THE CANADIAN STATP~MAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 111h, 1932 PAGE TEEE I OBITUARY William D. Irwin, Bowmanviile IeatI. ccurred at his home on Churhtreet on Thuraday morn- mng, Auguat 4th, of William D. Ir- win, aged 44 years. Mr. Irwmn had been ill for some months and his death was flot unexpected. He was born near Bancroft in Hastings County and. was educated and lived in that district for many years. Coming to BowmanviUle about ten years ago, Mr. Irwin became an em- ployee of the Goodyear Tire & Rub- ber Co., at which f actory he has yWorked clurinig most of his residence in Bowmanvllle. Deceased was a member of St. Andrew's PresbyterianI Church and of Purpie Guards, L. O. L. No. 2384. He is survived by his wlfe andi one child, Mary, both at home, and his aged mnother, also at home. The funeral service was held from his late residence on Friday night when Rev. Frank C. Harper, B. A.. B. D.. Minister of St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church. Cobourg, conduct- ed the service. At the conclusion of this service a brief service was con- ducted by the Orange Order under County Master A. G. Holliday. On Saturday the rèmains were taken to Fort Stewart, Hastings Co.. where from the home of his uncle. Mr. Chas. Parkhurst. he was buried. Interment was made in Carlow Cern- etery. Mrs. W. D. Pazkhurst, Oshawa Edna May Lee (andi infant dau-: ghter, wife of William D. Park- hurst, 272 Grooms Avenue, Oshawa, died at her home Wednesday, Aug- ust 3rd. She was twenty-three years of age. Mrs. Parkhurst had resideti in Oshawa with her husband for the past five years. Previously to that they lived in Bowmnanville where Mrs. Parkhurst was born. They had attendeti Knox Presbyterian Church since going to Oshawa. Mr. Park- hurst was a former employee of General Motors andi lately has been working at the Park-wood Fa.:rn, north of Oshawa. Mrs. Parkhurst is surviveti by her husband andi three children. Grace. ageti 5; Robbie. 3: Eleanor, 1. Fer mother. Mrs. S. Lee. resides in Bow- manville. aiso two sisters, Mrs. Peter Martin. Aice Lee. and one brother, Harry Lee. The funeral took place f rom the home of Mrs. S. Lee. corner cf Church andi St. George Streets, Bowmanville, on Saturday after- noon. Interment at Bowmanville Cemetery. Mm. A. E. Berry, Oshawa Aler a short illness there passeti away at the Hospital, Oshawa, on Monday, August lst, Truby Eleanor Grace Smith. beloved wife of A. E. Berry, 331 Kingsdale Ave., Oshawa, In her 2th year. She was a dau- ghter of Mrs. Minnie Smith andi the late Mr. E. Smith of Bowmanville, and was born in Napanee. She had livet i n Oshawa for the last four years. She is survlved by her hus- band axyl one son, by her mother' tansd two7sisters. Mrs. Luther Nichols I *Bowmanvllle, and Miss Jean Smith, Oshawa. The funeral was helti on August S3rd, ut the home of her sister, Mrs. Nichols, Carlisle Ave., Bowmanviile, & the service being conducted b e R N J. W. Buriner. assisted by Rev.-W .J I A. Buriner. Members of the Ordler _________________ of Chosen Frientis attendeti and took part in the service at the (Fromn The News August 4th.) grave. The paîl bearers were, L. B. Nichola, C. Burtch, E. Free, W. Miss M. E. Waddell, Toronto, ia H. Nichols, C. H. Mason and Nor- holidaying at home. man Alun. Interment was madie Mr. and Mrs. Percy Rickaby a.nd in Bowmanville Cemetery. daughter, are with his sister, Mrs. H. Many beautiful floral tributes J. Souch, Clarke Union. were received from frientis and re- Miss Elma and Vida Tourjee and latives including: Wreathis-Hus.. frienti Miss Bruce and Master Jerry bandi andi Family, Mother and Sis- were home at Mr. A. Tourjee's over ters. Neighbors of Oshawa, Nurses the week-end. Ontario Hospital, Toronto; Spray- Misa Gladys Cobbledick recently Mr. andi Mrs. Ciifford Burtch. Osh- passed her Junior Vocal examina- awa. Mrs. E. L. Osborne and family, tion at Toronto Conservatory, ob- Douglas andi Eslia Nichols, Mr. and tamning forst clase honora. Mrs. Wilson AIýernethy. Reta Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Stan Seymour and Knight andi mother, Mr~. and Mrs. family of Toronto. are holidayîng Clarencç ijurtch, Oshawa, Mr. and with his parents. Mr. anti Mra. Geo. Afrs. Gardiner, Oshawa, Mms, Turri- seytourl bull anti Mrs. Brodie, Oshawa, Mr. Mr. andi Mra. Sid Brooks, Courtice, and Mrs. W. H. Nichols, Vvian andi spent Sunday with frientis in town. Buti Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie They were accompanieti by her bro- Nichols, Mr. and Mra. Wm. Luxton, ther, Mr. B. J Hall, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Stan. Preston, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Neil McKenzie andi Mrs. D. W. Yerex. Mr. and Mrs. B. Miss Eniti, Toronto, are enjoyiiig E. Ingham. Mr. andi Mrs. H. Hooper, vacation with her parents, Mr. and Buti Hooper. Misa D. Dilling, Miss Mrs. T. Smith. E. Sellers. Mr. J. Eagleson andi Mrs. B. Among the relatives and frientis Eagleson, Mrs. T. B. Penlound, Osh- ..resent were: Mr. andi Mrs. W. Moz- awa. were weekend visitors of Mrs. ier. Mr. anti Mrs. Chas. Jackson, R. Fowîer. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. McClennen, Mrs. Misa Isabelle Allun is visiting hier Walter Terry. Os~hawa; Mr. and Mrs. brother and sisters, Rev. and Mrs. D. W. Yerex. Whitby: Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Allin and Miss Laura Allin. at Eell, Mr. andi Mrs. Free, andi Mr. Ed. Onargo. Ill. Pree, Seeley's Bay. Mr. John S. Smith, Toronto, andi daughter, Miss Lola Smith, Wind- CARD 0F THANES sor. are spending the sumnier ut -- their country home, north Mill St. Mmmý. Smith and family desire to Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Sleep, Mr. anti thank their many frientis for the Mrs. George Hawe, Mr. and Mrs. kmndness anti sympathy extendeti to Charles Mowat and little June were them in their bereavement by the week-end visitors at Mr. J. E. Rich- death of her daughtem. Mrs. A. E. ards. Berry. and for the beautiful floral Messrs Lawrence Allen, George offeings. Armstrong andi Norm. Winter motor- ed to North Bay for the week-end. Capt and Mrs. Gamey, Mrs. C. G. "THE WEE ROAD" Armstrong, Misa Glenn Gamey and Mr. Harry Carpenter spent the hol- (Traverseti often by the author ictay in Omemee, guests of Miss M. in Scotland.) Adams. I'vetraelle it~ IMrs. Wes Elliott. Kendal. and Mr. I'e rvele t nautumn, andi Mra. James Tamblyn have gone When the wind was sobbmng sad; con a motor trip to North Bay. And the nict was like a curtain, Mr. anti Mrs Elbert <Bob) Gams- Pull of rain. by. Hamilton and Misa Rosaline I've travelleti il on days- Gamnsby visiteti their father, Mr. When the spring time made me Len Gamsby over the week-end. AniIdgivl hwrd, Miss Kathleen Artiron and Mr. El- Tod tragveth l t ood Fennell. Toronto, were guests To tavelit aain.of Miss Mary Smith; retumning It lingera in my mem'mie, Monday with Mr. Frank Ardron anti Like a song of long ago; Misses Kathryn Hall and Edra Best. Sung across the meeting blue, Mr. W. J. Stutt in passing from On a f summer day. one upper room of his residence to An sthe yeurs swing by me, another in the dark Monday even- My dreamy footsteps rove; ing t00k a wrong turn and plunged Down the littie roati I knew, tiown the stairway fortunately es- To take my way. caping serious injury. i se tha roa at awnm fri and Mrs. Earl Grady and 1 se tat oadat awnngfai. Hamilton, motored mbt town I'm seeing it at dark; 'Sunday to spend a day at her moth- When the zephyr winds were waf ting cr's. Mrs. C. G. Armstrong; Misses From the West. i Earline, Ruth anti Master Bill re- I'd give the world to heur ugain, mnaining for a short holiday. The singing of the lark; Cupt. J. C. Gamey leaves on Sut- Down that crooketi roati I knew, urday for Lennoxville, Que., where And loved the best. he will spenti two weeks in the prac- tical part of his Militia Staff Off - The years are sllpplng by me, cers Course. Like the spray along the shore; Mr. anti Mrs. M. Brealin enter- Or the happy things that set, taineti vislting relatives over the Our heurts aglow.1 holiday week-end. D. R. H. Brealin, But there's flot a day goes by me, o f Wiliston, N. Dak., anti his sister, But my mlnd goes back Of yore; Ailene, are remnaining in Orono for To the bonne roati I loveti, . Auguat. Long, long ago. Mr. anti Mrs. John Henry anti -John D. Keachie daughtem, accompanieti by Mrs. Fred 2524 Yonge St. . Cornish, motoreti out to Bobcaygeon Toronto, July lSth, 1932 mnd spent Sunday with Mr. anti Mrs. Wallace Thurston ut their beautiful farra home. ie l k At the morning service at Park H at Service Street Church on Sunday, Misa A. Suggitt, Toronto, sang very sweetly o h "'The Namne 0f Jesus is so Sweet.' Canaian Medical Ass9ciation The staff of the Canadian Bank of Commerce are enjoying their summer vacation, Messrs Webb TEETH AND HEALTH Smith anti Wintiatt having spent two weeks ut their homes; George Gooti teeth are not only useful Smith anti A. Willoughby motoreti anti ornamental, but what la of te Pittsburg, Pa. more importance la the fact that Mr. anti Mrs Cecil Scott anti son they make for gooti health. Il Murray, West Guilford. Halibur- would seem, therefore, that everyone ton County, are spending a couple would want 10 have sounti, heulthy of weeks ut his father's Mr. O. Scott, teeth. anti other relatives in the district. Gooti teeth are the product of Miller's Worm Powders are not gooti building materials. You cari- surpasseti by any other preparation not have gooti teeth if you do flot as a vermifuge or worm destroyer. take into your body with your f ooti Indeeti, there are few preparations the substances requiret int the con- that have the merit that it has to struction of strong, sounti teeth. recommenti it. Mothers, aware of From before birth, on through the its excellence, seek its aid ut the years of growth, durmng which time firat indication of the presence Of the teeth are being built Up, the diet worms in their children, knowlng of the mother and chilti must con- that it is a perfectly trustworthy tain, along with other f ood essen- medicine thalt Will give lmnmetiate tials, the mineraL5 requiredto make and lasting relief. good bousa and teelli. Durham Regiment Band of this These mineraIS are availuble in town. M. J. Tamblyn director. is mill, f resh vegetubles, fruits anti recognizeti as one of the best smaîl whole grain cereals. Unlesa these town bands in Central Ontario anti fooda are uset inl sumfcient quuntity tlieir services are steadily becom- by the expectant anti nursing moth- ing more in demanti. The bandi now er, anti by the chilti durlng his Years number some thirty-five instru- of growth, the teeth will be of poor ments. During the past month they qulilty anti will not llkely be healthy filleti outsitie engagements ut Tor- in spite of the cure which may be onto, Brooklin, Millbmook, anti Civic given 10 them luter. Holiday ut Wellington where a re- This does not mean that the teeth gatta anti sports day was stageti. are te be neglecteti. The teeth are Mr. anti Mrs. Jack Leishnian, t0 be kept dlean by regular brushing. Newmarket. spent Civic Holiday ut The best teeth are the resuit 0f pro- her father's. Mr. George Mitchell. per f oodi anti regular cleariing. Even Mr. anti Mrs. S. M. Hughes, Dun-J poorly built leeth, the result of im- dus, are enjoying a short holiday, proper diet, benef il by the regular with his sister, Mra. A. Henry. use of the 1001h brush. Miss Agnes Balmer, Mr. Rex The 1001h brush shoulti be useti Thompson and Miss Helen Speeti, aller each meal 10 remove particles Toronto, were visitersaut Mrs. Roy's. of food remaining about the teeth. Miss Mary W. Somerville ha suc- These particles remuiniug lu the cessfully passeti the examiriations at mouth decay anti ferment, anti so, the Ontario College of Education, leadti t damage of the enamel. This Toronto. can anti shoulti be avoideti. The Mr. Roy H. Cornish hus been ap- moat important tlune 10 dcean the pointed Principal of Port Perry Pub- teeth, the lime which shoulti neyer lic School. ROY was assistant 10 the be neglecteti, is afler the evening principal of thia f ive-moom school meal before retimlug. last terni, when his marketi ability1 The health 0f the teeth anti of the as a teacher anti director 0f sports1 gums has a very direct influence were quickly recognizeti.1 upon the general health. Tue pres- Persian Balm is unrivalleti for1 ence of a small amount of pus aI promoting feminine loy e 1 i n e s s. tîhe root of a 1001h. the result of the Tones anti rejuvenates the siin, activity of some germs. may be re- Makes il exquisitely soft-textureti. sponsible for serious conditions amis- Makes hantis flawlesaly white. Es- ing in other parts of the body. Tue pecially recommendedti 1 soothe anti tooth may look healthy, even though elieve roughness or chafing causeti il has hitiden lu ils root this col-i by weather conditions. Indispens- lection of poison. Your denîltwl, able 10 every damnty woman. Cool if you give hlm the opportun.itywfby anti refreshing. Delicately frag- regular visits 10 his offce, detect anti ranI. Magical lu results. Neyer correct such conditions before they leaves a vestige of stickiness. Per- can do harm. sian Balm is the one toilet equlite Healthy teeth cari be secureti anti for the woman who cames for. charmn kept healthy by eatlug the right anti elegance. kinds of foodi; by regular cleanlug Mm. nti rs. . W olphantianti by regular periodic dental sup- tleM isa and bru Aun, W om adervision anti treatment when re- led by Mr. anti Mrs. H. G. MacDon- quireti. In this way, not only willl alti anti Mr. anti Mr. Leonard ParP the health of the teeth be careti for, humet. orotespen th weken but the general health of the body ut Morris' cottage, Lake Scugog. wilbussetaniheodrp- Prizes awarded aI Newcastle Fielti tecteti agaluat the seriaus menace DaY o Oono layrswhich arises from diseaseti teeth. Dy1Orn paeswere: Ab. Qetoscnenn elhad West, largeat f amiîy, one dollars~QetoscnerlgHutui worth of breuti; Most hits, 'Yardley's dressedt 1 the Canadian Medical As- shavug it; arlMcCtchen, estsociation, 184 College Street, Tor- oulfng ie;ler, cCt geo, be ontowilllbe answereti personafly by ers* Glenville ~S.0cash ___________ coupon ut Matchett's; R.oy Sleep, oldeat player, pack. cigars; îi Worms in chiltiren, if they be not Cooper. longest hit, box tellet soap; attendedti 1, cause convulsions, anti A. Lytle, best 2nd buseman, alarm 0f len death. Mother Graves' Worm dlock; Roy Lylle, youngest player, Exterminater wfll protect the chilti- cigarettes. ren from these distresslug afflictions. Packed full of tender, plump, uncrusbed Sultanas, retaining the fine flavor of the fresh fruit. Just as wholesome as they are delicious. 'e Chrigies Sultanas VÀkATION IOWTQURIST[RE PAIRK 'vRIi COAST Ilda summertaoe zpt e afoeworfvuit the Coast yeu'e lwa.ys owrlgta.1-crosatcote. Prooelaed Yonrself. Stop ofz orSe. hundreds of tmiles cf sy a fw dy.of ol atbeutiulpierclng mountains. Felizw Minainl the Lake of the the rushing, tumblnujrase WoodsDlawjict. See the Prairies River toVancouver. Vst Vie. at their best. toria. Plan a trip Stay awhlle at Obanfl nteAlaska. aie National OtifM normation re FUifrail Lk' and y gares, reservations Fetc.torwU the healthy, te VANCOUVïR, , Vqga thft5 routes, happy recrea. VICTORIA, SEATTLE aes, etc" jiem» TACOM, PORLANI5auyAgentolu.a. tioste"Lod e" TCM, RL*ýdadiau Naclonal provids-in tc and JASPER NATIONAL PARK from your noircit Agent CANADANNANAL RAILWAYS ~0U~Because out used car stock is paticularly low at this tdme, we can effet the greatest values in brand new 1932 Willys-Overland moter cars ever offered in Canada, For the next thi.rty days eut Special 2-Peint Suie will flot euly enable yen te purchase oeeof thse smart-, powerful Wilys-Overland or Willys-Knight models at a remarkably Iow price, but wil aise, permit you ta tutu in your present car ut a price much beyond that wbich yen could reasonably expect for it. Retnember this is distinctly flot a clearance sale. It is au effort en eut pant te stirulate summner buyiug and ut the sarne urne fil eut eut stock of used cars-fat wbich there is always a markec. Coen ii t yu ais ovenieue POINT ONE yu erietcNc* Present Willys-Oveland Prices Offer the Greatest Motor Car Values in Canada THE CANADIAN STATI:SMAN, BOVMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST llth, 1932 PAGE TEPM e C*l US Lui' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .