PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMPUNVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 7th, 1932 '8Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ferguson and Mr. John C. Carscadden attended the Golden Wedding celebration oni Saturday, July 2nd, of the formner's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. andi Mrs. John Ferguson, London. Mr.1 Carscadden was the groomsman fi- ty years a0o KINGSWAY FIovwer Service Wedding Bouquets Dainty Corsages Baskets of Flowers Funeral Designs Kingsway floral arrangements are different and distinctive. Flowers delivered ail over the world. Special service to outgoing steamers at any port. Kings way Nu rse ries Flower Shop next Royal Theatre Phone: Office and Flower Shop 72 Nurseries - - 144 Night - - 726 LOCAL & PERSONAL1 Mr. Willard Stevens. Toronto. vis- ited his father, Mr. Fenton Stevens, on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon have been enjoying a holiday in Muskoka f or a f ew dlays. Mr. and Mis. l1elvin Bunner and family are holidaying at the Allin Farm, Bowmanville Beach. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Blair. Ottawa, called on Mrs. Duncan Beith on Fri- day while passing through town. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Todgham and family, Walkerville, are spending the summer at Bowmanville-on-the- Lake. Miss Joan Bathgate and Mr. Er- nest Purdy spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jack G. Smith, Bob- caygeon. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bunner and Helen and Margaret, New Toronto, visited his parents. Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Bunner. Mr. and Mrs. Cephas Meader. To- ronto. and Mrs. John Harris, Cooks- ville. spent the weekend with her sister. Mrs. W. Marjoram. Miss Olive Barton is representing St. Pauls C. G. I. T. at the United Church School of Missions being held in the O. L. C.. Whitby. Rev. and Mrs. E. F. Armstrong and Miss Margaret Armstrong are holidaying during July with friends at Listowel. Kincardine. Kingsville, Windsor. and other points along the Blue Water Highway. BETTERMEALS You will always enjoy better meals if you make sure of getting only the best. We seil nothing but the best, so meals cooked with Harry Allin's food produets are bound to be BETTER MEALS. SPECIALS FOR THUR. FR1. SAT., JULY 7-8-9 Kellogg's Corn Flakes......... 3 pkgs. 25c Choice Quality Hand Packed Tomatoes, 3 large tins 25c Dewkist Corn, choice quality..3 tins 25c" Certo, for jams and jellies....... 30c bottle Nature's Best Pure Orange Marmalade, 40 oz. jai ...................... 21c Lily Brand Chicken Haddies....... 17c tin Crosse and Blackwell's Herrings in tomato sauce .................... 25c Crosse and Blackwell's Spaghetti, medium tins ................. 2 for 25c Christie's Soda Wafers.........Z2 pkgs. 19c Special India Blend Tea ........... 29c IL Star Ammonia Powder......... 4 pkgs. 25c Re E Cleaner, saves labor, 22 oz. pkg.. . 25c Rýbbe r Rings......... 4 1-dozen pkgs. 25c Fresh Fish Wednesday and Thiursday Fresh Fruit and Vegetables - Canning Supplies HARRY ALLUN King Street BOWMALNVJLLE Phone 186 SPECIALS THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY Pîneapple Squares........... 25c Chocolate Squares........... 25c SATURDAY ONLY Neilson's Bulk Chocolates, in pound lots only, Very Special 35c lb. Bowmanville Bakery C. W. JACORS, Proprietor Phone 97 BOWMÂINVILLE 5' and QId The 'sunshine" vitamin that is contalned in Glen Raes rich, creamy milk is the health vitamin that gives energy to young and old. TrYYGlen Rae Miik tomorrow. Just call and ask to have it dellvered. You %vill like it. Phone 408. GLEN RAE DAIRY R. R. STEVENS & SON, BOWMANVILLE Mr. and Mrs. William Pringle of 1 Mrs. Ross of Owen Sound is visit- Napanee recently spent part of their ing hier sister, Miss Edith Peardon. honeymoon with f iends here. Mr. H. Lathrope visited his cous- Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Israel and Miss in, Mr. D. Latbrope, at Castieton on Gladys Israei, Rochester, N. Y., Sunday. spent the weekend with Mn. J. B. Mrs. L. W. Dippeli and daughter Martyn, Mr. J. T. Hooper and other are boiidaying with hier parents at relatives bere. Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McCullough1 Miss Gertrude Jackson, Montreal, and Miss Marjorie McCullough, Col- is visiting wth Mr. .and Mrs. Chas. umbus, spent Dominion Day with Serreils. the forruers' daughter, Mrs. Wallace Miss Bessie Wood, Fraserville, is Pascoe, Concession St. visiting hier aunt, Mrs. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. C. Gordon Morris Thickson. and sons Donald and Gerald, have The Statesman will bc sent ta any removed hene f rom Detroit and are address in Canada to end of 1932 occupying the W. J. Morrison resi- for 31.00. dence on Queen Street. Mrs. A. B. Stephens and two chul- Mn. and Mrs. Wilbur Oke and deTrno r iiigMs daughter Gloria, and Mr. W'alter dren. Torning eviitn.Ms His. Montreal. are holidaying with Ca.Mnig the formers parents. Mn. and Mms Miss Margaret Spencer, Saskatoon Frank Oke, and other relatives here. is visiting hier parents, Rev. C. R. Mrs. B. M. Warnica is visiting hier and Mrs. Spencer. daugbter, Mrs. J. F. George, Smith- Mrs. John Martin, Haydon. is f ield. Her son. Mr. D. C. Warnica, holidaying witb her daugbter, Mrs. Detroit. Mich., accompanied hier for Elias Stnutt. Tyrone. the weekend and is now attending Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Elliott attend- Durham Regimental Camp ait Tren- ed the Taylor family ne-union at ton. Brampton on Monday. Mn. Ted Rogers and son Edward, Mms. Geo. W. James and William Mn. Howard Shickler, Buffalo, Mrs. and Ruth recently spent a few days Geo. Peul, Bert, Frank and Winnie, bolidaying ait Midland. Toronto, Miss Leona Bradley and The annual Truli family picnic Mn. Earl Adams, Enniskillen, were will be beld at Hampton Park on Sunday visitons at Mn. Elias Strutt's, Wednesday aftennoon, July 13tb. Tyrone. Miss Aura Rundie. Assistant Sup- Police Magistrate R. M. Cotton eintendent Bo-wmanville Hospital, andi Town Treasurer Alec Lyle spent is holidaying at Floral Park, Ont. the holiday on a fishing trip to Mns. R. Dumas bas retunned frrp Burnt River near Fenelon Falls. nine rnonths' visit with hier daugh- Their alibi for net catching any f ish tel-, Mns. Jas. Milligan, North Bay. was that the mater was too neough. Mrs. A. Pepper and Mrs. Ethel Better luck next time, Comrades! Cornish, Toronto, attended the Cen- Mn. Jolhn J. Minty. a former sup- tennial at Onono and visited Mrs. eintendent of the Treasury Dept. B. Ancinus. and one of the oldest empleyees of Mr. Selby Spencer, who bas spent The T. Eaton Ce. in Winnipeg. Man., the past six months with his grand- died on June 28th. He was a native parents in Hamilton, bas returned of Bewmanville. being educated bene te the nectony. and at Pont Penny where be cenduct- Dr. and Mns. A. E. R. Westman, ed a beok store fer seme yean. eJean adBraa Trno pn aise taugbt scbeol at ath holiday and weekend with Mn. before ging te Toronto. and Mrs. M. H. Minore. A buge turtie attracted censider- John. Fred and Junior Neal. Bert able attention opposite Charlie Bag- Jehnsten and Chanlie Hoan lef t nell's. King St. East, Sunday aften- Monday te spend boiidays at Camp neen. as it attempted te wend its Kawartha on Clear Lake. way back te the wateny baunts MjradMs .J rwKn wbere it would be unmolested. A ajone r and Mrs. .J.BonWebe- passing teurist was evidently taking Waterloo, were guests on Sunday of the turtie home as a souvenir but Ms hs rw.Cnr t miscalculated the ability of his pnize Ms hs rw.Cnr t te free himself. J. L. Merden was Mn. R. L. Wenry of the Mentreal netified of the whereabeuts of the Stan, was in town for the B. B. M. A. turtie and as a result one more at- picnic and visited his uncle, Mn. M. traction is added te the menagenie A. James, and othen relatives hene. at the Cneam of Barley zoo. Miss Dontby M. James is spend- A peasnt ftenen ws sentating the summen menths on the med- A plasat ateroon as pen atical staff of Taylor Statten's Wa- the home of Mrs. John Sleightholm, pemeo Girls' Camp, Algonquin Park. Burns St.. Whitby, when the family met there te celebrate the 90tb Rev. C. R. Spencer, Miss Clara birthday of their mether, Mns . Helen Ashlee and Miss Violet McFeetens Blanchard, formerly of Raglan. The are Anglican Summer famîly presented bier witb many Scbool at Appleby Scbeel. Oakville. gifts and ffewers. Mrs. Blanchard, Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Trebilceck. Te- wbe makes hier home witb bier dau- rente, Mr. and Mns. Norman Hamley gbten, is hale and hearty, altbeugb and Jean. Peterboro, spent Sunday bier memeny bas failed in the last ,vith their mother. Mrs. P. C. Tneb- few years. Among those present ilceck. wene: Mr. and Mms. Chas. Blanchard, Principal L. W. Dippeil of the Solina; Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Sturgess, Higb Scboel and Principal J. H. Oshawa; Dr. and Mrs. Bnead, Lind- Jebnston of the Public Scbool. are say; Mn. and Mrs. f05s. Broad and taking special courses in agriculture son Graydon, of Lindsay; Mn. and at the O. A. C. at Guelph. Mns. R. J. Morris. Lindsay; Messrs. Miss Annie Allin and Mr. Abert Hanry and Jack Blanchard, Oshawa, H. AllUn have returned from Edxnon- grandsens.. tan, Aita., wbere theyvisited their Mn. and Mns. Geo. W. Hughes and brothem. Dms. Edgar and Norman two children, Buffalo, N. Y., visited Alin. and friends in othen cities bis sister. Mns. H. G. Shaw of Ton- enroute. ente, wbe is camping at Pont Bow- Mms. W. E. Groves has been visit- manville, and bis uncle. Mn. Thos. ing bier son at Gait. Mn. Groves Hughes. George is a graduate of joined hier in Toronto on Frlday the West Durham News office but where tbey witnessed the cricket deserted that trade for roofing in gamle be6een the Australians and which lie bas carried on a very ex- Eastern Ontario. tensive business for a numben of Rev. and Mrs. Gordon S. Jury and yeans. For diversion and recreation daughter Mary, Rangoon, Burma, George manages the only simon pure India, and sons John and Chester amateur lacrosse teamn in Ameica who have been bolidayiflg in Europe, composed entirely of Indians and arnived here Tuesday and are visit- known on bath sides of the inter- ing his father, Mn. J. H. H. 3ury. national border as the "Tecumsehs." Tbey leave next *week for a tour Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Davis and Mn. through the States including a f ive and Mns. Robt. Worthingtofl, Lnd- weeks' engagement at Atantic City. say, visited at Mn. Geo. Webster's George said bad lie known sooner on Tuesday and enjoyed a picnic at hie weuld have been glad te bring Cream of Barley Camp. Mrs. Rear, bis team ta bis native town and put wbe bas been visiting hier daughter, on an exhibition gamne at the Busi- Mrs. Webster, returned home with ness Men's Community Picnic. In tbem. leaving hie said "Book me up for the Mrs. F. F. Morris sailed by the big attraction at your 1933 picnic."1 Athenia on Friday te enjoy a trip The trend of the times for small- Ita Great Britain and Europe, visit- er bouses by popular demand in- ing Rame and othen points on the stead of large bandsome and roemy continent. Mn. and Mrs. H. G. residences of wbich Bowmanviile Martyn. Stratford, are taking the bas bad its full quota in yeans past saine tnip and are table mates ef is beceming more apparent eacb IMir5. Morris. day. An outstanding example 0f As a nesuit 0f the order 0f *'As this tendency is the remodelling be- Yeu Were!" f rom beadquarters, C. ing done te the fine old brick resi- Mort. Mundef wbo bas been local dence at the seutb-east corner of manager of the Dominion Stores Ontario and Cburcb streets. known biere fer sevenal montbs bas been te eider citizens as the Win. Mc- recalled te bis former Position at Clung home. and ewned for some Lindsay, while Gilbert Jones wbC years by Mr. Norman Taylor, pro- bas been in Oshawa returns to the pietor of the skating rink. This Bowmanville store, bis home town, 1 bouse wbicb eiginally had 12 wbere bie was manager for several roeoms, bas now been converted inte years. four modern apartments, eacbh equip- Scores of teurists paid visits or ped wtb gas steve, hardwood fleenstehoiaanevrtewkndc nd egpanrate entrances, b- atbreomst fthe he aos tandinwgarens in througb these nurseries and were II-Anson Taylor and Jack Smitli deligbted witb everythlng tbey saw. Blackstock. Supper was held at the Cream 0of ffl-Ed. Witheridage and Rober Barley Camp when a few members Glanville, Bowmanville. of the Bowmanvilllc soclety joined Roy McLaugblin lSt, for mOS tbem. number of ringers. engineen could be engaged at f nom h, $80,00 te $100,00 per month and he could proceed te do those things rt which require to be put in band at once. st Ail work 0f repairing leaks, lay- ing new services and mains, sewere and sewer connections might be un- TOWN WILL SOON HAVE TO LOOK FOR ADDITIONAL WATER (Continued f nom page 1) An examination of the present ne- concis of the watenwonlcs depantmnent shows that they are considerably de- f icient in essential data. I would recommend that the foi1- lowing records should be compiled this year: Locate ail service posta and stop cocks controlling the waten services and record the measunements in a card system. inspection of water connections for leaks and tabulation 0f fixtures in un-metered premises. Inspect and tabulate ail water metens now in use. Meter the over-flew f rom the equalizing tank. This should be donc at once as the information is very valuable and can only be ,sec- uned with case during the summer months. Meter neading and billing 0f wat- er accounts migbt be undertaken by the electrical department f rom now on. The same meten readers could nead botb meters with little extra expense, and witb the system of bill- ing now in use for electnicai cunrent an analysis 0f the revenue received can be easily secuned. fis analysis will be valuable in dctermining fut- ure rates for the waten department. An inspection sbould be made at once te ascertain if ail consumers are paying in accordance with the regular tariff. The sewers sbould be flushed reg- ularly and the sludge f nom the scep- tic tanks nemoved at least twice a yean. Tfis will resuit in a better effluent f nom the sewenagc disposai plant and obviate a nuisance in the cneek. The Venturi meter in the pump bouse sbould be cbanged so that a claiiy chant can be secured instead of a wcekly chant, and the scale 0f the chants cbangcd se that more accun- ate neadings can be obtaincd. A log sheet can then be set up se that the daily readings 0f the consumption and flow can be reconded. These 1 changes would cost very littie. A nccording pressure gauge shauld be instalied on the main at the pump bouse se that a daily record 0f the waten pressures would be available for future study. The following wonk sbould be put in hand in the nean future- Pnospecting of an elementary characten might disclose more water at the springs fronmwbicb the pres- cnt supply is derived. The intake end of the supply main should be trapped so that ne air entens the main. This air would bave a tendency to tnap the main at the high spots thus cuttung down the deiivery. fhe supply main sheuld bave the air valves opened periodically te nelease any air col- lected at the summits and ail stop valves should be inspected and put in order. By measuring the oven-flow fron the equaiizing tanks a good idea can be obtained of the total flow 0f the springs. From the limnited observa- tions I have been able te make it is evident that thene is veny littie sur- plus ef water available f nom the present source. The town will soon bave to look elsewbere for addition- ai supply and in my opinion the best opportunity lies in a deep well somewhene near the present main to the tawn. or the equallzing tanks. Any reputable well drilling cempany 1would be glad ta make a survey and advise on this point. .Distribution Systees Ail mains should be checked for .leaks and a pressure sunvey made 1to ascertain wbether any valves are closed on the system. Ail valves and fine hydrants should be gone over and ne-packed. Some of the fine 1hydrants are very bard ta open. 1These should be examined and put in shape so that tbey can be open- ;ated witb a wrench no longer than 1f ourteen inches. 1 A comprehensive plan should be Lmade sbowing the present mains, and any future extensions that may be possible in say ten ycars. fen, ewben short extensions 0f mains are .required the proper size can be in- stalled wonking te the genenal plan. . Wben the Commission does take hold, a survey sbeuld be made 0f al water rates including the fine hyd- rant rentai which latter sbould be 3paid eut of general tax. At present only about 501<t0f youn domestic .consumers are metered. and thene 1dees net seem te have been any ne- >cent check on the amount youn flat 1rate censumers are using. t A comparison betwecn the total :amount of water billed te metered econsuiners and the total amount as' shown on the Venturi meter would 1indicate the amount consumed by1 the flat rate censumers, and lost in i leaks. This information sbould be nsecured at once. It is net a f air HOLIDAY FOOT WEAR dertaken for the present by the town's street foreman, but in the future this work can be combined with the work of the electrical de-, partment to great advantage. Al of which is respectfully sub- mitted.R. L. Dobbin. SPEEDSTERS CAUSED 881 AUTO ACCIDENTS. IN, »SI In Ontario alone, last year, thete were more than two motor vehicle accidents per day f or every day in the year because men and women drove too f ast f or trafflc or road conditions. There is no guess work about this figure. It is quoted from official records. Mr. J. P. Bickell, Registrar 0f Motor Vehicles, Ontario Department of Highways, speaking about speed on the streets and high- ways says: "It is most difficult to say what a safe speed is. The law restricts speed on the blghways ta 35 miles per hour. Too many motorists ac- cept this limit as being permissible under ail conditions. Every thought- fui and observing person knows that there are times when even f ive or ten miles an boun is dangerous. Safety on the higbways is a matter of sane driving judgment and con- stant vigilance." Mrs. Geo. W. Curtis, Lindsay, and Miss Laura Hutchinson, Toronto, spent the weekend with the form- er's sister, Mrs. J. Hamilton Bate- man. BIG DISPLAY WorldFamous Diamonds See the exact replicas of Diamonda worth millions ! See the size and shape of the stones that comnmand highest prices in the world ! SPECIAL WINDOW DISPLAY SEE THEM. J. R. Moore, Jeweler IDon't Bake on Hot Daysi Let Us Supply You With Delicious Baked Foods As a matter of fact, it's cheaper and qluicker to corne here for Bakery Pro- ducts than to bake thern yourself. Coret'sBakery] BARGAIN EXCURSION A cross the Lake only $1.00 return Cobourg to Genesee Dock (PORT OF ROCH-ESTER, N.Y) Wednesday, July 13, only STEAMER SCHEDULE - STANDARD TIME Gaing: Returnina: Leave Cobourg 8,00 a. M. Leave Genese. Dock il.30 P. M. Arrive Genesee Dock 1.00 P. m. Arrive Cobourg 1 1.30 P. M. Low prices for meals on steamer - Breakfast 50 cents; Lunch and dinner 75 cents per meal. Ample free motor car parking space at steamer dock, Cobourg. Ontario Carferry Company (T-75) DINING!ROOM SPECIAL Solid Walnut Dining Room Suite, including buffet, china cabinet, table and six diners with leather seats, regular price $160.00, SPECIAL $137.50 BEDROOM SPECIAL Solid Walnut Bedroom Suite, including bed, dresser, chiffrobe, vanity and bench, regu- lar price $155.00, SPECIAL $136.00 NORTIICUTT & SMITH Furniture Dealers - Funeral Directors Ambulance Servitze Low Rates Phones 58, Residence 523 or 276 White Kid Shoca are the order of the day. We have a new ship- ment this week; popular prices f rom ..... 2.98 t. $4.45 pair. Sport Shoe for men and women in the newest patterns, $1.98 te $4.95 pair. Sandal Beach Shoes, in green, blue and fawn . ... 1.25 pair Awning stripe . ..... 1.35 paàr. Chiidren's Barefoot Sandals. 69e pair. Tennis Footwear, a f ull suppiy, priced at, .. 65c to $1.35 pair. W.Claude Ives HOME 0F GOOD SHOES