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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1932, p. 7

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"Even in Banking Service there is a dlifference" Every business house - and cer- tainly banks corne under this heading -has its own viewpoint on what constitutes service. And nearly aiways you will find the viewpoint visibly reflected in this working atmosphere of the estab- lishmnent. As you talk with the managers of this Bank, with the tellers, or with others who take a visible part in giving service, you will very quickly perceive that strict attention to a great volume of business is tem- pered by a spirit of reaý friendli- ness and courtesy. Your own banking needs may be personal or commercial -local, national or international. In any case, at the branches of this Bank, you are sure of service that i8 accurate, speedy and cordial - well rounded out in every respect. j THE CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE Capital Paid U 30 Million Dollars Reserv FundU' 30 Million Dollars CAS 14 BOWMANVILLE BRANCH: A. J. WHALEN, MANAGER Again thme Warning is repeated about BARN FIRES The Ontario Fire Marshal is the authority for the statement that the salting of hay diminishes the danger of bann fires from spontaneous combustion. Sait also makes hay more palatable and animais thrive on it. There is therefore a double benefit. We seil the finest grades of Windsor Sait and are eager to suppiy your needs. D on't wait until fire has struck. Buy it now. GENUINE SCOTCH ANTHRACITE COAL (More Heat with Less Ash) When buying coal you wiii agree it is heat you expeet, not huge piles of ashes. This Scotch coal is guaranteed to produce more heat than American coal, with one-third as much ash. Sheppard & Ciii Lumber Co* PHONE 15 LIDMED BDWMNVILLE School Days Demann SExtra Energy When sehool starts, watch Johnny's diet. He walks to and from ichool. He pisys bard at recesa and ai ter school. And whether any- one beUleves it or not, he really does study. Ail th litte-body aud Plenty of MILK It',s the millc that keepe hlm ging aud supplies hi, body witb tihe fuel lie needs. Give hlm a glas of Glen Hae Milk wlth every meal and after school. GLEN RAE DAIRY R. R. Stevens & Son Phone 408 Bowmanville ORONO <From The News, August 25th.) Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Rolph visited at Mr. W. J. Leask's. Taunton. Mr. William Armstrong, Sr.. and Mr. J. Eagleson are spending a few days at Bewdley. Distemper responds quickly to Douglas' Egyptian Liniment. Keep a bottie handy in the stable. George Rowe, James Wannan, Ross Wood and John Grady are in camp this week at Presqu'île. Miss Doris Lowden, nurse, St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, is ex- pected home on her holidays. Mr. John J. Gilfillan and daugh- ter, and sister, Miss Viola, are holi- daying at Maple Lake, Haliburton. Mrs. Vogt, Rochester, N. 'Y., and Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, Lindsay, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Rolph. Mr. W. E. Davey and daughter, Miss Greta Davey, have returned home f rom a trip to Duluth, via the Sault. Mrs. (Dr.) McElroy, Keith and Margaret, Peterboro, spent a coupIc of days ai her mother's, Mrs. D. Noble. Mrs. Wilfred Dufy and f amily, Master Ted and Miss Pauline, New- market, are vlsltlng at her father's, Mr. Jas. E. Richards. Mesars. Harve Winter afld Fred Lycett lef t Tuesday for Little Hawk Lake, Haliburtan County, where they will enjoy a f ew days fishing. Misa M. Eagleson. Millbroak, vis- ited Mra. E. A. Fowler. Mr. George Eaglesofl of Baîlieboro was a recent guest of hia brother, Mr. J. Eagleson. Miss Rosaline Gamsby returned Sunday f rom a very enjoyable oui- ing at Burlington Beach, Hamilton, with her brother, Mr. Bob Gamsby. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Dyer, Battie ICreek, Mich., accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Griffn, London, motored into town Sunday evening. They were enroute to Montreal. Members of the old Cornet Band or those who still survive and reside here were pleased to meet their aid leader, Mr. Al. McKeown, now a resident of Peterboro, lasi week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Usher and Misa Margaret, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. EUlam and chlldren, Bey- erly andi Stuart, Scarboro, spent Saturday in Orono. guesta 0f Mr. Bert Berry. Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, M.A,. B.D., pastor of Park Street Church, re- turned Monday f rom an enjoyable outing on the scenlc Gaspe Penmn- sula, Quebec, and lef t same day for his old home at Omemee. Township Clerk and Treasurer, A. J. Staples, lnforms us that he ne- ceived a cheque for 1932 taxes on farmn lands,. being south hall lot 20, concession 3, on the llth of August. Not Sa bad in these times of depres- sion. Albert wonders who's next. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Long, Vermil- lion. Alta., surprised their many friencis hene when they dropped in- to town quite unexpectedly. Fred who conducis a ffourishing d.rug businesa in his adopted town, ai- iended the Pharmaceutical Conven- tion in Toronto. 1Mr. George Lacambe andi Mn. Daintree, Toronto, were in town Tuesday and called on The News. Lacombe who is now in the produce business was a resident of Newcastle employeci an the staff of The Inde- Pendent, and in line of sports base- ball manager. -Is first enquiry was for Onm. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hughson and son Glenn, Toronto, are spending a few days halidaying at his father's. Mr. C. J. Hughsan. Sid is a promin- ent member of the 48th Highlanders Band, Capt. Siatter, directan. This splendid musical arganization is heard every Sunday afternoon over a radio netwonk 14 stations of the National Braadcasting Co. If Miller's Worm Powders needed the support of testimonials they coulci be got by the thousands from mothers who know the great virtue of this excellent med.lclne. But the powdena will speak for themnselves and in such a way that there can be no question of them. They act speedily and thoroughly, and the child ta whomn they are administer- ed will show improvemnent from the f irst dose. Mr. Howell Rowland andi brother, Mr. J. F. Rowland, a former Man- ager of the Bank of Commerce, Kingston, renewed old school day memorles by calling on Misa M. Walsh, former teacher, Monday. The same day Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Rlckard. Oakwood, and his mother, Mrs. James Rlcka.rd, Bowmanville, and two daughters, Mrs. T. Clem- ence and Miss Florence Rickard (the latter two former pupils) called on Misa Walsh. in even the moastubo caestha Jury & Lovell and drugglsts every- where urge every sufferer ta get a bottle of HEM-RomD Tablets today. TheY must end your pile agony or money back.t IN THE DIM and DISTANT PASTI' TWENXTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Prom The Statesman, Aug. 28, 1907 Annauncement is made o!fithe formal opening of a new gent's clathing and funnishing store by the Mason Clothlng Company ln which J. J. Mason and Chas. H. Anderson are thie pantnera. Major Edwy White, a West Dur- ham boy bornata Solina, lias been an a trip to Europe whene lie visited in RIy, Swltzerland, Germany, Austria, France and England. Rev. R. Hinda officiates ai the services ai St. John's Churcli wlile Rev. W. E. Carroil takes a short holiday. Rev. J. J. Rae, former pastor of the Methodist Church hene, and who has been miniater in Picton for same tisse, was presented wiih a punse caniaining $1030 previaus to his leaving there. Much more mon- ey coulci have been raised as many othen denominatians offened sub- scriptions but it was ihought best ta have the testimonial from the Methodisi Cliurch only. The tawn mill rate for 1907 has been struck ai 26 milîs, made up as fallows: Town rate 9 mills, High and Public schoal rate 61/2 mills, De- bentures and coupons 8¾, milla, Caunty rate 1¾ý mils. Dr. J. C. Deviti is back ta duty f rom Rasedale, a Kawatha Laktes summen reaort. A despatch in the Lindsay Post says: The f ishing here has been fairly good, Dr. J. C. Deviti of Bowmanvllle and Mr. Jas. Hum- pliries o! Toronto have been the lucky ones in caiching black basa, having landed several good strings. The baggage car and tender of a C. N. R. train lefi the rails on Sat- urday ai the- wharf road crosmig and after buxnplng several rail lengilis bumped an to the rails again. Police Magistrate Horsey and Chief Jarvis have been grlnding ai the milI of justice. August 2lst, Wm. Hoare, Oshawa, contributed $10 and cosis, $17.50 in ail, for dis- orderly conduci and resisting arrest. Aug. 22nd, Thos. Greer, Cartwright, for uslng language un! h for the society ai the o! one Mc- Knight and bride, flned $25 and costs. FIFTY YEARS AGO From The Statesman, Sept. 1, 1882 The B. C. Church choir has lately been improved by the vaice of Mrs. Chas. Ruse. The front of Mn. Prowen's new building lias been f inlshed in good style. The green andi gold colora are very attractive. In order to meei the demancis, the Dominion Organ & Piano Ca.. are compelled ta run their machinery overtime. On Monday George Rosasliad the misfortune to break his arm while engaged ln painting a portion of ithe woodwonk outside the Furniture factony, by falng f rom a ladder to the grounci, a distance of 30 feet. Thos. Reeves, driver of Mn. Glov- er's baggage wagon, met witli an ac- cident somewhere in the viclnity of the Eastern House on Monday. While moving a trunk on the wag- on lie fell averboard when one of the hind wheels passed over lis body. No banes wene broken but lie was badly bnuised. No doubi Tom- my will be veny careful in the f ut- une nat ta take tao much of that which overbalances men. On Tuesday about 4 a. m. the town was thrawn into a state of excitemeni by the startling peals of the fine alarmn, when it was discav- ened that one of the buildings of ilie Organ Factony was suiffering f nom the ravages of the f ine king. The building was completely destnoyed with a loss amauniing ta $1500 which is partially covered by insur- ance. The inhabitants of Bowmanville are a truly remankable people. Re- mankable on accaunt of iheir musi- cal proclivities. With a population of something aven 4000 the town can boasi of three brasa banda. Leskard: George Lewis, son of John Lewis, norili of ibis place, suffered a painful accident on fri- day. Wliile drlvlng a wagon over a steep decline thie wagon oveturned and he was thrown ta the ground sevenely injuring bis spinal column. He is recoven'.ng unden tlie skllful attention of Dr. Rutherford. As a vermifuge an effective pre- paration is Mothen Graves, Worm Exterminaton, and it can be given to the most delicate cbild withaut fear of lnjuny to the constitution. AGREAT FOOD BARGAI N and a great chance ta HELP CANADA Canadian farmers produce thse wheat £rom which Sbredded Wheat is made. HeIp Canada's greatest industry by treat- ing yourself to this great food bargain at least once a day - You'il profit: so will Canada. 12 BIG BISCUITS lm EVERY BOX SHREDDED WHEAT MADE IN CANADA *-BDY CANADIANS - 0F CANADIAN WHEAT Coal a Reading * Otherwise known as the P and R THE GENUINE COKIE - Sentet Solvay AUl orders wlll receive aur careful and prompt attention. HIENRY LATHIROPE PHONE 520J or 520W BOWMANVIIME Ontarlo' s Record! 104 Children lle 1,827 injured by automobiles i1931 Nearly haif of these accidents were caused by children playing in the Street! What a shamneful record -what a startling appeal to both mothers and mnotorists! This year let us Gve Every Child a Chance! MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F 1HIGHWAYS Leopold Macaulay, WiII You Invite Loss? No one need ever take a financial loss because his home might burn. Our com- plete fire insurance protects your home - and likewise your pocket book - in the event of fire destroying your property. Don' invite ls . insure your home and prevent it. J. J. MASON &.SO)N Real Estate and Insurance Brokenu KING STREET PHONE 50 BOWMALNVILILE RUN YOUR CAR ON THE CANADIAN STAT~MAN. BOWMA~VHLE. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1932 PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATEMUN, BOWMANVnJiM THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1932 PAGE SEVEN

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