THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWANVILL. THURSDAY, AUGUST 25th, 1932 Mrs. W. Peters, Oshawa, visited Mis. Jas. Bradley. Mr. Levi Brunt bas bought Mr. David Brunt's fanm.. Mrs. Jabez Moore visited Mrs. Wm. Oke on Sunday. Rev. J. M. Whyte teok tI~ vices on Orono Circuit on SuxidaY#:' Mrs. É. Mitchell and !amily, Pon- typool, is visiting ber sister, Mrs. C. Boyd. Miss Reva McGill spent Sunday witb Miss Dorothy Kirkton, Bow- manv'ille. Rev. George Masen, Bowmanville, very ably toek the service here Sun- day eveming. Mr. Ina Travail bas the contract o! putting the stucco finish on the new Orange Hall. Miss M. E. Virtue, Toronto, spent the weekend with ber aunt, Mrs. Phylixia Mountioy. We welcome Mrs. (Dr.) H. Fergu- son te our community, who was once a fermer teacher bere. Mn. and Mrs. James H. McGill, Centreville, visited the former's pro- ther. Mr. Thos. McGill. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stainten and Clifford neturned home to Toronto on Sunday after spending their holi- days bene. Reserve Sept. 28tb for the Orange Lodge afterneon o! sports, supper and a grand concert by Toronto tal- ent. Particulars later. Mr. and Mrs. George Clemence, Verona and Walter, Stayner, visited with the f ormer's uncle, Mn. James Stainton, and other relatives. Mrs. C. Dewney and Mrs. C. Bran- ton, Oshawa, visited Mrs. E. Page. Miss Gladys Page returned te Osh- awa with them for a few helidays. Miss Normna Wright, St. Cathar- ines, spent a few days witb ber bro- ther. Mn. Edgar Wright, at Mn. E. A. Werry's and aIse visited other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Robbins, Mi. Wmn. Pierce, Pickering, Misses Gertie and Winnifred Oke, Bow- manville, spent Sunday at Mn. Wes- ley Oke's. About 20 ladies attended tbe monthly meeting o! the W. M. S. whlch was beld at the home o! Mis: L. Ashton on Wednesday, Aug. l7th. The president, Mrs. Gilbert, took charge o! the opening exercises when prayen was offered by Mrs. H. J. Werny. The devotional was taken by Mrs. E. Oniiston. It was decided that. papi, ernîrnleader eet material Mr. Allan Balson read the story and solos were taken by Miss L ena Tay- lor and Mrs. Jack Yellowlees. Duets by Misses Evelyn Millson and Jessie Yellowlees and Misses Ruth McKes- sock and Ileen Balson and a quart- ette by Mrs. Jack Baker. Miss Mur- iel Baker. Mr. S. E. Werry and Mr. George Werry. The choir renderedà two anthems. which were much en- joyed. Our pastor wili be wvith us again next Sunday. MAPLE GROVE Mn. and Mrs. J. J. Bell spent Sun- day with friends in Toronto. Master Ralph Cale. Bowmanville, is bolidaying with Mn. and Mrs. J. J. Bell. Mn. Arthur Cery, Oshawa, bas been visiting bis cousin, Mn. Lloyd Metcal!. Congratulations to Mn. and Mrs. James Daupe on the arival o! an- othen daughter. Dr. Huestis, Toronto, Sec'y. o! Lend's Day Alliance, occupied the pulpit on Sunday. Miss Mildned Coolidge, London, visited ber friend, Mrs. H. G. Free- man, on Wednesday. Master Teddy Laird, Georgetown, bas been visiting bis uncle and aunt, Mn. and Mrs. A. Laird. Miss Melly Hynds,' Tenante, visit- ed ber cousins, Misses May, Thelma and Lyra Freeman, on Friday. Miss Jean Stinsan and Masterj Teddy Stinson, Millbrook, have been visiting with Miss Greta Munday. Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, Oshawa, will occupy the pulpit next Sunday. in the interests o! Prohibition Union. We welcome Mn. and Mrs. Ceyne and family te aour community, hav- ing moved inta the bouse !ormerly occupied by Mn. and Mrs. Butt. Misses Annie, Florence, Helen and Doris Wilkins, Countice, Miss Beryl Wilkins, Misses Margaret and Ada Twilly, Oshawa, visited the former's uncle and aunt, Mn. and Mrs. R. L. Worden, on Wedxiesday. The Mission Band accempanied by some o! their mothers, iourneyed te, the Cneam o! Barley an Thurs- day where a very pleasant time was enjoyed by all. The aftennoon was spent in enjoying races and base- ball. BLACKSTOCK I 1 ---+ 1 HAMPTON Mrs. J. Cowlixig Is reperted under the decten's cane. Mn. T. Salter and wif e visited Greenbank on Sunday. Miss Reta Billet bas cousins f rom Fenelen Falls visiting ber. Mrs. R. Avery is ill. but at time e! writing is reponted impnoving. Mrs. W. T. Perrett and daugbter Doreen are spending a few days in Toronto. Gee. Ananeur and family have been visiting in Orono for seme days. J. B. Horn, Toronto, and !amily, Peterbero, visited relatives bere on Sunday. Mns. El! erd and two daugbters, Wininipeg, are visiting at W. G. Wilbur's. Mn. and Mrs. H. Peters, Mn. and Mrs. H. Salter spent the weekend at Coldwater. Mn. and Mis. M. Slemon, Hay- don, visited ber mothen, Mrs. C. Johns, on Sunday. Miss Ruth Johns is enjoying a week with Misses Sadie and Laura Virtue at Lake Simcoe. W. G. Doidge bas the thiesher go- ing again under management o! J. Cowling and W. G. Wllbur. A number o! youxig f olks enjoyed a corn and weiner roast at W. H. Meore's on Monday evenixig. Mn. and Mrs. Jobnsten and fain- ily, Memphis, Mich., bave ieturned after a plesant visit witb Mn. F. J. Groat. Mrs. Jas. Wamsley and family, Picton, and Mrs. Shannon, Brighton, visited at Mn. W. Horn's and called on ether fniends recently. Mn. and Mrs. Raymond Davey and daughters Laura and Jean, and son Howard, Tyrene, spent Sunday with Mn. and Mns. E. H. Cole. Mn. and Mrs. Edwin Reynolds, Misses Estella and Maude Reynolds, Bowmanville, and Mn. O. A. Gams- by. Orone, Sundayed at Mrs. A. C. Trull's. You can purchase all pickling ne- quisites at Horn's at iight pnices. Special on now-10 cts for 1-lb. tin Pink Salmnon; 13 oz. jar finest Pea- nut Butter (Hornes) 15c. OfJ reLceIIL weethe chi~uLIUcI asa ndiu applied the program wfllcfl been beautifully decorated each consisted of readings by Mrs. Gal- Sunday with a profusion of summer braith, Miss Pryor and Miss Grace flowers. The Church Board apprec- Goody; Master Jini Fallis and Sid- iate very much the kindxiess of ney Ferguson sang a duet; Beth Mc- members of the congregation who Quade, Annie Fallis and Birdie Gib- s0 kindly contributedl these flowers. son sang; Beth McQuade gave an instrumental; and Jean Sanderson $sang a solo. Af ter the program the C.W. A. served à lunch o! sand- kTYRONE wiches, cake, candy and eoa. Harvest Home services, Sept. 4th N IL and 5tb.EN ED Miss Viola Shortt recently visited >- f riends at Bobcaygeon. Sunday School at 10.30 a. m. Miss Helen Pascoe is visiting at Church service withdrawn this Sun Brussels. day. Miss Verna Cochrane bas been Messrs. Harry and Frank Hather- visitrng in Toronto. ly, Dixie, spent the weekend at Miss Ida McCulloch bas been vis- home. itmng at Bobcaygeon. Mrs. W. Taylor and Ailyn spent Miss Beech, Enniskillen, vlslted at a few days witb Miss Flora McRob- Mr. Harold Ormlston's. erts. Oshawa. Mr. and Mis. Jas. Parr, Enxiiskil- Glad to see Mr. Thomas Curtis len, visited at Mr.-)à. Parr's. able to be home again af ter spend- Mrs. Harold Wqi and childien, ing several months at Mr. Jas. Oke's, Llstowel, visited at'Mr. T. Bowman's. Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Scott, Jessie Oshawa, recently vislted at Mr. L. and Bruce, Nakina, Ont., are visit- C. Pascoe's. ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. R. Stephens anid Thomas Scott. family, Bowmanville, visited at Mr. W. M. S. will meet on Thursday, Fred Fergusofl's. Sept. 8th, instead of Sept. lst, li Miss Irene H. Bray, Toronto, is the Sunday school room. Please genjoying holldays wltb ber brother, note change of date. 1 Mr. Norman Bray, at Winnipeg. Glad to report Mrs. Fred McRob- Mani. erts doing as well as can be expected Mrs. J. Stinson, Miss M. Stinson, after two serious operations. We Mrs. H. Stinson and Mr. Norman wlsh her a speedy recovery. and Miss Vera Stinson bave been Mr. and Mrs. W. MacDonald and visitlng relatives at Janetvllle. Catherine have returned to theirj Mr. and Mrs. Preston Hurîbut, Mr. home at Cobourg after spendjig a and Mrs. Reuben Hurîbut, Kemble, couple of weeks with ber parents, land Mrs. E. W. Pascoe, Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Stewart. visited at Mr. Geo. Ormiston's. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hawkey, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. H. James and famn- and Mrs. Thomas Richards, spent lly, Columnbus, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Flid- Niddery and family, Toronto, have ley. Unionville. Master Dean Find- been visiting at Mr. J. Hepburri's. ley returned home with them for a Mr. Les Cochrane's valuable driver holiday. ran away last week. The horse was Women's Institute and Ladies' lef t alone for about a minute hitcb- TRAVEL Toronto Exhibition Specials BY Garton's Coach LUnes Comfortable up-to-date busses going daily from AUGUST 26th to SEPTEMBER lOtb, D. S. T. Ride by bus and avoid worrying about driving in heavy traffic or crowding for street cars. Leave Arrive Read Down Read Up Return A. M. Fare 7.00 Kawartha Maples 1.20 $2.65 7.10 Janetville 1.10 2.50 7.20 Yelverton 1.00 2.40 7.30 Nestieton 12.50 2.25 7.40 Blackstock 12.40 2.15 7.50 Buxiketon 12.30 2.10 8.00 En'niskillen 12.20 2.00 8.10 Hampton 12.10 1.90 8.20 Bowmanville 12.00 1.65 10.00 Toronto Exhibition Leave 10.30 p. m. Above fares include admission to Exhibition. Bus takes passengers right on to Exhibition Grounds and stays there ail day for convenience of passengers. For information p)hone Lindsay 453r33 or Bowmanville 412J. Patrons using our busses may leave their cars in parking space at Kawartha Maples or at our garage in Bowmanville free of charge. te make up, for a bale for heùsp- Miss Mari orie Galbraith is visit- ply work. Mrs. Werry then gave a ing friends in Darllngton. talk on the Missionary Monthly. Middle School results for Black- Mrs. L. Ashton and Mrs. R. Ormnis- stock school are on page 3. ton favored with a duet, with auto- Mrs. R. Mabood vlsited Mr. and barp accompaniment. Mrs. J. M. Mrs. James Neýbitt, recently. Whyte gave a splendid synopsis of Miss Helern Waldon, Toronto, is Forward wth China. telling the dif- visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith. ferent characterlstlcs o! the people, SrrtoepttatMsWm their inventions and progress under ort eptth MsWm the influence of the missionaries. Nesbitt is very 10w at time of writ- After the closing hymn and Mizpah, ing. dalnty refresbments were served by Miss Sibyl Smith, Ottawa, is vis- the hostess and group. iting Misses Susie and Olive Van- ______________________Camp. Miss Gladys Newell is spending SOLINA the week, guest o! Misses Anie and 8 Mr. G. Trewin accompanled Mr. Lowell Fallis, Cadnsus, on a motor Miss Nora Werry, Kedron, vlsted trip to the West. friends here on Suxiday'. Miss Eva Parr, Toronto, spent Master Chas. Hoar, Bownanville, Sunday with ber parents, Mr. and is visiting Master Russel Hardy. Mrs. Robert Parr. Miss Margaret LOCkWOOd of 0Osh- Miss Gwenyth Marlow is visitlng awa visited at Mr. Harold Pascoe's- ber grandparents Mr. and Mrs. D. Mr. and Mis. Jos. Awde and fam- Heaslip, Janetville. lly, Toronto, vislted at Mr. H. G. Misses Reta and Janet Swain have Pascoe's. been visitixig their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hlobbs vislted Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Marlow. Mr. and Mrs. Walton Pascoe, Bow- Mr. Eugene Beech, Enxiskillen, manville. took Rev. F. W. Newell's work on Miss Margaret McKessock vlslted Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Newell are ber cousins, Mr. and Mrs. W. j. away on bolidays. Laird, Nortb Bay. Whitby softball team (boys) play- Mrs.J. . Sith as etuneded Blackstock team at Blackstock on Mrs J.J. mih bs rturedFriday evening, Aug. l9th. Score home after a pleasant visit with To- 13-3 in favor of Whltby. ronto and Wrhitby friends. The best wishes of oun community Misses Aura Rundle, Frances Cry- are extended te Mr. and Mrs. <nee derman and Lillian Holman, BOW- Laura Bailey) Dawson who were manville. visited Miss Vera Baker. married last Saturday, Aug. 20. Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Johnston. Mil- Miss Perga Johnston and Mr. Ar- lerton, Pa., visited ber brothers, nold Johnston entertained the Messrs. John and Absolam Abra- League of the United Church with a ham. corn roast last Thursday evening. Miss Pearl Gerry, Toronto, Mr. Misses Mildred and Ella McQuade and Mrs. Ennest Larmer and fam- have returned te their home in Ai- ily. Blackstock, visited at Mr. W. T. liston after spending a month's va- Taylr's.cation with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace T.aylnd eyodsadMarlow. bayRlMr. and Mrs. J eyn Resyn Mrs. R. Mahood and Mrs. R. Ar- baby, rond, vMr. a Mr. im Jy-cher have been staying at Mr. Fred Renolds' eotvste M.W . Philp's. sorry te report that Mrs. Reynods'.Philp passes away Monday monning. Master William James and Master The sYmpathy o! Our community is Bert Johnston, Bowmanville, are extended te Mn. Philp and othen with the former's cousin, Master relatives in their deep sorrow. Wesley Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Cutting and family,' Roseville, Mr. and Mrs. A. Williams HA DO and Miss Dorothy, Port Perry. visit- ed at Mr. Chas. Howsam's. Miss Mary Hogarth, Mrs. R. Pas- cee. Mrs. R. J. McKessock and Miss Miss Verna Trewin visited at Mr. Ruth. and Mr. A. L. Pascoe visited Sid. Trewin's for a few days. at Mr. Ellis Pascoe's, Brooklin. Miss Ruby Smith, East Whitby, Is Mns R.J. cKesoc, Mss lvanow nursing Mr. Sulas Trewin. Pasoe a .nd sokMr.AiPsoelwereMp.eand Mrs. John Graham, Pasce ad M. A.L. asce wee MpleGrove, visited at Mr. D. Gra- in Toronto on Monday attending ham's. the funenal of the late Chas. Heys. Mr. and Mrs. H. Stainton and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Hinckson. Re- family, Hampton, visited at Mr. A. gina, Mrs. E. W. Crane, Toronto, McNeil's. Mrs. E. Hinckson, Oshawa, and Miss Miss Phyllis Challis, Bowman- Jean Hogarth, Hampton, were re- ville, spent a few days at Mr. Ther- cent guests at Mr. Thos. Baker's. on MountJey's. Congratulations to Misses Muriel Miss Jane and Mr. Earl Lqrmor Baker, Evelyn, Jean and Doris Mill- have returned home te Buffalo a!- son, Margaret Scott and George ter holidaying at Mr. E. Bradley's. Werny on their success li their re- Mr. and Mns. Leslie Graham and cent Upper School examinations. children, and Mr. and Mns. D. Wil- Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright, Miss son and children visited at Mr. Cy- Norma and Master Arthur, of St. rus Ashton's, Cartwright. Catharines, Miss Hazel Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Larmer and Blacksteck, attended church here on Murray. Bunketon, Mr. Athur Sunday morning and visited friends. Beech, Misses Mabel and Ada Beech Division meeting in the Sons' Hall vlsited at Mr. Everett Beech's, Port on Thursday evening was very well Hope. and motored to Rice Lake on attended, with anether memben Sunday. jolning. 1Mter the business a short Miss Grace Welsh, Bowmanville, program was given by Miss Evelyn Miss Helen Westbury and Messrs. Tink's group: Readings were given Louis Ashton and Stanley Woolings, by Miss Muriel Baker, Mns. R. J. Toronto, visited at Mr. H. Ashton's McKessock and Mr. A. L. Pascoe; and accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. moutb organ music by Mr. Leonard A. Read, Miss Rema Bradley and Barton. Next meeting on Sept. lst, Mr. Fred Ashton motored te Bob- will be in charge eof Miss Helenj caygeon on Sunday. Baker's gnoup and a very interestW*imr'Ibûe<kainbow Young Ladies' Class program is being prepared. put on a splendid concert to a f ilI- There was a -geed attendance at ed church Iast Fnlday evening. Rev. the chunch service on Sunday mern- J. M. Whyte of Enniskillen very ing. The church was lovely with kindly acted as chairman in bis us- bouquets e! sweet peas, asters, glad-j ual capable mannen. The program iolus, phlox and marigolds. In the consisted of two short plays, "The absence o! aur pastor, Rev. W. Packing e! the Missionary Barrel' Rackham, who Is on bis holidays, and -Much Tee Sudden," aIse read- tbe choir took charge o! the ser- 'ings. cheruses. duets and quartettes. vice and gave the sacred musical At the close pie and ice cream were stony e! "The Two Golden Lilies. served. Pnoceeds $21. Aid met at the home of the presi- dent, Mrs. N. J. Woodley. A splen- did program was given by the C. G. I. T. with Miss Annie Gardiner pre- siding. Devotional wss ably given by Miss Adelaide Annis; reading "In Great Grandmother's Day" was well given by Miss Alice Thompson; pi- ano solo, Miss Laura Davey: splen- did reading by Miss Helen Trimm; a demonstration on table setting was given by Misses Ruby Virtue and Annie Gardiner: after which lunch was served and a social hall hour spent. CADMUS ed te the buggy a! ter coming home wben it started and jumped over the fence witb the buggy and le! t the buggy and ian te EnXield where jit was stopped and died soon after. SALEM Mns. W. E. Pollard spent the weekend at the Squair home. Rev. J. W. Bunner, Bowmanville. gave a splendid sermon here Sun- day af tennoon. Mrs. E. Gilîson and little daugh- ten Lois. Toronto, visited Mrs. F. L. Squair last week. Mrs. J. Irwin and Miss Margaret attendeci the Adams Family ne-un- ion at Cobourg on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. C. S. Scholl and family. Charlotte, N. C., are visiting ber Parents, Mn. and Mrs. G. A. Stephens. SALEM HARVEST HOME Harvest Home Services o! Salèm United Cburcb wil, be beld as f ol- lows: On Sunday, August 28tb. at 2.30 and '7.30 P. m. Rev. Dr. W. E. Milîson, Toronto, will be the speaker. On Monday, August 29tb, there will be a girls' se! tball teurnament at 3 P. M. beween Courtice, Hampton, Maple Grove and Tynone. A Chck- en Pie Supsien will be served fromý 5 P. m. At 8 p. m. a play will be presented by Peterboro young pea- ple entitled "A Deal ln Pish.' Al services in the shed on standard turne. Admission: Tea and Concert 50c; Children 3oc. Phone 594 rms. F. Oke t FOR EGGS. ASK OUR STOnlRE MAAGEI PAGE SIX m m Bma r MIUCE zaAM TLu Y8,UCEUiK, I I f Il k I k I. It is our esteemed privilege te again act as host te the thousands of Ex- hibition visitors who annually visit eur booths, Nos. 208-9-10, in the Pure Food Building-and to again serve yen, with our compliments, a delicious cup of Bokar Coffee or our Nectar Brand Orange Pekoe Tea. The world-famous beverages are served daily throughout the entire Ex- hibition period. When spirits begin te flag in the whirl of activities do not forget that in the A & P Booth there is waiting for yen a delicious, r.- freshing beverage. A & P COFFRE SALE On world's iargest selling coffees. Wby these coffees are the woWi's best sellers can be determlned by maapllng a eup-wltb or comli- ments-at our booth. DOKAR.a alb. 39o RED CERCLE lb. 32o HXQUISITELY AROMATIC AND FLAVORFVL A BLEND 0F THSE WORLn'S FINEST COFFEES s OCLOCIK fSANOS b.27 NEW SEASON'S YOUNG SOFT-MEATED SPRING LABFronts lb. 10o LEGS lb. 190 BACON ---Slloed Breakfaist lb. IL50 DOILED RAM__ NSQALITY lb 29o BEST CUTS A & P QUALITY BEEF RUMP RtOUND OR lb.I f OASTS laubipSQUARE15 Blade or Short Rtib lb. Il2e Shoulderor ChUck lb.M10 RO NDSTEAK OR 17 RUDROASTlb FRESH ('OHOE SALMON Steaks lb. 2,4e IR'nTHElb.2e FILLETS Fresb lb.14 ~4ILK Nestles' Evapo:f.atec AS TALL SIZE TINS ...........3 FOR 29e BALADA TEA BWLAnELlb.45o SAVE THE COUPONS, COMFORT SOAP 10 Bars 31: SA LMON RE PINK No. 1 inon Fresh Fruits and Vegerables LETTUCE CEBERG ~meds23e DANANAS Golden yeilow arl b.6 j i 1* i t I 11. i p Meat Manager: G. McCoym Grocery Manager: P. Williams. We Deliver-Extra Charge 10c. Phone No. 83. Bowmanville. THANK You le The Eviyn Ladies' Specialty Sbop wishsb te express its very sincere appreciation te all those whe attended the Formal Opening o! the new store on Tuesday evening. We are glad that yau liked aur store and aur bnand new up-to-the-minute stock and we assure you that coupled wvitb high grade mer- chandise you will always find service and courtesy a featune o! youn shopping here. IThe Evlyn Ladies Specialty Skop Camping season is in f ull swing in this commuxity. Miss Lucille Hyland is holidaying at Mn. Russell Sprinks'. Choir practîce was held at Mn. Edgar Gibsan's last week. Mr. Frank Walter spent Sunday evening at Mn. C. H. Fallis'. Miss Manjonie Pryor is spending ber bolidays witb friends in this vicinity. Misses Normna and Beth McQuade spent a f ew days visiting friends in Toronto. Sonry te report that Mn. James McMullen had bis leg broken in two places last Saturday. Mr. and Mis. Campbell and dau- gbter o! Toronto spent the weekend at Mn. Cecil Ferguson's. Mn. and Mis. C. H. Fallis and Miss Birdie Fallis took dinnen at Mn. Ed- gar Gibsan's on Sunday. Miss Georgina Fowler, Oshawa, visited ber parents, Mn, and Mis. George Fowler, over the weekend. Mr. Andrew McKee, Mn. Thomas McKee and Mis. Southern visited at Mn. Norman Edgertan's on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor and family a! Lindsay, Mn. and Mis. Bert Montgomery and son Ian o! Oshawa, spent Sunday at Mn. E. Sanderson's.1 The sympathy o! this commuty is extended to the friends and îela-' tives a! the late Mrs. Fred Philp wbose death took place Manday morning, Aug. 22nd. The C. W. A. was held in the church last Tuesday. The Mission Miss T. Murphy