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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Aug 1932, p. 11

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TE CANADIAN STATFSMAN, EOWMANVTLLE. THURSDAY, AUGUST llth, 1932PGEEVN TEXTILES TROUNCE FRON4' STREET IN . FARCE GAME Players Discard Regular Positions to Put Acroe a Ha.ppy Go Lucky Gaines Which Ended 16 to 7 for Enitters The public sehool grounds was the scene o! a 9-acf farce on Mon- day night when fhe performance was inferrupfed slighfly by rain. The personnel o! the casf were fthe Front Street and Textiles sofball feamas. The comedy was wel re- ceiveti anti a score o! 16 f0 7 was run Up la favor o!f1h Textiles, leav- ing Front Street at the bottoin o! the pile with f ive gaines played and f ive gaines 1sf. If la no use golag very much inta detail about the gaine because if was more Uike one o! those !riendlY games where the players are onlY outf for the f un o! if. Textiles took a first innlags lead and maintained thaf leadt hroughout f1e gaine, the Front Street neyer becoming real serious contentiers for the laurels of the evening. If we remember right-1 ly Lloyd Hall starteti pif ching for Front Street, but gefting tireti turn- eti the baîl over to Frank Jamieson, who la furn furneti if over fa John- ny James to f inish the gaine. Textiles were la the saine mooti. ve Osborne was feeling kinti o! Ueved or somethin' anti when bro- Uer "Pork" sfarfed f0 kid lim along, tlie kidi brother juaf furneti the bail over ta "Pork" anti took fthe latfer's position at firaf base. Bofli wero ouf of place alfhough both showed fliat with a liffle practice fhey could change places wifh no iW effects. Then toadait more f un f0 the gaine the new catcher' anti umpires' cag- es were useti for the f irsf fume. Redi Hooper soon got tireti of bis and discardoti if, anti Scofty Cameron had bis knocketi off his heati when a ball struck hlm la the dhest. Vave Osborne who wanted f0 play every position on the fieldt ook a shof at catching for a whie anti found the cage about 10 sises too large for hM. WeUl there niay have been lots o! fun but there cerfainly was no sof t- bail. The appendet iUne-up la 10w fhey startedt t play and reafly bas nofhlag tf0 do wif h fhe reaf o! the gaine as everyone changed positions whon tbey feît like it. Textiles 433 000 114-16 Front Street 200 010 031 -: 7 Textiles - D. Osborne, p; Dillllg, c; C. Osborne, lb; Oke, 2b; Jack- man, 3b; Brough, as; Mutton, l; Wiseman, cf; Hawley, r!. Front Street - Hall, p; Hooper, c; F. Jamioson. lb; Osborne, 2b; Colo, 3b; James, as; Cufley, lf; Bates, cf; O. Jamileson, r!. Umpires - Cameron anti Boffrell. HIGH SCHOOL TEAM PULLS AHEAD AND DEFEATS ROVERS Corne Prom Behlnd After Lagging For Four Inninga te Win by 10-5 - Roeot Players Were Abomt True f0 tradition the Higli School soffball outf!if are showlng up bt- ter la the second sdhodule than the f irat anti afer lagglag bolilat for the f irst four innlngs they socureti a leati anti tefeatoti Dick Rovan's Rov- ors in an interesting gaine on Tues- day night by 10-5. Rovors were handicappoti by the absence of Bill Cordon and Scofty Camoron who wero playing hartibail for Orono that evening. Rovors fook a four run leati la fhe f irsf frame wlien Don Williams, who was pitching for Higli School, walk- eti a couple o! mon bof ore ho got lis arn laf o action. Aftor that inninga ho pitcheti a real gooti gaine. Rovan was lobbing over a very feinpting baîl with flie natural resulf thaf fthe eager school boys battoti fly afer fly, wliicli rarely missoti a safe des- tination iu the Rovers la! ild or outf!ield. Higli School's big innings was fthe fourfh when they caine f rom behinti f0, fake a single run leati. Part o! their success was due ta, errors but fho major part was due f0 clever base sfealing. The stutients increas- oti thoir leati by another two runs in f10 next frame. antiatideti one la sovenfli anti one la eighth ta, bring their score f0, 10. Rayera secured .iusf one more run affer their firat f rame andt lat la f1e fourth when Rovan hinisel! came home safely. Ted Bagnell madetie1 only home un. Rayera 400 100 000- 5 High Schcol 100 420 12x - 10 Rovers - Rovan, p; Cowle, c; Largo, lb; Brown, 2b; Piper. 3b; Witherîdge, s; Litt le, If; Coylo anti Rundie, cf; Knîght, r!. Higli 501001 - Willamns, P; Ad- ains, c; Calmer, lb; Dunlop, 2b; Hardstone. 3b; E. Bagnel. s:; W. Bagnoil. If. H. Slomon, cf; Raby, r!. Umpires - F. Bottreil anti Dave Osborne. Ontario' s Record for 193 1!l 77 Deaths and 1025 Persons Injured In Motor Vehicle Accidents in the Month of August, Atone!? Ontario's record for August, 1932. is being written daily by the men and women who drive motor vehicles-and by peclestrians. Are YOU doing YOUR share to elim- inate this needless human sacrifice - are you helping to make SAFE the Streets and Highways of our Province? MOTOR VEHICLES BRANOR ONTARIO DEPARIMENT 0F HIGHWAYS LEOPOLD MACAULAY Miniuter 32-SA IN THE REALM 0F SPORTI BOWMANVILLE WON IN BENEFIT LACROSSE GAME Ini a snappy gaine of box lacrosse at Rotary Park on Saturclay even- mng the local outf!it defeated Port Perry by a 5 t0 3 score. The gamne was a benefit one for a Port i-erry player wlio earlier in the season liac broken a leg. Bowmanville led practicaily throughout the gaine ai- thougli the gaine was quite close, but the locals showed a mucli better display of shootmng. The only thing f0 spoil the gaine was a littie f iglit in the second period whlch ended ini three men getting time in the pen- alty box. H031ING PIGEON CLUB Bowmanville Homing Pigeon Club flew its f irst young bird club race on Saturday, Auguat 6tli, from Streets- ville, Ont., 56 miles air line. The weather was clear and birds made good time. Foilowing is the resuit: Hrs. Mina. Sec. Yds. per Min. P. Bottrell 1 22 56 1196.08 F. Bottreli 1 23 7 1193.44 L. Richards 1 24 41 1179.62 L. Richards 1 24 51 1177.31 I. Hobbs 1 24 55 1166.49 I. Hobbs 1 25 26 1152.69 R. Dillng 1 27 8 1134.64 J. Purdy 1 27 25 1125.58 R. Dillng 1 31 50 1106.32 Geo. Bafligate& Son no dlock re- port. PERCY HARE'S RINK WINNER 0F DOUGLAS TROPHY AT NEWCASTLE The competif ion for the John Douglas Bowling Trophy was played off ini record finie this season and not ailowed to drag on and on throughout the fafl months as if lias on a past occasion or two. Tis year instead of games being Lot poned and tlie season eXtendedPots accommodate fhis or that rink which for various reasons found If' not f0 their convenience f0 play at thie scheduled tinies, a rink that coulcin't muster itself to play ac- cording f0 the finie table simply de- faulted and their opponents for the gamne were ailowed 14 points. Thus there were instances when thie win- ning rink and certain others scored 14 points of an evenlng without roll- ing a bowl, because of the 0f ler fellows' absence. Weil. to repeat what the lieading indicates, Percy Hare's rink cont- sisting of huiself. J. R. Fisher, A. W. Glenney and Geo. Walfon, sta- tion agent, general merchant, miller and feed and seed dealer, basebal captain and bread trucker. also known as rink No. 1. won the covet- ed trophy by 141 points. RLnk No. 4, Dudley, Batty, Jamieson, Crowth- er, stood second with 132 Points. The final standing of the other four rinks was as f olows: Rink 5-Purdy, Rogers, Brereton, Butler, 119 points; ougliftt, have been a strong rink but de! aulted 1 gaine; average points per gaine play- ed. 13.2. Rlnk 2-G-raham, Fllgg, Jackson, Rickard. 115, de!aulted 2 ganies. Rlnk 6-Geo. Crowther, Blake, Carvefli, PhUlp, 100, defaulfed 2 games. Rink 3--Couch, Britton, Law, Sta- cey. 94, defaulfed 1 gaine. The competition schedule called for 10 gamnes by each rlnk and be- gan on June 20, endlng on July 21. Of speclal intorest at present Is the Scotch Doubles competition by the ladies. the gaines boing played on certain fine affornoons. BLACKSTOCK FIELD DAY BIG SUCCESS Blacksfock Athietic Association held a very successful Field Day on Frlday, Aug. 5th, when tlie f ollowlng softbail games were played: Boys' Games- Caesarea 7; Scugog 3. Janefville <Armstrong's) 1; Black- stock 6. Blackstock 5; Pontypool 3. Port Perry 8; Podunk 1. Nestleton il; Janetvllle (Hall's) 5. Caesarea 3: Port Perry 2. Caesarea 4; Nestlefon 3. Blackstock 6; Caesarea 4. Girls' Games- Blacksfock 17; Janetvllle 3. Bethany 7; Port Perry 6. Scugog 5; Blackstock 4. Scugog 12; Befhany 11. A number of races were run. The atendance was good. Lunch was served by the ladies' Lodge and a dance foilowed. Piles Go Quick ITfchlng, bleeAdlng r rotudlngz Mosf l iitsI n ame-Ab. West, Orono. Most stalen bases per gaine-Lau- ronce Savory. Starkviie. Beat shortstop-BIlI Brunt, New- castle. Oldest player-Roy Sloep, Kendal. Baffer sfruck ouf mosf finies, NEWCASTLE CIVIC HOLIDAY TOURNAMENT Newcastle Basebail Teain Wins Cov- eted Comrnun*ty Hall TroPhy- Numerous Other Individual Prizes - Picture Show and Dance Ends Big Day Newcastle's one big day of the year is Clvlc Holiday. the first Mon- day in August. wifh Its crowd draw- ing bail fournament. when the resi- dents of Neweastle, Clarke and part of Darllngton and Hope wlth viifors f rom many farther away points ga- ther in hundreds f0 see Newcastle and Clarke basebal foanis vie wifh each other for the Newcast le Coin- munity Silver Cup donafed for com- petiflon for the flrst finie in con- nection with the openlng events of the new Community Hall in 1923. The tournament this year was a splendid success. the dance in thie evening la repufed a succesa, but the picture show bof ore the dance could hardly be called fliaf. If was par- tial. Newcastle BaUl Club deserves much credif for the fine condition the baUl grounds are no* la, and much of the work has been done by coin- munify labor gratis. For the pro- tection o!flhe spectafors thie wire fox screenlng, orlginally around the tennis court, was put up as wings f0 the backstop screen, a section run- ning down parallel to the 1sf base line and another section parallel f0 the Srd base line. Then more re- cenfly bleachers, three seats high, have been erected for thie conven- ience of those who like f0 be seafed. They will comforfably accommodate about 200 persons. The diamond if- self lias been levelled and scraped and areas around bases and along lines cleared of grass and presents a pretty ground picture of symetrY andi neafness. It is doubtful if its like can be found on the north shore of Lake Ontario between Toronto andi Kingston. The only f ault is that the ouffield la not large enougli. Long flues ta the lef t for instance of ton f ind their mark against the limbs of Mr. Purdy's taîl elmns or maplos or againat the roofs of Elin- hurat itself. The f irsf gaine saw Orono andi Newcastle up wth Orono soon four runs la tho lead. but towards the endi Newcastle overtook their quon- dam rivais and won ouf fwo alioad. Fred Lycetf anti Ab. West pif cheti for the Clarke Capitals andi Geo. Walton for the home team. The second game was between Kendial and Starkviile. There was lots of base irunnng and the score mounted up f0 19 to 17 in favor of the far northerners. If was then Newcastle's duty to play the wnnlng Kendalifes. AI!. Graham i ptchod for the locala la this gaine andi kepf lis opponents down f0 2 runs whill Newcastle pileti up about 10 notwifhstanding Captain Geo. Walton was knocked ouf by a pitdheti bail early infthe gaine requiring a roarrangement of the positions. The members of th~e Newcastle wnning teain were: Stan Graham, c; Geo. Walton, P; Al! Grahami, 1sf b; Bfi Hennings, 2nd b; Earl Wal- ton, 3rd b, and first basf; BM Brunt, as; Ray Brown, r.f; John Rlckard. cf; A! Garroti. Chas. Thackray, Murray Butler, 11: W. E. PurdY. scorer. The Girls' 50f tbail feain wif h the assistance of the manager, Geo. Crowtlier. conducteti a refreshinent boofli and diti a rushing business befween games and afer fhe final. The prises for the fournament were given ouf in the community hall in the evening, precoding the dance. Dr. J. A. Butler. Preaident of the Newcastle Basebaîl calleti tho large assemblage to order anti asketi Reevo W. P. Rickard f0 present the big Community Cup f0 fhe wlnning foam o!flhe day. Reeve Rickard con- gratulateti the Basebail Club on the fine condition andi appoarance of the baseball park and diamond and felicitateti Manager S. E. Sfacey andi ftle Newcastle feain on their two wina o! the day. Dr. Stacey receiveti fthe cup amidat the cheers of the gathereti crowds. The flrst Coin- munit y cup was won permanently by Orono in 1923-24-25. The second was won permanently by Newcastle, Kendal havlng had If la their pos- session for one year. The present cup lias now been won twlce by Newcastle anti once, in 1931, by Starkvle. A new prise fhis year for the wla- ning teain o! the tournainent lsaa firsf qualif y decker, a personal gif f f rom the five members o! the Mun- icipal Coundil and f1e Clerk H. C. Bonat han. The secrefary o! the adjudication commit tee, Rev. Thos. Wailace, Newfonville. andi the secretary o! the Newcastle bail club. Mr. Thos. A. Rotiger, conductedth le presenta- NATIVE GROWN CARROTS 6-1m L50 LARGE, RIUE FRUI Blueberriies a= 1L70 Matches ELUNIN 3 i% 231l àm EXCEPTONAL VALUE SALT Vw-G 2 PI. 7 COIe QUALHTY-AILUER OR WAUPOOS BRM<NDS TOMATOES ROSE BRAN PICKLES m LAIJNDRY SOAP-LESS LABOR,, GREATER CODWOBT SUNLIGHT AYLMER GREEN LABEL-ORANGE M«armalade !F[NEST QUALITY NEW SEASON SPRING LAMB TENDER lb 22 ChopiLOINA» RIB 25o BACON BREAKFAST STYLE SIE Ille SMOKED SICD 1 SALMON #Au 36a BrARS 47 a 270 INEST QUAITY A & P 91EE]CTIED BIEEF Roasts PjIm ,b.20, A TENDEDLICIOUS ROAST Doiled Ram FINEST b 0 THINLY ULICED 29 0 0 PIETHE BT TEE lbo. 0 DES PRCESPAID To PRODIJCEIR'S FOR EGGS. ASK OUR STORE MANAGER. -CqR T A L ANT C 0 P C-« £: Meat Manager: G. McCoy. Grocery Manager: P. Williams. We Deliver-Extra Charge loc. Phono No. a3. Bowmanville. (percontage bass)-John Rickard. Most walks per gaine (percentage basis)-Bill Honnings. Newcast le. Beat catcher or recover-Stani Graham, Newcastle. Player with largeatf amily-Ab. West, Orono. NEWCASTLE LADY BOWLERS WVIN IN INDSAY Mesdames Percy Hare, J. A. But- ler, C. T. Baffy anti J. R. Fisher mo- tored f0 Lndsay laut Saturday and participated inl thaft twn's bowling tournamenf. They bowled against a Peferboro rink andi played two gamea against Lindsay rinks. wln- nlng ftle whole fhree andi recelviag the plaudifs o!f tho spectators. The rules o! the tournament were ra- fher peculiar la thaf flore was no provision for a prize for any rink winning fhree gaines but only for the rinks maln the highest anti second hlghest points in two gaines. The Newcast le ladies scoreti as fol1- lows: Againsf Peferboro. 15-4; ag- ainsf Lindsay rinks, 12-5 and 9-6. Havlag won the firsf two gaines fhey would have been in the prise 1st, hadt hey gone easy on fhe third andi lot fbeir opponents wla; but good sporfsmanship impelledtifhem ta play the game, prise or no prise. Mrs. Butler sklpped wifh Mrs. Fishi- or as vice skip. The Lindsay ladies served refreshinents and were real charmlng hosfesses by aIl reports. The Lord shall guide fhee confin-' ualy.-Isa. 58:11.1 August Bedding S AL E Siminon's Bed Outfit consisting of high grade seamiess steel bed in walnut finish, link sping and cotton mattress of new and dlean filling - August Sale Price... $I14.95 Bed Outfit consisting of Sinimons walnut finished steel bed, link spring and high grade spring-filled mattress bearing five year guarantee, August Sale Price ................ $29*75 NORTHCUTT & SMITII Furniture Dealers - Funeral Directors Ambulance Service Low Rates Phones 58, Residence 523 or 276 Cottage Rolis l.12e FoIB ette r Car PerformanceI Lower Engine UpkeepI bsk for OTOR Crown.Domixdon 011 Co., Lizited, Distributor St. Cathariries Hamnilton Toronto PAGE BLEVEN

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