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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1932, p. 7

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THE CANADiAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THCURSDAY, AUGUST 4th, 1932 PAGE SEVEN '7' .êretary-treasurer, respectiveiy. A.!ter years, was much enjoyed, the suc- FAMIY PINIC supper prizes for the afternoon ev- cessfui contestants belng generously ents were presented. A letter f romn rewarded by very dainty prises, do- j.Sales Gerrow, Lansing, Mich.. ex- nated by G. Tamblyn of Toronto. 0pressing regrets at belng unable to Special mention should be made GERROW PICNIC attend, was read. iollowed by a short ai the Misses Shaw af Ridgetown, address by George Gerrow, ex-ward- who motored down ta attend the ir en af the County. in whlch he out- gathering and ta whom was given About 120 mernbers ai the Gerrowlne the history ai the Gerrow suitable prizes for having attained family held a iamily re-union at fiamily. A program aof music was the ripest years. Scugog Island on Wednesday, July supplied by Mrs. S. Brooks. Messrs. Ail too soon. the capable social 6th. Joseph Gerrow. h et Wm. VanNest and E. 0. Gerraw. committee had the tables laden with graud-iather ai most af i tos 1pes - the most tempting visnds, ta which ent, f irst distinguished himself at almost one huudred and twenty-five the age af eighteen In the battie ai TAMIBLYN PICNIC people did justice. Lundy's Lane. He iought under- Some changes in the executivet Capt. John Truil, who, with hisi The annual Tamblyn FamilY Re- were muade, President Fred Tamblync famii>r, had came ta Canada as an Union and Picnic was held at El- ta be succeeded b>' Mr. A. Tamblyn, U. E. L. in 1794, lsnding at Port iott Memorial Park. Hampton, on Lindsay; the secretsry, Mr. Wood, Dariington. After the war Joseph Saturda>'. July 23rd. with a sorte- Toronto. ta be succeeded b>' Mr. returned ta Dsrlington where he what smaller attendance than 's Bigeiow, Orono. zuarried the Captain's dsughter, Par- custamar>'. Though the blue sky A very hearty invitation ta meetS ruelia. The Young couple later ruade and sunshine was ail that could be at the home ai Mr. John Tamblyn, I their way by rough road, trail and desired. the air iromn the water was Orono. in 1933. was accepted. 't boat ta Scugog Island. where they just a little too cold for picnic wea- Among the letters read front ab-C had secured two huudred acres ai ther. while, toward eariy evening. sent anes was one iromn Mrs. AlbertC waod land where he hewed out a everyone seemed anxious ta find a Moore, Strathmore. Alta. Ouestsv home. The>' raised a iamily ai sheitered corner, whlch passibly, were present iroru Buffalo, Toronto, eight-William. Joseph, John. Wil- largely accounted for the decrease in1 Lindsay, Oshawa, Bowmanville, and son, Lydia, Elizabeth and Phoebe.!attendance. sronigdsrcs Lydia later became Mrs. VanNest. Aiter several selections b>' Tamn- sroni dsrcs Elizabeth. Mrs. Coiton: and Phoebe, blyn members ai the Durham Regi- Mrs. McHoull. Noue ai these sur- mental Baud, a program ai sports, IL E D INs, vive. At the business meeting Wil- includiug soitball. harseshoe pitch- son Oerraw sud John F. Gerrow ing, variaus races by juveniles, ~ were re-elected presîdent sud sec- lyouths. sud thase ai more mature _____________________________________ CELEBRATE TWENTY-FIFTH L WEDDING ANNIVERSARy e MuOn Sunda>', Jul>' 3lst. Mr. sudS t Y" T H IS Mrs. Henry Bakes attained the 2t T anniversary of their wedding. On Saturds>' evening, July 23rd, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenueth t 4Cairns, Queen Street, Campbellford,w FO O D111 the>' were given a pleasant surprisei as for the iirst time in mauy erC ail the members ai the iamily wereH G A 1 ~A sumptuous supper was preparedH BARGAINsud besides the bride sud groom ai a quarter ai a century ago, the fol-e lowing sat dawn ta the festive board: c BOO T AN DAMr. J. H. Greer, Bowmauville. iath- fr AND B OST C NADAer ai the bride ai 25 years ago; and i hier four sisters. Miss Aima Greer, A few cents for Shredded Wheat flot auly buys a bargain chief operatar ai the Bell Telephone ai but also boosts this country's greatest industry. Only Company. Bowmnville; Miss Myr- rr Canadian wheat is used for Shredded Wheat. Do your tle Greer, ai Toronto; Mrs. R. j. a McClennan, and Mr. McClennan part by esting this uourishing food every day. sud son sud daughter, James sud Margaret, ai Toronto; Mrs. Kenueth Cairns, sud Mr. Cairns, ao n sudhe brthr.Mr. Arthur E. i SH-REDD D WHEAT Greer. sud Mrs. Greer sud two chul- 12 BI BISUITSIN EERY OX ato. 12 BG BICUIT IN VERYBOX r.sad Mrs. Bakes were married sy MADE IN CANADA * 8> CANADIANS - 0F CANADIAN WHEAT iu Peterboro, but camne ta am sai fard soon aiter their marriage, sud have resided there ever since. _________________________________________________ The eveuing was spent in games and piessant social Intercaurse. The a _____________________bride sud groom ai 25 years aga re were the recipients ai mauy beauti- ne fui sud useful presents. te - th Worms sap the streugth sud un- fa W il Y o u dermine the vitslity ai childreu. fo Streugthen ther b>' using Mother d Graves' Wormi Extermninator ta drive fa Out the parasites. r Invite Loss? No one need eveî' take a financial loss because his home might burn. Oui com- plete fire insurance protects your home - and likewise your pocket book - in the event of fire destroying your propei'ty. Don't invite loss ... insure your home and prevent it. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokera KING STREET PHONE 50 BOWMANVILLE Again tihe Warning is repeated about BARN FIRES The Ontario Fire Marshal is the authority for the statement that the salting of hay diminishes the danger of barn fires from spontaneous combustion. Sait also makes hay more palatable and animais thrive on it. There is therefore a double benefit. We seli the finest grades of Windsor Sait and are eager to supply your needs. Don't w'ait until fire has struck. Buy it now. GENUINE SCOTCH ANTHRACITE COAL (More Heat with LesasAsh) When buying coal you will agree it is heat you exI)ect, not huge piles of ashes. This Scotch coal is guaranteed to produce more heat than American coal, with one-third as yuch ash. Sheppard & Giii Lumber Co. PHONE 15 LMTDBOWMALNVULL TWO VICTIMS 0F CROSSING CRASH ARE BURIED HERE Francis Giil Buried With Military Honors on Frlday and Herbert Bombard's Funeral Held From Late RLesidence on Saturday Francis Gll sud Herbert Boru- bara. who met almost instant death wheu a truck driven b>' the latter was hit b>' a fast Ottawa-Toronto train at the C. P. R. Fruit House crassing last Wed.nesdsy, were laidi ta rest in Bowmanvilie Cemetery on Friday sud Saturday. Francis Gill was buried f rom his home ou Queen Street, the iuuerai service being heid on Frida>' aiter- noon. with Rev. W. J. Todd, minis.; ter of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, conductlng the iast rites. Gil an ex-service mn, was buried 'with milltary honars, the basket be- ing covered with the Union Jack as it was borne te, the grave by six members ai the Legion, Rager Bird, Thos. Hamilton, John Goadali, W.j Cromble. The service at the grave- side wss conducted b>' Rev. C. R. Spencer, padre of the Legion, whle Bugier Bruce Berry sounded the Last Post as the remains were iow- ered into the grave. Herbert Bambard was buried au Saturda>' aiternoon, foilowing an impressive service at his home ou Queen Street. This service was also couducted by Rev. W. J. Todd. sud the service. like that ai Francis Gui, was very largel>' atteuded. Psul bearers at this funeral were James Culbert. brother-mn-iaw of Ooderich, Henry Porter. nephew, of Port Hur- ou. Mich., Harold Skinner ai Ty- rone. Oea. Lang, Oea. Raby sud H. H. Harris, aillai Bowmanvilie. Clar- ence Bombard, only son af the de- ceased. was preseut at the funeral from Trura. N. S. Interment ws nade in Bawmanville Cemetery. At bath funerals many wreaths and sprays bauked the caskets from relatives sud sympathetic irieuds and neighbors. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. Gilsud family, Queen St.,. Bawmauvilie, wish ta thank rela-1 tives, iriends, neighbars, sud Can-ç adisu Legian for their beautiful [oral tributes, sud expressions ai smpathy extended in their recent1 sad sud sudden bereavement iu thei Iss of a loviug sou sud brother. 1 It is usual>' sfe ta say that wheu a chiid is pale, sickiy, peevish and restless, the cause is warms. These Parasites range the stamach sud lu-r testines. causing seriaus disorders afi the digestion sud preventiug the in- sunt f romn derlving sustenauce irom food. Miller's Worm Pawders, b>' estroyiug the warms, corrects these faults ai the digestion sud serves ta restore the organs ta healthy action. IN THE DIM and DISTANT PAST~ TWENTY-nIVE VEARS AGO Froru The Statesman Jul>' 31, 1907 Thursdsy, John Lyle, presideut, James Deymsn, J. N. Gardon, R. M. Mitchell, Oea. B. Bail, J. Howard McMurtry, J. J. Masan, R. D. David- sou sud A. Mitchell, weut ta Peter- bora and played six different bowl- ing riuks of that cit>'. winning b>' 108 ta 88. Ebenezer: Promotion Exams. ai S. S. No. 4 - Entrauce-Neil Wor- den; To Sr. 1V-Lamne Truli, Gerda Pickell, Herbert Nichais; To Jr. IV- Louise Osborne, Rasa Pearce; To Sr. III-Louis Truil, Eari Truil, Viola Bickle, Alta Pickell, Sydney' Nichais, Willie Vinson: To Jr. III-OGussie Oke, Vers Werry. Rovxena Oke, Ol- ive Found, Mabel Oke; Ta Sr. IIA- Elton Werry. Allie Ike, Leta Pickell; To Sr. IIB-Cecil Found, Helen Truil. Bruce Trul. Angus Trul. Wil- lie Bickle: Ta Pt. Il-John Pickeil, Della Oke. Mabel Vinson; L. Maude Scott, teacher. Special train will leave Bowmau- ville August 9th for Torontoansd Niagara Falls with the excursion ai employees ai Durhszn Rubber Ca. Congratulations ta Miss Mary E. Virtue, Toronta, daughter ai J. W. Virtue. Enniskillen, on belug one of the lucky ones in securing a f ree trip ta Eugland as the resuit ai the: Toronto World's Cantest. Dan Galbraith, Laite Shore, Dar- lington. had two valuable horses sud a colt killed b>' llghtnlng Wednes- day, one being valued at $250. On Monda>', Thos. Smale, Providence, had a horse killed b>' llghtning while standing under a tree. F. Brimacambe, son ai aur es- teemed tawnsman on Elgin St. N., is lu business in Rochester, N. Y., canductiug a grocery store. Born - Wood: Iu Orono, July 24. ta Mr. sud Mrs. Spencer Wood, a son. Dled - Brown: In Bawmanville, on July 25th. George E. Brown. mer- chant, aged 48 years. Fred Fowke has accepted the Llb-1 eral nomination for South Ontario. S. Hays has photographed Eidad choir. The>' look so natural you ai- most imagine you hear theru siug-1 ing. Mayor Thos. H. Spry has been ap- poiuted assistant grand secretar>' ai the Grand Lodge af Canada. A. F. & A. M. Caurtice: Promotion Exarus. S. S. Na. 6 - Sr. IV-Mary Caurtice, AI- lau Penfouud. Ethel Sanders, Flor- ence White. Gertrude Brooks; Ta Jr. IV-Regina Short: To Jr. II- Olive Paternoster, George Reynolds. Anson Phair. Salins: Promotion resuits. usmes lu order ai menit - Entrance-Ir- eue Argue. Greta VanNest. Edua Taylor, Elgie Taylor. Ida Vice. Clar-f ence Vice. Bestrice Law, Roy Mount- Jay: Jr. IV ta Sr. IV-Nora Truil, Lorenzo Truli, Roy Laugmaid, Ma>' Reynolds, Mary VauNest, Elwood Montgomery, Rets Kersiake, Willlle Kersiake: Sr. MIIta Jr. IV-O-ertle Psscoe, Eari Hill, Florence Vice; Jr. III ta Sr. II-Nelson Reynolds, Flossie VanNest; Sr. 11 ta Jr. III- Murlel Lammiman. Mets Truli. Ev- erett Vice. Everett Kerslake. R. J. MeKessock, teacher.j FIFTY YEARS AGO 7From The Statesman, Jul>' 28, 1882, Cows are selliug f rom $35 ta $50. The sidewslks in this towu were neyer in s worse stste ai repsir. Bowmanvilie ladies detest the hot weather. It is not favorable ta paint sud powder. Mr. E. L. Livingstone, one ai the Imost successful teachers in the coun- t>', has resigned his position at Bethesda sud will take charge at. Welcome schaol this f ah. Mn. Alex Gibbard ai tis tawn has beeu eugaged as teacher at Bethesda schaal for the remainder ai tis year. The 45th Battallan under the command ai Cal. Cubitt, has been ordered ta Camp in September. iThis is one ai the very best battal- ions in Canada sud but for Kendal Company', which is bad>' officered, it would be second ta noue. Mrs. D. Galbraith sud daughters have purchased that new brick cot- tage in course ai erection on Queen Street b>' Mr. Thos. Kn.ight. The situation is one of the best lu the towu, there being a splendid view ai Lake Ontario. Bowmanville High School bas ag- ain takren a very hlgh stand lu the Universit>' examninations. The can- d.dates were Messrs. J. F. Bleakle>', D. H. Cates, W. H. Burk, sud Misses Mary A. Watson sud Maggle A. Ol- iver. In point af f inst ciass honora, St. Catharines is the oui>' institution ahead orf Bawmanville Hlgh School in this province. At the nomination on Saturda>' last ta f111I the vacancy in the south ward representatian ou the Town 1 Cauncl caused through the cantin- ued absence ai Mr. D. Beith. the foi- lowiug were nomlnated. Aaron Buckier. Stephen Edger sud Thos. Bowden. The election was held on Wednesday sud resulted in Mn. Buckler being elected with 75 votes, wlth Edger gettiug 50 sud Bowden 5. There were twa spalled ballots. An add.ltionai expression b>' aur citizens ai their apprecistion ai the generous hospitalit>' 0f Mr. Stephen Cotton was ruade on Manda>' nlght wheu a large statue ai a woodsmau was presented for the furthen orna- meutation ai the beautiful grounds at "Erplugham." Enulskilleu: Mr. Wmn. McKibbiu's large f rame resideuce at, the nonth end ai this village was total>' de- stnayed b>' iire on Tuesday ai ter- noon. Loss $1000, no insurance. A travelling aculist sud surit sklp- ped out leavlng board bill. livery bine, cigars, etc., uupsid at the Oc- cidental. Orono: Carpenters are bus>' at theè fine new M. E. Parsonage which wiUl be s credit ta the M. E.'s ai the On- ana circuit. The Giorlous Twelfth wltnessed a great crowd here. Prom ail directions peaple swarmed lu the village inom dawn tîlI noati. Hampton: Business lu the village Is aimost nil.,. James Elllott Is back iroru Manitoba sud is remain- lng in Ontario.. Building lots are lu demand near the Ontario sud Quebec R. R. Station at the Ridge. A village Is lu prospect. McLAUGHLIN-BUICK EIGHTS 36 6"I've neyer got such a thri*ll out of driving, Dad. This McLaughlin. Buick seems heavy enough to hug the road at any speed . and what a jewel it is to handie! After once getting behind the wheel of« that car I'd hate to have to drive anything with«. out Wizard Control and Ride Regulator." McLaugqh/,n-Buick Eights are produced in Canada and priced front $1325 at factory, taxes extra MOFFATT MOTOR SALES 88 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA Persian Balm is a true elixir of youth. Refreshes and rejuvenates. Adds a youthiul charm to the com- plexion. Soi tens and beautifies the skin. Makes hands flawlessly white. [ndispensable to the woman who ap- preciates subtie distinction. De-i lightful, to use. Delicately fragrant. Soothes dry and irritated skin. Cor- rects and preserves. A flawless toil I et requisite for every discernng wo- mnan. A true aid ta beauty. The ideal life is only man's nor-j muai 111e, as we shail some day know i t-Emerson. Acids in Stomachj . Cause Indigestion SPCAUA BEAUTY Creste Sourness, Gas and Pain. spectacular sights and unusual How ta Treat. opportunities to enjoy oneself. It la the premier vacation choice of the Medical authorities state that neary Beason-a few weeks of rapIVl nine-tenths of the cases of stom.ach changin uenry fnw riediap trouble, indigestion, sourness. burning, ad 2 n e Youf'nw iri mec- gas. bloating. nausea. etc., are due to experc es. ouCsec an excess of hydrochloric acid in thse beautiful M5naki ... the Prairie.... stomach. The delicate stomach lining Japr National Park ... theCanaiau is irritated. digestion is delayed and Rockies ... the Pacific Coast.. food sours, causing the disagreeable symp- Vancouver and Victorta... and toms which every stomach suff erer knowsAlsa so weUl. Artificial digestants are flot needed Tace advantage of the low <arce--go in such cases and may do real harm. weat thi. ummner. Pull informatiom Try laying aside ai digestive aisad.'1 , and ilustsated booklets <rom any instead get from an>' druggist some Agengof CanAdinNatiorMnalRiwy. Bisurated Magnesia and take a teaspoon- % fui in wvater right, after eating. This 016o ,0%1. J'"T-21 Rev. sweetens the stomach. prevents the for- tOW tN> mnation of excess acid and there is no A N A D I sourness, gas or pain. Bisurated Magnesia 0~1 AA A (in powder form-never liquid or milk) * rw 0 ,0,4 ie harmuless to, the tomach, inexpensive N Ldb N'A.. to take and is the most efficient form of k , P» -,K N A T IF 0 N A -I magnesia for stornach purposes. It isA used by thousands of people who enjoy ~iu A W N ~ 7 their meals with no more fear of in- AU. 1 U. K Y S" hewù& oGO LD STAN DARD ?jGAS value ..,,, MARATHON 'BLUE" qualit> never depreclates, neyer f alle below par. More value for your mnone>' is rot obtainable. F111 up at the nearest Red Indian pump and judge for yourself. MADE IN CANADA MARATHON " BLUE" McCOLL-FRONTENAC OIL CO. LIMITED w a. PAGE SEVICN 1 t; 1. se -

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