PAGE TENTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, JUNE 30th, 1932 THURSDAY, JUNE 3th. 1932 Mrs. Birdsall of Birdsall's on Rie Lake bas been spending a few week with Miss B. Mclntosh. Misses Sybil and Vida Langmaic Oshawa. were weekend guests of Mi and Mrs. Nonian Allun. Mrs. G. A. Macdonald of Tin nions, ont.. is visiting Mrs. S. Bas kerville. and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Smith and soi Fred. Toronto. were Sunday guesi of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard. Ralph Ames. Bowmanville. ani Jack Haro are tenting in the C.N.E gardens; Ralph provides the ter and Jack the camping ground. Rov. E. R. James of Peterboro former rector of St. George's Churci attended the funeral of the lai Wellington Foster last Wednesda: afternoon. Mm. T. W. Jackson and daughter Mrs. Percy Brown. and Mrs. Perc: Hare retumned on Monday f rom thei: excursion and six days' visit ti Rochester. N. Y. Commencing Sunday. June 26th Bowmanville Dairy will deliver dailý ricb pasteurized milk, creamn an( butter in our village. Phone 441 and try this service. 25-' United Church-Rev. W. P. Rog. ers. B. A., Pastor. Sunday. July 3rd 10.45 a. m.-Sunday School; 11.3( a. m.-Morning Worship: 8 p. ni.- Evening Service: Preacher, Rev. Mr Honey. Welcome. Mrs. A. N. McEvoy and daughter Miss Helen, have moved bore f ronr Detroit and taken Up their residencE in the former J. J. Robson hotîse ad- joinîng Eber House the home of Mrs. Alfred Famncomb. Mrs. Mc- Evoy's mother. With their captain, Geo. Walton, out of the game because of a crush- ed lîttle finger. Newcastle team o: the Lake Shore Basebaîl League again lost to Orono Friday evening by a score of 2 to8. George was spik- ed in the hand by the Port Hope catchers shoe spikes as he reached out to home plate and was counted safe at the game in Port Hope Thursday week. Alf Graham pitched in Georges stead Friday. Earle Wal. ton taking Alf's place at first base. Miss Beatrix Mclntosh sustained a double bereavemient last week in the death of two uncles within a few days of each other, Wellington Fostel', at his home here. on Mon- diay. Jtîne 20th. and his brother. Geo. Foster. on the day of Welling- ton's funeral. at South Bond. Wash. Ho had sufferod a stroke a few days previously proving fatal. He had often spent bis summers hele with Wellîngton and was as well known in Newýcastle as any Newcastle cit- izen. In bis youth ho lived in New- castle and became a member of the famed Newcastle basebaîl team which travelled over much o! the province and even into the U. S. A., playing championship baîl where- ver it went. Hîs romains, were taken to Seattle for burial. Miss Mclntosh is also suffering much anxiety on account of the illness o! ber bro- ther, Mr. Bert Mclntosh. witb ty- pboid fever in China. CHESS TOURNAMENT For the second tume within the past few weeks menibers of Toronto and Peterboro Che,,s Cltubs met in competition in the community hall here last Thursday evening. We re- gret we know lit tle about the silent game over which the players sit in deep meditation and nothing more o! the results of last Thursday's playing; but wve were glad to see these chess entbusiasts here in New- castle which was chosen because of its central position between the two cities and trust that tbey found in our hall ahl the comfort and accom- modation they could wish for. There were to have been six players f rom each city but as Peterboro lacked one on this occasion bis place was ably taken by Principal Geo. A. Coyne of the high scbool. The five players f rom Peterboro were Geo. Snowden. K. S. Wightman. J. H.j Morris, H. B. Cowan, Editor of Farn & Dairy, and G. H. Roper, Sec'y. o! the Y.M.C.A.. Peterbomo. Each paît wilI kiltifles ail day n.i cvery day for tire.- weeks. 3 pads. in eaedî put ket. Ici Ir I. or r, y ýil c ,h, y 'd 46 2 30 ,e )f CELEBRATE 75th ANNIVERSARY 0F ST. GEORGE'S CH. Special Services Marked Anniversary of Laying of Corner Stone of Present Church Members o! other denominations Irejoice with their Anglican friends sthis week in their celebration of the seventy fi! th anniversary of the lay- i ing o! the corner stone o! St. George's Church. The celebration tbegan last Sunday with special ser- vices wben Rev. N. H. White, M.A., Toronto, in the morning, and Von. 1R. C. Blagrave, D. D., Archdeacon o! Peterboro, in the evening pýreached thoughtful, inspiring sermons and congratulated Rector and congreg- ation on the exceptional beauty o! their sacred odifice and the good standing and continuity o! services o! St. George's Church. The present Rector. Rov. F. H. Mason, conduc- ted the services and a former Roc- tom, Rev. J. Scott Howard. retired. assisted by reading the seripture lossons. The choir undor the leader- ship of Mrs. AI!fred Farncomb pro- vided special music. Archdeacon Blagrave in the ev- ening spoke fromn Job 28:3-4. Ho stteth an end to darkness and searcbeth out aIl perfection: the stones of damkness and the shadow o! death. The flood beaketh out f rom the inhabitant; evon the wat - ers forgotten o! the foot; they- are dried up. they are gone away from mon.1 Job in these parabolical wordsi pictures the victory o! man in break-1 ing through the limitations that be-1 long f0 the brute boast, membors of! the purely animal kind. Man is o!, a different order. death and dark- ness do not end all. but ho believes in a perpefual soul and eternal if e. Man may be roughly dividod into tbree classes. the man with a deeply religious nature. the indifferent mais and the atheist. The former o! course. to the honor and glory o! God and the welfare o! mankind, bas supported and sustained the Church fbroughout the ages. while the othor classes benefit by bis spir- ituality, zoal and devotion. The choir at the evening service rendered the anthem. They that trust in the Lord shaîl be as Mount Zion Psm. 125. Following the service a reception was tendered the Archdeacon in the Parish Hall and reforesbments were sorved. This year 1932 is also the centen- amy o! the openîng up o! Cburcb o! England services in this locality for ît is a maffer of hisfory that in 1832 Rev. Adami Eliiotf held services in Clarke Township and continued hîs minisfi'ations apparenfly until 1835, followed by Rev. C. T. Wade in 1836-7. ATTORNEY GENERAL WAS SPEAKER AT ORONC tContinîîed f rom page 1) Imperial Conference a big change for the better will be notod." Tumnîng to the 0vork accomplished by the Ontario Department o! Ag- riculture, Mr. Prîce pointod out On- tario was fortunate in havîng Col. Kennedy. a most active and oner- getic moîsister who did an amazing amount o! work in the improvement o! livestock and produce, Ho is the lirst Canadian Mînister o! Agricult- ure to arrange for dealîng wîth the other provinces on produce and ho has also endeavoured to widen the foreign markets. Telling of other work acconiplish- ed Col. Price stated that, fo aid tb2 applo growers o! the province 7 cold storage plants had been established and 30 grading stations, What was the rosulf? In 1929, 20,000 barrels o! applos were sold in Great Britain f rom Canada, in 1930, 40,000 barrels and hast year 160,000. Ho expocfed 200.000 would be sold this year. Coi. Price lauded !umfher works o! this dopartmont and assurod his bearers that the opposition couhd criticise as it lîked. and at a tume whon if shouhd be co-operating for the improvement o! conditions, but it was his f irrnboe!e that the country today was in a far botter stafe under Conservative mule than if would have been under the con- tinuanco o! Liberal mule. Earl Lawson, M. P., Eari Lawson. M. P. for West York gave a brîlliant address on Domin- ion Inatters. Ho sbowod that the oid Luberal policy o! Use lower the price the bot toi the finie was f olly. If was at one finie considored, ho claîmod, f haf if fan mimplomonts were choaper farming conditions would be botter but today thoy are cheap- et than ever and farm conditions are nof good. If was thought that if food prîces weie 10w the cîty con- sumer %vould benefit but tbousands are ouf o! work and cannof benefit by tlhem. If fhey wero working fhoy aîoulo provide a larger miarkef and thus tise prîce would automaficaliy risc. Whileho agreed thaf tise !armei %vas bad off he felt that the uneni- ployed in the city and town wero even1 nsore so. In bis own consfif- ucîscy muifia tents had to be used f0 house thousaisds o! unemployed who liad beeîs ejected froni fheor homes. Mvr. Lawson oufliîsed the polictes o! the Beisneft Goveînnient showing that conditions wouid be muchi a vor.ý ifo tise fai!! polîcy o! the gov - t tstnen*u vas150f adhered f0. Tise resoîll.o!f hese fariffs was that Cals- oda as. today în a beffer condifins han aliBost any country ns the atlt.The speaoker se%,erely crifîcis- fd fise oppositions and tfis Torolîtu Star foi misrepresenfîng the tarif! ,i!,iaflols. If conditions were so bad. fîow was.t i thaf Cansada had moved .îp frono 6tis f0 5115place li aorld trade? The speaker refemred fa Ithe comîng coxs!erence believiîsg it f0 be the commencement o! the return o! betfer finies. If 0,0as moved by M. J. Elliott and soconded by J. T. Paul, and ulsani- asously adopfed that a vote o! con- fidence be sent both the Bennett and the Henry Govermoents, NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORTS- TRINITY Promiotion Examinations----------------- Senior Room From Sr. III to Jr. IV-Passed on year's work, 751,'C on total and 50ý on each subject-Patricia Pearce 85, Tommy Brereton 78. Margaret Pearce 76. Sam Cowan 74, Helen Robinson-promoted on year's work, 73, (sickness in home when Promo- tion Examinations were held. From Sr. III to Jr. IV-Passed on Promotion Examinations - Harold Hockin 72. Ethel Spencer 68, Jack Turpin 71. Failed-Lillian Burbey 56, Gordon Barmabaîl 45. Froni Jr. IV to Sr. IV, on exaniin- ation-Archie Martin 80, Lloyd Han- cock 76, Jimmie Coyne 76, Victor Garrod 73, Reta Powell 69, Mike Arych 69, Clarence Clark 66, Doro- tby Henning 65, Stanley Brown 61, Audrey Brown 60. Promoted con- ditiorially but dici. not pass-Hazel McManus 56, Frances Brereton 56. Teacher's Proficiency Prize for highest standing in Sr. III Class- Patricia Pearce 85 %. intermediate Room Promotod on year's work-75r % required on the whole and 50% on each subject: Jr. III to Sm. III-Vivian Duck 87. Reita Cooke 83, Nora Meredith 79, Ross Allin 75. Sm. II to Jr. 11-Carl Fisher 93, Harold Hoar 86, Eugene Wright 85, Grace Powell 79, Nool Middleton 79, Vera Cuf 1er 78, Harry Brown 76, Charlie Bonathan 75, Stanley Co'îch 75. Promoted on Final Exams: Jr. III to Sm. III--Gordon Cotter 92, Jimmy Lovekin 91, Bruce Van Dusen 81, John Cotter 79, Alfred Gray 77, Dick Anderson 76, John IArych 71, Charlotte Gray 67. Gem- aid Henning failed in Arithmetic, promoted because o! age. Sm. II to Jr. III-Camilla Brown 74, Jimmy Keecb 71, Helen McKel- lar 70. Jr. II to Sm. Il-Evelyn Barrabal 79. Joan Bonathan 72. Nomma Van Duseni 70, Roger~ Meadows 67. Prize List Music-Best Original Melody-W. Hoopor Memorial Prize-Ruth Hon- eyNeatest Music riote Books in Jr. Roon-l. Roggie Meadows; 2. Dora Martin; 3, Dorothy Gibson. S. Jose Memorial Prîze for Pro- ficiency in Jir. III-Vivian Duck 87o W. F. Rickard Prize for Prof ic- ioncy in Sr. II--Carl Fisher 930 r. Prize for Neatest Note and Workt Books: Jr. III-Vivian Duck; Sm. IIl -Camilla Brown.t Junior Roomn Si. I to Jr. II: Promoted on year's work-Donald Jose 86, Dorofhy Gîb- son 85, Isabel Coyne 81, Emnma Jean Harris 80. Reggie Moadows 79, Dora Martin 78. By Examinaftion-Char- lie Aldread 75, Rota Aldread 74, Wilson McManus 70. Margaret AI- dread 66. Jr. I to Sm. r-Myrtîe Foster 88, Shirley Couch 87. Jean Robinson 84,1 Douglas Walton 74. UNITED> LHURCH- Minister E. F. ARMSTRONG, B. A., B. D. Organist FRANCIS SUTTON, Mus. Bac. Sunday, JuIy 3rd. il a. m.-Communion and Reception Service. Subject : "Passing the Cup."* C'ommnîaiionii -ymtii: Ot.oving Father. Sunday Scbool during the morn- ing service. 7 P. m.-"The Gospel o! DiSplace- ment or a Tbornless World." Anthem: -What Are These* -Stainer Tliere il' tio valu e Intit. iteega1tive bm- cess. You catit rectify onie evil ly iii- troducing allotîoer. Attack evil by opt- ltosing il a ith goolI. Scatter îlarkttess byittroducîoîg iight. ('rowdou ot vice tTHE CHURCHES St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church -Rev. W. J. Todd. Minister. Morn- ing Worship Il a. m.; Sabbath Sehool 12.10 noon; Evening Worship 7 p. m. The Minister will preach.* St. Paul's United Church-Rev. A. S. Kerr, M. A. 10.10 a. n.- Sunday School; il a. m.-"What the Church Stands For"; 7 p. -'The Story of a Haunted House." A cr- dial welcome to al. St. John's Anglican Church-Rev. C. R. Spencer. M. A., Rector. Holy Communion il a. m.; Sunday School 12.15 noon: Evening Prayer 7 Preacher at both services. the Ven- erable Archdeacon A. L. Fleming of the Arctic, who will describe bis re- cent 8000 mile trip to the Arctic Missions bv aeroplane. Additional Sport[ SOFTBALL LEAGUE STANDING AT END 0F FIRST SCHEDULE Textiles ansd Front Street stand tied for fîrst place in the Town Softball League and will nseet in the thmee-game playoff serios. The standing when the beague schedule closed on Ttîesday nîghf follows: Played Won Lost Textiles 8 6 2 Front Str~eet 8 6 2 Rovers 8 4 4 Goodyear 8 2 6 Hîgh Schooi 8 2 6 BOWMANVILLE WINS FIRST HOME BOX W.ftt.JSSL IAME Sr. Pr. f0 Jr, 1--Graco Cotter 92. eDoliy Purdy 87, Frank Hoar 86, Biooklin Protests Gamne Owing to Pauline Deline 85, Ruby Gibson 83, Bowmanville Man Acting as Dick Lovekin 80, Betty VanDusen ere 78, Douglas VanDusen 76, VioletRfee MacEeliar 72. George Painter 72. Mabel Gray 69. Bowmanville Box Lacrosse teani Jr. Pr. to Sm. Pr.-Grace MacKel- played ifs fimst home game on Tues- lar 88, Lomna Harris 86, Cyril Mea- day night when they defeafed tdows 85. Olive McManus 81, Ruth Brooklin 4-1. The game took place 3Bonathan 76, Bobby Barmabaîl 70, af Rotary Park where the nocessary »Roy Foster 66, Bobby Gray 62, Ar- box, looking a good deal similar f0 thur' Clark 61. a hockey cushion, had beon erecfed Beginners-Winnifmed Harris, Ai- in the afernoon by ftho energotic nia Gibson, Jimmy Aldread. effort s o! the players. A good crowd A. 0 Parer irstBoo Proic-turned ouf f0 see the new ganie of- A. O Parem imstBookProic-fcialiy initiated into the town and iency Prize-Donald Jose. although neither the Legion Band Junior Teacbem's Witing Prize- isor the Mayor weme in attendance Domothy Gibson. the opening was a grand success! The ganse was very fasf witb a1 RADIOENGIEER ELLSgood deal o! roughing. Phayers wome RADI ENINER TLLSpads and certainiy noeded theni, al- OF BROADCAST WORK though injuries weme !ew. Bownian- villes ropresontatives weme a good (Continued froin page 1) doal heavier than their opponents1 and in this game weight seonis to1 on the niap for it was the oniy sta- count for a good deal. Irvin Piper,t tion that could be heard froni this wli-known local hockey player, wasc Dominion aIl over the world.* very effective, scoring two goals. r As f0 the future o! the short wave wbiie Merwin Oke, a newcomer to i station, the speaker said if wasimi- town fi'om Oshawa, where ho playedi possible f0 forecast rosuits. It would junior lacrosse. seemed to be the no doubf be used in television and most at home o! any player on eith-i aiso as a means ,of bringing dloser er tearn. the units o! the Britisb Empire. If First hall o! game was well play- was so easy to spoak by short wave ed. but fowards the end both feanis frmoeDominion f0 another that began f0 rough if and if looked as oach dominion would gain an in- tbough the snielling (Sehmelingi- fimate knowledge o! the others, thus Sbarkey fight was f0 bc duplicated. bringing about a greater unity in However the fans were not so lucky this Commonwealth o! Nations, as f0 witness such an encounfer and Speaking o! one of the uses, Mm. the game ended in peaco. Shane stated that in ftho Philhipine If is umored thaf the game is Islands short wave was used as a under profest owing f0 the !acf thaf part o! the felephone systeni and a neutral umpire could not bc sec- one could dial a number in one is-i urod and a local man, Dick Wifber- land and caîl the operafor by short idge. , %vas forced f0 umpime, wave in anotber island, Bowmanville - Goal, J. Knight: Rotarian Ray Kembming expmessod Home, D. Moore and E. Murphy: the appreciation o! the club f0 Mm. Centre. I. Piper; R. Centre. Buster Shane for bis fine addmess. There Lar'ge; L. Centre, Merwin Oke; Rov- wili be no meeting o! the club on er. R. Fry; Subs, S. Wilson. D. Lit- Fîiday. July 1sf. ftle. H. Camemon. G. Colmer, Bowmanvilie's next home game is The Stafesman wili be sent f0 any wif h Stone Havon on Saturday, July address in Canada to end o! 1932 9tb. Watch for complete schedule foi' $1.00. o! league next week. DO IT NQWI Now is the time to select Iris, Peonies, and other Peî'ennials foir fali planting. See them in bloom at oui' Nursery. Kingsway Nurseries Phono 144 - Flower Shop 72 - Nlghts 726 BOWMANVILLE Notices off Births, Marriages, Deaths, and Memorianm, 50c; 10c per Une extra for Memoriam verses. BIRTHS M ELLOW-Xt iîoarue est Ilotule. Newa'îstle. oit Tuesday. Jîîîîe th. 1932, to Mirau Iti M rs. . . E. il inaasoti, (Johon Itodger>. VîADE - t Wloî dl eIlinte. Newcastle, on Thursdlay, Juîîe 23roI, 1932, to MIr. ndjj-s. flarmy L. Wuoie, 1100e tuawnshoip, a son (William oJohni SîtlilI MARRIAGES MOCLELLAN-MacLAREN.. 01OitSut- umolay. .luue 25th, 19.32. ut Bruce Cîttrcli- n-the-H Il. Torotito livHoti. ('uAlotini P. C. %VzrdI-INlii;te 111o1 Rev. Nr. J. C. Itixon. Edytîte Jean liolunes. eIder olan- gliter of Nlm. antd rs. Archibalol Jantes MucLareti. to Mr. George Andoreîv Mc- Cllai ,r sonoof Mmr. andIMm. DEATHS PRESCOTT - IlOt)shawa, u, tie27t1î, IttS.3lirc.ome i'îruOti, roîonf tite ilite BECKEL-hi îIoohiî.o on ltot- azed 071\.i.. Io rmttiiZiioti ent- DAIDO -Ity.hw. i DVIDS201O193,lo h aa;idsoit iotoli .119 tioe 61,. 0: tof G;vîaoi oe- SEE - ot(o ,tllî .1tati, 2711,. 1!l2-, ll,ýttî. Mucootnilvol iife <of th, lat, 1h ,I t* S,--, ootcre of N'eu t, li Wl LLIAMSON At 7lteoloe ii. POWE R - lot Tomooî, oui Tlîotul.îv. Gove o,. IrlbttgtnIi ii tua641h 3 ýumi..lot- t u, u t Iowu an n il le teuit e ry. Wl LKINS-nO.sBaîta. lime 271o.19.2 Edwaro Wikins, ic,eoeo Iltîoooîtof .11i to' 0,1 IoI-t ' 00 b gedot44 3*Om UruîthIem of M1r. I li. W ilk lis. 1 uot;ni Il,. FOSTER-At Sea;tt 0. broiio.t lmottoor of til, , lot. ottott Fntoe Noîeieto ltt.minietit 1it Soîttle. Hay For Sale STANDING HAY FOR SALE-.'totoy Nlî.s loeov. l~etîo,..ioeeSt., i1, ot Houses for Sale FOR SALE - SoIt- brick 6-rnntned 11to11s, fori* 13le t Qi1e1 n St ., lirce r- lulots fruiot. garag,. !'otI hotose,, fttr- ot-.gus, wî. i If tnt u-.1d lst .Ilne it ll momt. APIolY 1. Iloonuer. îtuto Farm For Sale jFARM FOR SALE-1b t-o,7 tmil-,o iloolii 0 of Ooloniliit b 0t0 0h o ad tt(- .lt- E oto til l0îe. .,î FARM FOR SALE-o 000,. I;111(1 fîoa rs sit t euoo loîtuoteol 8 icocas 3Otiti c itsli. . , s psrîin g gmtatto, 9 uer o liik î Iout,300 oter-s Ite. 1To oe alit toîluilt sotut ouil fafumm. I butls, oýth tIi mck t'. utc.nietat lis ut lîl. Shbo tooti. oout;silo. ulso lîiutoî;u- ic '.î inoînlîl. Seool 9ou, futt. i~-niile frontoi :nfi,.Iol Price $50010. Terms riglît. 1- 'C. o'oo, o imI.. tooto .24-4 Laundry Wanted Att kîndoîs0f luoiidr'. îork olone lmrort 13. suatisf-uetoilv, uit measýootabte rîs WVrite tPost OfeBox 1-_. or tci Nli- \V. MIri rii, K inutcSt rot Easot, n u'. - otioto'. b. leut.178. Awnings Attn intis, T. tsb, Ta mou tiist, otr e ias omllototo-o'.tp BIvîliq)î- o oloroi, .' îoid.66lBontd S.\' 0shait.Ptioo2101. Tunter so .. 0,.I. 24-4- Sf. George's Chumcb-Rev. F. H. Mason, M. A., Rector. Services will be heid this week and next Sunday as follows: Dominion Day, Friday. JuIy lst-Holy Communion atI 8 and Il a. ni. At 6 p. ni. there wil1 be a congregafional tea in the Parish Hall. followed at 7.30 by a gardon parfy with band and addresses on~ the rectory lawn. Sunday, Juiy 3rd. Sixtb Sunday affter Trinity: 9.45 a. M.-Sunday Scbooi; il a. m- Morning Prayor and HOly Commun- ion, Preacher, Rev. W. G. Nicholson, M. A.; 7 P. m.-Evonsong, Preacher, Rev. Canon F. J. Sawers. M. A. Lost or Found TRICYCLE FOUNO - Near Publicý School grounid. Apply WVm. Cliarke. l'hon, 665. 26-1 Wanted BARN WANTED-About 30 feet x 30 fiet. l'houje 511). 2-2% Female HeIp Wanted WANTED - Exverieliced reliable - nman, mîust be good plain cook. Apply eVeîuua7.s to Mrs. Duncan Beith. Phione Agents Wanted AGENTS WANTEO-Doîi't be %work- if you want to be active. Become your owNv boss in sellin.g 160 home and larm neessities. 10')1% profits. Nlake $111,111 ek1 to start with. Canadian IÀ1ie. Sure sale in every homne. No rîski. Very a1ttractive proposition. FAMILE'X CO2M1 'ANY. 4785 Ste. Ctthler- i n East. Mon treal. 26-6- GAS STOVE FOR SALE - Cabintet stYte l ise,1 on ly a short t inte. l'Itone ;:;iý.26-1- FOR SALE i eCoriciiik corn inîd- it, set farni t rucks. Apply Sta tesniaîî <ltiue. Boia ivîl le. 26 -1 FOR SALE - Soliol oak Iibrary table aid t o c hairs . Apily nex t iouse e.îst i al Shed", iKi n gSt., I owrnall'.iiie. FOR SALE-Cabbage plants, Savoy, licol Rock. Golden Acre, SpaîîiSIlaBll Ia,. lJrussels Sprouts, Caulîllower. . J. Jzicp niiti & soit, i3ownIal nei lie. l'Iloilo 8i. 26-1w FOR SALE-C. W. Souch, Hampnltoni. ia nunoier of stock undt doniestie ;tttty p'ls. sligjjtIy usel, Ibave b)eenl lcdby electric punips; a bargu în. Alo hay fork supplies, ropes, etc., burb ' irt- a nd!ai re feu ce, lu & Friost. I ss2anHamptonî. L6-3 Live Stock For Sale FOR SALE-Yonng pigs. Apply J. C' n roI det t, I1t. i". 1, o m n île l' nu Il 2.26-1P BER KSH IR ES-Froîti tihe best B3acon, I.s trailut ini Basterît On tario; Weau - Lis, -30 Ios . and tp, $6.00 cd.delivîered; ioI,ze t extral); inîtolidîte shîîî- and , 't iairîs îîot îkin. l:,I,t Il ut- Ont Il. oi-Boi 2J WOOD FOR SALE - itml tiand soft *,,î,d. cuol10stove lo11tcli. .X10l13 iou- t liio . R. 1.. 6, To Let ROOMS TO LET-SIos. Il.Ilololos. Libi- il 3 St . Bowial et le. 26-tf FOR R E N T Four iete -ortooooîa. ftlirui- loi,1. Nr 2%Co- HOUSE TO RENT-On ijamîlsIe Ave., 6 rontos and baîth. $1 8.01m1lier montît, 100550 Caot .hily 1I. Aptily Mms. Alex Taylor, phîoneo 236. 24-tf TO LET-Ilousl.e andl gSrage on Tem- 1î.mauîc, Street opplosite Towen Hll, nmodemrn couoenîences. W. 1'. Sytotonaq, R. Il. 6. IJoamanville. Phone 160r5. 20-tf TO RENT - 5 roomed Itouse, large 1 onMotil tile tvost of tont south off hi111 :l11i,,11î il ot oIsoft woter, garage, etoîil o moot a. . 1Stoývens. Phone TO LE 1 .îîtîî ioise on WVellitig- t Oti Si..BntOl i tI;electric stov«e, litite). l Ours, tmoderno convetnces; aossoîot onîce. Apîtly Mms. M. Lord. l'hni,. 201.26-i APARTMVENT TO RENT-Inumediate bOfss esmut, i u,0011t8,,l -pi oce baththeait ;Moo liglots lttcloudloo, gas in blilding. Auoîolv tittgstv;iy Sortice Station, TKing St. Fý. Pltone 241. 25-tf COTTAGE TO RENT - Coutainîng 5 onuns. Iîoîtî uMid 11bu11,i boititiftil sour- mouo o,1 igs ut Kitugsay ~Nurseis : $30.00) ot tonith. liooe 111ou 72 or Kitgsway Fb n t StIo o. Iiuig St.., oeto i FOR RENT - 5-roomned antet lltoril eno(l flOors. tiot ea 1er beat ing all yearr otutto, gis fln e., selxou-ote en- t la neanloto l lspa sitce; renut eason alle. 1'îon,, 488. 2- Summer Cottages COTTAGE TO RENT - Fîuruished 5- mono sumntoer cottaoge a t iiiamus' t'oIîti, Lake Scugog. API)]>'A.W. i Pick- tl . Osrna ivitie. Pltone 185. 24-tf DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry, Toron- to University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office: King St.. Bowmanville. Office phone 40; house phone 22. X-Ray Equipment in Ofc. DR. J. C. J)EVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate o! Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. Bownianville. Office hours 9 a. mi. to 6 p. ni. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office. INSURANCE C. HK DUDLEY DISTRICT AGENT THE MANUFACTURERS' LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Automobile Liability AUCTIONEER Theo. M. Siemon Auctioneer Farn and House Sales a Specialty. Terins moderate. Enniskillen P. O. Phone 383r3. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. MORRIS CO. Modemn Motor Equipment Ambulance and Invalid Car Caîl Phone 10 or 34, Assistants, 592 or 392. BOWMANVILLE DECORATOR Painting and Paperhanging Sunworthy Wall Paper at special prices. Get your orders in early. Estimates given f ree. Geo. Pritchard Phone 489 Over Statesman Office Butcher Mr- lîre .1. C'orden wishes to an- nounce that lie is îrevared to deliver choit-e meats to >your dloor. Phone 297, Argyle Street. 26-1 Repairs R. P A W SON B300TrAND 51-1E REPAIRING Gooîi workmnansipi and materlal. Reasonable lîrices. Silver Street, Bowmanville 26-4* Upholatering UPHOLSTERING - On ail kînds of furnîture; ch îstertielIs recovered and zîî 'îled; auto toîts andl inside uphot: stery. J.A. Fry', Scugog St.. Bowmnan- 'ville.Phone i536. 18-tf 'Investors Now is the time when in- vestment portfolios should be closely scanned and di- versif ied. Our Statistical Depai tment is at your ser- vice. Send us a list of your present holdings for our unbiased analysis and sug- gestions. AIl lists will be treated as strictly confiden- bal. H. R. Balin & br*o. Limlted Investment Bankers I350 Bay Street, Toronto 'i RcDyiatI Thceatrge A WEEK 0F BIG ATTRACTIONS Friday and Saturday, July lat and 2nd. "THE LOST SQIJADRON" With Richard Dix. Shatteos the heavens! Rends the skies! A thunderboît lashing and fearîng its way f0 the druniming heights o! tbrilldoni, Thrill upon Thrill. Nlatinee Friday at 3 p. m.; Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Monday and Tuesday, JuIy 4th and Sth. CéARE YOU LISTENING ?" With William Haines, Mladge Evans, Anita Page, Karen Morley, Joan Marsh, Neil Hamilton and Jean Hersholt. Our Gang Comedy - Scrappy Cartoon - News Matinee Monday 3 P. m. Topaz Glassware Nltes. MONSTER PICNIC ATTRACTION! Wednesday and Thuraday, July 6th and 7th. TWENTIETH CENTURY MIRACLE MAN IN A WORLD TURNED UPSIDE DOWN! Comne -AIl of You !-To find the richest experience of your screen-going lifetime.....Join with the radio's idol in a boomning. hig inelodiramna... a show for the world . ith laughter and heartbreak and mnelody . .. Exalting!. Thrilling! At the magic spirit of Ibis grand personality. The Screen's Challenge to this Age of Chaos and Pessimism. SETH PARKER AND HIS JONES PORT NEIGHBORS "WAY BACK HOME" Matinee Wednesday at 3 P. m. Chinaware Nites. PAGE TEN - 1 . LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to loan on Farm and Town property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanville. Ontario. W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to Loan. Bonds for Sale. Offices: Bleakley Block, King Street. Boýnianville, Ontario. Phones: Office 102; House 409. L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches. Office immediately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. MUNICIPAL ENGINEERS DONE VAN & SMITH Oshawa Municipal Engmneers Ontario Land Surveyors Waterworks - Sewers - Pavem'énts Drainage - Etc. 365 or 411 King St. East Phone 2532J or 1981 DENTAL 1 1