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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1932, p. 6

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PAGE sx Same Fine Quality'-Lower Price TEA "Fresh from the Garclens" World Enterprise of Outstanding Prominence - eonzed institution of Canadian life - the big annuahleven looked forward to with keen anticipation by hundxeds of thousands of Canadians. PAGEANTRY RECREATION AGRICULTURE ART music SCIENCE INDUSTRY EDUCATION FASHIONS TRAVEL SPORT ENGINEERING A UTOMOTIVE CONSTRUCTION WILLIAM INGLIS, Preiident H. W. WATERS, General Manager Besses-o'-th'..Barn IBand Mr. Fred Royle. Mus. Bac., F.R.C.O., )»rector Pýrom Enland-the oldestand finestBrass Band in Europe. Winners of 250 mearde. Thirty Other Bands "The Triumph " beautiful and dramgatic pageant depicting Empirýe Ascendancy, Heroism, Chivalry, and Sacrifice of Great Peoplea. 1500 Performens on Worid'a Largest Stage. Spectacular Pyrotechnic finale. Every evening in front of the grandstand. Horses - Cattle - Sheep - Swine Poultry, Judging Competitians, Horti. culture, International Dog and Cat Shows, Trotting and Pacing Races and 8600 Futurities. 2,OO-VOICE EXHIBITION CHORUS This Internatonalyfamoua choral organi. zation wiil be accompanied by the Besaes-o'.th'.Barn Band, Thuraday, Sept. 1; Tuesday, Sept. 6: an d Satumday Sept. 10. Kaye Don with "Miss England III" Vickers Supermarine Rolua Royce S.6.B. World's Fastest Seaplane MIDJWAY'S MILE 0F MERRIMENT $5,,00 Allowance for YOur 014 Mattress ON THE PURCHASE 0F A MARSHALL SPRING MATTRESS In the Following Grades. Marshall "Special" Mattress S26.50 & $28.00 Marshall "Premier" Mattress S31.00 & S32.50 Marshall "Regal" (Cotton Uphalsfered) S35.00 & $38.50 Marshall "Regal" (Hair Upbolsfered) S47.50 & S52.50 Also on the Marshall "Standard" Box Spring S26.50 Marshall "Regal" Box Spring S37.50 ALL STANDARD SIZES AVAILABLE - AND ALL MATTRESSES GUARANTEED FOR 5 VEARS Yau get the acmne o! sleeping cam!art in a Marshall Mattress buiit up by hand. consisting o! hundreds o! coul springs, eacb enclosed in a separate caftan pockef. the whoie aver- laid witb layers o! caftan feit or bair. Finished wif h the new French mal edge, deep border and ventilation at both sides. Cotton Slip Covers Ineluded With AUl Marshall Mattressrs Sold Until September 17th. NORTIICUIT & SMITI Furniture Dealers - Funeral Directors Ambulance Service Low Rates Phones 58, Residence 523 or 276 ime maklng the score 6 ta 4. Os- Rovers 014 224 03 - 16 borne foilows and thethird baseman Textiles - C. Osborne, p; Diliing, borne follows and the third baseman c: D. Osborne, lb; Oke, 2b; Jack- )rono wvas concerned. a weli timed man, 3b; Seymour, ss; Hawley, If; rror and Osborne Is safe. The Bmough. cf; Wisemnan, r!. risis approaches laden on wlngs a! Rovers - Rovan, p: Cowle, c: Lflxiety or sumpin'. Bill Corden Moore, lb; Witherldge, 2b; Piper, Ilso o! Orono (?), strides ta the 3b Cameron, ss; Knlght, If; Large. ive poinfed platter wlth a mighty cf; Little, r!. two handed biudgeon in bis grasp. Umpires - Bottreil at plate; A. T'he fate o! bis team depends on Osborne on bases. IN THE REALM 0F SPORT__ CORDEN'S HOMER him. One can see that he feels his responsibility as with a record of WINS FOR ORONO four times to bat and four times out O.B.A.A. 2ND ROUND he steps up te do his duty by the old ometown. After two wiid -- swings at the bal-crack, a miracle! Sensational Ninth Innings Brings -the bail sails high. wide and hand- Orono Victory in Third Game some into the upper region of the With Bailieboro - Meet heavens, in fact it seems as though it is in a stratosphere, but no every- Peterboro thing that goes up must aiso corne down and the bail cornes to rest Orono Rambiers pulled a win out many feet away f rom the nearest of what looked like a foregone con- fielder. Cortien, toc, surprised to clusion when with the score 6 to.4 in move, finally feels the urge and with the first hai! of the ninth innings, ieaps and bounds, or as Burgessj with two men on and two out, Bill would describe the printing of Peter Corden connected for a home mun Rabbit, pit-a-pat, pat-a-pat went that put the Rambiers one up and bis paws as they tore up the dirt caused the fans heart failure. on the four comnered track with The game was the playoff in the canvas sacks on each corner. He second round o! the O.B.B.A. with reached the final sack before the Bailieboro, the frustrated team. bail had been retrieved and the Each team had won a game prev- score now stood at 7 te 6 for Orono. iousiy and the final was played at Who says there is no Santa Port Hope on Saturday. The gamne Claus? But Dame Fortune is not was late starting owing to a mis- through with her fun yet and Bun understanding, Bailieboro not ar- Moore. the next batter, follows the riving until after three o'ciock. exampIe and swings iustiiy, knock- The batteries for Orono were ing another to the far beyond. Two Bowman and McGiil; for Balliebomo, home runfs in one înnings! McGil Deyiil and Wood. Osborne took 0V- brought the fans back to reality er the pitching duties for Orono in when he was thrown out at first to the seventh and finished the game. finish the first bai! o! the innings. Roseear nd RwdenweretheBut Bailiebomo have their bal! of upRsver deRowdn were thve the innings and Osborne has just umire s.eir adein were gîdo ven about put ail he bas in pitching the questioned aithough once when a eighth. Barnard to bat. Moise errs Bailieboro man, after maklng a and Barnard is safe on the first three base hit attempted to stretch pedestal. Wood sacrifices and Bar- it into a borner. was put out, the nard goes to second. One out and dispporimnt veramea fw sec-one on bases. Sayles bits the bail, dis ainmete came a fewRse- and is safe on first. He steals sec- tatrs nd heyciaore fo Roe-ond a moment later and with a man vear's bide. But nothing came o! it on second and one on third and one and after ail, "all's weli that endsouthsiainloklkead- weil."lica'te copy of Orono's haif. But no, Bailiebora bas one of the best and that wouid be f00 sensationai. of the noisiest catchers in the lea- Johnston hits a short fly that is gue. Especialiy when bis teain mates taken in hand by Colwell. Two ouf. need a littie encouragement he is DeyeilIto bat. Deyeii's record f0 rigbt on his foes. He is a south- date bas been: One strikeout, one paw and usuaily affer he catchesi single, one three bagger and a waik. the bail. he waiks out past home The finest record o! any batter on plate and talking a bitue streak f055- 1the Bailieboro team. Nerves, "Wheme es the bail te the lanky pili-heaver is that box of Dr. Chase's famous that had the Orono lads ail but remedy?" "Two bails and two "buffaloed." After the 20th time strikes on the batter." yelis ,fack tne fans usually become a littie im- i Rosevear in a voice quivering witb patient witb his antics and howl for excitement and suspense. "Three the unipire to do something about bails, foui bail, foui bail, foui bail."1 it. Ail of which makes the game Tbree or four fouis there weme be- more interesting. It sure wouid be fore the final ci-y came as Deyiil tough if a bail f eamn was only a bail swung at a sizziing groover. "Strike team without a littie showmanship three, batter out." The game was in It. over. Orono won 8 to 6. Bun Moore seems to have the It is a good tbing ail the games happy facuity of snaring the im- don't savor of se much high tension possible catches with the grace and excitement or the posters would ease of, shahl we say. Apollo. It read: "Tbrîlling, sensational, breath seems he was awarded the cori-fed taking; if your mother-in-iaw has a pipe stem at Bailieboro a few Satur- weak heart, bring her, we do the days ago when he played airpiane mest." and went into a tail spin to catch The next round is with Peterboro. one o! the elusîve fies. He should First game on Wednesday night at be awarded the iace-iined corduroys Peterboro and the final at Newcastle for the stab be made on Saturday. on Saturday. You'd be further No doubt one of the business men abead te miss your meals than to wiii be pleased to make this presen- -miss one of these games. Hardbail tation. Enough of this. is once again comling Into its own. The game. play by play, b10w by Orono Rambiers - C, McGiil: p, « blow, strike by strike, and noise bY oBowman and Osborne; lst, Corden; noise, is as f ollows: 2nd, Colwell; 3rd, Moise; ss. os- Omono up: Cameron batting and borne and Bowxnan; If, Moore; cf, receiving the first walk o! the game. Camneron; rf, Lycett and Bates. Deyiii, the six foot pitcher, stooped Bailieboro - c, Wood; p, Deyeil; to pitch to the none toc, taîl Scotty, 1fSye;2d ontn rJ but he didn't stoop 10w enough and Bs arnard; 2ss, ar; i, K Bnrd; J Scotf y trotted to first. Colweli foi- cfrDawd s;, eanf . Brad lowd wtba htCameron taking Umpires - Rosevear and Rowden, second on the play. Lycett hit to Port Hope. Deyili and was tbrown out at first. ___________ Moise reach0d first on Sayles en-or. Cameron and Colweli on third and ROVERS BEAT TEXTILES second. Osborne struck out and I NPYGM Corden compieted the batting by I NPYGM bitting to Johnston who threw him BY SCORE 0F 16-15 out at first. Bailieboro had two strike outs and Gamne Tied 13-13 at End of Seventh one pop fly In their hall o! the Inn- - Extra Innings Played in ings. Orono fared no better in the Semi-Darkness second, Moore, McGiil and Bowman ieaving the plate in quick succession. It took an extra innings, played I There was no scoring unt il the third in semi-darkness, t0 decide the win- innings when Orono reaped its first ner of the Textiles-Rovers clash oni couniter. the alert Camemon doing Monday nigbt when Dick Rovan's the honors. Moore alsQ counted in gang finaiiy won out by a 16 to 15 the f irst of the !ourth. In the last score. There was a good turri ouf f0 of the fourth the balloon arose and the game whicb was realiy worth Bailieboro harvesfed a hay crop that seeing for a change. Bof b teams wouid have kept the west for years. meant business and they gave af They batfed compieteiy around with gaod display of sof tball to entertain L the _players from the no-depression tecod town pcrspiring to the toenaiis in tecod their despairing attempfs to stop Rovers led ail the way but they them. Bowman was dumb!ounded came dangerousiy near losing out as were his team mates, but they fowards the iast. Textiles first two couldn'f do a thing about it and the and Revers f irst innings were score- Bailieboro individuais romped ar- less with four ermors in the fhree ound the bases in a joyful imitation frames. Incidentaiiy Pork Osborne of -Johnny Comes Marching Home" stnick out two in these innings and while the Orono crowd iooked like Rovan did likewise in an effort. no Ten Nights in a Bar Room." The doubt, ta keep the honors even. final register showed Bailieboro wvîfh Revers got away to a one i-un start the sure total of 6 runs and Orono 2. in their second frame and Textiles Af ter this disastrous innings there eciualized in the first of the third, That's what fol. s ay about thiu year's We'd hate to thinh of your flot getting your uhare of thia record value! When wili you be ini? KSpeedway. Treail 4.40-21 - $5.80 Size 4.50-20 - $6.15 Size 4.50-21 - $6.25 Size 4.75-19 - $7.70 Size 4.75-20 - $7.90 Size 5.00-19 - $8.25 Size 5.00-20 - $8.40 C. A. Bartlett BOWMAINVILLE for anD ACIDOMEIO and ÀAD OMEIO Sois everywhere n 2 5c and 75c red pkgs. VPQCuk FWRlef Or for Women Wanis neod aSt endure periodic pins and headachos. They can spare thomel'wea is suffernng by taking ZUTOO TABLETS. Mms Allen Wright of Fulford, who was relieved ln 30 nuwtesof severe pain and beaache, wrote saying: "Every hi l the land should know about ZUTOO TABLETS and what Uioy will do.» Juat try the tablets and know for yourself how quickly umstptho in OR SALE EVERYWHE E -e-o Means saving, and this is exactly what our laundry methods give you. No other form of washing cmn give you the saine aaving. Try one bundle and be convmnced. Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Phone Launderers Bowmanvllle 152 Dry Cleaners qvM NOW is the tinte to buy BUT LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE 77m Coal flut satisfio Because pî'ices are- not as high now as in fali and winter months. Per Ton Egg ....................$15.75 Stove ......*..**. ..........*$1 5.75 Chestnut .............$1 5-75 Pea ....... ..... ....$13.50 Buckwheat............$11 .00 Rice .................$10.00 Coke.................$12.W0 Pocahontas.............$1 3.00 $1.00 OFF ABOVIE PRIVES FOR CASH J. A. HOLGATE & SON PHONE 153 BOWMANVILLE BUILDERS' SUPPLIES 99.1 %CAR BON -FREE Think what this rneans ta your car! Crown-Dominion Oil St. Catharines !EEDOL Hailo Toono MOTOR QfIL- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWANVIZ. THURSDAY. SEPTEIMBFm1i 1932 Fat Man Loses 63 ibs Kruschen and- Walking Overweigbt men who want to lose, a few paunds can have the bene!it a! this man's experience. He gives tbem ta us for publication:- "In a hlfe over fwelve montbs I have reduced my weigbt !ram 227 ibs. ta 164 lbs., by taking a dose o! Kruschen Saîts evemy morning for six manfhs, and taking walking ex- ercise every day. This remarkable achievement is ail the more inter- esfing when one considers that 1 did nat resart ta any foi-m o! dieting."- C.. L. B. You can take off fat wif h Krusch- en Salts if you will take one-haif teaspoon in bot watem every morn- ing befome breakfast, modi!y your diet, and exercise regularly. While yau are lasing fat yau wiii be gaining in enegy-in endurance -in ambition. The aid ai-m chair wan't hald you any more-you'Il wvant ta be up and doing-you'll en- JOY wark and active recreation and you'Ii sleep like a top. You'll lase faf, and prababiy live years longer. City Service Garage Under New Management, A HANDFUL 0F AUTO SERVICES We wish to announce that the above garage and service station has been taken over by Robt. M. Stephens, for- merly of the West End Garage. With a more central location and improved facilities we ar'e in a position to give motorists better service than ever. Al kinds of general auto repairing done. YOU WILL LIKE THE SERVICE WE GIVE YOUR CAR For a very low price we grease it, change its oil, wash it, and put it in perfect run- ning orcler. Skilled attendants are al- ways ready to serve you. SERVICE FOR CHEVROLET AND OLDS Fenders repaired and body bumping a specialty. Open Day and Niglit Phone 188 Opposite A & P Stores Bowmanville ROBT. M. STEPH-ENS, Proprietor Specialy reaucea ratea on rairoad8 during Exhibition.- Consuit local agents, .:â, 1

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