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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Aug 1932, p. 9

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TEE CANADIAN BTATMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 25tb, 1932 PAGE NIHE àhiOus For Days At Tîme Until She Took Vegetable PiUls Gratefully, Mrs. C. writes: "The first dom of your wonderful Carter's Litt le lvrPleà v e me great relief ai ter every mernin1 tried failed." Because they are PURELY VEGE- nALa tle effective tonic to bot h bowran r e, Dr. Carter's Little Liver Pis are without equal for cor- recing Constipation, Acidity, Head- aches, Poor Complexion and Indiges- tien 25r- & 75c. red pkgs. everywhere. Ask for Ctoe'by NAME. The hlghest and most lofty trees have the most rean ta dread the thuxder.-Charles Rollin. I think thse first virtue is ta, re- strain the tangue; he approaches xearest ta the gods wbo knows haw ta be silent. even tbough he is in the right.--Cato. Tbat is a deep anid wlde saying, that na miracle can be wrought withaut faith-without tise worker's faith in himself. as well as the re- cipient's faith li hlm. And the greater part o! the worker's faith in himself is made up o! the f aitis that others believe la him.-George Eliot. IQWTQURISTF[ARS NATiOcNAL FACIFIC ~\COAST ALASKA This sumnmer take the trip ta Von cati follaw vour favaurite the Coas yu've aJways sport right across the continent. promiscd Yoursef. Stop off for See hundred.s of Miles of sky- a few days of golf at beautifpier artain@. Follow Minaki, in the Lake ofth the rhiýng. xýumbling Framer Woods Dtict. Secethe Prairie& River toVancouver. Viit Vic- at their best. toria. Plan atrip Stay awbile atta Alaska. i N atioa Obtain Full information re lzrk rand eny fores, reservations, etc., Full infonmation the hea y, to VANCOUVER, rEardirues,et.frn happy recrea. VICTORIA, SEATTIE fae, Aet.of-ro tions the'l-ode TACOMA, PORTLAND au atnCalf provides--in c and JASPER NATIONAL Radian atin PARK rom yeur nearest Agent. T2 w CANADAN NTIONAL RAI LWA&Ys Again the Warning I is repeated about BARN FIRES "The Ontario Fire Marshal is the authority for the statement that the saiting of hay diminishes the danger of barn fires from spontaneous combustion. Sait also makes hay more palatable and animais thrive on it. There is therefore a double benefit. We seli the finest grades of Windsor Sait and are eager to suppiy your needs. Don't wait until fire has struck. Buy it now. GENUINE SCOTCH ANTHRACITE COAL (More Heat with Less Asb) When buying coal you will agree it is heat you expeet, not huge piles of ashes. This Scotch coal is guaranteed to produce more heat than American coal, With one-third as much ash. Sheppard & iii Lumber Co. Invite Loss? No one need ever take a financial loss because his home might burn. Our com- plete fire insurance pxotects your home - and iikewise your pocket book - in the event of fire destroying your property. Don't invite los... insure your home and prevent it. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers KING STREET PHONE 50 BOWMDANVULLE ORONO (From The News, August l8th.> Mi-s. W. H-. Kelley, Toronto, is visiting her niece. Mrs. H. G. Mac- Donald. Mr.' and Mrs. Delbert Gibson, Oshawa, are visiting at bis father's, Mr. M. Gibson. Col. and Mrs. J. W. Odeli and niece, Miss Dorothy Hopkins, Co- bourg, caJled on f riends on Satur- day. Rev. Levi Halfyard, B. A., of Tot- tenbam, occupied the pulpit, Park Street Church, on Sunday, bis ser- mons being well received. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Seymour and Mrs. Gordon Suggitt, Toronto, are holidaying with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Seymour. Mrs. John McRae, Glasgow, Scot- land, and Miss Jessie McRae, Tor- onto. spent the weekend with their cousins. Mrs. John Mcflae and son John. The appointment was announiced by the Minister of Education of Miss Loreen Lorriman to position of tea- cher in Normal and Model schools, Ottawa. Miss Edyth Cowan, former Matron at Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, friends will be pleased to learn is much improved from ber recent op- erations. Mrs. W. C. H. Mitchell was taken suddenly critically iUl Saturday ev- ening week and rushed to the hos- pital wbere she was operated on for appendicitis. Mrs. Salisbury, Betty, Katherine and Jim, wbo spent a month's holi- day witb Mr. and Mrs. Orley Chap- man, have returned to their home in Evanston, Ill. Mr. 1. T. Chapman, Kirby. a Dir- ector of the Maple Leaf Fire Insur- ance Co., and Mr. T. Smith, local agent. attended Board meeting of Directors at Columbus. Mrs. Addie McArthur (nee Addie Moulton) bas returned f rom a cou- ple of weeks' visit with f riends at Ottawa, and is leaving shortly on bier return to British Columbia. Miss Kathleen Staples bas return- ed f rom Caldwell, N. J., with Mrs. I. L. Evans and daughter, Miss Catb- erine, wbo will spend a week or two with Mrs. Evans' mother. Mrs. Bea- misb. Mr. and Mrs. H. Junker and son Freddy. Lakefield, and Dr. and Mrs. Percy Ross and f amily, Eleanor and Hubert, of Detroit, Mich., spent Sunday at Mrs. Sisson's and other relatives here. Orono Tennis and Badminton Club. Memorial Park, was organized bere with Mrs. J. C. Gamey presi- dent; Mr. A. A. Drummond, vice- president; Maurice Windatt, secre- tary-treasurer. Rev. William Sterling. Coîborne, was recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Cobbledick, and in company with them lef t for London. Mr. and Mrs. Cobbledick going on to Lucan to visit bis brother-in-law. Mr. Wm. Elliott. Mrs. Kennedy. Chicago, Ill., dau- ghter of the late Zolmnan Hall, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Bae- man, Federal Reserve Bank at Chi- cago, Ill., made a short visit witb ber cousins, Mr. R. Z. Hall and sis- ter, Miss Minnie Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oillies of Aurora. spent Tbursday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Evans, motoring in fromn Yelverton where they had been bolldaylng at bis sister's, Mrs. Hen- ders. Mr. Gillies is the honored School Inspector for North York. Mrs. W.-H. Adams, of Aurora, and sister, Miss Dove. spent a few days in town this week, guests of Mrs. Halliday. Mrs. Adams was a well- known resîdent of Orono 33 years ago, at whicb time ber husband. the late Rev. W. H. Adams. was a pop- ular pastor of the Metbodist Chureh here. Durbam. County bas an enviable reputation as an apple growing dis- trict, but the most up-to-date fruit- man would wonder what had gone wrorig wîth you should you suggest, that a superior class of peaches could also be cultivated. Yet this, was demonstrated wben E. J. Han= expert gardener and f armer motored into town with several baskets of the home grown varlety. They were a fairly large sample, well colored, and of a choice luscious fiavar. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sherwin and son Milfred. attended the Black- Sherwln familles re-unlon beld at Victoria Park, Cobourg, on Saturday. Aug. l3th. About 100 members of the f amlly connections gathered f rom various parts of Ontario. Tor- onto, Oshawa, Peterboro, etc. These familles, of Englisb and Irish de- scent, came to Canada close toaa century ago, settling chlefly in the Warkwortb district, Northumber- land County. The day was enjoy- ably spent li various kinds of games. ath dinner and supper were served Why suifer headache, or any other pain, whea ZUTOO TABLETS, taken whsui f001 It condng on, wIlI glwe relieflni 2D)rminutes.Harmieu and re. lib& Le by thaus- ands,1 IN THE DIM and DISTANT PASTj TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From The Statesînan, Aug. 21, 1907 .The horse and buggy, wbich was stolen f rom Thomas Mahoney, Bell- haven, and captured by Chief Jar- vis, makes the seventeenth stolen horse returned by him ta its rigbtful owner since he bas been Chief Con- stable of Bowmanvlle. A jolly aId time was had Satur- day evenixig by the West Side Beachers. It is a custom with the west siders ta have one good annual blow out every summer, a sort of Sunday school annlversary wben the kids enjoy the fireworks and ice ~cream. the elderly fol1k eacb others company and the young people en- tertain their less favored f riends f rom up town and other places. J. E. McMillan, formerly of Bow- manville. and for many years sher- if! o! Victoria City, B. C., is dead. He was founder of the old Bowxn- ville Messenger. Douglas Fletcher, son of Mrs. John Fletcher, is offered $1000 cal- ary as teacher in Cobalt school. He bas accepted. Mr. Thos. J. McMurtry bas bougbt the fine resîdence occupied by him- self and Dr. A. S. Tilley. on Church St., also the land at the rear f rom Mr. W. C. King. Bowmanville High Scbool seems ta have carried off the bonors for Durham County at the Junior teach- ers examinations. Of 25 successful candidates 12 were f rom this school, the balance being distributed be- tween Port Hlope, Newcastle and Millbrook. Orono: Miss Edna Barrabaîl was thrown fram ber rig. ber horse be- ing frigbtened by an automobile. Her injuries were flot serious, The sudden death of Mrs. Richard Brown on Friday came as a" great shock to the commumitY. She was seized with a stroke o! paralysis be- lieved to bave been brought on by the striking o! ber barns by light- ning a week before. D. 0. & P. Ca. Band serenaded Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Darch the other evening after band practice and presented tbem with a china dinner set. A very successful lawn social was held under the auspices o! the R. C. Chureh on Mr. Thos, Bottrell's lawxi Tuesday evexinxg. Newsfor the BuyFre Preliminary estimate o! the yield per acre o! variaus crops over the province is as f ollows: Wbeat, 30.1 bushels; f aU rYe, 17.2 bushels; hay and claver, tons per acre. 1.37; al- f al! a, tans per acre, first cutting, 1.79. Trade in Faa'm Products A statemexit just issued by the Ic Dominion Bureau o! Statictics ecti- ' mates the total o! Catada'c trade lnua' farm products for tise fiscal year h 1931-32 at $308.480.201; o! this am- ount $224.728.269 represexits fanm praduets exported while $90.751.932 reprecents fanr productc imnported. Ontario Fara Organizatiens Show lArge Annual Turnover Figures reveal that during the past year 42 Oxtario farmers' co- operatives embraclag 28,000 mem- bers did an average yearly business per member o! $587. This does not by any means represexit all o! the co-operative effort in the province. It does tend to show. however, tisat farmers -are uniting li their efforts ta keep li business. The cixteexi million and a bal! dollars worth a! business conducted by those includ- ed li the above figure represents1 sales o! live stock, wool, dairy pro- duets. poultry products. fruit and vegetables. seed and grain and mis- cellaneous products anid the pur- chase for resale to members o! such articles as machinery, f eed. fertiliz- ers, twine and many other tbIngs. Censuis Farm Flgures Figures released by the Bureau o! Statisties i coxinection with the census taken last year show that the number o! f anslan Ontario bas de- creased f rom 198,053 la 1921 ta 192,174 in 1931, a difference o! 5,779 f arms. The number o! Ontario farmc by acre content la givexi as follows: 1 ta 10 acres, 15,934; il ta 50 -acres, 30,605; 51 ta 100 acres, 68,620; 101 ta 200 acres, 58,295; 201 ta 299 acres, 9,451; 300 acres anid over, 9,269. Another report shows the number o! automobiles on Canadian f armc to have lncreased from 157,000 li 1921 to 321,300 la 1931. Ontario bas by far tise largest xiumber 0f'cars, 125,716. It bas also 14,586 motor trucks. Other farm machliery la llcted as follows: Tractors, 19,000, gasolixie engixies 45,000, binders 124,- 000, threshing machines 8,400, cream separatars 127,000, milking machines 4,000, silos 35,700, electrie motors 9,600. A total o! 32,294 farms in! Ontario bave gas or electrlc llght,'J 41,380 have radio, 103,932 have tele- phone, 20,154 water plped li the kit- chen, and 12,179 piped in the bath-> room. Ensilage Oats, Pesanad Vetches The following excerpts from the annual report o! the Dominion Fieldi Husbaxidman for 1931 wlll be o! special laterest ta farmers who in- clude oats, peas anid vetches for exi- silage la their general crop plan: Qats, pesanaxd vetebes la the. dough stage produce a hlgh yleld o! goad quallty ensilage anid cutting at this stage la ta be recommended aven earller or later cuttinga. 1, It la not advisable ta allow the' oats, peas axid vetch crop ta wllt more than two or tbree bours be- fore exisillng. Adding water ta aats, peas and vetches does not improve the quai- lty o! ensilage. Oats, peas anid vetcbes put lnto thse silo wlthaut cuttlag wi.J1 praduce ensilge wb.lcb la mouldy anid fot fit for feed. TIse lengtb a! time la atorage ap- FTPFY YEARS AGO From The Statesman, Aug. 25, 1882 W. R. Allun, Darlington, bad two cowc killed by llghtning on Tuesday night. Charles Coleman of this town commltted suicide by taking corros- ive sublimaîte on Saturday. He died Manday morning. The public schools la rural sec- tions re-opened on Monday last. The blgh and public schools of Bawmaxille will re-open Monday, Sept. 4th. Tbe excursion to Rochester by the D. O. & P. Ca. Band was one a! the pleasantest events of the seasoxi. Although the day on which the ex- cursion started presaged evil and Lake Ontario was showing ber sil- very teetb, towards evening the storm abated and none of those who embarked suffered cea slckness. The annual exhibition under the united auspices o! the West Durham and Darligton Agricultural Socie- ties will be beld, on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 3rd and 4th, la Bowmanville. On Sunday night last, Brittain& Co.'s store was brokexi into by burg- lars. They made their entrance through a window fading Division Street by breaklng a pane a! glass and pushing back the fastenlng when the windaw was raiseds wit1h- out diffculty. The side doors o! the store were apened s0 that if caught in their work they could make an escape. Lots o! groceries, tobacco, etc.. were taken away. A futile at- tempt ta farce open the saf e was also made. Orano: Our village was thrown ixito considerable excitement last week by a repart tbat one o! our young men isad tried ta end bis earthly career by taking 2 oz. 0f laudanum. He was seen by a lady who quickly gave the alarmn. A stomach pump and careful watchlng througb the night saved hic 11f e. <Since receiving tise above report we have learned that the lad bas now committed suicide by cutting hic throat.) Advt.-A good wife guaran tee t every maxi buying bis marriazge uc- 1 ense f ram Henry Sylvester, Exinis- killen. Bowmaxivile Markets: Fall Wbeat, $1.10; Qats, 47e bush.; Barley, 65c bush.; Eggs, 16e doz.; Butter, l7c lb.; New Potatoes. bush. 50c; Lard, 16c lb. pears ta have no adverse effect on oats-peas-vetch ensilage. Lots kept _________________________ in separate test silos through e __________________ iods o! three, sevexi and nine manths respectively, at the Central Expert- Persian Balm promotes dalntiness, mental Farm, Ottawa, gave excellent charn and beauty. Magical in its ensilage. Thse length o! time in effect on the skin. There is xiotbing storage apparently baving no ad- like it for creating and preserving a verse effect on the material. lovely comp>lexion. Cooling. caress- ing, it soothes anid relleves ail raugb- ness caused by weatber conditions. So long as we love, we serve. Bo Delicately fragraxit, bt enhances the long as we are loved by others I most f lnisbed appearaxice. Makes would aimost say we are indispens- the skin rose-leaf lIn texture. Truly able; and no man la useleas whilea peerless toilet requite for every he bas a friend.-R. L. Stevensaon. discerning woman. Sleep la the great nourisher a! in- fanits, and wltbout peaceful sleep the child will not tbrive. This can- not begat if thse infant be troubled with wormc. Miller's Worm Pawders wlil destroy worms and drive them f rom the syctem, and ai terwards the chlld's rest wil be undisturbed. The powders canùot injure the mast del- icate baby, and there la notling so effective for restarlng the health of a worm-warn infant. f ASTONISHINGI AMAZING I UNBELIEVABLEI Thot is What People Say About the. New "Speeclwa y" Treaci Tire et $5.00 5 4,40-21 Thtis ls a FuIIy-Guaranteecl Goodyear Tire macle with Supertwist Cords 1 Corne In end See Thtis Newest - <3odyear Triumph LOOKI1 The paes of othev popular sizes ar* just as sensational i Sise 4.50-20 - $6.1s Bize 4.75-20 $ 7.90 Size 4.50-21 - $6.25 si»e 5.00-19 -$8.2u Sise 4.75-19 - $7.70 1 Bise 5.00-20 $84 c.O A* Datlet KigStroet East, Bownmnville ýj THE CANADIAN STATBUL4N, BOWMANVMLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 25th, 1932 PAGE NINE

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