PAGE FOU THE CAN DIAN STA ESMA RO MANV T.T 'TUk--Z5TAY' JTTT 2x7 l 193 service. Mrs. John Baker sang in splendid voice Kipling's RecessianalI COURTICE -Lest We Forget-', and Rev. Wj HAMPTONi BLACKSTOCK ________________________ Rackham preached a fine sermon. Mr. and Mî-s. Howard Couch and Miss Jean Stevens, Maple Grave, farnilY. Bethesda, Mr. and Mrs. Ir- Mr. Geo. A. Barron is on a holiday Mrs. Robt. Spinks visited ýMr. and is guest of Mrs. Frank Worden. win Bragg and family, Providence. trip at Tilsanburg. Mrs. T. Smith. Mr. Albert Wood, Tyrone, was a visited at Mr. John Bakers. Mr. Carlyle Stevens has secured a Dr. Whittaker spent the weekend Sunday visitor at Mr. H. F. Han- i Mr. and Mrs. Jin Reynolds, Tor- position in Lindsay. at Penetangufshene cack's. onto. visited at Mr. W. J. Reynolds% Miss Marjarie Pascoe spent the Miss Jessie Farbes. Toronto, spent Miss Dorothy Frost, Peterbora isRuhRyolsacopne weekend at Bobcaygeon. 9unday with Mrs. J. Marlow. spent the week with Misses Velma 'them ta Toronto for a few days' Mrs. Jas. Burns visited with Osh- Trhe Church Army Boys conducted and Louise Pearce.i F A. mth ThmfrdaaretvsnSdy. the services in St. John's Anglican andMrs FrnkHorburhMsr. FVictormth.ckabury, o. . Mr. L. E. Hastings made a busi- Church on Sunday. Mr. adMs rnnHrbrh essrs itrTcauy .T estrip ta Toronto recently. Mrs. M. Smith, Mrs. T. Smith and Cleveland, 0.. are visiting her sister, Kernahan, and W. J. Ellis. London, ST esyi ad oabb r .Sihcle nM.adMs Mrs. A. F. Rundle. visited the formers daughter. Mrs. gS. T. Ke riey is da d y ayM.J m cle nM.adMs Mr. and Mrs. Jack Short and Mr. AanMeKessock. ilwihane Mna. M. C. Smith on Sunday. Luhr r vstigMr ndAlaR 1Dvin metnonTusa v Mrs. Jas. Curtis is a Misses Mildred and Ella Mc- LuShert.aryvsiigM.llMs . Dvin s wmeltin ndThursdanev-week with friends in Toronto. Quade, Alliston, visited Mr.yand Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Frost, Peter- wengwas el atterded. Plns rndMs ilsWliasr-Mrs. Wallace Marlow,rcety boa.wee eeen vsion o r.wee omleed fo1ar .ici. centry spentasfewidaysWiinliToronto Mr. 0. Carley, Miss Margaret aoo er eknd Mrs. Rass Pearc . Three new members were initiated. Mrs. Clatworthy and Miss Ruby Swain and Miss Marie Proutt spent M raM ayne k n M r s . Ras sl phc e P r o g r a m w a s i n c h a r g e o f M i s s E v - c t o t y v s t d a r l i e e t u d y w t r n r . C a e c Mrs.Mar Pekin Mr. Rlphelyn Tink's group. Two much en- IY.totyvstda rli eet udywt r n r.Caec Lander and sons, Oshawa, visited .oyed choruses were given. A hum- Marlow. ip uder Misses Doris and Margaret Doidge, The boys, softball team playedi Mrs. L. J. Short recentîy. orous dialogue -A Courtshiune Oshaw'.a. visited relatives aven Sun- Janetville team on Monday evening1 Mrs. Armstrong and babe, Bow- Diffilculties" was given by Miss Mur- day. at Blackstock. Score 10-4 in favon manville. spent the week at her fa- lel Baker and Messrs. Alan McKes- Master Allan Farn. Toronto, Is o! Blackstock.1 the's M. veet waîers. sack and Maurice Baker and pro- holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mr. and Mrs. Dawson and family, E Misses Annie and Elsie Allin, vidlb e lnty0f fun. et meig r. Toronto, Miss Mabel Argue. Mr. and Bowmanville. were Sunday visitonswl e dAgst 4h.Mr.vanddMrs.JacskrWilliams. Osh- Mits. Howarid Bailey.rspent Sundayi Mfr.ev and Mrs. S. S. Brooks sen ers. on Sunday. Blackstock boys' softball team won Mr. nd ms. . S.Broks sentMr. and Mrs. Nelson Baird. Osh- thc tournament at Port Perry an the weekend at Lake Scugog, guests ENNISKILLEN awa. visited on Sunday with Mr. and Wednesday, July 20th. by defeating t of! Dr. and Mrs. Wes. Lanmad.s Thea Salter. Scugog 5-4, Manchester 9-2. and 1 Conratlaton talitle is Loi- 'E - Mr. and Mrs. Frise and Miss Al- Part Penny 14-10). ise Pearce on passing her Elemen- Ms h ekn ihP .Got tary exam. in piano with honours Mrs J.H. Feerset Sumnay eraGatTrno.vied vr M.Jc iklan atrJakWe extend ta Mr. and Mrs. Thos. 1% and ashll etoi.were week- ville. E . to pn tewe-Martin. Zion, aur symTpathy in the P Y ON and M arshall, Detendt. ths E r d. A uht ern M rs. t e y ik- sudden passing o! thein son R ussell. T R N Pickell. 1Mav wTo r a. Mr. tnly Mrs. James Stainton, Mr. and Mrs ---------______________ Mn. and Mrs. S. J. Courtice and MaTrno.RselSaitnadsnsIovs Miss Iva. Leamington, visited at Mr.l Miss Catherine Colville, Bowinan- idRusse tlatnMandCson. Zio vs-es r eiAni n re ,Tr G. F. Annis' and W. R. Courtice's ville. spent a few days with Miss iedrecentA.y an.C. J.ocheses. oMr. Leint e weand afnison- last week. ~~~Marion Griffin.'M.W A.Buc.RceeN.ntsntteeeniatisom We offeer onrtuaiosaMis Masters Roy and Harold Spry are Y..~ and Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hamly, bere. We ffr cngatlaton toMisiolidaying with their grand.mother,j Port Hope, called on friends here Mrs. J. Lillicrapp, Cannington, is Hazel Rundle. organist off Ebenezen Mrs. Wm. Oke. recentîy. visiting ber daughter, Mns. F. L. Church. on passing her A. T. C. M.1 Mrs. A. B. Stephens. Toronto, Mrs. The meeting o! the Township of Byam. exam. in piano with honours. also 1 E. Stevens, Hampton, spent SundaY Dalington Liberal Conservative As- Miss Florence Down, Oshawa, the teachers exain. with hanours. lat Mr. H. Stevens'.1 sociation in the town hall Friday ev- spent Sunday at her brother's, Mr. and bas now her A.T.C.M. in full. A number froin here attended the ening was well attended. Theodore Down. Sunday services were fine. In the1 Tamblyn picnic beld in Hampton Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Horn and Acy, Mr. W. J. Tape, Bridgeburg, bam monning aur pastor, Rev. H. C. Wol- Park on Satunday. Mr nd Mrs. W. W. Horn and Wal- been visiting bis sister, Mrs. R. Ha- fraim. preached a splendid sermon, Mr.JA.Sano adsn Clif- lace visited at Pickering on Sundaytbryanotef ins taking for his subject 'John Knox." ford. Toronto, visited the formner's with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Horn. Miss Eva Yonke is visiting ber During the service Mrs. G. F. Annis mother. Mrs. J. Pye. M r. and Mns. K. Winterburn were cousins, Misses Grace and Jean and Miss Frances Hancack sang Mrn d Mr.W. E. Sanderson in Lindsay last week attending the Stephens, Mount Pleasant. veny sweetly "'Beautiful Garden o! and faiYsetSna ihhrfnrlo an ulean rs. E.I Rev. A. M. and Mrs. Wootton and Prayer." In the evening aur paston fahr.mlyspent Snday ithMh rna 0f anue, and nsom. John are bolidaying at tbeir cantined bissenie of semons ad moten.mMr.rWcotkeagMetin acakpaiedptisthom coninud hs srie ofseronsand Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson and son Mn. and Mns. C. Nelson and Mur- A smme cottae at Lae Blapts taok for bis subject "A man's duty Jack, Pontypool. spent Sunday with iel have returned ta tbein bore ne * fd nnd gamen! bealwasn ta bis wif e." and delivered a force- Mn. and Mns. Jas. Bnadley. Toronto a! ten spending vacation at Maple Grave girls and Tynone girls. f u adrer. and Mns. Jas. A. Wenry, MissI the home a! Mn. and Mns. S. Wil- Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Gibbs and IGrace Werry and Miss Nana Wenny liamns. family, Oshawa, aire spending a are visiting relatives in Maniposa. Orono Women's Institute will visit week witb Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Gibbs. I Oun sympathy is extended to Mrs. Hampton society on the churcb Mn. and Mrs. Will Cliapman and Ihr r hipedo Zian, Hope. Ai large attendance o! oun local lad- itors at Mn. and Mns. T. H. Gibbs'. Mis RbyDeell Troto ~ Mrs. J. Brown and daughten Oive, ies is oped for. Miss Annie Gard.iner bas returned hMe. uyDwll ooti Orono, visited the formen's sisten, Amang this week's specials at home alter bolidaying at ber bro- hmn.anMr.e.Wievîie Mrs. W. J. Stainton and other Honn's Store are: 12 bans Comf ont then 's, Mr. Fdrnest Gardiiner, Ingle- M.adMs e.Wievstdfnîends. soap 49c; Homnes pure corn stanch. hart. Toronto fiends. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bnunt and fam- 2 pkgs. for 15c; lange size peanut Miss Marion Staples, nurse-mn- Mrs. Fallis, Oshawa, is visiting at iîy. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill. spent butter 3lc. 30-1 tanfga omnil opt] Mr. Ceci] Pascoe's. . nia with Mn. and Mrs. 0. E. Our Sunday evening churcb ser- spent Sunday wth bier uncle, Mn. Miss Lena Taylor bas been visît- Jeffrey, Scugog Island. vices continue to be well attended, Wm. Staples. iss TronusienToson yrn Congratulations to Miss Velma and Rev. Walter Rackham. oun new Mn. and Mrs. Feely and family,' visited Miss Isobel Yellowlees. Orchard on passing her recent patr rahdavr pedTr.Ts.SnetadMsSiv, Misses Annie and Jean McMaster. Theory examination witb honors; sermon last Sunday evening and de- Toronto, spent Sunday at Mrs. Zion. visited at Mn. H. E. Tînk's. pupil of Miss Marion Onchard. A. T. serves special mention. Launa Virtue's. Mn.Frak Bantn ad sn. sh-Miss Church af Streetsville con- Mn. and Mrs. Harold Burgess M.FakBatnadsn s-C. M. spentth weekend with friends at awa. visited at Mr. Thos. Bakers. Mn. and Mrs. H. Stevens attended ducted a yyery antenesting canning the n ttne Mlc'spc Mr. and Mns. M. J. Hobbs spent the party given by the former's sis demonstration at the borne c Miss nieswock aud attne Mlc'pc the weekend with hen parents in ter. Mrs. R. Burgess, Tyrone, in Vera Kersiake on Wednesday, July Chunch service next Sunday a Lindsay. bonor off their mother, Mirs. E. Stev-lth enaot7gisween 10.30 a. m. Rev. A. R. Sanderson o! Master Russe] Hardy spent a fesv ens' birtbday. attendance f roni Ennisilîlen, Soumna, the Prohibition Union, o! Wbitby, days last week witb Ma'ster Charlie The scugog Young People are gv- Maple Grove, Bethescla and Courtice. will be tbe speaker. Hoar. Bowmanville. îng their play entitled "The Gate to Betore dinner Miss Ciurch prepan- Messrs. John Mutton, C. W. Wood- Mn. and Mrs. Morley Gilroy and Happîness' on Monday. August îst ed aind canne ilseveetabiens dl itnVnu n e. M family. Columbus, visitêd at Mr~. und eirt he auspices of the Ladies' epandt h il e enu Wootton attended Mulock's pîcnîc et Admisio 25 an 15. oa doîng the wonk. Aiter a pîcnîc Jackson's Point on Satunday. Harvey Hardy's. jAidAdiso25an 5. lunch on tbe lawn, Miss Cliuich Mn. and Mns. James Dudley, Mn. Mn. andi Mrs. Thos. Baker ad Mn. and Mrs. J. Fenguson. Ux- gave a funthen talk on cannîng antid Mr.FydDdeaniaiy MissVer. vsitei a Mn Geo Retis.l bridge. visîteti their son. Dr. H. Fer- preservîng vegetables for winter use, setSna ibM~ niMs Ennskilentgson. Masters Alan and Donald whicb was mucb enjoyeti by those in Win. Turner at Green River. Mn. and Mrs. Alan Penifound and1 Ferguson neturneti home aften attendance. Those in the Canning Mn. and Mrs. Win. Little, Jr., anti family. Oshawa. visited at Mn. J. T.1 spending two weeks with their Club wbo were not present certainlyMnadMs.FeByntOhaa Runles.1 grandpanents. mîssed a very interestîng tallc. We spent Sunday wltb the formen's Miss Betsy McMasten. Toronto, 15 Mrs. D. McLean. Mrs. W. Farn wish the girls success in their can- grandmonthen Mns. Wm. Little, holidaying with hem cousin, Miss and son. Michigan, Mn. and Mrs. F. ning contest in connection witb their MnadMs.DidHoead Ruy arer Chapinan. Carrying Place, visiteti vegetable gandens. Tbe gardens Mn. Dave Noble, Onono, Mn. and Mn. and Mrs. S. E. Werry and Mn. their uncle, Mn. Jas. Stainton. and bave recently been judged by Mn. Mns. Henry Hooper, Pontypool. were and Mrs. Harry Grooms visited in other f iends, and attentiet the A. E. Summers, Port Hope, anti as udyvstn tMsae tr Petrboo n Wdnstiy.Clemence picnic helti in Oshawa on fan as we know bave a]] attained xe's. Mn. Russel Balson is spentiing a 1 \Vetine-sday. ihmrs few days with bis cousin, Master 1 ____________-îb ak.Mn. Ted Rogers and son Ross, Mn. Ralp LarerBlacstoc. 1Our girls' 50! tball teamn lost at and Mrs. Howard Sbicklen, Buffalo, Misses Lena Taylor. Jean Millson! Countice on Montiay evening, wbere N. Y., Mn. Wm. Martin, Gladys and they playeti Courtice girls. At the Albert. Haydon, Sundayeti at Mn. Summen School St Oak Lake. ENFIELD Parkc heîe last Friday evenîngwaEisSttts Mn. anti Mrs. sîi Hockaciav and IIwîtnesseti a very înterestîng gaine Mn. and Mms. Thomas Richards Mr. Ernest. anti Misses Rilîja and -o f saftball between the girls af New- spent Sunday witb their daugbter, castle and aur Hampton girls, anti Mns. Howardi Fintiley. Unionville. Elizabeth Hockadlay spent Slinday Mrs. Gea. Cochrane bas returned the score at the finish stoati Hamp- Master Dean Findleyr'eturned home at Ms. To2. shomes. hib. tIm visiig at Duninville. tn9 witb 3 for the visitons. A cen- witb thein for a holiday. Mis M a y H ~ ar h M . . P '.- Mn nti M m. W. . O in,~ on "~ tain rival my seem e ti to exist betw een A c am m unity pic ic w ill be held coe. Mrs. Eva Fletcher andi Mi.s tt7ci Port Hope last Suntiay. these teains, but they bath playeti a on Friday at 3 p. mn. untier the aus- V fer a t. M r. HeeL. . E lChicîi IMe. . Gr y at Ms een G a splendid ga mne, anti the score mig t pices of the Sunday School. Every- victedat n.L C Pa.ce EfietiTcrnan:o, vi. iteti at Mr. A. Ormis- bave been othemwise bati nat the one is inviteti ta come and bring Mnr. and Mr.. Cha' 'Whîte anri toIl,ý. 1.îosbciepncytwrith orbse n epeae a fami]v. Oshawa. Mi-. MIco'm. a'.v. Mr. .and Mr- .ANitidery anti fain-v iosbonepicytwrth yu aktadb re dfra Manie Giove. visited rM Go Tono.itci at Mn. . H ep-el f the gaine, durîng whîch tiînie goati time. Wh:jý.Tiri;o iite bîMr J. nep Hamnpton secured a lead of 6 runis. Mms. B. H. Mortlock and baby j I s 1bir*-.1Bath t cams conducteti theinselves as Joan have returned to thein home Mi. and Mnsý Arthiir \Vf-ila<kp. Mi1 Evelyn Stin. on. Toronto, dleani sports always sbould; and the in Bowinanville aften a plensant ofO a - a C rm n is '. D or î at .p nt SinM ,it.. n ot e. i. observers alŽo m iantaineti a fo nin of holiday ih ler parents, M r. and offO hwa v~:îei t M. Fan H. Stinson. intcrest anti goati spirits, sa con- Mrs. T. H. Gibbs. Mr~. Mortlock con- Westak 'sd M; .Mi. and]MsAturPgM. ri ot'he boaluinisin showii atiducted a boy amp in Mr. Gibbs* \Ve le' . Mn nI Ms. Frank Page, Toronto. antid e ans' anti at anec woads for a week. attende0' the former, .Bri n saa ieiat gaine sn We venture ta say that Mis. Enoch St evens. Hamnpton, enontMe ormer' S( at Fal- \11,.S. Pa . here i.; no roam in amateur 'Spart celebrat-er ber 77tb birtbday on ]antrae on Monda. ~~~~Mn. )ntiMrs. Reg. West anti fainm oanr am0 wagig.isan Ml n anto i n'. J 'A. reat in n hs et udtc.pires gencrally knasv the gaine bet- ily Trono i'.te M. H. G PaS- a:" vis:î:no at Mr. .J. McCullach*'s ten than observers. c. who %w'( a re '.oîîx' to reOo-t tiop'lt te rltvs ne, iirnrove n fheaih. Mis. trr e.vaFletce. MiTh.ehi- nonthly meeting of the Wo- Th'Pl'. -ri ."si~~r aIMss VaFersFtchen Kaiama-H.uC' graduatd this spring from Victoria - I ~1gD~1.Univer'itY. Toronto, bas been ap- I ~~ pointeti to the staff off Alma Calege, Corbe tps B kerySt. Thomas, of which she is also a IO'NAWL i graduate. Miss Sparling is the eî& W.CIaudeIvesI j BOVMANILLEPHFONE 3 etdeîighter a! Rev. Dr. George HOE01OO HE __________________________________________ Sparling. Presitient o! the West H M FG O H E China Union University at Chengtu. Wednesday, July 2Oth, at the haone of her daughter, Mrs. Rabt. Burgess. The occasion was made very pleas- ant. in deed, by the presence of the immediate friends of the family who assembled ta honar the happy event. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Stevens *and Douglas. Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stevens, Enniski]- len. Mrs. A. B. Stephens. Beverley and Arthur, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Burgess, Tyrane. orS SALEM cn Mrs. Percy Cn visited friends in Orono an Sunday. Sor orepart Mrs. C. M.Cr- ruthers in 111 health andlhope for her speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hooper and Mr. D. Noble, Orono, were Sunday cal]- ers at "The Maples." Mr. and Mrs. L. Savery and fain-j ilY, Newtonville. visited her parents and also, attended service. Pastor Rev. A. M. Wootton aci- riinistered the sacrament at the af- ternoon service on Sunday and de- livered a very appropriate sermon. Glad ta, see Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cllaèott and familv. Maple Grove. with us for the service on Sunday. Mlr. Collacott kindly ofliciated at the piano in the absence of the regular I planlst. After service they visited vlth Mr. and Mrs. G. Cornish. KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE NORTHCUIT & SMITII Furniture Dealers - Funeral Directors Ambulance Service Low Rates Phones 58, Residence 523 or 276 a OLIDAY SPECIALS A picnic Saturday, Sunday or Mon- day, with A & P Fooda and Bever- ages to make the day perfect. Aak SMOKED PICNIC STYLE SouldersM.i DUMART'S KITCHENER S310KED RALF OR WHOLE HAM M Duniapt's BANQUET BRAND HA ND ROLLED IC FINEST QUALITY A & P GUARANTEED BEEF ROASTS BlZ.V GENUINE NEW SEASON SPRING LAMB LEGS LOINS -- LAMB FRONTS.. BONELESS AND ROLLED [O C lb. 1Ze-- ib. ib. 5 lb. 3 LB. lc CHÂTEAUCESm A. REAL IHOLIDAY 'SPECIAL --"c.---., 'ýEwLERY NATIVE Buneb CAEDAGE NATIVE IIeait M«ILK CN%T[E% %PoîLuTL1[,)iîOU, PO K AN EANS (L Z S) 0TINSZ LOBSTER NOVASTIANo. . TinZ AMMbONIA Handy r'ofi D5 kgs. Z BROZ?ýM Sp eciaï 5-St ing - EaehZ A4 &P B4êx ?ODUCT'S BLVJEL'i,, y R E A L OA-F CA u'.F~~" Iti l )<i'II f o ]i11r F)IL~ ASK 01 R tSIOIIE 31 .,.'Cd'. Meat Manager: G. McCoy. Grocery Manager: P. Williamis. We Deliver-Extre Charge 10Oc. Phone No. 83. Bowmnanville. 50 ,50 ,5e ,5e ,50 Sc DUMART'S KITCHENFR WEIER1-1Lv iYmS 1Ro ast P 290lbress9ngSliced lb. PAGE POUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVUýLE. TRTIR.ýc;nAV TTTT.V 9Rfh lÛq9 1- ý , - -7-- ýý - 1