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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1932, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1932 PAGE SEVEN You want power ... you want mileage ... then use SHELL GASOLINE QILS We cani supply you with the following high-grade motor ois: Castrol Sheli Veedol Mobiloil Penzoil Quaker State Fineroul, 100% Penn. BA RTLeTTYfsi PHONE 110 KING ST. EAU, BOWMANVI LLE Miller's Wormn Powders are a prompt relie!f from the attacks o! Worms ini children. They are pow- erful in their action and, while leav- ing nothlng to be desired as a worm expellant, bave an lnvigorating e!- fect upon the youthfui system, rem- edying fever, billousness, loss o! ai,- Petite, sleeplessness, and other ail- ments that !ollow disorders caused by Worms in the stomach and bow- els. APPLES RIO-ROLL IROOFING1 Colored or plain. For housses, barns, sheds, garages. « Coundil Standard" or «"ra" quality. Easy and quicli ta lay, permanent, proof against fr0. Free estirnates gladly sent. Send measurementa. Makera Peaton Steel Trust Barn#,. Gei aniiradBam»Doarilardware Praton LedHed NadaDouble-Meah TfMiLah VetiahaaRiN Foi Onage Domr.Ai kid MIentMaaiBuUdnMat.riaL Guepli St.. Preston, Ont. Factorise t Montreal and Toronto u.uu,.faae.aaaeegeeeuuunemmeum , APPLES It bas Many Qualities.-The man who possesses a bottle o! Dr. Thom- as' Eclectric 011 is armed agalnst many ils. It will relieve a cough, break a cold, prevent sore throat; it will reduce the swelling f rom a sprain. relieve the most persistent sores and will spcedily heal cuts and contusions. It is a medicine chest in itsel!. LOST 20 MB. FAT Without Atsring Biet To reduoe weight without any Metntion ta diet is rather more than ayone should expect. That the Kruschen Method should have suc- ceeded in this case, is a great tribute to its effectiveness. " Wher, 1 started taking Kruschen for reducing weight, I weighed 170 lbs. That was seven months ago. 1 decided I was too heavy, and now, thanks to the haIt teaspoonful of Kruschen every morning, 1 tip the scale at 150 ibs. 1 have been that weght for nearly four months. I may say 1!ftel much better. I did flot diet mi,.sef in any way whatever."-E.4C. Kruschen Sats do not reduoe you overnight-lilce 50 many products claini ta do. But taken regularly over a period ot time-with a modifled diet and gentle exerrise, hait a teaspoonful in a glass of hot water cvery morning before breakfast wil take %way un- healthy flesh and restore your figure ta its no;rmal weight. Yet at the sanie timàe-buýild up heath with a great increase ia vigor and energy for you 1. LThe Borden Co*. Limitel. Il5 George St.. Toronto. Ont. Centennent Piewso aend me f rc ce", of boolet etttled "'Daby Welfre." J SIN THE REALM'0F SPORT ORONO (rmThe News, June 16th.) Decoration Day services at Orono Miss H-elen Breslin, Toronto, is vislting her brother, Mr. M. Breslin. Decorate for Orono Centennial and Home-coming Week, June 30, July 1. 2, 3. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clark and son, Toronto, vislted at ber brother's, Mr. George Cain, Clarke Union, SundaY. Dr. and Mrs. John Chester and daughters, Misses Joan and Ruth, spent Sunday at her father's, Mr. T. Smith. Miss Sadie Brown and lady !rlend o! Peeksklll, N. Y., are visiting ber aunt, Mrs. James Brown, and other relatives. Rev. A. S. Kerr, M. A., o! St. Paul's Church, Bowmanville, willl conduct services at Centre Street Church Sunday. Bowmanville Dairy commences this Sunday to deliver ricb pasteur- lzed milk, cream and butter in Or- ono. Phone 446 and have truck cal regularly. 25-2 Mr. and Mrs. S. Breslin, Mr. and Mrs. M. Cowan, Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Breslin, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Pattenlck, ail of Toronto. visited at Mr. M. Breslin's on Sunday. The rendermng o! a beautiful vocal1 duet "Something We'll Understand"i by Mr. Arthur Bell, tenor, and Miss Evelyn Hobbs, contralto, was great- ly appreciated by the congregation o! Park Street Church, Sunday ev-j ening. A fair sized audience attended the presentation o! the three act comedy drama "The Empty House" by Pet- erboro talent in the Town Hall here Friday evenmng, given under the auspices o! A. Y. P. A. o! St. Sav- iour's Church. The residence and grounds o! Mr. W. J. Walter, north Mill Street, bas been strikingly lmproved in appear- ance by the removal o! the fence and stone butment, 'and replacmng them wth a terraced approacb and concrete walks.à A former well known resident o! Orono, Mrs. Jesse Henry, who be- fore ber marriage was ArviUla Gams- by, died at Hatzlc, B. C., May l3th. She is survived by one brother, Mr. Cicero Gamsby, and w sister, Mrs. Josie Henry, botb o! Caiforf îa. De- ceased was in ber 87th year. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Carscadden o! Manitou, Man., wbo have been spendmng the past year with their son Lawrence, in Montreal, are vis-i iting with Mrs. Fairbairn at the1 Kunirite Inn and other frlends. Mrs.j Carscadden was formerly Mary Pat-1 terson and spent ber girlhood ini Kendal and Leskard districts. Anglican open air service and Or- ange parade at Bewdley Sunday at-' tracted a large gatberig. Among those attending f rom this town were Mr. and Mrs. James Egleson, Mr. and Mrs. E. Evans, Mr. R. Z. Hall, Miss Hall and Mr. Geo. Cowan; Fred W. Bowen, M.P., ex-Mayor M. J. Elliott, !rom Bowmanville. Mr. C. J. Hughson, on Sunday, June 12th, reached bis 85th mile- stone on li!e's Journey, and we are pleased to note is as active and strong as many men o! younger years. Other members o! the Hugh- son !amily to attain advanced age was bis father who passed at 84, bis mother at 94, and an uncle, the late James Dawson, Kininount, 97 years. A number o! the companions o! Clarke District Royal Scarlet Chap- ter accompanied C. A. Brown, W. C., on a fraternal visit to Cartwright District Royal Scarlet Chapter in convention at Tyrone on June l4th, and report a splendid night when three candidates were cxalted. Com- panion C. R. Spencer o! Bowman- ville was present and addressed the brethren very impressively. Prizes donated by Orono WQm- en's Institute to the Public School were awarded as !ollows:. Senior room-General prof!iciency prize, Ray Carleton; Writing, Lloyd Tay- lor; History, John Keane; Arithme- tic. John Keane. Junior room- General pro!iclency prize, Olive Brown; II Wrltlng, Eileen Jones; Pr. Writing, Donald Staples. Other prizes-2nd for General Pro!iclency, Geo. Rowe; Greatest improvement in Writlng. Vance Allen. The marriage took place Wednes- day, June 8th, at 4 p. m., o! a well kno*n Orono young lady, Miss Elsie Ramney, elder daughter o! Mr. andi Mrs. Robert Ralney, to Mr. William Hoar o! Bowmanville. Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, B.A., B.D., pastor o! Park Street Cburch, tied the nuptial knot. The ceremony took place on the lawn o! the former home o! the bride. Among the relatives of con- tractlng Parties present !rom a dis- tance were: Miss Neya Ralney, Osh- awa; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hoar, New- castle; Mr. and Mrs. Wrightson Parking Cars Therc's a bunch o! People who will mnsist on parking thein cars be- hind the backstop at each ball game. One o! these days a wlndow is going to get smasbed or some other dam- age done. 0f course we know that it is on a street and that the pitcher or bitter o! sucb a bail would bc hiable, but why make trouble for the f eflows who are provldlng in theirj softball game a good heur's enter- tainment. Who Bats Neit Dick Rovan was called out on Thursday nigbt for battmng out o! bis turn and many fans wondered why. The reason was that he bit the bali ta play bef are he took any1 notice o! the scorer trying to check hlm up. The rule on that question reads. "The batsman is out if he fal to take bis position at the bat in the turn which bis name appears on the battlng order, but if the er- non be discovered the proper bats- man may replace the man at bat before the latter becomes a base runner.' In other words wben he makes a bit, if the change is made the rule provides that the stnikes or bails on the flrst batter count ta the rightful batter who goes to bat. j TEXTILES WIN FROM B. H. S. TO TIE FOR LEAGUE LEADERS Textiles Lead Most of Way But B. H. S. Nearly Catches Up At Close Defeating High School 10 te 9 in a !airly fast game Textiles tied for f irst place with Front Street la their league game on Friday nigbt. Wltb four wmns and twa lasses each o! these two teams are weU in the lead, altbough this h Written before the eariy weck games, wbich might con- sidenably change, things. B. H. S. boys are apparentiy stil in the tbroes o! examinations for thein minds seemed fan away f ram softbali. As a i-uic these lads stand up te any team but the last two games they have f allen down on the job. Textiles took a two run icad la the f irst frame and Higb Scbool snatcbed it back in the second only to lase it again f or the rest o! the game except the final lnnings.- When la the third the Students reachcd a score o! 5 tbey staycd thene until the 9th when they broke away wlth four i-uns to, tie the Score at 9-9. McKnlght batted finst la the final f rame and broke the tic and won the game. a! ter gettlag a two-basc bit blinseif and belag bat- ted in by Bert Wiseman. Don Wil- liams scored the only home i-un for the scholars. Hlgh Scbool-Richards, p; Adams, c; Williams, lb; Siemon, 2b; Dun- lop, 3b; E. Bagneil, ss; Raby, r!; Coiville, cf; W. Bagnell, If. Textiles-D. Osborne, P; Diliag, c; C. Osborne, lb; Brough, 2b; Jack- man, 3b; G. Piper, ss; McKnight, r!; Oke, cf; Wiseman, If. Umplres--Cameroli and Large. High Schooi 032 000 004- 9 Textiles 230 310 001-10 TOP AND BOTTOM TEAMS MEET AND BOTTOM TEAM WINS Rovers Tallenders, De! eateti Front Street, League Leaders, in Garne Thursday The Alpha and Omega, the first and the iast ini the so!tball league, met and battied on Thursday nigbt, and Omega, Rovan's Rovers, league tailenders, flnished the game tbree runs ahcad and an innings to spare. Their victims were Front Street, top notchers in the league, who also, iost their prccedlng game to Tex- tiles. The score was 18 to 15. Thene hs perbaps, one way ta account for the reversai o! fortunes. Ooosey Osbonne oniy pitched la the 8tb and 9th frames, Banker Bowman trylag out bis hand for the major part o! the game. Bowman is one o! the clevcrest bard bail pitchers la the district but he needs a lot o! praç- tice at softball pitching bef arc he equals Goosey as Front Stneet's moundsman. He certalaly showed spasms o! fast and furiaus pitcblag for a wbile but he was unsteady and tbrew a number af wild pitches. We mlght add that Rovan pitched bis best game, at ieast since he identi- fied blmself with so!tbail in Bow- manville. Front Street batted fimat, failing ta score. Rovers took a two-run lead in thein flrst, and while Front Street added anc in the ncxt, Rovers dld likewise and maintalaed the icad. Inthe fi! th innings whcn The 4Oth d Annivesr "ISALADK TU For 40 years SALADA bas give,, the finest qluallty la tea. Preseut prices are thre lowest la 15 years. .=7" NEW 1932 ROVERS WIN THIRD STRAIGHT GAME, DEFEAT GOODYEAR Now i Second Place in League - Errors Were Coatly to Goodyear Rovers won their third stnalght game on Monday nigbt when tbcy continued to make amcnds for the f allures la the early part o! the schedule by defcating Bert ColwelU's Goodyear ont! it by 18 te 10. It was a real fast game throughout and at times things moved so fast that it was a dimfcult matter te kccp up wltb the score. Rovers batted first and Cameron bnougbt la a home run, but Good- year returned wlth 5 runs te taire a long lcad wbich, bowever did not last long. Rovers three la Uic second and two la the third brougbt thcm even witb Goodycar wbo had added one in their third. Goodyear took a thrce-run lead again la the fourtb but Rovers equalized la their ncxt f rame. and from then on maintained a lead for thse sest of the game. Their Sth and 9th frames took them abead for 7 i-uns wbilc Goodyear scored only the one in these two lnnlags. Errors were nunserous througbout the ganse but more not- iceable among the Rubber Men wbo were dlstinctly off cdior. For Rovers besides Cameron, Cor- den scorcd two bomers and Large anc, wbile the tltbit o! the game was when Ormisten scored the only home mun for the Goodyear and incidcntly bis f lrst home i-un o! the season. The score: Rovers 132 032 052 - 18 Goodyear 301 300 010 - 10 Rovers-Rovan, P; Cowlc, c; Cor- den, lb; Cameron, 2b; Piper, Sb; Brown, c; Knigbt, r!; Large, cf; Moore, if. Goodycar--Ormisten, p; B. Col- well. c; James, lb; Murphy, 2b; Hobbs. Sb; Alder, se; RoaCb and Coiwell, r!; Moorci-af t, cf; Goddard, 1f.s STANDING 0F SOFTBALL LEAGUE Won Lost Piayed Front Street 4 2 6 Textiles 4 2 6 Rovers 3 3 6 High Sobool 2 4 6 Goodyear 2 4 6 WEDDING Mackey-Vlpond A liretty June wcdding took place on Saturday, June llth, at thc home of Mrs. Vipond and the late Mn. John Vipond, Brooklin, wben their youngest daughter, Dorothy Grace, was marrled te Howard Ailan Mac- key, of' Brooklin, son o! Mn. and Mrs. C. L. Mackey. Rev. P. L. Juil conducted the cercmony. The bride, who was given away by ber brother, John vlpond, lookcd charmlag in a poudre blue lace and georgette drcss, witb bat and sboes and gloves to match, and carried sweetheart roses, lily-o! -the-vailcy and maidenhair fern. The only attendants wcre two. littie flower girls, nieces o! the bride, Paulie Soans o! Oshawa. and Julia vlpond o! Toronto, who looked love- ly in Plak and yeliow ongandie re- spectively, witb bats ta match, an d cannicd carnations an d fern bou- quets. The gnoom's gif t to the bride was a white gold Gruen watch, and ta the littie flower girls signet rings. Following the ceremony the gucsts sat down to a weddlag sup- per, the table being beauti!ully dec- orated in pink and white. Af ten the weddlag supper the bride and groom le! t for Ottawa, Montreal, and east- ern points. by motor. In travelinag the bride wore a navy crepe de-chene ensemble, with matchlag acceseor- les. Out o! town gucsts were pres- cnt from Montreal. Toronto. Osh- awa, Port Penny and Whltby. Made in Canada initia Canadian WIàaat MEI CANÂDIAN SHUDDED WHEÂT CONPANY, LMD Idecdd on McLaughlin-Buick's Straigkt Egkt Sedan at $l405*.And, Mani, it's certainly a McLaughlin-Buick througk and througk 0 a . with W;zard Control, Ride Regulato.', Fisher Body .. veryI:king! 1 ,» Ust aé factory, Oshawa, taxes extra. MOFFATT MOTOR SALES 22 olar s.fb . v i ifAcrA Insure Your Crop AgainstHail M.Apple Grower:BE E E Are you interested hin protgting your crop against hall storms ? For years we bave endeavoured to get a strong, flnancially sound cornpany to take the risk and at last we are happy to announce that "The Great American", a cornpany wth slxty years experience, has undertaken to write this insurance. It lias ample re- serves of $26,000,000 which wiil assure you fast and equitable settiernents should your crop bc darnageti by hall. We are ready naw to offer you this protection andi wilI endeavour to sec each apple grower i the district, but don't wat for us to corne to sec you. Corne la now and get that insurance on before there lu any chance of your crop gettig damagei by hall. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers KING STREET PHONE 50 BOWMALNVILLE Summer Prices We wish to announce that summer prices for Blue Coal ar~e effective from May lst, as follows: . Per Ton Egg.................. $15.75 Stove................. $1 5.75 Chestnut ...............$1 5.75 Pea................... $13-50 Buckwheat ..............$11-00 Rice .................. $10-00 Coke.................. $12.00 Pocahontas.............. $13-00 $1.00 off above pricea for cash. We have in stock a specially ground lime for spraying. Sheppard & Ciii Lumber Co. PHONE 15 LIMiTE» BOWMALNVILLE IRESTONE now offrsRD F you a tire with two PIS extra plies under the C nD ýý tread at no extra cost 1 Tbink 1 N * . of it - added strength,1 L 1 safety and mileage at the N £xn same cost as ordinary tires. 1 CST No other tire can offer you this feature which gives26% e x t r a protection agaiit punctures and blowouts, and assures safety at any speed. In addition, only Firestone Tires are Gum-Dipped to give 58% more flexing life to»the cor&a and make the tire body tougher and stronger. Only Firestone tires bave the Scien- tifically Designed, quiet running non-skid tread' which gives 23% more wear with added traction and safety. These t h r e e features - exclusive with Firestone - Live 25-40% longer tire life - at no extra cost. And ini addition, the materials and worhnanship in every Hgh Speed Tire are éuarante.d for the Hf. of the tire. There's a Pirestone Dealer conveniently located near you. Drive in todIay and sce for youwself the Extra Values ini Firestone Tire. d fr -he1.1 e f he ir GIVE YOURSELF A GOOD BREAK AT BREAKFAST SHREDDED THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, TEURSDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1932 55 MIUCUE MT. N. fi UISIIAWA dk PAGE BIMM

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