal Theatre, was in Ottawa lasI week altending the convention o! the Pire Puevenlative Association o! Canada. Some Durham archardists wisbed tbey bad bail insurance lasI yeau but didn't. Be wise tbis year and gel protection. See J. J. Mason & Son. Congratulations ta Miss Maujarie Robins, daugbter o! Rev. and Mus. J. U. Robins, Listowel, who bas passed ber third yeau exams in Arts aI University a! Toronto. Coucb. Jobnstan & Crydennan bave pleasure in announcing that Tip Top Taihors bave reduced the puice o! the bigh grade suits and topcoats !rom $24.00 ta $22.50. Mus. Chris Cox bas gone on a visit to ber daugbter, Mus. (Du.) C. C. Harîman. Olds, Alla. Word bas been received that she arrived safehy and ber many f iends hope she may bave a pleasant visit and saf e re- twn. Mu. Hugb S. Gunn, Winnipeg, formeuly o! Glencoe, Ont., while on a visil witb relatives in Toronto, came down to Bowmanville on Mon- day 10 see bis old f riend and leach- or, Mu. W. C. Allin, and. Mus. Allun, Division Street. Major A. H. Bounsaîl and Major E. Smith Ferguson o! Bowmanville, and Capt. J. C. Gamey o! Orono, bave been notified tbat tbey bave passed their theoretical portion o! the Militia Staff Course wbicb was held ast winler aI Belleville.. If the governments don't soon an- nounce their summer policy fo gv- ing relief to unemphoyed, Bowman- ville as a tempouary measure might adopt the plan used in Lethbridge. Unemployed in that western city are acting as unoffilcial dog catchers and are paid 50e for each untagged dog buought t0 the poundkeeper. Mu. and Mrs. S. T. Cawker and son. Mu. Elmer Cawker, Bill, Betty. and Jack, Port Peury, were Sunday guests o! the foumer's brother, Mu. C. M. Cawkeu. His friends houe are pleased 10 beau that Mu. Sam Caw- ker bas had bis eyesight restorod tbuu an operation. Theso two young brotheus of 88 and 83 greatly onjoy- ed the reunion. Collingwood Entouprise o! Juno 9 says: -Taken 111 a woek ago, Du. E. J. Bellman's condition is creating mucb conceun among bis f amily and !riends. On Monday, Dr. Belîman, believing himsehf impuoved in bealh went down to business, but was compelled later m' the day ta retura ta bis bed." Du. Bellman is a son o! Mus. E. Belman, Bowmanville. WEDDING Osborne--Fines A very pretty wedding taok place at Carlton Street United Chuuch, Toronto, on Saluuday, June 111h, wben Marian Ellen, daughter a! the lato Mu. and Mus. William Fines o! Grand Valley, was united lu mar- riage witb Melbourne Richard Os- borae, Phm.B., second son o! Mu. and Mus. R. L. Osborae, o! 43 A- bany Avenue, Torofnla. Rev. Stan- ley L. Osborae, B.A., BD., brother o! the groom, oluiciated. Tue bride, who was given in mauriage by ber brother. Mu. Stanley D. Fines. wore a becoming gown a! arcbid pussy willow sihk with a corsage o! ouchids and lily-of-tbe-valley. Allter the ceuemony Mu. and Mus. Osborne le! t for a short trip. Upon ueturaing they wil roside at the Cavendish Apartments. 321 Vaughan Raad, Ta- ronto. The groom is a former Bowman- ville High School student, having usided with bis parents at the Os- borne faum on the Darlinglon- Clarke town lino. His many friends and relatives join in boartiest con- gratulations. BUILDING ROMANCE TOLD AT ROTARY (Continued from page 1) ends in connection wilh buildings witb whicbho was acquainted. Mr. Flaxman pointod out that building kept many people accupied and many countries prosperous. Ho had taken the trouble ta trace the material used In the eroction o! a handsome resldofce ho built in Osh- awa same yeaus ago, and !aund thal materlal came f rom fine different countries. Fifty-seven men, alsa representlug 9 different nationalities worked an the building, and money f ram Ibis anc jab benefitted directhy workmen lu these fine countries. Spoaking o! the worklng men, ho referued ta one Job on whicb Mu. Harold Masos of Bawmianville sat down ta lunch with a Seubian. Thoy swapped yauns an d il was f ounid that they faugbt against eacb other at the same place and an the same day duing the war and that bath recolved waunds ln the baIlle. Rotarian Fred Crydorman bad charge o! the program, whihe Rotar- tan Tommy Rasa welcomod the guests. lucluding Rotarians Art Al- loway a! Oshawa and Ken. Hodgetts of Port Hope. and Mu. W. J. John- stan. Toronto. Rotarian Braie Reh- der luluoduced the speaker and Ra- tarians Frank WWlliams and Baul Cunningham expressed the apprec- ition o! the club ta Mu. Flaxman for bis addross. Il was raîber a caincidence that durlng the course o! bis address the f ire syren blew and as ho closed bis address he was luformed Ihat the flue was at ane o! bis own bouses near the C. N. R. Station. j' OBITUARY Everett Virtue. Tyrone Mr. Everett Virtue. son of Mus. Virtue and the late J. W. Virtue, Tyrone. after a lingering illness and several months in bed, passed away Saturciay night, June 4th, at bis mothei's home , aged 36 years. The funeral which took place f romn the family residence on Tues- day was conducted by Rev. A. M. Wootton and was very largely at- tended by relatives and f riends. Rev. H. J. Stainton, Pickering, cousin of the deceased, assisted. About seventy members of Tyrone Loyal Orange Lodge attended the f uneral In a body and took part in the service at the grave, Mr. Leslie Brooks, assisted by Mr. Leslie Thompson, conducting the Orange service at the grave. A number of members o! the Canadian Legion of Bowmanville also attended and held a service at the grave, conducted by Rev. C. R. Spencer and Mr. R. M. Cotton, president. Interment was made at Bethesda Cemetery. Sympathy Is extended to bis mo- ther, Mus. Laura Virtue, and also to bis brothers and sisters, Messrs. Mil- ton and Archie Virtue, and Miss Ruby Virtue at home, and Miss Elva Virtue of Bowmanville, in their sad bereavement. His father and one sister, Hazel, puedeceased him some years ago. The beautiful foral offerings were an indication of the high esteem in wbich lie was beld. These included: Pillow-Mother; Gates-a-Jar-Bro- thers and Sisters; Wreaths-Mrs. W. Riddell, Mrs. Jas. BaIl, Mus. H. Mer- cer, Mrs. Wmn. Cochrane, L. O. L. No. 764, Sargent Family, Bowman- ville Branch of Canadian Legion; Piliow-Mabel Virtue; Basket-Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Annis; Sprays-Mr. and Mus. Wmn. Virtue Sr., Mu. and Mrs. Russell Virtue, Mu. and Mrs. Otto L. Virtue. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mutton, Mus. J. P. Smith, Mrs. R. G. Hodgson, Mu. Leslie Virtue. Win One Class, Tyrone Choir, Tyrone Sunday School, Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Find- ley and Mr. E. Virtue. Bowmanville Foundry, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Trimm, Hatherly Bros., Mr. and Mrs. P. Haywarcl, Mu. and Mrs. S. McCoy and Verna, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Good- man and family. Girls' Softball Team, Reta and Ina Carr, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gilders. Rena Farrell, Mr. and Mrs. H. Burgess, Mrs. W. R. Strike. Relatives and fuiend.s f rom a dis- tance were: Mus. J. P. Smith. Buf- falo, N. Y.; Mr. W. A. Hamley. Guelph O: A. C.: Mr. and Mus. R. G. Hodgson, Mr. Leslie Virtue, Dr. Reid Virtue. Toronto; Rev. H. J. Stainton, Pickering: Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Findley. Thornhill; Mr. and Mus. Fred Blackburn. Orono; Mus. Win. Jennings, Newcastle: Misses Mabel. Sadie. and Laura Virtue. Mr. and Mus. C. W. Sargent, Mr. Thos. Sar- gent Sur.Mus. M. Feeley and Sarah, Toronto. William A. Norton. Cobalt The death took place at his home on Cobalt Street, Cobalt, Ont., of William Arnott Norton, for 22 yeaus a resident of Northern Ontario, most of the time baving been spent in Elk Lake. He had been in failing bealth for somne time !uom heart trouble, and had been con!ined ta the bouse for about six months past. Mr. Norton was bora at Newcastle, Ont., 79 years ago, was of Scottisb descent. and in ealier 1f e was a fariner. For some years he lived near Chatham, later going ta Tor- onto, wbere he remamned until con- ing north ta Elk Lake in 1910. Two years ago be came ta Cobalt ta live. He was a Conservative and a Pues- byterian. Surviving are bis wldow, one son. Harold, of Elk Lake, and one daughter, Mrs. Mitchell, wl! e of George Mitchell, K. C., Cobalt. David Wilson Roy, Bethesda On Friday, June 3rd, David Wil- son Roy, eldest son of Mrs. Roy and the late Win. J. Roy, dled at the family residence, Darlington. Ater a number of years 0f lingering ilI- ness he passed easily into eteunal uest. His if e was an example of patiently borfie affliction and was paid admirable tribute by his pas- ter, Rev. A. M. Wootton, of Tyrone circuit, whose discourse at the ser- vice on June 6th depicted the value o! patience. Mu. Wootton read a poetic composition of the deceased wbich very ably described the if e which had passed. During the ser- vice Miss Kathleen McGill, Toronto, sang in perfect voice the two popu- lau compositions "The Holy City" and -Tbere is no night there." Among the splendid gathering at the service were many fine faces o! long standing friendship with the Roy and Waddell familles. Besides the floral off erings by imimediate re- sons. Anibrose, o! Penetanguisheneé.1 Frank, o! Newdale, ManitobaBro on the homestead, Cameron and John, of Cambray; also thuce daugh- ters. Mrs. Clatwortby (Orace). o! Hampton, Mrs. John Cgyy (Haret), of Oakwood. Mrs. Robt. Hewle (Bila) of Cameron. The eldest daughteu (Annie) predeceased hlm by twelve years. Aiso twenty-three grand- children and thirteen great grand- childuen survive. On Tuesday. May 24th, ail that remains martal were laid ta rest in the !amlly plot in Eden Cemetery, Maripasa. Lewls T. Paacoe, Hampton The village of Hampton bas lost a valued and esteemed citizen in the persan of Lewis T. Pascoe who pasa- ed to îest on Sunday, June 5th, af - ter an illness o! about three weeks, although f ou the last f Ive years be had been in falling health. Bora on the farmn, ho luherlted Ibose instincts whlch go ta make a good agrlculturist. For the grealer part of bis 1f e he lived near Salina on the farm which had formeuly be- longed ta bis f ather, Thomas Pas- coe. He taok considerable pride in the f ield cuop competitions and sec- ured a number of puizes. Ten yeaus ago be sold bis farm ta Mu. Isaac Hardy and took up residence in Hampton. In 1900 be was maruied la Emma L. Arnot, and ta them were bora two daugbters, MarJorie and Edith. His wif e puo-deceased hlm about thuee and a half yeaus ago.. He loved the football f ield and for many years took an active part as a player on the Solina team. As a young man ho played on the Bow- manville high school team on many occasions. He was also interested in basebaîl and was president fou some years of Dalington softball assoc- iation. He served the township faithfully as tax collector for six years, bo- coming widely known throughoul the. whole township o! Dalington. He was a Liberal in politics, and a charter momber o! Court Archer I. O. F., Hampton, being Chie! Ranger for a number o! yeaus. Hel was a regular attendant o! Hampton United Chuuch.1 The funeral on Tuesday was verY largely attended by friends and re- latives and was conducted by bis pastor, Rev. J. R. Bick. Mus. J. Baker sang "Some day the Silver Chord will .break." Interment was made in the Bowmanville Cemeteuy. He leaves to moura bis deatb be- sides his two daughters aI home, bis aged mother. Mus. Thomas Pascoe: three brotheus, Herbert and Arthuu of Solina. and Dr. Mark, o! Los Angeles; and three sisters, Mus. Mabel McKessock and Mus. H. E. Tink of Solina. and Miss Margaret Pascoe 0f Hampton. He was a kind father and a good neighbor and will be much missed in the home and community. The paîl bearers were Messrs. Ar- thur. Westlake, Frank Pascoe. Eaul Duthie. H. E. Saundeus, Elmer Wil- bur and William Chapman. The floral oflerings were as fol- lows: Weaths-The Family, Mrs. Thos. Pascoe and family, H. G. Pas- coe and family, Mu. and Mus. C. A. Blanchard and Arthur, Mu. and Mus. A. Clemens. Laverae and Norman, Hampton Women's Institute and Adult Bible Class; Basket o! Roses- Mr. and Mus. A. Notbcutt; Sprays- Mr. and Mus. Isaac Hardy, Mu. and Mus. Cecil Pascoe, Miss Betty Sar- gent, Mu. and Mus. Elmor Wilbur and Gardon, Mus. B. Rabbins, Mus. J. Curtis, Messrs. Perëy and Hauuy Cowling, Members o! Council, Clerk and Road Supt., Mu. and Mus. A. J. Reynolds and !amily, Mu. and Mrs. John Stainton, Leana and Elsie, Mu. H. A. Saunders, Mu. and Mrs. E. Saunders, Mu. and Mus. R. E. Saun- ders. Misses Laura and Sadie Virtue, Miss Isabel Campbell, Mu. Eaul puthie. Misses Grace and Edith Duthie, Mus. Edna Ruse. Miss Grace Cawker, Miss Reva MeGili. Misses Dorothy and Eliza Klrkton, Young People's Society o! Hampton, W. C. T. U. o! Hampton, Young Ladies' Bible Class. Primary Sunday Schoal Class, Hampton Boys' Softball Team, Salina Football Club. CARD 0F THANES Misses MarJorie and Editb Pascoe, Hampton, wlsh ta convey ta all their f!riends and neighbous their very sincere thanks fou the many takens o! kindness shown duuing the lllness and death o! their father, also four the beautiful floral tuibutes. Solitude is as need.ful ta the im- agination as society is wbolesomel fou the chauacte.-Lowell. J. H. Needham wisbes to announce that he bas moved bis business !roam back o! the Hydro Shop ta bis own place on Centre Street, where he will still carry on the business o! sign painting alsa wagon, auto and wickeu wouk, etc., scîssors shaupened. Phone 441. 16-tf Picnic Footwear Let us equip youu f eet for the picnlc. We are f ully prepared ta make your day a pleasure in comfortable shoes. Calored Canvas Sandals. $1.25 pair. Canvas Footwear for men, women and chlldren. 65o t. $1.35 pair. Smart Sport Shoes In black and white, brown and beige. uubber or leather soles, $2.98 - $3.45 - $3.98 - $4.95 Chlldren's Sandals. 690 to $1.29 Pair. SPECIAL FOR SATUEDAY Mena Work Boots - $1,98 W. Claude Ives HRome of Go" 8h... WMBANVILL OPENING NEW BUILDING In connection with Dodge Show Room PAINTING, BUMPING, POLISHING AND RE-TOUCHING 0F CARS Corne in and get our price on making your car look like new at small cost. SPECIAL SHOWING USED CARS From June l8th to 25th we will have on sale the finest collection of used cars ever shown in Bowmanville. Wm. J. Challis Dodge and Plymouth Dealer Phone 290 Bowmanville A Bar gain in Dining' Room Suites An unusual bargain that we may neyer be able to repeat. A nine-piece Dining Room Suite in walnut finish, 60-inch buffet, china cabinet, ped- estal table and six Ieather-covered chairs. This is a regular $119 value. Here is our offer with a Barrymore Seamless Axminster Rug: 9-piece Dining Room Suite, on sale.................... $ 75.00 9' x 6' 6" Barrymore Seamless Axminster Rug, on sale ..... $ 3(l00 Total........................$105.00 Our Price for Quick Sale, ail for.. $ 99.00 Fe F. MORRIS Co.' Furniture and House Furnishings Phone 10 Bowmanville IMAGINE!. 9065 PERSONS KiIIed or Injured 6Y Motor Vehicles in one year Because of CARELESSNESS Drive & WaIk SAFELYI MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F HIGHWAYS Le. pold Macaulay, Goodyear Picnic SATURDAY, JUNE 1Sth. Order youri box of mixed cakes at 25e for the picnic now. We will have it ready for you to call Friday night or Saturday morning. Store will be open 7 a. m. Saturday for the convenience of pinikes.ICE CREAM REDUCED Neilson's Ice Creamn Bricks-Reduced to 30c ea. Ice Cream Sodas & Sundaes.--jReduced to 10c ea. Bowmanville Bakery C. W. JACOBS, Proprietor Phone 97 BOWMPANVILLE THIIIFTIER M EALS wl4em Q/owt SHOP HERLE Fresh Orono Pork Sausage............. 17c lb. India Tea, special.................. 29c lb. Spratt's Puppy Ovals .............. 5 lbs. 59c 28 oz. tin Pea Soup....................li1c Fresh Ground Coffee................ Soc lb. Christie's Ginger Snaps ............. 2 lbs. 23e Christie's Soda Wafers ........... 2 pkgs. 19c Welch's Grape Juice................... 35c Crosse & Blackwell's Lime, Orange and Lemon Juice ...................... 35c Grape Nut Flakes ........ 2 pkgs. 25c 25 lb. Bag Potato Bug Killer ............. 80c 5 lb. Bag Arsenate of Lime .............. 55C 40 oz. Jar Pure Orange Marmalade........ 21c White Fish Cleaned and Scaleci. Berry Boxes - Fresh Fruits I«resh Fish Every Thursday MqrAiipg&,4 Friday Afternoon. HARR Y ALUIN Mu qg Stet OWMAIIVULL Phone 186 THE CANADLAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, MIUPMAY, JUNE 16th, 1932 PAOB SEMIN à zk-, .1 -9wQ,ý