q OJ.T ATES M A~.N, B )w " v. ...~ T iT~ D Y U E 3 1 , 1 3 --f -.UAIA M nVUAVTL PAGE FOUR TECNDA ROTARY CLUB BADE FAREWELL TO B. T. S. SUPERINTENDENT Dr. G. Elmore Reamnan Leaves Trairnng School This Week - Rotary Club Appreciates Services The Rotary Club bade farewell to Dr. G. Elmare Reamnan. retirifg bead of the Boys' Traininlg School, anti Dr. Reamian bade farewell ta tbe club at tbe meeting an Friday. which was the last he ivould attend as a memiber af the club. President eect J. C. Devitt ex- pressed tbe regret ai' the Rotary Club at Dr. Reamnan s going. Dr. Reamnan had been one of the big- gest assets ta the club and also ta the tow;ýn and through bis wide con- nection in ýgoverflmeitai and other circle bad been a valuable aid ta the pragralii canmittee of the club. on behalf ai the club Dr. Devitt expressed the bape that Dr. Reman wauld be as successful in h d rsg e uie tefuture as he bad been in theT e n rsg d Bu i & past. The Rotary Club was sarry ta le*hma nd lie boped tbat Dr.to a en th i S c nd A Reamali wauld alwaYs visit the club oatn th i Se ndA wbeii in this neighbarbaod. Dr. Reaman, respanding ta thed y n xJuy 6he sentiments. tbanked Dr. Devitt frd yn xJ l t .N bis kind wards. It bas been a reaI__ __ club ee a ss I laited club it is our sincere hope th lie le! t it wtb tbe feeling that be liad made a great many f riends th'raugb tbese assaciatians. He would alwaYs f eel, lie added. that he had lef t a part of his persoflalitY in Bowawnville, and as lie haPed on mafly occasians ta visit tbe club In the f uture lie would net say good-Neons3S reB in Poe bye. but au revoir. esns3SoeBy gPwr Dr. Reaman joined the Bowmafl- ville Rotary Club about a year after enables us to ofier reliabie rmerchandise lie came ta Bowmaflville, and dur- at Iess than city prices. ing the year 1926. He bas been chairmn f !the pragram comnitteeN E O N S CR S ln wicb position lie bas been sig- N E S N!S O E nally successful and lie las also akaBokadSve o played a promnfeiit part in the ac- akaBok ndSv aLt tivities of thie club duriflg tliis per- lad of time. CANDIDATES ARE CONFIRMED AT ST. JOHN'S CHURCH R.t. Rev. John Lyons AdBhp of J. R. MOOR E Service des" Jeweller - - - Watchmaker At an impressive service in St. John's Anglican Churcli on Wednes- day last, Riglit Rev. John Lyons, M.A., D.D., Lord Bisbop of Ontario, confirxned a class of 20 candidates. A large congregation was present for the service in wich Ven. A. L. Fleming, Arclideacan of the ArctiC, acteti as Bishop's Chaplain. and Rev. F . M R I O C. R. Spencer preseiited the candi- F .M R I O dates. The class this year was cam- poseti o! 6 girls and 14 boys, and were J. Darling, R. F. Stevenson, F. Funeral Service - Furniture E. Warner, W. G. Holloway, A. G. Tuffielti, W. G. Alnsap, al of the Boys' Training School, P. B. Pat- trick, A. F. Culley, R. F. Clark, T. M. Dustali. S. N. Casbourfl. C. H. A. Spencer, R. B. Murray, C. D. Rob- S pend a Weekend Fishing at Bobcaygeon Inson, Margaret R. Bate, Helen M. Gunn, Hiltia A. Simnick, Grace I. T .G R O Woodward, Muriel Taylor, ail o! .A G R O Bowmanville. -Te scripture lesson was read by Travel the Scenic Route Arclideacan Fleming, andi a thouglit- provoking and inspiring sermon was Bobcaygeofl Hotel Accommodation may be preacheti by Bishop Lyons f rom Acts boe ihordies 1:8, "Ye sball be witnesses unto me1 ______________________________drivers. _______ botb in Jerusaiem and in ail Judea and in Samaria, and unto the utter -______________________________ most parts a! tbe eartb." mhe great weakness of those in churchli f e today is that tbey haveI neot the moral courage te live up to the privileges and responsibilities wlich is theirs ta enjoy. the Bisbop To the candidates the speaker W. J. DUDLEY said, "The confirmation is the most important step in your church car- eer. for those who came were mak- Purveyors of ail kinds of f resh Meats. ing a public confession of their lives and a resolve ta carry out their re- sponsibilities to their church, and of paramount importance was the seek- ing of the laying on o! hands and receiving the gif t of God. the Holy Spirit. He warned themn against f aise thiking on the teaching o! confirmation and a great deai de- dertaking. As a means ta keeping T. B. GILCHRIST the Holy Spirit active in tbelr lives lie gave tbem three rules as guides' "'Net ta neglect their prayers: nlot ta Suits and Overcoats at greatly reduced prices. xieglect public worsbip; and to re- member their place anti relatioiisblp toward sacrament.", Bisbop Lyons aise expressed bis pleasure at being privilegedtet con- firm hin Rev. C. R. Spencer's churcli. June 22nd and organized a Battai- Cochrane and Jean, Bowmnai Ion Association. The bonor ai be- MrI n r.HryRhB comning first presdent fll ta tbe lot Aniiversary Visitors: Mr. and j M . and Mrs. ryRahmell L of Cal. L. T. McLaughlin, C.M.G.. Mrs. Wn. Gitiler. Mrs. J. Rutietige ton, r niMs usl D.S.O.. of Bowmanviile. former corn- and Miss Effie Rutledge, Salemn, Mr. 1 andi family, Cartwright, Mr.F manding officex' ai the battalian and and Mrs. Win. Challis and Phyllis, 1 Westlake. Miss Mae Westlake one o! Canada's foremnost military Bowmanville. at Mr. Theran Mount- Mr. Fice, Sauina, Mxr. Edgar Co omfcials. Ail other offices in the as- Ijay's; Mr'. and Mrs. Adam Sharne Toronto, at Mr. C. Avery's: Mr sociationi were f ilieti by members of and famiiy, Enniskullen. Mr. anti Mis. Austin Larmex' and Mu tlie battaliofi reident in Ottawa. Mrs. W. M. Henry and f arily, Lind- Bu rketon. Mr. and Mrs. AI Thiis bonor camnes as a mark af es- sayi Mr. and Mx's. R. W. Doaxi,Mon- Be'ech anti family. Misses Alice teem andi admiration from the for- treai. at Mr. Elgin Maufltjoy's;Mi'.ton,.Bex'nice Stainton and G mer men o! this dlstinguisbed regi- anti Mrs. J. E. Elliait. Mrs. Richard Page. Enniskillkii, at Mr, A ment. Slemoii. Bowrnaiiville, Mr. Elmer Beech's; Miss Grace Welsh, ss Men of Bowmanville extend to you a cordial and hearty welcome rinual. Community Picnic at the Cream. of Barley Camp on Wednes- ýo effort has been spared to make your visit with us a big success and hat you will corne, bring your basket, and spend a real enjoyable afternoon and evening as our guests Fresh Vegetables - - Cooked Meats HARRY ALLIN Groceries - - - Provisions Couck, Joknston & Cryderman Bowmanville's Oldest and Mot Reliable Dry Goods and Ladies' and Men's Ready-to-Wear Store CORBETT'S BAKERY Extends to you a hearty weîcome to the Annual Picnic. Refrigerators - - Ice Cream W. J. BAGNELL Confectionery - Smokes - Radios FRED W. NEL LES Groceries - - - Provisions ROVAN'S SHOE STORE Best Values in Town in Men's Wear and Shoes Paper For Big 20 len, manvile, spent the weekent at Mi. 3ilbert Elmer Bî'atley's; Mr. anti Mrs. Wal- rMii- ter Oke anti Marie, Enniskillefl, Walter Messrs. Br'uce anti Haroldi Asbtoii avilie, anti Fred Trewin, Enniskillefl, Miss Burke- Verna Trewin, Oshawa, at Mr. Wm. ,armer Trewln's: Messrs. E. Sparrow, Jack F'rank Sparx'aw, Normaxn Cowan. Alex :anti Cowan. John Lambert anti Bill 'ooper. Grant. Toronto. Miss Annie Stain- r. andtiotn. Enniskiiien, anti Miss Gladys lurray, Martin at Mr. A. McNeil's; Mr. .lymer Fred Cawling anti son, Purple Hill, eAsh- at Mr. R. McNeil's:, Mrs. J. Mc- Glatiys Donald anti Mr. Walter Lusk anti Arthur Mr. Roy ThomsoXi, Bowmanviile, at ,Bow- Mr. Wesley Tharnpson's; Mr. anti Mrs. Haroldi Gay, Oshawa, at Mr. C. Qarrarti's: Mr. anti Mrs. John Gra- ham, Kenneth anti Milton Grabam, Maple Grove, Mrs. Norman Colla- cott anti Miss Greta Colacott anti Mis. Jobn Tabb, Tyrone. at Mr. D. Grabarn's: Mr. anti Mrs. Albert Gilders, Bowrnanville, at Mr. J. Wrîght's; Mr. Stanley Woolings anti Miss Helen Westbury anti Mr. Louis Ashton, Toronto, anti Rev. Dr. Cooper. Columbus, at Mr. H. Ash- ton's. Ideal weather favoreti us on Sun- day for aur anniversary services wbicb were largely attendeti. In the aiternoon Rev. Dr. Cooper of Col- WALKER STORES Dry Goods - - - Ready-to-Wear OLYMPIA CAFE Meals Served At Ail Hours Special Meals for the Picnic RICE & CO. Shelf and Heavy Hardware Sporting Goods W. CLAUDE IVES The Home of Good Shoes C. M. CAWKER & SON Fcr over 80 years serving the people of Bowmanville with Fresh and Cured Meats. KERSLAKE'S The Dependable Drug Store Courtesy and Prompt Service umnbus gave an excellent sermon f rom Revelations 2:17. In bis dis- based on Neherniah 6:3, 1*1 arn ting course many deep ant i mpressive a great work so that I cannaI corne thoughts were brought ta bis hlen- down." Several selectioiis were ren- ers' attention. The choir was as- dereti by the scbool under the leadi- sisteti by the Trinlty Churcli choir ership o! Mr. E. E. Staples anti Mrs. mixeti quartette. consisting ai Mt.ss- Arthur Reati, assisteti by Miss Rema rs. Siernon anti Poliarti and'qts- Bradley, pianist, anti Mr. Arthur darnes Cawker anti Anderson, who Beech, violinist. A solo. "I Shah Nat rendereti two beautiful selections. Pass Again This Way" was sweetiy Mr. anti Mrs. Arthur Reati motor- sung by Mrs. J. E. Andersaxn, Bow- edt taSterling to attend tie funeral manville, anti a duet by Mrs. T. W. o! bis aunt, Mrs. Juliaa Hockins. Cawker anti Dr. c. W. Siernon, ___________ "God's Way is the Best Way" was greatly enJoyeti by ail. In the ev- Mr. anti Mrs. B. H. Mortiock anti enlng Dr. Cooper took for bis sub- Joan visiteti relatives in Oshiawa on Jeot "The Qvercorng Mani" taken Sunday. « BIG 20 » PICNIC SUPPLIES Cups - Plates - Tablecloths - Serviettes Holiday Reading a Lending Library New Fiction - 3c a Day. J. W. JEWELL Bowmanville Phone 30 MASON & DALE Hardware and Sporfing Goodi TFIURSDAY, JUNE 30th, 1932