PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1932 I SOLINA Mr. and Mrs. Penf ound, Oshav visted at Mr. Will Baker's. Mrs. Boston. Vancouver. B. C.. visiting at Mr. E. R. Taylor's. Miss Vera Baker is spending a f, days at Mr. L. C. Snowden's. Mai Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. White ai f amily, Oshawa, visited at Mr. G( White's. Miss Mary Wales, Oshawa, IV. Orval Lyle, Raglan. visited at M: R. J. McKessock's. Remember the Institute meetii next Thursday afternoon. Sept. 8t at the home of Mrs. J. W. McMastE A good program is being prepare Roll call: "Bring a cotton qu patch 5 inches square." There was a good attendance church Sunday morning to hear oi pastor, Rev. Rackham, who preacl ed a very interesting sermon. T ladies' quartette of Mrs. John Bal er. Miss Lena Taylor, Miss Murii Baker and Mrs. Everett Crydermai favoured wth a number. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McCurdy, Pei erboro. Mr. and Mrs. O. William Millbrook, Mrs. Elmner Wilbur, Tauxi ton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pearci Margaret and Patricia, Newcastli Mr. Kenneth Pearce. Port Perry, Mi and Mrs. Lew Luke, Mrs. Eliz Hainer. Oshawa, vsited at Mi Thos. Baker's. Ex-Mayor F. L. Mason of 0sh awa, a well known Durham Count: Boy, and Treasurer of the Pedla People, has purchased the Davii Montgomery farm of 140 acres southeast of our village. He has aI ready made extensive repairs to thi buildings. This farm has been ten. anted for some time by Goreor Hardy. School opens on Tuesday, Sep- tember 6th. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry visited their daughter, Mrs. H. McGill. Mr. H. Stevens is again threshing with the Bethesda Syndicate. Mrs. R. Ashton, Toronto, visitec her son, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton Mrs. J. H. Freeborn spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. McLean, Brook- lin. A number f rom here attended an- niversary services at Salem on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Oke spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. J. Oke's, Clarke Union. Miss Maud Ashton is spendinga week with her sister, Mrs. Stewart Rodman, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Virtue, Tyrone, Mrs. Story, Toronto. visited their uncle, Mr. Nathan Byers. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bradley spent Sunday with the former's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bradley, Brook- lin. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ferguson, Toronto, spent Thursday week with the f ormer's brother. Dr. H. Fergu. s.on. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Trewin. Mr. and Mrs. S. Malcolm. Nestleton. vis. ited friends at Port Credit on Sun- day. A corn roagt was held at the home of Mr. W. H. Moore last weelk when the young people had a jolly time. Miss May Lamb is nursing her sister, Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Nestleton, who has a baby girl. Congratula- tions! Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodman, Port Perry. Miss Maud Ashton, Toronto, Ira Travail, Oshawa, visited at E. C. Ashton's. Mr. and Mrs. Orr Jeff rey and family, Scugog Island, visited her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Walters, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Walters, Toronto, called on Mr. and Mrs. Levi Brunt on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Turnbull and Jimmie, Peterboro. visited Mr. Thos. McGill. Mrs. McGill and Reva also visited friends in Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Tamblyn, Eileen Bare and Thelma Cowan, Woodbridge, visited at Mr. and Mrs. W. Staintons on Saturday. Mrs. E. Pethick andi Howard, To- ronto. spent a few days at Mr. S. Pethicks. and Mr. E. Pethick came also on Sunday for the day. Mr. andl Mrs. Sid. Hockaday, Mr. Ernest Hockaclay. Hampton, Mrs. Wm. Oke andl Annie visited Mr. Charlie Harris, Orono. on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Young and fam- ily and Mr. Lawarn. Oshawa. Mr. andi Mrs. Roy Webber, Bowman- ville, were Sunday callers at Mrs. ~ad soon had sunshine again. When 8 W. Herring's. CO RTCEf pper was over Mrs. Barron called Mr. nd rs. . BownLinsay.COU TICEthegathering to order and Mr. C.1 DEVITT'S CORNERS vstdteruhe.Mr. and Mrs. W.Brw.Lnay e Souch was asked to act as chair -________________ WMl Ashton. when Wilma and Hel- man and the following officers were wa, en returned home a! ter holidaying Miss Helen Armour. Oshawa vis- elected: President- Mrs. G. A. Bar- Mr. Willard Spencer has his car, with their grandparents. tdMs Bernice Gay over the week ron, lst Vice President- Rev. W. painted. is Sunday School was well attended ed.Ms Rackham; 2nd Vice President- Mr. Mr.CaecPrrmdabui inth mrnn ad ftrth shol Mr. Jack Burgess, Rochester. Edgar Horn; Secretary-Treas.- Miss nless trip to Peterboro last week. few period a temperance program Was N.Y.. is holidaying at Mrs. S. C. Mary Katerson. Committee- Mr. P. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Lathangue vis- pie given with Mrs. .1. A. Werry in Rundle's. J. Groat, Mr. T. Wray, Mrs. A. Pet- ited friends at Taunton on Sunday. charge. Mrs. A. Prescott, Enfield, Ms .W urn oot ers. Sports Committee- Mr. C. W. Miss Helen Fowler spent a few ndgae sledd apr n e per- Ms. . to CuswthrranTo rtoSouch, Mr. F. Rogers and Mr. Ed- days with her sister in Oshawa last eo. ance. and Mrs. R. Ormiston favoredspn wwek 'iheratM. gar Hoin.wek wit a ol. O Suda evnin L J.Shot.Besides another softball game a!- Miss Annie White spent a few .r. our pastor. Rev. J. M. Whyte. gave Mr. Gardiner and Miss Elizabeth, ter tea, horse shoe pitdbiing and days last weck wtth Miss Helen Ed- irs. a splendid sermon on DutY. A Cleveland, Ohio, are visiting at Mrs. other games were indulged in and wards. double quartette was rendered by A. F. Rundle's. as the shades of evening were faîl- Mrs. Mervin Mountjoy visited at ing niembers o! the choir. Miss Reva Mrs. Howard Flintoff and Miss ing, ail pronounced the picnic a Mr. George Fowler's on Saturday thý McGi sang a solo in her usual Florence spent Sunday in Toronto, huge success and friends journeyed affernoon. ýesweet voice. and Miss Velma Or- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Everest. homeward hoping this would lbe a Mrs. A. E. Devitt, Helen Devitt ed. chard and Mr. Orchard o! Barrie Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Courtice and yearly affair. and Audrey Grant spent Friday in dit sang a duet which was very much Miss Iva. Leamington called on Mr. ~ Blackstock. enjoyed. and Mrs. W. R. Courtice rccently. iMr. and Mrs. Geo. Fowler visited at î ->- Our pastor, Rev. H. C. Wolfraim SALEM at Mr.Harry Spencer's. Lotus, on ,rCADMUS and Mrs.Wolfraim, Miss Helen and __1_______________ is Eiy SundesCamu awyineoldas returning f0 Toronto. We miss le k-~.. Mrs. Ed Rundie and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. A. Richard.s and Mr. George from this vicinity. Robt Rundle, Meadville, Pa., were Richards motored to Toronfo on Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Uahnu n e] Mr. Leonard Milis spent Sunday weekend visitors of Mrs. S. C. Run- Sunday for a visit with relatives Miss Della visite findsnGeean- n. t M. EgarGibon'. de.there. bank on Saturday. t Mr. Thomas Ridler visitcd friends Mr. Jack Pickell. Mr. Glascoe and Sunday School and Church ser- Congratulations f0 Lorne Sf rong i in Oshawa on Sunday. Mr. Coppin, Detroit, callcd on rel- vices will be wifhdrawn next Sun- on rcceiving the dinner set at the n- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tarvis spent atives here Sunday on their way f0 day On account Of Tyrone Harvcst Street Dance at Caesarea. e, Sunday at Mr. E. Sanderson's. Montreal. Home. Miss Anna Henderson of Winni- e, Mr. Glenn Gibson is spending a Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Short and Mr. Salem folk were very sorry to peg is renewing old acquaintances r. few days in Toronto this week. Jesse Short. Tory Hill, visited at hear of the accident that bcfcll Mr. in this community this week. za issBirie ibon s vsitng r.Mr. Jack Short's and. Mr. L. J. W. Moffat, Orono. son-in-law of Miss Jennie Leask and little Wil- Ms Bi .Rdi isons vistvi M Shorts last week. Mr. and Mrs. Squair. last week, ma Bennett, Oshawa, spent the Sta. Pieased to sec Mrs. Charlotte An- when a mishap in unloading grain wcekend at N. J. Lathangue's. L- Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Gibson and nis home again after spending sev- caused him to faîl and break his Mr. and Mrs. Jlames McjKenziej ty family spent Sunday at Mr. Chas. eral weeks in Tyrone with hier right arm and colar bonie. Wc hope and Mac, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. .r Gibsons. daughter. Mrs. Arthur Brent. for a specdy comeback for him. id Mran Mr.W D. erun Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fitsimmons Ideal weather favoured the Har- made a business trip f0 Toronto îast and Master Harry, Detroit, rcturn- vs oeo udywc od home af fer spcndlng their holi- ly number attcnded both services. le Mr SanudY . amnH dad days with Mr. and Mrs. S. S Rev. Dr. W. E. Milîson, Toront o, e Mr.and rs. armonHylad an held the rapt attention o! the con- -family visited at Mr. Thos. Hyland's gregafion with two very fine ser- ,on Sunday. Mrs. Ross Pearce and Mrs. Poster mons. The choir, assisted by Misses Mr. and Mrs. Brooks, Oshawa, Snowden with their father and H. Knox and E. Sykes. Messrs. C. ~ 7- visited at Mr. C. H. Fallis' on Sun- mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Lang- M. Carruthers, W. Carruthers and - ' day. Miss Birdie Fallis refurned maid and some other fricnds spent W. G. Giffer, with Mr. L. Collacott, .~~ Ihome with them. Sunday at Seabright guests of Rev. Maple Grove, at the piano, rendercd j Mr. Ross Philp, Miss Dorothy and Mrs. C. E. Cragg. excellent service of song and music, DWiliamson. Mr. Percy Williamson, Our school at No. 8 will open on and a fine solo by Mr. Allan Krnight, Miss Helen Sanderson and Miss Sept sf with Mr. Hopkins, prin- ccomaidb MrN.Hcey -Gertrude Williamson spent Satur- cipal. and Miss Wiman, teacher, in fown, added much f0 this part at day cvcning in Ponfypool. charge. We welcomc fhem into our the evcning service. On Monday, r d A number of Blackstock United midst again and wish them success although thrcatening clouds hover-Iî Church bible class visited our bible in the coming year. kdaon h avs oefsi 9 class Sunday morning. Mdrs. Nor- Sunday morning, Rcv. J. S. J. val confinucd, with a softball tour- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' dman Mounfjoy taught the lesson Wilson, Simcoe St. Church, Oshawa, nament bctween Courfice and It is our mc Swhich was much enjoycd by ail. Wc preached an impressive sermon on Hampt on, Maple Grove and Tyrone, as5 host to t] hope that they may come back Prohibition Union. Mr. Wilson's wifh the following results, Courtice WORLD'S LARGEST who annua11i y' again. many friends here were dlighted victorious over Tyrone. Hampton EXHIBITION th oPur Foc - The ladies of the C. W. A. motor- to hear him again. He was Pastor over Maple Grove, and Hampton wt u o cd f0 Nestîcton on Thursday even- of this circuit a number o! years vicforious over Courtice, with Vof"c, or our Nectar Brar - ing f0 put on the program for their ago. Sunday evening, Rcv. C. L. the final playofi game going f0 ..ourse. - missionary meeting. Af fer the pro- BrQwn. Northminster Church. Osh- Hampton with a score of 19-15. These world-famnous bevez gram, which consisted o! solos by awa, preached very acceptably. This was followed with the Chieken Exhibition peiriod. Mrs. Norman Lathangue, Mr. Leon- Pie Supper served by the ladies, a!- 3ard Milîs and Jean Sanderson, a t~ er which the Peterboro young peo- Extra Snp «inlà trio by Mrs. Edgar Gibson. MissHA P N ple put on a play entitied "A Deal aBirdie Fallis and Miss Birdie Gib-HA PO in Fish," which was excepfionally 'son, a duef by James Fallis and .wcll given and proved a real merry A E . Syd.ney Ferguson, an instrumental making climax f0 the day, and most OIESGRC ED5 > yMs raBue .... Miss L. McKenzie, Toronto, is çworthy of special notice was the cx- r reading by Mrs. Galbraith, and a visiting Mrs. S. T. Mountjoy. cellent music so generously given travelogue by Miss Mariorie Pryor Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bass and Mr. bctween acts and hefore and afer ton ber trip f0 England, the ladies o! W. J. Cole, Toront o, visited at Mr. the play by the Peferboro Orchestra. Nestleton served a very dainty E. H. Cole's. Sunday visitors entertained in the lunch.. While lunch was being pre- Miss Arlene Northcutt, Bowman- Salem homes as f ollows: pared Mrs. Galbraith put on a con- ville, is holidaying with Miss Mar- The Misses Annie, Doris, Helen CHOICE PEAMEALED BACI4 test in which Mrs. Wright and Miss jonce Pascoe.anForceWknsCurceM Bidi Flî wr te iner. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Cole spent and Mrs. L. Collacott and family: umb .Sunday with Mr. Norman Buss, Maple Grove, Mrs. Frecar, Bethes- Thortons Coner. .da. Mrs. Tru Power and Miss Power, MAPLE GROVE Mrs. Stephenson, Oshawa, is vis- town. Mr. and Mrs. E. Osborne, Pro-'iC iting at ber brothers, Mr. A. Tren- vidence, Mr. and Mrs. Worden, ____ outh, and other friends in the vil- Maple Grove, Miss Hilda Folcy and 1 Sbol e-pes n husdylage. Mr. B. Colwell. fown, Miss H. Knox, Spt. lstwith Mss ion T rDear- Miss N. Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Miss E. Sykes. Hampton, Miss Ilean SW ITY Seor.n tn chge. ilanDer H. F. Belyca and Mr. A. Lalond, Hocken, Mr. E. Folcy, Maple Grove, SWIFT'S PREMIUM SKINLI Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stevens and Halon , îîe a r.R.Ktr with Mr. and Mrs. L. Richards. rtwo cbldren spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Warder and Mr. and Mrs. L. Hooper with Mr. their cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ms ainWreBwavle and Mrs. W. Cann. Wood, utton.recently vlsited Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Knight, town, -o Mr. and Mrs. Mark Blackburn, Peters. Mr. and Mrs. G. Barron and son. SWIFT'S PREMIUM SMOKE tMessrs. Farewell and Wilbur, Miss Misses Margaret, Marjorie and Hampton, with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bessie, spent Sunday with ber mo- Edith Pascoe have returned afer Doidge. uteMs alnumer fom hre t spending a week's holiday at Was- Mr. and Mrs. M. Wilkins and son., Qut ubrfo eea-aga Beach. Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Munday and taem n nayad the fowltHoe evie Mr. A. Fowke. Guelph, wbo le! t son, Mr~. and Mrs. Foley, Maple B_À&___c i rtSppemndron S nda Mnday. ow here 60 years ago, was calling on Grove, The Misses Annie, Doris,GNUN SF-EAE Thpermn ed and relatives o!day some o! the older residents o! Our Helen and Florence Wilkins, Court- EUN SIF-n TDS he lae Mr ens Candentiereo village last week. ice. with Mrs. A. Wilkins. X theockedMf. bear ! ie .s suden pass- Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Nash, Mavis, Mr. and Mrs. W. Moffat and ting on Tuesday. The sincere sym iting with Mr. and Mrs. Will Chap- onto, Mr. W. Carruthers, town, with A M î ï jathy o! the community is extend- man and other relatives in the dis- Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Squair. c d fo the members o! the !amily trict. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilcox and fam- '1HRESHING TIME BEEF S' and. relatives. Mrs. J. Vice, Sask., Mr. J. F. Ash- iiy, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Edger j ton, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Pas- and daugbter, Courtice, Dr. and1 TREMEER FAMILY RE-UNION coe, Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mrs. Davies and littie son John. ____Sprackling, Toronto, visited with Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Col- 5 A very enjoyable event was heid Mr. and Mrs. J. Colwill, Jr. lacotf. atOhw nteLake on Saturday, - - - Mr. and Mrs. and Miss eryESTI LOHOE at Ohaw ontheHAMPTON ADULT PICNIC EeeeM.adMs L. Colla- tive an f iens o Jaes remer Hmptn AultPicic as EldMr. . er ry. nSA L M O N ' August 27tb, when the family, rela-1 cott, Maple Grove, withMran 3gatbered in a f amily picnic. The at the lovely grounds o! Cream o! Mr. and Mrs. R. Langmaid and event was ail the more enjoyable Barley Camp, Bowmanville, on family. Solina, Mr. and Mrs. Schol due to the fact that members o! the Tbursday. Auguat 25th. and family, North Carolina. witb K ER R IN E famnily bad nof been togefheir in 1Tbough the weather was warm a11 Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Stephens. ____ such a gatbering for some fifteen, goodly number joined in a lively Rev. Dr. W. E. Milîson, Toronto, yeai s. The day whicb was spent in game o! sof tball, whicb was greatly and Mr. and Mrs. L. Savery and Npecia«ll IF »renewing old acquaintancesbips \ill enjoyed hy hoth players and spec- family, Newtonville, wifh Mr. and lîve long in the memory o! every1 tators. The "Has Beens" and FPut- Mis. A. Welsh. OUR OWN NECTAR BLEND memnber o! the party wich assemb- i îre Stars- were calitained hy Hil- - led. ton Peters and Edgar' Horn. 12 The gatbering began to assembleý Hiltons feam was as follows: OSHAWA FAIR early in the day and after a lunch Hilton Peters, P; Tom Wray. C; A. hy issBericeWery.Speche 'uture Stars" how f0 play 50! thaîl. and worthless. The ever-growlng - were then gîven hy Mr. Tremeer and Our umpire gave decisions, mosf reputation f Dr. J. D. Kellogg's As-TH Dr. Bray. Miss Paftricia Gordon satisfactorily f0 ail. fhma Remedy bas given if a place gave a fine paosoogbeMs About 6 p.m. ail sat down f0 a in the field o! medicine whîch no Soteob ave a recitafion. TIhe long and well laden table o! good other can approach. If bas neyer happy gathering broke up witb the fhings and thougb the ramn came heen pusbed by sensational methods, M a aae:G singing of -Bles.sed he the Tic that down'very near us, we were not dis- btut bas simply gone on effecting re- M a aae:G Bids'i turbed and received but a few drops lie! and making new converts. We Deliver-Extra Charles Graham, Mr. Johnny COW- an, Mr. and Mrs. Larmen Hyland and family visited at Mr. Thos. Hy- land's on Sunday. Miss Mary King has returned home after spending holidays with friends in Port Perry and Seagrave. Mrs. W. W. Dickinsonl and little grand-daughter Aludrey Grant . Bow-1 manville. are visiting ber dauighter, Mrs. A. E. Devitt. Misses Irene and Addie Hyland. Toronto. spent a fewv days recently with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hyland. Notice! TO Farmers MîIk Wanted APPLY Bowmanville Dairy I 1 Something New Y E S WE HAVE IT ýA FUEL SAVER Coal Daurner to f it any furn.ace or boiler. And guaranteed to cut your fuel biU in haif.. SOLE AGENT R. E. Logan Plumber and Tinsmith King Street East Phone 264W or J iost esteemed privilege to again act the thousands of Exhibition visitors y visit our booths, Nos. 208-9-10, in )d Building, and to again serve yOD, nplirments, a delicious cup of Bokar ind of Orange Pekoc Tes-service without charge, WORLDIS LARGEST erages are served daily throughout the entire FO EALR f op the Holiday Week.-End ln, ITS and GR OCERIE NIOKED 12 TO 15 LBS. HALF OR AVERAGE WHOLE ib N i. le OPIECE lb. 9 PS PREMIUM PRODUCTS LESS SMOKED OV~NIZED HALF ORl. ED BREAKFAST STYLE I N SLICED l.2eBY THEl.2 SPRING 3Fronts lb. 1Oc LIEGSlb SHOULDERlb ~TS LADE lb Steaks lb. 24o BY THE lb. Fresh CaugiLýt-Lake lb. Price for Thais Week Only )ORANGE IFKOE bbc the'.N.E. Saniple a eup with Our conîplin wery day. EST CREAMERIES ljeîIPî'V, T.ASTY LMEL ;eOLD lb. IL90 NEW il END U CHECESE L Dest Nova Seotia No. i, 1o -22cz . 1lc g.59lg kents--its dellghtf,.: PK<,S.3 1/ VU 0-ln E SOAP 10 Brs39e ERRY JAM 40-oz. Jar 252 25i and VEGE2'A»L&Es NATIVE GROWN lb. 6. Celery 2 Bu-4cHEs 15 PRODUCERS FOR EGGS. ASK OUR STORE MANAGER. I. MCCOY. Grocery Manager: P. Williams. aCharge 10c. Phone No. 83. Bowmnanv-'1Ie. Maybe ail you require now is a pair of Running Shoes t0 finish the season, swe have themn at 79c pair up W.Claude Ives- a PAGE POUR THE CANADIAN STATFMdAN, BOWMANVnLE, THURSDAY, SEPMRER 1, 1932 ti Li